James Somerton Transcripts
After HBomberGuy's latest video "Plagiarism and You(Tube)" I was incredibly dissapointed to hear that a creator I followed had been doing a whole bunch of plagiarism. So, I dusted of my old Google Developer account and grabbed all the transcripts that I could get at the time of writing. If I'm REALLY lucky then I'll also find an easy way to actually check all of these for plagiarism.
--Project creator TerraJRiley
We didn't find an automated and easy way to check all of the transcripts for plagiarism, and so this is a community effort, formatting and marking up the transcripts by hand for any and all instances of plagiarism, misinformation, and problematic takes. This project started days after HBomberGuy's video.
--Project maintainer Tustin2121
Feel free to submit an issue on the repo with any plagiarism found, or submit a pull request with new transcripts created.
- Tustin2121 - Maintainer of the project
- LVence - Highlighter and source contributor
- tobicat - Formatter, highlighter, and source contributor
- Scary-Library - Formatter
- penguinstorage - Highlighter and source contributor
- SobbingOntoTheColdLinoleumFloor - Source contributor
- KenM - Fact-checker and source contributor
- sciclone1984 - Project contributor
- GilaTheArkanian - Formatter, highlighter, and source contributor
Transcript Index
& Media
Alternate titles to videos, since James renamed videos a lot
(Even outside trying to cover up all the plagiarism he did)
Also includes words in (Thumbnail)s

Score Squares:
- P = Number of sources plagiarized
- M = Number of instances of misinformation
- Y = Number of "Yikes!" takes, from misogyny to acephobia
- The bar above the squares indicates how much of the video
was plagiarized or misinformation by volume.
Transcript Statuses:
- Missing = Transcript is missing
- Superseded = Transcript has been superseded
- A "Superseded" transcript will not be filled in because
another transcript has taken its place. The pages will still
have info on thumbnails, alt names, and descriptions.
- A "Superseded" transcript will not be filled in because
- Script = Raw transcript data uploaded from a script
- Auto = Raw auto-transcript
- Auto Script = Raw AI-made transcript
- In Progress = Transcript has some work done
- Finished = Transcript is complete, citations needed.
- A "Finished" transcript is fully formatted and has all the
information we know at the moment has been documented.
There's probably some major source we're missing, though.
- A "Finished" transcript is fully formatted and has all the
- Complete = Transcript has been formatted and highlighted.
- A "Complete" transcript does not mean nothing is left to
be found.
- A "Complete" transcript does not mean nothing is left to
Icon legend:
- - One of 26 videos HBomberGuy confirmed was plagiarized.
- - Unreleased prior to the plagiarism video.
- - Exclusive to Vimeo for age-gating reasons.
- - Compilation of multiple previously released videos.
- - Uploaded transcript had unusual line break characters
- - Had a YouTube short advertising early release.
- - Had Patreon-exclusive audio commentary.
- - Had Patreon-exclusive behind-the-scenes.
- - Podcast-style video.
- - Meta videos, eg apologies, updates, teasers, etc.
- - Released post-callout by HBomberGuy.
- - Currently available on Somerton's channel.
- - Reupload removed credits from the video.
- - This video has recommended replacements.
- - Written by Nick Herrgott.
- - Written by James Somerton.
- - Written by Nick Herrgott and James Somerton.
- - Written by James Somerton and Nick Herrgott.
- - Post-callout video description credit to Nick.
Finished: 59 / 96 | Complete: 18 / 96 | Other "fun" stats | How to read this site
Linda Gene Bob Tina & Louise (Thumbnail)
Bob's Burgers

A video essay on how to do good representation of queer people in media.
Sandman and Queering the Fantastical
The Fantastical Queerness of "The Sandman" and "Good Omens" (Working title)
Neil Gaiman - A straight author with amazing queer characters (Short)
Good Omens

A video on sexuality in happy gay media.
The Agony / Anguish of Happy Gay Media
The Gay Agony of Happy Endings (Thumbnail)
Red, White, and Royal Blue
Young Royals

A video essay that's just talking about this one horror Manga that James or Nick really likes.
Monsters will be Boys (Thumbnail)
The Summer Hikaru Died #horrorstories #manga (Short)
The Summer Hikaru Died

A video essay on postmodernism, symbolism, and gender roles; where if James had plagiarized more, he'd probably have better takes.
The Sapphic Beauty of Warrior Women (Working Title)
The Magic Realism of Revolutionary Girl Utena (Short)
Religion and Anime! (Short)
Revolutionary Girl Utena

The Campy Depth of Barbie
Deep Pink (Thumbnail)

A live chat put on by the Ottawa Public Library (Biblio publique d'Ottawa) featuring James and Nick. (Transcript by Malia @catfishingwords, mirrored)
Live streamed by the Ottawa Public Library (Biblio publique d'Ottawa)
(Transcript Mirror)

A remake of his Unrequited video, ripping off the book instead of the documentary this time.
The Queer History of Hollywood (Thumbnail)

Opening Hollywood's Closet (Thumbnail)
The Boys in the Band
Sunday Bloody Sunday
John Waters

A video essay — I mean, a reading of Vito Russo's book — covering many instances of gay characters dying in the end.
Dying to be Gay (Thumbnail)
Rebel Without A Cause
Tea and Sympathy
Suddenly, Last Summer
The Children's Hour
Advise & Consent

A video essay where James takes a break reading of Vito Russo's book and reads from some other sources on The Lavender Scare.
America's War on the Gays (and communists)
The Lavender Menace (Thumbnail)
Black Listed (Opening Credits)
Red Scare / Lavender Scare
Communist Party
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Invaders from Mars
Ninotchka ??
Plan 9 from Outer Space

A video essay — I mean, a reading of Vito Russo's book — covering the fifties, Ben-Hur, Rope, and skipping over nearly all of the Lesbian and Trans examples.
The Queer History of Hollywood (Thumbnail)
Queen Christina
Laurel and Hardy
Rope / Rope's End

A video essay — I mean, a reading of Vito Russo's book — covering the early history of queer cinema, from 'Wings' and Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, to the Hays Code and the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
The Birth of Gay Hollywood (Thumbnail)
Wings (1927)
Magnus Hirschfeld
Jimmy Whale
The Hays Code
Rocky Horror Picture Show

Why Straight Creators Fail Queer Stories
Broadway, AIDS, and Gay Suffering
Best Intentions (Thumbnail)
Angels Don't Pay Rent In America (Thumbnail)
Angels in America

The Str8 to Fascist Pipeline
The Subtle Art of Fascist Pageantry
The Song & Dance of Fascism (Thumbnail)

A video essay on spoiler culture and how it's caused our media to get worse over time. Uses the phrase 'spoiler alert' 21 times.
How To Stop Caring And Learn To Love Spoilers
Spoiled Culture (Thumbnail)
The Last of Us
Star Wars
Harry Potter
The Godfather
JJ Abrams
M. Night Shyamalan
Game of Thrones

A video essay on dystopias, oppression, and division over rights means less rights for us all.
The LGB Dystopia (Thumbnail)

Good "Bad" Media and the Death of Satire
Culture and the death of Satire (Thumbnail)
Sex, Violence, and Advanced Media Literacy (Title Card)
Sex & Satire ; Good Bad

A video essay enumerating all the ways that JK Rowling is transphobic.

A video essay on hate crimes, privacy, and the security of queer people.
The Cabin With Glass Walls (Title card)
The Death of Queer Security & Privacy (Subtitle card)

A video essay on how when everything means nothing, nothing matters but your feelings.
The Wonderful Queer Villainy of 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' (Working Title)
The Queer Nihilism of Joy
All At Once

The video essay where James says the thing about all the good gays dying in the AIDS crisis, after talking about Helluva Boss, Brandon Rogers, and Bros for an hour.
Helluva Boss
Brandon Rogers
Bros / AIDS Quote

How Fascism Created The Gay Body Image Crisis

A 'Gays Behaving Badly' podcast episode on Asexuality.

A video essay on how hordes of white women are in love with serial killers, because James says so.
The Hunger, The Thirst (Thumbnail)
No Sympathy For The Devil (Opening Credits)

The Queerness of Modern Horror Cinema
Fear The Queer (Thumbnail)

Middle Earth: More Woke Than You Think
Elves Are Gay (Thumbnail)
The Rings of Power

A video essay on media literacy, messaging, allegory, applicability, fascist imagery, not dealing in absolutes, and something something 'don't let the hate flow through you'.
The Important Non-Meaning of Attack on Titan
"Attack on Titan" and the End of Media Literacy
You're Wrong About Attack On Titan (Thumbnail)
Beyond The Wall (Thumbnail)
Attack on Titan
Lord of the Rings
Ern Malley

A video essay on the Owl House, but also Bob Iger v Bob Chapek fan fiction.
The Owl House
Don't Say Gay
Bob Iger / Chapek

The Strange Dangers of Nostalgia
Nostalgia Danger (Thumbnail)
The Dark Times of Nostalgia (Thumbnail)
Stranger Things
Star Wars
Downtown Abbey
Austin Powers
Ayn Rand
The Sound of Music

How The Gays Stole Cinema
The Mainstreaming of Camp
The Beauty of Camp
Camp (Thumbnail)

A video essay on Mommie Dearest and all the drama surrounding it.
Mommie Dearest

How Camp Cinema Went Mainstream
Camp *Now For Straights (Thumbnail)

The Hit Gay Show We Forgot
No Apologies (Thumbnail)
Queer as Folk

A short video comparing The Last Jedi with the LGBTQQ fight for rights, made for the "One Scene For Hope" playlist, maintained by Sara, The Fat Culture Critic.

A video essay on Heartstopper and how it's just what we need right now.
Heartstopper and The Need For Queer Optimism
It's So Cute! (Thumbnail)

A short video essay on how The Crimes of Grindlewald was bad.
Let It Die (Thumbnail)
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

Coming Out In A Culture Of Lies
Our Closets Mean Death (Thumbnail)
Our Flag Means Death

A video essay on how media portrays wealth.
Let Them Eat Cake (Thumbnail)
Young Royals

A video essay on the 'Don't Say Gay' bill and why Disney is saying nothing.
The Silence of the Mouse

The Scarlet Witch and Shared Queer Trauma
Why Gays Stan Wanda (Thumbnail)
The Red Queen: Why the Scarlet Witch Became a Gay Icon (Opening Credits)

A video essay ostensibly talking about shipping but mostly complaining about how lesbians have it so much better.
Shipping: A Nuanced Argument
NOW KISS (Thumbnail)

A video essay on how many poor queer people have to break laws in order to just survive, and how our society's laws are written for the wealthy and not the rest of us.
Be Gay, Do Crime (Thumbnail)
Banana Fish
Pose (TV Show)
Capitalism & Anarchy
Classism & Poor Underclasses

Irresistible Impulse - The Sad History of the Queer Panic Defense in America
The Queer Panic Defense (Thumbnail)
Irresistible Impulse - The History of the Queer Panic Defense in America (Opening Credits)

A video essay on why China hates queer people and how queer people's existence is antithetical to a surviving dictatorship.
Boys' Love
Chinese Movie Industry

The GAYming Agenda (Thumbnail)
Extra Lives: Gays, Games, and Toxic Masculinity (Working title)

A video essay ruminating on why people would rather be in toxic relationships than being alone, complete with portion where James dresses as Hannibal.
The Gay Appeal of Toxic Love
Fear Coded (Thumbnail)
Toxic Gay Love (Thumbnail)
The Vampire Chronicles

A video essay on why it is Disney is so safe and how being gay is not abnormal.
Disney's War Against Gay Kids
Why does society hate gay kids?

The Sadism of Class
The Real Burden of Being Rich (Short)
Painter of the Night

For The Love of Gay Nuance
Inexplicit Gay Love (Thumbnail)
On Thin Ice - How Gay is Gay Enough?
When is Gay Nuance Enough? (Thumbnail)
YES (Thumbnail)
Yuri on Ice

A video essay about J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter being foundational media for a generation, and how James is justifying buying more Harry Potter Lego sets.
Confession of a Harry Potter Fan Boy (Thumbnail)
An Overemotional Look at Why JK Rowling is Bad
The Rowling Question
Harry Potter

Killing Stalking and the Love of a Bad Boy (Short)
Romance is DEAD (Thumbnail)
Killing Stalking

An amalgamation of five different stolen sources held together by a glue made of misinformation, purporting to be a somber video essay about gay men in the Holocaust.
The Pink Triangles - The Story of the Gay Holocaust (Complete Documentary)

Part 1: The Coming Storm

A video essay on film theory, heteronormativity, erasure, and historian memes taken too seriously, all presented in the CinemaScope aspect ratio because we're being pretentious today.
Queering Cinema (by any means necessary)
Codebreakers: a rant by James Somerton (Thumbnail)
Poetic / Prose Edda
Achilles and Patroclus
The Song of Achilles / Troy
The Imitation Game / Rent
The Favorite

A video essay that is so plagiarized that it ended a man's whole career.

Making It Big:The History of Gay Adult Cinema
Gay Porn

An 'adaption' of Tinker Belles and Evil Queens, a video essay about Disney's relationship with gay representation.
Evil Queens:A Gay Look at Disney History (Video essay)
Evil Queens: Disney's Queer Cold War (Thumbnail)

A video essay repackaging The Celluloid Closet and Alexander Avila's videos.
For The Love of Stucky
The Hays Code
Rebel Without A Cause
Ben-Hur | Children's Hour
Merlin | Sherlock | Cursed Child
Teen Wolf | Frozen | Star Wars
Ocean's Eleven | Captain America

A History of LGBT Representation in Horror Cinema

Monsters In The Closet... Part One: The Modern Ganymede

A video essay on how Harry Potter is an allegory for growing up gay and for the government's handling of the AIDS crisis.
Queer themes in Harry Potter (Video essay)
Harry Potter
AIDS / Homophobia

A video essay on how we should see terrible gay movies for a few decades so that we can get good gay movies later; you know, just like how Black people had terrible movies made about them and then later got Black Panther!
Unrequited (Take 1)

A video essay on genre fatigue and the potential causes of declining box office sales
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings