Updater archive for #10fb9yf54gf8b

Twitch Plays Pokémon Dual Red Blue

Intermission Updater

Link to intermission updater archive

14d 1h 58m BACK TO PBR!

[Chat] BibleThump 7

14d 1h 52m The credits music is now playing.

14d 1h 51m And the RIOT screen appears.

14d 1h 51m It seems we're now switching away from the run. The overlay elements are disappearing one by one as the victory music plays.

14d 1h 49m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

14d 1h 47m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

14d 1h 46m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

14d 1h 43m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

14d 1h 41m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

14d 1h 40m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

14d 1h 38m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

14d 1h 37m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

14d 1h 34m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #15!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #15!

14d 1h 34m [Bot] [B] We heal! We defeat (((!

14d 1h 33m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

14d 1h 33m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

14d 1h 31m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

14d 1h 30m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

14d 1h 29m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

14d 1h 28m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

14d 1h 27m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

14d 1h 25m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

14d 1h 23m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #14!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #14!

14d 1h 23m [Bot] [B] We heal! Defeated (((!

14d 1h 23m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

14d 1h 21m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

14d 1h 21m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

14d 1h 19m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

14d 1h 19m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

14d 1h 18m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

14d 1h 16m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

14d 1h 14m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

14d 1h 14m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

14d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #13!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #13!

14d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] We heal! We defeat (((!

14d 1h 11m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

14d 1h 10m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

14d 1h 9m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

14d 1h 7m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

14d 1h 6m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

14d 1h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

14d 1h 4m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

14d 1h 3m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

14d 1h 2m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

14d 1h 1m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

14d 1h 1m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

14d 0h 58m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

14d 0h 56m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #12!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #12!

14d 0h 55m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

14d 0h 54m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

14d 0h 53m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

14d 0h 52m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

14d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

14d 0h 49m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

14d 0h 48m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

14d 0h 46m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

14d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

14d 0h 44m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

14d 0h 43m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #11!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #11!

14d 0h 42m [Bot] [R] We defeat XXWWNNᵖᵏ! DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has been revived! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has been revived! -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has been revived! A (Charizard) has been revived! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has been revived!

14d 0h 42m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

14d 0h 41m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

14d 0h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

14d 0h 38m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

14d 0h 38m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

14d 0h 36m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

14d 0h 35m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

14d 0h 34m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

14d 0h 33m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

14d 0h 25m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

14d 0h 22m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

14d 0h 19m I'll let the bot update the rest of these battles. Have fun and enjoy PBR!

[Info] Counter updated.

14d 0h 17m The third cable match starts with leading mons having SLP status. That injection glitched the battle display somewhat.

14d 0h 16m The counter should be reading Blue 0 – 2 Red, but it wasn't updated.

14d 0h 16m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #10!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #10!

14d 0h 15m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown 45 levels to level 100! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown 23 levels to level 100!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown 11 levels to level 100! -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown 36 levels to level 100! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown 35 levels to level 100!

14d 0h 15m [Bot] [R] We heal! Caught a Lv. 100 Nidoqueen! Nickname: MLLLULVVSS Caught a Lv. 100 Raichu! Nickname: QPPQQRRQPj

14d 0h 14m [Bot] [R] We heal! Defeated XXWWNNᵖᵏ! A (Charizard) learned Sleep Powder over Mimic!

14d 0h 14m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

14d 0h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

14d 0h 13m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

14d 0h 12m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

14d 0h 12m [Bot] [R] We withdraw MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen)!

14d 0h 11m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

14d 0h 11m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

14d 0h 10m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[Info] Subtract the attempt number by 7 to get the count after Red completed E4 rematch.

14d 0h 7m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

14d 0h 6m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #9!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #9!

[Fluff] Apologies for the bot tantrum.

14d 0h 4m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI! **UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has lost one levels, and is now level 82! We head onto Agatha's Hall.

[R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #2. <b>We withdraw DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio)!** We withdraw ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill)! We retrieve A (Charizard) from the PC! We retrieve -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) from the PC! We heal! Deposited ×()))) (Nidoking) in box 12! Stored 1 Rare Candy, 1 S.S.Ticket, 1 Poké Flute, 1 Lift Key, 1 Old Rod, 1 HM01 Cut, 1 TM35 Metronome, and 1 Carbos in the PC! Retrieved 1 Helix Fossil, 1 Secret Key, 1 Card Key, 1 Nugget, 1 Coin Case, 1 Silph Scope, 1 Super Rod, 4 Ultra Ball, and 1 Poké Ball from the PC! On Victory Road.

14d 0h 4m [Bot] [R] We withdraw ×()))) (Nidoking)!

14d 0h 4m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted! Vs LORELEI! Attempt #28! We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #21! Acquired 1 Full Restore! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

[R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #36! Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #2! Stored 1 Poké Ball, 1 Town Map, 1 Super Potion, 1 Helix Fossil, 1 Secret Key, and 1 Nugget in the PC! Retrieved 1 Carbos, 1 Lift Key, 1 Old Rod, 1 HM01 Cut, 1 TM35 Metronome, 1 S.S.Ticket, and 1 Poké Flute from the PC! Acquired 3 Ultra Ball! On Bruno's Hall.

14d 0h 2m [Bot] [B] We heal CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) with a Full Restore! CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown three levels to level 63! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown six levels to level 83! A (Arbok) has grown four levels to level 82! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown four levels to level 100! ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown five levels to level 60! Threw away 1 Exp.All! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has been revived! A (Arbok) has been revived! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has been revived! VVDDD- (Alakazam) has been revived! CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has been revived! ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has been revived! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Metronome over Dig! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Confusion over Metronome! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Dig over Confusion! We head onto Route 2.

[R] We deposit MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) in box 11! Stored 1 Coin Case, 1 Card Key, 1 Silph Scope, and 1 Super Rod in the PC! Retrieved 1 Super Potion, 1 Rare Candy, and 1 Town Map from the PC! Threw away 6 Ultra Ball! Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

14d 0h 1m [Bot] [R] We heal! We defeat XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

14d 0h 1m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

14d 0h 0m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

14d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

[Fluff] Link below fixed.

[Info] Apparently we're doing link battles in the Colosseum until PBR is properly set up. There's a win counter below to keep track. Red has the team before the so-called Bloody Monday.

13d 23h 58m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 23h 57m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 23h 56m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 23h 54m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 23h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #8!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #8!

13d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] <b>OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has lost four levels, and is now level 96! <b>CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has lost three levels, and is now level 60! <b>ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has lost five levels, and is now level 55! <b>UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has lost five levels, and is now level 77! <b>A (Arbok) has lost four levels, and is now level 78!

[R] <b>-??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has lost one levels, and is now level 64! <b>DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has lost three levels, and is now level 89! <b>?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has lost one levels, and is now level 65!

13d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #20. We heal! We defeat LORELEI! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Metronome over Confusion! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Dig over Psychic! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Psychic over Metronome! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Confusion over Dig! Acquired 2 Full Restore! We head onto Colosseum.

[R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #1. We heal! We defeat LORELEI! A (Charizard) learned Strength over Slash! A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Strength! A (Charizard) learned Slash over Mimic! Threw away 1 Ultra Ball! Colosseum.

13d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 23h 48m Currently the "resume shortly" screen is up.

[Info] [Mod] Sandoz1: We beat the league, we're waiting for M4 to come back for link battle and then back to PBR

13d 23h 47m [Bot] [B] <b>UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has lost one levels, and is now level 82!

[R] <b>DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has lost two levels, and is now level 92!

13d 23h 47m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #27! We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #20! Acquired 1 Exp.All and 1 Full Restore! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) and MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) have fainted! Deposited ×()))) (Nidoking) in box 12! Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #1! Stored 1 Rare Candy and 1 Town Map in the PC! Retrieved 1 Super Rod, 1 Silph Scope, 1 Coin Case, and 1 Card Key from the PC! Acquired 7 Ultra Ball! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

13d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

[Info] Continuous Democracy mode from here to here. 2 hours and 16 minutes according to tpp.

13d 23h 41m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

13d 23h 40m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 1.

13d 23h 39m [Bot] [R] Now in Pallet Town.

13d 23h 34m [Bot] [R] We heal!

13d 23h 33m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Mom's House 1F.

13d 23h 29m [R] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ REMATCH VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

13d 23h 29m [Bot] [R] We enter the HALL OF FAME! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Arrived in Hall of Fame.

13d 23h 28m [Bot] [R] We defeat XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

13d 23h 19m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 94!

13d 23h 12m [Bot] [R] [XXXXXw;♀♂ (Eevee) has fainted!

13d 23h 7m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #2!

13d 23h 5m [Bot] [R] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #2 incoming!! Champion's Hall.

13d 23h 2m [Bot] [R] We defeat LANCE!

13d 22h 47m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #13!

13d 22h 44m [Bot] [R] On Lance's Hall.

13d 22h 41m [Bot] [R] We heal QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) with a Super Potion!

13d 22h 38m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 22h 24m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #29!

13d 22h 18m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

13d 22h 18m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 22h 3m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #35!

13d 21h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

13d 21h 57m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 21h 51m [D][R] Still in demo, still fighting Lorelei.

13d 21h 42m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #39!

13d 21h 41m [D] The song "Easy Street" is now playing again as we talk to Lorelei, as chat seems to be trying to keep democracy into the E4 fight.

[Chat] is now singing the "Born to Lose" song.

13d 21h 40m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #39! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 21h 38m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 21h 38m [D] We back out of the PC. The bot shall now post our reconstructed team.

13d 21h 37m [Bot] [R] We retrieve [XXXXXw;♀♂ (Eevee) from the PC!

13d 21h 37m [Bot] [R] We withdraw VVVVVMLLLM (Growlithe)!

13d 21h 36m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pewter City.

13d 21h 34m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

13d 21h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pewter City.

13d 21h 30m [Bot] [R] We retrieve DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) from the PC!

13d 21h 30m [Bot] [R] We withdraw QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu)!

13d 21h 26m [D] M4's old favorite "Born to Lose" is playing as we slowly work our way through Red's PC menus to try and recover a team.

13d 21h 23m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

13d 21h 23m [Bot] [B] In Pewter City.

13d 21h 20m [Bot] [R] We retrieve MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) from the PC!

13d 21h 16m [D] Red moves towards the PC... then at lot of wait4baba happens.

13d 21h 12m The RIOT screen is down... and some music about "Easy Street" is now playing...? Oh, and Demo has activated!

13d 21h 11m So, um, the RIOT screen is up, and the music has changed to one of M4's blues music...

13d 21h 9m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

13d 21h 9m [Bot] [B] On Route 2 Gate.

13d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

13d 21h 5m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 21h 5m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 21h 4m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian Forest.

13d 21h 4m [Bot] [B] Route 2 Gate.

13d 21h 3m [Bot] [R] Deposited KK (Machop) in box 11!

[Info] [R] Pokemon now reported MIA: CC (Machoke)

13d 21h 3m [Bot] [R] Deposited MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) in box 11!

13d 21h 3m [Bot] [R] Deposited DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) in box 12!

13d 21h 2m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Card Key, 1 Coin Case, 1 Silph Scope, 1 Poké Flute, 1 Super Rod, and 1 HM03 Surf in the PC!

13d 21h 2m [Bot] [R] We retrieve MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) from the PC! We withdraw KK (Machop)! We deposit CC (Machoke) in box 12!

13d 21h 2m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Old Rod, 1 HM04 Strength, and 1 TM47 Explosion in the PC!

13d 21h 1m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 S.S.Ticket and 1 Lift Key in the PC!

13d 21h 1m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 2 Ultra Ball from the PC! Stored 1 Rare Candy, 1 HM01 Cut, and 1 TM35 Metronome in the PC!

13d 21h 1m [Bot] [R] We withdraw ×()))) (Nidoking)! Stored 1 Carbos in the PC!

13d 21h 0m [Bot] [R] Deposited KK (Machop) in box 12! We deposit QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) in box 12!

13d 20h 59m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 20h 58m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

[Info] [R] After that PC trip, the following pokemon are MIA, believed released: A (Charizard), ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill), kkkll((TT (Omastar), -??CCCAAA- (Tauros).

13d 20h 58m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

13d 20h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 20h 57m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

13d 20h 57m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

13d 20h 55m [Bot] [B] We leap across the ledge.

13d 20h 55m [Bot] [R] We retrieve DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) from the PC!

13d 20h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 22.

13d 20h 54m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 22 Gate.

[R] Deposited ×()))) (Nidoking) in box 12!

13d 20h 54m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Poké Ball from the PC!

13d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 20h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 20h 49m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

13d 20h 49m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

13d 20h 46m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Geodude.

13d 20h 45m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 31 Machoke! Nickname: CC We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Machoke.

13d 20h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

13d 20h 44m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 22 Machop! Nickname: KK We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Machop.

13d 20h 41m [Bot] [B] Route 23.

13d 20h 40m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Golbat.

13d 20h 40m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Golbat.

13d 20h 39m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Golbat.

13d 20h 38m [Bot] [B] We heal! We heal OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) with a Full Restore!

13d 20h 37m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Rhyhorn.

13d 20h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

13d 20h 36m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

13d 20h 35m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

13d 20h 34m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

13d 20h 33m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

13d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

13d 20h 30m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

13d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] On Route 23.

13d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

13d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] Victory Road.

13d 20h 28m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

13d 20h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

13d 20h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

13d 20h 27m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

[R] We head onto Route 23.

13d 20h 26m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

13d 20h 26m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Town Map and 1 Coin Case from the PC!

13d 20h 25m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Helix Fossil, 1 Card Key, 1 Silph Scope, and 1 Super Rod from the PC!

13d 20h 24m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Rematch Attempt #38. We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 20h 22m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 23.

13d 20h 22m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #19. On Pokémon League.

13d 20h 21m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! BLACK OUT...

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 20h 21m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 20h 19m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #28!

13d 20h 19m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

13d 20h 18m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 20h 18m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 20h 13m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 20h 12m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 83!

13d 20h 11m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #34!

[Info] After Red's PC trip, the bot is reporting two Pokemon who are missing from the API: QQQQQQQQQZ (Omanyte) and QQQQQQQRR] (Cloyster). People on Discord say we released them.

(The bot hasn't been re-programmed to report releases yet, as I didn't want to frighten any viewers with false positives.)

13d 20h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

13d 20h 10m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 20h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 20h 2m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

13d 20h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #38!

13d 20h 0m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #38! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 19h 59m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 19h 57m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #26!

[R] We deposit A (Charizard) in box 12! Deposited MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) in box 12! Deposited ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) in box 12! Deposited DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) in box 12!

13d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Rare Candy in the PC!

13d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Poké Flute from the PC!

13d 19h 56m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #19! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Ultra Ball in the PC!

13d 19h 55m [Bot] [R] Stored 3 Ultra Ball, 1 Poké Ball, 1 Super Potion, and 1 Calcium in the PC!

13d 19h 55m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Helix Fossil, 1 Secret Key, 1 Nugget, 1 Coin Case, and 1 Silph Scope in the PC!

13d 19h 55m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Card Key and 1 Super Rod in the PC!

13d 19h 54m [Bot] [R] We retrieve ×()))) (Nidoking) from the PC!

13d 19h 54m [Bot] [R] Deposited -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) in box 12!

13d 19h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 19h 53m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #18. Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 19h 51m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 19h 51m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #16!

13d 19h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 19h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 19h 47m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Exp.All!

13d 19h 44m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

13d 19h 43m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

13d 19h 42m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 19h 40m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

13d 19h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 19h 34m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 19h 34m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

13d 19h 33m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 19h 33m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 19h 33m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #37. Pokémon League.

13d 19h 32m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 19h 31m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 19h 28m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #21!

13d 19h 27m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 19h 26m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 19h 26m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 19h 22m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 93!

13d 19h 19m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 19h 13m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 19h 7m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

13d 19h 7m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #33!

13d 19h 6m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 19h 5m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 18h 55m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 18h 52m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 18h 51m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #25!

13d 18h 48m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #18! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 18h 40m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 18h 40m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #37!

13d 18h 39m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 18h 39m [Bot] [B] Pokémon League.

13d 18h 38m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #37! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 18h 37m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 23.

13d 18h 37m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 18h 36m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 18h 36m [Bot] [B] Now on Pokémon League.

13d 18h 30m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 18h 30m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

13d 18h 26m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

13d 18h 25m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #36. Pokémon League.

13d 18h 25m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 18h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

13d 18h 18m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

13d 18h 18m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

13d 18h 16m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #27!

13d 18h 15m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

13d 18h 15m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 18h 12m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

13d 18h 10m [Bot] [B] Route 23.

13d 18h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon League.

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 18h 9m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

13d 18h 9m [Bot] [B] On Pokémon League.

13d 18h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 18h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Pokémon League.

13d 18h 3m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #32!

13d 18h 1m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

13d 17h 59m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 17h 58m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 23.

13d 17h 58m [Bot] [B] Now on Pokémon League.

13d 17h 56m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 17h 51m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 17h 51m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #17. Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 17h 50m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 17h 47m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #15!

13d 17h 40m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

13d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 17h 35m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

13d 17h 34m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

13d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 92!

13d 17h 30m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 17h 30m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 17h 28m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #36!

13d 17h 27m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #36! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 17h 25m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 60!

13d 17h 25m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

13d 17h 24m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 17h 23m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #35. We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 17h 23m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 17h 22m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #12!

13d 17h 20m [Bot] [R] Lance's Hall.

13d 17h 20m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #20!

13d 17h 19m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 17h 18m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 17h 17m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 17h 11m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 17h 8m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 17h 7m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 17h 3m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 63!

13d 17h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #26!

13d 17h 1m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

13d 17h 0m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

13d 16h 59m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 16h 52m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 16h 49m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #24!

13d 16h 49m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 91!

13d 16h 48m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #31!

13d 16h 47m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #17! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 16h 45m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 16h 43m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Full Restore!

13d 16h 42m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #16. Now on Pokémon League.

13d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 16h 32m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 16h 32m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 16h 31m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 16h 29m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

13d 16h 29m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 16h 28m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 16h 28m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 16h 27m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 16h 24m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #35!

13d 16h 22m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #23!

13d 16h 22m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #35! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 16h 21m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #16! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 16h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 16h 19m [Bot] [B] On Pokémon League.

13d 16h 18m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #34. On Indigo Plateau.

13d 16h 18m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 16h 18m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #15. Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 16h 17m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 16h 16m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #11!

13d 16h 15m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

13d 16h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

13d 16h 13m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 16h 11m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 16h 10m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 16h 8m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 82!

13d 16h 8m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

13d 16h 6m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

13d 16h 5m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #9!

13d 16h 3m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

13d 16h 3m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 15h 57m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #25!

13d 15h 57m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #14!

13d 15h 56m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

13d 15h 56m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

13d 15h 55m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 15h 54m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 15h 52m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Full Restore!

13d 15h 48m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Full Restore!

13d 15h 48m [Bot] [B] We heal VVDDD- (Alakazam) with a Full Restore!

13d 15h 47m [Bot] [B] We heal VVDDD- (Alakazam) with a Full Restore!

13d 15h 45m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 15h 43m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #30!

13d 15h 41m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 15h 39m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 15h 31m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 15h 30m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #19!

13d 15h 28m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

13d 15h 28m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 15h 26m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Body Slam!

13d 15h 25m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

13d 15h 25m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Body Slam over Mimic!

13d 15h 24m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

13d 15h 20m [Bot] [R] We heal! -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 65!

13d 15h 13m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #34!

13d 15h 12m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #34! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 15h 10m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 15h 10m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

13d 15h 9m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

13d 15h 9m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 15h 8m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #33. Pokémon League.

13d 15h 8m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 14h 56m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 14h 54m [Bot] [B] We heal! A (Arbok) is now level 82!

13d 14h 53m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #24!

13d 14h 52m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #22!

13d 14h 50m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #15! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

13d 14h 46m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

13d 14h 46m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #14. Now on Pokémon League.

13d 14h 46m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 14h 46m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

13d 14h 45m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 14h 45m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 14h 44m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 14h 43m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 14h 40m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 14h 36m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 14h 36m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #29!

13d 14h 35m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

13d 14h 33m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

13d 14h 27m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #21!

13d 14h 27m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #14! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 14h 26m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 14h 26m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 14h 25m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #13. Pokémon League.

13d 14h 24m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 14h 22m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 14h 21m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Amnesia!

13d 14h 20m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

13d 14h 19m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Amnesia over Mimic!

13d 14h 18m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 14h 18m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 14h 17m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Amnesia!

13d 14h 17m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Amnesia over Mimic!

13d 14h 16m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 59!

13d 14h 16m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

13d 14h 10m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

13d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 13h 56m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #20!

[R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #33!

13d 13h 55m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #33! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

13d 13h 53m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

13d 13h 52m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

13d 13h 52m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #32. A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Hydro Pump! Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 13h 52m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 13h 51m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #13! On Lorelei's Hall.

[R] A (Charizard) learned Hydro Pump over Mimic!

13d 13h 50m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #12. Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 13h 49m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

13d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 13h 43m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 13h 38m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

13d 13h 36m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

13d 13h 35m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 13h 34m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 13h 30m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 13h 29m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #32!

13d 13h 26m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #32! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 13h 23m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 13h 22m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

13d 13h 22m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

[R] Indigo Plateau.

13d 13h 22m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #31. Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 13h 22m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 13h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #13!

13d 13h 20m [Bot] [B] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 13h 19m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 13h 19m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 13h 16m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

13d 13h 16m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) is now level 62!

13d 13h 11m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 13h 10m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 13h 9m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #18!

13d 13h 9m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

13d 13h 8m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 13h 7m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 81!

13d 13h 2m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #31!

13d 13h 1m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #31! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 13h 0m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 13h 0m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #30. Pokémon League.

13d 12h 59m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 12h 59m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Wrap!

13d 12h 58m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

13d 12h 54m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Wrap over Mimic!

13d 12h 47m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 12h 47m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 12h 39m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #19!

13d 12h 38m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #12! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 12h 38m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #23!

13d 12h 36m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #11. We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 12h 36m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 12h 35m [Bot] [R] Agatha's Hall.

13d 12h 35m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 12h 34m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 66!

13d 12h 27m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 12h 23m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Flamethrower over Strength! A (Charizard) learned Strength over Mimic! A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Flamethrower!

13d 12h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #12!

13d 12h 21m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

13d 12h 20m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

13d 12h 19m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 12h 18m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #28!

13d 12h 16m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

13d 12h 12m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 12h 8m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 12h 8m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 81!

13d 12h 6m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 12h 5m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 90!

13d 12h 2m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #17!

13d 12h 1m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 12h 1m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 12h 0m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 80!

13d 12h 0m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 11h 55m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 58!

13d 11h 54m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #30!

13d 11h 53m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #30! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 11h 53m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 11h 52m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

13d 11h 48m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 11h 45m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #29. Indigo Plateau.

13d 11h 44m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 11h 36m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #22!

13d 11h 33m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

13d 11h 33m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 11h 31m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #18!

[R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 11h 30m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #11! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 11h 27m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 11h 27m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #10. On Pokémon League.

13d 11h 27m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 11h 26m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 11h 26m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #16!

13d 11h 24m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 11h 24m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 11h 22m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #27!

13d 11h 22m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 11h 21m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

13d 11h 20m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 11h 18m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 11h 15m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 11h 14m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

13d 11h 10m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

13d 11h 10m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 11h 8m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 11h 4m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 11h 1m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #17!

13d 11h 1m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 100!

13d 11h 0m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #10! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 10h 59m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #9. Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 10h 59m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 10h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #29!

13d 10h 56m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 10h 55m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 10h 54m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #29! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 10h 53m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

13d 10h 48m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 10h 48m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #28. On Indigo Plateau.

13d 10h 47m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 10h 44m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 10h 44m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #26!

13d 10h 43m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 10h 42m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 10h 41m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 10h 40m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 89!

13d 10h 38m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #16!

13d 10h 36m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #9! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 10h 35m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 10h 29m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

13d 10h 29m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #8. On Pokémon League.

13d 10h 28m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 10h 27m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Ice Beam!

13d 10h 25m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 10h 24m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 10h 23m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Ice Beam over Mimic!

13d 10h 23m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

13d 10h 22m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #15!

13d 10h 22m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

13d 10h 21m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 10h 20m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 10h 19m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 79!

13d 10h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #28!

13d 10h 10m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #28! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 10h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 10h 6m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

[R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #27. On Pokémon League.

13d 10h 5m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 10h 3m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #25!

13d 10h 2m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 10h 2m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 10h 2m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 65!

13d 10h 0m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 9h 57m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 9h 56m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

13d 9h 55m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 9h 54m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 9h 53m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #15!

13d 9h 50m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #8! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

13d 9h 49m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 9h 49m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #7. On Pokémon League.

13d 9h 48m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 9h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Reflect!

13d 9h 43m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 9h 42m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Reflect over Mimic!

13d 9h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 9h 36m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 9h 34m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 9h 30m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 9h 29m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #27!

13d 9h 29m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #27! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 9h 27m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #26. Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 9h 27m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #11!

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 9h 25m [Bot] [B] Agatha's Hall.

13d 9h 25m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 9h 24m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 9h 22m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 99!

13d 9h 20m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

13d 9h 18m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

13d 9h 15m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 9h 15m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

13d 9h 14m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 9h 12m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #14!

[R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #21!

13d 9h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 9h 11m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

[R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

13d 9h 10m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 9h 6m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

13d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 100!

13d 8h 48m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #24!

13d 8h 48m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #14!

[R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

13d 8h 47m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 8h 47m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #7! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 8h 44m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 8h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 8h 42m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 8h 39m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 23.

13d 8h 38m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 8h 38m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #6. Indigo Plateau.

13d 8h 38m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 8h 37m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 8h 35m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #8!

13d 8h 35m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 64!

13d 8h 33m [Bot] [B] We head onto Lance's Hall.

13d 8h 33m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 8h 28m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #10!

13d 8h 27m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

13d 8h 26m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 8h 23m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

13d 8h 18m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 80!

[R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #26!

13d 8h 17m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #26! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 8h 15m [Bot] [R] We heal!

13d 8h 15m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #13!

[R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 8h 15m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 8h 13m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

13d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

13d 8h 9m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 8h 8m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 8h 6m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

13d 8h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) is now level 61!

13d 8h 3m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 8h 2m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

13d 8h 1m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

13d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

13d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

13d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

13d 7h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #13!

13d 7h 53m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

13d 7h 52m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #6! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 7h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 7h 51m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #5. We head onto Pokémon League.

[R] On Victory Road.

13d 7h 51m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 7h 50m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

13d 7h 49m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 7h 48m [R] Red, unable to cope with the sight of a flying charizard, flees

13d 7h 46m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

13d 7h 45m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

[Snark] Ref! That's an illegal move! Foul!

13d 7h 44m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #25. We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 7h 44m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 7h 43m [R] In the red corner, it's charizard v charizard! Charizard (r) is paralysed which charizard (l) is taking advantage of to set up and fly

13d 7h 43m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 7h 40m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 99!

13d 7h 39m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

[Snark] Hyper memes all round on Red!

13d 7h 35m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

[Snark] Great tactics all round guys! Faint at them and run away!

13d 7h 33m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 7h 31m [R] The level 64 bee didn't stand a chance against the level 100 dragon's hyper beam

13d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

13d 7h 30m [R] Nidoqueen uses surf. Dragonite uses an ice type move. Ice beats ground

13d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 7h 30m [B] Venusaur has a cunning plan of cutting his health to the same state as the opposing dewgong's

13d 7h 29m [R] Red tries repeating Blue's pro hacks of using the super rod on gyarados, then decides to just use horn drill for an OHKO

13d 7h 27m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #10!

13d 7h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

13d 7h 25m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 7h 25m [R] Agatha defeated!

13d 7h 25m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #12!

13d 7h 24m [R] Victreebel falls. Only gengar stands, but not for long

13d 7h 24m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #5! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 7h 23m [R] And finally victreebel takes to the field

13d 7h 22m [R] Tentacruel stands there looking unimpressed

13d 7h 21m [R] Nidokingqueen continues duking it out with the golbat. [B] Meanwhile blue edges close to the PC

13d 7h 21m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

13d 7h 19m [R] Nidoking continues using earthquake. It's super effective against Agatha's "ghost"-types...until golbat comes out

13d 7h 20m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #4. Now on Pokémon League.

13d 7h 19m [B] Alakazam uses pyschic and takes out the gyarados. [R] Nidoking v gengar. Earthquake OHKOs the gengar

13d 7h 19m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 7h 18m [B] Alakazam v Gyarados. Alakazam is on low health, so Blue tries hooking gyarados with the super rod. [R] Red talks to an old woman

13d 7h 18m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #20!

13d 7h 16m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

13d 7h 16m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #7!

[R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 7h 14m [Bot] [B] Lance's Hall.

13d 7h 14m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

13d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #23!

13d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 7h 8m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 7h 5m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 7h 5m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 98!

13d 7h 3m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #9!

13d 7h 2m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

13d 7h 2m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 7h 2m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #25!

13d 7h 0m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #25! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 6h 58m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 6h 57m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #24. Pokémon League.

13d 6h 56m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 6h 55m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #19!

13d 6h 54m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

13d 6h 54m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 6h 53m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 6h 51m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #12!

13d 6h 48m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

13d 6h 48m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 6h 47m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 6h 45m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 6h 42m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #22!

13d 6h 41m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

13d 6h 40m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 6h 40m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 63!

13d 6h 39m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 6h 37m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 6h 33m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 6h 30m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 6h 28m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 6h 20m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 6h 18m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 6h 17m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 57!

13d 6h 17m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 97!

13d 6h 15m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #24!

13d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #24! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 6h 13m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #11!

13d 6h 12m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #4! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

[R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 6h 12m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #23. Now on Pokémon League.

13d 6h 11m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 6h 11m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 6h 8m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #3. Pokémon League.

13d 6h 8m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 6h 6m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 6h 6m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 78!

13d 6h 4m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

13d 6h 2m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

13d 6h 1m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #11!

13d 6h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

13d 6h 0m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #9!

13d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Lance's Hall.

13d 5h 58m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

13d 5h 50m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 5h 45m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 5h 42m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #18!

13d 5h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

13d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 5h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 5h 35m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

13d 5h 35m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 5h 33m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 64!

13d 5h 30m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 5h 29m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 88!

13d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 98!

13d 5h 27m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #10!

13d 5h 25m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #21!

13d 5h 24m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #3! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 5h 23m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

13d 5h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 5h 22m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #2. Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 5h 21m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! BLACK OUT...

[R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #10!

13d 5h 16m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

13d 5h 16m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 5h 15m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 5h 15m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 96!

13d 5h 12m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

13d 5h 10m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

13d 5h 9m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #23!

13d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #23! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 5h 3m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Exp.All!

13d 4h 54m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #22. We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 4h 54m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 4h 52m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Withdraw!

13d 4h 52m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 4h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Withdraw over Mimic!

13d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

13d 4h 40m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 4h 38m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 4h 37m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 79!

13d 4h 33m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 4h 31m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 4h 27m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 4h 25m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

13d 4h 24m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #22!

13d 4h 24m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #9!

13d 4h 24m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #22! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 4h 23m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #2! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 4h 20m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

13d 4h 19m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

13d 4h 19m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

13d 4h 19m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

13d 4h 18m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

13d 4h 18m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Rematch Attempt #1. We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 4h 17m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

13d 4h 12m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 56!

13d 4h 11m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Pp Up!

13d 4h 11m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 4h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 4h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

13d 4h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 4h 6m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

13d 4h 6m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

13d 4h 5m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

13d 4h 4m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

13d 4h 2m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

13d 3h 59m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

13d 3h 58m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

13d 3h 57m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

13d 3h 56m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #21. We head onto Pokémon League.

13d 3h 56m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #8!

13d 3h 54m [Bot] [B] Agatha's Hall.

13d 3h 54m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

13d 3h 54m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 3h 43m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 3h 42m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #8!

13d 3h 41m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #9!

13d 3h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

13d 3h 40m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 3h 39m [Bot] [R] Lance's Hall.

13d 3h 38m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 3h 35m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 97!

13d 3h 32m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 3h 30m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 3h 28m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 3h 27m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 3h 27m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #8!

13d 3h 26m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 3h 25m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #1! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 62!

13d 3h 23m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 3h 22m [Bot] [B] Pokémon League.

13d 3h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 23.

13d 3h 19m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

[R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #17!

13d 3h 18m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

13d 3h 17m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 3h 15m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

13d 3h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

13d 3h 11m [Bot] [B] Victory Road.

13d 3h 11m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

13d 3h 5m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #20!

13d 3h 4m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI! We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 3h 4m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 95!

13d 3h 2m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

13d 2h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #21!

13d 2h 57m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #21! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 2h 55m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #20. On Indigo Plateau.

13d 2h 55m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

13d 2h 53m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 2h 51m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 2h 46m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 2h 43m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #16!

13d 2h 41m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

13d 2h 41m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 2h 39m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 2h 34m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 63!

13d 2h 32m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 23.

13d 2h 31m [Bot] [B] We've made it past the ledge! Hopefully it stays that way.

13d 2h 30m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #19!

13d 2h 28m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 2h 27m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 2h 24m [Bot] [B] We skip down the ledge.

13d 2h 20m [Bot] [B] We have a pop down the ledge, and can't get back up.

13d 2h 17m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 2h 17m [Bot] [B] We walk along the ledge-- nope, we fell.

13d 2h 12m [Bot] [R] We heal! DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 87!

13d 2h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #20!

13d 2h 11m [Bot] [B] We walk along the ledge-- nope, we fell.

13d 2h 10m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #20! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 2h 9m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #19. Indigo Plateau.

13d 2h 9m [Bot] [R] We heal! Defeated LANCE!

13d 2h 7m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 2h 6m [Bot] [B] We vault over the ledge.

13d 2h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Thunder Wave!

13d 2h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

13d 2h 2m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Thunder Wave over Mimic!

13d 2h 1m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 1h 59m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #7!

13d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Lance's Hall.

13d 1h 57m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 1h 54m [Bot] [B] We bounce over the ledge.

13d 1h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 22.

13d 1h 50m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

13d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

13d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] Route 2 Gate.

13d 1h 44m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #15!

13d 1h 43m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

13d 1h 43m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

13d 1h 42m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Potion!

13d 1h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian Forest.

13d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] On Route 2 Gate.

13d 1h 35m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 1h 33m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #18!

13d 1h 32m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

13d 1h 32m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

13d 1h 30m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

13d 1h 30m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

13d 1h 29m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 1h 28m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 94!

13d 1h 23m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #19!

13d 1h 23m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #19! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

13d 1h 20m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

[R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

13d 1h 20m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

13d 1h 19m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #18. On Pokémon League.

13d 1h 19m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 11.

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 1h 18m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

13d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

13d 1h 15m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #17!

13d 1h 13m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

13d 1h 13m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

13d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in House with Pidgey (Vermilion City).

13d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

13d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] Now in House with Pidgey (Vermilion City).

13d 1h 9m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

13d 1h 9m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

13d 1h 7m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

13d 1h 6m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 62!

13d 1h 6m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

13d 1h 6m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

13d 1h 4m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

13d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

13d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

13d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

13d 1h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

13d 0h 59m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

13d 0h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #18!

13d 0h 57m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #18! Lorelei's Hall.

13d 0h 57m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

13d 0h 56m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #17. We head onto Indigo Plateau.

13d 0h 56m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

13d 0h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

13d 0h 54m [Bot] [B] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

13d 0h 53m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

13d 0h 52m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

13d 0h 50m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

13d 0h 49m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

13d 0h 46m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 61!

13d 0h 45m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

13d 0h 43m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #17!

13d 0h 41m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #17! On Lorelei's Hall.

13d 0h 38m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

[R] Indigo Plateau.

13d 0h 38m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #16. Now on Pokémon League.

13d 0h 38m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

13d 0h 38m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

13d 0h 37m [Bot] [B] Rocket Prize Corner.

13d 0h 37m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

13d 0h 36m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

13d 0h 36m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

13d 0h 35m [Bot] [R] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #1 incoming!! Now on Champion's Hall.

13d 0h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

13d 0h 34m [Bot] [R] We defeat LANCE!

13d 0h 33m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

13d 0h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

13d 0h 31m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

13d 0h 31m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

13d 0h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

[R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #6!

13d 0h 23m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

[R] Now on Lance's Hall.

13d 0h 23m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

[R] We defeat AGATHA!

13d 0h 19m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

13d 0h 15m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #14!

13d 0h 14m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

13d 0h 14m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

13d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

13d 0h 12m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 100!

13d 0h 11m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

13d 0h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #16!

13d 0h 8m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

13d 0h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

13d 0h 6m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI! A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Hydro Pump!

13d 0h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Hydro Pump over Mimic!

13d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

12d 23h 57m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 23h 56m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

12d 23h 55m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

12d 23h 52m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 23h 48m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 93!

12d 23h 46m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #16!

12d 23h 45m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #16! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 23h 45m [Bot] [B] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #4!

12d 23h 44m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #15. Indigo Plateau.

12d 23h 43m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 23h 41m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

12d 23h 39m [Bot] [B] In Saffron Gym.

12d 23h 36m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

12d 23h 35m [Bot] [B] In Mr. Psychic's House.

12d 23h 33m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

12d 23h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

12d 23h 30m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

12d 23h 28m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #13!

12d 23h 27m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

12d 23h 26m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

12d 23h 25m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

12d 23h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

12d 23h 24m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

12d 23h 23m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone Gate.

12d 23h 23m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

12d 23h 22m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

[R] We defeat BRUNO!

12d 23h 18m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

12d 23h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia House.

12d 23h 17m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

12d 23h 16m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia House.

12d 23h 13m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

12d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] On Route 18.

12d 23h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #15!

12d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 18 Gate 1F.

12d 23h 11m [Bot] [B] On Route 18.

12d 23h 11m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

12d 23h 10m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

[R] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 23h 9m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

12d 23h 4m [Bot] [B] We defeat KOGA!

12d 23h 3m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

12d 22h 58m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] Vs KOGA! Attempt #3!

12d 22h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia Gym .

12d 22h 53m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

12d 22h 52m [Bot] [B] On Route 18.

12d 22h 52m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 18 Gate 1F.

12d 22h 51m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #15!

12d 22h 50m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 18.

12d 22h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 17.

12d 22h 49m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #15! On Lorelei's Hall.

12d 22h 49m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 16.

12d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] On Route 16 Gate 1F.

12d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 16.

12d 22h 46m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

12d 22h 46m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

12d 22h 45m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #14. On Pokémon League.

12d 22h 45m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 22h 45m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

12d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

12d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

[R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #5!

12d 22h 42m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

12d 22h 42m [Bot] [R] On Lance's Hall.

12d 22h 42m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

12d 22h 39m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

12d 22h 38m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

12d 22h 37m [Bot] [B] Route 6.

12d 22h 34m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Psychic!

12d 22h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

12d 22h 33m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

12d 22h 33m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Psychic over Mimic!

12d 22h 32m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian Forest.

12d 22h 31m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

12d 22h 29m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2 Gate.

12d 22h 26m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

12d 22h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 22h 22m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 99!

12d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #12!

12d 22h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

12d 22h 18m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

12d 22h 17m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

12d 22h 14m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

12d 22h 9m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

12d 22h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #14!

12d 22h 7m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

12d 22h 7m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] We skip down the ledge.

12d 21h 59m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 21h 58m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 61!

12d 21h 57m [Bot] [B] We dive over the ledge.

12d 21h 55m [Bot] [R] We heal! DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 86!

12d 21h 54m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #14!

12d 21h 54m [Bot] [B] We skip down the ledge.

12d 21h 51m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #14! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

12d 21h 45m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #13. A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Earthquake! Indigo Plateau.

12d 21h 44m [Bot] [B] We inch along the ledge-- nope, we jump it.

12d 21h 44m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 21h 44m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Earthquake over Mimic!

12d 21h 42m [Bot] [B] On Route 22.

12d 21h 41m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

12d 21h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian City.

12d 21h 38m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

12d 21h 34m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

12d 21h 33m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #4!

12d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] On Lance's Hall.

12d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

12d 21h 30m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 60!

12d 21h 27m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 98!

12d 21h 27m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

12d 21h 26m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

12d 21h 26m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

12d 21h 26m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

12d 21h 25m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 21h 23m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #11!

12d 21h 21m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

[R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

12d 21h 21m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

12d 21h 21m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 21h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11.

12d 21h 16m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

12d 21h 15m [Bot] [B] We heal!

12d 21h 14m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

[R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #13!

12d 21h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 21h 13m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 21h 11m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

12d 21h 11m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 21h 10m [Bot] [B] Defeated LT.SURGE!

12d 21h 9m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 92!

12d 21h 4m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #13!

12d 21h 3m [Bot] [B] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #7!

12d 21h 2m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #13! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 21h 2m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

12d 20h 59m [R] Another Blizzard KOs Charizard! We black out! Rip attempt 12!

12d 20h 59m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

12d 20h 59m [R] Against Dragonite; we use Slash again and crit, and somehow survive a Blizzard. We Slash crit again, and Lance uses a Hyper Potion on Dragonite. Didn't realize in Gen 1 you used items based on speed, but that's cool.

12d 20h 58m [Bot] [B] We heal!

12d 20h 58m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

12d 20h 58m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

12d 20h 57m [R] We use Strength again, and another Hydro Pump puts us back at less than half health. We switch to Slash, get a crit, and KO Gyarados. We definitely aren't making it to the champ.

12d 20h 57m [Bot] [B] Vermilion House.

12d 20h 56m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

12d 20h 55m [R] With Charizard out, we heal ourselves with another Full Restore, and use Strength on our foe. A Hydro Pump puts us back at less than half health, so we do the same thing.

12d 20h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

12d 20h 54m [R] In a stroke of brilliance, we manage to navigate our item bag and heal Tauros to full with a Full Restore, but immediately get OHKOed by Hydro Pump! Go Charizard.

12d 20h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

12d 20h 53m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

[Info] It was a Full Restore we used for Red.

12d 20h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 5.

12d 20h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

12d 20h 50m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

12d 20h 50m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

[Chat] pancakearsenal: Let's eat the Pokémon

12d 20h 49m [R] Facing E4 Lance! We send out Tauros against Gyarados!

12d 20h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 5.

12d 20h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

12d 20h 45m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

12d 20h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

12d 20h 41m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cerulean Gym.

12d 20h 41m [R] We use Flamethrower thrice to KO, but not before having our health cut in half by Thunderbolt and being confused by Confuse Ray. Defeated E4 Agatha!

12d 20h 40m [R] Against Victreebel, we actually switch smartly to Flamethrower and OHKO the grass mon. The only mon remaining is Gengar.

12d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

12d 20h 39m [R] Charizard uses Strength twice and KOs Tentacruel. Against Golbat now. We continue to use Strength and OHKO Golbat.

12d 20h 38m [R] Tentacruel uses a water move, I assume Surf, to KO Nidoqueen! We send out Charizard who for some reason Tentacruel uses Wrap on instead. Yes, gen 1 wrap is good, but so is a SE move.

12d 20h 37m [B] Defeated Misty in a rematch! Which rematch will we go to next, I wonder/haven't been paying attention.

12d 20h 37m [R] We use Blizzard on Golbat (thankfully not Earthquake) to OHKO it. Against Tentacruel now.

12d 20h 36m [B] Misty sends out Omastar, with very little fanfare in chat, just two tppHelixes. After getting hit with an Ice Beam, we 2HKO it with Psychic.

12d 20h 35m [R] Against Arbok! We OHKO it with our last Earthquake. This could be a problem when we need to change moves. Against Golbat now.

12d 20h 35m [B] Persian grew to level 60! Against Poliwrath! We OHKO crit it with Psychic.

12d 20h 34m [B] Against Starmie now. We use Psychic to almost OHKO, and while it uses Recover to heal a lot of health, only two hits were required.

12d 20h 34m [R] Nidoqueen uses Earthquake to OHKO Gengar.

12d 20h 33m [R] Fighting E4 Agatha! We send out Nidoqueen against Gengar.

12d 20h 33m [B] We start with a devastating Psychic. Due to being STAB and SE, it OHKOs Tentacruel with ease. Next up we have Lapras. We do much of the same. This time it takes two Psychics tho.

12d 20h 32m [B] Rematching Misty! We send out Alakazam against Tentacruel.

12d 20h 31m [R] We KO Marowak and defeat E4 Bruno!

12d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

12d 20h 30m [R] In a shocking turn of events, we use Earthquake to KO Marowak. This is taking several turns due to a series of Growls. In the meantime, Bonerwang deals massive damage to us.

12d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

12d 20h 29m [R] Nidoqueen OHKOs Golem with Surf, and has successfully swept Bruno's team off of his feet (with water), minus one Marowak.

12d 20h 28m [R] Against Machamp now, we use Surf again to rip through Machamp, even with an added X Defend. We'll have enough for the rest of the fight, thankfully, as our next foe is Golem.

12d 20h 28m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

12d 20h 27m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

12d 20h 27m [R] Against Hitmonlee. We continue to use Surf, which would be a great strat if we had a Choice item. Regardless, we 2HKO Hitmonlee.

12d 20h 27m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

12d 20h 26m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

12d 20h 25m [R] Starting off with Surf, we OHKO Onix. Against Hitmonchan now, we use Surf to almost OHKO. However, our foe uses Agility a couple of times, and gains an advantage, that he doesn't use because we KO him with Surf.

12d 20h 25m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

12d 20h 24m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

12d 20h 24m [R] Facing E4 Bruno! We send out Nidoqueen against Onix!

12d 20h 24m [Bot] [B] Route 11.

12d 20h 23m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

[Fluff] Now the Pokedex counter reads 0 seen, 0 caught. M4 joked about us having to recatch all of the mons.

12d 20h 22m [R] Nidoqueen leveled up to 97! Defeated E4 Lorelei!

12d 20h 21m [R] Against Vaporeon! We continue to use Earthquake with lots of success, 2HKOing it while all it did was eliminate status conditions. Like we use strats with stat increases, ha.

[Info] The offline screen came up for a second.

12d 20h 18m [R] We swap to Nidoqueen while Slowbro beefs its defense and special. We use Earthquake twice and KO Slowbro!

12d 20h 17m [R] Against Slowbro now; we use Hyper Beam to injure it a bit, however due to the 30-something level difference, Slowbro's Psychic does a lot more damage against us.

12d 20h 15m [R] Tauros is sent in and tries a Hyper Beam. It's successful! Lapras down.

12d 20h 13m [R] Lapras hits us with a Blizzard. Beedrill down!

12d 20h 13m [R] Same again for this turn.

12d 20h 12m [R] We hit Lapras with a Hyper Beam to little effect. On the recharge turn, Lorelei takes the time to use a Super Potion and confuse Beedrill.

12d 20h 12m [R] Beedrill is sent in.

12d 20h 10m [R] Lapras hits with Blizzard. Dugtrio down!

12d 20h 10m [R] Lapras is sent in. Dugtrio tries an Earthquake and scores a critical hit.

12d 20h 9m [R] Dugtrio is sent in, and so is Jynx. We hit with an Earthquake and it goes down.

12d 20h 8m [R] KAPOW! Cloyster hits us with Explosion! Raichu down!

12d 20h 7m [R] Dewgong goes down to a Thunder attack. Cloyster is sent in.

12d 20h 7m [R] Vs. Lorelei! Raichu vs. Dewgong.

12d 20h 6m [R] Entered Lorelei's room for rematch attempt #12.

12d 20h 4m [B] Entered Diglett's Cave.

12d 20h 4m [R] Purchased 2 Full Restores.

[Chat] TriHard7SSB: Red's theme song TriHard
Kurtbusch22: #Red'sThemeSong
MallowSpicyGirl: #BornToLose TriHard

12d 20h 2m [R] "Born to Lose" by Ted Daffan & His Texans is currently playing.

[Fluff] M4 is playing "Born to Lose" for us again.

12d 20h 2m [R] Tentacruel hits us with a Surf. Charizard finally goes down! Blackout!

12d 20h 1m [R] Agatha switches out Golbat for Tentacruel.

12d 20h 0m [B] Heading south through Viridian Forest.

12d 19h 59m [R] The very last Flamethrower, and Arbok goes down. Golbat in!

12d 19h 59m [R] Arbok in. Another Flamethrower, and it's down to low health.

12d 19h 59m [R] Vs. Agatha! Gengar is sent in, and goes down to Flamethrower.

12d 19h 57m [B] Heading south on Route 2.

12d 19h 56m [R] Well, I guess I should eat my own words. Bruno defeated with no damage to Charizard.

12d 19h 56m [R] Golem down! Marowack in.

12d 19h 55m [R] And down it goes! Golem is in.

12d 19h 54m [R] It's the rival battle music from Pokémon Black/White, and it's so happy. We've swept Onix, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. Machamp is out.

12d 19h 53m [R] Vs. Bruno with a Charizard on half-health and THE perfect music.

12d 19h 52m [B] Arbok uses Strength! I guess we're going to bust a hole in this gentleman's wall.

12d 19h 51m [R] By some miracle we actually defeat the Vaporeon. Lorelei defeated!

12d 19h 50m [R] We still manage to defeat Slowbro. Vaporeon is sent in.

[B] The last five minutes solid: https://clips.twitch.tv/ObservantHorribleSageTakeNRG

12d 19h 49m [R] Slowbro has been sent in, and is terrorising our Charizard.

12d 19h 49m [Bot] [B] Pewter City House.

12d 19h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Amnesia over Mimic!

12d 19h 46m [B] We exit the Pokémon Centre.

[Fluff] Jigglypuff is singing "Game Over - Journey to Silius".
[Chat] GAME OVER WutFace

12d 19h 45m [B] This is the most active I've even seen the chat in a few days.

12d 19h 45m what is even happening right now

12d 19h 45m [B] Blue keeps playing with Jigglypuff.

12d 19h 44m [R] Charizard, our last mon, is sent in.

12d 19h 43m [R] Dugtrio attempts an Earthquake, gets Lapras down to low health. Lapras hits us with yet another Hydro Pump. Dugtrio down!

12d 19h 43m [B] Jigglypuff just played us something... interesting.

12d 19h 42m [R] Nidoqueen attempts a Surf attack to no avail. Another Hydro Pump. Nidoqueen faints!

12d 19h 41m [R] Nidoqueen is sent in.

12d 19h 40m [B] Exited the gym, back in Pewter City.

12d 19h 40m [R] Tauros stomps, Lapras Hydro Pumps. Tauros down!

12d 19h 39m [R] Lapras is sent in.

12d 19h 39m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 59!

12d 19h 38m [B] Onix goes down to Bubblebeam. Brock defeated!

12d 19h 38m [B] Onix is last out.

12d 19h 38m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

12d 19h 37m [B] Golem is next in and also gets hit by the Bubblebeam. Clefable to Lv. 96!

12d 19h 36m [B] Clefable is sent in and deals a Bubblebeam. Kabutops down!

12d 19h 35m [B] Persian hits Kabutops with a super effective Thunder, but is then hit with a super effective Submission. Persian down!

12d 19h 36m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 19h 35m [B] We sent in Persian.

[R] Jynx uses a Substitute and hits us with two Psychic attacks. Raichu down to 28HP.

12d 19h 35m [R] Raichu has been frozen by Blizzard.

12d 19h 34m [B] We hit with an ineffective Surf attack. Kabutops responds with Submission. Lapras down!

12d 19h 33m [B] Kabutops is sent in.

12d 19h 33m [B] Lapras to Lv. 55!

12d 19h 33m [B] We hit Aerodactyl with a Surf attack, and it goes down!

[Info] It seems the update that M4 put into effect is fixing a bug in how gen 1's menu operates, which allowed the cursor to move to a new option and select it on the same frame. It wouldn't mean anything to a normal player, but it means quite a bit for our input system. (Speedrunners also use the bug a lot.)

12d 19h 32m [B] Lapras is sent in.

12d 19h 32m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #11!

12d 19h 31m [B] We try a couple of Vine Whips to no effect. Aerodactyl responds with a Hyper Beam. Venusaur down!

12d 19h 31m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #11! On Lorelei's Hall.

12d 19h 30m [B] Aerodactyl is sent in.

12d 19h 29m [B] Venusaur is sent in and hits with Solar Beam. Rhydon down, Venusaur to Lv. 77!

12d 19h 29m [B] We hit a critical Dig, but Rhydon unleashes energy. Alakazam down!

12d 19h 28m [B] Alakazam hits with Dig, Rhydon uses Bide.

12d 19h 28m [B] Vs. Brock! He sends in Rhydon, we counter with Alakazam.

12d 19h 27m [B] Entered Viridian Gym.

12d 19h 26m [B] Arrived in Pewter City.

12d 19h 26m [R] We try to Slash, but it goes through Gengar. Charizard down, blackout!

12d 19h 24m [R] Vs. Agatha for all of 3 seconds. Let's see how far Charizard goes.

12d 19h 24m [B] PRISM MUSIC <333

12d 19h 20m [R] We're in Agatha's room, and the music has gone all GSC.

12d 19h 18m [B] We cut a tree and head north towards Pewter City.

12d 19h 17m [R] Charizard sweep! Marowack goes down, Bruno defeated!

12d 19h 17m [R] Another critical Slash, Marowack responds with Thrash. Charizard down to 28HP.

12d 19h 16m [R] Marowak is in. We score a critical Slash.

12d 19h 16m [R] KAPOW! Golem uses Explosion, Charizard is down to 77HP.

12d 19h 15m [R] Golem is in and is burned.

12d 19h 13m [R] Bruno scores hit first hit with Submission. Two Flamethrowers and Machamp is down.

12d 19h 13m [R] Hitmonlee goes down in flames. Machamp is in.

12d 19h 12m [R] Down goes Hitmonchan! Hitmonlee is up.

12d 19h 12m [R] Onix goes down to a single Flamethrower. Hitmonchan is next.

12d 19h 12m [R] Vs. Bruno! We only have Charizard. Let's see how far we go. Onix is in.

12d 19h 10m [R] Entered Bruno's room.

12d 19h 8m [B] A rematch is available for Brock. It looks like Pewter is where we're headed.

12d 19h 7m [B] Wondering around Route 2.

12d 19h 6m Looks like we just had an update.

12d 19h 5m Inputs resumed.

12d 19h 5m Both games just reset.

12d 19h 5m Inputs paused

12d 19h 5m Games were both saved by devs, some very calming music started playing.

[Dev] M4_used_Rollout: I have present for you. Please to be standing by tppRiot

12d 19h 3m [R] Charizard hits Vaporeon out with a critical Slash. Lorelei defeated!

[Chat] Zawasculin: Hydro Zard LUL

12d 19h 2m [R] Charizard learned Hydro Pump via. Mimic.

12d 19h 0m [R] Vaporeon hits use with a critical Hydro Pump. Raichu down! Charizard is out.

12d 18h 59m [R] Currently fighting Lorelei's Vaporeon with Raichu. We only have Raichu and Charizard left.

[Meta] Human updaters are back yo.

12d 18h 59m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 91!

12d 18h 57m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 18h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

12d 18h 52m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 85!

12d 18h 49m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

12d 18h 46m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 18h 42m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

12d 18h 41m [Bot] [B] Now in Pallet Town.

12d 18h 39m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Confusion over Metronome! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Psychic over Confusion! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Metronome over Psychic!

12d 18h 38m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 1.

12d 18h 30m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

12d 18h 29m [Bot] [B] Now in Pallet Town.

[R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #10!

12d 18h 28m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #10! Lorelei's Hall.

12d 18h 26m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

12d 18h 26m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

12d 18h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

12d 18h 21m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

12d 18h 21m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

12d 18h 21m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

12d 18h 20m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

12d 18h 19m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

12d 18h 18m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Full Restore!

12d 18h 18m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

12d 18h 17m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

12d 18h 16m [Bot] [R] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Rematch Attempt #9. Pokémon League.

12d 18h 14m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

12d 18h 12m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

12d 18h 12m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Night Shade!

12d 18h 11m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

12d 18h 10m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Night Shade over Mimic!

12d 18h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

12d 18h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 22.

12d 18h 5m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 60!

12d 18h 2m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 17h 58m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 17h 57m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #7!

12d 17h 55m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

12d 17h 54m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 17h 50m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 96!

12d 17h 45m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #9!

12d 17h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

12d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] Route 22.

[R] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 17h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 17h 38m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 90!

12d 17h 37m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #9!

12d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

12d 17h 36m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #9! Lorelei's Hall.

12d 17h 35m [Bot] [B] Now in Pallet Town.

12d 17h 33m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

12d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #8. Now on Pokémon League.

12d 17h 31m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 17h 30m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

12d 17h 26m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

12d 17h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #8!

12d 17h 20m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

12d 17h 18m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 21.

12d 17h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

12d 17h 17m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 17h 13m [Bot] [B] We defeat BLAINE!

12d 17h 11m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 17h 9m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

12d 17h 4m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 17h 4m [Bot] [B] Vs BLAINE! Attempt #4!

12d 17h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #8!

12d 17h 0m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #8! Lorelei's Hall.

12d 17h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Gym.

12d 16h 59m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Island.

12d 16h 59m [Bot] [B] We heal!

12d 16h 58m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

12d 16h 55m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

[R] On Indigo Plateau.

12d 16h 55m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #7. On Pokémon League.

12d 16h 55m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 16h 53m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #6!

12d 16h 51m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

12d 16h 50m [Bot] [R] We heal A (Charizard) with a Potion!

12d 16h 45m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 16h 45m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 21.

12d 16h 43m [Bot] [B] In Pallet Town.

12d 16h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mom's House 1F.

12d 16h 40m [Bot] [B] In Pallet Town.

12d 16h 40m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

12d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

12d 16h 37m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #7!

12d 16h 36m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

12d 16h 36m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 16h 35m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 16h 34m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

12d 16h 30m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 16h 28m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 16h 26m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

12d 16h 25m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

12d 16h 24m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

12d 16h 18m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

12d 16h 17m [Bot] [B] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #3!

12d 16h 16m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 16h 13m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #7!

12d 16h 12m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #7! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 16h 11m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron Gym.

12d 16h 9m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

12d 16h 9m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #6. Pokémon League.

12d 16h 9m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

12d 16h 9m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

12d 16h 8m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

12d 16h 8m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

12d 16h 7m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

12d 16h 6m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

12d 16h 2m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #6!

12d 16h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 16h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

[R] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 15h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

12d 15h 52m [Bot] [B] Route 11.

12d 15h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

12d 15h 49m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

12d 15h 47m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 15h 44m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

12d 15h 44m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

12d 15h 43m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 15h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2.

12d 15h 38m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2 Gate.

12d 15h 37m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #6!

12d 15h 36m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #6! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 15h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2.

12d 15h 34m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

12d 15h 34m [Bot] [R] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Rematch Attempt #5. Pokémon League.

[Fluff] Apparently M4 took control at one point, put on the tutorial music, and walked us past the ledge to show us how it's done... and then we promptly jumped back over the ledge again.

12d 15h 30m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #5!

12d 15h 29m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

12d 15h 28m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

12d 15h 27m [Bot] [B] We hurdle the ledge.

[R] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 15h 27m [Bot] [B] Route 22.

12d 15h 27m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 95!

12d 15h 25m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 22 Gate.

12d 15h 18m [Bot] [B] We twitch wrong and now we're at the bottom of the ledge.

12d 15h 17m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #5!

12d 15h 16m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

12d 15h 15m [Bot] [B] Route 22.

12d 15h 14m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 15h 12m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

12d 15h 11m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

12d 15h 10m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 15h 8m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

12d 15h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian Pokémon Center.

12d 15h 4m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

12d 15h 4m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian City.

12d 14h 59m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 14h 58m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

12d 14h 56m [Bot] [R] We heal! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 59!

12d 14h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

12d 14h 55m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 89!

12d 14h 55m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #5!

12d 14h 53m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #5! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

12d 14h 52m [Bot] [B] We trip over the ledge.

12d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

12d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #4. We head onto Pokémon League.

12d 14h 48m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 14h 46m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #4!

12d 14h 44m [Bot] [R] Agatha's Hall.

12d 14h 43m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

12d 14h 39m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Growl!

12d 14h 38m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

12d 14h 38m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Growl over Mimic!

12d 14h 32m [Bot] [B] We walk along the ledge-- nope, we fell.

12d 14h 31m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 94!

12d 14h 26m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #4!

12d 14h 25m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 14h 24m [Bot] [B] Help, we've fallen over this ledge and can't get up!

12d 14h 23m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 14h 18m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 14h 17m [Bot] [B] We drop down the ledge.

12d 14h 14m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

12d 14h 8m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 14h 4m [Bot] [B] We sumersault over the ledge.

12d 14h 1m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 14h 0m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 22.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 58!

12d 13h 56m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #4!

12d 13h 56m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian City.

12d 13h 55m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #4! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 13h 53m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #3. Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

12d 13h 53m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

12d 13h 51m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #3!

12d 13h 50m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

12d 13h 50m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 13h 49m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

12d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] Now in Pallet Town.

12d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 21.

12d 13h 46m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 13h 45m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 84!

12d 13h 44m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #3!

12d 13h 43m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 13h 42m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 13h 42m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 93!

12d 13h 41m [Bot] [B] In Pallet Town.

12d 13h 40m [Bot] [B] Mom's House 1F.

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 13h 40m [Bot] [B] In Pallet Town.

12d 13h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian Forest.

12d 13h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

12d 13h 36m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

12d 13h 35m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

12d 13h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian City.

12d 13h 31m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 13h 31m [Bot] [B] We sidle slowly across the ledge-- and we fall.

12d 13h 29m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #3!

12d 13h 27m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #3! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

12d 13h 25m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

12d 13h 25m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #2. On Pokémon League.

12d 13h 25m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 13h 23m [Bot] [B] We parachute over the ledge. Not sure when we got a Parachute item, but we've now used it.

12d 13h 23m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Fly!

12d 13h 22m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

12d 13h 16m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Fly over Mimic!

12d 13h 16m [Bot] [R] We heal A (Charizard) with a Potion!

12d 13h 10m [Bot] [B] We walk along the ledge-- nope, we fell.

12d 13h 10m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 13h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #2!

12d 13h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Lance's Hall.

12d 13h 6m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

12d 13h 4m [Bot] [B] We canter across the ledge.

12d 13h 4m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

12d 12h 54m [Bot] [B] And over the ledge we go.

12d 12h 49m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

12d 12h 46m [Bot] [B] We walk precariously across the ledge... and down.

12d 12h 43m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #2!

12d 12h 42m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

12d 12h 42m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 12h 38m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 92!

12d 12h 36m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 22.

12d 12h 35m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 12h 30m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #2!

12d 12h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 12h 27m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 12h 27m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 88!

12d 12h 23m [Bot] [R] We heal! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 58!

12d 12h 22m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #2!

12d 12h 21m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #2! Lorelei's Hall.

12d 12h 16m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

12d 12h 15m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #1. We head onto Pokémon League.

12d 12h 14m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

12d 12h 12m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

12d 12h 10m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 12h 7m [Bot] [B] Viridian City.

12d 12h 4m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

12d 12h 4m [Bot] [B] Route 2 Gate.

12d 12h 2m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

12d 12h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

12d 12h 1m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

12d 11h 59m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE!

12d 11h 58m [Bot] [R] On Lance's Hall.

12d 11h 57m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

[R] Defeated AGATHA!

12d 11h 57m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

12d 11h 56m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

12d 11h 55m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

12d 11h 51m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

12d 11h 49m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

12d 11h 45m [Bot] [B] We boot up a TM26 Earthquake. A (Arbok) learned Earthquake over Acid!


12d 11h 44m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

12d 11h 43m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 11h 43m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 1F.

12d 11h 42m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 91!

12d 11h 42m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. Lift.

12d 11h 38m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 11h 37m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM26 Earthquake!

12d 11h 34m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 10F.

12d 11h 32m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. Lift.

12d 11h 30m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 1F.

12d 11h 28m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

12d 11h 28m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

12d 11h 27m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 11h 25m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO!

12d 11h 24m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

12d 11h 23m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 11h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

12d 11h 20m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 87!

12d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

12d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] Route 11.

12d 11h 19m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

12d 11h 15m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI!

12d 11h 14m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Rematch Attempt #1! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 11h 12m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

[R] On Indigo Plateau.

12d 11h 12m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

[R] On Pokémon League.

12d 11h 10m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

12d 11h 10m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

12d 11h 9m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

12d 11h 9m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2 Gate.

12d 11h 5m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

12d 11h 3m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

12d 11h 1m [Bot] [B] Viridian City.

12d 10h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

12d 10h 58m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

12d 10h 57m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

12d 10h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2.

12d 10h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 10h 43m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

12d 10h 42m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

12d 10h 40m [Bot] [B] Pallet Town.

12d 10h 38m [Bot] [B] We boot up a TM25 Thunder. CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) learned Thunder over Scratch!

12d 10h 34m [Bot] [B] We heal!

12d 10h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Mom's House 1F.

12d 10h 33m [Bot] [B] In Pallet Town.

12d 10h 31m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM25 Thunder!

12d 10h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

12d 10h 25m [Bot] [R] We've made it beyond the ledge!

12d 10h 16m [Bot] [B] Now on Power Plant.

12d 10h 15m [Bot] [R] We bounce over the ledge.

12d 10h 14m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 78!

12d 10h 10m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

12d 10h 9m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 22.

12d 10h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 10h 6m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 10h 6m [Bot] [R] In Viridian Pokémon Center.

12d 10h 2m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 10h 0m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

12d 10h 0m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 Gate.

12d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 10.

12d 9h 49m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Potion!

12d 9h 48m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Potion!

12d 9h 47m [Bot] [R] Viridian Forest.

12d 9h 46m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 Gate.

12d 9h 44m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

12d 9h 44m [Bot] [R] Pewter City.

12d 9h 42m [Bot] [B] Route 9.

12d 9h 41m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

[R] Now on Route 2.

12d 9h 40m [Bot] [B] On Route 5.

12d 9h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

12d 9h 39m [Bot] [B] On Route 5.

12d 9h 38m [Bot] [R] Pewter City.

12d 9h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pewter City House.

12d 9h 36m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

12d 9h 35m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

12d 9h 35m [Bot] [R] In Pewter City.

12d 9h 33m [Bot] [R] Now in Rocket Hideout B1F.

12d 9h 31m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

12d 9h 29m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

12d 9h 29m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

12d 9h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11.

12d 9h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

12d 9h 27m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

12d 9h 21m [Bot] [R] We boot up a TM15 Hyper Beam. ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) learned Hyper Beam over Agility!

12d 9h 18m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

12d 9h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

12d 9h 15m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM15 Hyper Beam!

12d 9h 14m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Prize Corner.

12d 9h 13m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

12d 9h 6m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

12d 9h 5m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2 Gate.

12d 9h 3m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

12d 9h 0m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

12d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

12d 8h 58m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

12d 8h 58m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

12d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] Viridian City.

[R] Arrived on Route 7.

12d 8h 55m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

12d 8h 54m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 5.

12d 8h 54m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

12d 8h 53m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

12d 8h 52m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

12d 8h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pallet Town.

12d 8h 51m [Bot] [B] We heal!

12d 8h 49m [Bot] [B] We head into Mom's House 1F.

12d 8h 49m [Bot] [B] In Pallet Town.

12d 8h 45m [Bot] [B] We enter the HALL OF FAME! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Arrived in Hall of Fame.

12d 8h 44m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

12d 8h 44m [Bot] [B] We defeat (((!

12d 8h 43m [Bot] [R] Threw away 6 Great Ball!

12d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Great Ball!

12d 8h 39m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Great Ball!

12d 8h 38m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #2!

12d 8h 37m [Bot] [B] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #2 incoming!! We head onto Champion's Hall.

12d 8h 35m [Bot] [B] We defeat LANCE!

12d 8h 35m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM37 Egg Bomb!

12d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

12d 8h 27m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

12d 8h 26m [Bot] [R] We head into Cerulean Poké Mart.

12d 8h 25m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

12d 8h 25m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

12d 8h 23m [Bot] [R] Defeated MISTY!

12d 8h 22m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 57!

12d 8h 19m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 86!

12d 8h 17m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

12d 8h 16m [Bot] [R] Vs MISTY! Attempt #8!

12d 8h 16m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

12d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] On Cerulean Gym.

12d 8h 11m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #6!

12d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] We head into Cerulean City.

12d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

12d 8h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

[R] Underground Path.

12d 8h 9m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

12d 8h 8m [Bot] [R] We head onto Underground Path.

12d 8h 7m [Bot] [R] Underground Path.

12d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] Route 6.

12d 8h 4m [Bot] [R] Vermilion City.

12d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM46 Psywave!

12d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] In Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

12d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] Vermilion City.

12d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] Route 11.

12d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] In Diglett's Cave.

12d 7h 56m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #7!

12d 7h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

12d 7h 53m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 7h 52m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

12d 7h 52m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

12d 7h 45m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

12d 7h 44m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 54!

12d 7h 41m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 95!

12d 7h 40m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #8!

12d 7h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 7h 39m [Bot] [R] Now in Pewter City.

12d 7h 39m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 7h 35m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 59!

12d 7h 32m [Bot] [R] We defeat BROCK!

12d 7h 31m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #7!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 83!

12d 7h 30m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #7! Lorelei's Hall.

12d 7h 28m [Bot] [R] Vs BROCK! Attempt #4!

12d 7h 28m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

12d 7h 27m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #6. On Pokémon League.

[R] Pewter City Gym.

12d 7h 27m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 7h 23m [Bot] [R] In Pewter City.

12d 7h 23m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 7h 21m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

12d 7h 20m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

12d 7h 17m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

12d 7h 16m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

12d 7h 15m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 7h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

12d 7h 13m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #6!

12d 7h 12m [Bot] [B] Agatha's Hall.

12d 7h 11m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

12d 7h 11m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 76!

12d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 7h 6m [Bot] [R] Vs BROCK! Attempt #3!

12d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

12d 7h 4m [Bot] [R] In Pewter City Gym.

12d 7h 1m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

12d 6h 58m [Bot] [R] We head into Pewter City.

12d 6h 57m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 6h 56m [Bot] [R] We head into Pewter City Pokémon Center.

12d 6h 56m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

12d 6h 55m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pewter City.

12d 6h 55m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #7!

12d 6h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

12d 6h 51m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

[R] Now on Route 2.

12d 6h 50m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 77!

[R] Route 2 House.

12d 6h 49m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

12d 6h 48m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 94!

12d 6h 47m [Bot] [R] Route 2 Gate.

12d 6h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

12d 6h 42m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

12d 6h 37m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #6!

12d 6h 36m [Bot] [R] Defeated GIOVANNI! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 57!

12d 6h 35m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #6! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 6h 34m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

12d 6h 34m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #5. Pokémon League.

12d 6h 34m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

12d 6h 34m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

12d 6h 33m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 90!

12d 6h 32m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 6h 31m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

12d 6h 27m [Bot] [R] Vs GIOVANNI! Attempt #5!

12d 6h 18m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #5!

12d 6h 18m [Bot] [R] Viridian Gym.

12d 6h 15m [Bot] [B] Lance's Hall.

12d 6h 14m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

12d 6h 11m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian City.

12d 6h 10m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian House.

12d 6h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 6h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian House.

12d 6h 6m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

12d 6h 4m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #5!

12d 6h 3m [Bot] [B] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

12d 6h 3m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 5h 57m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

12d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

12d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] Viridian Pokémon Center.

12d 5h 55m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

12d 5h 53m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

12d 5h 52m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #6!

12d 5h 52m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #5!

12d 5h 51m [Bot] [R] Defeated BLAINE!

12d 5h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

12d 5h 49m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 5h 48m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 5h 44m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

12d 5h 42m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

12d 5h 39m [Bot] [R] Vs BLAINE! Attempt #3!

12d 5h 39m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 93!

12d 5h 36m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Gym.

12d 5h 35m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

12d 5h 35m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #5!

12d 5h 35m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 85!

12d 5h 33m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #5! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 5h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 21.

12d 5h 31m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

12d 5h 31m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #4. Arrived on Pokémon League.

12d 5h 30m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

12d 5h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pallet Town.

12d 5h 27m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

12d 5h 25m [Bot] [R] Route 1.

12d 5h 24m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 5h 23m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

12d 5h 23m [Bot] [R] In Viridian Pokémon Center.

12d 5h 22m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #4!

12d 5h 21m [Bot] [B] On Lance's Hall.

12d 5h 20m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

12d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 5h 15m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 76!

12d 5h 15m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

12d 5h 14m [Bot] [R] Route 2 Gate.

12d 5h 12m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 58!

12d 5h 11m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

12d 5h 10m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

12d 5h 8m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #4!

12d 5h 7m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

12d 5h 7m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 5h 3m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

12d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

12d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] In Diglett's Cave.

12d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] Route 11.

12d 5h 0m [Bot] [R] Vermilion City.

12d 4h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 6.

12d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

12d 4h 55m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

12d 4h 55m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 4h 55m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Pokémon Center.

12d 4h 54m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

12d 4h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #4!

12d 4h 53m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

12d 4h 52m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 4h 51m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 75!

12d 4h 50m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

12d 4h 48m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

12d 4h 41m [Bot] [R] Defeated SABRINA!

12d 4h 40m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #4!

12d 4h 37m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Rematch Attempt #4! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 4h 37m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 4h 36m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 4h 34m [Bot] [R] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #6!

12d 4h 32m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

12d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #3. Now on Pokémon League.

12d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 4h 30m [Bot] [R] In Saffron Gym.

12d 4h 28m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

12d 4h 28m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

12d 4h 27m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

12d 4h 27m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

12d 4h 24m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

12d 4h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #3!

12d 4h 19m [Bot] [B] We head onto Lance's Hall.

12d 4h 18m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

12d 4h 14m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

[R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

12d 4h 13m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

12d 4h 12m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 4h 12m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

12d 4h 12m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

12d 4h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

12d 4h 9m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

[R] Saffron City Gate.

12d 4h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

12d 4h 5m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 53!

12d 4h 4m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #3!

12d 4h 3m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

12d 3h 58m [Bot] [R] Defeated SABRINA!

12d 3h 58m [Bot] [B] Agatha's Hall.

12d 3h 57m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

12d 3h 55m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

12d 3h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

12d 3h 51m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 82!

12d 3h 51m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

12d 3h 50m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 3h 48m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

12d 3h 48m [Bot] [R] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #5!

12d 3h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #3!

12d 3h 44m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

12d 3h 44m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 3h 43m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 92!

12d 3h 38m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron Gym.

12d 3h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #3!

12d 3h 35m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Rematch Attempt #3! On Lorelei's Hall.

12d 3h 33m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Full Restore!

12d 3h 31m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

12d 3h 31m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Rematch Attempt #2. Arrived on Pokémon League.

12d 3h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

12d 3h 31m [Bot] [B] Vs (((!

[Info] Blue only has a badly hurt Alakazam with 1 Psychic PP left.

12d 3h 30m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

12d 3h 30m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

12d 3h 30m [Bot] [B] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #1 incoming!! On Champion's Hall.

12d 3h 29m [Bot] [B] We defeat LANCE!

12d 3h 29m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

12d 3h 28m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

12d 3h 26m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 3h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

12d 3h 24m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

12d 3h 24m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

12d 3h 24m [Bot] [R] Rocket Prize Corner.

12d 3h 22m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

12d 3h 21m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 75!

12d 3h 17m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #2!

12d 3h 16m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

12d 3h 16m [Bot] [B] On Lance's Hall.

12d 3h 15m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

12d 3h 13m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

12d 3h 12m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 16.

12d 3h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 16 Gate 1F.

12d 3h 11m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

12d 3h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 16.

12d 3h 7m [R] Red is currently trying to cycle up cycling road, and is doing pretty well.

12d 3h 6m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

12d 3h 6m [Bot] [R] On Route 17.

12d 3h 5m [Bot] [R] Route 18.

12d 3h 5m [Bot] [R] On Route 17.

12d 3h 4m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #2!

12d 3h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

12d 3h 2m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

[R] Arrived on Route 18.

12d 2h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 18 Gate 1F.

12d 2h 57m [Bot] [R] On Route 18.

12d 2h 56m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

12d 2h 54m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

12d 2h 52m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

12d 2h 52m [Bot] [R] Defeated KOGA!

12d 2h 50m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) is now level 57!

12d 2h 49m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #2!

12d 2h 49m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

12d 2h 48m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

12d 2h 48m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 91!

12d 2h 44m [Bot] [R] Vs KOGA! Attempt #6!

12d 2h 41m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Gym .

12d 2h 40m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #2!

12d 2h 40m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Rematch Attempt #2! Lorelei's Hall.

12d 2h 39m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

12d 2h 38m [Bot] [R] On Route 19.

12d 2h 37m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

12d 2h 37m [Bot] [B] On Pokémon League.

12d 2h 36m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

12d 2h 36m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

12d 2h 36m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

12d 2h 33m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE!

[R] We head into Fuchsia City.

12d 2h 32m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

12d 2h 32m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Gym .

12d 2h 29m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

12d 2h 29m [Bot] [R] On Route 18.

12d 2h 28m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 100!

12d 2h 28m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18 Gate 1F.

12d 2h 27m [Bot] [R] On Route 18.

12d 2h 26m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA!

[R] Arrived on Route 17.

12d 2h 25m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 16.

12d 2h 25m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

12d 2h 24m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

12d 2h 24m [Bot] [R] On Route 16 Gate 1F.

12d 2h 24m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 74!

[R] Route 16.

12d 2h 21m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

12d 2h 20m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

12d 2h 17m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

12d 2h 15m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

12d 2h 12m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

12d 2h 11m [Bot] [R] On Rocket Game Corner.

12d 2h 8m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 90!

12d 2h 6m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO!

12d 2h 5m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

12d 2h 5m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

12d 2h 1m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 74!

[R] Celadon City.

12d 2h 1m [Bot] [R] In Celadon House.

12d 1h 59m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI!

12d 1h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

12d 1h 58m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Rematch Attempt #1! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

12d 1h 57m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

12d 1h 56m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon League.

12d 1h 55m [Bot] [R] Defeated ERIKA!

12d 1h 54m [Bot] [B] On Route 23.

12d 1h 54m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 56!

12d 1h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

12d 1h 52m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

12d 1h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

12d 1h 52m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

12d 1h 51m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

12d 1h 50m [Bot] [R] Vs ERIKA! Attempt #7!

12d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

12d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

12d 1h 48m [Bot] [R] Now on Celadon Gym.

12d 1h 40m [Bot] [B] Victory Road.

[R] Now in Celadon City.

12d 1h 40m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

12d 1h 39m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

12d 1h 38m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

12d 1h 35m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

12d 1h 33m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

12d 1h 29m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

12d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] On Route 23.

12d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] We're on the other side of the Route 22 ledge!

[R] We head into Cerulean City.

12d 1h 16m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean House.

12d 1h 15m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

12d 1h 15m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

12d 1h 13m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

12d 1h 13m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 22.

12d 1h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 4.

12d 1h 9m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM31 Mimic!

12d 1h 9m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Mimic over Leer!

12d 1h 3m [Bot] [R] We boot up a TM05 Mega Kick. QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) learned Mega Kick over Quick Attack!

12d 0h 56m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM14 Blizzard!

12d 0h 55m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) learned Blizzard over Poison Sting!

12d 0h 47m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

12d 0h 46m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 0h 44m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 TM05 Mega Kick from the PC!

12d 0h 40m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 TM14 Blizzard from the PC!

12d 0h 35m [Bot] [R] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

12d 0h 35m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM14 Blizzard!

12d 0h 34m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) learned Blizzard over Hydro Pump!

12d 0h 26m [Bot] [R] We head into Cerulean City.

12d 0h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

12d 0h 21m [Bot] [R] Defeated MISTY!

12d 0h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian Pokémon Center.

12d 0h 21m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

12d 0h 19m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 84!

12d 0h 18m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

12d 0h 18m [Bot] [R] We heal!

12d 0h 18m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM14 Blizzard!

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) is now level 56!

12d 0h 17m [Bot] [R] Vs MISTY! Attempt #7!

12d 0h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

12d 0h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion B1F.

12d 0h 7m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

12d 0h 5m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 5.

12d 0h 4m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 1F.

12d 0h 2m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

12d 0h 1m [Bot] [R] We head into Copycat's House 1F.

12d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 3F.

11d 23h 59m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Nugget!

11d 23h 58m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

11d 23h 58m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Poké Doll! Acquired 1 TM31 Mimic!

11d 23h 56m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

11d 23h 54m [Bot] [R] In Copycat's House 2F.

11d 23h 54m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

11d 23h 54m [Bot] [R] We head into Copycat's House 1F.

11d 23h 53m [Bot] [R] In Copycat's House 2F.

11d 23h 53m [Bot] [R] Copycat's House 1F.

11d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon Lab.

11d 23h 50m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM35 Metronome!

11d 23h 50m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Metronome over Reflect!

11d 23h 44m [D] Meanwhile, Red attempts to surf inside Copycat's house.

11d 23h 44m [D] Blue's in the menus, teaching Metronome to someone.

11d 23h 39m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM35 Metronome!

[R] Copycat's House 2F.

11d 23h 38m [Bot] [R] Copycat's House 1F.

11d 23h 37m [D] We're in democracy, by the way.

11d 23h 37m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon Lab.

11d 23h 36m [Bot] [B] On Pokémon Lab.

11d 23h 35m [Bot] [R] We head into Copycat's House 2F.

11d 23h 34m [Bot] [B] On Pokémon Lab.

11d 23h 34m [Bot] [R] We head into Copycat's House 1F.

11d 23h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon Lab.

11d 23h 30m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

11d 23h 29m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

11d 23h 28m [Bot] [B] Route 21.

11d 23h 26m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

11d 23h 23m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 1.

11d 23h 22m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

11d 23h 21m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian Pokémon Center.

11d 23h 21m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

11d 23h 14m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

11d 23h 13m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

11d 23h 11m [Bot] [R] Route 16.

11d 23h 11m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 23h 10m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

11d 23h 9m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

11d 23h 7m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 16.

11d 23h 6m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 23h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2.

11d 23h 2m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

11d 23h 1m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 23h 1m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 2F.

11d 22h 59m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 22h 55m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 22h 54m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 52m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 51m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

[R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 50m [Bot] [B] Route 11.

11d 22h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 47m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

11d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

11d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

[R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 43m [Bot] [B] Route 6.

11d 22h 43m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

11d 22h 42m [Bot] [R] On Route 11.

11d 22h 40m [Bot] [R] Vermilion City.

11d 22h 38m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

11d 22h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Copycat's House 1F.

11d 22h 36m [Bot] [R] Route 6.

11d 22h 35m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

11d 22h 35m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 6.

11d 22h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Copycat's House 2F.

11d 22h 32m [Bot] [B] Copycat's House 1F.

11d 22h 31m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

11d 22h 31m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

11d 22h 31m [Bot] [B] Copycat's House 1F.

[R] Saffron City Gate.

11d 22h 29m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

11d 22h 26m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

11d 22h 26m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

11d 22h 26m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 22h 25m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 22h 24m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 22h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 22h 23m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 22h 22m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Mansion 1F.

11d 22h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Mansion 1F.

11d 22h 22m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Mansion 2F.

11d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Mansion 1F.

11d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] Celadon Mansion 2F.

11d 22h 21m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Mansion 2F.

11d 22h 20m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Mansion 3F.

11d 22h 20m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Mansion 4F.

11d 22h 19m [Bot] [B] Celadon Mansion 3F.

11d 22h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Mansion 2F.

11d 22h 18m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Mansion 4F.


11d 22h 15m [Dev/Meta] M4 is 40 minutes away from home, and will set up the rematch when he arrives

11d 22h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Mansion 3F.

11d 22h 13m [B] Heading up the stairs in Celadon so that both games can officially receive their diplomas.

11d 22h 13m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon Mansion 2F.

11d 22h 13m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Mansion 1F.

11d 22h 12m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Mansion 2F.

11d 22h 12m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Mansion 1F.


11d 22h 11m [R] We're talking to the game developers in Celadon.

11d 22h 8m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 22h 6m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 18 Porygon! Nickname: TPPSIM

11d 22h 3m [R+B] POKEDEX COMPLETE!!

11d 22h 3m [B] We purchase Porygon from Celadon Game Corner.

11d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] We change the nickname of FFFFFFFFFF (Kabutops) to JJJJJJJJRR.

11d 22h 0m [Bot] [B] Rocket Prize Corner.

11d 21h 56m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

[R] We head into Celadon Mansion 3F.

11d 21h 55m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Mansion 4F.

11d 21h 55m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Mansion 2F.

11d 21h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Mansion 1F.

11d 21h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 21h 47m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

11d 21h 46m [Bot] [R] We heal!

11d 21h 45m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 21h 45m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

11d 21h 42m [Bot] [R] We retrieve ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) from the PC!

11d 21h 37m [Bot] [R] We deposit UUKKKKKTKK (Exeggutor) in box 3!

11d 21h 33m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 21h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

[R] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 21h 31m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 11.

11d 21h 30m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

11d 21h 29m [Bot] [R] Rocket Game Corner.

11d 21h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 21h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

11d 21h 22m [Bot] [B] Defeated LT.SURGE!

11d 21h 20m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

11d 21h 18m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

11d 21h 15m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 21h 11m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

11d 21h 10m [Bot] [B] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #6!

[R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 21h 10m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 21h 9m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

11d 21h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 2F.

11d 21h 7m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

11d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store Lift.

11d 21h 5m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

11d 21h 4m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Poké Doll!

11d 21h 3m [Bot] [R] We use a Leaf Stone on UUKKKKKTKK (Exeggutor)! UUKKKKKTKK (Exeggcute) has evolved into a Exeggutor!

11d 20h 59m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Leaf Stone!

11d 20h 54m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 4F.

11d 20h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 3F.

11d 20h 53m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

[R] We head into Celadon Department Store 4F.

11d 20h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

11d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 3F.

11d 20h 52m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

11d 20h 50m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 2F.

11d 20h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

[R] Now in Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 20h 48m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

11d 20h 46m [Bot] [R] Celadon Mansion 1F.

11d 20h 46m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

11d 20h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

[R] Route 7.

11d 20h 44m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

11d 20h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

11d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

[R] Saffron City.

11d 20h 42m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 5.

11d 20h 42m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

11d 20h 42m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 20h 40m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

[R] Route 5.

11d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

[R] In Cerulean City.

11d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

[R] In Cerulean House.

11d 20h 37m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 5.

11d 20h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

11d 20h 33m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

11d 20h 31m [Bot] [R] We retrieve UUKKKKKTKK (Exeggcute) from the PC!

11d 20h 26m [Bot] [R] We deposit ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) in box 12!

11d 20h 24m [Bot] [B] We defeat MISTY!

11d 20h 22m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 52!

11d 20h 22m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

11d 20h 21m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

11d 20h 21m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone Gate.

11d 20h 20m [Bot] [R] We head into Safari Zone Gate.

11d 20h 17m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 73!

11d 20h 16m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

11d 20h 15m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 89!

11d 20h 14m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

11d 20h 12m [Bot] [B] Vs MISTY! Attempt #19!

11d 20h 11m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

11d 20h 9m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

11d 20h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 5.

11d 20h 8m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

11d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 19.

11d 20h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 5.

11d 20h 6m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

[R] We head into Fuchsia City.

11d 20h 6m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

11d 20h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

11d 20h 2m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 19h 57m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

11d 19h 55m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[R] Now on Route 19.

11d 19h 54m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

11d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 19h 52m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 19h 51m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

11d 19h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has leveled up to 56!

11d 19h 47m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

11d 19h 45m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

[R] We head into Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

11d 19h 44m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

11d 19h 40m [Bot] [R] We defeat KOGA!

11d 19h 39m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 81!

11d 19h 35m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 89!

11d 19h 32m [Bot] [R] Vs KOGA! Attempt #5!

11d 19h 28m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Gym .

11d 19h 26m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

11d 19h 25m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

11d 19h 25m [Bot] [R] On Route 18.

11d 19h 24m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18 Gate 1F.

11d 19h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

11d 19h 22m [Bot] [R] Route 18.

11d 19h 21m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 17.

11d 19h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

11d 19h 20m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

[R] Route 16.

11d 19h 18m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

11d 19h 17m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

11d 19h 15m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 19h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 16 Gate 1F.

11d 19h 13m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 16.

11d 19h 11m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

11d 19h 9m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 19h 7m [Bot] [B] On Rocket Game Corner.

11d 19h 6m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 19h 6m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 19h 6m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

11d 19h 5m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 19h 5m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 19h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

11d 19h 4m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

[R] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 19h 2m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

11d 19h 1m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 18h 58m [Bot] [B] In Pewter City.

11d 18h 57m [Bot] [B] Defeated BROCK!

11d 18h 56m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Leaf Stone!

11d 18h 52m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

11d 18h 50m [Bot] [B] Vs BROCK! Attempt #2!

11d 18h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pewter City Gym.

11d 18h 47m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 18h 42m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 18h 42m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon House.

11d 18h 42m [Bot] [B] Now in Pewter City.

11d 18h 41m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM06 Toxic!

11d 18h 40m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

11d 18h 40m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Max Revive!

[Info] We're selling these things, by the way, not tossing them.

11d 18h 37m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Rare Candy!

11d 18h 36m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM29 Psychic!

11d 18h 35m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Nugget!

11d 18h 34m [Bot] [R] We defeat ERIKA!

11d 18h 32m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pewter City Poké Mart.

11d 18h 29m [Bot] [B] Pewter City.

11d 18h 29m [Bot] [R] Vs ERIKA! Attempt #6!

11d 18h 24m [Bot] [R] Now on Celadon Gym.

11d 18h 23m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

11d 18h 22m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

11d 18h 14m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

11d 18h 14m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

11d 18h 13m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

11d 18h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

11d 18h 11m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

11d 18h 7m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

11d 18h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

11d 18h 6m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

[R] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 18h 6m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

11d 18h 5m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Mansion 1F.

11d 18h 5m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 18h 4m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 18h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 18h 2m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

11d 18h 2m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 18h 1m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 18h 1m [Bot] [B] Route 16.

11d 18h 1m [Bot] [B] Route 16 Gate 1F.

11d 18h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store Lift.

11d 18h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 16.

11d 17h 59m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Leaf Stone!

11d 17h 58m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

11d 17h 57m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

11d 17h 56m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 4F.

11d 17h 55m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 3F.

11d 17h 55m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 2F.

11d 17h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 17h 52m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 88!

11d 17h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 17.

11d 17h 49m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 16.

11d 17h 48m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 16 Gate 1F.

[R] Celadon City.

11d 17h 48m [Bot] [B] Route 16.

11d 17h 47m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

11d 17h 47m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

11d 17h 47m And the stream is back!

11d 17h 46m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

11d 17h 37m Apparently the tpp not still thinks democracy is happening tho, and is waiting for inputs. Chat inputs wait4baba.

11d 17h 35m Team Viewer advertises its free session, and the games still aren't visible. Then the stream goes offline!

11d 17h 33m The HUD is working again, but we can't see the games quite yet...

11d 17h 33m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

11d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

11d 17h 31m The overlay crumbles in a different way as the stream staff uses Team Viewer to try and solve our problems.

11d 17h 30m The overlay crumbles! We can see behind the scenes!

11d 17h 29m [Bot] [B] We heal! Acquired 1 TM29 Psychic and 1 Nugget! We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 80! Route 6.

[Chat] WutFaces as the whole screen and overlay shifts around. "IRL EARTHQUAKE!"

11d 17h 5m [Info] Something happened to Red's HUD and it crashed. And as a result, the bot can't ping the stream API right now, and thus is stuck dead in the water. Red just came out of Lt. Surge's Gym, while Blue is outside Saffron's Gym.

11d 16h 5m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 16h 0m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Max Revive!

11d 16h 0m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 3.

11d 15h 55m [Bot] [B] Now in Safari Zone Gate.

11d 15h 55m [Bot] [R] In Viridian City.

11d 15h 54m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

11d 15h 51m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

11d 15h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

11d 15h 50m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

11d 15h 50m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia House.

11d 15h 46m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

11d 15h 45m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Rare Candy!

11d 15h 44m [Bot] [B] Now in Warden's House.

11d 15h 42m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

11d 15h 38m [Bot] [B] We defeat KOGA!

11d 15h 38m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 99!

11d 15h 36m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

11d 15h 30m [Bot] [B] Vs KOGA! Attempt #2!

11d 15h 30m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM06 Toxic!

11d 15h 28m [Bot] [R] Viridian Forest.

11d 15h 27m [Bot] [R] On Route 2 Gate.

11d 15h 26m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia Gym .

11d 15h 22m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

11d 15h 21m [Bot] [B] On Route 18.

11d 15h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 18 Gate 1F.

11d 15h 20m [Bot] [B] On Route 18.

11d 15h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 17.

11d 15h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 16.

11d 15h 18m [Bot] [B] Route 16 Gate 1F.

11d 15h 18m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 16.

11d 15h 15m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 15h 14m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian Forest.

11d 15h 14m [Bot] [R] Route 2 Gate.

11d 15h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 15h 9m [Bot] [R] Route 2.

11d 15h 7m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 15h 7m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian City.

11d 15h 6m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 15h 5m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM18 Counter!

11d 15h 4m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 2F.

11d 15h 3m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM18 Counter!

11d 15h 3m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Department Store 3F.

11d 15h 2m [Bot] [R] Route 1.

11d 15h 1m [Bot] [R] We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

11d 15h 1m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM41 Softboiled!

[R] Now in Mom's House 1F.

11d 15h 0m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Secret Key from the PC!

11d 14h 59m [Bot] [B] Threw away 44 Poké Ball!

11d 14h 58m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Exp.All from the PC!

11d 14h 56m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Helix Fossil from the PC!

11d 14h 55m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Coin Case from the PC!

11d 14h 55m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon Department Store 2F.

11d 14h 54m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Silph Scope from the PC!

11d 14h 54m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 14h 53m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Card Key from the PC!

11d 14h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 14h 50m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Town Map, 1 Coin Case, and 1 TM47 Explosion in the PC!

11d 14h 50m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Exp.All, 1 HM03 Surf, 1 HM04 Strength, and 1 TM05 Mega Kick in the PC!

11d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 S.S.Ticket, 1 Silph Scope, 1 Poké Flute, 1 Lift Key, and 1 Old Rod in the PC!

11d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Helix Fossil, 1 HM01 Cut, and 1 TM35 Metronome in the PC!

11d 14h 49m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 14h 46m [Bot] [R] In Mom's House 2F.

11d 14h 46m [Bot] [R] Now in Mom's House 1F.

11d 14h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

11d 14h 42m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

11d 14h 40m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 1.

11d 14h 40m [Bot] [R] In Viridian City.

11d 14h 39m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

11d 14h 39m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

[R] We head into Viridian City.

11d 14h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon House.

11d 14h 34m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 14h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

11d 14h 30m [Bot] [B] Defeated ERIKA!

11d 14h 29m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 73!

[Info] We have two Pokémon remaining for Pokedex completion. (And one for seen pokedex completion.)

11d 14h 25m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

[R] We head into Viridian City.

11d 14h 24m [Bot] [B] Vs ERIKA! Attempt #2!

11d 14h 24m [Bot] [R] We canter across the ledge.

11d 14h 23m [Bot] [R] Route 22.

11d 14h 23m [Bot] [B] On Celadon Gym.

[R] We head onto Route 22 Gate.

11d 14h 15m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 14h 14m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 14h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM41 Softboiled!

11d 13h 58m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 13h 54m [Bot] [B] Rocket Game Corner.

11d 13h 51m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 13h 50m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 13h 50m [Bot] [B] Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 13h 50m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 13h 49m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

11d 13h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11.

11d 13h 48m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

11d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

11d 13h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

11d 13h 43m [Bot] [B] We defeat LT.SURGE!

11d 13h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 55!

11d 13h 40m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

11d 13h 39m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

11d 13h 38m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 72!

11d 13h 33m [Bot] [B] We heal! ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 51!

11d 13h 31m [Bot] [B] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #5!

11d 13h 29m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

11d 13h 23m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

11d 13h 23m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 26 Nidoking! Nickname: ×()))) We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 13h 22m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 13h 21m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 13h 21m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 13h 20m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

11d 13h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

11d 13h 17m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

11d 13h 17m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

11d 13h 16m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

11d 13h 16m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 13h 15m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

11d 13h 14m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

11d 13h 10m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

11d 13h 9m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

11d 13h 8m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

11d 13h 6m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

11d 13h 3m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

11d 12h 59m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 12h 59m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 12h 58m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 12h 58m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoking.

11d 12h 50m [Bot] [B] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #4!

11d 12h 49m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

11d 12h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

11d 12h 45m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

11d 12h 45m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 22 Gate.

11d 12h 44m [Bot] [R] We've made it past the ledge! Hopefully it stays that way.

11d 12h 43m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

11d 12h 43m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

11d 12h 43m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

11d 12h 40m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

11d 12h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

11d 12h 38m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

11d 12h 36m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 12h 36m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 12h 35m [Bot] [B] Celadon Pokémon Center.

[R] We sumersault over the ledge.

11d 12h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 12h 32m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 22.

11d 12h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

11d 12h 22m [Bot] [R] Route 2.

11d 12h 21m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

11d 12h 19m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

11d 12h 17m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 12h 15m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

11d 12h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

11d 12h 14m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

11d 12h 13m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

[R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

11d 12h 12m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11.

11d 12h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

11d 12h 7m [Bot] [R] Vermilion City.

11d 12h 6m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

11d 12h 5m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 6.

11d 12h 5m [Bot] [B] Defeated MISTY!

11d 12h 4m [Bot] [R] We head onto Underground Path.

11d 12h 4m [Bot] [R] On Underground Path.

11d 12h 2m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

11d 12h 1m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 87!

11d 12h 0m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 5.

11d 11h 58m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

11d 11h 57m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

11d 11h 57m [Bot] [R] We head into Cerulean Pokémon Center.

11d 11h 55m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

11d 11h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs MISTY! Attempt #18!

[R] On Power Plant.

11d 11h 52m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cerulean Gym.

11d 11h 51m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

11d 11h 50m [Bot] [R] Route 10.

11d 11h 49m [Bot] [B] On Route 5.

11d 11h 47m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

11d 11h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

11d 11h 47m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

11d 11h 46m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 9.

11d 11h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

11d 11h 41m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 11h 26m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

11d 11h 26m [Bot] [R] We heal!

11d 11h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

11d 11h 2m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 55 Omastar! Nickname: kkkll((TT We toss a Great Ball at a wild Omastar.

11d 11h 0m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Omastar.

11d 10h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 10h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 10h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 10h 51m [Bot] [B] In Rocket Hideout B1F.

11d 10h 48m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

11d 9h 56m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 9h 56m [Bot] [B] Rocket Hideout B1F.

11d 9h 55m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout B2F.

11d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in Rocket Hideout B1F.

11d 9h 43m [Bot] [B] Rocket Game Corner.

11d 9h 42m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 9h 31m [Bot] [R] We head into Unknown Dungeon 1F.

11d 9h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

11d 9h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 9h 27m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 9h 25m [Bot] [B] On Rocket Game Corner.

11d 9h 22m [Bot] [R] We head onto Unknown Dungeon.

11d 9h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 9h 15m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

11d 9h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

11d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

11d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

11d 9h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

11d 9h 9m [Bot] [R] Unknown Dungeon B1F.

11d 9h 5m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 HM04 Strength from the PC!

11d 9h 5m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 HM03 Surf from the PC!

11d 9h 3m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Pp Up!

11d 9h 2m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 9h 0m [Bot] [B] Saffron Pokémon Center.

11d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

11d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

11d 8h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

11d 8h 51m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

11d 8h 51m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

11d 8h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Unknown Dungeon.

11d 8h 50m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

[R] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

11d 8h 50m [Bot] [R] We head onto Unknown Dungeon.

11d 8h 48m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

11d 8h 47m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

11d 8h 46m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

11d 8h 46m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

11d 8h 42m [Bot] [R] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

11d 8h 39m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

11d 8h 38m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

11d 8h 35m [Bot] [R] Route 24.

11d 8h 33m [Bot] [B] We defeat SABRINA!

11d 8h 31m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

11d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] We heal!

11d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

11d 8h 29m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

11d 8h 27m [Bot] [R] Defeated MISTY!

11d 8h 23m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 83!

11d 8h 22m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

11d 8h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs MISTY! Attempt #6!

11d 8h 18m [Bot] [R] Cerulean Gym.

11d 8h 14m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

11d 8h 13m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

11d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

11d 8h 8m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

11d 8h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 5.

11d 8h 6m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

11d 8h 6m [Bot] [R] On Underground Path.

11d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] Now on Underground Path.

11d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] We head onto Underground Path.

11d 8h 4m [Bot] [B] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #2!

[R] We head onto Underground Path.

11d 8h 3m [Bot] [R] We head onto Underground Path.

11d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] On Route 6.

11d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Vermilion City.

11d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11.

11d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 11 Gate 1F.

11d 7h 52m [Bot] [R] Route 12.

11d 7h 45m [Bot] [R] Route 13.

11d 7h 41m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron Gym.

[R] Now on Route 14.

11d 7h 38m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

11d 7h 37m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

11d 7h 37m [Bot] [R] Route 15.

11d 7h 36m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

11d 7h 36m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 1F.

11d 7h 35m [Bot] [R] Route 15.

11d 7h 35m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

11d 7h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

11d 7h 31m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 7h 30m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

11d 7h 30m [Bot] [R] Route 19.

11d 7h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

11d 7h 29m [Bot] [R] We heal!

11d 7h 28m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

11d 7h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

11d 7h 24m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 30 Omanyte! Nickname: QQQQQQQQQZ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Omanyte.

11d 7h 23m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Omanyte.

11d 7h 23m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Omanyte.

11d 7h 22m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Omanyte.

11d 7h 22m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Omanyte.

11d 7h 17m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 30 Cloyster! Nickname: QQQQQQQRR] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 15m [Bot] [B] Rocket Game Corner.

11d 7h 15m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

11d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cloyster.

11d 7h 5m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 7h 4m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

11d 7h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

11d 6h 57m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

11d 6h 52m [Bot] [R] On Route 20.

11d 6h 48m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 19.

11d 6h 48m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

11d 6h 47m [Bot] [R] We heal!

11d 6h 47m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

11d 6h 46m [Bot] [B] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 6h 44m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

11d 6h 43m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18.

11d 6h 42m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18 Gate 1F.

11d 6h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18.

11d 6h 39m [Bot] [R] On Route 17.

11d 6h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[R] Arrived on Route 16.

11d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 6h 37m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 6h 33m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 51 Poliwrath! Nickname: JJJJJJJJRR We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Poliwrath.

11d 6h 32m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Poliwrath.

11d 6h 31m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Poliwrath.

11d 6h 31m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Poliwrath.

11d 6h 31m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Poliwrath.

11d 6h 31m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Poliwrath.

11d 6h 30m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 16 Gate 1F.

11d 6h 29m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 16.

11d 6h 27m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 6h 26m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 6h 22m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 53 Kabutops! Nickname: FFFFFFFFFF We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

11d 6h 21m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

11d 6h 20m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 19m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 19m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 19m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 18m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 18m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 18m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 18m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 17m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 17m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 17m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 16m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 16m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 16m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 16m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 15m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 15m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 15m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

11d 6h 13m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 13m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 12m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

11d 6h 9m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 2F.

11d 6h 7m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 1F.

11d 6h 5m [Bot] [B] In Unknown Dungeon 1F.

11d 6h 3m [Bot] [B] Unknown Dungeon B1F.

[R] We head into Celadon City.

11d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone 3.

11d 5h 57m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Unknown Dungeon.

11d 5h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

11d 5h 52m [Bot] [R] Safari Zone Gate.

11d 5h 49m [Bot] [B] In Unknown Dungeon B1F.

11d 5h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

11d 5h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 24.

11d 5h 43m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

11d 5h 43m [Bot] [R] On Route 18.

11d 5h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18 Gate 1F.

11d 5h 39m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18.

11d 5h 32m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

11d 5h 30m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

11d 5h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

11d 5h 30m [Bot] [B] On Route 5.

11d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

11d 5h 27m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

11d 5h 27m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

11d 5h 26m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

11d 5h 26m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

11d 5h 23m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 5h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 5h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] On Route 17.

[Chat] epicnights: damn they really upped security recently

11d 5h 17m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 16.

11d 5h 17m [R] And we're through!

11d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 5h 16m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Coin Case!

11d 5h 14m [R] We seem to be trying to force our way through the Cycling Road gatehouse, by exploiting event activation to get past before we're turned back. (The same bug in the gen 1 engine that caused all of the troubles with the Battle Tent in Anniversary Red.)

11d 5h 15m [Bot] [B] On Celadon Restaurant.

11d 5h 14m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

11d 5h 10m [Bot] [R] On Route 16 Gate 1F.

11d 5h 10m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 16.

11d 5h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon House.

11d 5h 5m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

11d 5h 3m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

11d 5h 3m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

11d 5h 3m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

11d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

11d 4h 52m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

11d 4h 50m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

11d 4h 49m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 4h 47m GAMES RESET

11d 4h 47m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron Pokémon Center.

[R] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

[Info] People keep running away from our battles. We have yet to actually finish a battle, between forfeiting and that lovely OLDEN battle being reset on us earlier.

11d 4h 46m [Bot] [B] We defeat (((!

[R] Defeated XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

11d 4h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #7!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #7!

11d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] We heal! Defeated (((!

[R] We heal! Defeated XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

11d 4h 45m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

11d 4h 44m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #6!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #6!

11d 4h 44m [Bot] [B] We heal! Defeated (((!

[R] We heal! We defeat XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

11d 4h 43m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

11d 4h 43m Inputs resume as we re-enter battle with ourselves!

11d 4h 43m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #5!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #5!

11d 4h 42m Now M4 is moving us back to the Cable Club again, and putting us back in the Colosseum.

11d 4h 43m [Bot] [B] We heal! Arrived on Colosseum.

[R] We heal! Colosseum.

11d 4h 41m Uhhhh, and now a previous save state was loaded right in the middle of a previous battle, and the music didn't update. Now we're back in the Pokémon Center, talking to dude on the couch. M4 saves our games for us.

11d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] Defeated (((! We head into Saffron Pokémon Center.

[R] Defeated XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 4h 41m Now Blue physically ran away from the table.

11d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #4!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #4!

11d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] Defeated (((!

[R] Defeated XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

11d 4h 40m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #3!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #3!

11d 4h 39m And Red runs from battle!

11d 4h 39m [Bot] [B] We heal! Defeated (((!

[R] We heal! Defeated XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

11d 4h 37m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

11d 4h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

11d 4h 36m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

11d 4h 36m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

11d 4h 35m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

11d 4h 34m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

11d 4h 34m We are once again in a battle with ourselves, by the way, and this battle seems synced still.

[Info] ax6: m4 accidentally boosted the link battle, just like rematches
ax6: so they are actually different teams on both sides
ax6: and since that also recalculates stats, stat exp goes down to zero
ax6: which also explains the fitness going down in dexnav

11d 4h 33m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

11d 4h 32m There's no music as we're manually put back into a battle.

11d 4h 32m [Bot] [B] We heal! Threw away 32 Super Rod!

[R] We heal! Threw away 32 TM35 Metronome!

11d 4h 32m AND RESET

[Info] On the bottom of the screen, the DexNav shows different fitnesses than what our own teams have...

11d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] Acquired 32 Super Rod!

11d 4h 30m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

11d 4h 29m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

11d 4h 28m Fury swipes and poison and now another Voltorb gets sent out and this is insane... there's artefacts all over Red's screen...

11d 4h 29m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

11d 4h 27m And now Red thinks blue has a Voltorb and Red has gained items when he shouldn't have...

11d 4h 27m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

11d 4h 26m And now Venasaur is paralyzed on one screen and faints on the other.... and oh boy...

11d 4h 26m [Bot] [R] Acquired 32 TM35 Metronome!

11d 4h 26m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

11d 4h 25m Now Red's Raichu has more health than Blue thinks it does.

11d 4h 24m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

11d 4h 24m And we have a desync! Charizard has fainted on Red's screen, but has not on Blue's!

11d 4h 24m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

11d 4h 22m Blue swapped to Lapras, which turned out to be a poor choice with a good Earthquake. But then Red swaps to Charizard and Lapras Hydro Pumps.

11d 4h 23m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

11d 4h 22m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

11d 4h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #2!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #2!

[Snark] This is getting existential up in here.

11d 4h 20m And we RAN from ourselves!

11d 4h 20m [Bot] [B] We heal! Defeated (((!

[R] We heal! We defeat XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

11d 4h 18m 5/6ths of Red's Pokémon have been taken down by Alakazam alone!

11d 4h 18m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

11d 4h 18m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

11d 4h 17m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

11d 4h 16m So far, Blue's Alakazam is sweeping Red's team with Psychics!

11d 4h 16m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

11d 4h 15m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

11d 4h 15m [Bot] [B] Vs (((!

[R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

11d 4h 14m We drop out of Democracy and enter battle with ourselves!

11d 4h 13m [Bot] [B] Now on Colosseum.

[R] We head onto Colosseum.

11d 4h 13m [D] Back to the Cable Club!

11d 4h 10m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[R] We heal!

11d 4h 9m [D] Welp, never mind! We head towards the door.

11d 4h 8m [D] We attempt to go down to the Colosseum, and... somehow the controls desync and don't register our inputs...

11d 4h 5m [D] We leave the PC (and the PC box at box 12), and head to the Cable Club.

11d 4h 4m [Bot] [B] We withdraw OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable)!

[R] We withdraw A (Charizard)!

11d 4h 3m [Bot] [B] We retrieve UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) from the PC!

[R] We withdraw QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu)!

11d 4h 1m [Bot] [B] Deposited RIAA (Machamp) in box 5!

[R] We deposit (××××Zᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏ (Golem) in box 5!

11d 3h 59m [Bot] [B] We deposit FEENNNNN[ (Slowpoke) in box 5!

[R] Deposited HHHHH (Gengar) in box 5!

11d 3h 58m [D] We changed to box 5.

11d 3h 54m [D] Back to the PC now.

11d 3h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron Pokémon Center.

[R] We head into Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 3h 52m [D] We reset the game!

11d 3h 51m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

11d 3h 51m [D] We back out of the trading table.

11d 3h 50m [Bot] [B] We heal! RIAA (Machoke) evolves into a Machamp!

[R] We heal! (××××Zᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏ (Graveler) has evolved into a Golem!

11d 3h 49m [D] We select Graveler and Machoke to trade

11d 3h 48m [Bot] [R] We heal! HHHHH (Haunter) has evolved into a Gengar!

11d 3h 46m [D] We select to trade Slowpoke and Haunter.

11d 3h 44m [D] Pokémon Stadium mini game music plays as we begin our trade session.

11d 3h 44m [D] Blue logs into the trade table immediately. Red decides to step away for a breather or something...

11d 3h 43m [Bot] [B] In Trade Center.

[R] Now in Trade Center.

11d 3h 42m [D] We save! And connect on the link cable!

11d 3h 41m [D] Fedora guy threatens to get in our way again as we head to the Cable Club...

11d 3h 40m [D] We approach the counter and say we don't need to heal to the nurse. And we are now in sync again.

11d 3h 39m [Bot] [B] Saffron Pokémon Center.

11d 3h 38m [D] Red gets off the PC, and goes to heal our Pokémon. Blue heads back to the Poké Center as well.

11d 3h 37m [Bot] [R] We retrieve FEENNNNN[ (Slowpoke) from the PC!

11d 3h 35m [Bot] [R] We withdraw RIAA (Machoke)!

11d 3h 34m [D] Blue slams against a wall a few times. Red switches to box 3.

11d 3h 30m [D] Red turns on the PC. Blue attempts to log into a wall, and fails to connect to the Kanto Building Blackboard System.

11d 3h 29m [D] Red heads to the PC while Blue cases a girl outside.

11d 3h 28m [Bot] [R] Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 3h 26m [D] Red smacks against a bush to the east as Blue heads east out of the Poké Center.

[Chat] louiswp1: Team Rocket is over GO HOME Kappa

11d 3h 25m [D] The Team Rocket grunt watches in concern as Red humps the fence and then turns and rushes at the grunt and starts banging against him as well. The grunt recoils as Blue walks to the Poké Center door.

11d 3h 25m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

11d 3h 23m [Bot] [B] We withdraw HHHHH (Haunter)!

11d 3h 22m [D] We go into the box to withdraw a Pokémon... while Red dives against a fence outside, and is looked upon disdainfully by a Team Rocket grunt just hanging out out here.

11d 3h 21m [D] Blue changes to box 3.

11d 3h 18m [Bot] [B] We withdraw (××××Zᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏ (Graveler)!

11d 3h 17m [D] Red continues to run sprints outside while Blue moves down and chooses a Pokémon to withdraw...

11d 3h 14m [D] Blue goes to change the box, while Red steps out into the street tentatively, and then races back up to his precious bush. Blue changes to Box 4.

11d 3h 12m [D] Blue logs into Bill's PC. Red attempts to type on a bush, and fails to log into Kanto's Nature Network.

11d 3h 12m [D][B] The PC turns on again.

11d 3h 11m [D] Blue heads back to the PC, while Red humps a bush outside.

11d 3h 10m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron Pokémon Center.

11d 3h 9m [D] Red heads around behind some buildings. Blue smacks her face against the wall of the next building over.

11d 3h 8m [D] start9

11d 3h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

[R] We head into Celadon City.

11d 3h 7m [D] We walk away across the Poké Center.

11d 3h 7m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

11d 3h 6m [Bot] [B] Deposited OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) in box 12!

[R] We deposit A (Charizard) in box 12!

11d 3h 4m [D] We deposit our first team members!

[Fluff] And that's another thing I thought my bot tracked, but apparently it didn't. It should have reported that...

11d 3h 3m [D] We change to box 12!

11d 3h 3m [D] We open the change box menu, and scroll down to box 12. The cursor doesn't wrap.

11d 3h 2m [D] We enter Bill's PC. Blue is on box 5, Red box 3.

11d 2h 59m [D] We turn on the PCs.

11d 2h 59m [D] The pair sync up under the PC and turn towards it in unison.

11d 2h 57m [D] Red manages to get free of the fedora guy.

[Fluff] Although, Red is caught in the corner by a dude in a suit, so now we're desynced...

11d 2h 54m [D] We're now in democracy. Both are in the same corner of different Pokémon centers.

11d 2h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 2h 50m [Bot] [B] Saffron Pokémon Center.

11d 2h 47m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

11d 2h 42m [Bot] [B] Route 8.

11d 2h 42m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

11d 2h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 2h 40m [Bot] [R] Celadon House.

11d 2h 38m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 71!

11d 2h 33m [Bot] [B] On Rock Tunnel.

11d 2h 32m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

11d 2h 28m [Bot] [R] Defeated ERIKA!

11d 2h 27m [Bot] [B] Rock Tunnel.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 55!

11d 2h 25m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 10.

11d 2h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

11d 2h 23m [Bot] [B] In Mr. Fuji's House.

11d 2h 22m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Town.

11d 2h 22m [Bot] [R] Vs ERIKA! Attempt #5!

11d 2h 22m [Bot] [B] We heal!

11d 2h 22m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Pokémon Center.

11d 2h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Celadon Gym.

11d 2h 20m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

11d 2h 17m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 8.

11d 2h 13m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

11d 2h 12m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12.

11d 2h 11m [Bot] [B] On Route 12 Gate 1F.

11d 2h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

11d 2h 9m [Bot] [R] We heal!

11d 2h 8m [Bot] [R] Celadon Pokémon Center.

11d 2h 6m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

11d 2h 5m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

11d 2h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

11d 2h 4m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

11d 2h 2m [Bot] [B] On Route 12.

11d 2h 2m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

11d 2h 2m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

11d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 6.

11d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Underground Path.

11d 1h 56m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 13.

11d 1h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 14.

11d 1h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 6.

11d 1h 50m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

[R] Now in Vermilion City.

11d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 1F.

[R] Now in Vermilion House.

11d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

11d 1h 41m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

11d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 35m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 32m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 31m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 30m [Bot] [R] We boot up a TM15 Hyper Beam. -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) learned Hyper Beam over Rage!

11d 1h 29m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 26m [Bot] [R] In Vermilion City.

11d 1h 24m [Bot] [R] We defeat LT.SURGE!

11d 1h 24m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 55!

11d 1h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 22m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 88!

11d 1h 21m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 21m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 20m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 18m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 18m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

11d 1h 15m [Bot] [R] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #4!

11d 1h 12m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

11d 1h 10m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 20.

11d 1h 7m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

[R] Arrived in Vermilion City.

11d 1h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 4m [Bot] [R] Route 6.

11d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 1h 0m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

11d 1h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

11d 0h 58m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

[R] We head onto Route 7.

11d 0h 57m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

11d 0h 54m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

11d 0h 54m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

11d 0h 52m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM15 Hyper Beam!

11d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

11d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

11d 0h 48m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

11d 0h 47m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

[R] Threw away 1 Fresh Water!

11d 0h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

[R] Threw away 1 Fresh Water!

11d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

11d 0h 41m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

11d 0h 40m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 30 Jynx! Nickname: ᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏZZHGG We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 39m [Bot] [R] Rocket Prize Corner.

11d 0h 38m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

11d 0h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 34m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 34m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 32m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

11d 0h 31m [Bot] [B] We heal! We heal UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) with a Super Potion!

11d 0h 30m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

11d 0h 29m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 29m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Jynx.

11d 0h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

11d 0h 28m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

11d 0h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

11d 0h 26m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

11d 0h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

11d 0h 15m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

11d 0h 11m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

11d 0h 9m [Bot] [R] Cerulean Gym.

11d 0h 8m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

11d 0h 5m [Bot] [R] Defeated MISTY!

11d 0h 3m [Bot] [B] On Route 20.

11d 0h 2m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 82!

11d 0h 0m [Bot] [R] Vs MISTY! Attempt #5!

10d 23h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cerulean Gym.

10d 23h 56m [Bot] [B] On Route 19.

10d 23h 53m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

10d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] On Route 19.

10d 23h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 5.

10d 23h 52m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

10d 23h 51m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 23h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

10d 23h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

10d 23h 49m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

10d 23h 48m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

10d 23h 48m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

10d 23h 47m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

10d 23h 46m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 23h 45m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 23h 45m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... Threw away 1 Poké Ball! Arrived in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

[R] Celadon City.

10d 23h 45m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 23h 43m [Bot] [R] In Viridian Forest.

10d 23h 43m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 23h 43m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2 Gate.

10d 23h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted! We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 23h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kabutops.

[R] We head onto Route 2.

10d 23h 36m [Bot] [R] We head into Pewter City.

10d 23h 34m [Bot] [R] We defeat BROCK!

10d 23h 32m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

10d 23h 29m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

10d 23h 28m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

10d 23h 24m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

10d 23h 23m [Bot] [R] Vs BROCK! Attempt #2!

10d 23h 21m [Bot] [R] Now in Pewter City Gym.

10d 23h 17m [Bot] [R] In Pewter City.

10d 23h 13m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

10d 23h 11m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

10d 23h 11m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

10d 23h 6m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

10d 23h 5m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

10d 23h 4m [Bot] [R] On Route 11.

10d 23h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Vermilion City.

10d 22h 57m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

10d 22h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 6.

10d 22h 56m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

10d 22h 53m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

10d 22h 53m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

10d 22h 53m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

10d 22h 52m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

10d 22h 50m [Bot] [B] Now in Unknown Dungeon 1F.

10d 22h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 22h 48m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

10d 22h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

10d 22h 46m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

10d 22h 44m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

10d 22h 42m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

10d 22h 42m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

10d 22h 41m [Bot] [B] We head onto Unknown Dungeon.

10d 22h 39m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

10d 22h 38m [Bot] [R] Vs GIOVANNI! Attempt #4!

10d 22h 29m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 22h 27m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

10d 22h 25m [Bot] [R] Now on Viridian Gym.

10d 22h 21m [Bot] [B] Route 24.

10d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

10d 22h 19m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian House.

10d 22h 15m [Bot] [R] In Viridian City.

10d 22h 15m [Bot] [R] We head onto Viridian Gym.

10d 22h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

10d 22h 11m [Bot] [B] On Route 5.

10d 22h 10m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

10d 22h 9m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

10d 22h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

10d 22h 6m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

10d 22h 4m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

10d 22h 3m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

10d 22h 3m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

[R] Route 2 Gate.

10d 22h 1m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

10d 22h 1m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

10d 22h 0m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

10d 22h 0m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 59m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 59m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

[R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

10d 21h 59m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 58m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 58m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 58m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 58m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 56m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Nugget!

10d 21h 54m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 54m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 54m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

[R] Now in Diglett's Cave.

10d 21h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

[R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

10d 21h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 5 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 6 Poké Ball!

[R] Route 11.

10d 21h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 5 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

10d 21h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

[R] We head into Vermilion City.

10d 21h 48m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Super Potion!

10d 21h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

[R] On Route 6.

10d 21h 46m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

10d 21h 45m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

10d 21h 43m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

10d 21h 43m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

10d 21h 42m [Bot] [B] Defeated LT.SURGE!

[R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

10d 21h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

10d 21h 41m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 98!

10d 21h 40m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

10d 21h 40m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

10d 21h 40m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 21h 39m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 21h 36m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 21h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

10d 21h 34m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 21h 33m [Bot] [B] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #3!

10d 21h 31m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

10d 21h 29m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 28m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 28m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

10d 21h 27m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 24m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 11.

10d 21h 24m [Bot] [R] Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 22m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 22m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 19m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 12.

10d 21h 18m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 14m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 13m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 12m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

10d 21h 11m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 8m [Bot] [R] Seafoam Islands.

10d 21h 2m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 20.

10d 21h 2m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 13.

10d 20h 59m [Bot] [R] Seafoam Islands.

10d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 20.

10d 20h 48m [Bot] [R] On Route 19.

10d 20h 46m [Bot] [B] Route 14.

10d 20h 44m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

10d 20h 44m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

10d 20h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18.

10d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] On Route 15 Gate 1F.

10d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

10d 20h 43m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18 Gate 1F.

10d 20h 41m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18.

10d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

10d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] We heal!

10d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

10d 20h 38m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 17.

10d 20h 38m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

10d 20h 37m [Bot] [R] Route 16.

10d 20h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 16 Gate 1F.

10d 20h 34m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 16.

10d 20h 30m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Kabutops.

10d 20h 27m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

10d 20h 24m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Poliwrath.

10d 20h 21m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 50!

10d 20h 21m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

10d 20h 19m [Bot] [B] We heal VVDDD- (Alakazam) with a Max Potion!

10d 20h 18m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

10d 20h 15m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 20h 15m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 20h 15m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 20h 13m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 65 Snorlax! Nickname: NUTTKQQ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Snorlax.

10d 20h 13m [Bot] [R] We defeat SABRINA!

10d 20h 9m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

10d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

10d 20h 7m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

10d 20h 4m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) is now level 54!

10d 20h 3m [Bot] [R] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #4!

10d 20h 3m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

10d 20h 2m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron Gym.

10d 20h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

10d 20h 0m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

10d 19h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

10d 19h 57m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 19h 55m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 55 Rhydon! Nickname: CABAᵖᵏ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 54m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

10d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 53m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 53m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 53m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 52m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 52m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

10d 19h 51m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 51m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

10d 19h 50m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

10d 19h 50m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 86!

10d 19h 49m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

10d 19h 49m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

10d 19h 48m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 87!

10d 19h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

10d 19h 47m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 79!

10d 19h 45m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 45m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 44m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

10d 19h 42m [Bot] [R] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #3!

10d 19h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 38m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 38m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 38m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron Gym.

10d 19h 38m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 37m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Rhydon.

10d 19h 36m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 64 Dragonite! Nickname: ;)TK We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Dragonite.

10d 19h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Dragonite.

[R] We head into Saffron City.

10d 19h 35m [Bot] [B] We heal OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) with a Max Potion!

[R] Now in Saffron Gym.

10d 19h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Dragonite.

10d 19h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Dragonite.

10d 19h 34m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Dragonite.

10d 19h 34m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Dragonite.

10d 19h 30m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

10d 19h 26m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron Gym.

10d 19h 23m [Bot] [B] Now in Unknown Dungeon 1F.

[R] Arrived in Saffron City.

10d 19h 22m [Bot] [B] In Unknown Dungeon B1F.

[R] In Saffron City Gate.

10d 19h 22m [Bot] [B] We head onto Unknown Dungeon.

10d 19h 21m [Bot] [B] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 19h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

10d 19h 19m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 19h 19m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 19h 18m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 19h 18m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 19h 17m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

10d 19h 13m [Bot] [B] Unknown Dungeon.

10d 19h 11m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 19h 9m [Bot] [B] We head onto Unknown Dungeon.

10d 19h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 19h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Unknown Dungeon.

10d 19h 7m [Bot] [R] On Route 20.

10d 19h 3m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 19.

10d 19h 2m [Bot] [B] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 18h 58m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

10d 18h 57m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venusaur.

10d 18h 53m [Bot] [R] Defeated KOGA!

10d 18h 51m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 54!

10d 18h 50m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

10d 18h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Unknown Dungeon.

10d 18h 47m [Bot] [B] In Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 18h 47m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

10d 18h 47m [Bot] [B] On Unknown Dungeon.

10d 18h 46m [Bot] [B] Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 18h 46m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

10d 18h 45m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 81!

10d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] We head onto Unknown Dungeon.

10d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 23 Seadra! Nickname: SS! We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 43m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

[R] Vs KOGA! Attempt #4!

10d 18h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 40m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seadra.

[R] Fuchsia Gym .

10d 18h 33m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Carbos!

10d 18h 23m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 22m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seadra.

10d 18h 22m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seadra.

[R] Now in Fuchsia City.

10d 18h 21m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Guard Spec.!

10d 18h 21m [Bot] [R] Route 18 Gate 1F.

10d 18h 19m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18.

10d 18h 17m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 17.

10d 18h 17m [Bot] [R] Route 16.

10d 18h 15m [Bot] [B] In Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 18h 15m [Bot] [B] Now on Unknown Dungeon.

10d 18h 14m [Bot] [R] On Route 16 Gate 1F.

10d 18h 13m [Bot] [R] Route 16.

10d 18h 13m [Bot] [B] In Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 18h 11m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

10d 18h 8m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 18h 8m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 18h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 18h 6m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

10d 18h 6m [Bot] [B] On Route 24.

10d 18h 2m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

10d 18h 2m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

10d 18h 0m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

10d 17h 59m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 5.

10d 17h 58m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

[R] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

10d 17h 56m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

10d 17h 56m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

10d 17h 56m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 17h 55m [Bot] [R] In Celadon House.

10d 17h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

10d 17h 52m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

10d 17h 52m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

10d 17h 49m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

10d 17h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11 Gate 1F.

[R] Defeated ERIKA!

10d 17h 48m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 54!

10d 17h 45m [Bot] [R] Vs ERIKA! Attempt #4!

10d 17h 42m [Bot] [B] Route 12.

10d 17h 40m [Bot] [R] We head onto Celadon Gym.

10d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 13.

10d 17h 32m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 14.

10d 17h 31m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 13.

10d 17h 29m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

10d 17h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 14.

10d 17h 22m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

10d 17h 22m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 15 Gate 1F.

[R] Rocket Game Corner.

10d 17h 17m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 17h 16m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

10d 17h 16m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

10d 17h 15m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

10d 17h 14m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

10d 17h 14m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

10d 17h 14m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 17h 11m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 17h 11m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 17h 11m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 17h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia Poké Mart.

[R] On Route 6.

10d 17h 8m [Bot] [R] We head into Vermilion City.

10d 17h 8m [Bot] [R] Vermilion House.

10d 17h 6m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

10d 17h 6m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

10d 17h 4m [Bot] [B] Now in Safari Zone Gate.

[R] Vermilion City.

10d 17h 1m [Bot] [R] Defeated LT.SURGE!

10d 17h 0m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 25 Exeggcute! Nickname: YYYYYY

10d 16h 58m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 25 Exeggcute! Nickname: VVMMMMMMMM

10d 16h 56m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

10d 16h 55m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

10d 16h 52m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 25 Exeggcute! Nickname: F[

10d 16h 51m [Bot] [R] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #3!

10d 16h 49m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

10d 16h 44m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Vermilion City.

10d 16h 43m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 30 Nidorina! Nickname: ×

10d 16h 39m [Bot] [R] On Route 6.

10d 16h 39m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 28 Tangela! Nickname: ;W

[R] In Saffron City Gate.

10d 16h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

10d 16h 37m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Max Potion!

[R] We heal!

10d 16h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Pokémon Center.

10d 16h 33m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

10d 16h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone 3.

[R] Now on Route 5.

10d 16h 33m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

10d 16h 31m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 16h 28m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone 2.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: 17 more to go?

10d 16h 22m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many more to catch?

10d 16h 11m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 1.

10d 16h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

10d 16h 7m [Bot] [B] Now in Safari Zone Gate.

10d 15h 55m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 4.

10d 15h 52m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 15h 48m [Bot] [R] We defeat MISTY!

10d 15h 45m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 80!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many more pokemon to capture?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

10d 15h 41m [Bot] [R] Vs MISTY! Attempt #4!

10d 15h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

10d 15h 37m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 15h 35m [Bot] [R] Now on Cerulean Gym.

10d 15h 34m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 26 Nidorina! Nickname: AA

10d 15h 33m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

10d 15h 31m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 15h 31m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

10d 15h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

10d 15h 27m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

10d 15h 27m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 15h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Pokémon Center.

10d 15h 24m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian Forest.

10d 15h 24m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 Gate.

10d 15h 23m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian Forest.

10d 15h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

10d 15h 21m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

10d 15h 18m [Bot] [R] Pewter City.

10d 15h 18m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 31 Weepinbell! Nickname: S

10d 15h 17m [Bot] [R] We defeat BROCK!

10d 15h 15m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

10d 15h 12m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone 2.

10d 15h 9m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

10d 15h 7m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

10d 15h 4m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 1.

10d 15h 0m [Bot] [R] Vs BROCK!

10d 14h 57m [Bot] [R] Pewter City Gym.

10d 14h 55m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pewter City.

10d 14h 51m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

10d 14h 51m [Bot] [R] In Diglett's Cave.

10d 14h 44m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

[R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

10d 14h 44m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

10d 14h 44m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11.

10d 14h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

10d 14h 41m [Bot] [R] We head into Vermilion City.

10d 14h 38m [Bot] [R] Route 6.

10d 14h 38m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many more to catch?

10d 14h 36m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going/

10d 14h 35m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 14h 34m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Pokémon Center.

10d 14h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

10d 14h 27m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

10d 14h 24m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

10d 14h 19m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone 2.

10d 14h 18m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

10d 14h 18m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone Gate.

10d 14h 3m [Bot] [R] Rocket Game Corner.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many more to catch?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

10d 13h 56m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 13h 56m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 16.

10d 13h 55m [Bot] [R] On Route 16 Gate 1F.

10d 13h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 16.

10d 13h 40m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Snorlax.

10d 13h 40m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Snorlax.

10d 13h 34m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Snorlax.

10d 13h 29m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 86!

10d 13h 23m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

10d 13h 13m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

10d 13h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone 2.

10d 13h 7m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

10d 13h 6m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 17.

10d 13h 4m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18.

10d 13h 4m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 17.

10d 13h 2m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18.

10d 12h 59m [Bot] [R] On Route 18 Gate 1F.

10d 12h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 18.

10d 12h 55m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 1.

10d 12h 53m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

10d 12h 52m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone Gate.

10d 12h 50m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

10d 12h 49m [Bot] [B] Now in Safari Zone Gate.

10d 12h 48m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 26 Nidorina! Nickname: --

10d 12h 46m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 24 Electabuzz! Nickname: )---?(((t

10d 12h 45m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone 2.

10d 12h 45m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone Gate.

10d 12h 42m [Bot] [R] We head into Safari Zone 2.

10d 12h 36m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 20 Dragonair! Nickname: ---×

10d 12h 21m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 2.

10d 12h 20m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone Gate.

10d 12h 17m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 25 Scyther! Nickname: WEFOXXYY]]

10d 12h 16m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone 2.

10d 12h 11m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 28 Kangaskhan! Nickname: VA

10d 12h 0m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Max Potion!

10d 11h 55m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 22 Beedrill! Nickname: ]]]]]]./

10d 11h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Carbos!

10d 11h 51m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 23 Exeggcute! Nickname: UUKKKKKTKK

10d 11h 50m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 24 Rhyhorn! Nickname: ))))))

10d 11h 43m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM37 Egg Bomb!

10d 11h 39m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone 1.

10d 11h 38m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone Gate.

10d 11h 36m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

10d 11h 31m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

10d 11h 30m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone 1.

10d 11h 30m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia House.

10d 11h 28m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

10d 11h 25m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 30 Nidorino! Nickname: ×((

10d 11h 10m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone Gate.

10d 11h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

10d 11h 2m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

10d 11h 2m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15.

10d 11h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 1F.

10d 10h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15.

10d 10h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 14.

10d 10h 36m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone Gate.

10d 10h 35m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone Gate.

10d 10h 35m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 24 Gloom! Nickname: OOOOOOOOOO We toss a Great Ball at a wild Gloom.

10d 10h 34m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone Gate.

10d 10h 34m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Gloom.

10d 10h 34m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Gloom.

10d 10h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone Gate.

10d 10h 31m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 25 Lickitung! Nickname: ZZZZZZZZZ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Lickitung.

10d 10h 30m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Lickitung.

10d 10h 30m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Lickitung.

10d 10h 30m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Lickitung.

10d 10h 29m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Lickitung.

10d 10h 29m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Lickitung.

10d 10h 26m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

10d 10h 25m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia House.

10d 10h 25m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 28 Vileplume! Nickname: CCCCCC We toss a Great Ball at a wild Vileplume.

10d 10h 24m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Vileplume.

10d 10h 23m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Vileplume.

10d 10h 23m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Vileplume.

10d 10h 22m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

10d 10h 21m [Bot] [B] We heal!

10d 10h 21m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Vileplume.

10d 10h 20m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

10d 10h 15m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

10d 10h 14m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

10d 10h 14m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 1F.

10d 10h 11m [Bot] [B] Route 15.

[R] On Route 13.

10d 10h 9m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 23 Hypno! Nickname: AAKTTLLUWW We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Hypno.

10d 10h 7m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Hypno.

10d 10h 6m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Hypno.

10d 10h 5m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 12.

10d 10h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 11.

10d 10h 5m [Bot] [R] Route 11 Gate 1F.

10d 9h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11.

10d 9h 47m [Bot] [B] On Route 14.

10d 9h 46m [Bot] [B] Route 15.

10d 9h 45m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 72!

10d 9h 39m [Bot] [R] In Vermilion City.

10d 9h 37m [Bot] [R] We defeat LT.SURGE!

10d 9h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 14.

10d 9h 31m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

10d 9h 29m [Bot] [R] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #2!

10d 9h 27m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

10d 9h 20m [Bot] [R] Vermilion City.

10d 9h 18m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 24 Vaporeon! Nickname: RPObbh We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Vaporeon.

10d 9h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Vaporeon.

[R] Arrived on Route 6.

10d 9h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Vaporeon.

10d 9h 16m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 26 Jolteon! Nickname: (((×ᵐᶰ- We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

10d 9h 15m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

10d 9h 15m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

10d 9h 14m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

10d 9h 14m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

10d 9h 14m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

10d 9h 14m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

[R] In Saffron City.

10d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

[R] Route 7.

10d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

10d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jolteon.

[R] Saffron City Gate.

10d 9h 12m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

10d 9h 10m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 9h 9m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 1F.

10d 9h 7m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

10d 9h 7m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

10d 9h 7m [Bot] [R] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

10d 9h 4m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

10d 9h 3m [Bot] [R] Acquired 13 Great Ball!

10d 9h 2m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 28 Victreebel! Nickname: V We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 9h 1m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 9h 1m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

[R] Threw away 1 TM18 Counter!

10d 9h 0m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 9h 0m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 9h 0m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 9h 0m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Victreebel.

10d 8h 49m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 2F.

10d 8h 48m [Bot] [B] On Route 13.

10d 8h 47m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM18 Counter!

10d 8h 46m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 3F.

10d 8h 45m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12.

10d 8h 45m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Super Rod!

10d 8h 44m [Bot] [B] On Route 12 House.

10d 8h 43m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 2F.

10d 8h 42m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 1F.

10d 8h 42m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 2F.

10d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 1F.

10d 8h 39m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

10d 8h 38m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 16.

10d 8h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 12.

10d 8h 35m [Bot] [B] On Route 11 Gate 1F.

10d 8h 34m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 11.

10d 8h 33m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

10d 8h 33m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 8h 31m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

10d 8h 31m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

10d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

10d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

10d 8h 30m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

[R] On Route 7.

10d 8h 29m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

10d 8h 29m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

10d 8h 29m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

10d 8h 28m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

10d 8h 28m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

10d 8h 27m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

10d 8h 27m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

10d 8h 27m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

10d 8h 26m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

10d 8h 25m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 8h 23m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

10d 8h 22m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2 Gate.

10d 8h 22m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 8h 21m [Bot] [R] Cerulean House.

10d 8h 20m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

10d 8h 18m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

10d 8h 18m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

10d 8h 18m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 8h 17m [Bot] [R] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

10d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] Defeated MISTY!

10d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 1.

10d 8h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 8h 10m [Bot] [B] We heal!

10d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

10d 8h 8m [Bot] [B] Now in Mom's House 1F.

10d 8h 8m [Bot] [B] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 8h 7m [Bot] [B] Now in Rival's House.

10d 8h 6m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

10d 8h 5m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 79!

10d 8h 4m [Bot] [R] Vs MISTY! Attempt #3!

10d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

10d 8h 1m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 70!

10d 7h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

10d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

10d 7h 53m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

10d 7h 53m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

10d 7h 51m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

10d 7h 49m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

10d 7h 46m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

10d 7h 45m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 21.

10d 7h 45m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

10d 7h 44m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

10d 7h 43m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

10d 7h 43m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 21.

10d 7h 42m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Island.

10d 7h 41m [Bot] [R] Vs MISTY! Attempt #2!

10d 7h 40m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Gym.

10d 7h 39m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Island.

10d 7h 39m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

10d 7h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

10d 7h 36m [Bot] [R] On Cerulean Gym.

10d 7h 34m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 20.

10d 7h 33m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

10d 7h 33m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

10d 7h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

10d 7h 29m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

10d 7h 27m [Bot] [B] Now in Cinnabar Poké Mart.

10d 7h 26m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Island.

10d 7h 23m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon Lab.

10d 7h 21m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 30 Aerodactyl! Nickname: DDDDpppppp

10d 7h 20m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

10d 7h 20m [Bot] [B] We change the nickname of NM  (Nidoran♀) to BB. We change the nickname of EEO (Sandslash) to --?))!))) . We change the nickname of L((??AA?(t (Weepinbell) to LMMDUL. We change the nickname of ZZYOWV (Fearow) to TT((??????. We change the nickname of ::::: (Mr.Mime) to MMV;. We change the nickname of TT((?????? (Moltres) to ((×××ᵐᶰᵖᵏ. We change the nickname of LMMDUL (Pinsir) to EEO. We change the nickname of QQQQQQQQQQ (Flareon) to (××××Zᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏ. We change the nickname of MMV; (Ninetales) to L((??AA?(t. We change the nickname of BB (Ditto) to ZZYOWV. We change the nickname of --?))!)))  (Butterfree) to NM . We change the nickname of ((×××ᵐᶰᵖᵏ (Machop) to QQQQQQQQQQ.

10d 7h 19m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Lab.

10d 7h 18m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

10d 7h 17m [Bot] [B] Now on Pokémon Lab.

10d 7h 17m [Bot] [R] On Route 5.

10d 7h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

10d 7h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

10d 7h 14m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Old Amber!

10d 7h 12m [Bot] [B] Now on Pokémon Lab.

10d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

10d 7h 10m [Bot] [B] Now on Pokémon Lab.

10d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

10d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

10d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 5.

10d 7h 8m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Island.

10d 7h 6m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

10d 7h 6m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

10d 7h 6m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 21.

10d 7h 4m [Bot] [B] <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 7h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Professor Oak's Lab.

10d 7h 3m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 7h 3m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 7h 1m [Bot] [R] We drop QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) off at the daycare.

10d 7h 0m [Bot] [R] We grab QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) from the daycare.

10d 6h 59m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 1.

[R] We drop QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) off at the daycare.

10d 6h 57m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

10d 6h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Daycare Center.

10d 6h 56m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 5.

10d 6h 55m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 6h 52m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

10d 6h 51m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 5.

10d 6h 50m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

10d 6h 47m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 6h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Pewter City.

10d 6h 46m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 6h 44m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Old Amber!

10d 6h 43m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

10d 6h 43m [Bot] [B] Pewter City Museum 1F.

10d 6h 40m [Bot] [R] In Daycare Center.

10d 6h 38m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 5.

10d 6h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

10d 6h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pewter City.

10d 6h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

10d 6h 34m [Bot] [R] Now on Underground Path.

10d 6h 32m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

10d 6h 32m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2 Gate.

10d 6h 32m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Underground Path.

10d 6h 31m [Bot] [R] We head onto Underground Path.

10d 6h 30m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 6.

10d 6h 29m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

10d 6h 29m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 6.

10d 6h 29m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

10d 6h 28m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

10d 6h 27m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

[R] We heal!

10d 6h 26m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron Pokémon Center.

10d 6h 24m [Bot] [B] Route 1.

10d 6h 23m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 85!

10d 6h 20m [Bot] [B] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 6h 20m [Bot] [B] Route 21.

10d 6h 19m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 6h 19m [Bot] [B] Route 21.

10d 6h 17m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 6h 16m [Bot] [B] Mom's House 1F.

10d 6h 15m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

10d 6h 15m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 TM36 Selfdestruct in the PC!

10d 6h 12m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 TM32 Double Team in the PC!

10d 6h 11m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 TM36 Selfdestruct from the PC!

[R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 6h 10m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Ultra Ball in the PC!

10d 6h 9m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 38 Great Ball from the PC!

10d 6h 6m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 TM32 Double Team from the PC!

10d 6h 4m [Bot] [B] In Mom's House 2F.

10d 6h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Mom's House 1F.

10d 6h 1m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 Bicycle from the PC!

[R] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon 1F.

10d 6h 0m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 6h 0m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Card Key in the PC!

[R] Arrived on Unknown Dungeon.

10d 5h 59m [Bot] [R] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 5h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Unknown Dungeon.

10d 5h 59m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Town Map in the PC!

10d 5h 59m [Bot] [R] We head into Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 5h 58m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 TM47 Explosion in the PC!

10d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] On Unknown Dungeon.

10d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 5h 57m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 TM32 Double Team in the PC!

10d 5h 56m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 HM05 Flash in the PC!

10d 5h 54m [Bot] [B] Stored 38 Great Ball in the PC!

10d 5h 52m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 52 Wigglytuff! Nickname: ;;ᵖᵏᵐᶰᵐᶰRRRHH We toss a Great Ball at a wild Wigglytuff.

10d 5h 52m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Bicycle in the PC!

10d 5h 52m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Old Rod in the PC!

10d 5h 51m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Poké Flute in the PC!

10d 5h 51m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Wigglytuff.

10d 5h 51m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Wigglytuff.

10d 5h 50m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Wigglytuff.

10d 5h 49m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 Ultra Ball from the PC!

10d 5h 49m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 Secret Key from the PC!

10d 5h 48m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 2 Ultra Ball from the PC!

10d 5h 47m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 HM05 Flash from the PC!

10d 5h 45m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Secret Key in the PC!

10d 5h 43m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Lift Key in the PC!

10d 5h 42m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 HM01 Cut in the PC!

10d 5h 42m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 S.S.Ticket in the PC!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many more to catch?

10d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] On Unknown Dungeon.

10d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 46 Pidgeot! Nickname: TTKJJKKTS  We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeot.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

10d 5h 39m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 HM05 Flash in the PC!

10d 5h 38m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeot.

10d 5h 37m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Ultra Ball in the PC!

10d 5h 36m [Bot] [B] Stored 2 Ultra Ball in the PC!

10d 5h 36m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Dome Fossil in the PC!

10d 5h 36m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeot.

10d 5h 36m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeot.

10d 5h 34m [Bot] [B] We head into Mom's House 2F.

10d 5h 33m [Bot] [B] We head into Mom's House 1F.

10d 5h 33m [Bot] [B] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 5h 32m [Bot] [B] We heal!

10d 5h 31m [Bot] [B] We head into Mom's House 1F.

10d 5h 30m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 5h 29m [Bot] [B] Route 1.

10d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

10d 5h 26m [Bot] [B] We trip over the ledge.

10d 5h 25m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 22.

10d 5h 25m [Bot] [B] On Route 22 Gate.

10d 5h 18m [Bot] [R] Unknown Dungeon B1F.

10d 5h 16m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

10d 5h 10m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 24.

10d 5h 7m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean City.

10d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean House.

10d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cerulean City.

10d 5h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 5.

10d 5h 0m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

10d 5h 0m [Bot] [R] Route 5.

10d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

10d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

10d 4h 54m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

10d 4h 53m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

10d 4h 53m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

10d 4h 46m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

10d 4h 45m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 4h 44m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Pokémon Center.

10d 4h 40m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 23.

10d 4h 39m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

10d 4h 35m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

10d 4h 33m [Bot] [R] We defeat SABRINA!

10d 4h 30m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 53!

10d 4h 30m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

10d 4h 29m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

10d 4h 28m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 78!

10d 4h 26m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

10d 4h 23m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

10d 4h 23m [Bot] [R] Vs SABRINA! Attempt #2!

10d 4h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Gym.

10d 4h 13m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 43 Graveler! Nickname: (××××Zᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏᵖᵏ We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Graveler.

10d 4h 12m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

10d 4h 7m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

10d 4h 3m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

10d 4h 2m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Graveler.

10d 3h 46m [Bot] [R] On Rocket Prize Corner.

10d 3h 42m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

10d 3h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Graveler.

10d 3h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Graveler.

10d 3h 29m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

10d 3h 29m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

10d 3h 20m [Bot] [R] On Rocket Game Corner.

10d 3h 15m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

10d 3h 14m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 3h 13m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 3h 9m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

10d 3h 9m [Bot] [R] We head onto Celadon Restaurant.

10d 3h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

10d 3h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Celadon Hotel.

10d 3h 0m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 2h 56m [Bot] [R] We defeat ERIKA!

10d 2h 53m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

10d 2h 52m [Bot] [R] Vs ERIKA! Attempt #3!

10d 2h 51m [Bot] [R] We defeat ERIKA!

10d 2h 48m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

10d 2h 45m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

10d 2h 42m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

10d 2h 37m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

10d 2h 37m [Bot] [B] We heal VVDDD- (Alakazam) with a Full Restore!

10d 2h 35m [Bot] [R] Vs ERIKA! Attempt #2!

10d 2h 31m [Bot] [R] We head onto Celadon Gym.

10d 2h 20m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Graveler.

10d 2h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

10d 2h 11m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

10d 2h 6m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

10d 2h 5m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 2h 4m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

10d 2h 2m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

10d 2h 0m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

10d 2h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

10d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

10d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

10d 1h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

10d 1h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

10d 1h 53m [Bot] [R] Route 6.

10d 1h 53m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

10d 1h 49m [Bot] [R] On Route 6.

10d 1h 48m [Bot] [R] Underground Path.

10d 1h 47m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 6.

10d 1h 43m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ LATE VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

10d 1h 33m [Bot] [R] Now in Vermilion City.

10d 1h 33m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11.

10d 1h 32m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

10d 1h 26m [Bot] [R] Now in Diglett's Cave.

10d 1h 25m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

10d 1h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM47 Explosion!

[Streamer] m4_used_rollout: Democracy will be switched off after we hit 151/151/151

[Info] The anarchy-democracy slider seems to have appeared after Red's win.

10d 1h 22m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

10d 1h 21m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 Gate.

10d 1h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

10d 1h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

10d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 42 Flareon! Nickname: QQQQQQQQQQ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Flareon.

10d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Flareon.

[R] Now on Route 2.

10d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Flareon.

10d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Flareon.

10d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Flareon.

10d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Flareon.

10d 1h 15m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

10d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

10d 1h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 1.

10d 1h 5m [Bot] [R] On <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 1h 4m [Bot] [R] Route 21.

10d 1h 4m [Bot] [R] <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 1h 1m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

10d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 97!

10d 1h 0m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

10d 0h 58m [Bot] [R] On <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 0h 55m [Bot] [R] We heal!

10d 0h 55m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 22 Machop! Nickname: ((×××ᵐᶰᵖᵏ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Machop.

10d 0h 53m [Bot] [R] Mom's House 1F.

10d 0h 53m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

10d 0h 52m [Bot] [R] We head into Mom's House 1F.

10d 0h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Mom's House 2F.

10d 0h 48m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 50 Moltres! Nickname: TT((?????? We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

10d 0h 47m [Bot] [R] We head into Mom's House 1F.

10d 0h 46m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

10d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

10d 0h 42m [Bot] [R] We enter the HALL OF FAME! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ We head into Hall of Fame.

10d 0h 42m [Bot] [R] Defeated XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

10d 0h 39m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

10d 0h 39m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Guard Spec.!

10d 0h 38m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #3!

10d 0h 38m [Bot] [R] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #3 incoming!! On Champion's Hall.

10d 0h 37m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

10d 0h 36m [Bot] [R] Defeated LANCE!

10d 0h 33m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

10d 0h 32m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

10d 0h 32m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 53!

10d 0h 31m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

10d 0h 28m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #19!

10d 0h 28m [Bot] [R] Now on Lance's Hall.

10d 0h 27m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

[R] We defeat AGATHA!

10d 0h 26m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

10d 0h 23m [Bot] [B] On Route 23.

10d 0h 22m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon League.

10d 0h 21m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

10d 0h 19m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #46!

10d 0h 17m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

[R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

10d 0h 17m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

10d 0h 16m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

10d 0h 16m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 84!

10d 0h 15m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 0h 11m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 78!

10d 0h 10m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

10d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

10d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

10d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

10d 0h 8m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

10d 0h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

10d 0h 7m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #9 On Pokémon League.

10d 0h 7m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! BLACK OUT...

10d 0h 5m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #57!

10d 0h 3m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

10d 0h 2m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

10d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #5!

9d 23h 59m [Bot] [B] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #3 incoming!! Arrived on Champion's Hall.

9d 23h 59m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #74!

9d 23h 58m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #74! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 23h 57m [Bot] [B] We defeat LANCE!

9d 23h 55m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

9d 23h 54m [Bot] [R] We heal!

9d 23h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

9d 23h 53m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

9d 23h 49m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

9d 23h 49m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #20!

9d 23h 49m [Bot] [R] Rocket Hideout B1F.

9d 23h 48m [Bot] [B] We head onto Lance's Hall.

9d 23h 47m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

9d 23h 40m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

9d 23h 40m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #34!

9d 23h 39m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

9d 23h 39m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 23h 36m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 96!

9d 23h 34m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

9d 23h 29m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

9d 23h 26m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #47!

9d 23h 23m [Bot] [B] We boot up a TM38 Fire Blast. OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) learned Fire Blast over Growl!

9d 23h 16m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

9d 23h 15m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 23h 7m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 85!

9d 23h 5m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #54!

9d 23h 3m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #9! On Lorelei's Hall.

9d 23h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 23h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 7 Great Ball!

9d 23h 0m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 22h 59m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

9d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

9d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #8 Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

9d 22h 56m [Bot] [R] On Rocket Game Corner.

9d 22h 53m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

9d 22h 52m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

9d 22h 50m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

9d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 71!

9d 22h 47m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 49!

9d 22h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #19!

9d 22h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

9d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

9d 22h 37m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

9d 22h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #33!

9d 22h 35m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 22h 34m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 22h 32m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 69!

9d 22h 31m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has leveled up to 53!

9d 22h 26m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

9d 22h 24m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 15 Slowpoke! Nickname: FEENNNNN[ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowpoke.

9d 22h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #46!

9d 22h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

9d 22h 18m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 22h 8m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 84!

9d 22h 5m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #53!

9d 22h 4m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #8! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 22h 1m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 22h 1m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

9d 22h 1m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 21h 59m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

9d 21h 58m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #7 Pokémon League.

9d 21h 58m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

9d 21h 56m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

9d 21h 53m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

9d 21h 52m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

9d 21h 51m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

9d 21h 47m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #18!

9d 21h 46m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

9d 21h 46m [Bot] [B] Lance's Hall.

9d 21h 44m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

9d 21h 44m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 95!

9d 21h 42m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

9d 21h 42m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

9d 21h 39m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #32!

9d 21h 37m [Bot] [B] Agatha's Hall.

9d 21h 37m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

9d 21h 36m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 21h 33m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

9d 21h 33m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

9d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

9d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

9d 21h 24m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

9d 21h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #45!

9d 21h 20m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

9d 21h 20m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 21h 17m [Bot] [B] We heal! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 68!

9d 21h 17m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 21h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

9d 21h 12m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 83!

9d 21h 12m [Bot] [R] Rocket Game Corner.

9d 21h 9m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #52!

9d 21h 8m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Attempt #7! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 21h 6m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

9d 21h 5m [Bot] [B] Acquired 11 Great Ball!

9d 21h 4m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

9d 21h 4m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #6 Now on Indigo Plateau.

9d 21h 3m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

9d 21h 1m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

9d 20h 59m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

9d 20h 59m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 48!

9d 20h 56m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #17!

9d 20h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Lance's Hall.

9d 20h 53m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

9d 20h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 52!

9d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

9d 20h 37m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #31!

9d 20h 35m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 20h 35m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 20h 34m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 94!

9d 20h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 20h 30m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

9d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

9d 20h 24m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 70!

9d 20h 23m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

9d 20h 20m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #44!

9d 20h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

9d 20h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 20h 17m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the slot machine is rigged in your favor, why are you doing so badly?

9d 20h 16m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: 7 7 tppRng

9d 20h 12m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 82!

9d 20h 11m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #51!

9d 20h 9m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #6! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 20h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 20h 9m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

9d 20h 8m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: tppRng

9d 20h 6m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 20h 4m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

9d 19h 59m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 19h 58m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 19h 57m [Bot] [B] Acquired 6 Great Ball!

9d 19h 57m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

9d 19h 55m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

9d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

9d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #5 On Pokémon League.

9d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! BLACK OUT...

9d 19h 53m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

9d 19h 52m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 19h 51m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

[R] We head into Celadon City.

9d 19h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

9d 19h 49m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #16!

9d 19h 49m [Bot] [B] Now on Lance's Hall.

9d 19h 48m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

9d 19h 44m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

9d 19h 43m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #30!

[R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 19h 42m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 19h 42m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 19h 41m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

9d 19h 38m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 67!

9d 19h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #43!

9d 19h 35m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

9d 19h 35m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 19h 34m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: tppRng

9d 19h 30m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) learned Slash over Screech!

9d 19h 29m [Bot] [B] We heal! CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 51!

9d 19h 28m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #50!

9d 19h 28m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #5! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 19h 27m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

9d 19h 26m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

[R] Now in Celadon City.

9d 19h 26m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 19h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 19h 24m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #4 On Indigo Plateau.

9d 19h 24m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: lots of new followers this run, welcome

9d 19h 22m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

9d 19h 19m [Bot] [R] Rocket Prize Corner.

9d 19h 18m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

9d 19h 17m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

9d 19h 15m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

9d 19h 14m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 47!

9d 19h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

9d 19h 13m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #29!

[R] In Saffron City Gate.

9d 19h 13m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

9d 19h 13m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

9d 19h 13m [Bot] [B] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

9d 19h 12m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 19h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

9d 19h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

9d 19h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 6.

9d 19h 10m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

9d 19h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

9d 19h 9m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 93!

9d 19h 9m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #42!

9d 19h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

9d 19h 7m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 19h 5m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

9d 19h 4m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 69!

9d 19h 1m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

9d 18h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 6.

9d 18h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Vermilion City.

9d 18h 57m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 11.

9d 18h 57m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

9d 18h 54m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 81!

9d 18h 53m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #49!

9d 18h 52m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Attempt #4! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 18h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

9d 18h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

9d 18h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

9d 18h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball and 1 Great Ball!

9d 18h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

9d 18h 49m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 18h 49m [Bot] [B] Acquired 7 Great Ball!

9d 18h 45m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

9d 18h 45m [Bot] [R] On Route 2 Gate.

9d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

9d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #3 Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! BLACK OUT...

9d 18h 41m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

9d 18h 41m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

9d 18h 40m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

9d 18h 39m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

9d 18h 39m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #4!

9d 18h 38m [Bot] [B] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #2 incoming!! On Champion's Hall.

9d 18h 38m [Bot] [B] Defeated LANCE!

[R] Arrived in Viridian City.

9d 18h 28m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #15!

9d 18h 26m [Bot] [B] Now on Lance's Hall.

9d 18h 26m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

9d 18h 24m [Bot] [R] Route 1.

9d 18h 23m [Bot] [R] On <Undisclosed Location>.

9d 18h 22m [Bot] [R] On Route 21.

9d 18h 21m [Bot] [R] <Undisclosed Location>.

9d 18h 21m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

9d 18h 20m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #28!

9d 18h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 18h 18m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 18h 17m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 92!

[R] Threw away 1 Full Restore!

9d 18h 14m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

[R] Threw away 1 Full Restore!

9d 18h 12m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

9d 18h 9m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #41!

9d 18h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

9d 18h 7m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

9d 18h 7m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 18h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) is now level 50!

9d 18h 4m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 21.

9d 18h 1m [Bot] [R] <Undisclosed Location>.

9d 18h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Mom's House 1F.

9d 17h 59m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 3 Great Ball from the PC!

9d 17h 58m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Great Ball from the PC!

9d 17h 58m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #48!

9d 17h 56m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Coin Case from the PC!

9d 17h 55m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Attempt #3! Lorelei's Hall.

9d 17h 52m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Mom's House 2F.

9d 17h 51m [Bot] [R] We heal!

9d 17h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

[R] We head into Mom's House 1F.

9d 17h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

9d 17h 49m [Bot] [R] <Undisclosed Location>.

9d 17h 49m [Bot] [B] Threw away 2 Moon Stone!

9d 17h 48m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Leaf Stone!

9d 17h 47m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Town Map!

9d 17h 46m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Moon Stone!

9d 17h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rival's House.

9d 17h 46m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Leaf Stone!

9d 17h 46m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

9d 17h 44m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 17h 44m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

[R] On Route 1.

9d 17h 44m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

[R] In Viridian City.

9d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 17h 41m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many left now?

9d 17h 40m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 3 Weedle! Nickname: VVVVVVVVVV Caught a Lv. 4 Kakuna! Nickname: SSSSSSSSU We toss a Great Ball at a wild Weedle.

9d 17h 40m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Weedle.

9d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

9d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #2 Now on Pokémon League.

9d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

[R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Weedle.

9d 17h 37m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Weedle.

9d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

9d 17h 35m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Weedle.

9d 17h 34m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Kakuna.

9d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

9d 17h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

9d 17h 31m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #14!

9d 17h 29m [Bot] [B] On Lance's Hall.

9d 17h 29m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian Forest.

9d 17h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

9d 17h 28m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

[Streamer] Karlie__: @TwitchPlaysPokemon https://i.imgur.com/JKHNWZb.png OpieOP

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Karlie__ what happened there?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: what's everyone's favorite moment from this run?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

9d 17h 26m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) learned Hydro Pump over Growl!

9d 17h 26m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 46!

9d 17h 24m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 68!

9d 17h 23m [Bot] [R] Route 2.

9d 17h 22m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #27!

9d 17h 21m [Bot] [R] Viridian City.

9d 17h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 17h 18m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 17h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

9d 17h 14m [Bot] [R] On Route 2 Gate.

9d 17h 13m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

9d 17h 13m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

9d 17h 12m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2 House.

9d 17h 10m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #40!

9d 17h 8m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

9d 17h 8m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 17h 6m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

9d 17h 5m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

9d 17h 5m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

9d 17h 3m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 80!

9d 16h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: thanks for subscribing

9d 16h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

9d 16h 57m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #47!

9d 16h 56m [Bot] [R] Now in Vermilion City.

9d 16h 55m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #2! On Lorelei's Hall.

9d 16h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 16h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 16h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 16h 50m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

[R] Now on Route 6.

9d 16h 49m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

9d 16h 49m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

9d 16h 47m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

9d 16h 46m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

9d 16h 43m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

9d 16h 42m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 1F.

9d 16h 41m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

[R] In Celadon Department Store 2F.

9d 16h 41m [Bot] [B] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Attempt #1 Now on Pokémon League.

9d 16h 40m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 3F.

9d 16h 40m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 4F.

9d 16h 40m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 3F.

9d 16h 39m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 4F.

[Info][B] This is a rematch, but these aren't the official "Rematch Teams". They won't trigger until we get the Pokedex Diploma.

9d 16h 37m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

9d 16h 36m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 5F.

9d 16h 35m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #3!

9d 16h 34m [Bot] [B] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #1 incoming!! Arrived on Champion's Hall.

9d 16h 34m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 5F.

9d 16h 34m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 5F.

9d 16h 32m [Bot] [B] Defeated LANCE!

9d 16h 32m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 91!

9d 16h 28m [Bot] [R] We boot up a TM48 Rock Slide. DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) learned Rock Slide over Growl!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: when I'm in New Zealand I'll have fibre

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: couldn't read the message because stream at lowest resolution for me due to bad internet

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: thanks for resubscribing

9d 16h 25m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Fresh Water!

9d 16h 24m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 16h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #13!

9d 16h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

9d 16h 18m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

[R] Threw away 1 Soda Pop! Acquired 1 TM48 Rock Slide!

9d 16h 17m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Fresh Water!

9d 16h 14m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #26!

9d 16h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

9d 16h 12m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 16h 9m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 67!

9d 16h 8m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

9d 16h 2m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

9d 16h 2m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #39!

9d 16h 1m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: 40 to go?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many more pokemon to catch?

9d 15h 52m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Soda Pop!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

9d 15h 50m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Fresh Water!

9d 15h 49m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 5F.

9d 15h 48m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 5F.

9d 15h 46m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store Lift.

9d 15h 45m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 2F.

9d 15h 44m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 3F.

9d 15h 44m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 15h 44m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 2F.

9d 15h 43m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 1F.

9d 15h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

9d 15h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

9d 15h 39m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Prize Corner.

9d 15h 37m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

9d 15h 37m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

9d 15h 36m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

9d 15h 35m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

9d 15h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

9d 15h 33m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

9d 15h 31m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 66!

9d 15h 25m [Bot] [R] Route 6.

9d 15h 24m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #46!

9d 15h 23m [Bot] [R] Vermilion City.

9d 15h 23m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11.

9d 15h 23m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #1! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 15h 22m [Bot] [R] Now in Diglett's Cave.

9d 15h 20m [Bot] [B] We heal!

9d 15h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

9d 15h 18m [Bot] [B] Pokémon League.

9d 15h 17m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

9d 15h 17m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 Card Key and 1 TM32 Double Team from the PC!

9d 15h 17m [Bot] [R] Now in Diglett's Cave.

9d 15h 16m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

9d 15h 16m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 15h 15m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 15h 14m [Bot] [B] We boot up a TM22 Solarbeam. OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) learned Solarbeam over Sing!

9d 15h 13m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

9d 15h 13m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 15h 12m [Bot] [R] Route 2.

9d 15h 12m [Bot] [R] Route 2 Gate.

9d 15h 11m [Bot] [B] Now on Indigo Plateau.

9d 15h 11m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 15h 8m [Bot] [R] Route 2.

9d 15h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

9d 15h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 15h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

9d 15h 3m [Bot] [R] We parachute over the ledge. Not sure when we got a Parachute item, but we've now used it.

9d 15h 3m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 22.

9d 15h 2m [Bot] [R] On Route 22 Gate.

9d 14h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Full Restore! Route 23.

[R] Route 23.

9d 14h 50m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 23.

9d 14h 49m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Full Restore!

9d 14h 49m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

9d 14h 48m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

9d 14h 45m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

9d 14h 45m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

9d 14h 33m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

9d 14h 32m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 14h 28m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

9d 14h 26m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

9d 14h 24m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 14h 23m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

9d 14h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

9d 14h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 14h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

9d 14h 17m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

9d 14h 16m [R] Back at Indigo Plateau.

9d 14h 15m [R] Another Blizzard, Dugtrio goes down! Blackout!

9d 14h 15m [R] Kangaskhan goes up against Dugtrio. We score and Earthquake but then get hit by Blizzard.

9d 14h 14m [R] And it looks like he's available for a rematch... immediately?

9d 14h 13m [R] Dugtrio hits with another Earthquake. Rhydon goes down, Giovanni defeated!

9d 14h 13m [R] Dugtrio starts with a Double Team, Rhydon responds with a Guard Spec.

9d 14h 12m [R] Dugtrio is our only remaining party member. It's at full health.

9d 14h 11m [R] Rhydon hits us with a double super effective Rock Slide. Charizard down!

9d 14h 11m [R] Nidoking responds with a Thunderbolt, but that ain't enough. Another Flamethrower, and Nidoking goes down. Rhydon is next up.

9d 14h 10m [R] Another Flamethrower, and Nidoqueen is down. Nidoking is sent in.

9d 14h 10m [R] Charizard starts with a Flamethrower. Giovanni uses Guard Spec.

9d 14h 9m [R] Charizard is sent in.

9d 14h 7m [R] Nidoqueen takes us out. Tauros down!

9d 14h 6m [R] Turos is sent in and gets an Earthquake down to 2HP. It responds with a Strength. Dugtrio down!

9d 14h 4m [R] Beedrill is sent in, but gets a critical Slash attack. Beedrill down!

9d 14h 2m [R] Dugtrio uses Fissure! One-hit KO! Nidoqueen down!

9d 14h 2m [R] Giovanni uses a Guard Spec., we respond with an Earthquake. Dugtrio is on 1HP!

9d 14h 1m [R] Nidoqueen is sent in.

9d 14h 0m [R] Dugtrio is sent in. It uses a devastating Earthquake. Raichu down!

9d 14h 0m [R] And it's got Mirror B's. theme. KappaRoss

9d 14h 0m [R] So, this is our first rematch for Giovanni! Raichu makes quick work of Kangaskhan.

9d 13h 59m [Bot] [R] Vs GIOVANNI! Attempt #2!

9d 13h 53m [Bot] [R] We head onto Viridian Gym.

9d 13h 51m [Bot] [B] Victory Road.

9d 13h 50m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

9d 13h 49m [Bot] [R] We head onto Viridian School.

9d 13h 46m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 41 Fearow! Nickname: ZZYOWV We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Fearow.

9d 13h 46m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian City.

9d 13h 45m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Fearow.

9d 13h 42m [Bot] [R] Help, we've fallen over this ledge and can't get up!

9d 13h 41m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 22.

9d 13h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Fearow.

[R] We head onto Route 22 Gate.

9d 13h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Fearow.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going/

9d 13h 26m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 33 Ditto! Nickname: BB We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ditto.

9d 13h 25m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

9d 13h 24m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Venusaur.

9d 13h 24m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Venusaur.

9d 13h 20m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

9d 13h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 13h 17m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

9d 13h 17m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

9d 13h 17m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

9d 13h 15m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

9d 13h 14m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

9d 13h 11m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 77!

9d 13h 8m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

9d 13h 8m [Bot] [B] Route 23.

9d 13h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 22 Gate.

9d 13h 7m [Bot] [B] We've made it beyond the ledge!

9d 13h 6m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 3 Nidoran♀! Nickname: NM  We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Nidoran♀.

9d 13h 5m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

9d 13h 5m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

9d 13h 1m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

9d 13h 1m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #73 On Pokémon League.

9d 13h 1m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

9d 12h 59m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 22.

9d 12h 57m [Bot] [B] Viridian City.

9d 12h 54m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

9d 12h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

9d 12h 53m [Bot] [B] On Route 2 Gate.

9d 12h 53m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #18!

9d 12h 52m [Bot] [R] Now on Lance's Hall.

9d 12h 50m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

9d 12h 49m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

9d 12h 48m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

9d 12h 47m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

9d 12h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

9d 12h 43m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #45!

9d 12h 42m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

9d 12h 42m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

9d 12h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

9d 12h 40m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 12h 36m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

9d 12h 35m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

9d 12h 34m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

9d 12h 34m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

9d 12h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

9d 12h 33m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #56!

9d 12h 32m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

9d 12h 31m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 12h 29m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

9d 12h 25m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

9d 12h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11.

9d 12h 24m [Bot] [B] On Route 11 Gate 1F.

9d 12h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11.

9d 12h 18m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 12.

9d 12h 17m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

9d 12h 17m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 77!

9d 12h 12m [Bot] [B] On Route 13.

9d 12h 10m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

9d 12h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 14.

9d 12h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #73!

9d 12h 7m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 13.

9d 12h 7m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #73! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

9d 12h 2m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Full Restore!

9d 11h 59m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

9d 11h 59m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

9d 11h 58m [Bot] [R] Acquired 6 Great Ball!

9d 11h 57m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball and 1 Great Ball!

9d 11h 57m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

9d 11h 57m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 79!

[R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 11h 57m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 11h 54m [Bot] [R] We heal!

9d 11h 53m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

9d 11h 53m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

9d 11h 52m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

9d 11h 52m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 45!

9d 11h 46m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 14.

9d 11h 43m [Bot] [B] Route 15.

9d 11h 42m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 42m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 41m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 41m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 39m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted! We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 39m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 39m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 39m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 38m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 38m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 38m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 38m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 37m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 37m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 37m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

[R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 36m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 34m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone Gate.

9d 11h 33m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 22 Butterfree! Nickname: --?))!))) 

9d 11h 28m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 52!

9d 11h 24m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 83!

9d 11h 23m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 10m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

9d 11h 4m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 3m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 3m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 3m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 22 Sandslash! Nickname: EEO

[R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 2m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 11h 2m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Moltres.

9d 10h 55m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 25 Pinsir! Nickname: LMMDUL

9d 10h 38m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

9d 10h 25m [Bot] [B] Now in Safari Zone 1.

9d 10h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

9d 10h 18m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone Gate.

9d 10h 16m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

9d 10h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 10h 15m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

9d 10h 15m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

9d 10h 13m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

9d 10h 12m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

9d 10h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 10h 3m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 10h 3m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 9h 59m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

9d 9h 59m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

9d 9h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 9h 58m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia Poké Mart.

9d 9h 57m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

9d 9h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

9d 9h 56m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

9d 9h 56m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 9h 55m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

9d 9h 49m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

9d 9h 45m [R] Beedrill is sent in, and tanks a Take Down from Aerodactyl, but doesn't survive a second. Beedrill down, blackout!

9d 9h 44m Aerodactyl puts Tauros out of its misery with a Take Down. Tauros down!

9d 9h 43m [R] Tauros is sent in, and is confused.

9d 9h 41m [R] Charizard gets a Hyper Beam in the face. Charizard down!

9d 9h 40m [R] Lance uses a Hyper Potion on Aerodactyl.

9d 9h 39m [R] Aerodactyl hits us with a critical Bite attack. Charizard is down to 12HP.

9d 9h 39m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 19.

9d 9h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

9d 9h 39m [Bot] [B] We heal!

9d 9h 38m [R] Aerodactyl is sent in and hits Dugtrio with Take Down. Dugtrio down! Charizard is in.

9d 9h 37m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

9d 9h 36m [R] We hit Dragonair with an Earthquake, and it goes down. Dugtrio to Lv. 76!

9d 9h 36m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

9d 9h 35m [R] We switch to Dugtrio.

9d 9h 34m [R] Charizard takes Gyarados out. Dragonair is sent in.

9d 9h 33m [R] Gyarados hits us with a Hydro Pump. Nidoqueen down! Charizard is in.

9d 9h 33m Vs. Lance! Gyarados vs. Nidoqueen.

9d 9h 32m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) learned Solarbeam over Growl!

9d 9h 32m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 65!

9d 9h 31m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

9d 9h 31m [R] Haunter goes down to Earthquake. Gengar is out and does the same. Agatha defeated!

9d 9h 30m [R] We hit Arbok with Dig, and it goes down. Haunter is up.

9d 9h 30m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

9d 9h 29m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

9d 9h 28m [R] We send in Dugtrio and hit with an Earthquake. Gengar goes down. Dugtrio to Lv. 75! Haunter is in.

9d 9h 27m [R] Gengar hits Raichu with a Dream Eater. Raichu down!

9d 9h 26m [R] We're up against Agatha with all Pokémon still active. Gengar has just put Raichu to sleep.

9d 9h 20m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #44!

9d 9h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

9d 9h 17m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 19.

9d 9h 12m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

9d 9h 11m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 76!

9d 9h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #55!

9d 9h 8m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

9d 9h 6m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

[R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

9d 9h 5m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 9h 4m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 19.

9d 9h 3m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

9d 9h 0m [Bot] [B] We heal!

9d 8h 59m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #72!

9d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

9d 8h 58m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #72! On Lorelei's Hall.

9d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

9d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Bill's House.

9d 8h 52m [R] Haunter is in a hits us with a Night Shade. Nidoqueen down, blackout!

9d 8h 51m [R] Golbat goes down to multiple Surf attacks.

9d 8h 50m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

9d 8h 50m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

9d 8h 49m [R] Nidoqueen to Lv. 82!

9d 8h 49m [Bot] [B] Route 15 Gate 1F.

9d 8h 48m [R] Agatha switches back to Gengar and we finally score a hit with Earthquake. Gengar down!

9d 8h 46m [R] We finally get off Horn Drill and Nidoqueen is no longer confused, but Agatha switched to Golbat before we can hit.

9d 8h 44m [R] Nidoqueen is in and is Confused straight away.

9d 8h 43m [R] Charizard goes down without ever scoring a hit. Our only remaining party member is Nidoqueen.

9d 8h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15.

9d 8h 41m [R] Charizard is still asleep and gets hit by Dream Eater.

9d 8h 38m [R] Charizard is asleep and confused.

[Chat] tppsimulator: hey i am the Pokémon

9d 8h 37m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 14.

9d 8h 36m [R] Charizard is in but the cursor is stuck on Strength.

9d 8h 35m [R] Tauros takes two hits with Night Shade and goes down. Charizard in!

9d 8h 33m [R] Vs. Agatha Tauros vs. Gengar.

9d 8h 30m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 90!

9d 8h 30m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

9d 8h 29m [R] Machamp attempts a Fissure but misses. Another Surf, and it's down. Bruno defeated!

9d 8h 29m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

9d 8h 27m [R] Onix goes down to a critical Surf. Machamp is next.

9d 8h 27m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

9d 8h 27m [R] Nidoqueen makes quick work of Hitmonlee. Onix is up next.

9d 8h 26m [R] Nidoqueen is sent in.

9d 8h 26m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 49!

9d 8h 24m [R] Hitmonlee hits us with a Hi Jump Kick, Dugtrio down!

9d 8h 24m [B] Also we're apparently facing a Lv. 100 Pidgey.

9d 8h 23m [R] Hitmonchan is out, hits us with a super effective Ice Punch but Dugtrio is still standing. Another Earthquake, and it's down.

9d 8h 21m [R] We start with two Earthquake attacks, but with Bruno using X Defend, it's a problem. Another one and Onix goes down.

9d 8h 21m Vs. Bruno! Onix vs. Dugtrio.

9d 8h 19m [R] Dugtrio is sent in, hits Lapras with a two Earthquakes - critical hit! Lapras goes down, Lorelei defeated!

9d 8h 18m [R] Beedrill goes down to Body Slam.

9d 8h 17m [R] You join us on our 71st attempt at the League. We currently have Beedrill against Lapras.

9d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

9d 8h 13m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 75!

9d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #71!

9d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #71! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

9d 8h 1m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

9d 8h 1m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #70 On Pokémon League.

9d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

9d 7h 57m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 13.

9d 7h 54m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

9d 7h 51m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 28 Weepinbell! Nickname: L((??AA?(t We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Weepinbell.

9d 7h 50m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Weepinbell.

9d 7h 50m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Weepinbell.

9d 7h 44m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

9d 7h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Weepinbell.

9d 7h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Weepinbell.

9d 7h 38m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 75!

9d 7h 37m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 51!

9d 7h 36m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

9d 7h 30m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

9d 7h 28m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #42!

9d 7h 27m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

9d 7h 27m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 7h 17m [Bot] [B] Route 12.

9d 7h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 81!

9d 7h 14m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Town.

9d 7h 13m [Bot] [B] We heal!

9d 7h 12m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Pokémon Center.

9d 7h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Lavender Town.

9d 7h 7m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 16 Ninetales! Nickname: MMV; We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 7h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #53!

9d 7h 0m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

9d 6h 59m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 6h 57m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 74!

9d 6h 56m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #70!

9d 6h 55m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #70! On Lorelei's Hall.

9d 6h 54m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 6h 54m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 6h 53m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

9d 6h 53m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

9d 6h 52m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 6h 52m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 6h 51m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 6h 50m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Full Restore!

9d 6h 49m [Bot] [B] Received the Earth Badge! Received the Volcano Badge! Received the Boulder Badge! Got the Cascade Badge! Got the Thunder Badge! Got the Rainbow Badge! Got the Soul Badge! Received the Marsh Badge! Acquired 1 TM38 Fire Blast, 1 HM05 Flash, 1 Poké Flute, 1 Lift Key, 1 Exp.All, 1 Old Rod, 1 HM01 Cut, 1 Town Map, 1 TM22 Solarbeam, 1 Silph Scope, 18 Poké Ball, 1 Bicycle, 3 Moon Stone, 1 Dome Fossil, 1 Secret Key, 2 Leaf Stone, 1 Nugget, and 1 S.S.Ticket! Route 8.

[R] Got the Boulder Badge! Received the Cascade Badge! Got the Thunder Badge! Received the Rainbow Badge! Got the Soul Badge! Received the Marsh Badge! Received the Volcano Badge! Got the Earth Badge! Acquired 24 Ultra Ball, 1 TM05 Mega Kick, 1 HM03 Surf, 1 HM04 Strength, 2 Great Ball, 1 TM35 Metronome, 1 TM47 Explosion, 1 HM01 Cut, 1 Helix Fossil, 1 S.S.Ticket, 1 Silph Scope, 1 Poké Flute, 1 Lift Key, 1 Exp.All, and 1 Old Rod! Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

9d 6h 46m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Silph Scope, 1 Poké Flute, 1 Bicycle, 3 Moon Stone, 1 Dome Fossil, 1 Secret Key, 2 Leaf Stone, 1 Nugget, 1 S.S.Ticket, 18 Poké Ball, 1 Town Map, 1 Lift Key, 1 Exp.All, 1 Old Rod, 1 HM01 Cut, 1 HM05 Flash, 1 TM22 Solarbeam, and 1 TM38 Fire Blast! <Undisclosed Location>.

[R] rip E4 Attempt #69 Threw away 1 Old Rod, 1 HM03 Surf, 1 S.S.Ticket, 1 Silph Scope, 1 Poké Flute, 1 Lift Key, 1 Exp.All, 1 Helix Fossil, 1 HM01 Cut, 2 Great Ball, 1 HM04 Strength, 1 TM05 Mega Kick, 1 TM35 Metronome, 1 TM47 Explosion, and 24 Ultra Ball! We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

9d 6h 45m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

9d 6h 42m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

9d 6h 41m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

9d 6h 37m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 6h 34m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 6h 33m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

9d 6h 31m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

9d 6h 29m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #17!

9d 6h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

9d 6h 27m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

9d 6h 5m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

9d 5h 59m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #41!

9d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 5h 57m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 5h 51m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 51!

9d 5h 42m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #52!

9d 5h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 5h 37m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

9d 5h 36m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 5h 33m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 73!

9d 5h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #69!

9d 5h 20m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #69! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 5h 12m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

9d 5h 12m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Attempt #68 We head onto Pokémon League.

9d 5h 9m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

9d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

9d 5h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

9d 5h 4m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

9d 4h 59m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

9d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 80!

9d 4h 38m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #40!

9d 4h 37m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 4h 36m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 4h 36m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Poké Ball!

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 50!

9d 4h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 4h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 4h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Ninetales.

9d 4h 10m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #51!

9d 4h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

9d 4h 8m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 4h 5m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 72!

9d 4h 4m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #68!

9d 4h 2m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #68! Lorelei's Hall.

9d 4h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 4h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball and 1 Great Ball!

9d 4h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

9d 4h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

9d 4h 0m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 4h 0m [Bot] [R] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

9d 4h 0m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

9d 3h 58m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #67 Now on Indigo Plateau.

9d 3h 58m [Bot] [R] We heal! We defeat LANCE!

9d 3h 52m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

9d 3h 52m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #16!

9d 3h 50m [Bot] [R] On Lance's Hall.

9d 3h 50m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

9d 3h 49m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 74!

9d 3h 42m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

9d 3h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kadabra.

9d 3h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Kadabra.

9d 3h 38m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Vulpix.

9d 3h 35m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

9d 3h 34m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #39!

9d 3h 33m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

9d 3h 33m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 3h 29m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #50!

9d 3h 28m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

9d 3h 28m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

9d 3h 24m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

9d 3h 17m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

9d 3h 15m [Bot] [R] We heal! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 79!

9d 3h 14m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #67!

9d 3h 13m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #67! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 3h 7m [R] And after another crit slash, Bubblebeam from Clefable takes us out...

9d 3h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

9d 3h 7m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #66 Arrived on Pokémon League.

9d 3h 7m [R] But Charizard does take out Alakazam! And nearly takes out Venusaur in one crit cut!

[Info] We have only Charizard, with 34 HP.

9d 3h 6m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #2!

9d 3h 5m [Bot] [R] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #2 incoming!! Champion's Hall.

9d 3h 5m [Bot] [R] We defeat LANCE!

9d 3h 1m [Bot] [B] Route 8.

9d 2h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

9d 2h 55m [Bot] [B] Route 6.

9d 2h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

9d 2h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

9d 2h 52m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

9d 2h 51m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #15!

9d 2h 50m [Bot] [R] Now on Lance's Hall.

9d 2h 49m [Bot] [B] Route 6.

9d 2h 48m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

9d 2h 47m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

9d 2h 45m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

9d 2h 41m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 71!

9d 2h 40m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

9d 2h 38m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

9d 2h 37m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

9d 2h 36m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

9d 2h 36m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

9d 2h 35m [Bot] [B] We head onto Underground Path.

9d 2h 33m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

9d 2h 29m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

9d 2h 29m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean House.

9d 2h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

9d 2h 28m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

9d 2h 27m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #38!

9d 2h 26m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

9d 2h 26m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 2h 25m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Carbos!

9d 2h 21m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

9d 2h 20m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

9d 2h 11m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #49!

9d 2h 10m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

9d 2h 10m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 2h 9m [Bot] [B] Route 4.

9d 2h 6m [Bot] [R] We heal! DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 73!

9d 2h 6m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 70!

9d 2h 5m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #66!

9d 2h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

9d 2h 4m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #66! On Lorelei's Hall.

9d 2h 1m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #65 Indigo Plateau.

9d 2h 0m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 14 Mr.Mime! Nickname: ::::: We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

9d 2h 0m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

9d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

9d 1h 56m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 50!

9d 1h 55m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

9d 1h 53m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

9d 1h 53m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #14!

9d 1h 52m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA! On Lance's Hall.

9d 1h 45m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

9d 1h 41m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #37!

9d 1h 40m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

9d 1h 40m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

9d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

9d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 78!

9d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

9d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

9d 1h 38m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

9d 1h 38m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mr.Mime.

9d 1h 35m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #48!

9d 1h 33m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

9d 1h 32m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 1h 31m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) is now level 49!

9d 1h 29m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

9d 1h 27m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 16 Raticate! Nickname: AAAAAIIIIH We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Raticate.

9d 1h 26m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Raticate.

9d 1h 26m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Raticate.

9d 1h 26m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #65!

9d 1h 25m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #65! On Lorelei's Hall.

9d 1h 22m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

9d 1h 22m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #64 Now on Pokémon League.

9d 1h 22m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

9d 1h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #36!

9d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 9.

9d 1h 12m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO! On Agatha's Hall.

9d 1h 8m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

9d 1h 8m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

9d 1h 8m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean House.

9d 1h 7m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

9d 1h 6m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #47!

9d 1h 6m [Bot] [B] Cerulean House.

9d 1h 4m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

9d 1h 4m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 1h 3m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

9d 1h 2m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

9d 1h 2m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

9d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

9d 0h 58m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

9d 0h 57m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 69!

9d 0h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

9d 0h 56m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #64!

9d 0h 56m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 24.

9d 0h 55m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #64! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

9d 0h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 25.

[R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

9d 0h 53m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #63 Now on Pokémon League.

9d 0h 53m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

9d 0h 52m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #13!

9d 0h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

9d 0h 50m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

9d 0h 48m [Bot] [B] Sea Cottage.

9d 0h 47m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

9d 0h 46m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

9d 0h 42m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 25.

9d 0h 37m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Sea Cottage.

9d 0h 34m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

9d 0h 33m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #35!

9d 0h 33m [Bot] [B] Route 25.

9d 0h 29m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

9d 0h 29m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 24.

9d 0h 28m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

9d 0h 27m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 72!

9d 0h 27m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 77!

9d 0h 25m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #46!

9d 0h 24m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

9d 0h 23m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

9d 0h 21m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

9d 0h 20m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

9d 0h 18m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

9d 0h 17m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Nugget!

9d 0h 16m [Bot] [R] We heal! -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 49!

9d 0h 15m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #63!

9d 0h 15m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #63! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

9d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

9d 0h 12m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone 1.

9d 0h 12m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 25 Paras! Nickname: bbu

9d 0h 9m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

9d 0h 8m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #62 Pokémon League.

9d 0h 8m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

9d 0h 3m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

9d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 28 Parasect! Nickname: NNNWW

9d 0h 0m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #34!

8d 23h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

8d 23h 57m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 23h 46m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 23h 42m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 23h 39m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 23h 33m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #45!

8d 23h 32m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

8d 23h 31m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 23h 28m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 23h 27m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 68!

8d 23h 27m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 24 Rhyhorn! Nickname:

8d 23h 25m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #62!

8d 23h 24m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #62! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 23h 23m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball and 1 Great Ball!

8d 23h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 23h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 23h 21m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 23h 20m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

8d 23h 20m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #61 We head onto Pokémon League.

8d 23h 19m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 23h 17m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 23h 16m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 23h 16m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #12!

8d 23h 14m [Bot] [R] Lance's Hall.

8d 23h 14m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

8d 23h 14m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

8d 23h 13m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

8d 23h 10m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

8d 23h 10m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

8d 23h 8m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia House.

8d 23h 7m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 76!

8d 23h 5m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

8d 23h 4m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 23h 3m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #33!

8d 23h 3m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia House.

8d 23h 2m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

8d 23h 1m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 23h 1m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

8d 23h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 18.

8d 23h 0m [Bot] [B] On Route 18 Gate 1F.

8d 22h 59m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 18.

8d 22h 57m [Bot] [B] Route 17.

8d 22h 56m [Bot] [B] On Route 16.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 67! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 48! We head onto Bruno's Hall.

8d 22h 50m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #61!

8d 22h 48m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #61! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 22h 46m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #60 Indigo Plateau.

8d 22h 46m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

8d 22h 43m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 22h 41m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 22h 37m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 22h 36m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 22h 36m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 22h 35m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #60!

8d 22h 34m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #60! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 22h 32m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 22h 32m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 22h 32m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 22h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

8d 22h 30m [Bot] [R] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #59 Now on Pokémon League.

8d 22h 29m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

8d 22h 22m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #32!

8d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

8d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 75!

8d 22h 17m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 22h 17m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 22h 16m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 22h 13m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 22h 13m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #44!

8d 22h 12m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

8d 22h 10m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 22h 8m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 66!

8d 22h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #59!

8d 22h 6m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #59! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

8d 21h 56m [Bot] [R] We heal!

8d 21h 56m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

8d 21h 55m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

8d 21h 50m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 50m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 49m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 49m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 44m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 21h 42m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 41m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 21h 41m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 41m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 40m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 40m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 39m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 39m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 39m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 34m [Bot] [R] We heal DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) with a Full Restore!

8d 21h 33m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 31m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 31m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 31m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 31m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Moltres.

8d 21h 26m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 22 Doduo! Nickname: WWWWWWWWWW We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Doduo.

8d 21h 26m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Doduo.

8d 21h 25m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Doduo.

8d 21h 25m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Doduo.

8d 21h 25m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Doduo.

8d 21h 23m [Bot] [B] We heal VVDDD- (Alakazam) with a Max Potion!

8d 21h 23m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Doduo.

8d 21h 18m [Bot] [R] We heal MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) with a Full Restore!

8d 21h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Raticate.

8d 21h 7m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 16.

8d 21h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 21h 5m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 21h 5m [Bot] [B] On Route 16.

8d 21h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 21h 3m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

8d 20h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

8d 20h 56m [Bot] [B] On Route 16.

8d 20h 55m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

8d 20h 55m [Bot] [B] Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 20h 54m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Graveler.

8d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Guard Spec.!

8d 20h 51m [Bot] [B] On Route 16.

8d 20h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 20h 50m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 20h 48m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 42 Machoke! Nickname: RIAA We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Machoke.

8d 20h 47m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Machoke.

8d 20h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Doduo.

8d 20h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

8d 20h 35m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

8d 20h 34m [Bot] [B] Route 16.

8d 20h 34m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

8d 20h 33m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 16.

8d 20h 32m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 20h 32m [Bot] [B] On Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 16.

8d 20h 31m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

8d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 20h 30m [Bot] [B] Route 16.

8d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 16 Gate 1F.

8d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] On Route 16.

8d 20h 27m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

8d 20h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

8d 20h 21m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

8d 20h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

8d 20h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

[R] We head onto Victory Road.

8d 20h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

8d 20h 16m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

8d 20h 14m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

8d 20h 14m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

8d 20h 13m [Bot] [B] On Route 5.

8d 20h 11m [Bot] [R] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

8d 20h 11m [Bot] [R] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

8d 20h 11m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 20h 11m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

8d 20h 7m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #58 On Pokémon League.

8d 20h 6m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

8d 20h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 20h 3m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

8d 20h 2m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 20h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

8d 19h 59m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

8d 19h 58m [Bot] [B] Defeated MISTY!

8d 19h 57m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #31!

8d 19h 56m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

8d 19h 55m [Bot] [R] Agatha's Hall.

8d 19h 54m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 19h 54m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 48!

8d 19h 52m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

8d 19h 51m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

8d 19h 49m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

8d 19h 47m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 78!

8d 19h 46m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 19h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs MISTY! Attempt #17!

8d 19h 45m [Bot] [B] On Cerulean Gym.

8d 19h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

8d 19h 43m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #43!

8d 19h 43m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

8d 19h 42m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 19h 42m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

8d 19h 39m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 19h 39m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

8d 19h 38m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

8d 19h 37m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 19h 34m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 19h 33m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

8d 19h 30m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #58!

8d 19h 30m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

8d 19h 29m [Bot] [B] Acquired 5 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 29m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 29m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 28m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 28m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 28m [Bot] [B] Acquired 6 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

[R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #58! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 19h 26m [Bot] [B] Threw away 2 Great Ball!

8d 19h 26m [Bot] [B] Threw away 2 Great Ball!

8d 19h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 24m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 24m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 24m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

8d 19h 23m [Bot] [B] In Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

8d 19h 22m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

8d 19h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 19h 22m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 11.

8d 19h 21m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

8d 19h 18m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

8d 19h 17m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

8d 19h 16m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #57 We head onto Indigo Plateau.

8d 19h 16m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

8d 19h 15m [Bot] [B] In Diglett's Cave.

8d 19h 12m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 19h 11m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

8d 19h 10m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 19h 10m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2 Gate.

8d 19h 7m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 71!

8d 19h 6m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

8d 19h 5m [Bot] [B] On Route 2 Gate.

8d 19h 4m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

8d 19h 1m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

8d 18h 58m [Bot] [B] In Pewter City.

8d 18h 58m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 18h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #30!

8d 18h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

8d 18h 57m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

[R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 18h 57m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2 Gate.

8d 18h 56m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 74!

8d 18h 52m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 47!

8d 18h 52m [Bot] [B] Viridian Forest.

8d 18h 52m [Bot] [B] On Route 2 Gate.

8d 18h 51m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 5 Pidgey! Nickname: U We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgey.

8d 18h 50m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #42!

8d 18h 49m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

8d 18h 48m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 18h 48m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

8d 18h 45m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

8d 18h 44m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 65!

8d 18h 41m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #57!

8d 18h 40m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #57! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 18h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: ok, so the trial worked...

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: test

8d 18h 38m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

8d 18h 37m [Bot] [B] Route 1.

8d 18h 36m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 18h 35m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

8d 18h 34m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

8d 18h 34m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

8d 18h 33m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

8d 18h 33m [Bot] [B] Mom's House 1F.

8d 18h 32m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 18h 31m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

8d 18h 30m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

8d 18h 30m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

8d 18h 29m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #56 On Pokémon League.

8d 18h 28m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 18h 26m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 18h 24m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 18h 22m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 18h 22m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 21.

8d 18h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #41!

8d 18h 20m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

8d 18h 20m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

8d 18h 19m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon Lab.

8d 18h 18m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 18h 15m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

8d 18h 15m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 18h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 73!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I'm looking through logs now

8d 18h 11m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 64!

8d 18h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #56!

8d 18h 7m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: chat reacts to leage loss too though]

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: https://tpp.chat/?from=2018-02-21T19:28:19.242Z logs are here

8d 18h 6m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #56! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

[Streamer] Metallinatus: I am pretty sure natwhatever was botting up at least at one point, where he kept inputting wrong troll commands for some time and then said "I didn't notice we lost the league already Kappa ", as he was not even looking this channel

Chaos_lord2: @Metallinatus if you can fish that out of logs that would be some very interesting evidence

8d 18h 5m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: i'm not saying it's impossible, but it's worth investigating

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: ping generally makes exact timing for inputs hard, as a slightly delayed connection, or the opposite, can trigger slow mode (it's a server thing)

8d 18h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] h0m3st4r: @Chaos_lord2 he can at least almost perfectly time his inputs so they avoid the buffer

Chaos_lord2: @h0m3st4r or there's the possibility they are bot-like

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I can see a rule requiring some respect of slow mode being enforcable

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: and those we know that don't, mods, are not to abuse this power

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: slow mode is to prevent globals, something ((% of users have to deal with

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the troll can avoid slow mode? I will need to check message timings but if that's the case it merits inbvestigation

8d 18h 1m Charizard down due to crit Hydro Pump

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: or at least resolves stall wars

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: ok, so b + that counters stall troll

8d 18h 0m Dugtrio down

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: a question, does n+w+a select fight from anywhere?

8d 17h 59m Tauros down

8d 17h 58m [R] VS Lance

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: not to ensure chat victory, but to lessen stalling

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I'm having a brainstorm about solutions to bee cancer and related problems

8d 17h 55m Charizard takes down Agatha with Flamethrower spam

8d 17h 52m Tauros to 47

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: input priority is a rom thing, goes down into how the game handles inputs, not a quick fix

8d 17h 51m Beedrill faints to Gengar

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: is the rage TM still a thing in the bag?

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: in fact, if bee had a status already,it risks being a softlock...

[Streamer] DimitriPilot3: that means gengar is probably stuck on Hypnosis and Dream Eater, huh.

Chaos_lord2: @DimitriPilot3 yes

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: talk reached the mod rooms so i have to have a good look at whats happening and what to do about it

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: typical gen 1

8d 17h 48m Nidoqueen dies to 2 Night Shade's but not before we pull off a Surf

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I heard there was troll cancer issues involving beedrill vs dewgong

8d 17h 48m Vs Agatha

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: who won the badge?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: got mew yet?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

8d 17h 46m Bruno down with Nidoqueen Surf spam, at half hp

8d 17h 39m Charizard Flamethrowers Lapras and Jynx winning with no damage taken

8d 17h 38m Raichu takes out three Pokémon until Thunder runs out of pp, 7 misses :(, Raichu down to Jynx

8d 17h 36m We miss three Thunders in a row until the 4th crits and one shots Dewgong

8d 17h 34m Attempt #55 on red

8d 17h 31m Gyarados sweeps our team, whiteout

8d 17h 29m Vs Lance, Dugtrio, Beedrill and Tauros still alive, we're in for a bad time

8d 17h 27m Agatha down

8d 17h 27m [R] Dugtrio to 70 and it's wrecking Agatha's team with EQ spam after Golbat died from Charizard

8d 17h 25m [R] After we move off Flamethrower we keep using our normal moves and Charizard faints

8d 17h 22m VS Agatha, Gengar Confuse Ray's and Night Shade's Nidoqueen then switched to Golbat and takes her out

8d 17h 20m Nidoqueen takes out Bruno's team with Surf Spam, at 121/248hp because of him spamming Focus Energy and other bad moves Elite 3 and Bruno TriHard

8d 17h 17m Nidoqueen easily takes out Onix with Surf and 2hko's Hitmonchan with it taking do damage since Hitmonchan tried to Thunderpunch

8d 17h 16m [R] Vs Bruno

8d 17h 14m [R] Raichu to 63 after taking everyone but Lapras down from Lorelei's team

8d 17h 14m [B] Arbok to 66 Alakazam making quick work of Blaine with Confusion spam and is at 215/248 hp

8d 17h 12m Raichu kills Dewgong with Thunders to avenge our last run

8d 17h 10m E4 Attempt #54 in Red.

8d 17h 7m [B] We challenge Blaine to a rematch! #3!

8d 17h 6m [R] After 55 minutes of battle with just Dewgong. Our 52rd attempt on the E4 is ended as ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has faints and we Black Out!

8d 17h 5m [R] We are finally left with Struggle to combat Dewgong. Beedrills health is going down fast.

[Snark] The Struggle is real.

8d 17h 2m [B] Blue enters Blaines Gym on the hunt for a rematch.

[Snark] Rest is a psychic move so its SE

[Fluff] Dewgong is only using Rest against Beedrill, because presumably Lorelai has "good AI". And of course in Gen 1, the enemy team's PP isn't tracked...

[Fluff] The battles gone on so long the music changed...

8d 16h 56m [R] 45 minutes into the battle and Beedrill has run out of PP on Agility, Cut and Megadrain. All that remains is Twineedle.

8d 16h 53m [B] We head into the Pokémon Lab briefly and back out onto the island.

8d 16h 50m [R] The battle rages on with Beedrill and Dewgong. Both mons still at full health!

[Info] Extended information on Mew courtesy of the bot.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MEW RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

8d 16h 47m [B] Caught a Lv. 41 Mew! Nickname: RRR ᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WE CAUGHT MEW ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

8d 16h 47m [B] We toss a Poké Ball and MEW IS CAUGHT!

8d 16h 46m [B] We Put Mew to sleep! We head back to the inventory and wake it up with the Poke Flute.

[Chat] All inputs have been abandoned on Red. It's all solid blue inputs.

[Fluff] The DexNav thinks we're actually battling a Clefable now.

8d 16h 42m [B] We toss a Great Ball but to no avail. Mew has transformed into Clefable! Consult Dome for guidance.

[Snark] We find level 110+ Magikarps but Mew only appears at level 41? What is this ocean

8d 16h 41m [B] Blue surfs the coastline and ITS HAPPENED MEW HAS APPEARED!

8d 16h 41m [R] We have now hit the 30 minute mark in our epic battle against Dewgong.

8d 16h 39m [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted to a super buff Magikarp!

8d 16h 37m [R] Dewgong remains at full health thanks to Rest. We continually consult our inventory for guidance.

8d 16h 33m [B] After 2 Great Balls we Caught a Lv. 50 Magikarp! Nickname: pyypgg×j

8d 16h 31m [B] We encounter a level 121 Magikarp and try to catch it with a Great Ball.

[R] Beedrill finally attacks with Mega Drain dealing little damage.

8d 16h 28m [R] Still facing off against Dewgong with Beedrill, we try to flee but There's no running from a Trainer Battle....so we consult TM35.

8d 16h 27m [B] We surf the coast line of Cinnabar Island and encounter a lvl 130 Magikarp!

8d 16h 24m [B] After throwing 15 Great Balls we Caught a Lv. 50 Gyarados! Nickname: S

8d 16h 21m [R] In what is turning out to be a massacre, Raichu is taken out by Dewgong and we send out our last mon Beedrill.

8d 16h 20m [B] Alakazam is taken down by the Gyarados, the team sends out Venusaur and hucks another Great Ball.

8d 16h 19m [R] Both Tauros and Nidoqueen are taken down by Dewgong. Raichu is sent out.

8d 16h 18m [B] We begin to pelt the Gyarados with Great Balls!

8d 16h 18m [R] After plenty of more switching, Charizard has Fainted and we now send out Tauros.

8d 16h 16m [B] Blue Encounters a wild lvl 50 Gyarados!

8d 16h 14m [R] We have sent out the entire team to fell Dewgong but it remains at full HP..and Dugtrio has Fainted! We send out Beedrill.

8d 16h 11m [R] The battle has begun! Lorelei Attempt #53! Charizard is switched in for Raichu...then switched out again...then switched out once more! We change it up and send out Tauros to evenly work out the team

8d 16h 10m [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #53! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall

8d 16h 6m [B] While surfing around the Seafoam Islands we encounter a Swimmer who sends out a level 100 Staryu!

8d 16h 4m [R] Dugtrio is down! We are left with Tauros! We send it out and it is promptly hit with a massive Hyper Beam. After a turn to recharge Dragonite lands another and we Black out! RIP E4 Attempt #52

8d 16h 3m [B] We get on Lapras and surf the waters edge for a breif moment before beginning our journey towards the Seafoam Islands.

8d 16h 1m [R] We face Dragonite and deliver a mighty Slash. We try to Leer it but succumb to a fatal blow and Charizard Faints lvl 69 Dugtrio Vs lvl 79 Dragonite now.

8d 16h 0m [B] We Heal!

[R] Charizard takes a good hit at Dragonair and knocks it out, along with Aerodactyl!

8d 15h 58m [B] Blue enters the mart and considers a shopping spree but thinks better of it and heads back outside.

8d 15h 57m [R] We are furiously trying to use every item at our disposal against Gyarados but nothing seems to be working so we use Strength and knock it out!

8d 15h 56m [B] We make landfall on Cinnabar Island! Land Ho!

8d 15h 49m [B] We face a Fisherman with 6 lvl 100 Magikarps and come out unscathed. We surf again and head south towards Cinnabar Island..

[R] We face Agatha and win. We face Lance for our 9th attempt. Lances Gyarados takes out Beedrill. Our remaining team is Tauros, Dugtrio and Charizard.

8d 15h 48m [R] We Face and emerge victorious on our 36th attempt against Bruno! On to our 27th attempt against Agatha!

8d 15h 40m [B] We head south on Route 21 and join some fishermen on a dock.

8d 15h 38m [B] We surf the waters edge and encounter a wild Lvl 23 Shellder!

8d 15h 36m [B] Looking out longingly at the water contemplating another MissingNo encounter...

8d 15h 33m [Bot] [B] <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 15h 31m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 15h 30m [Bot] [B] Mom's House 1F.

8d 15h 29m [R] ** Raichu to 62 and faints**

8d 15h 28m [Bot] [B] We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 15h 24m [R] Attempt #52

8d 15h 23m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 44!

8d 15h 22m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

8d 15h 21m [R] Charizard faints, whiteout

8d 15h 20m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

8d 15h 17m [R] Tauros faints

8d 15h 16m [R] Charizard makes quick work of the rest of her team, Vs Lance

8d 15h 16m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

8d 15h 12m [R] Charizard 2 shotting Agatha's Gengar and Golbat and got a crit Flamethrower on Haunter

8d 15h 11m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

8d 15h 10m [R] VS Agatha, Only Charizard and Tauros alive

[Info] The Missingno. was encountered in Pallet Town at the water's edge. It was Lv. 190. We tried to catch it once but missed. We then used Psychic and took it out. Afterwards, the save states were reset, and the devs moved us out of the Pallet Town map and reset the encounter table.

8d 15h 3m Stream resumed.

8d 15h 2m Devs are taking control of Blue.

8d 15h 2m Both games are still active but the controls are frozen.

8d 15h 1m Stream paused

8d 15h 0m [B] Encountered a wild Missingno.! But it goes down to Psychic.

8d 15h 0m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild undefined.

8d 14h 59m [Bot] [B] Acquired 128 Leaf Stone!

8d 14h 57m [Bot] [B] Acquired 32 Leaf Stone!

8d 14h 56m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 14h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 69!

8d 14h 52m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] We head into Mom's House 1F.

8d 14h 50m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 14h 49m [Bot] [B] <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #37!

8d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

8d 14h 48m [Bot] [B] Rival's House.

[R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 14h 48m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 48m [Bot] [B] Rival's House.

8d 14h 47m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 14h 44m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 14h 42m [Bot] [R] We heal! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 45!

8d 14h 41m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #51!

8d 14h 41m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 40m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #51! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 14h 37m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

8d 14h 36m [Bot] [R] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #50 We head onto Pokémon League.

8d 14h 35m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #25!

8d 14h 33m [Bot] [B] Professor Oak's Lab.

[R] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

8d 14h 32m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 14h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 26m [Bot] [B] Now in Rival's House.

8d 14h 20m [R] Summary of Lorelei fight: Everyone but Zard is dead :(

8d 14h 14m [R] Dugtrio down

8d 14h 13m [R] Raichu down

8d 14h 13m [Bot] [B] <Undisclosed Location>.

[Fluff] 50 HYPE!!

8d 14h 10m [R] Attempt #50 starts

8d 14h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Professor Oak's Lab.

8d 14h 6m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 1.

8d 14h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 3m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 1.

8d 14h 3m [R] Raichu down, whiteout

8d 14h 2m Charizard down to Lapras

8d 14h 1m [Info] That's Pallet town

8d 14h 1m [Bot] [B] We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 14h 0m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 3 Pidgey! Nickname: AJ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgey.

8d 13h 59m [R] Nidoqueen down

8d 13h 58m [R] Tauros down

8d 13h 57m [Bot] [B] On Route 1.

8d 13h 55m [R] Beedrill down

8d 13h 53m [R] Dugtrio down

8d 13h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

8d 13h 50m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

8d 13h 49m [R] Attempt 49 begins

8d 13h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

8d 13h 46m [Info] [R] Rip Attempt 48

8d 13h 45m [R] We whiteout

8d 13h 40m [Bot] [B] Viridian Forest.

8d 13h 40m [R] Lorelei down, only Nidoqueen and Beedrill conscious

8d 13h 40m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2 Gate.

8d 13h 36m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

8d 13h 35m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

8d 13h 34m [R] Charizard down

8d 13h 31m Tauros and Raichu down

8d 13h 24m [R] Dugtrio down :(

8d 13h 22m [R] Lots of switching around and Dugtrio has less than 1/4th health already, this run doesn't look too good

8d 13h 20m [R] Right back in there, Attempt #48.

8d 13h 15m [R] We finally get hit with a Wing Attack. Golbat down, blackout!

8d 13h 13m [R] We have no moves that can hit Golbat.

8d 13h 11m [R] And it goes down. Golbat is in.

8d 13h 10m [R] Golbat is switched for Arbok, and we hit it with an Earthquake.

8d 13h 9m [R] Dugtrio takes out Haunter with Earthquake, but now Golbat is in.

8d 13h 8m [R] Haunter uses Night Shade, Tauros goes down. Our only Pokémon left is Dugtrio.

[B] We dig, and escape to Cerulean City.

8d 13h 7m [R] Agatha switches out the Haunter.

8d 13h 5m [B] Caught a Lv. 21 Magnemite! Nickname: OOOOOOO

8d 13h 4m [R] Golbat hit us with a super effective Wing Attack. Beedrill down! Turos is sent in.

8d 12h 59m [R] We hit with a critical cut attack which barely does anything, then dive back into the Item menu.

8d 12h 58m [R] We switch to Beedrill, and Golbat confuses us.

8d 12h 57m [R] Gengar goes down, Golbat is sent in.

8d 12h 55m [B] The only Pokémon we haven't caught here is Magnemite, so this is what the chat is looking for.

8d 12h 53m [R] We send in Dugtrio.

8d 12h 53m [R] Gengar hits with Night Shade. Nidoqueen goes down!

8d 12h 52m [R] Vs. Agatha! Gengar vs. Nidoqueen.

[Snark] Please stop taking the signs.

[Fluff] That was all done to the Pokémon Prism soundtrack too. Kreygasm

8d 12h 48m [R] Meanwhile, it's Nidoqueen vs. Machamp. Lv. 69 vs. Lv 96. Nidoqueen is on 25HP but takes out Machamp with an Earthquake. Bruno defeated!

[Snark] OnePaw

8d 12h 42m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 69!

8d 12h 41m [R] Caught a Lv. 50 Zapdos! Nickname: --xxSSS

8d 12h 39m [B] We run away from Zapdos. It flickers but decides to stick around.

8d 12h 38m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #34!

8d 12h 37m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

8d 12h 35m [B] Vs. Zapdos!

8d 12h 33m [R] We switch to Dugtrio and hit Lapras with an Earthquake. It goes down. Lorelei defeated!

8d 12h 32m [R] Multiple Blizzards hit with Charizard unable to move. It couldn't take it, Charizard down!

8d 12h 32m [R] Charizard scores a critical Slash, but is frozen by Blizzard!

8d 12h 30m [R] We paralyze Jynx with a Thunder Wave, but Jynx hits back with a Thrash. Raichu down! We send in Charizard, which takes it out with a Flamethrower. Lapras next.

8d 12h 29m [R] It finally goes down, but Raichu is down to 64HP. Beedrill to Lv. 44! Jynx is sent in.

8d 12h 29m [R] We paralyse Slowbro and hit it with multiple Thunder attacks.

8d 12h 28m [R] Another Thunder dispatches it. Slowbro is next.

8d 12h 28m [R] A super effective Thunder deals with it. Raichu to Lv. 60! Cloyster is sent in.

8d 12h 27m [R] Vs. Lorelei! Dewgong vs. Raichu.

8d 12h 26m [R] Back in to try for Attempt #47.

8d 12h 24m [B] Caught a Lv. 40 Voltorb! Nickname: YYYYYYYY

8d 12h 22m ... interesting choice of music.

8d 12h 21m [R] And a Hydro Pump later, we're out. Charizard down, blackout!

8d 12h 21m [R] Challenged Lance! Gyarados vs. a weakened Charizard.

8d 12h 19m [B] Obtained Carbos

[Chat] tppsimulator: wasnt it to pallet town yeah we go to solve the biggest hint for MissingNo?


8d 12h 18m [B] We enter the Power Plant.

8d 12h 17m [R] Gengar goes down, Agatha defeated!

8d 12h 17m [R] Down goes Arbok, in comes Gengar.

8d 12h 16m [R] Charizard was asleep but wakes up. Haunter goes down to a Flamethrower. Arbok is up next.

[B] We surf! Heading south.

8d 12h 15m [B] We try to use the S. S. Ticket to Surf, but for some reason, it doesn't work.

8d 12h 14m [R] But other than that, we're facing Agatha with just Charizard on 204HP, no other team members are active.

8d 12h 13m [R] So just to bring up to date, CHARIZARD GREW TO LV. 100!

8d 12h 11m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #23!

8d 12h 11m [Bot] [B] On Route 10.

8d 12h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

8d 12h 9m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 12h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 9.

8d 12h 3m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

8d 12h 2m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

8d 12h 2m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 12h 1m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 68!

8d 11h 59m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #33!

8d 11h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

8d 11h 57m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 11h 56m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

8d 11h 56m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 11h 55m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

8d 11h 54m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 11h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

8d 11h 53m [Bot] [B] We defeat MISTY!

8d 11h 52m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 64!

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 11h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 11h 50m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 11h 49m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 48!

8d 11h 47m [Bot] [B] Vs MISTY! Attempt #16!

8d 11h 46m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #46!

8d 11h 46m [Bot] [B] On Cerulean Gym.

8d 11h 45m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #46! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 11h 44m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

8d 11h 42m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #45 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

8d 11h 42m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

[R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

8d 11h 42m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

8d 11h 41m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron Dojo.

8d 11h 39m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #32!

8d 11h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

8d 11h 34m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

8d 11h 34m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 11h 33m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 11h 31m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 11h 31m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 11h 30m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 11h 30m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 11h 28m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

8d 11h 28m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

8d 11h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

8d 11h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

8d 11h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 59!

8d 11h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

8d 11h 26m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

8d 11h 26m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 26m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 26m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

8d 11h 25m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #45!

8d 11h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 24m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 24m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

[R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #45! Lorelei's Hall.

8d 11h 24m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 22m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Nugget!

8d 11h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 11h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 11h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 11h 21m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 11h 21m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 21m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

8d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

[R] rip E4 Attempt #44 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

8d 11h 20m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

8d 11h 19m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #22!

8d 11h 19m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Iron!

8d 11h 18m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO! Now on Agatha's Hall.

8d 11h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron Poké Mart.

8d 11h 10m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

8d 11h 9m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

8d 11h 5m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

8d 11h 3m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

8d 11h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

8d 11h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

8d 11h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

8d 11h 0m [Bot] [B] Now in Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

[R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #31!

8d 10h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

8d 10h 58m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

8d 10h 58m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 10h 58m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 67!

8d 10h 57m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 10h 57m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 10h 56m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 10h 56m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 10h 55m [Bot] [B] Route 6.

8d 10h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

8d 10h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

8d 10h 51m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

8d 10h 51m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

8d 10h 49m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #44!

8d 10h 48m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #44! Lorelei's Hall.

8d 10h 45m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

8d 10h 44m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 10h 44m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #43 Indigo Plateau.

8d 10h 42m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 10h 41m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 10h 40m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 10h 37m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) learned Rage over Tackle!

8d 10h 37m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 44!

8d 10h 37m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean House.

8d 10h 36m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #43!

8d 10h 34m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #43! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 10h 27m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

8d 10h 26m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #42 We head onto Pokémon League.

8d 10h 26m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

8d 10h 23m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

8d 10h 22m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 10h 22m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

8d 10h 21m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

8d 10h 19m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 46 Magneton! Nickname: GGG We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 19m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 10h 18m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

[R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #6!

8d 10h 18m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 18m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 16m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 16m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 15m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 10h 12m [Bot] [R] On Lance's Hall.

8d 10h 12m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

8d 10h 10m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

8d 10h 8m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 99!

8d 10h 7m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 42 Blastoise! Nickname: KKKKKKKKKK We toss a Great Ball at a wild Blastoise.

8d 10h 6m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Blastoise.

8d 10h 6m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 10h 5m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #21!

8d 10h 4m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

8d 10h 3m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 10h 0m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 9h 56m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 9h 55m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #30!

8d 9h 54m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

8d 9h 54m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 9h 54m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 58!

8d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

8d 9h 50m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 57!

8d 9h 50m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #42!

8d 9h 49m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #42! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 9h 47m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

8d 9h 47m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #41 Pokémon League.

8d 9h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

8d 9h 43m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 53 Tentacruel! Nickname: SS We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacruel.

8d 9h 43m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacruel.

8d 9h 43m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacruel.

8d 9h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacruel.

8d 9h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacruel.

8d 9h 42m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacruel.

8d 9h 40m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 9h 34m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #20!

8d 9h 33m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

8d 9h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

8d 9h 33m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 9h 32m [Bot] [B] Unknown Dungeon.

8d 9h 32m [Bot] [B] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

8d 9h 31m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 98!

8d 9h 29m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 9h 28m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #29!

8d 9h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

8d 9h 27m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 9h 27m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 43! DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 66!

8d 9h 26m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 51 Dodrio! Nickname: FFGGGGG We toss a Great Ball at a wild Dodrio.

8d 9h 26m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Dodrio.

8d 9h 25m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 9h 21m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 9h 20m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 68!

8d 9h 19m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 51 Venomoth! Nickname: ZZZZZZZZZ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venomoth.

[R] <b>MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has lost three levels, and is now level 67!

8d 9h 19m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown three levels to level 70!

8d 9h 18m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venomoth.

8d 9h 18m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venomoth.

8d 9h 18m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venomoth.

8d 9h 18m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venomoth.

8d 9h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venomoth.

8d 9h 17m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venomoth.

8d 9h 16m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 9h 10m [Bot] [B] Now on Unknown Dungeon.

8d 9h 8m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Magneton.

8d 9h 6m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #41!

8d 9h 5m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #41! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 9h 5m [Bot] [B] In Unknown Dungeon B1F.

8d 9h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

8d 9h 4m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 4.

8d 9h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

8d 8h 59m [Bot] [R] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #40 Indigo Plateau.

8d 8h 55m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

8d 8h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 24.

8d 8h 53m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 8h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

8d 8h 51m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 24.

8d 8h 51m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 8h 47m [Bot] [B] Route 25.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: mew yet?

8d 8h 46m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 8h 43m [Bot] [B] Sea Cottage.

8d 8h 40m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 25.

8d 8h 39m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #19!

8d 8h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 24.

8d 8h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

8d 8h 37m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 8h 37m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

8d 8h 36m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean House.

8d 8h 35m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

8d 8h 35m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 8h 34m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

8d 8h 33m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 67!

8d 8h 32m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

8d 8h 32m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #28!

8d 8h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

8d 8h 31m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 8h 28m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Poké Mart.

8d 8h 27m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 8h 25m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 56!

8d 8h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

8d 8h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 5.

8d 8h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

8d 8h 21m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

8d 8h 20m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #40!

8d 8h 19m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #40! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 8h 18m [Bot] [B] Route 6.

[R] Indigo Plateau.

8d 8h 17m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #39 We head onto Pokémon League.

8d 8h 17m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

8d 8h 16m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 8h 14m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

8d 8h 13m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 11.

8d 8h 13m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

8d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

[R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #27!

8d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

8d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

8d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 8h 9m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 8h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 8h 6m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

8d 8h 4m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 8h 3m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 55!

8d 8h 3m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

8d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] We heal! -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 43!

8d 8h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #39!

8d 8h 0m [Bot] [B] Route 2 Gate.

8d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #39! Lorelei's Hall.

8d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #38 Indigo Plateau.

8d 7h 58m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

8d 7h 56m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 7h 56m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

8d 7h 56m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 7h 54m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 7h 53m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

8d 7h 50m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 3 Nidoran♂! Nickname: QQQQQQQQQQ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Nidoran♂.

8d 7h 48m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 7h 48m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #18!

8d 7h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

8d 7h 45m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 7h 43m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 66!

8d 7h 40m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 42!

8d 7h 39m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #26!

8d 7h 39m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

8d 7h 38m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 7h 36m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 7h 34m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 54!

8d 7h 33m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #38!

8d 7h 32m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #38! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

8d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #37 Now on Pokémon League.

8d 7h 30m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

8d 7h 29m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 7h 27m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 7h 25m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 7h 24m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #5!

8d 7h 23m [Bot] [R] We head onto Lance's Hall.

8d 7h 22m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I don't know where mew is either

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going, got mew yet?

8d 7h 20m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 65!

8d 7h 16m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 22.

8d 7h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 7h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #17!

8d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

8d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 7h 11m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

8d 7h 10m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian Pokémon Center.

8d 7h 10m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

8d 7h 8m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 65!

8d 7h 7m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 97!

8d 7h 6m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 28 Haunter! Nickname: HHHHH We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 4m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 4m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 4m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 4m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Haunter.

8d 7h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #25!

8d 7h 1m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 7F.

8d 6h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

8d 6h 56m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 6h 50m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 6h 48m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #37!

8d 6h 48m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #37! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

8d 6h 46m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #36 We head onto Indigo Plateau.

8d 6h 46m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

8d 6h 45m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #16!

8d 6h 44m [Bot] [R] Agatha's Hall.

8d 6h 43m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 6h 43m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 6F.

8d 6h 43m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 7F.

8d 6h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 6F.

8d 6h 42m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 6h 39m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 64!

8d 6h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 7F.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 6h 35m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 6h 34m [Bot] [B] We heal! VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 88!

8d 6h 33m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 6h 32m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) is now level 41!

8d 6h 28m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 24 Cubone! Nickname: )))))))))) We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cubone.

8d 6h 28m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Cubone.

8d 6h 24m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 6F.

[R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #24!

8d 6h 21m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 6h 19m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 5F.

8d 6h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

8d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 6h 10m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 6h 8m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 42!

8d 6h 8m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 4F.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 53!

8d 6h 5m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #36!

8d 6h 3m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #36! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

8d 6h 2m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 6h 2m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 6h 2m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 6h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 6h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 6h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Full Restore!

8d 5h 59m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 5h 57m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

8d 5h 57m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #35 Pokémon League.

8d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

8d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 5h 54m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 5h 50m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 5h 46m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 21 Gastly! Nickname: DDDDDDDDDD We toss a Great Ball at a wild Gastly.

8d 5h 46m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Gastly.

8d 5h 45m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Gastly.

8d 5h 45m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #15!

8d 5h 44m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

8d 5h 43m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 5h 40m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 3F.

8d 5h 38m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

8d 5h 37m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 1F.

8d 5h 35m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

8d 5h 34m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

8d 5h 33m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 5h 32m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

8d 5h 31m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 12.

8d 5h 30m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 12 Gate 1F.

8d 5h 30m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #23!

8d 5h 29m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

8d 5h 29m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 23 Poliwhirl! Nickname: AAAAAAAAAA We toss a Great Ball at a wild Poliwhirl.

8d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Poliwhirl.

[R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 96!

8d 5h 26m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 5h 24m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 52!

8d 5h 22m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #35!

8d 5h 21m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #35! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 5h 20m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

8d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #34 Arrived on Pokémon League.

8d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

8d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

8d 5h 18m [Bot] [R] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #1 incoming!! We head onto Champion's Hall.

8d 5h 17m [Bot] [R] Defeated LANCE!

8d 5h 12m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 26 Seaking! Nickname: AAAA We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seaking.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 5h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #4!

8d 5h 11m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seaking.

8d 5h 11m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seaking.

8d 5h 11m [Bot] [R] We head onto Lance's Hall.

8d 5h 10m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

8d 5h 8m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 63!

[Meta/Fluff] Remember when M4 played Blues music a day ago? It caused the YouTube videos to be copyright claimed and Twitch VOD silenced. SO MUCH FOR PUBLIC DOMAIN AMRITE?! SeemsGood

8d 4h 53m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #14!

8d 4h 52m [Bot] [R] Agatha's Hall.

8d 4h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 12.

8d 4h 52m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 11.

[R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 4h 51m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 11 Gate 1F.

8d 4h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11 Gate 2F.

[R] A (Charizard) is now level 95!

8d 4h 48m [Bot] [B] On Route 11 Gate 1F.

8d 4h 47m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 77!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 4h 46m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 64!

8d 4h 44m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 4h 44m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #22!

8d 4h 43m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

8d 4h 43m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 4h 42m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 40!

8d 4h 38m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 4h 38m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

8d 4h 37m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

8d 4h 36m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #34!

8d 4h 35m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #34! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 4h 34m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #33 Indigo Plateau.

8d 4h 34m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

8d 4h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

8d 4h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

8d 4h 30m [Bot] [B] On Route 2.

8d 4h 29m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 4h 27m [Bot] [B] Route 2 House.

8d 4h 24m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

8d 4h 23m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 HM05 Flash!

8d 4h 23m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 41!

8d 4h 22m [Bot] [B] On Route 2 Gate.

8d 4h 21m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 4h 20m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #13!

8d 4h 19m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

8d 4h 18m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 4h 17m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

8d 4h 12m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

8d 4h 9m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

8d 4h 8m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 4h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #21!

8d 4h 7m [Bot] [B] In Viridian Pokémon Center.

8d 4h 7m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

8d 4h 7m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 4h 5m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

8d 4h 4m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 4h 1m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 51!

8d 4h 0m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #33!

8d 4h 0m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

8d 3h 59m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #33! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 3h 58m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 3h 57m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Town Map!

8d 3h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

8d 3h 57m [Bot] [B] We head into Rival's House.

8d 3h 56m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #32 On Pokémon League.

8d 3h 56m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

8d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] Route 1.

8d 3h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 3h 52m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 3h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mom's House 1F.

8d 3h 48m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #3!

8d 3h 48m [Bot] [B] In Mom's House 2F.

8d 3h 48m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mom's House 1F.

8d 3h 47m [Bot] [R] Now on Lance's Hall.

8d 3h 46m [Bot] [B] <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 3h 45m [Bot] [R] Defeated AGATHA!

8d 3h 45m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 63!

8d 3h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Professor Oak's Lab.

8d 3h 42m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

8d 3h 40m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 3h 36m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 3h 36m [Bot] [B] On Route 21.

8d 3h 33m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

8d 3h 33m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 3h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

8d 3h 31m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

8d 3h 31m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #12!

8d 3h 31m [Bot] [R] Now on Agatha's Hall.

8d 3h 30m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 50 Articuno! Nickname: VVVVVVVVV We toss a Great Ball at a wild Articuno.

8d 3h 29m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 3h 29m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Articuno.

8d 3h 29m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Articuno.

8d 3h 26m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Articuno.

8d 3h 25m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 94!

8d 3h 22m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 3h 22m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 62!

8d 3h 21m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

8d 3h 19m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #20!

8d 3h 19m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

8d 3h 18m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 3h 18m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 40!

8d 3h 15m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 31 Seel! Nickname: PPPPPPP We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seel.

8d 3h 13m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 3h 11m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #32!

8d 3h 10m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #32! Lorelei's Hall.

8d 3h 8m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

8d 3h 7m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Attempt #31 Pokémon League.

8d 3h 2m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

8d 3h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 59m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 58m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 37 Golduck! Nickname: BBBBAI  ᵐᶰᵐᶰ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Golduck.

8d 2h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #11!

8d 2h 57m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Golduck.

[R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

8d 2h 56m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 2h 56m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 93!

8d 2h 54m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 54m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 52m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #19!

8d 2h 52m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

8d 2h 51m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 2h 49m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

8d 2h 48m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 31 Krabby! Nickname: HHHHHGGGGA We toss a Great Ball at a wild Krabby.

8d 2h 47m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 2h 46m [Bot] [B] We heal VVDDD- (Alakazam) with a Potion!

8d 2h 45m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 2h 43m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 43m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 2h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 41m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 33 Starmie! Nickname: YYYYYYYYYY

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 2h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Kabuto.

8d 2h 41m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 39!

8d 2h 40m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Starmie.

8d 2h 40m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #31!

8d 2h 38m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #31! Lorelei's Hall.

8d 2h 37m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

8d 2h 37m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #30 On Pokémon League.

8d 2h 36m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 35m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #10!

8d 2h 35m [Bot] [R] Agatha's Hall.

8d 2h 34m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 2h 34m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 92!

8d 2h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 32m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 2h 31m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 2h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 29m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 2h 26m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 2h 24m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #18!

8d 2h 23m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

8d 2h 23m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

[R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 2h 23m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 22m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seel.

8d 2h 21m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 62!

8d 2h 20m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 2h 19m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 19m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 18m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 50!

8d 2h 17m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #30!

8d 2h 15m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

[R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #30! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 2h 15m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

8d 2h 14m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

8d 2h 14m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #29 Now on Pokémon League.

8d 2h 13m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

8d 2h 8m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 2h 6m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 20.

8d 2h 1m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 2h 1m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

8d 2h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Gym.

8d 2h 0m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

8d 1h 59m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

8d 1h 58m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

8d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #9!

8d 1h 56m [Bot] [R] Agatha's Hall.

8d 1h 56m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

8d 1h 54m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

8d 1h 52m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

8d 1h 49m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #17!

8d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 43!

8d 1h 48m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

8d 1h 48m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 1h 45m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

8d 1h 44m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

8d 1h 43m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 49!

8d 1h 42m [Bot] [R] We heal! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 61!

8d 1h 41m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #29!

8d 1h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

8d 1h 39m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #29! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

8d 1h 38m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

8d 1h 37m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

8d 1h 30m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #28 Pokémon League.

8d 1h 30m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

8d 1h 29m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 24 Goldeen! Nickname: AAAAA

8d 1h 28m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 1h 28m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Poliwag.

8d 1h 27m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

8d 1h 22m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

8d 1h 22m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

8d 1h 21m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 91!

8d 1h 18m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] Route 20.

8d 1h 15m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM05 Mega Kick!

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

8d 1h 13m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

8d 1h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #16!

8d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] We heal!

8d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] In Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

8d 1h 11m [Bot] [R] On Bruno's Hall.

8d 1h 9m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

8d 1h 8m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

8d 1h 6m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 39!

8d 1h 3m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) is now level 38!

8d 1h 3m [Bot] [B] Defeated BLAINE!

8d 1h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #28!

8d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 65!

8d 0h 59m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #28! On Lorelei's Hall.

8d 0h 58m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 76!

8d 0h 58m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 0h 57m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 0h 57m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

[R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 0h 57m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 0h 56m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

8d 0h 56m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

[R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

8d 0h 53m [Bot] [B] Vs BLAINE! Attempt #2!

8d 0h 50m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Gym.

8d 0h 48m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

8d 0h 45m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #27 Indigo Plateau.

8d 0h 45m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

8d 0h 43m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

8d 0h 41m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

8d 0h 41m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

8d 0h 41m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

8d 0h 40m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 2F.

8d 0h 39m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

8d 0h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

8d 0h 37m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

[R] A (Charizard) fainted!

8d 0h 37m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE! Attempt #2!

8d 0h 35m [Bot] [R] Lance's Hall.

8d 0h 35m [Bot] [R] We defeat AGATHA!

8d 0h 34m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 1F.

8d 0h 34m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 48!

8d 0h 34m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion B1F.

8d 0h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

8d 0h 32m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 61!

8d 0h 28m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

8d 0h 27m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion B1F.

8d 0h 23m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

8d 0h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #8!

8d 0h 21m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

8d 0h 20m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 42 Weezing! Nickname: ××××× We toss a Great Ball at a wild Weezing.

8d 0h 20m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

8d 0h 19m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Weezing.

8d 0h 18m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 90!

8d 0h 16m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #15!

8d 0h 15m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

8d 0h 15m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

8d 0h 8m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #27!

8d 0h 6m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #27! Lorelei's Hall.

8d 0h 3m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

8d 0h 3m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #26 Arrived on Pokémon League.

8d 0h 2m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

8d 0h 1m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

7d 23h 58m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 23h 57m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 47!

7d 23h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

7d 23h 52m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 23h 51m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #7!

7d 23h 49m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

7d 23h 48m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

7d 23h 48m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 37!

7d 23h 48m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 60!

7d 23h 40m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 38!

7d 23h 39m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 59!

7d 23h 38m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 23h 37m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #14!

7d 23h 36m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

7d 23h 34m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

7d 23h 30m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 89!

7d 23h 28m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #26!

7d 23h 27m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #26! Lorelei's Hall.

7d 23h 18m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #25 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 23h 17m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

7d 23h 17m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 23h 15m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 23h 13m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 23h 13m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion B1F.

7d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 34 Ponyta! Nickname: OOXX]] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Ponyta.

7d 23h 11m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 23h 8m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 1F.

7d 23h 8m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 23h 7m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #13!

7d 23h 6m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

7d 23h 2m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

7d 23h 0m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 46!

7d 22h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #25!

7d 22h 57m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #25! Lorelei's Hall.

7d 22h 55m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 22h 55m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! We head onto Pokémon League.

7d 22h 51m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 22h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

7d 22h 46m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

7d 22h 45m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 45!

7d 22h 44m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 22h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 40m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 22h 39m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 36!

7d 22h 38m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 58!

7d 22h 36m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Max Potion!

7d 22h 33m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 22h 32m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 3F.

7d 22h 31m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 31m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 3F.

7d 22h 30m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 29m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 3F.

7d 22h 28m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 28m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

7d 22h 26m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 3F.

7d 22h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 25m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 3F.

7d 22h 23m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 60!

7d 22h 22m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

7d 22h 21m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 20m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 1F.

7d 22h 18m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

7d 22h 16m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Moon Stone!

7d 22h 15m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 1F.

7d 22h 12m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

7d 22h 12m [Bot] [B] We heal!

7d 22h 11m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 88!

7d 22h 11m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

7d 22h 9m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 37!

7d 22h 3m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

7d 22h 3m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 22 Poliwag! Nickname: (((((???? We toss a Great Ball at a wild Poliwag.

7d 22h 3m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Poliwag.

7d 21h 57m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 63!

7d 21h 51m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

7d 21h 38m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 23 Squirtle! Nickname: a We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Squirtle.

7d 21h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Squirtle.

7d 21h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Squirtle.

7d 21h 36m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Squirtle.

7d 21h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Squirtle.

7d 21h 35m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Squirtle.

7d 21h 23m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

7d 21h 22m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 87!

7d 21h 21m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

7d 21h 21m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

7d 21h 16m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Pikachu.

7d 21h 12m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

7d 21h 10m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

7d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

7d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

7d 21h 3m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

7d 20h 55m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

7d 20h 54m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

7d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

7d 20h 52m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 30 Wartortle! Nickname: PPPPPPPQn We toss a Great Ball at a wild Wartortle.

7d 20h 51m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #24 Pokémon League.

7d 20h 51m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

7d 20h 50m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 87!

7d 20h 50m [Bot] [B] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Wartortle.

7d 20h 45m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #12!

7d 20h 45m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

7d 20h 43m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

7d 20h 42m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 20h 41m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 44!

7d 20h 40m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 21.

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 20h 40m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 20h 39m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 20h 37m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) learned Agility over Fury Attack!

7d 20h 37m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 35!

7d 20h 35m [Bot] [B] <Undisclosed Location>.

[R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #24!

7d 20h 34m [Bot] [B] Now in Mom's House 1F.

[R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #24! On Lorelei's Hall.

7d 20h 34m [Bot] [B] Now in Mom's House 2F.

[R] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 20h 33m [Bot] [B] In Mom's House 1F.

[R] Now on Pokémon League.

7d 20h 32m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 20h 32m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #23 We head onto Pokémon League.

7d 20h 32m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

7d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 Nugget, 1 Silph Scope, and 1 Poké Flute from the PC!

7d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] Retrieved 1 TM38 Fire Blast from the PC!

7d 20h 30m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

7d 20h 29m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

7d 20h 29m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 20h 26m [Bot] [B] Stored 1 Full Restore, 1 HM03 Surf, and 1 HM04 Strength in the PC!

7d 20h 25m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 20h 25m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #6!

7d 20h 25m [Bot] [B] In Mom's House 2F.

7d 20h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mom's House 1F.

7d 20h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

7d 20h 22m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

7d 20h 21m [Bot] [B] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

7d 20h 18m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 20h 17m [Bot] [B] We head into Professor Oak's Lab.

7d 20h 12m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #11!

7d 20h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

7d 20h 9m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

7d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 43!

7d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 57!

7d 20h 7m [Bot] [B] On Route 1.

7d 20h 6m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 59!

7d 20h 5m [Bot] [R] We heal! A (Charizard) has grown to level 86!

7d 20h 3m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #23!

7d 20h 2m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #23! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

7d 20h 0m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 20h 0m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

7d 19h 59m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 19h 58m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

7d 19h 55m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

7d 19h 55m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian City.

7d 19h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Moon Stone!

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 19h 50m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 36!

7d 19h 47m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2.

7d 19h 46m [Bot] [B] Diglett's Cave.

7d 19h 44m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 56!

7d 19h 42m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 19h 41m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 19 Diglett! Nickname: DDDDDDDDDD We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Diglett.

7d 19h 40m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Diglett.

7d 19h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Diglett's Cave.

7d 19h 38m [Bot] [B] We head into Diglett's Cave.

7d 19h 37m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

7d 19h 35m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

7d 19h 33m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

7d 19h 33m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

7d 19h 31m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

7d 19h 30m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

7d 19h 25m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 34!

7d 19h 21m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 42!

7d 19h 18m [R] Status update: As Hooooh so eloquently put it in discord, Red is "still spawncamping Moltres". Every time it faints for EXP ALL, we talk to it again and kill it again. #SomeoneCallPETA

7d 19h 15m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Ninetales.

7d 19h 13m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 85!

7d 19h 10m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Ultra Ball!

7d 19h 9m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Ninetales.

7d 18h 58m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 20 Pidgey! Nickname: Y RI We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Pidgey.

7d 18h 56m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) is now level 33!

7d 18h 53m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 35!

7d 18h 53m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 84!

7d 18h 49m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

7d 18h 46m [Bot] [R] We heal! QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has grown to level 41!

7d 18h 37m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

7d 18h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

7d 18h 31m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

7d 18h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

7d 18h 21m [R] After a long struggle, we're nightshaded and We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #22 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 18h 15m [R] After a breif lecture from Agatha, this is it! Attempt #5

7d 18h 13m [R] After a battle of Leers, we slash at Machamp and emerge victorious and waste no time running right into Agathas Hall.

7d 18h 11m [R] Charizard takes out Onix and braces itself for the final fight against Machamp!

7d 18h 10m [B] Blue appears to be hunting for Ninetails in the grass

7d 18h 9m [R] We take down Hitmonlee and begin our onslaught against the final Onix.

7d 18h 8m [R] We take out Hitmonchan and start to face Hitmonlee! Back to an inventory consultation.

7d 18h 3m [R] We quickly take out Onix. Hitmonchan comes out and we start to consult our inventory.

7d 18h 2m [R] We head into Bruno's Hall and challenge him! Attempt #10!

7d 18h 0m [B] We use Cut and wander into a lush patch of grass on Route 8. We encounter a Sandshrew.

7d 17h 59m [R] Charizard takes out Lapras and we emerge victorious Defeated LORELEI!

7d 17h 58m [B] We remind ourselves of Ivysaurs cry...its sound is soothing us during our quest.

7d 17h 56m [R] We slash at Slowbro knock it out. It appears our consulting has paid off. Jynx is send out, we slash at it also OHKO it! A (Charizard) has grown to level 83!

7d 17h 55m [B] We head out on to Route 8 and walk along. [R] We continue to consult the Helix, TM35, HM01 and our Old Rod.

7d 17h 53m [R] With a well aimed Flamethrower from Charizard we vanquish Cloyster. Slowbro is sent out.

7d 17h 52m [B] We head back into Lavender town and run to the Pokémon Center.

7d 17h 51m [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! We send out our mon, Charizard and start to consult the Helix.

7d 17h 49m [R] We send out Tauros and start to wittle away. Unfortunately -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! and we send out Nidoqueen.

7d 17h 47m [R] We send out Dugtrio, who after 2 Aurora Beams is knocked out DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

7d 17h 46m [R] Charizard makes quick work of Dewgong. Cloyster is sent out. We switch out to Raichu and despite a well placed Thunder QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 17h 45m [R] After some hesitation...Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #22! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 17h 42m [B] We wander the tower among the graves, heading up to the 3rd floor [R] We talk with our personal trainer and browse the stalls.

7d 17h 41m [R] Charizard VS Gengar. Charizard is put to Sleep, has its dreams eaten, is confused and abused. We Black Out!

7d 17h 39m [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #4 [B] We enter Pokémon Tower.

7d 17h 41m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

7d 17h 37m [R] We Defeat Bruno!

7d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

7d 17h 35m [R] We take out Onix and Lvl 90 Machamp is sent out. We furiously consult the Helix. #PraiseIt

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: mew yet?

7d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM46 Psywave!

7d 17h 37m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 37m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 37m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 37m [Bot] [B] Acquired 5 Great Ball!

7d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

7d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

7d 17h 33m [R] Charizard KO's Hitmonlee. Onix is sent out and we start to consult the Helix Fossil. #PraiseIt

7d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 35m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

7d 17h 35m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 32m [R] Despite Onix being in a grumpy rage, Charizard takes it out and Hitmonchan is sent out...and promptly KO'ed

7d 17h 35m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 35m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

7d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

7d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

7d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

7d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

7d 17h 33m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

7d 17h 30m [R] We defeat LORELEI! With Carizard remaining as our only alive mon. We walk up and challenge Bruno. Attempt #9!

7d 17h 33m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

7d 17h 33m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

7d 17h 32m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

7d 17h 32m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

7d 17h 32m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

7d 17h 28m [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted We send out Charizard and finish off Jynx. A (Charizard) has grown to level 82!

7d 17h 26m [R] Making full use of Twinneedle and Poison, Beedrill chips away at Slowbro. We switch out to Nidoqueen to finish up the job and Slowbro faints! Jynx is sent out!

7d 17h 24m [R] Lorelei sends out Slowbro, we switch Charizard out for Raichu and then Raichu out for Beedrill

7d 17h 24m [B] We head into Mr. Fujis house to hang out

7d 17h 21m [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) and -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) have fainted! But Nidoqueen takes out Dewgong. We send out Charizard against Cloyster!

7d 17h 19m [R] Having grown bored with fighting the Fire Bird, we decide to challenge the Elite Four for Attempt #21

7d 17h 16m [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio), ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) and -??CCCAAA- (Taurus) has fainted against Moltres, We Black Out!

7d 17h 13m [R] We take down Moltres and MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 55!

7d 17h 8m [R] A (Charizard) has fainted against Moltres so we run for it....and then go back after Moltres again!

7d 17h 3m [B] Blue heads into the Pokémon Center and heals up her half dead team.

7d 17h 2m [B] We leave the Name Rater's House with our team unaltered and are now wandering around the town.

7d 17h 1m [R] After beating Moltes....again...?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 32!

7d 17h 0m [B] We make it to Lavender Town and We head into Name Rater's House!

7d 16h 57m [R] Moltres takes its revenge on us and QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 16h 54m [R] We decide to let Raichu in on the fun and send them out against Moltres.

7d 16h 51m [B] Blue jumps on Lapras back and we head out onto the water!

7d 16h 45m [R] We beat up Moltres again and A (Charizard) has grown to level 81!

7d 16h 43m [R] Red walks up to Moltres...and the abuse begins anew #AbuseMoltres

7d 16h 42m [B] We save our progress

7d 16h 39m [B] We try to dig our way under Snorlax but to no avail...

7d 16h 37m [B] We wander up to a sleeping Snorlax....unfortunately Blue didn't get her music degree and we need to find another way around the beast!

7d 16h 33m [B] Now walking the boardwalks of Route 12, we contemplate if Mews like water....

7d 16h 28m [R] With an impressive display of Strength, Red moves a boulder and encounters a wild Golbat

7d 16h 26m [B] Blue heads through the maze in to Route 13, searching every nook and cranny for Mew #MewsClues

7d 16h 21m [R] Red Heads on to Victory Road

7d 16h 20m [B] Surely Blues Persian can Clip this birds wings...and it does!! Victory!

7d 16h 19m [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

7d 16h 18m [R] Red heads back onto Route 23, no doubted on a mission to beat up Moltres again

7d 16h 15m [B] Some say the Hundo Bird Keeper has trained in this fence maze for decades. Unforunately VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

7d 16h 12m [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: mew yet?

7d 16h 5m [R] Meanwhile Red grapples with an almost entirely dead and another valiant effort to kill or capture Moltres

7d 16h 4m [B] Blue encounters a Lvl 100 Pidgeotto and immediately begins to consult every item at her disposal to figure out how to face this adversary

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: hi

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: thanks for subscribing

7d 15h 59m [R] Yet another Attempt has been made on Moltres. The poor bird must be fine with the abuse cause they're not running...

7d 15h 59m [Bot] [B] On Route 14.

7d 15h 54m [B] Blue continues her hunt for Mew in all the gatehouses across Kanto

7d 15h 57m [Bot] [B] Route 15.

7d 15h 54m [R] Another attempt on the Legendary Moltres...either in trying to catch it or to grind exp from it. #MoltresAbuse

7d 15h 56m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 15 Gate 1F.

[Fluff] We're also killing the Moltres consistently and it doesn't go away.

7d 15h 55m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Exp.All!

7d 15h 54m [R] We're fighting Moltres on Red! And we ran, and talk to it again! It didn't disappear!

7d 15h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 2F.

7d 15h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 1F.

7d 15h 51m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 15.

7d 15h 51m [Bot] [B] On Route 15 Gate 1F.

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 15h 50m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

7d 15h 48m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

7d 15h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

7d 15h 47m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 18.

7d 15h 46m [Bot] [B] Route 18 Gate 1F.

7d 15h 46m [Bot] [B] Route 18 Gate 2F.

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 15h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 18 Gate 1F.

7d 15h 43m [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 80! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 54!

7d 15h 38m [Bot] [B] Route 18 Gate 1F.

7d 15h 37m [Bot] [B] On Route 18.

7d 15h 34m [Bot] [B] On Route 17.

7d 15h 32m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 15h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 16.

7d 15h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

7d 15h 28m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

7d 15h 27m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM47 Explosion!

7d 15h 26m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

7d 15h 26m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

7d 15h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 40!

7d 15h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

7d 15h 21m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

7d 15h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

7d 15h 16m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

7d 15h 15m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 1F.

7d 15h 14m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 2F.

7d 15h 14m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 3F.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: mew yet?

7d 15h 12m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 2F.

7d 15h 8m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 3F.

7d 15h 7m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 2F.

7d 15h 6m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 HM01 Cut!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I don't know where mew is either

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: under truck tppSlowpoke

7d 15h 4m [Bot] [B] We head onto S.S. Anne Cabin.

7d 15h 2m [B] Beedril falls, swiftly followed by Dugtrio and charizard

7d 15h 3m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

7d 15h 3m [Bot] [B] We defeat (((!

7d 15h 3m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

7d 15h 2m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 86!

7d 15h 1m [B] Alakazam has already taken out ((('s raichu and nidoqueen, and has just taken out tauros. Beedrill up next

7d 15h 0m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #9!

7d 14h 59m [Bot] [B] Now in S.S. Anne 2F.

7d 14h 59m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 3F.

7d 14h 57m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

7d 14h 57m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

7d 14h 56m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 1F.

7d 14h 56m [Bot] [R] We heal!

7d 14h 56m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 14h 55m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: no

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: m4 added mew somewhere

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: tppPokeball Kippa wrong color

7d 14h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

7d 14h 51m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: still looking? tppLUL

7d 14h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: figured out where mew is yet?

7d 14h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

7d 14h 41m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 1F.

7d 14h 41m [Bot] [B] Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

7d 14h 38m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

7d 14h 36m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

7d 14h 35m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

7d 14h 35m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

7d 14h 34m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: that's not even 50%

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how many pokemon left to catch?

7d 14h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

7d 14h 32m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

7d 14h 29m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

7d 14h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

7d 14h 26m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 8.

7d 14h 24m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

7d 14h 24m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

7d 14h 20m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

7d 14h 20m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

7d 14h 18m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

7d 14h 17m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 30 Hitmonlee! Nickname: :))))(()U

7d 14h 17m [Bot] [B] We change the nickname of V:♂♂♂!!!!! (Mewtwo) to (((((((.

7d 14h 14m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

7d 14h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

7d 14h 12m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

7d 14h 12m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

7d 14h 10m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

7d 14h 10m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 85!

[R] On Pokémon League.

7d 14h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron Dojo.

7d 14h 7m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

7d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[R] rip E4 Attempt #20 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 14h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 14h 0m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron Dojo.

7d 13h 59m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

7d 13h 58m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

7d 13h 57m [Bot] [B] On Route 5.

[Info] Mewtwo's nickname is V:♂♂♂!!!!!

7d 13h 55m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

7d 13h 53m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean House.

7d 13h 48m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

7d 13h 48m [Bot] [B] We heal!

7d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

7d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

7d 13h 46m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 55 Electrode! Nickname: ((((((( We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Electrode.

7d 13h 44m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Electrode.

7d 13h 44m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Electrode.

7d 13h 41m [Bot] [B] We toss a Master Ball at a wild Mewtwo.

7d 13h 40m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Mewtwo.

7d 13h 38m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 13h 37m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 13h 35m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 13h 33m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 34! ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 31!

7d 13h 33m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 13h 33m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

7d 13h 29m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

7d 13h 27m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 13h 27m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #20!

7d 13h 26m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #20! Lorelei's Hall.

7d 13h 24m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

7d 13h 24m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

7d 13h 15m [Bot] [R] We heal! DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 58!

7d 13h 4m [Bot] [B] Unknown Dungeon 1F.

7d 13h 1m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

7d 13h 1m [Bot] [B] Now on Unknown Dungeon.

7d 13h 0m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

7d 13h 0m [Bot] [B] Unknown Dungeon B1F.

7d 12h 55m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

7d 12h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

7d 12h 49m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #19 On Pokémon League.

7d 12h 49m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 12h 42m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

7d 12h 40m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 53!

7d 12h 40m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

7d 12h 40m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 12h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Unknown Dungeon.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 39!

7d 12h 35m [Bot] [B] Now in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

7d 12h 31m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 12h 30m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #19!

7d 12h 28m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #19! Lorelei's Hall.

7d 12h 27m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

7d 12h 27m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #18 Pokémon League.

7d 12h 26m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

7d 12h 25m [Bot] [B] We head onto Unknown Dungeon.

7d 12h 24m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! <b>A (Charizard) has lost six levels, and is now level 79!

7d 12h 24m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown six levels to level 85!

7d 12h 17m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 12h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Unknown Dungeon B1F.

7d 12h 15m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

7d 12h 15m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

7d 12h 10m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 24.

[R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 12h 9m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 12h 8m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

7d 12h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean House.

7d 12h 6m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

7d 12h 5m [Bot] [B] We heal!

7d 12h 5m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

7d 12h 3m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #3!

7d 12h 3m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

7d 12h 2m [Bot] [R] We defeat BRUNO!

7d 11h 58m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 79!

7d 11h 57m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

7d 11h 54m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #8!

7d 11h 53m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

7d 11h 53m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

7d 11h 52m [B] Omastar hits us with a Surf, but we hit back with a Thunderbolt! Misty defeated!

7d 11h 51m [B] Poliwrath succumbs to two more Thunderbolts! Clefable to Lv. 75! Omastar is up next.

7d 11h 50m [B] Starmie goes down to a double Thunderbolt. Ploiwrath next.

7d 11h 50m [B] Clefable is sent in and hits Lapras out with a Thunderbolt. Starmie in.

7d 11h 48m [B] Lapras hits us with multiple Ice Beams. Venusaur down!

7d 11h 46m [B] Tentacruel finally goes down. Venusaur to Lv. 62! Lapras is up next.

7d 11h 45m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #18!

7d 11h 44m [B] We put Tentacruel to sleep!

7d 11h 44m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #18! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 11h 42m [B] Rematch: Vs. Misty! Tentcruel vs. Venusaur.

7d 11h 41m [R] Beedrill in, Beedrill down. Blackout.

7d 11h 40m [B] And Misty just became available for a rematch.

7d 11h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

7d 11h 39m [R] Another Blizzard, another wipeout. Charizard down!

7d 11h 38m [R] We switch back to Raichu and get Hydro Pump'd.

7d 11h 36m [R] Tauros is sent in and gets another Blizzard. Tauros down! We switch to Raichu, then Charizard.

7d 11h 36m [R] Now to Nidoqueen, and we get a Blizzard in our eyes. Nidoqueen down!

7d 11h 35m [R] Switching to Beedrill.

7d 11h 35m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

7d 11h 34m [R] We switch to Dugtrio and get a Hydro Pump in the face. Dugtrio down! Raichu is sent in.

7d 11h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 24.

7d 11h 31m [R] Jynx comes out and gets hit down with a Slash. Lapras is next up.

7d 11h 30m [R] Beedrill skips learning Pin Missle.

7d 11h 29m [R] Slowbro goes down, Charizard to Lv. 78, Beedrill to Lv. 30!

7d 11h 28m [R] Cloyster is sent in and gets taken out by another Flamethrower. Slowbro up next.

7d 11h 28m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

7d 11h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean House.

7d 11h 27m [R] Taken out with Flamethrower. Raichu to Lv. 38!

7d 11h 26m [R] Vs. Lorelei! Dewgong vs. Charizard.

7d 11h 25m [R] Entered the Pokémon League for attempt #17.

7d 11h 24m [R] Back at Indigo Plateau.

7d 11h 23m [B] We dig, and escape the cave. Back in Cerulean City.

7d 11h 22m [R] Raichu down, blackout!

7d 11h 20m [R] Down Dugtrio goes...

7d 11h 20m [R] Dugtrio is sent in but has no moves that can hit Moltres.

7d 11h 18m [R] Beedrill goes down immediately upon encounter.

7d 11h 17m [R] Raichu hits with two Thunder attacks and takes out Moltres.

7d 11h 17m [R] Tauros is outta here. Raichu up next.

7d 11h 15m [R] Nidoqueen finally goes down after attempting a Horn Drill.

7d 11h 13m [R] Moltres goes down again. Nidoqueen to Lv. 52!

7d 11h 12m [R] Tauos to Lv. 33!

Seriously, 33.

7d 11h 11m [B] Entered Cerulean Cave.

7d 11h 11m [B] We make short work of the crossing and hit dry land.

7d 11h 10m [B] We manage to surf.

[Fluff] At least we get a change of music though.

7d 11h 8m [R] We switch to Nidoqueen and take it out. Now to do it all over again.

7d 11h 7m [R] Moltres finally taught us a lesson. Charizard down!

[Chat] tppsimulator did we killed moltres is still ready for eternity OpieOP

yeah, sim gets it

7d 11h 4m [R] Moltres seems to have had enough of our shenanigans and hit Charizard into the red.

7d 11h 2m [B] Heading north on Nugget Bridge.

7d 11h 1m [B] We're currently in Cerulean City, heading north. The man at the mouth of the cave has notable vanished.

[R] We're still just endlessly resurrecting and defeating Moltres.

7d 11h 0m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

7d 11h 0m [B] Party healed.

7d 10h 59m [Bot] [B] Cerulean House.

7d 10h 59m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

7d 10h 57m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

7d 10h 55m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

7d 10h 54m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

7d 10h 54m [R] Apparently we're using the Lv. 50 Moltres to grind up our team.

7d 10h 54m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City Gate.

7d 10h 53m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

7d 10h 51m [R] Moltres is literally a phoenix here, killed only to be reborn, again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

7d 10h 51m [R] It goes down again. I wonder how many times this happened before I got here?

7d 10h 50m [R] Down it goes again. Raichu grew to Lv. 37!

7d 10h 49m [R] Looks like we're fighting Moltres.

7d 10h 49m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

7d 10h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 1F.

7d 10h 45m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. Lift.

7d 10h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 3F.

7d 10h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 7F.

7d 10h 41m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 11F.

7d 10h 41m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 7F.

[R] On Victory Road.

7d 10h 41m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 11F.

7d 10h 40m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 7F.

7d 10h 39m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 29!

7d 10h 35m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 77!

7d 10h 34m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Master Ball!

7d 10h 31m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 11F.

[R] Victory Road.

7d 10h 30m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

7d 10h 30m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 7F.

7d 10h 27m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 3F.

7d 10h 25m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 2F.

7d 10h 23m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 51!

7d 10h 20m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 1F.

7d 10h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

7d 10h 15m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

7d 10h 15m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

7d 10h 15m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

[R] rip E4 Attempt #16 Pokémon League.

7d 10h 15m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! BLACK OUT...

7d 10h 12m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

7d 10h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

7d 10h 10m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 10h 8m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 10h 7m [Bot] [R] Vs LANCE!

7d 10h 7m [Bot] [R] On Lance's Hall.

7d 10h 6m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

[R] Defeated AGATHA!

7d 10h 5m [Bot] [B] Cerulean House.

7d 10h 1m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

7d 9h 56m [Bot] [B] We heal!

7d 9h 55m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean Pokémon Center.

7d 9h 55m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #2!

7d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

[R] Agatha's Hall.

7d 9h 53m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

7d 9h 52m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 76!

7d 9h 52m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 10 Sandshrew! Nickname: ;;;;;;;;;[ We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Sandshrew.

7d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Sandshrew.

7d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Sandshrew.

7d 9h 49m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 32!

7d 9h 47m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #7!

7d 9h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

7d 9h 45m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

7d 9h 45m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 57!

7d 9h 40m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 9h 38m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 36!

7d 9h 31m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 9h 28m [Bot] [B] Route 4.

7d 9h 27m [Bot] [B] Now on Mt. Moon.

7d 9h 26m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

7d 9h 22m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #16!

7d 9h 21m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #16! On Lorelei's Hall.

7d 9h 19m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 9h 19m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #15 Arrived on Pokémon League.

7d 9h 18m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! BLACK OUT...

7d 9h 16m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 9h 15m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] Mt. Moon.

7d 9h 11m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 9h 11m [Bot] [B] Now on Mt. Moon.

7d 9h 6m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

7d 9h 5m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

7d 9h 3m [Bot] [B] Mt. Moon.

7d 9h 2m [Bot] [B] On Mt. Moon.

7d 9h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #15!

7d 8h 59m [Bot] [R] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #15! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 8h 56m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Mt. Moon.

7d 8h 56m [Bot] [B] We head onto Mt. Moon.

7d 8h 55m [Bot] [R] Indigo Plateau.

7d 8h 54m [Bot] [R] We boot up a TM26 Earthquake. MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) learned Earthquake over Scratch!

7d 8h 52m [Bot] [B] We head onto Mt. Moon.

7d 8h 51m [Bot] [B] Mt. Moon.

7d 8h 49m [Bot] [R] We boot up a TM25 Thunder. QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) learned Thunder over Growl!

7d 8h 40m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #14 We head onto Pokémon League.

7d 8h 39m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 8h 38m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 8h 37m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 8h 34m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 8h 31m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #6!

7d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

7d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

7d 8h 30m [Bot] [B] On Mt. Moon.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 35!

7d 8h 29m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 8h 28m [Bot] [B] Route 4.

7d 8h 28m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 8h 27m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 3.

7d 8h 27m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 4.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 31!

7d 8h 27m [Bot] [B] We heal!

7d 8h 24m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 5 Magikarp! Nickname: TTTTSSSSSS

7d 8h 24m [Bot] [B] We change the nickname of BBA×××ᵐᶰZZZ (Magmar) to QQCC I. We change the nickname of TTTTKKKKJJ (Metapod) to ᵐᶰ][;W)UU. We change the nickname of (-- (Bellsprout) to ::♀;;. We change the nickname of QQCC I (Rattata) to LLMMNOXYPG. We change the nickname of ASS  S (Grimer) to ᵖᵏᵖᵏ]]. We change the nickname of (×s (Vulpix) to MMNEECcc. We change the nickname of WWXXXX]]]] (Rapidash) to ASS  S. We change the nickname of MMNEECcc (Rhyhorn) to ᵖᵏᵖᵏᵐᶰ×ᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ×. We change the nickname of BBBBBBBBBB (Psyduck) to WWXXXX]]]]. We change the nickname of E (Kingler) to BBBBBBBBBB. We change the nickname of DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) to (--. We change the nickname of   (Kabuto) to E. We change the nickname of ᵖᵏᵖᵏᵐᶰ×ᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ× (Chansey) to AAAAB. We change the nickname of ᵖᵏᵖᵏ]] (Muk) to BBA×××ᵐᶰZZZ. We change the nickname of AAAAB (Sandslash) to  . We change the nickname of ::♀;; (Pidgey) to (×s. We change the nickname of LLMMNOXYPG (Caterpie) to TTTTKKKKJJ.

[R] A (Charizard) is now level 75!

7d 8h 22m [Bot] [B] Mt. Moon Pokémon Center.

7d 8h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #14!

7d 8h 20m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 4.

7d 8h 17m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #14! On Lorelei's Hall.

7d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

7d 8h 13m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

7d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

7d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

7d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #13 Arrived on Pokémon League.

7d 8h 9m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

7d 8h 8m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 8 Jigglypuff! Nickname: ᵐᶰ][;W)UU We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jigglypuff.

7d 8h 8m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

7d 8h 7m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Jigglypuff.

7d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 7h 59m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 7h 45m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #13!

7d 7h 44m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #13! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 7h 42m Both protagonists are walking around in circles.

7d 7h 35m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

7d 7h 34m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #12 Pokémon League.

7d 7h 34m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 7h 30m [R] Dugtrio is now against Bruno's last Machamp!

7d 7h 28m [R] Dugtrio56 is left standing against Bruno's Onix78.

7d 7h 25m That persistent yet unhelpful input chains returned on both games.

7d 7h 23m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 7h 22m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 7h 22m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 3.

7d 7h 21m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

7d 7h 19m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 7h 18m [Bot] [B] We head into Pewter City.

7d 7h 16m [Bot] [B] Route 2.

7d 7h 15m [Bot] [B] Route 2 Gate.

7d 7h 15m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian Forest.

7d 7h 13m [Bot] [B] On Route 2 Gate.

7d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 28!

7d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 50!

7d 7h 11m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Potion!

7d 7h 1m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 7h 0m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 5 Metapod! Nickname: TTTTKKKKJJ We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Metapod.

7d 6h 59m [B] And we caught it!

7d 6h 58m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Metapod.

7d 6h 58m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Metapod.

[R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #5!

7d 6h 57m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Metapod.

7d 6h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

7d 6h 55m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

7d 6h 54m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 3 Caterpie! Nickname: LLMMNOXYPG We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Caterpie.

7d 6h 53m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Caterpie.

7d 6h 51m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 56!

7d 6h 50m [Bot] [B] In Viridian Forest.

7d 6h 48m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 2 Gate.

7d 6h 48m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #12!

7d 6h 45m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

7d 6h 44m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #12! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 6h 42m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 6h 40m [B] We have caught the Rattata and named it, but it didn't show on the bot's log...

7d 6h 41m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #11 On Pokémon League.

7d 6h 40m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 6h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

7d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Rattata.

7d 6h 38m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #4!

7d 6h 37m [Bot] [R] Now on Bruno's Hall.

7d 6h 36m [Bot] [R] Defeated LORELEI!

7d 6h 34m [B] We withdrew a Lift Key, Bicycle, Card Key, TMs Self-destruct and Double Team, Moon and Leaf Stones, Old Rod, Dome Fossil and 29 Ultra balls.

7d 6h 26m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

7d 6h 23m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 6h 20m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 74!

7d 6h 18m Retrieved a couple of items from the PC. We'll have the final tally when things calmed down.

7d 6h 13m [B] In our house

7d 6h 11m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

[Info] [B] We won on Attempt #45

7d 6h 9m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

7d 6h 8m [Fluff] Praise level 84 Alakazam <3

7d 6h 8m [B] Hall of Fame sequence!

7d 6h 8m [B] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[B] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

7d 6h 7m [B] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

7d 6h 7m [B] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

7d 6h 7m [B] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


7d 6h 7m [B] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

7d 6h 6m Alakazam takes care of Raichu with Psychic again and Dugtrio is out but we get a critical enabling us to OHKO him!

[Snark] I call hax, ((( didn't even get past Lorelei

7d 6h 5m Alakazam uses Psychic to KO Charizard and does the same to Nidoqueen and Beedrill one shotting them!

7d 6h 4m Alakazam vs Charizard, we do over half damage but we switch to Arbok, who faints after taking two hits

7d 6h 3m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #2!

7d 6h 2m [Bot] [B] WE'RE HEADING TO THE CHAMPION!! Champion attempt #2 incoming!! Now on Champion's Hall.

7d 6h 2m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 34!

7d 6h 1m [B] Impressive strategy on Blue's end, slaying the dragon by poison!

7d 6h 1m [Bot] [B] We defeat LANCE!

7d 6h 1m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #11!

7d 6h 0m [B] Blue is now on to Lance's last mon!

7d 6h 0m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #11! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

7d 5h 59m [R] Hold on, he's now sucked into Indigo Plateau.

7d 5h 57m [R] Meanwhile, Red is still outside the Pokémon League, browsing the menu once a while.

7d 5h 57m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 64!

[Info] [B] The E4 have reached their highest levels for now

7d 5h 54m [B] Alakazam basically swept Agatha. Wonder how will it fare against Lance?

7d 5h 53m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #12!

7d 5h 52m [Bot] [B] Now on Lance's Hall.

7d 5h 51m [B] Alakazam is in the 1M Club fitness wise! (1,007,905)

7d 5h 51m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

7d 5h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 84!

7d 5h 48m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #25!

7d 5h 47m [B] This time with Alakazam and Arbok standing.

7d 5h 47m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

7d 5h 47m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

7d 5h 46m 7d 5h 45m [R] Red has blacked out, sent back to Pokémon League.

7d 5h 45m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

7d 5h 44m [R] While I was away, Nidoqueen, Tauros, Beedrill and Raichu fainted. Only Dugtrio is facing Moltres, trying to dig out of this situation.

7d 5h 43m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

7d 5h 42m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

7d 5h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) is now level 47!

7d 5h 39m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #38!

7d 5h 36m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

7d 5h 35m [B] With 5 mons standing!

7d 5h 35m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

7d 5h 34m [R] Charizard is down, Nidoqueen is up.

7d 5h 34m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

7d 5h 33m [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 27 thanks to the grind on Moltres.

7d 5h 32m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 42!

[Info] m4_used_rollout: In gen 1, shakes are tied to catch rate. Either you "miss the Pokémon" or you catch it.[...]"missed the Pokémon" is just gen 1's 0 shakes

7d 5h 32m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 74!

7d 5h 29m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #45!

7d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #45! On Lorelei's Hall.

7d 5h 28m [R] Acquired 1 Guard Spec.!

7d 5h 26m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #44 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 5h 26m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 5h 25m [R] No more Slash for Charizard, and it's quite beaten up by Moltres.

[Info] It seems Moltres, and likely Zapdos and Articuno, share Mewtwo's Gen 1 respawn mechanics - does not despawn until captured

7d 5h 22m [R] And it's killed, and it rose again like a phoenix!

7d 5h 22m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

7d 5h 21m [R] Moltres respawned!

7d 5h 21m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

7d 5h 21m [R] As expected, A (Charizard) is now level 73!

7d 5h 19m [R] We're out of Ultra Balls. Charizard might level up instead.

7d 5h 18m [R] Red is out of ultra balls. Moltres dodged them all

7d 5h 17m [R] He finds an ultra ball, but keeps missing

7d 5h 17m Inputs are mostly on Red now.

7d 5h 16m [R] Red searches his bag for a ball, and finds a flute. It's ineffective

7d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #37!

7d 5h 16m [R] A slashes, taking moltres down to red, then gets trapped in a fire spin

7d 5h 16m [R] Vs Moltres!

7d 5h 15m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

7d 5h 15m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

7d 5h 12m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 83!

7d 5h 10m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

7d 5h 9m [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 30!

7d 5h 9m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

7d 5h 5m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

7d 4h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #44!

7d 4h 53m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #44! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

7d 4h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 4h 52m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #43 We head onto Pokémon League.

7d 4h 52m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 4h 52m [B] Alakazam is barely holding on against Hitmonchan.

7d 4h 49m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

7d 4h 48m [R] Now in Victory Road.

7d 4h 47m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #36!

7d 4h 46m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

[Snark] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ SLOW DANCE RIOT! ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

7d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

[Now Playing] The music is looping back around now to Leroy Carr

7d 4h 43m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

7d 4h 42m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[Snark] read: "Inputs have ceased."

7d 4h 40m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

7d 4h 39m Inputs on both sides calmed down for some reason...

[Fluff] I've been told that this music is technically video game music, because it's used in the game Getting Over It.

[Now Playing] Poor Me Blues - Edna Hicks

[Now Playing] Born To Lose - Ted Daffan & His Texans

7d 4h 35m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

[Now Playing] Poor Boy, Long Way From Home (1927) - Barbecue Bob

[Chat] jcgamer107: Goin' down Victory Road FeelsBadMan

[Info] Wait, Now playing: "Goin' Down the Road Feel'n Bad - Cliff Carlisle" Clearly, M4 has a feeling right now for the blues.

[Info] Now playing: "Six Cold Feet in the Ground - Leroy Carr"

7d 4h 23m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

7d 4h 23m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

7d 4h 22m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #10 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 4h 22m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

7d 4h 18m [R] Meanwhile on Red, the last Beedrill is struggling after losing all PP to Lorelei's Dewgong.

7d 4h 16m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

7d 4h 6m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #43!

7d 3h 59m [B] "Someone's voice: Don't run away!" Blue attempts to leave, but is held back...

7d 3h 57m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #43! On Lorelei's Hall.

7d 3h 56m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

7d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #42 Pokémon League.

7d 3h 54m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted! BLACK OUT...

7d 3h 50m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

7d 3h 49m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

7d 3h 45m Apparently both games are stalled by persistent but useless inputs.

7d 3h 35m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

7d 3h 32m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

7d 3h 28m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 3h 26m Riot screen flashed for a brief moment, then went away.

7d 3h 25m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

7d 3h 20m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

7d 3h 14m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

7d 3h 12m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 3h 11m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #10!

7d 3h 10m [Bot] [R] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #10! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 3h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 3h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

7d 3h 7m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run going?

7d 3h 6m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

7d 3h 4m [Bot] [R] We heal!

7d 3h 3m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

7d 3h 3m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

7d 3h 3m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 73!

7d 3h 2m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

7d 3h 0m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

7d 3h 0m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

7d 2h 49m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 2h 48m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 33!

7d 2h 44m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

7d 2h 42m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 2h 37m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #42!

7d 2h 36m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) is now level 26!

7d 2h 32m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #42! On Lorelei's Hall.

7d 2h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

7d 2h 29m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #41 We heal! Defeated BRUNO! Now on Pokémon League.

7d 2h 23m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

7d 2h 23m [Bot] [B] We heal ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) with a Max Revive! ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has been revived!

7d 2h 22m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 2h 20m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

7d 2h 17m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

7d 2h 16m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

7d 2h 15m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Full Restore!

7d 2h 15m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 48!

7d 2h 12m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

7d 2h 12m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

7d 2h 12m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

7d 1h 59m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

7d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

7d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

7d 1h 57m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

7d 1h 57m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Attempt #9 We head onto Pokémon League.

7d 1h 48m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 63!

7d 1h 46m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 1h 44m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

7d 1h 44m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

7d 1h 43m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

7d 1h 42m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 72!

7d 1h 40m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

7d 1h 38m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) is now level 32!

7d 1h 37m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #35!

7d 1h 36m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

7d 1h 35m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

7d 1h 35m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #9!

7d 1h 32m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #9! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 1h 30m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

7d 1h 28m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 61!

7d 1h 27m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Attempt #8 We head onto Indigo Plateau.

7d 1h 26m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

7d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #41!

7d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #41! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

7d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

7d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #40 On Pokémon League.

7d 1h 10m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! BLACK OUT...

7d 1h 4m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #34!

7d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

7d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

7d 0h 56m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

7d 0h 54m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

7d 0h 50m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

7d 0h 49m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

7d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

7d 0h 24m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

7d 0h 13m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

7d 0h 12m [Bot] [B] We heal! ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 41!

7d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 72!

7d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #40!

7d 0h 8m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

7d 0h 7m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

7d 0h 4m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #40! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

7d 0h 3m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

7d 0h 2m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #39 Pokémon League.

7d 0h 2m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

7d 0h 1m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

6d 23h 56m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

6d 23h 56m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #24!

6d 23h 55m [Bot] [B] Agatha's Hall.

6d 23h 54m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

6d 23h 54m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 82!

6d 23h 52m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #8!

6d 23h 49m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 23h 49m [Bot] [R] We're in for E4 Attempt #8! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 23h 46m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 23h 45m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

6d 23h 45m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Pokémon League.

6d 23h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

6d 23h 44m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #7 Pokémon League.

6d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

[R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

6d 23h 43m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

6d 23h 42m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #3!

6d 23h 40m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

[R] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

6d 23h 39m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #33!

6d 23h 39m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

6d 23h 38m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

[R] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 23h 38m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 46!

6d 23h 36m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

6d 23h 34m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 71!

6d 23h 34m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

6d 23h 33m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #39!

6d 23h 31m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #39! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 23h 30m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

6d 23h 28m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

6d 23h 28m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #38 We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 23h 28m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

6d 23h 27m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

6d 23h 25m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 23h 23m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #7!

6d 23h 22m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #7! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 23h 20m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #6 Indigo Plateau.

6d 23h 20m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! BLACK OUT...

6d 23h 19m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) fainted!

6d 23h 18m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

6d 23h 17m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

6d 23h 16m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

6d 23h 15m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 23h 14m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #2!

6d 23h 12m [Bot] [R] Bruno's Hall.

6d 23h 10m [Bot] [R] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 23h 10m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 29!

6d 23h 8m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 71!

6d 23h 6m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 23h 6m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has grown to level 25!

6d 23h 6m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #23!

6d 23h 6m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

6d 23h 1m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

[R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #6!

6d 22h 59m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

6d 22h 56m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #6! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 22h 55m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 40!

6d 22h 55m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 22h 54m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

6d 22h 53m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

6d 22h 53m [Bot] [R] Acquired 4 Ultra Ball!

6d 22h 51m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #5 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 22h 51m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 22h 47m [Bot] [R] Vs AGATHA!

6d 22h 45m [Bot] [R] On Agatha's Hall.

6d 22h 45m [Bot] [R] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #32!

6d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 22h 42m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 70!

6d 22h 42m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 62!

6d 22h 41m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 70!

6d 22h 40m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

6d 22h 40m [Bot] [R] Vs BRUNO!

6d 22h 39m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #38!

6d 22h 38m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #38! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

[R] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 22h 37m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

[R] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 22h 37m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #37 Now on Pokémon League.

6d 22h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

6d 22h 35m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

6d 22h 29m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 22h 28m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

6d 22h 26m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

6d 22h 26m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 22h 25m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

6d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

6d 22h 18m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #22!

6d 22h 16m [Bot] [B] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

6d 22h 16m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 22h 15m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 81!

6d 22h 11m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #5!

6d 22h 10m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 22h 10m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #31!

6d 22h 9m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #5! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 22h 7m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 22h 6m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 22h 3m [Bot] [R] We heal!

6d 22h 3m [Bot] [R] On Indigo Plateau.

6d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[R] Pokémon League.

6d 21h 57m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

6d 21h 50m [Bot] [R] We heal -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) with a Revive! -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has been revived!

6d 21h 49m [Bot] [R] On Route 20.

6d 21h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has leveled up to 45!

6d 21h 44m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #37!

6d 21h 42m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Attempt #37! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 21h 41m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 21h 41m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #36 On Pokémon League.

6d 21h 40m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! BLACK OUT...

6d 21h 39m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 21h 36m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 21h 34m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 19.

6d 21h 34m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 60!

6d 21h 29m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

6d 21h 27m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 21h 24m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #30!

6d 21h 19m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

6d 21h 19m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 21h 17m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

6d 21h 15m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 21h 13m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 69!

6d 21h 10m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 61!

6d 21h 8m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #36!

6d 21h 6m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #36! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

6d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia Gym .

6d 21h 3m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

6d 21h 3m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #35 Now on Pokémon League.

6d 21h 3m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

6d 21h 0m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 20h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

6d 20h 55m [Bot] [R] We head into Bill's House.

6d 20h 54m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

6d 20h 53m [Bot] [R] We head into Bill's House.

6d 20h 51m [R] Red wanders around Fuschia City, peeking in at the animals they have in the zoo here.

6d 20h 47m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 80!

6d 20h 46m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

6d 20h 45m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 20h 45m [Bot] [R] On Route 15.

6d 20h 44m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #21!

[R] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 1F.

6d 20h 44m [R] He talks with Oak's assistant, who gives him a new EXP ALL, and assures him that he's come so far in his endeavors that it's fruitless to give up now...

6d 20h 43m [R] Red pauses for a breath, and looks into one of the Binoculars at the top of this gate house. He sees a blue bird flying in the distance, and can hear it sing...

6d 20h 43m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Exp.All!

6d 20h 41m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

6d 20h 41m [R] Red finally stops in the gatehouse of Route 15. There's someone he needs to see here...

6d 20h 40m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

[R] On Route 15 Gate 2F.

6d 20h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

6d 20h 37m [Bot] [R] Route 15 Gate 1F.

6d 20h 36m [Bot] [R] Route 15.

6d 20h 36m [Bot] [R] On Route 15 Gate 1F.

6d 20h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15.

6d 20h 31m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 14.

6d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 20h 28m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 39!

6d 20h 26m [R] Red winds his way through the fence maze.

6d 20h 23m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 13.

6d 20h 21m [R] Red reaches a house on the docks and pauses for a moment in front of it, before continuing onward towards Fuschia City.

6d 20h 20m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 12.

6d 20h 20m [Bot] [R] On Route 12 House.

6d 20h 19m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

[Streamer] m4_used_rollout: Just in case you missed it in chat, we're putting a 2.5 mil cap on the fitness boost so the E4 isn't complete hell
m4_used_rollout: Red will still get boosted to match, but the E3 + bruno will stop
m4_used_rollout: We'll leave the hell up to the rematch :wink:

[Info][B] Bruno's first Onix is now level 95.

6d 20h 15m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #29!

6d 20h 15m [Bot] [R] On Route 12.

6d 20h 14m [R] He heads south onto the docks of Route 12 and finally slows down a bit, examining the waves below.

6d 20h 15m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 12 Gate 1F.

6d 20h 14m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 12.

6d 20h 13m [R] Red hits Lavender Town, but no creepy feeling (or music) washes over him, like it did in the past. He has a renewed purpose now.

6d 20h 13m [Bot] [R] We head into Lavender Town.

6d 20h 11m [R] Though he's sure no one's following him, Red takes a dizzying path out of the city to the east, and runs along Route 8.

6d 20h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 8.

6d 20h 10m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

6d 20h 10m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 8.

6d 20h 9m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 20h 8m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 20h 7m [R] Red rushes out of the Sliph Co building, a renewed and excited feeling gripping at his chest.

6d 20h 7m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

6d 20h 6m [Bot] [R] Silph Co. 1F.

6d 20h 5m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. Lift.

6d 20h 4m [R] After snatching an item they likely wouldn't miss, Red slinks away, the thrill of the theft making his heart pound... he can hear someone working overtime in the other room...

6d 20h 1m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM26 Earthquake!

6d 20h 1m [R] Red stands in a store room, looking over the boxes upon boxes stacked to the ceiling. There's some items lying around here... he looks around and finds no security cameras... no one would know if he took one or two...

6d 19h 58m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 10F.

6d 19h 55m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 9F.

6d 19h 55m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 10F.

6d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 68!

6d 19h 52m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 9F.

6d 19h 51m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 8F.

6d 19h 51m [Bot] [R] Silph Co. 7F.

6d 19h 51m [Bot] [R] Silph Co. Lift.

6d 19h 50m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #35!

6d 19h 50m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 7F.

6d 19h 48m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #35! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: how have things been today?

6d 19h 45m [Bot] [R] We head into Silph Co. Lift.

6d 19h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 19h 44m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #34 Now on Pokémon League.

6d 19h 43m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 19h 43m [R] Red sits down next to the fountains in the Silph Co lobby and considers writing a journal entry, but nothing comes to mind as to how to start it. He instead simply contemplates the rippling water.

6d 19h 43m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 19h 41m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 19h 40m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

6d 19h 38m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 1F.

6d 19h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Silph Co. Lift.

6d 19h 37m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #28!

6d 19h 36m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 1F.

6d 19h 36m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

6d 19h 35m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 19h 34m [Bot] [R] We head into Silph Co. Lift.

6d 19h 34m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 7F.

6d 19h 34m [Bot] [R] We head into Silph Co. 8F.

6d 19h 33m [R] Red wanders the halls of the empty building, reliving his past great achievement here, and how it felt to be showered in praise for his accomplishment... (Don't worry, Red, I understand...)

6d 19h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 7F.

6d 19h 30m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

6d 19h 29m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[R] Now in Silph Co. Lift.

6d 19h 28m [Bot] [R] Silph Co. 2F.

6d 19h 28m [Bot] [R] We head into Silph Co. 3F.

6d 19h 25m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 1F.

6d 19h 25m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #34!

[R] In Silph Co. 2F.

6d 19h 24m [Bot] [R] We head into Silph Co. 3F.

6d 19h 23m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #34! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

6d 19h 23m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 2F.

[Snark] All that elevator riding, and we're back to where we started.

6d 19h 21m [Bot] [R] We head into Silph Co. Lift.

6d 19h 21m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 2F.

[Fluff] Well, that was fast.

6d 19h 18m [B] We get hit by a Hydro Pump, then a Hyper Beam. Alakazam down, blackout!

[Chat] KappaRoss

[Chat] ~ KappaRoss ~

6d 19h 18m OMG MIRROR B MUSIC!

6d 19h 17m [B] Well, here goes nothing. Challenged Lance!

6d 19h 16m [B] We're in very poor shape as we head to Lance. Our entire team is wiped out, except Alakazam who is slowly being poisoned on half health.

6d 19h 16m [R] It must be a day off, because no one's around in the Sliph building, and no one seems to care about Red riding the elevator up and down as his whim demands.

6d 19h 16m [B] We score a critical hit, Arbok goes down. Agatha defeated!

6d 19h 15m [B] Gengar poisons us, but Alakazam takes it out. Arbok is last up.

6d 19h 14m [B] Agatha withdraws Arbok and switched to Gengar.

6d 19h 14m [B] Arbok is in! Alakazam starts succumbing to the confusion.

6d 19h 14m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. Lift.

6d 19h 14m [Bot] [R] Silph Co. 2F.

6d 19h 13m [B] Haunter goes down, Alakazam to Lv. 79!

6d 19h 13m [Snark] [R] ... only to find there is not fountain because it won't be installed for another 10 years.

6d 19h 12m [B] Down goes Golbat, Haunter is next up.

6d 19h 12m [R] Red's pilgrimage has brought him to the Silph Co building. He enters and watches the fountain for a little while.

6d 19h 11m [B] A couple of Psychic attacks and Gengar is down. Golbat is in.

6d 19h 11m [B] Gengar is sent in, Lv. 92.

6d 19h 11m Vs. Agatha with only Alakazam still active at full heath.

6d 19h 9m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

6d 19h 9m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

6d 19h 8m Alakazam takes out a Lv. 95 Machamp with a single Psychic. Bruno defeated!

6d 19h 8m [B] Down it goes. Machamp is last up.

6d 19h 7m [B] After some faffing, we take out Hitmonlee. A Lv. 95 Onix is sent in.

6d 19h 5m [B] Hitmonlee is in. Now that's a catchy tune!

6d 19h 5m [R] Red is intrigued by a house at the end of this route, but slips and falls off the ledge before he can make it to the door. He lays moodily in the mud at the foot of the ledge for a while before getting up and continuing into Saffron.

6d 19h 5m [B] We switch to Alakazam to carry the next five battles. Should be easy.

6d 19h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

6d 19h 4m [B] Now that's a catchy tune! But it wasted a turn. Venusaur down!

6d 19h 3m [B] Hitmonchan gets us with a critical Ice Punch and puts us into the red. Bruno uses and X Defend.

6d 19h 2m [R] After staring angrily at a girl for coming up to him just to shout about a red bike or something stupid, Red hops down some ledges on Route 5 and gets attacked by some of the wildlife.

6d 19h 0m [B] We take out Onix with a Vine Whip. Hitmonchan is next up.

6d 18h 58m [B] We put Onix to sleep for a little while, but don't do much else. We're trying to switch moveslots.

6d 18h 56m [R] Red returns to Cerulean and mopes about. People talk at him, but he barely listens. There seems to be a distinct lack of stones or cans he can kick at the moment.

6d 18h 56m Vs. Bruno! Onix vs. Venusaur.

6d 18h 53m [R] Stupid tree in our stupid way... Stupid magic re-growing tree.... Take that, stupid tree...

6d 18h 54m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

6d 18h 53m [B] We switch to Alakazam and everything is ok. Lorelei defeated!

6d 18h 52m [B] Our Lapras is confused and paralyzed... and down!

6d 18h 51m [B] It's Lapras vs. Lapras! PogChamp

6d 18h 50m [B] Persian is sent in and scratches Lapras a little but to no avail. Another Blizzard and Persian faints!

6d 18h 49m [R] After teaching her a lesson to mind her own fecking buisness, Red moodly hops down some ledges and slinks back towards Cerulean.

6d 18h 49m [B] Lapras hits us with a critical Blizzard. Arbok down!

6d 18h 48m [B] We veer off Thunderbolt and get pummeled by Lapras. Clefable down! We send in Arbok.

6d 18h 46m [R] We brush past a Jr. Trainer on Route 9, who yells at us to not condescend at her. Lady, no one's condescending you. Red's just moody as all heck and having a bad day. If you need your Pokémon mutilated, however, look no further than Red's indifference right now.

6d 18h 46m [B] Down goes Jynx. Clefable grows to Lv. 67! Lapras next.

6d 18h 45m [B] We paralyze Jynx with a Thunderbolt, but Lorelei responds with a Super Potion.

6d 18h 46m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 9.

6d 18h 45m [B] It's Lv. 69.

6d 18h 44m [B] Slowbro goes down, Jynx is up next.

6d 18h 43m [R] Red lazily rides up the river again, pausing to watch the fish swim around Nidoqueen's feet. (She's more walking than actually swimming in this shallow river.)

6d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 59!

6d 18h 42m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #33!

6d 18h 41m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #33! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 18h 40m [B] Night Shade hits. Lapras down, blackout!

6d 18h 39m [B] And now we're also confused and have the cursor stuck on Growl.

6d 18h 39m [R] After having visited the abandoned power facility and found nothing of interest except overgrown foliage and rubble, Red rests on the Route 10 riverbank, his feet in the water, poking at his Pokémon absentmindedly.

6d 18h 38m [B] Agatha withdraws Arbok and switches to Gengar. We unsuccessfully try to Body Slam, and Gengar badly poisons us.

6d 18h 38m [B] Our last Pokémon, Lv. 38 Lapras is sent in to fight a Lv. 92 Arbok. Good luck!

6d 18h 37m [B] Arboks scores a critical Bite. Alakazam goes down!

6d 18h 35m [B] Haunter puts us to sleep and confuses us. Alakazam is in the red but still pulls off a Confusion and downs Haunter. Arbok slithers in.

6d 18h 35m [B] Golbat goes down easily. Haunter in.

6d 18h 34m [R] The Pokemaniac insists he's not angry. Red doesn't give a crap one way or another. He starts meandering back towards the river...

6d 18h 34m [B] Down goes Gengar. Alakazam grew to Lv. 78! Golbat in.

6d 18h 34m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 47!

6d 18h 33m [B] Vs. Agatha! Gengar vs. Alakazam.

6d 18h 32m [B] We only have two Pokémon left, Alakazam and Lapras, both on full HP.

6d 18h 31m [B] We score a critical hit, Machamp goes down. Bruno defeated!

6d 18h 31m [B] But Alakazam takes it out in one hit. Machamp is due next.

6d 18h 30m [B] In comes Onix, Lv. 94.

6d 18h 30m [R] Red seems to have looped back on himself at some point, because he's now back outside. He runs into a Pokemaniac outside who insists on showing us his collection of L30 Pokémon. Sure, why not?

6d 18h 30m [B] And down it goes.

6d 18h 29m [B] We switch back to Alakazam, and suddenly the battle gets a lot easier. Hitmonchan down, Hitmonlee in.

6d 18h 29m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 10.

6d 18h 29m [B] Persian takes another hit, and goes down!

6d 18h 27m [B] Persian is sent in and takes a Thunderpunch to the gut, but is still hanging in there.

6d 18h 26m [B] Arbok goes down to Hitmonchan!

6d 18h 24m Challenged Bruno! A Lv. 93 is Onix sent in but is quickly dispatched by Alakazam. Hitmonchan is sent in, we for some reason switch to Arbok.

[Fluff] We've been against worse before.

[Snark] ever get the feeling this is impossible?

6d 18h 22m [B] We send in old faithful, Alakazam, and it takes care of it. Lorelei defeated!

6d 18h 20m [R] This place is a maze... and that's even before all of the caved in roof and overgrown floor tiles. And also the random Pokémon we have to avoid.

6d 18h 21m [B] Blizzard hits, Venusaur down!

6d 18h 20m [B] We switch to Venusaur.

6d 18h 19m [B] Lapras uses a Body Slam, Clefable goes down!

6d 18h 18m [B] Down goes Jynx,Lapras grows to Lv. 38 and learns Ice Beam!

Lorelei's Lapras is in.

6d 18h 17m [B] Slowbro goes down, and Clefable grows to Lv. 66! Jynx is up.

6d 18h 16m [B] Two Thunderbolts later, Cloyster goes down. Up next, Slowbro.

6d 18h 15m [B] Lapras goes down, Cloyster is next.

6d 18h 14m [B] Welp, let's start Attempt #32! Vs. Lorelei!

6d 18h 13m [R] About damn time.

6d 18h 13m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM25 Thunder!

[Snark] What? No more running headfirst at the wall until it breaks? You mean we're going to actually have to play this game? DansGame

[Info Cont] No, they won't go above Level 100. M4 has confirmed that.

[Info] Yep, Level 92 now. The E4 is increasing its level to match our own fitness increase. They've been slowly going up in level over the past 30-odd runs...

6d 18h 11m Persian goes down anyway. Blackout!

6d 18h 11m [B] Wait, Lv. 92?

6d 18h 10m [B] Lv. 92 Onix vs. Lv. 44 Persian.

6d 18h 9m [B] We challenge Bruno! Let's see how far Persian will take us.

6d 18h 7m [R] Red goes to pick up a Poké Ball, and it attacks! He kicks it away in surprise and it rolls away into the rubble. Stupid things...

6d 18h 6m [B] Persian is our only party member left on 59HP, and we're only at Bruno.


6d 18h 5m [R] Red, meanwhile, mills about in the long abandoned Kanto Power Plant, finding the place intriguing and the Pokémon irritating. Better than moping.

6d 18h 4m [B] We switch to Persian, and it takes out Lapras. Persian to Lv. 44! Lorelei defeated!

6d 18h 4m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

[Snark] Five hours ago we were getting to Lance on a regular basis. What happened?

Oh that's right, Day Crew.

6d 18h 2m [B] We switch to our Lapras and it goes down. Alakazam also goes down.

6d 18h 1m [B] We switch to Venusaur and get hit by Blizzard. Venusaur goes down!


6d 18h 0m [B] So I guess we're still trying this.

6d 17h 55m [Bot] [R] Power Plant.

6d 17h 51m [R] Red stands on the shore of the Route 9/10 river, staring at the water thoughtfully, absentmindedly trying to coax one of his Pokémon to let him surf on it...

6d 17h 50m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

6d 17h 49m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 10.

6d 17h 46m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 17h 45m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] We heal! A (Arbok) has leveled up to 60!

6d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #31!

6d 17h 42m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #31! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 17h 39m [B] Blue was heading southward for a moment there. Maybe she too was going to go on a contemplative tour of the region?

6d 17h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] Route 23.

6d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #30 Arrived on Pokémon League.

6d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 17h 38m [R] Hey! The bush got cut! Onward to the Route 9 ledge!

6d 17h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

6d 17h 35m [R] Red's trying to cut a small bush on Route 9 now. If only his Pokémon's Strength, which he's activated instead, could just rip the bush from the ground or something...

6d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

[R] On Route 9.

6d 17h 33m [Bot] [R] Cerulean City.

6d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] In Cerulean House.

6d 17h 31m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 17h 29m [R] Red is in Cerulean City now, talking with a Police Officer, presumably seeking help or direction. Good on him.

6d 17h 26m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #24!

6d 17h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

6d 17h 23m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 17h 21m [Bot] [R] Now in Cerulean City.

6d 17h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 4.

6d 17h 18m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 17h 17m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Mt. Moon.

6d 17h 15m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 65!

6d 17h 14m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #30!

6d 17h 13m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #30! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 17h 9m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

6d 17h 9m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #29 We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 17h 3m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

[R] Arrived on Mt. Moon.

6d 17h 2m [Bot] [R] Now on Mt. Moon.

6d 17h 1m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 17h 0m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 16h 59m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

[Info] By the way, Bruno's Pokémons' levels are now in the low 90's.

6d 16h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #23!

6d 16h 53m [Bot] [R] Mt. Moon.

6d 16h 52m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 16h 52m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 16h 50m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 64!

[R] Now on Route 4.

6d 16h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 3.

6d 16h 49m [Bot] [R] Route 4.

6d 16h 47m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

[Meta] I really need to fix that bug that makes the bot think we healed every time someone levels up in a team that hasn't lost any HP yet...

6d 16h 43m [Bot] [B] We heal! VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 77!

6d 16h 39m [R] Red continues his cross-country contemplative walking tour by heading towards Mt. Moon and getting stopped by another unaware young trainer with Pokémon under level 10. I don't think Red is even paying attention anymore.

6d 16h 41m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) is now level 43!

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) is now level 28!

6d 16h 40m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #29!

6d 16h 39m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 3.

6d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #29! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 16h 36m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 16h 35m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #28 Now on Pokémon League.

6d 16h 35m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 16h 33m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 16h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Pewter City.

6d 16h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 16h 31m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

6d 16h 30m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 Gate.

6d 16h 27m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

[Correction] I was informed that Red did not blackout at Seafoam islands, but rather dug out of Seafoam islands, back to the last Pokémon center. Discussion is now being had as to how one effectively and quickly digs from a distant island in the ocean to the top of a plateau.

[Fluff] The slaughter is unprecedented. I think Red left the kid crying.

6d 16h 19m [R] Red has moseyed forlornly into the Viridian forest, where a young kid challenges us to a battle with his level 6 Pokémon. Red doesn't seem to care to warn the kid that he has all eight badges...

6d 16h 11m [Bot] [R] Viridian Forest.

6d 16h 10m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 Gate.

6d 16h 9m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #18!

6d 16h 8m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

6d 16h 7m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

6d 16h 7m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 37!

6d 16h 3m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #22!

6d 16h 2m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

6d 16h 1m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 16h 0m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 16h 0m [Bot] [R] In Viridian City.

6d 15h 54m [R] Red update: still sulking miserably on Route 22. He just kicked a pebble into the grass and a Rattata took umbrage with it hitting him.

6d 15h 55m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 15h 53m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 15h 52m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 63!

6d 15h 49m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #28!

6d 15h 48m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #28! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

6d 15h 47m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #27 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 15h 46m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 15h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

6d 15h 38m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 15h 36m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 15h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #10!

[Fluff] I'm honestly not sure how Red got back up to Indigo Plateau after we were in Seafoam islands. We must have blacked out even though the bot didn't update it. But now Red's dejectedly jumped down the Route 22 ledge willingly and is moseying about aimlessly. He must really be depressed...

6d 15h 35m [Bot] [B] Lance's Hall.

6d 15h 34m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

6d 15h 33m [Bot] [R] And over the ledge we go.

6d 15h 32m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 42!

6d 15h 31m [Bot] [R] On Route 22.

6d 15h 30m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 76!

[R] Now on Route 22 Gate.

6d 15h 26m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #17!

6d 15h 25m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

6d 15h 24m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

6d 15h 23m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 59!

6d 15h 17m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 15h 15m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 58!

6d 15h 14m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #21!

6d 15h 13m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

6d 15h 12m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 15h 9m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 15h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

6d 15h 5m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 36!

6d 15h 5m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 62!

6d 14h 58m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #27!

6d 14h 58m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #27! Lorelei's Hall.

6d 14h 57m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #26 Now on Indigo Plateau.

[R] Victory Road.

6d 14h 56m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted! BLACK OUT...

6d 14h 54m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

6d 14h 53m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 14h 35m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 75!

6d 14h 30m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

6d 14h 27m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

6d 14h 25m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

6d 14h 24m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 14h 20m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 14h 17m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 14h 17m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

6d 14h 15m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #26!

6d 14h 14m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #26! Lorelei's Hall.

6d 14h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

6d 14h 11m [Bot] [B] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Attempt #25 On Pokémon League.

6d 14h 11m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #20!

6d 14h 10m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

6d 14h 10m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

6d 14h 10m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

6d 14h 9m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

[R] We head onto Route 23.

6d 14h 8m [Bot] [R] We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 14h 8m [Bot] [R] Now on Indigo Plateau.

6d 14h 8m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

6d 14h 7m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

6d 14h 7m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

6d 14h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

6d 14h 6m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 14h 6m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

6d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

[R] We heal!

6d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 14h 5m [Bot] [R] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

6d 14h 4m [Bot] [R] Pokémon League.

6d 14h 3m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

6d 14h 3m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon League.

6d 14h 2m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

6d 14h 2m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

6d 14h 0m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon League.

6d 13h 58m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM27 Fissure!

6d 13h 57m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

6d 13h 53m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 52m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 52m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 49m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 48m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 48m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 61!

6d 13h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #25!

6d 13h 43m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Attempt #25! Lorelei's Hall.

6d 13h 42m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #24 Now on Indigo Plateau.

6d 13h 41m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

6d 13h 39m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 13h 38m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #9!

6d 13h 37m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 35m [Bot] [B] Lance's Hall.

6d 13h 35m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

6d 13h 33m [Bot] [R] Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 32m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 20.

6d 13h 30m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

6d 13h 26m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #16!

6d 13h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

6d 13h 18m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 13h 14m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 13h 13m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 20.

6d 13h 11m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

6d 13h 9m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 55!

6d 13h 8m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

6d 13h 8m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #19!

6d 13h 7m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted!

6d 13h 6m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

6d 13h 4m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 13h 1m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 12h 57m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has leveled up to 27!

6d 12h 57m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has fainted!

6d 12h 56m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 12h 55m [B] It finally goes down.

6d 12h 54m [B] A few Vine Whips (and a lot of beeping) later, Slowbro is still there.

6d 12h 54m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

6d 12h 53m Alakazam to Lv. 74, Lapras to Lv. 35! Slowbro is next up.

6d 12h 51m [B] Cloyster hits us with a super effective Aurora Beam, but we still take it out.

6d 12h 50m [B] We make the switch to Venusaur.

6d 12h 50m [R] Blaine has just come up for a rematch.

6d 12h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

6d 12h 48m [B] Cloyster is sent in, and we switch to Alakazam.

6d 12h 48m [Bot] [R] Mom's House 1F.

6d 12h 46m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) learned Strength!

6d 12h 46m [B] Oh sorry, still can't get over that one. Vs. Lorelei! We've already taken out Dewgong, and Clefable reaches Lv. 60!

6d 12h 45m For those of you who missed that weird track...


6d 12h 43m [B] Er-hem, anyway. Attempt #24!

6d 12h 42m That was really weird.

6d 12h 41m What the hell is playing on the music right now??? WutFace

6d 12h 41m [B] Back in Indigo Plateau to give it another go.

6d 12h 41m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) learned Cut over Focus Energy!

6d 12h 40m [Bot] [R] We head into Mom's House 2F.

6d 12h 39m [B] Arbok is sent in, and goes down! Blackout!

6d 12h 39m [B] Critical Tackle attack! Alakazam goes down!

6d 12h 39m [Bot] [R] Mom's House 1F.

[Chat] ヽヽ༼༼ຈຈل͜ل͜ຈຈ༽༽ノノ DOUBLE TEAM ヽヽ༼༼ຈຈل͜ل͜ຈຈ༽༽ノノ

6d 12h 38m [B] We switch back to Alakazam. Tauros uses another Double Team.

6d 12h 38m Tauros spams Double Team, making it difficult to hit. We switch to Arbok and get a critical tackle.

6d 12h 38m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

6d 12h 37m [B] Tauros vs. Alakazam

6d 12h 37m [B] Vs. (((!

6d 12h 35m [B] Dragonite goes down! Lance defeated!!

6d 12h 35m [Bot] [R] Stored 2 Rare Candy and 1 Secret Key in the PC!

6d 12h 35m [B] And we start hitting with Strength and Acid attacks.

6d 12h 34m [B] Arbok responds with a Wrap attack.

6d 12h 35m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 TM14 Blizzard in the PC!

6d 12h 34m [B] Dragonite is trying multiple Barriers and Agility moves.

6d 12h 34m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Carbos in the PC!

6d 12h 34m [B] We switch to Arbok and poison Dragonite!

6d 12h 34m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Calcium in the PC!

6d 12h 34m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

6d 12h 33m [B] Arbok grew to Lv. 58! Dragonite is next up.

6d 12h 33m [Bot] [R] Stored 2 Great Ball in the PC!

6d 12h 33m [B] Another Hyper Beam, but we hit with Psychic. Aerodactyl is down!

6d 12h 33m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Great Ball in the PC!

6d 12h 32m [B] We switch to Lapras, who gets a hit on Aerodactyl only to be Hyper Beam'd. Lapras down! We switch to Alakazam.

6d 12h 32m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Super Potion in the PC!

6d 12h 31m [B] We switch to Persian, who also gets a Hyper Beam in the face. Persian down!

6d 12h 31m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Great Ball in the PC!

6d 12h 30m [B] Arbok is hit by Hyper Beam but doesn't go down. We respond with a Wrap attack.

6d 12h 28m [B] Dragonair is dissolved! Aerodactyl is next.

6d 12h 28m [B] We try a few more acid attacks, Dragonair keeps using Agility.

6d 12h 28m [B] Another Dragonair is out, Lv. 71.

6d 12h 27m [B] Arbok takes out Dragonair with Acid!

6d 12h 28m [Bot] [R] Mom's House 2F.

6d 12h 27m [Bot] [R] Mom's House 1F.

6d 12h 26m [B] Gyarados goes down, someone grows a level. Dragonair is sent in, we switch to Arbok. We poison Dragonair!

6d 12h 25m [B] Vs. Lance!

Gyarados vs. Alakazam.

6d 12h 24m [B] Here we go, final room. Unfortunately, any gravitas is lost because the theme of Pallet Town is playing.

6d 12h 24m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 HM04 Strength from the PC!

6d 12h 24m [Bot] [R] Retrieved 1 Silph Scope from the PC!

6d 12h 23m [B] Arbok is taken out, so is Gengar. Agatha defeated!

6d 12h 23m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Card Key and 1 Coin Case in the PC!

6d 12h 23m [R] I almost have a heart attack when I hear the PC noise, but luckily it's just our Item PC in our room.

6d 12h 22m [B] Haunter is sent in and gets taken down. Arbok is next.

6d 12h 22m [Bot] [R] Now in Mom's House 2F.

6d 12h 21m [R] ((( is just chilling with Mom right now, looks really sweet.

6d 12h 20m [B] Alakazam is sent in. We dig, but Agatha switches to Golbat and we miss. So we hit it with a Psychic.

6d 12h 19m [B] Gengar uses its signature combination of Hypnosis and Dream Eater. Venusaur goes down!

6d 12h 19m [Bot] [R] We heal!

6d 12h 18m [B] Agatha withdraws Gengar and switches to Golbat. And then switches back to Gengar.

6d 12h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Mom's House 1F.

6d 12h 16m [B] Vs. Agatha! Gengar vs. Venusaur, go!

6d 12h 16m [Bot] [R] In Mom's House 2F.

6d 12h 15m [B] Wasting no time, we're in Agatha's room.

6d 12h 14m And down it goes. Bruno is humiliated defeated!

6d 12h 15m [Bot] [R] Mom's House 1F.

6d 12h 14m [B] Onix is sent out and goes down straight away. Machamp comes storming in.

6d 12h 13m [R] Chat enters the house but realises that's not their mother. Embarrassment overload. Wrong house.

6d 12h 12m [B] And down it goes. That was easy.

6d 12h 13m [Bot] [R] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

6d 12h 12m [Bot] [R] Rival's House.

6d 12h 11m [B] Anyways, Onix and Hitmonchan are dispatched by Alakazam and it grows to Lv. 73!. Hitmonlee is next up.

6d 12h 10m [R] The undisclosed location the bot is referring to is the secret underground bunker known as Pallet Town.

[Snark] I don't know if you've noticed, but our [R] and [B] is not automated. We may forget if it gets really exciting. xP

6d 12h 10m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

6d 12h 9m [B] Clefable goes down! Alakazam is sent in.

6d 12h 8m Vs. Bruno! Onix is sent in. We counter (again) with a critical health Clefable.

[Fluff] Ex cineribus resurgam, ferox et potens ~

6d 12h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 1.

6d 12h 6m [B] In Bruno's room, with some glorious Pokémon Prism music. ❤️

6d 12h 5m [B] Lapras is hit with a critical Thunderbolt and goes down. Lorelei defeated!

6d 12h 3m [B] We get hit by a few Thrash attacks, but Jynx goes down to another Thunderbolt. Lapras is next up!

6d 12h 2m [B] Clefable powers through its confusion and hits multiple Thunderbolts. Slowbro goes down, Jynx is next.

6d 12h 1m [R] Oh, and we're in Viridian City now.

6d 12h 1m [B] Also, Venusaur to Lv. 57! Slowbro is next.

6d 12h 0m [B] Cloyster down, Clefable grows to Lv. 59!

6d 12h 0m Clefable gets hit with a Supersonic attack, but still attacks.

6d 11h 59m Dewgong goes down with no damage to us. Arbok grew to Lv. 57! Cloyster is sent in.

6d 11h 58m Vs. Lorelei again. Dewgong vs. Clefable, let's gooo.

[Chat] tppsimulator HYPER LUL GENWUN MISS

6d 11h 56m [B] Here we go, attempt #23!

6d 11h 54m [B] Lapras gets a Hyper Beam in the face at 4HP, Lapras down, blackout!

6d 11h 53m [R] But we have no space left...

6d 11h 53m [R] Obtained a hidden Potion!

6d 11h 52m [B] Lapras is sent in.

6d 11h 52m [B] Persian is hit, it goes down!

6d 11h 50m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 11h 49m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

6d 11h 49m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 34!

6d 11h 49m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 22.

6d 11h 48m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 11h 46m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian City.

6d 11h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #7!

6d 11h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Lance's Hall.

6d 11h 44m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

6d 11h 43m [Bot] [R] We have a pop down the ledge, and can't get back up.

6d 11h 43m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 22.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: 12 months subscription, nice!

6d 11h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has leveled up to 40!

6d 11h 41m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #14!

6d 11h 40m [B] Alakazam now has 200HP.

6d 11h 39m [B] Onix goes down, Machamp is sent in. Same scenario, Machamp down. Alakazam to Lv. 72! Bruno defeated!

6d 11h 39m [B] Onix is in. We hit it with Confusion and take it down to 1HP. Bruno uses an X Defend in retaliation. Chat TriHards.

6d 11h 38m [B] Alakazam is sent in, takes out Hitmonchan. Hitmonlee is sent in and is taken out with Confusion.

6d 11h 38m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has leveled up to 31!

6d 11h 37m [B] Venusaur is punched out!

6d 11h 36m [B] Meanwhile, Onix goes down. Hitmonchan is sent in.

[Snark] But it was just a Missingno... Kappa

6d 11h 36m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 30 Slowbro! Nickname: )) We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowbro.

6d 11h 35m [R] We caught a Slowbro! Details to follow.

6d 11h 34m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowbro.

6d 11h 34m [B] Clefable down! We switch to Venusaur.

6d 11h 33m [B] Bruno is challenged! Onix vs. a weakened Clefable.

6d 11h 34m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowbro.

6d 11h 33m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowbro.

6d 11h 32m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

6d 11h 32m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowbro.

6d 11h 32m [R] We surf!

6d 11h 31m [B] We hit with 3 Thunderbolts and Lapras goes down. Clefable sweep! Lorelei defeated!

6d 11h 29m [B] We hit with multiple Thunderbolts and score a crit. Jynx goes down. Up next: Lapras.

6d 11h 29m [B] Jynx is now in the firing line.

6d 11h 27m [B] Thunderbolt hits 4 times, but Lorelei uses a Super Potion. We score a critical and Slowbro goes down. Clefable grew to Lv. 58!

6d 11h 27m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Great Ball!

6d 11h 26m [B] It goes down to Thunderbolt. Slowbro is next on the list.

6d 11h 26m [B] Dewgong goes down, Cloyser is up next.

6d 11h 25m [B] Vs. Lorelei! Dewgong vs. Clefable.

6d 11h 23m [B] Started run #23. Woo?

6d 11h 22m [B] Currently in Indigo Plateau, going for another run.

[R] Currently heading south on Route 23.

6d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #21 Indigo Plateau.

6d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 11h 18m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 11h 16m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #6!

6d 11h 15m [Bot] [B] Lance's Hall.

6d 11h 14m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

6d 11h 12m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 33!

6d 11h 12m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

6d 11h 8m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #13!

6d 11h 7m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 46!

6d 11h 7m [Bot] [B] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

6d 11h 6m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 11h 6m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 71!

6d 11h 5m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Machop.

6d 11h 4m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Machop.

6d 11h 3m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #16!

6d 11h 2m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

6d 11h 2m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 11h 0m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Machop.

6d 11h 0m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 10h 59m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 10h 56m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

[R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Geodude.

6d 10h 56m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Geodude.

6d 10h 54m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 10h 53m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Machoke.

6d 10h 50m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 57!

6d 10h 49m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 35 Golbat! Nickname: /..-- We toss a Great Ball at a wild Golbat.

6d 10h 48m [Bot] [B] We heal! A (Arbok) has leveled up to 56!

6d 10h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #21!

6d 10h 44m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #21! Lorelei's Hall.

6d 10h 41m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Great Ball!

6d 10h 40m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 10h 40m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #20 Arrived on Pokémon League.

6d 10h 39m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! BLACK OUT...

6d 10h 37m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 10h 34m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

6d 10h 33m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #12!

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 45!

6d 10h 32m [Bot] [B] On Agatha's Hall.

6d 10h 31m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

6d 10h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 70!

6d 10h 29m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 32!

6d 10h 28m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) fainted! We toss a Great Ball at a wild Machoke.

6d 10h 27m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM05 Mega Kick!

6d 10h 27m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

[R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) learned Double Team! Threw away 1 TM32 Double Team!

6d 10h 26m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 10h 22m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #15!

6d 10h 22m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: anyone win any cool pokemon badges this run?

6d 10h 21m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

[R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 10h 20m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

6d 10h 20m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 10h 17m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 10h 12m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 10h 10m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 23.

6d 10h 8m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... rip E4 Attempt #4 Arrived on Pokémon League.

6d 10h 7m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 56!

6d 10h 7m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #20!

6d 10h 6m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #20! Lorelei's Hall.

6d 10h 5m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

6d 10h 4m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

6d 10h 4m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 10h 4m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #19 We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 10h 3m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted! BLACK OUT...

6d 10h 2m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 10h 0m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #5!

[R] A (Charizard) fainted!

6d 9h 59m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has fainted!

6d 9h 59m [Bot] [B] Lance's Hall.

6d 9h 58m [Bot] [B] We defeat AGATHA!

6d 9h 57m [Bot] [R] -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) has grown to level 26!

6d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 39!

6d 9h 52m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #11!

6d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

6d 9h 51m [R] Vs. Lorelei!

6d 9h 50m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

6d 9h 50m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 69!

6d 9h 49m [R] We enter the Pokémon League, attempt #4.

6d 9h 47m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #14!

6d 9h 46m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

6d 9h 44m [R] Party shuffle looks to be complete, there is a big pull away from the PC.

6d 9h 46m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 9h 43m [R] Raichu retrieved.

6d 9h 42m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 9h 42m [R] Nidoqueen retrieved, Vennonat & Shellder deposited.

6d 9h 40m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 9h 40m [Bot] [R] [Info] Current Party:

6d 9h 39m [R] Retrieved Horsea, Nidrina and Tauros.

6d 9h 38m [R] Staryu was released!

6d 9h 37m [R] Shelder was withdrawn, Koffing, Drowzee and Primape were deposited.

6d 9h 37m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 9h 37m [R] Hitmonchan was deposited!

6d 9h 35m [R] Tangela was released!

6d 9h 34m [R] Vennonat was retrieved.

6d 9h 34m [R] Eevee was deposited. Arcanine was released!

6d 9h 31m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

6d 9h 29m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 9h 28m [R] Charizard is deposited

6d 9h 26m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 31!

[Info] VVVMMMM was a Marowak

6d 9h 21m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 55!

6d 9h 19m [B] We start attempt #19.

6d 9h 15m [B] Alakazam goes down to Arbok! Blackout!

6d 9h 15m [B] Agatha sends in Golbat, and is taken out by Alakazam. Haunter is sent in.

6d 9h 14m [R] Retrieved Pidgeotto from the PC

6d 9h 14m [R] Retrieved Hitmonchan and Primape from the PC.

6d 9h 14m [B] Alakazam hits with Psychic. Gengar goes down!

6d 9h 13m [B] Agatha sends out Gengar, we counter with Alakazam.

6d 9h 13m [R] Tentacool is released!

6d 9h 12m [R] Charizard, Farfetch'd and Lapras deposited.

6d 9h 12m [B] Challenged Agatha!

6d 9h 12m [R] Retrieved Koffing from the PC.

6d 9h 11m [R] Retrieved Charizard from the PC.

6d 9h 11m [B] Koga defeated!

6d 9h 10m [R] A Pokémon named VVVMMMM has been released.

6d 9h 9m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 68!

6d 9h 9m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Great Ball in the PC!

6d 9h 9m [Bot] [R] Stored 2 Great Ball and 1 Super Rod in the PC!

6d 9h 8m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Silph Scope, 1 Poké Flute, 1 HM03 Surf, and 1 HM04 Strength in the PC!

6d 9h 8m [Bot] [R] Stored 1 Lift Key in the PC!

6d 9h 8m [Bot] [R] Deposited DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) in box 2!

6d 9h 7m [Bot] [R] We deposit MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) in box 2!

6d 9h 7m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #13!

6d 9h 5m [Bot] [R] rip E4 Attempt #3 Now on Indigo Plateau.

6d 9h 5m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

[R] ×××××RR (Lapras) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 9h 4m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

6d 8h 55m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

6d 8h 54m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 69!

6d 8h 52m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

6d 8h 52m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted!

6d 8h 51m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 8h 49m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 8h 46m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

6d 8h 44m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

6d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) fainted!

6d 8h 39m [Bot] [R] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #3!

6d 8h 37m [Bot] [R] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #3! Lorelei's Hall.

6d 8h 34m [B] Blue is back for more. Attempt #18 begins now!

6d 8h 33m [R] Red's Lapras is also the last mon to survive to the bitter end. Attempt #2 is over against Cloyster! Aaaand blacked out.

6d 8h 29m [B] With Lapras down, attempt #17 ends against Lance's Gyarados again. Blacked out!

6d 8h 28m [B] Bye, Alakazam!

6d 8h 27m [B] Hello, Lance!

6d 8h 25m [R] Good try, Eevee.

6d 8h 24m [B] Blue makes it past Agatha.

6d 8h 24m [R] Dux joins him.

6d 8h 21m [R] Charizard goes down.

6d 8h 20m [B] Alakazam is up to Lv.67.

6d 8h 19m [B] Agatha is next!

6d 8h 17m [B] Bruno defeated.

6d 8h 15m [R] Dugtrio too.

6d 8h 14m [R] Nidoqueen fainted.

6d 8h 14m [B] Persian down...

6d 8h 13m [B] Arbok's down.

6d 8h 11m [R] Red walks in for his second E4 attempt!

6d 8h 11m [B] A critical Mega Kick is enough to put Venusaur out of commission.

6d 8h 10m [B] Blue is up against Bruno. Venusaur reached Lv.56!

6d 8h 7m [B] Blue makes her way past Lorelei once more, only losing Clefable during the battle.

6d 8h 7m [R] He tried to buy 99 Great Balls, too. And sell his Lift Key.

6d 8h 6m [R] Red just tried to buy an Ultra Ball, but his bag is full.

6d 8h 5m [R] With Lapras down, Red's first attempt at the E4 ends against Lorelei's second Pokémon. Blacked out!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the pokedex completion going?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: wow at the elite four already?

6d 8h 0m [B] Clefable reached Lv.54.

6d 7h 57m [B] Here comes Blue with the E4 attempt #17!

6d 7h 55m [R] Eevee fainted.

6d 7h 53m [B] With Lapras down, so ends attempt #16 for Blue. Blacked out!

6d 7h 51m [B] With no more Psychic attacks left, Alakazam takes a Hyper Beam crit to the face.

6d 7h 50m [R] Dux down.

6d 7h 50m [B] It's Lance time!

6d 7h 49m [B] Lapras reached Lv.30, and Agatha has been defeated just as fast.

6d 7h 48m [R] Charizard faints against Cloyster.

6d 7h 48m [B] Alakazam reached Lv.66.

6d 7h 47m [R] While Red is still stuck against Dewgong, [B] Blue advances against Agatha.

6d 7h 45m [B] As expected, Bruno gets sweeped in no time.

6d 7h 44m [R] Dugtrio goes down.

6d 7h 42m [B] Vs Bruno!

6d 7h 40m [B] Blue gets past Lorelei with only Alakazam and Lapras remaining.

6d 7h 39m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

6d 7h 39m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 7h 36m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 7h 33m [R] VS Lorelei!

6d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #1! On Lorelei's Hall.

6d 7h 27m [R] Red checkpoints at the E4.

6d 7h 26m [R] Red entered the E4 building!

6d 7h 26m [B] Alakazam reached Lv.65.

6d 7h 25m [R] Red finally sees the sunlight again as he steps into Route 23.

6d 7h 19m [B] Arbok faints against Cloyster.

6d 7h 14m [R] Red celebrates a small victory by finally pushing a boulder right where it's meant to go.

6d 7h 5m [B] E4 attempt #16, bring it on!

6d 6h 59m [B] Arbok loses against Lorelei's Lapras and we black out. End of E4 attempt #15.

6d 6h 57m [B] Lapras gets Body Slammed into the ground.

6d 6h 54m [B] Alakazam follows.

6d 6h 53m [B] Persian down.

6d 6h 52m [B] By taking out Jynx with Alakazam, Lapras reached Lv.29.

6d 6h 50m [B] Blue plays a catchy tune in order to lift the party's spirits.

6d 6h 49m [B] The same Jynx also took down Clefable.

6d 6h 46m [B] Venusaur fainted against Lorelei's Jynx.

6d 6h 33m [R] Charizard reached Lv.68.

6d 6h 28m [B] E4 attempt #15 begins now!

6d 6h 24m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 6h 24m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #14 We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 6h 20m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #7!

6d 6h 17m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

6d 6h 16m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 6h 13m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #10!

6d 6h 12m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

6d 6h 12m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 6h 12m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 64!

6d 6h 11m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 6h 8m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 6h 7m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

6d 6h 7m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 67!

6d 6h 6m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 6h 5m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 6h 4m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) has grown to level 38!

6d 6h 3m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 53!

6d 6h 2m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

6d 5h 58m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #14!

6d 5h 58m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #14! We head onto Lorelei's Hall.

6d 5h 56m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 5h 55m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #13 Arrived on Pokémon League.

6d 5h 55m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

6d 5h 53m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 5h 52m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 55!

6d 5h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 5h 49m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #6!

6d 5h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Agatha's Hall.

6d 5h 48m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 5h 45m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #9!

6d 5h 44m [Bot] [B] We head onto Bruno's Hall.

6d 5h 44m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 5h 44m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 63!

6d 5h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

6d 5h 38m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

6d 5h 35m [B] Blue begins playing the flute instead of paying attention to the fight

6d 5h 35m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 5h 34m [B] Venusaur thrashes jynx. Lapras up next, Lorelei's final mon

6d 5h 32m [B] Jynx comes out and begins thrashing clefable

6d 5h 32m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 5h 31m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 52!

6d 5h 30m [B] Slowbro up next and the thunderbolt offensive continues. Slowbro falls

6d 5h 30m [B] Cloyster up next, quickly taken down by thunderbolts

6d 5h 28m [B] Lorelei steps up for the thirteenth time. Clefable v dewgong, and clefable starts off strong with a pair of thunderbolts. Lorelei responds by using a Super Potion, which is useless as a third thunderbolt takes out dewgong

6d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #13!

[Snark] Lucky number 13

6d 5h 27m [Bot] [B] We're in for E4 Attempt #13! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 5h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

6d 5h 24m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

6d 5h 23m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #12 Now on Pokémon League.

6d 5h 23m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 5h 21m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted!

6d 5h 20m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 5h 19m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 5h 18m [Bot] [B] Vs LANCE! Attempt #2!

6d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] Now on Lance's Hall.

6d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] Defeated AGATHA!

6d 5h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

6d 5h 14m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

6d 5h 12m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #5!

6d 5h 11m [R] Red has completed another of the puzzles

6d 5h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

[Fluff] Faith in TPP restored

6d 5h 10m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

6d 5h 10m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 28!

6d 5h 9m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 62!

6d 5h 7m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #8!

6d 5h 6m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

6d 5h 6m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 5h 4m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 5h 3m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 5h 3m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 54!

6d 5h 2m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 51!

6d 5h 0m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) learned Sleep Powder over Growth!

6d 4h 59m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 55!

6d 4h 58m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #12!

6d 4h 57m [Bot] [B] Welcome back to the E4! Attempt #12! Lorelei's Hall.

[Snark] Blue TriHard

6d 4h 56m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 4h 56m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #11 We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 4h 55m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

6d 4h 55m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

[R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted!

6d 4h 53m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) fainted!

6d 4h 53m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 4h 52m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #7!

6d 4h 51m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) fainted!

6d 4h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

[R] ×××××RR (Lapras) has grown two levels to level 19!

6d 4h 49m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI! CCLLUU)))♀ (Persian) learned Fury Swipes over Pay Day!

6d 4h 49m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) evolves into a Persian!

6d 4h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 37!

6d 4h 47m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 4h 46m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 50!

[Snark] That is the Sudoku you must commit!

6d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 49!


6d 4h 41m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

6d 4h 40m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #11!

6d 4h 39m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #11! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

[Snark] Blue must commit sudoku now.

[Snark] Dishonour on your family! Dishonour on your cow!

6d 4h 36m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #10 Now on Indigo Plateau.

6d 4h 35m [B] Team fainted! Blacked out!

[Snark] Come on guys! This is Bruno we're on about! Are you seriously losing here?

6d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 4h 28m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 4h 27m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #6!

6d 4h 27m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Bruno's Hall.

6d 4h 27m [B] Defeated Lorelei!

6d 4h 26m [B] Lapras down.

6d 4h 23m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 4h 22m [B] Jynx down.

6d 4h 21m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 4h 20m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 4h 19m [B] Slowbro down.

6d 4h 19m [Bot] [B] We heal! ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) is now level 27!

6d 4h 15m [B] Cloyster down.

6d 4h 14m [B] Dewgong down.

6d 4h 13m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 48!

6d 4h 11m [B] Clefairy used Thunderbolt. Dewgong to 50% health.

6d 4h 10m [B] VS Lorelei!

6d 4h 9m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #10! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 4h 4m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 4h 2m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

6d 4h 1m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 3h 53m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

6d 3h 48m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 3h 48m [Bot] [B] We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 3h 47m [Bot] [B] We head onto Indigo Plateau.

6d 3h 43m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #9 Now on Pokémon League.

6d 3h 43m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 3h 41m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

6d 3h 41m [Bot] [R] On Route 22 Gate.

6d 3h 40m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 3h 39m [Bot] [R] We've made it beyond the ledge!

6d 3h 39m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 3h 32m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

6d 3h 30m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 61!

6d 3h 28m [Bot] [R] We inch along the ledge-- nope, we jump it.

6d 3h 26m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

6d 3h 25m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 3h 23m [Bot] [R] Farfetch'd scratches itself and accidentally hits us off the ledge.

6d 3h 17m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #9!

6d 3h 15m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #9! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 3h 14m [Bot] [R] Nidoqueen spots something below and bumps us off the ledge.

[Fluff] We just lost to Bruno.... to Bruno......

6d 3h 9m [Bot] [B] BLACKED OUT! rip E4 Attempt #8 Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 3h 9m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

6d 3h 8m [Bot] [R] We spring over the ledge.

6d 3h 2m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 3h 1m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 2h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #5!

6d 2h 53m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

6d 2h 52m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 2h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

6d 2h 47m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 2h 46m [Bot] [R] We dive over the ledge.

6d 2h 42m [Bot] [R] The ledge is a tight rope... and we just fell.

6d 2h 39m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 47!

6d 2h 36m [Bot] [R] We spring over the ledge.

6d 2h 32m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 22.

6d 2h 29m [Bot] [R] Viridian City.

6d 2h 23m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #8!

6d 2h 20m [Bot] [B] The door slams shut behind us! E4 Attempt #8! Lorelei's Hall.

[Fluff] Gengar actually managed to put Alakazam to sleep and eat his dreams a bunch. There was little we could do...

6d 2h 18m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 2h 17m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #7 On Pokémon League.

6d 2h 15m [R] Red tries using a revive, but none of his mons are so much as scratched

[Info] Agatha's first Gengar is level 71 now...

6d 2h 15m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #4!

6d 2h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Agatha's Hall.

6d 2h 11m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 2h 8m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 60!

6d 2h 8m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #4!

6d 2h 7m [Bot] [B] Now on Bruno's Hall.

6d 2h 6m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

6d 2h 4m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 1.

6d 2h 4m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

[R] Arrived in Viridian City.

[Snark] Back to the ledge for Red

6d 2h 2m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[R] Now in Viridian Pokémon Center.

6d 2h 2m [Bot] [R] Viridian City.

6d 2h 1m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 2h 1m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

6d 1h 55m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 53!

[R] On Victory Road.

6d 1h 55m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 54!

6d 1h 54m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

6d 1h 53m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

[R] Victory Road.

6d 1h 52m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

6d 1h 51m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

6d 1h 51m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 26!

[R] Victory Road.

6d 1h 51m [Bot] [R] Now on Victory Road.

6d 1h 50m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 1h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #7!

6d 1h 44m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #7! Arrived on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 1h 43m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 1h 43m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

6d 1h 42m [Bot] [B] Indigo Plateau.

6d 1h 42m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #6 We head onto Pokémon League.

6d 1h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

6d 1h 41m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

6d 1h 40m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

6d 1h 38m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

6d 1h 36m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

6d 1h 34m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 45 Charizard! Nickname: HHHGGGGGGG We toss a Great Ball at a wild Charizard.

6d 1h 34m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Charizard.

6d 1h 34m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 1h 33m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has leveled up to 36!

6d 1h 31m [Bot] [R] We head onto Victory Road.

6d 1h 22m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 66!

6d 1h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #6!

6d 1h 20m [Bot] [B] We stroll boldly into the E4 chambers and are locked inside! Attempt #6! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

6d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Indigo Plateau.

6d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] rip E4 Attempt #5 Arrived on Pokémon League.

6d 1h 16m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

6d 1h 14m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA! Attempt #3!

6d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] Agatha's Hall.

[Chat] flyingj138: Who can still lose the battle even though they were winning for most of it? :TriHard: BRUNO...

[Info] We just barely beat him. Only a half-health Arbok is left on our team.

[Chat] TriHard

6d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO!

6d 1h 10m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

[Snark] Blue, stop throwing

6d 1h 6m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

6d 1h 6m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

6d 1h 4m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 46!

6d 1h 2m [Snark] Will Blue lose to Bruno? With her heavy hitter out, she's relying on poison her weaker mon. If she loses, she must commit Sudoku! A single completed puzzle will do

[Info] Bruno's Onix and Hitmonchan are L70 now...

6d 0h 59m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted! Vs BRUNO! Attempt #3!

6d 0h 58m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

6d 0h 58m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

6d 0h 57m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

6d 0h 54m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

6d 0h 52m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 65!

6d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 52!

6d 0h 51m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

6d 0h 50m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) is now level 25!

6d 0h 41m [R] Dugtrio faints!

6d 0h 40m [B] Elite Four Attempt #5

6d 0h 39m [R] Dugtrio grew to level 54!

6d 0h 36m [B] Or should I say, Napras VS Lapras Kappa...aaaand we black out!

6d 0h 35m [B] Lapras VS Lapras, both paralyzed. Who will win?

6d 0h 33m Red defeated a trainer on Victory Road!

6d 0h 32m [B] Clefable faints to a crit blizzard!

6d 0h 30m Alakazam clutches with 1 HP, but is paralyzed in the process and faints!

6d 0h 26m Red pushes a boulder to get an item, but has no more room in their inventory.

6d 0h 23m [B] Meowth fainted!

6d 0h 21m [B] Venusaur fainted!

6d 0h 20m [B] Arbok fainted!

6d 0h 19m [B] Lapras leveled up to 25, forgot water gun and learned Body Slam!

[Snark] [B] Slowbro used Amensa so much it forgot how to attack.

6d 0h 17m [B] Venusaur grew to level 53!

6d 0h 15m [B] Cloyster was close to being wrapped to death by our Arbok, but then we decided we'd rather hear a catchy tune for a little while before continuing.

6d 0h 11m [B] The annoying Dewgong has been defeated!

[Fluff] [B] More infinite rest from Dewgong.

6d 0h 6m [R] Caught a Marowak! Nicknamed it VVVVVMMM

6d 0h 4m [B] Started Elite Four Attempt #4

6d 0h 3m [B] We black out!

6d 0h 2m [B] Alakazam got Gen 1 FRZ'd. RIP blue.

6d 0h 1m [B]Meowth clutches with 1HP, but then faints to Blizzard

5d 23h 58m [R] Red finally pushed the boulder to the correct location!

5d 23h 58m [B]Arbok faints to Lapras' Hydro Pump!

Oh yeah, Venusaur was also knocked out at some point!

5d 23h 55m [B] Clefable falls to Jynx's crit Thrash

[Snark] Lorelei used a Super Potion on Dewgong, allowing us to defeat it, report her for throwing Kappa

[Snark] Meanwhile on Blue side, Dewgong thinks Rest is SE against Arbok.

[Snark] Red still doesn't seem to understand this whole puzzle thing.

5d 23h 41m [B] Entered Lorelei's chamber! Elite Four Attempt #3!

5d 23h 37m [B] Meowth faints and we lose!

5d 23h 36m [B] Gyrados used Hyper Beam and Alakazam faints!

5d 23h 35m [B] Fighting Lance!

[Snark] Red screws up the puzzle once again.

5d 23h 32m [B] Alakazam sweeps Agatha! and grows to level 59!

5d 23h 29m [B] Started fight with Agatha!

[Snark] Huh? Oh, we beat Bruno with lots of Psychics. I blinked and missed it.

5d 23h 27m [Bot] [B] We defeat BRUNO!

5d 23h 26m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

5d 23h 26m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 35!

5d 23h 25m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 58!

5d 23h 24m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO! Attempt #2!

5d 23h 23m [Bot] [B] On Bruno's Hall.

[R] On Victory Road.

5d 23h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

5d 23h 22m [Bot] [B] We defeat LORELEI!

5d 23h 22m [B] And Alakazam takes out her Lapras!

5d 23h 21m [B] We take down Jynx in three Psychics!

5d 23h 21m [B] Jynx appears! We send out Alakazam, who's psychic isn't very effective, but does ok damage.

5d 23h 20m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

5d 23h 20m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 45!

5d 23h 20m [B] Slowbro goes down slower.

5d 23h 19m [B] We finally maim the massive mollusk by striking from the heavens with a thunderbolt, courtesy of Clefable.

5d 23h 17m [R] Red stares forlornly out of the entrance to Victory Road, apparently forgotten in the face of Blue's mollusk problem.

5d 23h 15m [B] We're taking stock of our fallen combatants as Meowth shivers at the sight of the massive mollusk breathing cold air down at it...

5d 23h 14m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

5d 23h 13m [B] We send overlarge lettuce Venusaur to deal with overlarge mollusk Cloyster. We growl. Cloyster responds with some Aurora Beams. It's not working out in our favor somehow.

5d 23h 11m [B] Arbok came out, got confused, hit itself a bunch, and fell in battle.

5d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

5d 23h 11m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

5d 23h 10m [B] We sent in Lapras to deal with the overlarge mollusk. It's not going to well right now.

5d 23h 9m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

5d 23h 9m [Bot] [R] Route 23.

5d 23h 8m [B] Cloyster. Meowth's gonna fight it, apparently.

5d 23h 6m [B] Oh, Dewgong finally fainted!

5d 23h 6m [Bot] [B] We heal! ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 24!

5d 23h 6m [B] There's not much to be said. We're in a cancer battle with this Dewgong right now.

5d 23h 3m [B] Currently abusing Gen 1 Wrap to slowly whittle down Dewgong's HP. Then it used Rest when it had an opening...

5d 23h 0m [B] Dewgong keeps trying to use Rest, and it keeps failing because it's at full health...

5d 22h 59m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI! Attempt #2!

5d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] We're locked into the E4 for Attempt #2! Now on Lorelei's Hall.

5d 22h 54m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! rip E4 Attempt #1 We head onto Indigo Plateau.

5d 22h 54m [B] And now we're poisoned, night shaded, and dead...

5d 22h 54m [B] Vs a L68 Gengar! Psychic-- we're out of Psychics...

5d 22h 53m [B] Vs a L67 Arbok! Psychic takes it out in one!

5d 22h 53m [B] Vs a L67 Haunter! Psychic takes it out in two!

5d 22h 53m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

5d 22h 53m [B] Vs a L67 Golbat! Psychic takes it out in one!

5d 22h 52m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

5d 22h 52m [B] Vs a L67 Gengar! Psychic crits and takes it out in one!

5d 22h 51m [Bot] [B] Vs AGATHA!

5d 22h 51m [Bot] [B] Now on Agatha's Hall.

[Chat] TriHard

5d 22h 50m [Bot] [B] Defeated BRUNO! VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 57!

5d 22h 50m [B] Vs a L68 Machamp. We take it down in one.

5d 22h 50m [B] Vs a L68 Onix. We take it down in one.

5d 22h 50m [B] Vs a L68 Hitmonlee. We take it down in one.

5d 22h 49m [B] Vs a L68 Hitmonchan. We take it down in one.

5d 22h 49m [B] Vs a L67 Onix. We take it down in one.

5d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] Vs BRUNO!

[R] Victory Road.

5d 22h 47m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

[Chat] Currently trending hashtag: #E3AndBruno

5d 22h 46m [B] Lorelei tells us we only got a taste of league power... And we have only a half-healthy Alakazam left...

5d 22h 46m [Bot] [B] Bruno's Hall.

5d 22h 46m [Bot] [B] Defeated LORELEI!

5d 22h 46m [B] We dig, she misses, and takes out her last Pokémon!

5d 22h 45m [B] Only Alakazam is left! We reflect, and she sends us a blizzard!

5d 22h 44m [B] Lapras's blizzard hurts, and it tanks our TBolt!

5d 22h 45m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

5d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

5d 22h 43m [B] Now fighting a L56 Lapras, who is tanking our strengths.

5d 22h 42m [B] Jynx has now taken out three of our Pokémon in return, and is still thrashing about... But a good Strength takes her out finally!

5d 22h 43m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 51!

5d 22h 42m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

[Snark] rip

[Snark] Curse of Tustin strikes again!

5d 22h 41m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

5d 22h 40m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

5d 22h 40m [B] No one has fainted yet, and we've taken out three of her Pokémon! Down to Jynx!

5d 22h 37m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

5d 22h 36m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

5d 22h 33m [B] We're against Lorelei's Dewgong with our Lapras. And deep in the bag.

5d 22h 33m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

5d 22h 31m We're locked into the E4! Attempt #1 is a go!

5d 22h 31m [Bot] [B] Vs LORELEI!

[R] On Route 23.

5d 22h 30m [Bot] [B] Now on Lorelei's Hall.

5d 22h 29m [B] A lady informs us of the tasks to come. We're actually stuck in a corner with her, so she seems to think we need told several times.

5d 22h 28m [B] Checkpoint Indigo Plateau!

5d 22h 28m [Bot] [B] We heal!

5d 22h 27m [Bot] [B] On Indigo Plateau.

5d 22h 27m [Bot] [B] Pokémon League.

5d 22h 27m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

5d 22h 26m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

5d 22h 26m [R] Red, meanwhile, is still at the start of Victory Road.

5d 22h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

5d 22h 25m [B] We made it out of Victory Road!

5d 22h 25m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 23.

5d 22h 23m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

5d 22h 22m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

5d 22h 20m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM05 Mega Kick!

5d 22h 16m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

5d 22h 14m [R] Red decides to flee the scary place

5d 22h 14m [Bot] [R] On Route 23.

5d 22h 8m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

[Meta] I'm done for the night. Been great hanging out with you guys ~ Will leave you with my trusted and hilarious colleague, UpdaterBot!

5d 22h 6m Stream crashes for a second. Chat WutFaces

5d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

5d 22h 2m [B] But our team is not in good shape...

[Snark] Cooltrainer♀ clearly threw there

5d 22h 2m [B] Chansey is taken out with a Strength. Cooltrainer♀ defeated!

5d 22h 1m [B] Chansey is sent in.

5d 22h 0m [B] We switch to Arbok as Dewgong is sent out. Arbok is also hit into the red, but Dewgong still goes down.

5d 22h 0m [B] Alakazam is hit into the red, but scores a critical Confusion. Parasect down!

[R] Meanwhile, Nidoqueen grows to Lv. 43!

5d 21h 59m [B] Challenged by Cooltrainer♀! Parasect vs. Alakazam.

5d 21h 58m [R] Entered Victory Road!

5d 21h 54m [R] We made it to dry land. Heading north.

5d 21h 48m [R] We surf!

5d 21h 43m [R] I am very happy to say, heading north on Route 23.

[Snark] If at first you don't succeed, keep trying for three hours

5d 21h 43m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 22 Gate.

[Fluff] That was not a typo, they actually happened both at the same time!!

5d 21h 41m [B] WE BEAT THE PUZZLE!


5d 21h 40m [B] Ok, here we go. One more move.

5d 21h 39m [B] We're getting close again.

5d 21h 36m [B] We've now been trying to complete this puzzle for 3 hours.

5d 21h 34m [Bot] [R] We dive over the ledge.

5d 21h 30m [B] Getting closer again.

5d 21h 26m [Bot] [R] We spring over the ledge.

5d 21h 24m [B] We reset the puzzle again. Chat is still shouting of some kind of conspiracy.

5d 21h 24m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

5d 21h 19m Stream resets and when we come back, the boulder has moved. Puzzle failed!

5d 21h 17m [Bot] [R] The ledge is a tight rope... and we just fell.

5d 21h 17m [B] Really close now.

5d 21h 12m [B] Almost there...

5d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] We bounce over the ledge.

5d 21h 5m [B] We reset, I don't even know what attempt this is anymore.

5d 21h 2m [B] And that's another fail. We're getting really good at pushing the boulder into the particular corner.

5d 20h 59m [R] Wish I could say the same here. Went over the ledge again.

5d 20h 57m [B] Making progress.

5d 20h 44m [B] A reset a day keeps the puzzle away.

[R] STILL on Route 22.

5d 20h 26m [B] I reset, you reset, we all reset for Blue Team!

5d 20h 23m [R] Another ledge, another fail.

5d 20h 15m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

5d 20h 7m [B] Oh, something happened. Alakazam grew to Lv. 56!

5d 20h 5m No, we've not gone dark - there's just really not much to report. Red is back on Route 22 and Blue has just failed the Victory Road puzzle again. Endless loop.

5d 19h 47m [B] Reset time, attempt #4.

5d 19h 44m [B] Aaaaaaand failed again.

5d 19h 40m [R] We exit the Pokémon Centre.

5d 19h 32m [R] We're attempting to enter the Cable Club, but don't succeed.

5d 19h 31m [R] We enter Viridian Pokémon Centre.

[B] This isn't going so well.

5d 19h 17m [B] We reset the puzzle. Here we go again.

5d 19h 16m [R] Meanwhile, we jump the ledge again.

[Fluff] [B] Twenty minutes of careful movement and co-ordination undone in a few seconds.

5d 19h 12m [B] Aaaaaaand fail.

[Chat] tppsimulator Everybody help Blue push it blue VoHiYo Don't choose sides

5d 19h 6m [B] Getting there, getting there...

5d 18h 55m [B] Oh, looks like we're making progress on the puzzle.

[Snark] Stream is now dead to me.

5d 18h 44m [B] But we run away...

5d 18h 43m [B] We encounter a wild Flareon!

5d 18h 40m [B] It looks like Clefable was poisoned. Now in the red.

5d 18h 38m [B] We reset the puzzle a couple of times.

5d 18h 33m [R] And over the ledge we go.

5d 18h 33m [B] We start moving a boulder. Wonder how well we'll do?

[Snark] I can't emphasise "slowly" enough.

5d 18h 31m [B] Slowly making our way through Victory Road.

[R] Slowly making our way past the ledge on Route 22.

[Snark] I mean, if this is what people like to spend their evening doing... everyone has their kicks?

5d 18h 21m Quite a lot of start spam going on in both game right now.

5d 18h 13m [B] We reach the next floor and immediately push the boulder into a wall.

5d 18h 8m Music change!

5d 18h 6m [B] We actually use the PokéFlute correctly and wake someone up.

[Snark] But then how would we have discovered that Pallet Town is actually a secret military base or that Meowth's sneezing sends people jumping over ledges?

[Snark] I probably could have just turned off the bot for the past 3 hours for all the progress we've made.

[Snark] Hey, there's been some differences. King DigDigDig's finally lived up to his name and Digrat's legacy Kappa

[Fluff] So I arrive back at the stream exactly how I left it. Nice. Kappa

5d 17h 54m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 22.

5d 17h 53m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

5d 17h 52m [Bot] [B] Route 23.

5d 17h 52m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

5d 17h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 1.

5d 17h 46m [Bot] [R] On <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 17h 44m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 1.

5d 17h 39m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

5d 17h 36m [Bot] [R] We head into Mom's House 1F.

5d 17h 35m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 17h 33m [Bot] [R] Now in Mom's House 1F.

5d 17h 33m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 17h 32m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

5d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Mom's House 1F.

[Snark] Pallet Town is actually a classified military base

5d 17h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 17h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Full Restore!

5d 17h 26m [Bot] [R] On Route 1.

5d 17h 22m [Bot] [R] On <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 17h 18m [Bot] [R] Rival's House.

[Info] The "<Undisclosed Location>" in this case is Pallet Town.

5d 17h 9m [Bot] [R] Now on <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 17h 8m [Bot] [R] Route 1.

5d 17h 5m [Bot] [B] Route 23.

5d 17h 4m [Bot] [B] We've made it beyond the ledge!

5d 16h 54m [Bot] [R] On <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 16h 51m [Bot] [B] We leap across the ledge.

5d 16h 50m [Bot] [R] Route 1.

5d 16h 47m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

5d 16h 46m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian House.

[Fluff] This is the song M4 trolled us with when we dug out of Victory Road.

[Fluff] A wild battle cuts off Ted Daffin's dulcet tones right quick.

[Fluff] "Born to lose.... it seems so hard to bear..." Stream staff is trolling us hard right now.

[Fluff] Um... the music suddenly changed to "Born to Lose - Ted Daffan & His Texans". It has lyrics!

[Info] Chat was trying to get Red to activate Strength. Fortunately, the stream staff made it so once Strength is active, it is always active, even between maps. So if they activate it now, they won't need to later, after they're back across the ledge.

[Snark] Double ledge hype!

5d 16h 41m [R] We dug out of Victory Road!

5d 16h 41m [Bot] [B] We sidle slowly across the ledge-- and we fall.

5d 16h 40m [Bot] [R] Viridian City.

5d 16h 31m [Bot] [B] We bound down the ledge.

5d 16h 27m [Bot] [R] Victory Road.

5d 16h 27m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 23.

5d 16h 26m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 53!

5d 16h 16m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Strength over Growl!

5d 16h 16m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) learned Strength!

5d 16h 5m [Bot] [B] We drop down the ledge.

5d 16h 0m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Victory Road.

5d 15h 59m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 23.

5d 15h 57m [Bot] [B] We trip over the ledge.

5d 15h 46m [Bot] [B] We jumped the ledge.

5d 15h 43m [Bot] [R] On Victory Road.

5d 15h 40m [Bot] [B] We spring over the ledge.

5d 15h 37m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 22.

5d 15h 36m [R] We pass the Volcano Badge check!

5d 15h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

5d 15h 26m [R] We managed to get swimming when I wasn't looking! Yes, swimming person, we have the Soul Badge.

5d 15h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 1.

5d 15h 22m [B] We BLACKOUT from an EXPLODING Graveler! Ledge Hype!

5d 15h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

5d 15h 18m [R] We attempted to get on Lapras's back. But Lapras just looks at us funny, as we never taught it how to Surf...

5d 15h 17m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Max Revive!

5d 15h 15m [R] Red's checking to make sure the Lift Key hasn't gone anywhere, and comparing Bulbasaur's cry to itself.

5d 15h 15m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

5d 15h 9m [R] We save for safety. We don't want to drown.

5d 15h 8m [R] We seem to be having trouble with the water. It seems deep.

[Snark] KappaPride

[Snark] Mr Officer Lady?

5d 15h 4m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

5d 15h 4m [R] Yes, Mr. or Mrs. officer lady, we have the Rainbow Badge. Just look at the chat going all KappaPride. See? Proof.

5d 15h 1m [R] We begin passing through the badge checkpoints.

5d 15h 1m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

5d 15h 0m [Bot] [B] We head onto Victory Road.

[R] We head onto Route 23.

[Fluff] Yep, we made it into the building. Wow, Red is a ledge master.

5d 15h 0m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 22 Gate.

[Fluff] [R] Did we really just beat the ledge first attempt?

[Fluff] Holy crap first try really??

5d 14h 59m [Bot] [R] We've made it beyond the ledge!

5d 14h 59m [R] Meanwhile, to the ledge we go!

5d 14h 58m [R] And Red's rival heads off to the Pokémon League, and is now on Victory Road pushing rocks.

5d 14h 58m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

5d 14h 57m [R] Two slashes take out Venusaur! And a crit slash almost takes out Arbok! We win!

5d 14h 56m [R] We slice at Clefable, Alakazam, and Meowth and take them out in one hit! Then we play the Pokeflute for good measure.

[Fluff] The only reason Nidoqueen won in that surf off against Lapras is because we were twice its level.

5d 14h 56m [R] Vs Clefable! Surfs up! But we get Bubblebeamed and Nidoqueen falls! Charizard in!

5d 14h 55m [R] And a final crit surf brings down Lapras!

5d 14h 55m [R] More surfing action!

5d 14h 54m [B] Meanwhile, blue is pushing stones.

5d 14h 54m [R] We consult the Silph Scope for advice.

5d 14h 52m [R] More surfing!

5d 14h 51m [R] We consult the Lift Key for advice.

5d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] Victory Road.

5d 14h 51m [R] Nidoqueen vs Lapras! Lots of surfing happens on both sides.

5d 14h 50m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

5d 14h 50m [R] Oh, wait, we get stopped but Blue! Rival battle first!

5d 14h 50m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

5d 14h 49m [R] Time for more ledging fun! This time for Red!

5d 14h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 22.

5d 14h 42m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

5d 14h 39m [Bot] [R] Viridian Pokémon Center.

5d 14h 33m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

5d 14h 31m [Bot] [R] We head into Viridian City.

5d 14h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian House.

5d 14h 29m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 55!

5d 14h 27m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

5d 14h 25m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

5d 14h 25m [Bot] [R] Viridian House.

5d 14h 15m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 52!

5d 14h 14m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

5d 14h 12m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 44!

5d 14h 11m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

5d 13h 56m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

5d 13h 55m [Bot] [B] Victory Road.

5d 13h 54m [Bot] [B] Now on Victory Road.

5d 13h 43m [R] Giovanni has just come up for a rematch.

5d 13h 42m [R] Party Healed

5d 13h 41m [R] Entered Viridian City Pokémon Centre.

[Chat] tppsimulator Thank you guys Kappa

You're welcome, sim!

5d 13h 34m [B] Lapras is taken out by a wild Onix!

5d 13h 33m [R] Exited to Viridian City.

[B] Entered Victory Road.

5d 13h 32m [B] A guard confirms we have the Volcanobadge and lets us through.

5d 13h 31m [R] Received TM27 Fissure.

5d 13h 30m [R] And again! Rhydon goes down! Dugtrio to Lv. 52! Giovanni is defeated!

5d 13h 29m [R] More Earthquakes! Nidoking down! Rhydon is sent in.

5d 13h 29m [R] We hit again! Nidoqueen down! Nidoking is sent in.

5d 13h 29m [R] Dugtrio is sent in, we hit with another Earthquake. Dugrtrio down! Nidoqueen is sent in.

5d 13h 28m Rhyhorn vs. Dugtrio. We hit with a super effective Earthquake, Rhyhorn doqn!

5d 13h 28m [R] Gym Battle: Vs. Giovanni! (Attempt #1)

5d 13h 26m [B] We finally manage to surf! Heading north on Route 23.

5d 13h 24m [R] Rhyhorn gets Farfetch'd into the red, we switch to Charizard and take it out with a single Flamethrower. Charizard to Lv. 64! Cooltrainer♂ defeated.

5d 13h 23m [R] We switch to Farfetch'd.

5d 13h 22m [R] We switch to Eevee and hit Rhyhorn with multiple Sand Attacks.

5d 13h 21m [R] Lapras is taken out by Stomp!

5d 13h 19m [R] We switch to Eevee, then to Lapras.

5d 13h 18m [R] Challenged by Cooltrainer♂! It's Rhyhorn vs. Dugtrio.

5d 13h 14m [R] We take out Rhyhorn with a super effective Earthquake. Dugtrio to Lv. 51! Tamer defeated.

5d 13h 13m [R] Challenged by Tamer! He sends in Rhyhorn, we counter with Dugtrio.

5d 13h 13m [B] We finally arrive on Route 23, heading north.

5d 13h 12m [R] We take out Machop with Earthquake. Blackbelt defeated!

5d 13h 12m [B] WE BEAT THE LEDGE!

5d 13h 11m [R] Blackbelt wants to battle! Machop is sent in, we counter with Dugtrio.

5d 13h 10m [R] We take out Dugtrio with Flamethrower. Cooltrainer defeated!

5d 13h 7m [R] We send in Charizard, takes out Sandslash. Dugtrio is sent in.

5d 13h 4m [R] Sandslash uses Swift, and takes out Nidoqueen.

5d 13h 3m [R] Challenged by Cooltrainer! They send in Sandslash, we counter with Nidoqueen.

5d 12h 58m [R] Machoke is taken out by yet more Surfs. Blackbelt is defeated!

5d 12h 57m Machop is sent in, taken out. Nidoqueen grows to Lv. 42! Machoke is sent in.

5d 12h 56m [R] Machoke is taken out by two Surf attacks.

5d 12h 55m [R] Challenged by Blackbelt (who called himself the Karate King). Machoke is sent in, we counter with Nidoqueen.

5d 12h 52m [R] Tauros goes down. Nidoqueen grows to Lv. 41! Tamer defeated.

5d 12h 50m [R] Arbok goes down to Surf. Tauros is sent in.

5d 12h 49m [R] We're challenged by Tamer. He sends in Arbok, we respond with Nidoqueen.

5d 12h 48m [R] We FINALLY make it into Viridian Gym!

5d 12h 44m [R+B] So close, yet so far.

5d 12h 34m [R+B] We're still attempting to clear the ledges on Route 22 and Viridian Gym.

[Chat] tppsimulator why do ledges and pokeflute

Agreed, sim, agreed...

5d 12h 26m [B] Oh look, we all got 1 EXP. from that. Progress!

5d 12h 25m [B] Getting into a battle with a Lv. 3 Nidoran♀ is about the most exciting thing that's happened in the last half hour.

5d 12h 13m [R] Attempting to negotiate the Viridian Gym ledge.

[B] Attempting to negotiate the Route 22 ledge.

5d 12h 6m [B] Almost there, but then the ledge. Welp.

5d 12h 1m [R] After some in-fighting, we leave the Pokémon Centre.

5d 11h 58m [R] We enter Viridian Pokémon Centre

[Fluff] Directions are hard.

[Fluff] Except Route 22 isn't to the east?

[Fluff] [B] Yeah, I did say Route 22. We might be here a while.

5d 11h 50m [B] Heading east on Route 22.

[R] Still in Viridian City.

5d 11h 45m [B] Back in Viridian City, with the Phenac City theme from Pokémon Colosseum. Misty is now available for a rematch.

5d 11h 45m [RIP] RIP.

5d 11h 45m [B] KAPOW! Golem uses Explosion. Venusaur down! Blackout!

5d 11h 44m [B] Venusaur is taken into the red with two Rock Slides.

5d 11h 43m [B] We keep playing the PokéFlute and wasting turns. Golem hits us with a super effective Earthquake.

5d 11h 43m [B] Golem is sent in.

5d 11h 41m [B] Kabutops hits Alakazam with a critical Slash. Alakazam down! Venusaur is sent in and takes it out.

5d 11h 40m We hit Aerodactyl with a critical Psychic, and it faints. Kabutops is sent in.

5d 11h 40m [B] Meowth gets a Hyper Beam in the face. Meowth goes down! Alakazam is sent in.

5d 11h 39m [B] We take out Rhydon with Dig! Aerodactyl is sent in, we send in Meowth.

5d 11h 39m [B] We keep Reflecting, Rhydon keeps Biding. Fun times.

5d 11h 37m [B] Clefable down! We send it Arbok and get hit with an Earthquake. Arbok down! Alakazam sent in.

[R] We finally make it to the Viridian Pokémon Centre. Party Healed, checkpoint.

5d 11h 35m [B] We hit Rydon with a super effective Bubble Beam, it hits back with Rock Slide.

5d 11h 34m [B] We send in Clefable.

5d 11h 33m [B] Rydon hits us with a Rock Slide, Lapras down!

5d 11h 33m [B] Rydon vs. Lapras

5d 11h 33m [B] Rematch: Vs. Brock!

5d 11h 32m [B] We try to Dig out of the gym, but Prof. Oak won't let us.

5d 11h 31m [B] Entered Pewter Gym.

5d 11h 26m [B] In Pewter City.

5d 11h 24m [B] Made it out of Viridian Forest, heading north on Route 2.

5d 11h 21m [R] Back in Viridian City.

5d 11h 21m [R] Game saved.

5d 11h 5m [R] Back on Route 1.

5d 11h 4m [B] Entered Viridian Forest, heading north.

5d 10h 59m [B] We just got 0EXP for fighting a Lv. 3 Pidgey. How rewarding.

5d 10h 59m [R] Back in Pallet Town.

5d 10h 56m [R+B] Fighting really low-level Pokémon on Routes 1 & 2.

5d 10h 48m [R] Nidoqueen massively overkills a Rattata with a Horn Drill.

5d 10h 47m [B] Heading north on Route 2.

5d 10h 47m [R] Now heading south on Route 1.

5d 10h 46m [B] We enter the gym, then immediately exit. The rematch is cancelled and shifts to Brock.

5d 10h 44m [R+B] Wondering around Viridian City, not really doing much. A rematch is available for Giovanni on Blue, and Koga on Red.

5d 10h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Viridian City.

5d 10h 28m [Bot] [R] On Route 1.

5d 10h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian City.

5d 10h 14m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2.

5d 10h 11m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

5d 10h 8m [Bot] [B] We walk along the ledge-- nope, we fell.

5d 10h 4m [Bot] [R] Viridian City.

5d 9h 59m [Bot] [B] Meowth scratches itself and accidentally hits us off the ledge.

5d 9h 49m [Bot] [B] Down the ledge, rip.

5d 9h 49m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 23!

5d 9h 32m [Bot] [B] Help, we've fallen over this ledge and can't get up!

5d 9h 26m [Bot] [R] Route 1.

5d 9h 26m [Bot] [R] We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 9h 19m [Bot] [B] We have a pop down the ledge, and can't get back up.

5d 9h 11m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 40!

5d 9h 8m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

5d 9h 8m [Bot] [B] We dive over the ledge.

5d 9h 4m [Bot] [B] We take a plunge off the ledge.

5d 9h 0m [Bot] [R] On Route 21.

5d 9h 0m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 59m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

5d 8h 59m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 58m [Bot] [R] Route 21.

5d 8h 57m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] We trip over the ledge.

5d 8h 56m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 21.

5d 8h 56m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 55m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

5d 8h 52m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 51m [Bot] [R] In Cinnabar Poké Mart.

5d 8h 46m [Bot] [B] We take a plunge off the ledge.

[R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 45m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Gym.

5d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Lab.

5d 8h 40m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 40m [Bot] [R] In Cinnabar Poké Mart.

5d 8h 39m [Bot] [B] We bounce over the ledge.

5d 8h 39m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 38m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Lab.

5d 8h 34m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 32m [Bot] [R] On Pokémon Lab.

5d 8h 27m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cinnabar Poké Mart.

5d 8h 25m [Bot] [B] We walk along the ledge-- nope, we fell.

5d 8h 24m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 24m [Bot] [R] On Route 21.

5d 8h 22m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 22m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 21.

5d 8h 21m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 21m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 21.

5d 8h 21m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 21.

5d 8h 19m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 18m [Bot] [R] Route 21.

5d 8h 18m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] On Route 21.

5d 8h 13m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 13m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

5d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] We leap across the ledge.

5d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] Route 21.

5d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 11m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

5d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] Route 21.

5d 8h 9m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 6m [Bot] [B] Lapras gets startled and knocks us off the ledge.

5d 8h 6m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

5d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 3m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

5d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] We head into Cinnabar Poké Mart.

5d 8h 0m [Bot] [R] We BLACK OUT! Cinnabar Island.

5d 7h 59m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

5d 7h 55m [Bot] [B] The ledge is a tight rope... and we just fell.

5d 7h 53m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

5d 7h 50m [Bot] [B] And over the ledge we go!

5d 7h 47m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

5d 7h 47m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Mansion 3F.

5d 7h 39m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 22.

5d 7h 32m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! Now in Viridian City.

5d 7h 32m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted! We BLACK OUT!

5d 7h 26m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

5d 7h 21m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown 18 levels to level 50!

5d 7h 21m [Bot] [R] <b>DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has lost 18 levels, and is now level 32!

5d 7h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

5d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 2F.

5d 7h 5m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM41 Softboiled!

5d 7h 3m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM38 Fire Blast!

5d 7h 0m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Victory Road.

5d 6h 58m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 54!

5d 6h 57m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 49!

5d 6h 52m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

[R] Pokémon Mansion 3F.

5d 6h 51m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

5d 6h 50m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

5d 6h 49m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

5d 6h 49m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 63!

5d 6h 47m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 1F.

5d 6h 46m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 46m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 21.

5d 6h 45m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 45m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 21.

5d 6h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 43m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 21.

5d 6h 40m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

5d 6h 32m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Gym.

5d 6h 27m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 26m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 21.

5d 6h 25m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 16m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

5d 6h 15m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 23.

5d 6h 12m [Bot] [R] Now in Cinnabar Poké Mart.

5d 6h 12m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 11m [Bot] [R] We head into Cinnabar Poké Mart.

5d 6h 10m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 9m [Bot] [R] Now in Cinnabar Poké Mart.

5d 6h 8m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 6h 3m [B] We pass the last checkpoint! We have the Earth Badge!

5d 6h 3m [Bot] [B] On Victory Road.

5d 5h 57m [Bot] [R] We defeat BLAINE!

5d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted!

5d 5h 55m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) has fainted!

5d 5h 55m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) is now level 24! yon (Eevee) is now level 27! yon (Eevee) learned Quick Attack!

5d 5h 53m [B] We're currently passing the badge checkpoints.

5d 5h 51m [Bot] [B] Route 23.

5d 5h 51m [Bot] [B] We've made it past the ledge! Hopefully it stays that way.

5d 5h 47m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

5d 5h 43m [Bot] [B] Meowth sneezes and startles us off the ledge.

5d 5h 42m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) has fainted!

5d 5h 34m [Bot] [B] Down the ledge, rip.

5d 5h 33m [Bot] [R] Vs BLAINE! Attempt #2!

5d 5h 25m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Gym.

5d 5h 24m [Bot] [B] We take a plunge off the ledge.

5d 5h 22m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 5h 18m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Gym.

5d 5h 16m [Bot] [B] We skip down the ledge.

5d 5h 15m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 5h 14m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 21.

5d 5h 12m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 5h 12m [Bot] [B] We nosedive off the ledge. Ow.

5d 5h 11m [Bot] [R] In Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

5d 5h 8m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

5d 5h 8m [Bot] [R] On Route 21.

5d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] We heal!

5d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

5d 5h 0m [Bot] [B] We jumped the ledge.

5d 4h 57m [Bot] [B] And over the ledge.

5d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 4h 54m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon Lab.

5d 4h 52m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM35 Metronome!

5d 4h 51m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Lab.

5d 4h 50m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon Lab.

5d 4h 45m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon Lab.

5d 4h 45m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Lab.

5d 4h 38m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 4h 38m [B] We're on the Ledge™. We jumped over it. Again.

5d 4h 36m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon Lab.

5d 4h 33m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

[Info] Blane finally gave it to us now that we had the room.

5d 4h 24m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM38 Fire Blast!

5d 4h 16m [Bot] [R] We boot up a TM07 Horn Drill. MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) learned Horn Drill over Body Slam!

5d 4h 14m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM16 Pay Day!

5d 4h 12m [R] We try tossing the Silph Scope

5d 4h 9m [R] Blaine refuses to give us our prize as our bag is full

5d 4h 9m [Bot] [R] Got the Volcano Badge!

5d 4h 9m [Bot] [R] We defeat BLAINE!

5d 4h 8m [R] Blaine heals up using a Super Potion while refusing to use any attacking moves, instead repeatedly roaring

5d 4h 7m [R] Blaine continues with the status moves [B] Blue falls off the ledge

5d 4h 7m [Chat] Ax6: Blaine is throwing

5d 4h 6m [R] A the charizard replaced the fainted Dux, taking vengeance in a single slash. Arcanine up next

5d 4h 5m [R] The stat attacks keep coming from both sides [B] Meanwhile, Blue slowly makes her way across

5d 4h 5m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

5d 4h 3m [R] Blaine heals up with a Super Potion while Dux sets up with Sand Attack and Leer

5d 4h 3m [R] He continues with his cutting remarks

5d 4h 2m [R] Dux makes a return to the field

5d 4h 2m [R] A throws some flames and the ponyta goes down. Rapidash up next

5d 4h 1m [R] Dux does some cutting then Red considers switching out, bringing A back

[Info] That [A] was meant to be an [R]

5d 4h 0m [A] After realising the key won't cut it, A the charizard uses slash to OHKO the growlithe. Ponyta up next, and Dux comes out

5d 3h 59m [R] Charizard v growlithe. We start off trying to throw the lift key

5d 3h 58m [Bot] [R] Vs BLAINE!

5d 3h 47m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) learned Swords Dance over Fury Attack!

5d 3h 46m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has leveled up to 23!

5d 3h 45m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) fainted!

5d 3h 43m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) has fainted!

5d 3h 39m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 62!

5d 3h 18m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

5d 3h 15m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 39!

5d 3h 11m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 38!

5d 3h 4m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Gym.

5d 3h 1m [Bot] [R] Now on Cinnabar Island.

5d 3h 1m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Gym.

5d 2h 59m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 2h 58m [Bot] [R] Now on Pokémon Lab.

5d 2h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

5d 2h 51m [Bot] [R] In Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

5d 2h 50m [Bot] [R] Cinnabar Island.

5d 2h 40m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Secret Key!

5d 2h 39m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Exp.All!

5d 2h 13m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion B1F.

5d 2h 8m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Mansion 1F.

5d 2h 3m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 3F.

5d 2h 2m [Bot] [B] On Route 22.

5d 1h 58m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Viridian City.

5d 1h 57m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian Pokémon Center.

5d 1h 54m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

5d 1h 52m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

5d 1h 49m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 1F.

5d 1h 48m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

5d 1h 46m [Bot] [B] We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 1h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rival's House.

5d 1h 45m [Bot] [B] We head onto <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 1h 45m [Bot] [B] Now in Mom's House 1F.

5d 1h 45m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 1h 44m [Bot] [B] In Mom's House 1F.

5d 1h 43m [Bot] [B] Now in Mom's House 2F.

5d 1h 43m [Bot] [B] Now in Mom's House 1F.

5d 1h 37m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

5d 1h 37m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

5d 1h 32m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 50!

5d 1h 31m [B] We're now withdrawing everything again...

5d 1h 29m [B] We store the Dome Fossil, the Bike, 1 Moon Stone, the Lift Key, 1 Nugget, the Silph Scope and Poke Flute, the Key Card and 1 Leaf Stone! I think it'll be faster to list what we DON'T store...

5d 1h 27m [B] We boot up our computer in our room. Hey, some of our items are here! Like the Old Rod and the SS Ticket!

5d 1h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mom's House 2F.

5d 1h 23m [Bot] [B] We head into Mom's House 1F.

[Chat] mom BibleThump

5d 1h 23m [Bot] [B] In Mom's House 2F.

5d 1h 23m [Bot] [B] We heal!

5d 1h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mom's House 1F.

5d 1h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on <Undisclosed Location>.

5d 1h 15m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

[Fluff] Oh yeah, we were facing off against our rival, but the bot was too lazy to update it. I have threatened to take away its allowance and ground it if it doesn't work three times as hard to update, so that should hopefully whip it back into line now.

5d 1h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Viridian City.

5d 1h 12m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) is now level 17!

5d 1h 8m [Bot] [B] We defeat (((!

5d 1h 8m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) fainted!

5d 1h 7m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

5d 1h 4m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Rare Candy!

5d 1h 3m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) has grown to level 26!

5d 1h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 22.

5d 1h 2m [Bot] [B] Viridian City.

5d 1h 0m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 22.

5d 0h 58m [Bot] [B] In Viridian City.

5d 0h 52m [B] Meowth tries and fails to evolve again, and we don't have the space for Giovanni's present.

5d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] Got the Earth Badge!

5d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] We defeat GIOVANNI!

5d 0h 51m [B] Alakazam comes out a finishes the job! WE WIN!

5d 0h 50m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 53!

5d 0h 50m [B] Rhydon can't get off a Horn Drill! Venusaur down!

5d 0h 50m [B] Venusaur vs Rhydon! Cut does little. Stomp does a crit!

5d 0h 49m [B] Venusaur vs Nidoking! Cut doesn't do much, but neither does poison sting. This continues for a while... Nidoking down!

5d 0h 49m [B] Alakazam vs Nidoqueen! Psychic! rip Nidoqueen!

5d 0h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has leveled up to 34!

5d 0h 48m [B] Alakazam vs Dugtrio! They both dig! Dugtrio hits, then after a Guard Spec, falls!

5d 0h 47m [B] Alakazam vs Rhyhorn! Rip Rhyhorn in one!

5d 0h 47m [Bot] [B] Vs GIOVANNI!

5d 0h 42m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion B1F.

5d 0h 41m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

5d 0h 38m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

5d 0h 36m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 43!

5d 0h 26m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 51!

5d 0h 25m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

5d 0h 24m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 42!

5d 0h 19m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) fainted!

5d 0h 18m [Bot] [B] On Viridian Gym.

5d 0h 9m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM14 Blizzard!

5d 0h 8m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

5d 0h 7m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

5d 0h 5m [Bot] [B] In Viridian Pokémon Center.

4d 23h 55m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 37!

4d 23h 46m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Mansion B1F.

4d 23h 45m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Carbos!

4d 23h 41m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

4d 23h 38m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) learned Sing!

4d 23h 38m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) is now level 16!

4d 23h 35m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 23h 31m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 23h 31m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 23h 31m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 23h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 1.

[R] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 23h 29m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

4d 23h 26m [Bot] [B] On Route 21.

4d 23h 25m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

4d 23h 23m [Bot] [B] Route 21.

4d 23h 21m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

4d 23h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 21.

4d 23h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

4d 23h 19m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 21.

4d 23h 18m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 23h 17m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 23h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

[R] Now in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 23h 16m [Bot] [B] Route 21.

4d 23h 16m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

4d 23h 16m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 21.

4d 23h 15m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

4d 23h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 21.

4d 23h 3m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

4d 23h 2m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 34 Koffing! Nickname: yyxxyyz We toss a Great Ball at a wild Koffing.

4d 23h 0m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 21.

4d 22h 59m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 59m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 21.

4d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 57m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 22h 56m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 54m [Bot] [B] Route 21.

4d 22h 54m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 54m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Calcium!

4d 22h 51m [Bot] [B] Route 21.

4d 22h 49m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 36!

4d 22h 49m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] We head into Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

4d 22h 46m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 44m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

4d 22h 43m [Bot] [B] Got the Volcano Badge! Acquired 1 TM38 Fire Blast!

4d 22h 43m [Bot] [B] Defeated BLAINE!

4d 22h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

4d 22h 41m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

4d 22h 40m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

4d 22h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs BLAINE!

4d 22h 30m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 41!

4d 22h 28m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has grown to level 22!

4d 22h 27m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

4d 22h 27m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 22h 23m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 22h 17m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 48!

[R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 16m [Bot] [R] On Route 21.

4d 22h 13m [Bot] [R] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 12m [Bot] [R] We heal!

4d 22h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

4d 22h 4m [Bot] [R] On Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Gym.

4d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] On Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 2m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Gym.

4d 22h 0m [Bot] [B] Now on Cinnabar Island.

4d 22h 0m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 22h 0m [Bot] [B] In Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

4d 21h 59m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

4d 21h 58m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Rare Candy!

4d 21h 57m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 33!

4d 21h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 21.

4d 21h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM22 Solarbeam!

4d 21h 50m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Fire Stone!

4d 21h 42m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Secret Key!

[R] On <Undisclosed Location>.

4d 21h 33m [Bot] [R] Route 1.

4d 21h 30m [B] Used 1 Hp Up on Arbok!

4d 21h 29m [Bot] [R] Now in Viridian City.

4d 21h 25m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Rare Candy!

4d 21h 24m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

4d 21h 24m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

4d 21h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

4d 21h 20m [Bot] [R] Route 2 House.

4d 21h 19m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) learned Acid over Glare!

4d 21h 19m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 47!

4d 21h 16m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

4d 21h 16m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 House.

4d 21h 8m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion B1F.

4d 21h 7m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

4d 21h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 House.

4d 21h 4m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

4d 21h 3m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 21h 3m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

4d 21h 2m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 35!

4d 20h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] Now in Diglett's Cave.

4d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] In Diglett's Cave.

4d 20h 52m [Bot] [R] In Diglett's Cave.

4d 20h 50m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

4d 20h 50m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 11.

4d 20h 50m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 20h 49m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 20h 49m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 20h 48m [Bot] [R] In Vermilion City.

4d 20h 47m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 20h 46m [Bot] [R] We heal!

4d 20h 45m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

4d 20h 45m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

4d 20h 44m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

4d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Escape Rope! We head onto Cinnabar Island.

4d 20h 41m [Bot] [R] Now in Vermilion City.

4d 20h 40m [Bot] [R] We head into Vermilion House.

4d 20h 39m [Bot] [R] Now in Vermilion City.

4d 20h 38m [Bot] [R] On Route 11.

4d 20h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Diglett's Cave.

4d 20h 29m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 11.

4d 20h 22m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

4d 20h 21m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 12.

4d 20h 14m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

4d 20h 13m [Bot] [R] On Route 13.

4d 20h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 14.

4d 20h 7m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15.

4d 20h 6m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 20h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15.

4d 20h 4m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

4d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 38 Magmar! Nickname: BBA×××ᵐᶰZZZ We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Magmar.

4d 19h 54m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Magmar.

4d 19h 46m [Bot] [R] Defeated KOGA!

4d 19h 46m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has leveled up to 22!

4d 19h 43m [Bot] [R] ×××××RR (Lapras) fainted!

4d 19h 42m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

4d 19h 41m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 61!

4d 19h 37m [Bot] [R] Vs KOGA! Attempt #3!

4d 19h 33m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia Gym .

4d 19h 30m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

4d 19h 30m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

4d 19h 28m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 19.

4d 19h 25m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

4d 19h 18m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion B1F.

4d 19h 18m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 19.

4d 19h 17m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

4d 19h 13m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 52!

4d 19h 8m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 19h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

4d 19h 5m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has fainted!

4d 19h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

4d 18h 59m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15.

4d 18h 57m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 18h 55m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Exp.All!

4d 18h 54m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15 Gate 2F.

4d 18h 53m [Bot] [R] On Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 18h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15.

4d 18h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 18h 51m [Bot] [R] Route 15.

4d 18h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

4d 18h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 18h 48m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰᵐᶰ (Lapras) has leveled up to 21!

4d 18h 47m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15.

4d 18h 45m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 46!

4d 18h 43m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 14.

4d 18h 43m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 13.

4d 18h 42m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 14.

4d 18h 41m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 2F.

[R] Now on Route 13.

4d 18h 41m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 14.

4d 18h 41m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 18h 39m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 13.

4d 18h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 18h 30m [Bot] [R] yon (Eevee) has fainted!

4d 18h 28m [Bot] [R] We heal! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 34!

4d 18h 26m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 18h 25m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

4d 18h 23m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

4d 18h 20m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Fire Stone!

4d 18h 19m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

4d 18h 17m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

4d 18h 14m [Bot] [R] Route 13.

4d 18h 10m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

4d 18h 8m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

4d 18h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cinnabar Poké Mart.

[Correction] We caught a Grimer around 4d 17h 4m. It's nickname is ASS S. I'm still tracking down why the bot is only occasionally missing these catches.

4d 18h 0m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cinnabar Island.

4d 17h 59m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 17h 59m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cinnabar Pokémon Center.

4d 17h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 12.

4d 17h 51m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 40!

4d 17h 50m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 12 Gate 1F.

4d 17h 46m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 17h 45m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

[R] Now on Route 12 Gate 2F.

4d 17h 45m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 17h 45m [Bot] [R] Route 12 Gate 1F.

4d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 17h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 17h 41m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 17h 39m [Bot] [R] On Route 12 Gate 2F.

4d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 17h 38m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

4d 17h 33m [Bot] [R] On Route 12 Gate 1F.

4d 17h 32m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 32!

4d 17h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Mansion 3F.

4d 17h 27m [Bot] [R] We head into Lavender Town.

4d 17h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 17h 23m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball and 1 Super Potion!

4d 17h 23m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

4d 17h 20m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Iron!

4d 17h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Lavender Poké Mart.

4d 17h 16m [Bot] [R] Lavender Town.

4d 17h 14m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 38 Muk! Nickname: ᵖᵏᵖᵏ]] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Muk.

4d 17h 11m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 8.

4d 17h 10m [Bot] [R] Underground Path.

4d 17h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Underground Path.

4d 17h 5m [Bot] [R] On Underground Path.

4d 17h 2m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

4d 16h 57m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 40 Rapidash! Nickname: WWXXXX]]]] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Rapidash.

4d 16h 55m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

4d 16h 55m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 1F.

4d 16h 54m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store Lift.

4d 16h 48m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 2F.

4d 16h 45m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 45!

4d 16h 45m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 5F.

4d 16h 40m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Mansion 1F.

4d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cinnabar Island.

4d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[R] Now in Celadon Department Store 4F.

4d 16h 37m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 3F.

4d 16h 33m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 3F.

4d 16h 27m [Bot] [B] Cinnabar Island.

4d 16h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cinnabar Poké Mart.

[Info] Blue's team has a Fitness of 1.072 Million. Red's team has a fitness of 1.003 Million.

4d 16h 20m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 2F.

4d 16h 19m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store Lift.

4d 16h 19m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

[Info] Since I last looked at the stream, the team overlay has been updated to add a gradient background to the Pokémon on the teams. This gradient is blue if the Pokémon originally belonged to Blue, and red if its original trainer is Red. It is gray if it came from an in-game trade. As such, it is clear that each team has equal number of their own and the other game's Pokémon. (Aside from Red, who has one less his own catch and Dux from an in-game trade.)

4d 16h 11m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 21.

4d 16h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

4d 16h 8m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Mansion 1F.

4d 16h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Mansion 2F.

4d 16h 5m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Mansion 4F.

4d 16h 5m [Bot] [B] On <Undisclosed Location>.

4d 16h 4m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Mansion 4F.

4d 16h 4m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Mansion 4F.

4d 16h 1m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 1.

4d 15h 59m [Bot] [B] We head into Viridian City.

4d 15h 58m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 2.

4d 15h 58m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 2 Gate.

4d 15h 53m [R] Caught a Lv. 25 eevee! Nickname: yon

4d 15h 47m [R] Red's in Celadon Mansion. Is he headed for the eevee?

[Info] Dravidian? Viridian

4d 15h 46m [B] Dravidian Forest. Somebody tells us he's looking for hidden items on the floor

4d 15h 41m [B] Blue vanquishes the tree and continues her journey to Cinnabar Island Pewter City

4d 15h 39m [R] Red leave the Game Corner, and is unsure where to go...it's been so long...

[Info] On the team overlay, the mons have either a blue, red, or grey background. These indicate which game they originated from, with grey being ingame trades

4d 15h 37m [R] Red manages to find the game corner...again...and finds a slot machine...again...

4d 15h 35m [R] Red gets burnt by the brilliant sunlight as he leaves the game corner and heads to the prize corner next door

4d 15h 33m [B] Blue faces one of TPP's greatest foes - the tree! [R] Red's given up on the slots and is now scrambling on his hands and knees for loose coins

4d 15h 27m [B] Blue is now on Route 2

4d 15h 24m Music is now "Nimbasa City Gym - Pokémon BW2"

4d 15h 22m [R] Meanwhile, Red continues to lose coins

4d 15h 19m [B] Then a Silph Scope...

4d 15h 18m [B] Blue tries throwing a dome fossil and a fire stone at a diglett

4d 15h 16m [B] Blue returns to Diglett Cave

[Snark] Red has released the following statement: "I am not addicted. I can stop any time. I just need a few more lucky hits to afford that prize I'm after...What prize was I after again?"

4d 15h 14m [B] ...And back out

4d 15h 13m [B] Blue wanders into Diglett Cave

4d 15h 10m [B] One of the Nugget Bridge gang got lost. Guy on the route east of Vermilion City just told Blue he has "no regrets"

4d 15h 10m Current music - Kids Club Menu from Pokémon Stadium, which sounds suspiciously like Game Corner music

4d 15h 8m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

[Snark] Red, I hear ye've been gambling for the past 5 hours. Give it a break maybe?

4d 15h 7m [B] Blue heads east out of the city

4d 15h 1m [B] Blue reaches Vermilion City

[Info] [R] Red has 1307 coins at time of writing

4d 15h 0m [R] Red's found the slot machines again it seems

4d 14h 58m [R] Red's stepped away from the slot machines

4d 14h 57m The music changes from DPPt casino music to "Game Center - Pokémon Card GB 2"

4d 14h 55m [B] Blue heads south towards Vermillion

[Snark] Why is it whenever a host goes into a casino, they spend an hour gambling? Which nefarious force is turning these law-abiding kids into hardened addicts?

4d 14h 52m [B] In Saffron City [R] Red, meanwhile, continues to gamble

4d 14h 46m [B] Blue leaves town, heading west

4d 14h 42m [B] Blue is wandering around Lavender Town [R] Red is being corrupted by the voices and gambling

4d 14h 40m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

4d 14h 39m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12.

4d 14h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 12 Gate 1F.

4d 14h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 12.

4d 14h 12m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 13.

4d 14h 12m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 50!

4d 14h 7m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 14.

4d 14h 6m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15.

4d 14h 6m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 14h 6m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15.

4d 13h 59m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 13h 56m [Bot] [B] On Route 19.

4d 13h 56m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

4d 13h 55m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 13h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

4d 13h 51m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 13h 50m [Bot] [B] In Bill's House.

4d 13h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 13h 44m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰµµµµµ (Lapras) has grown to level 20!

4d 13h 36m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

4d 13h 30m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 44!

4d 13h 22m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

4d 13h 21m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

[R] Celadon City.

4d 13h 21m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

4d 13h 19m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: if it's the wrong poke it'll be fixed

[Streamer] Kaazrah: it might not be dratini even tho it says it is, some rom hacks do that

Chaos_lord2: @Kaazrah we maintain higher standards than that

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: scizor is as fast as vikavolt though Kappa

4d 13h 16m [Bot] [R] On Rocket Prize Corner.

4d 13h 16m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: porygon in first slot is intentional, it lets chat buy it easier

4d 13h 11m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

[R] Now on Rocket Prize Corner.

4d 13h 9m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

4d 13h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

4d 13h 5m [Bot] [R] On Route 16.

4d 13h 4m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

4d 13h 4m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 16.

4d 12h 58m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 20.

4d 12h 57m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

4d 12h 25m [Bot] [B] Route 19.

4d 12h 24m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

4d 12h 24m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 12h 21m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

4d 12h 19m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

4d 12h 17m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

4d 12h 8m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

4d 12h 7m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 32 Psyduck! Nickname: BBBBBBBBBB We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Psyduck. Now in Seafoam Islands.

4d 12h 6m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Psyduck.

4d 12h 4m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 X Accuracy!

4d 11h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

4d 11h 54m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

4d 11h 54m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

4d 11h 45m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 33 Kingler! Nickname: E We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Kingler.

4d 11h 24m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 31 Kabuto! Nickname:   We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Kabuto.

4d 11h 23m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Kabuto.

4d 11h 22m [Bot] [B] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Kabuto.

4d 11h 16m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

4d 11h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

4d 11h 14m [Bot] [B] We head into Seafoam Islands.

4d 11h 14m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

4d 11h 9m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

4d 11h 6m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] nanami44: we're grinding, we have exp all

Chaos_lord2: @nanami44 sauce?

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I expect this to be a gap year in the release schedules for gen 8 next year

[Streamer] PyroFarukon: @Chaos_lord2 Did the Dev Team already find a way to make the Switch work for TPP ?

Chaos_lord2: @PyroFarukon deku was working on basic inputs IIRC, i haven't pursued the problem further due to lack of need

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: thankfully the switch has vulnrabilities

[Streamer] LewisTVG: and if so how?

Chaos_lord2: @LewisTVG when a "mainline" game arrives we'll find a way to do it

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the wheels look different to what I remember

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the issue was FFZ lieing to me not the modbot

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: oh, my bad, it was my end

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: well, it could be my ban reading extension fucking up but it's saying banned not timed out

4d 10h 47m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: why is TPP permabanning?

4d 10h 47m [Bot] [B] Now in Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: WTF modbot

[Streamer] Karlie__: What kind of update ?

Chaoslord2: @Karlie_ 5 second cooldown on commands, disabling the song command until it actually does something, fixing arbritrary song catagories

[Streamer] Karlie__: What's going on ? A crash ?

Chaoslord2: @Karlie_ nah, update

[Streamer] Natzore_: @Chaos_lord2 what's the changelog Kappa

Chaoslord2: @Natzore 5 second cooldown on commands, disabling the song command until it actually does something, fixing arbritrary song catagories

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: ...when teamviewer decides to work

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: going down for a quick update

[Streamer] MiniVioLass: VoHiYo Chaos

Chaos_lord2: @MiniVioLass VoHiYo

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: LUL

4d 10h 41m [Bot] [B] Seafoam Islands.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: update when pinball is done

4d 10h 39m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 43!

4d 10h 24m [Bot] [B] In Seafoam Islands.

4d 10h 21m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 20.

4d 10h 16m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰµµµµµ (Lapras) has grown to level 19!

4d 10h 12m [Bot] [B] We heal! A (Arbok) is now level 42!

4d 10h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 19.

4d 10h 2m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

4d 10h 1m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Bill's House.

4d 9h 55m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

4d 9h 55m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 54m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 54m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 54m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 54m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 4 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 5 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 3 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

4d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM02 Razor Wind!

4d 9h 46m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia Poké Mart.

4d 9h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

4d 9h 39m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 9h 36m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

4d 9h 31m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

4d 9h 28m [Bot] [B] On Route 15.

4d 9h 24m [Bot] [B] Route 14.

4d 9h 18m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 13.

4d 9h 16m [Bot] [B] Route 12.

4d 9h 15m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12 House.

4d 9h 13m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12.

4d 9h 12m [Bot] [B] Route 12 House.

4d 9h 12m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12.

4d 9h 11m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12 House.

4d 9h 5m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰµµµµµ (Lapras) fainted!

4d 9h 4m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

4d 9h 2m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

4d 9h 1m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

4d 9h 0m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rocket Prize Corner.

4d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] On Route 12.

[R] In Celadon City.

4d 8h 59m [Bot] [R] Now on Rocket Prize Corner.

4d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 31!

4d 8h 56m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

4d 8h 55m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

4d 8h 55m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Coin Case!

4d 8h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 13.

4d 8h 54m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12.

4d 8h 53m [Bot] [R] Now on Celadon Restaurant.

4d 8h 53m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 39!

4d 8h 48m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

4d 8h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

4d 8h 43m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City Gate.

4d 8h 42m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

4d 8h 42m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

4d 8h 40m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

4d 8h 33m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 38!

4d 8h 33m [Bot] [R] We withdraw ×××××RR (Lapras)!

4d 8h 33m [Bot] [R] We deposit ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) in box 2! We deposit QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) in box 2!

4d 8h 31m [Bot] [R] We heal!

4d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron Pokémon Center.

4d 8h 21m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

4d 8h 20m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

4d 8h 17m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 51!

4d 8h 15m [Bot] [B] On Route 13.

4d 8h 13m [Bot] [R] Received the Marsh Badge! Acquired 1 TM46 Psywave!

4d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰµµµµµ (Lapras) has leveled up to 18!

4d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] We defeat SABRINA!

4d 8h 12m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 49!

4d 8h 10m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

4d 8h 8m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

4d 8h 7m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 49!

4d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] Vs SABRINA!

4d 8h 4m [Bot] [B] On Route 14.

4d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

4d 8h 1m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

4d 7h 59m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 37!

4d 7h 57m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has fainted!

4d 7h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Gym.

4d 7h 50m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰµµµµµ (Lapras) is now level 17!

4d 7h 50m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

4d 7h 49m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 8.

4d 7h 49m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

4d 7h 48m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

4d 7h 47m [Bot] [R] We heal!

4d 7h 46m [Bot] [R] Saffron Pokémon Center.

4d 7h 41m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

4d 7h 40m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 1F.

4d 7h 39m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. Lift.

4d 7h 35m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 3F.

4d 7h 35m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 41!

4d 7h 34m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 7F.

[Info] I've been informed that PP UP we "tossed" was used on arbok's poison sting

4d 7h 32m [Bot] [B] Route 15.

4d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] Silph Co. 11F.

4d 7h 31m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 7F.

4d 7h 30m [Bot] [B] Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 7h 28m [Bot] [R] We defeat GIOVANNI!

4d 7h 27m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 60!

4d 7h 27m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Exp.All!

4d 7h 26m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Pp Up!

4d 7h 25m [Bot] [R] Vs GIOVANNI!

4d 7h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15 Gate 2F.

4d 7h 20m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 11F.

4d 7h 20m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 7h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 15.

4d 7h 18m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 15 Lapras! Nickname: ×××××RR

4d 7h 16m [Bot] [R] We defeat XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

4d 7h 15m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 59!

4d 7h 14m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

4d 7h 11m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

4d 7h 10m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

4d 7h 9m [Bot] [B] Now in Safari Zone Gate.

4d 7h 9m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

4d 7h 8m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 22 Sandslash! Nickname: AAAAB

4d 7h 7m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu) has fainted!

4d 7h 6m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 23 Chansey! Nickname: ᵖᵏπᵐᶰ×µµµµ×

4d 7h 4m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

4d 7h 4m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ! Attempt #2!

4d 7h 3m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Silph Co. 7F.

4d 7h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Silph Co. 3F.

4d 7h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 2F.

4d 6h 58m [Bot] [R] We head into Silph Co. 1F.

4d 6h 55m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! We head into Saffron City.

4d 6h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 48!

4d 6h 51m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

4d 6h 50m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 7F.

4d 6h 47m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

4d 6h 42m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Silph Co. 3F.

4d 6h 41m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 4F.

4d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone 1.

4d 6h 37m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

4d 6h 33m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 5F.

4d 6h 32m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 9F.

4d 6h 31m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Card Key!

4d 6h 28m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 5F.

4d 6h 28m [Bot] [R] Silph Co. 9F.

4d 6h 27m [Bot] [R] Now in Silph Co. 5F.

4d 6h 25m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Silph Co. 4F.

4d 6h 25m [Bot] [R] In Silph Co. 3F.

4d 6h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

4d 6h 23m [Bot] [B] On Route 15.

4d 6h 23m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 6h 21m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

4d 6h 20m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) has leveled up to 24!

4d 6h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Silph Co. 2F.

4d 6h 15m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) learned Strength over Leer!

4d 6h 9m [Bot] [B] We heal! A (Arbok) is now level 40!

4d 6h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Silph Co. 1F.

4d 6h 4m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

4d 6h 3m [Bot] [R] Saffron Pokémon Center.

4d 6h 2m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 15.

4d 6h 0m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

4d 5h 50m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

4d 5h 50m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

4d 5h 48m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

4d 5h 46m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

4d 5h 46m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 HM04 Strength!

4d 5h 46m [B] We give the warden the Gold Teeth!

4d 5h 45m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 1F.

4d 5h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Warden's House.

4d 5h 44m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store Lift.

4d 5h 43m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

4d 5h 42m [R] We have ₽65 and 13 balls in our bag now.

4d 5h 42m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

4d 5h 42m [Bot] [R] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

4d 5h 41m [Bot] [R] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

4d 5h 41m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

4d 5h 41m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia House.

[R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

4d 5h 41m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

4d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

4d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

4d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

4d 5h 38m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM32 Double Team!

4d 5h 37m [B] We beat a guy on the shores of Route 19. His only after-battle advice is to watch out for snakes Tentacool.

4d 5h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

[R] Celadon Department Store 2F.

4d 5h 36m [Bot] [B] We heal! VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 50!

[R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 1F.

4d 5h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store Lift.

4d 5h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 19.

4d 5h 34m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 5h 33m [B] We warped out of the Safari Zone with Dig

4d 5h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

4d 5h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

[R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 1F.

4d 5h 31m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store Lift.

4d 5h 30m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 1F.

4d 5h 28m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store Lift.

4d 5h 27m [R] We almost teach Nidoqueen Horn Drill, but decide against it at the last moment.

4d 5h 26m [Bot] [B] ZZZZᵐᶰµµµµµ (Lapras) learned Surf!

4d 5h 25m [B] We find a hidden revive, but are unable to pick it up.

4d 5h 25m [Bot] [R] We heal! We use a Thunderstone on QPPQQRRQPj (Raichu)! QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has evolved into a Raichu!

4d 5h 24m [R] Red's use of the Thunderstone missed and hit the wrong Pokémon.

4d 5h 19m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM32 Double Team!

4d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Carbos!

4d 5h 19m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Elixer!

[Correction] Bought the thunderstone, sold the Moon stone (for ₽0)

4d 5h 17m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Moon Stone!

4d 5h 15m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Thunderstone!

4d 5h 14m [R] We apparently don't have the funds to buy 99 Poke Dolls.

4d 5h 12m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Fire Stone!

4d 5h 11m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 4F.

4d 5h 10m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 3F.

4d 5h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 4F.

4d 5h 9m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 3F.

[Fluff] The music has suddenly changed into Pokémon Center music, provided by the Department store in the next game over.

4d 5h 8m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 2F.

4d 5h 7m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 1F.

4d 5h 7m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

4d 5h 6m [B] We back outside and staring at an item ball on the ground which we can't pick up (or even see what it is) because our bag is full to bursting. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to stuff a whole folded bike in here?

[Chat] Current hashtag: #EverythingIsEvolving

4d 5h 4m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 3.

4d 5h 4m [B] He gives us that as the prize for a thing we don't remember entering for.

4d 5h 4m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

4d 5h 4m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 HM03 Surf!

4d 5h 3m [B] We find this house in the back and this guy who's looking expectantly at us like we won a prize or something.

4d 5h 2m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone House.

4d 5h 0m [B] We find a notice to find the missing gold teeth. I think the guy who put this up is being cheeky because they're right here. How could that intern have missed them?

4d 5h 1m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Gold Teeth!

[R] Arrived on Route 7.

4d 5h 0m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

4d 5h 0m [B] Huh, there's some Gold Teeth on the ground here. Who left these here...? There don't seem to be any others in this area...

4d 5h 0m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

4d 4h 59m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 3.

4d 4h 58m [B] We apparently put on Eau de Chansey before we started our adventure into the Safari Zone, because we've just ran into like the 15th Chansey today alone.

4d 4h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

4d 4h 58m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 7.

4d 4h 56m [B] We've made it to a house where people hang around and use up their limited number of steps pointlessly.

4d 4h 56m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone 2.

4d 4h 55m [B] We've now taken to scaring off the wildlife with either more food then they can handle or a smack across the head with a Poké Ball.

4d 4h 55m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone House.

4d 4h 55m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

4d 4h 55m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

4d 4h 54m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

4d 4h 53m [Bot] [R] We heal!

4d 4h 52m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron Pokémon Center.

4d 4h 52m [B] We're feeding a lot of wildlife actionally.

4d 4h 51m [B] We run into another Chansey and feed it before running away.

4d 4h 49m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

4d 4h 49m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City Gate.

4d 4h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone 2.

4d 4h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 8.

4d 4h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Underground Path.

[Snark] Gee, it's not like we've already evolved a clefairy with a moon stone!

4d 4h 42m [R] This woman heard that Clefairy evolves when exposed to a Moon Stone. She's only told us this four times thus far, so I don't know if she really believes it or not.

4d 4h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone 1.

4d 4h 38m [Bot] [R] Now in Lavender Town.

4d 4h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Name Rater's House.

4d 4h 36m [B] We pay to re-enter the Safari Zone.

4d 4h 36m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

4d 4h 36m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 12.

4d 4h 35m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 12 Gate 1F.

4d 4h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 12.

4d 4h 35m [B] We throw our last balls at a wild Weepinbell, who laughs at us as we go back to the gate...

4d 4h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 12 Gate 1F.

4d 4h 34m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone Gate.

4d 4h 32m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone 2.

4d 4h 32m [Bot] [B] Safari Zone House.

4d 4h 28m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted!

4d 4h 28m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) is now level 21!

4d 4h 25m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has grown to level 20!

4d 4h 23m [B] We rub a moon stone on Lapras and Clefable, but neither of them seem to react in any significant way to it. We decide to toss the TM07 Horn Drill in frustration!

4d 4h 22m [B] We attempt to teach Venusaur the Horn Drill TM, but it too does not have a horn. It offers one of its many vines, but we decide against it.

4d 4h 20m [B] We run into another wild Chansey and throw a ball 30 degrees to the right of it, but manage to hit it with a rock and make it run. Clearly we need to work on our ball aim...

4d 4h 17m [B] We run into another wild Chansey and proceed to throw three more balls in the opposite direction of where it is standing. It leaves out of pity.

4d 4h 15m [B] We run into a wild Chansey and outright miss with three balls.

4d 4h 13m [Bot] [R] Route 12.

4d 4h 11m [B] Barring that, we attempt to use a Leaf Stone on Meowth, banging it off its back a few times. It seems perturbed and like it might claw our eyes out. We desist.

4d 4h 10m [B] We attempt to teach Meowth Horn Drill. But seeing as it does not have a horn with which to drill, it simply stares at us and offers to try using its claws instead. We give up.

4d 4h 5m [Bot] [B] Threw away 2 Poké Doll!

4d 4h 4m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Poké Doll!

4d 4h 2m [B] Attempts to use a Leaf Stone on our Arbok have resulted in nothing interesting, despite our best efforts.

4d 3h 57m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Safari Zone 2.

4d 3h 54m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

4d 3h 54m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 13.

4d 3h 44m [B] I'm not sure why the bot hasn't reported it yet, but we caught a Rhyorn in the Safari Zone. And [R] Dugtrio learned Earthquake over Sandstorm

4d 3h 40m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 47!

4d 3h 33m [Bot] [B] We head into Safari Zone 1.

4d 3h 32m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 14.

4d 3h 32m [Bot] [B] In Safari Zone Gate.

4d 3h 31m [Bot] [B] Now in Safari Zone Gate.

4d 3h 30m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 3h 29m [Bot] [R] Route 15.

4d 3h 28m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 3h 27m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia House.

4d 3h 24m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

[Info Addendum] Blue team's fitness is currently 901k, while red team's is 842k.

4d 3h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Fuchsia City.

4d 3h 23m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 18.

[Info] This gives Blue 6 badges, one ahead of Red, who is missing the Marsh badge.

4d 3h 20m [Bot] [B] Got the Soul Badge!

4d 3h 20m [Bot] [B] We defeat KOGA!

[R] Fuchsia City.

4d 3h 19m [B] We finally switch to Venusaur and take out the Koffing and move on to his Wheezing.

4d 3h 16m [B] Arbok continues to glare menacingly at a Koffing which is still paralyzed in fear.

4d 3h 15m [B] We praise Dome as [R] The enemy Wheezing Self Destructs, making us win again!

4d 3h 15m [Bot] [R] We defeat KOGA!

4d 3h 14m [B] We praise our Bike. [R] Charizard ignores orders, and uses a rather effective flamethrower.

4d 3h 14m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 58!

4d 3h 13m [B] Our Arbok slowly wraps all of the competition, moving on to Koga's second Koffing. [R] We examine the bag a lot.

4d 3h 13m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

4d 3h 12m Both games are now on Koga's second Pokémon [B] Muk / [R] Beedrill.

[Info] [R] We didn't heal. Nidoqueen didn't lose any HP when fighting Koga's first Pokémon, Wheezing.

4d 3h 11m [Bot] [R] We heal! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 33!

[Fluff] Both games are now fighting Koga at the same time!

4d 3h 10m [Bot] [B] Vs KOGA!

4d 3h 6m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

4d 3h 4m [Bot] [R] Vs KOGA! Attempt #2!

4d 2h 59m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Gym .

4d 2h 57m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 49!

4d 2h 54m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia Gym .

4d 2h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in Bill's House.

4d 2h 50m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 49m [Bot] [B] Route 19.

4d 2h 49m We heal and thus checkpoint in Fuchsia City!

4d 2h 49m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 48m [Bot] [B] In Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

4d 2h 44m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 44m [Bot] [B] Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Bill's House.

4d 2h 41m [Bot] [B] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 41m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 18 Gate 1F.

[R] In Bill's House.

4d 2h 40m [Bot] [B] On Route 18.

4d 2h 40m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 39m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 19.

4d 2h 38m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... In Fuchsia City.

4d 2h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 17.

[R] A (Charizard) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

4d 2h 36m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

4d 2h 34m [B] And Alakazam crits a Psychic on it and it faints!

4d 2h 33m [B] We try and throw some leaf stones at it, to no avail.

4d 2h 32m [B] We play the Poke Flute! Snorlax awakens and attacks!

[Fluff] Which is good, because we just tried to toss it.

4d 2h 29m [B] We're standing in front of Snorlax, trying to play the PokeFlute (which is a key item now, by the way).

4d 2h 23m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

4d 2h 22m [Bot] [R] Seafoam Islands.

4d 2h 19m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 25 Tentacool! Nickname: DEHMTT 

4d 2h 15m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 16.

4d 2h 15m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Super Potion!

4d 2h 14m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Super Potion!

4d 2h 14m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool. We heal A (Charizard) with a Super Potion!

4d 2h 13m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool.

4d 2h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

4d 2h 12m [Bot] [B] Celadon Mansion 1F.

4d 2h 11m [Bot] [R] We heal DUX (Farfetch'd) with a Super Potion!

4d 2h 11m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

4d 2h 10m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

4d 2h 9m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

4d 2h 8m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

4d 2h 8m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

4d 2h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

4d 2h 4m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

4d 2h 4m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool.

4d 2h 3m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool.

4d 2h 3m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool.

4d 2h 2m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool.

4d 1h 59m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool.

4d 1h 58m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Tentacool.

4d 1h 58m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron Pokémon Center.

4d 1h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

4d 1h 55m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

4d 1h 52m [Bot] [B] Received the Marsh Badge! Acquired 1 TM46 Psywave!

4d 1h 51m [B] Confuse hax stop the recover spam! Victory!

4d 1h 51m [Bot] [B] We defeat SABRINA!

4d 1h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 48!

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has leveled up to 29!

4d 1h 50m [B] Finally the recover spam stops due to confusion...for a single turn

4d 1h 49m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

4d 1h 46m [B] It's dig v recover. Due to how Gen 1 mechanics work, the foe will always have Recover PP

4d 1h 45m [B] Alakazam has defeated two of Sabrina's Pokémon, currently facing off against venomo- Defeated venomoth. Alakazam v Alakazam!

4d 1h 44m [Bot] [B] Vs SABRINA!

4d 1h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron Gym.

4d 1h 34m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

4d 1h 34m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

4d 1h 29m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

4d 1h 29m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

4d 1h 25m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

4d 1h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mr. Psychic's House.

4d 1h 24m [Bot] [R] On Route 20.

4d 1h 23m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

4d 1h 22m [Bot] [B] We heal!

4d 1h 21m [Bot] [B] In Saffron Pokémon Center.

4d 1h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

4d 1h 16m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

4d 1h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 2F.

4d 1h 13m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 3F.

4d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 4F.

4d 1h 11m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 5F.

4d 1h 10m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 4F.

4d 1h 8m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 3F.

[R] Now on Route 19.

4d 1h 8m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 7F.

[R] In Fuchsia City.

4d 1h 7m [Bot] [R] We heal!

4d 1h 6m [B] Blue decides to ignore the master ball and leave

4d 1h 6m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

4d 1h 4m [B] Ivysaur comes out and cuts nidoqueen down to size. Giovanni defeated attempt 1! He and his goons flee Saffron City

4d 1h 5m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

4d 1h 3m [B] Clefable tries thunderbolt again, the poison only weakening her. Nidoqueen wags her tail in disrespect. After a second bubblebeam, poison takes out clefable!

4d 1h 2m [B] Nidoqueen poisons clefable, who barely hangs on

4d 1h 1m [B] Clefable keeps trying to put nidoqueen to sleep or shocking through thunderbolt, but it's a no sell, leaving nidoqueen wide open to attack. Clefable finally gets her act in order and puts nidoqueen to sleep then uses bubblebeam

4d 1h 2m [Bot] [R] On Route 19.

4d 1h 0m [B] Giovanni uses Guard Spec on Nidoqueen and lapras tries water gun again. Alas, it's not much use and lapras faints! Clefable up next

4d 1h 0m [B] Lapras barely holds on and uses water gun, which takes out rhyhorn. Lapras grows to level 16 and learns Sing!

4d 0h 58m [B] Lapras comes out. Blue tries to flee in shame

4d 0h 58m [B] Arbok faints!

4d 0h 57m [B] Blue attempts to use her bike. The spirit of Professor Oak appears and tells her off

4d 0h 56m [B] Arbok switches it up by glaring and leering, adding paralysis to the mix. This gives the rhyhorn the freedom to attack though

4d 0h 56m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

4d 0h 55m [B] Giovanni brings out rhyhorn and uses a guard spec, while arbok keeps up the wrap offensive

4d 0h 54m [B] Kangashkhan falls to wrap, and Arbok levels up to level 39!

4d 0h 54m [B] Arbok keeps stalling Kangashkhan with wrap, which makes kangashkhan rage

4d 0h 54m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia House.

4d 0h 52m [B] Arbok up next. Alakazam takes a well deserved rest. Vs a paralysed kangashkhan, who arbok keeps trying to paralyse

4d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 47!

4d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] Vs GIOVANNI!

4d 0h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

4d 0h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15.

4d 0h 49m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 0h 47m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15.

4d 0h 47m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15 Gate 1F.

4d 0h 46m [Bot] [R] Route 15.

4d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 11F.

[Snark] Bot, are you okay?

4d 0h 44m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 15 Lapras! Nickname: ZZZZᵐᶰµµµµµ UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown seven levels to level 48! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) learned Growth over Leech Seed!

4d 0h 43m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has lost function Number() { [native code] } levels, and is now level 41! <b>UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) learned Leech Seed over Growth!

4d 0h 41m [B] Alakazam takes out Dugtrio then Pikachu in swift order, then continues with Dux. Alazakam to level 46! Beedrill comes out and falls, leaving only A the charizard. Alakazam narrowly avoids being OHKO'd then takes out A with 3 pyschics. Rival Red defeated!

4d 0h 40m [B] Vs Red, attempt #7! Alakazam takes out Nidoqueen and Dugtrio comes out

4d 0h 39m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 7F.

4d 0h 37m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 3F.

4d 0h 36m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 2F.

4d 0h 32m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 1F.

4d 0h 32m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

4d 0h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18.

4d 0h 31m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

4d 0h 26m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

4d 0h 23m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 1F.

4d 0h 21m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted!

4d 0h 20m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! We toss a Great Ball at a wild Raticate.

4d 0h 19m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Raticate.

4d 0h 19m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Raticate.

4d 0h 18m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Rare Candy!

4d 0h 18m [Bot] [B] We heal! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 48!

[R] We heal MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) with a Super Potion!

4d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! In Saffron City.

4d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted! BLACK OUT...

4d 0h 11m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

4d 0h 4m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18.

4d 0h 3m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

4d 0h 3m [Bot] [R] On Route 18 Gate 1F.

3d 23h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 18.

3d 23h 58m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 18 Gate 1F.

3d 23h 57m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 23h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 18 Gate 2F.

3d 23h 57m [Bot] [R] Route 18 Gate 1F.

3d 23h 56m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 23h 54m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18 Gate 2F.

3d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 36!

3d 23h 51m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 18 Gate 1F.

3d 23h 50m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #6!

[R] Now on Route 18.

3d 23h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 7F.

3d 23h 49m [Bot] [R] On Route 17.

3d 23h 49m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 32!

3d 23h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 3F.

3d 23h 45m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 2F.

[R] Arrived on Route 16.

3d 23h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 23h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 2F.

3d 23h 42m [Bot] [R] Route 16 Gate 1F.

3d 23h 41m [Bot] [R] Route 16.

3d 23h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 23h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 2F.

3d 23h 35m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 23h 33m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM06 Toxic!

3d 23h 31m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

3d 23h 30m [Bot] [B] In Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 23h 30m [Bot] [B] We heal! We defeat (((! We head into Saffron City.

3d 23h 30m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 23h 28m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

3d 23h 26m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 47!

3d 23h 24m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

3d 23h 23m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 23h 21m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #5!

3d 23h 20m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 7F.

[R] Acquired 1 TM41 Softboiled!

3d 23h 17m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 3F.

3d 23h 15m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

3d 23h 15m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 2F.

3d 23h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. Lift.

3d 23h 14m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

3d 23h 13m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 2F.

3d 23h 13m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 3F.

3d 23h 13m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

3d 23h 13m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

3d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 2F.

3d 23h 12m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

3d 23h 10m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 23h 7m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

3d 23h 6m [Bot] [R] We heal!

3d 23h 5m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 23h 4m [Bot] [R] Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 23h 2m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

3d 23h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

3d 23h 0m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

3d 22h 59m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 30 Hitmonchan! Nickname: KKKTTT(((J

3d 22h 59m [Bot] [R] We change the nickname of o (Pidgeotto) to )))))))!!!. We change the nickname of FEbckllbII (Horsea) to ᵐᶰA. We change the nickname of l-×TT (Nidorina) to -??CCCAAA-. We change the nickname of QRJ (Venonat) to (:. We change the nickname of (: (Drowzee) to JJJRRRRRPP. We change the nickname of -??CCCAAA- (Tauros) to [[[]]///. We change the nickname of [[[]]/// (Staryu) to FEbckllbII. We change the nickname of ᵐᶰA (Shellder) to Ur. We change the nickname of JJJRRRRRPP (Arcanine) to o. We change the nickname of Ur (Dewgong) to QRJ.

3d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

3d 22h 58m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 9.

3d 22h 57m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

3d 22h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

3d 22h 56m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 57!

3d 22h 54m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

3d 22h 50m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 46!

3d 22h 48m [Bot] [R] ?!♂♂♀AAABa (Beedrill) fainted!

3d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... In Cerulean City.

3d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 22h 43m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 22h 40m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

3d 22h 40m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 45!

3d 22h 38m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 22h 38m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #4!

3d 22h 37m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 7F.

3d 22h 36m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 3F.

3d 22h 36m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 7F.

3d 22h 34m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) is now level 19!

3d 22h 31m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 3F.

3d 22h 28m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 2F.

3d 22h 27m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

3d 22h 27m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 31!

3d 22h 25m [Bot] [R] Saffron Dojo.

3d 22h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

3d 22h 20m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

3d 22h 19m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

3d 22h 19m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

3d 22h 18m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

3d 22h 15m [Bot] [R] Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 22h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

3d 22h 10m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

[R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

3d 22h 0m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has leveled up to 30!

3d 21h 59m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 28 Primeape! Nickname: )))))))!!! We toss a Great Ball at a wild Primeape.

3d 21h 59m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Primeape.

3d 21h 58m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Primeape.

3d 21h 56m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 18 Pidgeotto! Nickname: o We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeotto.

3d 21h 55m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeotto.

3d 21h 55m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeotto.

3d 21h 54m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Pidgeotto.

3d 21h 51m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

3d 21h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

3d 21h 50m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 11.

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 30!

3d 21h 48m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

3d 21h 48m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 16 Arcanine! Nickname: JJJRRRRRPP We toss a Great Ball at a wild Arcanine.

3d 21h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion House.

[R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Arcanine.

3d 21h 47m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Arcanine.

3d 21h 47m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

3d 21h 45m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion House.

3d 21h 38m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 8.

3d 21h 36m [Bot] [B] We use a Rare Candy on UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur)! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 46!

[R] In Lavender Town.

3d 21h 36m [Bot] [R] We change the nickname of ×AAAA (Beedrill) to ?!♂♂♀AAABa.

3d 21h 35m [Bot] [R] We change the nickname of AJJJRQQQP (Beedrill) to ×AAAA.

3d 21h 34m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

3d 21h 33m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Name Rater's House.

3d 21h 31m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

3d 21h 31m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

3d 21h 31m [Bot] [R] Lavender Town.

3d 21h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

[R] In Lavender House.

3d 21h 28m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Lavender Town.

3d 21h 28m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

3d 21h 27m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM02 Razor Wind!

3d 21h 25m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Super Potion!

3d 21h 25m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

3d 21h 25m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

3d 21h 24m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

3d 21h 24m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

3d 21h 23m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Super Potion!

3d 21h 23m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball and 1 Super Potion!

3d 21h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

3d 21h 22m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball and 2 Super Potion!

3d 21h 21m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Escape Rope!

3d 21h 21m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

[R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

3d 21h 21m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

3d 21h 20m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

3d 21h 20m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

[Streamer] Idah0an: @Chaos_lord2 Just a joke ;)

Chaos_lord2: @Idah0an I can't really tell though the internet Kappa

3d 21h 20m [Bot] [R] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: chat should lose no more than 5 minutes progress due to technical faiilure

3d 21h 19m [Bot] [R] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

3d 21h 19m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

[Streamer] Idah0an: WE DIDN'T SAVE

Chaos_lord2: @Idah0an not only was that a twitch thing so the comps are fine, we have an autosavestate feature

3d 21h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Lavender Poké Mart.

3d 21h 17m [Bot] [B] Defeated LT.SURGE!

[R] We head into Lavender Town.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: ...not that chat is much smarter TriHard

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the AI though I can't help Kappa

3d 21h 17m [Bot] [R] On Route 12.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: vanilla R/B doesn't support those by default

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: nothing too out of the ordinary by modern standards but these guys have custom movesets

3d 21h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 12 Gate 1F.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I made something special for the high level rematches

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: so you found the rematches

3d 21h 13m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 21h 12m [Bot] [B] Vs LT.SURGE! Attempt #2!

3d 21h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

3d 21h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seaking.

3d 21h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seaking.

3d 21h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seaking.

3d 21h 9m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seaking.

3d 21h 8m [Bot] [R] We toss an Ultra Ball at a wild Seaking.

3d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seaking.

3d 21h 6m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Seaking.

3d 21h 4m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

3d 21h 0m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 29!

[R] On Route 12.

3d 21h 0m [Bot] [R] Route 11 Gate 1F.

3d 20h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

[R] Caught a Lv. 13 Drowzee! Nickname: (:

3d 20h 54m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

3d 20h 54m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Drowzee.

3d 20h 53m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

3d 20h 53m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Drowzee.

3d 20h 51m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

3d 20h 48m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

3d 20h 47m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

3d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

3d 20h 43m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 20h 40m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean Pokémon Center.

3d 20h 39m [Bot] [R] Route 11.

3d 20h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

3d 20h 37m [Bot] [B] We defeat MISTY!

3d 20h 37m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 35!

3d 20h 35m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 34!

3d 20h 34m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 38!

3d 20h 33m [Bot] [R] In Vermilion City.

3d 20h 32m [Bot] [B] Vs MISTY! Attempt #14!

3d 20h 31m [Bot] [R] We heal! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 29!

3d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Cerulean Gym.

3d 20h 29m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

3d 20h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Poké Mart.

3d 20h 28m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

3d 20h 26m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Poké Mart.

3d 20h 26m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

3d 20h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Poké Mart.

3d 20h 24m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

3d 20h 23m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Bike Shop.

3d 20h 22m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

3d 20h 22m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cerulean Gym.

3d 20h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

3d 20h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 5.

3d 20h 19m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

3d 20h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 6.

3d 20h 18m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 5.

3d 20h 17m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

3d 20h 17m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron Dojo.

3d 20h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City.

3d 20h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 20h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

3d 20h 13m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

3d 20h 13m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

3d 20h 9m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 8.

3d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] In Lavender Town.

3d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] We heal!

3d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 20h 8m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 20h 6m [Bot] [R] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 20h 2m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM16 Pay Day!

3d 19h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

3d 19h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

[R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) is now level 28!

3d 19h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

3d 19h 43m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

3d 19h 37m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 8.

3d 19h 36m [Bot] [R] Route 12.

3d 19h 36m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Town.

3d 19h 33m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mr. Fuji's House.

3d 19h 33m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

[R] Acquired 1 Super Rod!

3d 19h 33m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 19h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 19h 30m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

3d 19h 30m [Bot] [R] Route 12 House.

3d 19h 26m [Bot] [R] On Route 12.

3d 19h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 11 Gate 1F.

3d 19h 14m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 19h 11m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 11.

3d 19h 11m [Bot] [R] On Route 11 Gate 1F.

3d 19h 10m [Bot] [R] On Route 11.

3d 19h 6m [Bot] [B] On Route 10.

3d 19h 2m [Bot] [B] Now on Rock Tunnel.

3d 18h 59m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 28!

[R] We head onto Route 12.

3d 18h 57m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11 Gate 1F.

3d 18h 57m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 10.

3d 18h 55m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 18h 53m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 18h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Town.

3d 18h 52m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 12.

3d 18h 51m [Bot] [B] Route 12 Gate 1F.

3d 18h 36m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 11.

3d 18h 36m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 11 Gate 1F.

3d 18h 33m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) all fainted!

[Correction] We apparently healed at the end of the last battle and the bot considered that a blackout when it wasn't.

3d 18h 28m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 27!

3d 18h 26m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 12.

3d 18h 25m [Bot] [B] On Route 12 Gate 1F.

3d 18h 25m [Bot] [B] Route 12.

3d 18h 23m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 18h 22m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM10 Double-Edge!

3d 18h 9m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 8.

3d 18h 9m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

3d 18h 4m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

3d 18h 3m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

3d 18h 3m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

3d 18h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 18h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

3d 17h 55m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 12.

3d 17h 54m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 13.

3d 17h 51m [Bot] [R] On Route 12.

3d 17h 50m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 1F.

3d 17h 46m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... Saffron City.

3d 17h 45m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 17h 45m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 17h 44m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 17h 44m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 33!

3d 17h 43m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 37!

3d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 45!

3d 17h 37m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 17h 36m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 13.

3d 17h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #3!

3d 17h 35m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 7F.

3d 17h 29m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 3F.

3d 17h 27m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 17h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 9F.

3d 17h 15m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 17h 13m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. 3F.

3d 17h 12m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 2F.

3d 17h 10m [Bot] [R] AJJJRQQQP (Beedrill) learned Mega Drain! Threw away 1 TM21 Mega Drain!

3d 17h 9m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 17h 7m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

3d 17h 6m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

3d 17h 4m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

3d 17h 3m [Bot] [R] AJJJRQQQP (Beedrill) is now level 23!

3d 17h 3m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 28!

3d 17h 3m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... In Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 17h 2m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 17h 0m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 44!

3d 16h 55m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 3F.

3d 16h 54m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 4F.

3d 16h 51m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 27!

3d 16h 47m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 12.

3d 16h 45m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 26!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: probably nothing, but it could be moving down the menu and buffering to reduce delay

3d 16h 42m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) learned Growth over Leech Seed!

3d 16h 41m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 43!

3d 16h 38m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 16h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 13.

[Streamer] GoodFuude: i've always been depressed, ever since i've discovered this stream, i have decided to kill myself!

Chaos_lord2: @GoodFuude please don't people love you VoHiYo

[Streamer] Keksbaer: Blast it! Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @Keksbaer there's also more to it, specifically it makes power abuse a serious concern, and we've had former trolls as mods before

3d 16h 32m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: this is because it's hard to determine for sure what is a "troll" and what is a "different plan"

[Streamer] LIJI32: >n-

Chaos_lord2: @LIJI32 trolling/annoying inputs isn't bannable, unless you get globalled which is a twitch thing

3d 16h 26m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 32!

3d 16h 24m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 14.

3d 16h 20m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 16h 19m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15.

3d 16h 19m [Bot] [R] On Route 15 Gate 1F.

3d 16h 18m [Bot] [R] Route 15.

3d 16h 15m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 5F.

3d 16h 13m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 3F.

3d 16h 11m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM36 Selfdestruct!

3d 16h 11m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT! Fuchsia City.

3d 16h 10m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 16h 10m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 2F.

3d 16h 9m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 3F.

3d 16h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 2F.

3d 16h 8m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 3F.

[Correction] We used that Max Potion, and now I have more things to teach the bot.

3d 16h 0m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 36!

3d 15h 56m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Max Potion!

3d 15h 55m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 15h 51m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 44!

3d 15h 49m [Bot] [R] Route 14.

3d 15h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 56!

3d 15h 31m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 2F.

3d 15h 31m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 1F.

3d 15h 30m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 2F.

3d 15h 29m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 3F.

3d 15h 29m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 2F.

3d 15h 26m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 1F.

3d 15h 25m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

3d 15h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City.

3d 15h 20m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

3d 15h 20m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... Saffron City.

3d 15h 20m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

3d 15h 19m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 15h 13m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 15h 11m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 15h 8m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 15h 3m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #2!

3d 15h 2m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

3d 15h 2m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 7F.

3d 14h 58m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 3F.

[Info] Specifically, there's a load of beds on this floor which we sleep in. Because it's common to have a load of beds in a company headquarters, right?

3d 14h 56m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 9F.

3d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 8F.

3d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 7F.

3d 14h 51m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 8F.

3d 14h 44m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 7F.

3d 14h 42m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 14h 37m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

3d 14h 33m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 6F.

3d 14h 31m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. Lift.

3d 14h 30m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 6F.

3d 14h 28m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted!

3d 14h 24m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 14h 18m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 43!

3d 14h 17m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 25!

3d 14h 14m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has leveled up to 26!

3d 14h 13m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 14h 13m [Bot] [R] On Route 13.

3d 14h 10m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 55!

3d 14h 8m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 7F.

3d 14h 8m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 8F.

3d 14h 7m [Bot] [R] AJJJRQQQP (Beedrill) fainted!

3d 14h 7m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 7F.

3d 14h 6m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 8F.

3d 14h 6m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. Lift.

3d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Silph Co. 8F.

3d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] In Silph Co. 9F.

3d 13h 55m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 31!

3d 13h 54m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 14.

3d 13h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15.

3d 13h 50m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15 Gate 1F.

3d 13h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15.

3d 13h 48m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 8F.

3d 13h 47m [Bot] [R] BLACK OUT... Arrived in Fuchsia City.

3d 13h 47m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

3d 13h 46m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has leveled up to 18!

3d 13h 45m [Bot] [B] We head into Silph Co. Lift.

3d 13h 44m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 1F.

3d 13h 42m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

3d 13h 42m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has grown to level 17!

3d 13h 42m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

3d 13h 41m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

3d 13h 41m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 13h 40m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 13h 39m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 30!

3d 13h 38m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 13h 36m [Bot] [R] Route 14.

3d 13h 33m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 42!

3d 13h 33m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has fainted!

3d 13h 32m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 13h 27m [Bot] [B] Vs (((!

3d 13h 26m [Bot] [B] Now in Silph Co. 7F.

3d 13h 24m [Bot] [B] Silph Co. 3F.

3d 13h 23m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 13h 21m [R] Pikachu reached Lv.27.

3d 13h 20m [B] Clefable reached Lv.29.

3d 13h 18m [B] Meowth gets Kapow'd to death. Arbok reached Lv.35.

3d 13h 16m [R] Dugtrio reached Lv.45.

[Info] [B] Earlier at some point, Blue tossed a Thunderstone.

3d 13h 8m [B] Blue took a nap. Party healed.

3d 13h 6m [B] Blue checked under a bed and found a Max Potion.

3d 13h 0m [B] Blue defeated the Rocket brother. She only has Venusaur left and a badly hurt Alakazam. Opening doors left and right...

3d 12h 59m [R] Red defeated the trainer and got himself in another battle right away. Nidoqueen just fainted.

3d 12h 58m [R] Nidoqueen reached Lv.24.

3d 12h 55m [B] Clefable fainted.

3d 12h 51m [R] Nidoqueen learned Body Slam over Growl.

3d 12h 50m [R] Nidoqueen reached Lv.23.

3d 12h 48m [B] Arbok fainted.

3d 12h 47m Both games are in a trainer battle.

3d 12h 46m [B] Arbok reached Lv.34.

3d 12h 46m [R] Red is moving east, through Route 15.

3d 12h 32m [B] Picked up the Card Key.

3d 12h 29m [B] Meowth fainted.

3d 12h 29m [B] Meowth reached Lv.25; Clefable reached Lv.28.

3d 12h 24m [B] Blue is in another battle.

3d 12h 17m [R] Dugtrio learned Double Team over Slash.

3d 12h 17m [R] Red is trying to evolve Dugtrio with a Moon Stone. It's not working.

3d 12h 9m [R] Red used a Protein on Nidoqueen.

3d 12h 4m Red left the Pokémon center. Blue is back in the Silph Co building.

3d 12h 1m [R] Red is fiddling with the PC.

3d 12h 0m [R] Red has healed his team back in Fuchsia City.

3d 11h 54m [R] Red defeated another trainer. [B] Blue healed her party and left the center right away.

3d 11h 53m [B] Blue tossed TM21 (Mega Drain).

3d 11h 51m [B] Correction - we used Dig.

3d 11h 49m [B] As Blue attempted to spill some of her items on the floor, she ended up using the Escape Rope and is now back at the entrance.

3d 11h 47m [R] Farfetch'd reached Lv. 16.

3d 11h 46m [B] Blue tried to pick up an item, but her bag is still too full.

3d 11h 45m [R] Meanwhile, Red is busy with another swimmer.

3d 11h 45m Venusaur comes out to finish the job; trainer defeated.

3d 11h 44m [B] Our snek was the inferior snek. Arbok fainted.

3d 11h 42m [B] Blue tripped in front of another Rocket trainer, spilled his coffee all over his suit, and now the two of them are throwing their respective Arboks at each other.

3d 11h 41m [R] Red got past a Beauty after a long battle.

3d 11h 40m [R] Farfetch'd reached Lv.15 and learned Fury Attack over Peck.

3d 11h 39m [B] Blue has gotten past the Rocket trainer. [R] Beedrill has fainted.

3d 11h 38m [B] Arbok reached Lv.33.

3d 11h 36m [B] Meowth fainted.

3d 11h 33m [B] Meowth is busy scattering money on the ground.

3d 11h 30m [R] Charizard reached Lv. 53.

3d 11h 27m [B] Blue is spotted by a trainer.

3d 11h 27m [R] Nidoqueen fainted.

3d 11h 25m [R] Nidoqueen reached Lv. 22.

3d 11h 22m [B] Up and down the elevator she goes!

3d 11h 18m [R] Red is sailing southward, enjoying the good weather.

3d 11h 16m [B] Blue attempts to jump into the fountain.

3d 11h 15m [B] In and out and into the Silph Co building!

3d 11h 14m [B] Party healed.

3d 11h 6m [B] Blue entered Saffron's Pokémon center and left without healing.

3d 11h 1m [B] Blue has reached Saffron City.

3d 10h 53m [B] And then she casually strolls down the center. What a smooth deposit. Like a normal person would've done it.

3d 10h 51m [B] Blue turns the PC on and deposits Paras.

3d 10h 50m [B] Blue stares at the PC from the other side of the room.

3d 10h 48m [B] Blue enters the Poké Center with Paras' pokéball in hand. Party healed.

3d 10h 45m [B] Paras has been moved in the first slot.

3d 10h 42m [B] Blue received the Poké Flute.

3d 10h 40m [B] Blue tossed TM30 (Teleport).

3d 10h 37m [B] Blue can't get the flute from Mr.Fuji because her bag is too full.

3d 10h 35m [B] Blue saved Mr.Fuji.

3d 10h 35m The hivemind is currently focusing on Blue, while Red wanders up and down the strip of land directly underneath Fuchsia City. [B] Blue has defeated the last trainer in the tower.

3d 10h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 10h 28m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 32!

3d 10h 28m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 19.

3d 10h 27m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

3d 10h 26m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 10h 24m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 31!

3d 10h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

3d 10h 23m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 10h 17m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 13.

3d 10h 16m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 10h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 7F.

3d 10h 7m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 10h 0m [Bot] [R] AJJJRQQQP (Beedrill) fainted!

3d 9h 57m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

3d 9h 51m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 6F.

3d 9h 46m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Nugget!

3d 9h 41m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 9h 36m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 9h 36m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

3d 9h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 5F.

3d 9h 33m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Rare Candy!

3d 9h 32m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

3d 9h 25m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 9h 21m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

3d 9h 17m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 43!

3d 9h 13m [Bot] [R] Route 14.

3d 9h 10m [Bot] [R] On Route 15.

3d 9h 8m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) learned Swift over Seismic Toss!

3d 9h 7m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has grown to level 26!

3d 9h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 X Accuracy!

3d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 30!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 42!

3d 8h 58m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 26!

3d 8h 58m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

3d 8h 50m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 8h 49m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 21!

3d 8h 48m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 6F.

3d 8h 46m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) learned Screech over Growl!

3d 8h 46m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 24!

3d 8h 43m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 28 Venonat! Nickname: QRJ We toss a Great Ball at a wild Venonat. Arrived on Route 14.

3d 8h 39m [Bot] [B] We heal!

3d 8h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 15.

3d 8h 34m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 15 Gate 1F.

3d 8h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Reflect over Teleport!

3d 8h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 42!

3d 8h 26m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

3d 8h 25m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball!

3d 8h 25m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Ultra Ball and 1 Great Ball!

3d 8h 24m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

3d 8h 24m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

3d 8h 24m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[R] Acquired 2 Ultra Ball!

3d 8h 23m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia Poké Mart.

3d 8h 23m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 8h 22m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Poké Mart.

3d 8h 16m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 8h 16m [Bot] [R] On Route 15 Gate 1F.

3d 8h 15m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 5F.

3d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 4F.

3d 8h 12m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 5F.

3d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] BLACKED OUT!

3d 8h 5m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 20!

3d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15.

3d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] On Route 15 Gate 1F.

3d 8h 1m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 15.

3d 7h 59m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Elixer!

3d 7h 54m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 7h 52m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 7h 51m [Bot] [R] We BLACK OUT! Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 7h 51m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 4F.

[R] A (Charizard) fainted! We BLACK OUT! We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowbro.

3d 7h 51m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowbro.

3d 7h 49m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 3F.

3d 7h 47m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 52!

3d 7h 44m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 4F.

3d 7h 43m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 3F.

3d 7h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 4F.

3d 7h 33m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 31 Dewgong! Nickname: Ur We toss a Great Ball at a wild Dewgong.

3d 7h 32m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Dewgong.

3d 7h 32m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Dewgong.

3d 7h 30m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Max Potion!

3d 7h 29m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

3d 7h 28m [Bot] [R] In Seafoam Islands.

3d 7h 28m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

3d 7h 26m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 3F.

3d 7h 25m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 7h 25m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

3d 7h 24m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 7h 22m [Bot] [R] AJJJRQQQP (Beedrill) has fainted!

3d 7h 21m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... Arrived in Lavender Town.

3d 7h 21m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 7h 19m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Gastly.

3d 7h 16m [Bot] [R] Seafoam Islands.

3d 7h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 3F.

3d 7h 15m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has fainted!

3d 7h 13m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 28 Shellder! Nickname: ᵐᶰA We toss a Great Ball at a wild Shellder.

3d 7h 12m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Escape Rope!

3d 7h 10m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

3d 7h 8m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted!

3d 7h 2m [Bot] [R] Seafoam Islands.

3d 7h 2m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 30 Horsea! Nickname: FEbckllbII We toss a Great Ball at a wild Horsea.

3d 7h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 3F.

3d 6h 57m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 57m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 3F.

[R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowpoke.

3d 6h 56m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Slowpoke.

3d 6h 52m [Bot] [B] We defeat (((! VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 41!

3d 6h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 6h 47m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 6h 46m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 6h 45m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 40!

3d 6h 45m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

3d 6h 45m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

3d 6h 44m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 6h 44m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #16!

3d 6h 43m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 42m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 6h 42m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 6h 40m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 6h 39m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 6h 38m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 30 Staryu! Nickname: [[[]]/// We toss a Great Ball at a wild Staryu.

3d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 6h 37m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 36m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 6h 35m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

3d 6h 35m [Bot] [R] We head into Seafoam Islands.

3d 6h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Seafoam Islands.

3d 6h 34m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! Now in Lavender Town.

3d 6h 34m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 6h 33m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 27!

[R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Jynx.

3d 6h 32m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 6h 28m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

3d 6h 27m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 6h 26m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

3d 6h 24m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 6h 24m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #15!

3d 6h 22m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 20m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 6h 19m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

3d 6h 18m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 6h 18m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 6h 17m [Bot] [R] Now in Seafoam Islands.

3d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] Route 20.

3d 6h 13m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

3d 6h 11m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 51!

3d 6h 11m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 41!

3d 6h 9m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 40!

3d 6h 9m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 42!

3d 6h 7m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

3d 6h 6m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

3d 6h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 6h 4m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

3d 6h 3m [Bot] [B] We heal! A (Arbok) has leveled up to 29!

3d 6h 2m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #14!

3d 6h 1m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 6h 0m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 5h 57m [Bot] [B] BLACKED OUT! We head into Lavender Town.

3d 5h 57m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted! BLACK OUT...

[R] Route 19.

3d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

3d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] We heal!

3d 5h 55m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 5h 54m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 5h 54m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

3d 5h 52m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Escape Rope!

3d 5h 52m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has grown to level 14! Threw away 1 Rare Candy!

3d 5h 48m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 40!

3d 5h 45m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #13!

3d 5h 45m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia City.

3d 5h 43m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 5h 42m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

3d 5h 42m [Bot] [R] Got the Soul Badge!

3d 5h 41m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 1F.

[R] Acquired 1 TM06 Toxic!

[Fluff] Koga's battle song was Mirror B's music from XD, by the way. KappaRoss

3d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] We defeat KOGA!

3d 5h 40m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 50!

3d 5h 39m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

3d 5h 38m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! Arrived in Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 5h 37m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

3d 5h 37m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 5h 37m [Bot] [R] Vs KOGA!

3d 5h 36m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 5h 36m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 23!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

3d 5h 33m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 42!

3d 5h 33m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 5h 31m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 5h 29m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 5h 28m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 41!

3d 5h 27m [R] Red is taking on Koga's gym right now. [B] Blue is still struggling with her rival fight.

3d 5h 28m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 28!

3d 5h 25m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #12!

3d 5h 25m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

3d 5h 24m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia Gym .

3d 5h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 5h 22m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 5h 20m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

3d 5h 18m [Bot] [B] BLACKED OUT! Now in Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 5h 17m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

3d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

3d 5h 16m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 19.

3d 5h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

3d 5h 16m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has leveled up to 22!

[R] We heal!

3d 5h 15m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 5h 13m [Bot] [R] In Bill's House.

3d 5h 13m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 5h 11m [Bot] [R] Now in Bill's House.

3d 5h 4m [Bot] [R] We head into Warden's House.

3d 5h 3m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

3d 5h 1m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

[Fluff] More like gave away the Gold Teeth, to the Warden.

3d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 HM04 Strength!

3d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Gold Teeth!

3d 4h 54m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #11!

3d 4h 53m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 4h 53m [Bot] [R] We head into Warden's House.

3d 4h 49m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 4h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Lavender Town.

3d 4h 46m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

3d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 39!

3d 4h 43m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

3d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

3d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 4h 40m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone Gate.

3d 4h 37m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 39!

[R] Caught a Lv. 25 Tauros! Nickname: -??CCCAAA-

3d 4h 37m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #10!

3d 4h 30m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 4h 29m [Bot] [R] Now in Safari Zone 2.

3d 4h 27m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 4h 26m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) learned Surf over Thunderbolt!

3d 4h 25m [Bot] [B] BLACK OUT... Arrived in Lavender Town.

3d 4h 25m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

[Fluff/Snark] Red's team is accurate to Blue's current battle, actually.

3d 4h 23m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

3d 4h 22m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

3d 4h 22m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

3d 4h 21m We're down to Charizard again, with three Pokémon left. All three of which are under half its level, however...

3d 4h 21m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 4h 17m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

3d 4h 16m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM32 Double Team!

3d 4h 16m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) learned Glare over Body Slam!

[R] We head into Safari Zone 3.

3d 4h 15m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) is now level 27!

3d 4h 14m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #9!

3d 4h 13m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 HM03 Surf!

3d 4h 13m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 4h 12m [Bot] [R] Safari Zone House.

3d 4h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

[R] Acquired 1 Gold Teeth!

3d 4h 10m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 4h 9m [Bot] [R] Now in Safari Zone 3.

3d 4h 4m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Protein!

3d 4h 4m [Bot] [B] BLACKED OUT! Now in Lavender Town.

3d 4h 4m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted! BLACK OUT...

3d 4h 1m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 23 Nidorina! Nickname: l-×TT

3d 4h 1m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 38!

3d 4h 0m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 3h 58m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 3h 57m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 3h 56m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #8!

3d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 3h 55m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 3h 54m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 3h 53m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 3h 52m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

[Info] By the way, the Safari Zone has been modified to give us 1512 steps, of which red has about 1200 remaining right now.

3d 3h 50m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 3h 50m [Bot] [B] Route 10.

3d 3h 47m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

[Info] That attempt officially puts Blue's rival ((( into the Wattson Rankings, which makes our Pokémon Red protagonist the first protagonist to ever get into the Wattson Rankings.

3d 3h 46m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 3h 45m [Bot] [B] BLACKED OUT! We head into Lavender Town.

3d 3h 45m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

[R] Arrived in Safari Zone 2.

3d 3h 43m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 3h 41m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 3h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 3h 39m [B] Our Arbok manages to paralyze Charizard with its first strike, but it doesn't help much.

3d 3h 39m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 3h 39m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #7!

3d 3h 38m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 3h 36m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

[Snark] Flashbacks of Metapod and Kakuna hardening against flying rocks flashes across my mind like war flashbacks.

3d 3h 35m [R] In the Safari Zone now. Current theme song: "Rock Harden - Pokémon Stadium"

3d 3h 34m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone Gate.

3d 3h 33m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

3d 3h 33m [Bot] [R] Now in Safari Zone Gate.

3d 3h 28m [Bot] [B] On Route 8.

3d 3h 28m [Bot] [B] Saffron City Gate.

3d 3h 27m [Bot] [B] Route 8.

3d 3h 27m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 3h 25m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 49!

3d 3h 24m [Bot] [R] AJJJRQQQP (Beedrill) has fainted!

3d 3h 23m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

3d 3h 22m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

3d 3h 22m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City Gate.

3d 3h 20m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

3d 3h 17m [Bot] [B] In Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 3h 14m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City.

3d 3h 9m [Bot] [B] In Saffron Pokémon Center.

3d 3h 9m [Bot] [R] On Route 18.

3d 3h 8m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 18 Gate 1F.

3d 3h 7m [Bot] [B] In Saffron City.

[R] Arrived on Route 18.

3d 3h 5m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

3d 3h 1m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

3d 2h 53m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

3d 2h 53m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

3d 2h 49m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has fainted!

3d 2h 48m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 19.

3d 2h 45m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

3d 2h 45m [Bot] [Info] Current Party:

3d 2h 45m [R] We withdraw Charizard again!

3d 2h 42m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

3d 2h 42m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

3d 2h 41m [R] Red attempts to connect with Blue, but Blue is busy hanging around on Route 7.

[Info] Specifically a Rare Candy, S.S.Ticket, Old Rod, HM01 Cut.

3d 2h 39m [R] We deposit Charizard! And the Helix Fossil, and a bunch of other items!

3d 2h 38m [R] In the Pokémon Storage system. Box two doesn't have any Pokémon to withdraw it seems.

3d 2h 35m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 2h 33m [Bot] [B] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Bellsprout.

3d 2h 32m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

3d 2h 30m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 2h 28m [Bot] [B] Caught a Lv. 18 Vulpix! Nickname: (×s We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Vulpix.

3d 2h 25m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

3d 2h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

3d 2h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

3d 2h 20m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

3d 2h 19m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM30 Teleport!

3d 2h 19m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

3d 2h 18m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon City.

3d 2h 16m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon Pokémon Center.

3d 2h 13m [Bot] [B] We head into Saffron City Gate.

3d 2h 13m [Bot] [B] Route 7.

3d 2h 7m [Bot] [B] Saffron City.

3d 2h 3m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 26!

3d 1h 55m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 8.

3d 1h 53m [Bot] [B] Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 1h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 1h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 1h 51m [Bot] [B] We BLACK OUT! We heal! Now in Lavender Town.

3d 1h 50m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted! BLACK OUT...

3d 1h 50m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

3d 1h 49m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 1h 48m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

3d 1h 47m [R] Red is saving repeatedly, just for good measure, on the beaches of Route 19.

3d 1h 46m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

3d 1h 46m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

3d 1h 46m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #6!

3d 1h 45m [Bot] [R] On Route 19.

3d 1h 45m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 1h 44m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

3d 1h 42m [B] We blacked out!

3d 1h 41m [Bot] [B] Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 1h 40m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 37!

[R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

3d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

[R] Arrived in Bill's House.

3d 1h 38m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 1h 35m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 1h 34m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

3d 1h 33m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) fainted!

3d 1h 33m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #5!

3d 1h 32m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 1h 28m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 1h 27m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

3d 1h 27m [Bot] [B] On Route 10.

3d 1h 25m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 1h 22m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 1h 21m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

[R] Arrived in Fuchsia City.

3d 1h 19m [Bot] [B] Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 1h 19m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone Gate.

3d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Town.

3d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 10.

3d 1h 16m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Max Potion!

3d 1h 14m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Lavender Town.

3d 1h 13m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 10.

3d 1h 12m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

3d 1h 11m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 22 Beedrill! Nickname: AJJJRQQQP DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 40!

3d 1h 11m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has grown to level 40!

3d 1h 10m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 40!

[Fluff] I'm working on the defeated heal bug.

3d 1h 10m [Bot] [B] We head into Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 1h 9m [Bot] [B] We heal! We defeat (((! In Lavender Town.

3d 1h 9m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

3d 1h 8m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 25!

[R] Acquired 1 Carbos!

3d 1h 5m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 1h 4m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: thanks for subscribing

3d 1h 2m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 1h 1m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 0h 59m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! Vs (((! Attempt #4!

3d 0h 57m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 0h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

[Snark] Still no. At least the bot saw the blackout this time.

3d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

3d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 0h 45m [Bot] [B] We heal! We defeat (((! Arrived in Lavender Town.

3d 0h 44m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

3d 0h 44m [Bot] [R] Safari Zone 1.

3d 0h 42m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

3d 0h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

3d 0h 40m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

3d 0h 39m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) fainted!

[R] Arrived in Safari Zone Gate.

3d 0h 39m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted! Vs (((! Attempt #3!

3d 0h 38m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 0h 37m [Bot] [R] In Safari Zone House.

3d 0h 37m [Bot] [R] Safari Zone Gate.

3d 0h 37m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 0h 36m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

[R] Safari Zone Gate.

3d 0h 35m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 0h 32m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia City.

[Info] [B] Again, did not heal, did not defeat (((.

3d 0h 31m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia House.

3d 0h 30m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

3d 0h 29m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 0h 29m [Bot] [B] We heal! Defeated (((!

3d 0h 28m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

3d 0h 27m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

3d 0h 26m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 0h 25m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

[R] In Fuchsia City.

3d 0h 24m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

3d 0h 23m [Bot] [R] Now in Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

3d 0h 23m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

3d 0h 23m [Bot] [R] On Route 19.

3d 0h 22m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 0h 22m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

3d 0h 22m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 0h 19m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 40!

3d 0h 19m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #2!

3d 0h 18m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 0h 18m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has grown to level 19!

3d 0h 16m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 0h 16m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 0h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 0h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 0h 11m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

3d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

[Info] [B] Blue blacked out, actually.

3d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Lavender Pokémon Center.

3d 0h 8m [Bot] [B] We heal! Defeated (((! Now in Lavender Town.

3d 0h 7m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

3d 0h 7m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

3d 0h 6m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 36!

3d 0h 6m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 19.

3d 0h 5m [Bot] [R] Fuchsia City.

3d 0h 5m [Bot] [R] We heal!

3d 0h 4m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted!

3d 0h 4m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has fainted!

3d 0h 3m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

3d 0h 2m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

3d 0h 2m [Bot] [B] Vs (((!

3d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

3d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

3d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Tower 2F.

2d 23h 58m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Tower 1F.

2d 23h 58m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

2d 23h 57m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Mr. Fuji's House.

2d 23h 57m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Town.

2d 23h 56m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Pokémon Center.

2d 23h 53m [Bot] [B] In Lavender Town.

2d 23h 52m [Bot] [R] In Fuchsia Pokémon Center.

2d 23h 51m [Bot] [R] We head into Fuchsia City.

2d 23h 50m [Bot] [R] In Bill's House.

2d 23h 48m [Bot] [B] On Route 8.

2d 23h 48m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

2d 23h 47m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

[R] In Fuchsia City.

2d 23h 46m [Bot] [B] We head onto Underground Path.

[R] We head onto Route 18.

2d 23h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

2d 23h 46m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: *notes that people like it*

2d 23h 45m [Bot] [R] Route 18 Gate 1F.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's everyone liking the music system? I think it's great

2d 23h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 18.

2d 23h 43m [Bot] [B] On Route 7.

2d 23h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: i heard you guys glitched red

2d 23h 42m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 23h 41m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 17.

2d 23h 41m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 23h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 23h 40m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 48!

2d 23h 36m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Silph Scope!

2d 23h 35m [Bot] [B] Defeated GIOVANNI! UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 38!

2d 23h 34m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has leveled up to 25!

2d 23h 33m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

2d 23h 32m [Bot] [B] Vs GIOVANNI!

2d 23h 31m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

2d 23h 31m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has leveled up to 37!

2d 23h 28m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

2d 23h 25m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 16.

2d 23h 25m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

2d 23h 24m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 22!

2d 23h 23m [Bot] [R] Route 16 Gate 1F.

2d 23h 22m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Great Ball!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: 4 badges, wow, that's fast, don't forget it's a catch-em-all run

2d 23h 19m [Bot] [B] Now in Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 23h 11m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 23h 8m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 23h 8m [Bot] [B] Now in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 23h 2m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) learned Thunderbolt over Tackle! Threw away 1 TM24 Thunderbolt!

2d 23h 0m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 TM13 Ice Beam!

2d 22h 59m [Bot] [B] Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 22h 57m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 22h 55m [Bot] [B] Now in Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 22h 53m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Pp Up!

2d 22h 52m [Bot] [R] Route 16.

2d 22h 50m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

2d 22h 49m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 21!

[R] Now on Route 7.

2d 22h 48m [Bot] [B] Now in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 22h 47m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

2d 22h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 22h 35m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 22h 33m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

2d 22h 29m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

2d 22h 27m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 22h 21m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 22h 17m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 22h 15m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

[Fluff] Ignore all the name change stuff. The bot has troubles with how Gen 1 does nickname changes.

2d 22h 12m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 18 Eevee! Nickname: [XXXXXw;♀♂ We change the nickname of CCCCDEEAIK (Mankey) to WWE. We change the nickname of WWE (Zubat) to UUU-,,..[. We change the nickname of LC--- (Zubat) to ??. We change the nickname of NLK (Onix) to BKKKKKTTTT. We change the nickname of ((KKLL))) (Onix) to NLK. We change the nickname of ?? (Zubat) to C-×-???KT. We change the nickname of VVVVVMLLLM (Oddish) to CCCCDEEAIK. We change the nickname of ××××× (Geodude) to MD--×))!!!. We change the nickname of C-×-???KT (Zubat) to ((KKLL))). We change the nickname of UUU-,,..[ (Geodude) to ppj. We change the nickname of ᵐᶰSSS( (Zubat) to ×××××. We change the nickname of ppj (Geodude) to LC---. We change the nickname of BKKKKKTTTT (Geodude) to ᵐᶰSSS(. We toss a Great Ball at a wild Eevee.

2d 22h 11m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Eevee.

2d 22h 9m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Fresh Water!

2d 21h 52m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 20 Growlithe! Nickname: VVVVVMLLLM

2d 21h 47m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 21h 46m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 21h 44m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

2d 21h 40m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

2d 21h 40m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 21h 39m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 21h 39m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 21h 38m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 19 Oddish! Nickname: CCCCDEEAIK

2d 21h 36m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Oddish.

2d 21h 36m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Oddish.

2d 21h 35m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Oddish.

2d 21h 32m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Potion!

2d 21h 26m [Bot] [B] Now in Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 21h 24m [Bot] [B] Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 21h 23m [Bot] [B] In Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 21h 23m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

2d 21h 20m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) is now level 36!

2d 21h 20m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 47!

2d 21h 15m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 21h 13m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Hp Up!

2d 21h 8m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM02 Razor Wind!

2d 21h 7m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Lift Key!

2d 21h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 21h 0m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 20h 58m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! We toss a Great Ball at a wild Growlithe.

2d 20h 58m [Bot] [R] We toss a Great Ball at a wild Growlithe.

2d 20h 52m [Bot] [B] In Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 20h 48m [Bot] [B] In Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 20h 45m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

2d 20h 44m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

2d 20h 43m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

2d 20h 43m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

2d 20h 42m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

2d 20h 40m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

2d 20h 38m [Bot] [R] In Saffron Pokémon Center.

2d 20h 35m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

2d 20h 35m [Bot] [R] Route 8.

2d 20h 34m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

2d 20h 33m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

2d 20h 32m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

2d 20h 31m [Bot] [R] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

2d 20h 31m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

2d 20h 31m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Pp Up!

[R] Acquired 3 Great Ball!

2d 20h 30m [Bot] [R] Acquired 4 Great Ball!

2d 20h 30m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

2d 20h 30m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

2d 20h 30m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

2d 20h 29m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

2d 20h 29m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

2d 20h 29m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Great Ball!

2d 20h 28m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Great Ball!

2d 20h 27m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Nugget!

2d 20h 21m [Bot] [R] Saffron Poké Mart.

2d 20h 20m [Bot] [R] Saffron City.

2d 20h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron Poké Mart.

2d 20h 15m [Bot] [R] In Saffron City.

2d 20h 15m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

2d 20h 14m [B] The ride never ends.

2d 20h 10m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 8.

2d 20h 7m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Lavender Town.

2d 20h 7m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 20h 5m [Bot] [R] Now in Lavender Pokémon Center.

2d 20h 2m [Bot] [R] Lavender Town.

2d 19h 59m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Poké Flute!

2d 19h 57m [Bot] [R] We head into Mr. Fuji's House.

2d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] Now in Lavender Town.

2d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] Mr. Fuji's House.

2d 19h 48m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has fainted!

2d 19h 44m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Tower 7F.

2d 19h 42m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has leveled up to 18!

2d 19h 40m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Super Potion!

2d 19h 31m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Rare Candy!

2d 19h 29m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Rare Candy!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: and there are things with KAPOW to ensure things die

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: so incremental progress isn't really a thing

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the issue with VR boulders though is that they reset when you die to wilds

[Streamer] datpokeguy: @benedani democracy mode

Chaos_lord2: @datpokeguy anarchy will never beat vanilla gen 1, if safari doesn't lock them VR will do it. of course, we have more than 1 ice cream flavor now...

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the wild ride was the birthplace of democracy and start9

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the thing with pokedolling wak is it skips the wild ride, which is an infamous part of the game for tpp

2d 19h 22m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: in vanilla red planning was... difficult

2d 19h 21m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 19h 19m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) is now level 13!

2d 19h 18m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) learned Flamethrower over Ember!

2d 19h 18m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B2F.

[R] A (Charizard) is now level 46!

2d 19h 18m [Bot] [B] We head into Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 19h 13m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has fainted!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: TehePelo

2d 19h 9m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Tower 6F.

2d 19h 8m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Tower 5F.

2d 19h 6m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Tower 6F.

2d 19h 6m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Tower 5F.

2d 19h 5m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Moon Stone!

2d 19h 4m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Tower 6F.

2d 19h 2m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM07 Horn Drill!

2d 18h 58m [B] We're in one of the Wild Rides right now.

2d 18h 55m [Bot] [B] Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 18h 55m [Bot] [B] In Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 18h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 18h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 18h 49m [Bot] [B] Rocket Game Corner.

2d 18h 48m [Bot] [R] We heal!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: 2 gens too early to dodge king digdigdig MingLee

2d 18h 44m [Bot] [B] Now in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 18h 42m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 18h 41m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Tower 5F.

2d 18h 40m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 20!

2d 18h 38m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

2d 18h 37m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: it's not even a matter of resolution, GB screens in x1 res are the size of pinball, it's the viewability of each component

2d 18h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

2d 18h 32m [Bot] [B] We heal!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: going past 2 games sounds like a recipe for an overloaded interface

2d 18h 31m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: Keepo

2d 18h 30m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: buying water stones in anarchy is the best way to get flareon MingLee

2d 18h 29m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon Mansion 1F.

2d 18h 29m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

2d 18h 22m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Tower 4F.

2d 18h 20m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Tower 3F.

2d 18h 19m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Tower 2F.

2d 18h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 1F.

[Streamer] SinR2014: is Lavender town singled out as Spoopy Music?

Chaos_lord2: @SinR2014 tracks are swapped 1-to-1

2d 18h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Lavender Town.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: NotLikeThis

2d 18h 16m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 7.

[R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted! BLACKED OUT!

[Snark] Threw away, used, same thing

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: NOT REDBAR PogChamp

2d 18h 15m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Super Potion!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: REDBAR NotLikeThis

2d 18h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in Saffron City.

2d 18h 11m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

2d 18h 9m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) fainted!

2d 18h 4m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) is now level 18!

2d 18h 2m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has fainted!

2d 18h 0m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

2d 18h 0m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 17h 59m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

2d 17h 58m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 17h 58m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

2d 17h 57m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

2d 17h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion House.

[R] We head into Pokémon Tower 5F.

2d 17h 56m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

2d 17h 56m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

2d 17h 55m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

2d 17h 51m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 24!

2d 17h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 17h 44m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) is now level 17!

2d 17h 44m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) has leveled up to 17!

2d 17h 42m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 19!

2d 17h 40m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 35!

2d 17h 39m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Tower 4F.

2d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

2d 17h 34m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

2d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 3F.

2d 17h 32m [Bot] [R] In Pokémon Tower 2F.

2d 17h 31m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pokémon Tower 3F.

2d 17h 29m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Tower 2F.

2d 17h 27m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

2d 17h 25m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

2d 17h 24m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 6.

2d 17h 23m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

2d 17h 22m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

2d 17h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 5.

2d 17h 19m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

2d 17h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 17h 17m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

2d 17h 13m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

2d 17h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean House.

2d 17h 12m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

2d 17h 9m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

2d 17h 8m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 17h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 17h 6m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 17h 0m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 16h 53m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Escape Rope!

2d 16h 45m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 18!

2d 16h 40m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

2d 16h 35m [Bot] [R] Now in Pokémon Tower 3F.

2d 16h 34m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Tower 3F.

2d 16h 33m [R] We beat our rival!

2d 16h 31m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

2d 16h 28m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 45!

2d 16h 25m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 16h 24m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

2d 16h 21m [Bot] [R] Vs XXWWNNᵖᵏ!

2d 16h 19m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 17! CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) learned Pay Day!

[R] We head into Pokémon Tower 2F.

2d 16h 18m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Tower 1F.

2d 16h 17m [Bot] [B] On Route 4.

2d 16h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 16h 16m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 16h 15m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 16h 14m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 16h 14m [Bot] [R] In Lavender Town.

2d 16h 13m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 16h 10m [Bot] [B] A (Arbok) has grown to level 23!

[Streamer] Camuth: It'd be hilarious hahaha

Chaos_lord2: @camuth the issue is it isn't anarchy friendly in that you can go to the menu and the way items work

2d 16h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

[Streamer] hornypastrypuff: Oh shit it actually pings the mods lol sry Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @hornypastrypuff i'll ask @camuth asba sidegame and intermission

2d 16h 3m [Bot] [R] We head into Lavender Pokémon Center.

2d 16h 3m [Bot] [R] We head into Lavender Town.

2d 15h 57m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 44!

2d 15h 55m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 15h 48m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has leveled up to 16!

2d 15h 47m [Bot] [B] On Route 4.

2d 15h 45m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

2d 15h 44m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 15h 43m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 15h 43m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

2d 15h 39m [Bot] [R] Route 8.

2d 15h 38m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

2d 15h 38m [Bot] [R] Saffron City Gate.

2d 15h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 8.

2d 15h 33m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 15h 31m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

2d 15h 27m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 15h 26m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron Pokémon Center.

2d 15h 24m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 15!

2d 15h 23m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 4.

2d 15h 21m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 15h 21m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 15h 20m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 15h 19m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

2d 15h 18m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City.

2d 15h 17m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

2d 15h 14m [Bot] [R] We head into Saffron City.

2d 15h 12m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Fresh Water! We head into Saffron City Gate.

2d 15h 11m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 15h 9m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 7.

2d 15h 6m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

2d 15h 5m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 1F.

2d 15h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 4.

2d 15h 3m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 2F.

2d 15h 2m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 3F.

2d 15h 1m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

[R] We head into Celadon Department Store 4F.

2d 15h 0m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 15h 0m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 4F.

2d 15h 0m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 14h 59m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 14h 57m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 14h 54m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 14h 54m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 14h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 14h 49m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 14h 47m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Fresh Water! Acquired 1 TM13 Ice Beam!

2d 14h 41m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 14!

2d 14h 37m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Hp Up!

2d 14h 34m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Fresh Water!

2d 14h 34m [Bot] [B] Route 4.

[R] Acquired 1 Fresh Water!

2d 14h 32m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

[R] Threw away 1 Poké Ball!

2d 14h 31m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 14h 30m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 14h 29m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

2d 14h 24m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 14h 23m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 14h 23m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 14h 22m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Department Store 4F.

2d 14h 20m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 3F.

2d 14h 19m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Department Store 2F.

2d 14h 18m [Bot] [R] Celadon Department Store 1F.

2d 14h 15m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 4.

2d 14h 14m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

2d 14h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 14h 13m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 14h 13m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon House.

2d 14h 11m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 14h 9m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

2d 14h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has leveled up to 13!

2d 13h 55m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

2d 13h 51m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has evolved into a Arbok!

2d 13h 51m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has grown to level 22!

[Streamer] KhalifaMane: Crit rate determined by speed TriHard

Chaos_lord2: @khalifamane high crit is *4, with crit rate tied to base speed

[Streamer] KhalifaMane: Does slash always crit in gen1? Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @khalifamane for fast mons, yes

2d 13h 42m [R] Dugtrio ravages Vileplume with a single critical Slash. Erika defeated!

2d 13h 41m [R] Vileplume takes a couple of tosses and poisons Pikachu before crushing it with Petal Dance. Pikachu down. Dugtrio in.

2d 13h 40m [R] Repeated Seismic Tosses defeat Tangela. Pikachu grew to level 25! Erika sends in Vileplume.

2d 13h 39m [R] Charizard continues to ignore orders as it reaches critical help. We give up on it and send in Pikachu.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: VoHiYo

[Fluff] The battle music for this fight is from Touhou. Not only is it incredibly great music, but it just fits so well.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: how many people got timed out for the touhoumon pasta Kappa

2d 13h 37m [R] Charizard woke up and then immediately went back to sleep. Tangela takes some free damage. 48/139 HP remaining.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: trumpets

2d 13h 36m [R] All those Critical Hits have made Charizard, as it decides to take a nap instead of fighting the Gym. Whatever gets rid of poison, I guess.

2d 13h 36m [R] Charizard tears apart Erika's Victreebel in one hit. Tangela sent in.

2d 13h 35m [R] Erika first attempt!

2d 13h 34m [R] Defeated the last trainer before Erika, a Beauty with a single Pokémon. Charizard grew to level 43!

2d 13h 33m [R] Defeated a Lass. Charizard is at about 50% HP.

2d 13h 32m [R] But along the way, Charizard ignored us a lot and lost some HP. 83/136 remaining.

2d 13h 32m [R] The Cooltrainer was defeated with three Slashes. All three were critical hits. That's impressive.

2d 13h 29m [R] Charizard grew to level 42!

2d 13h 29m [R] The tree in Celadon Gym has been cut down. We are immediately challenged by a female Cooltrainer.

2d 13h 26m [R] Charizard completely destroys a Beauty's four-Pokémon team in five turns. It decided to not obey on one turn and got poisoned.

2d 13h 24m [R] Dugtrio is sent in and makes quick work of the Lass's Bellsprout and Weepinbell. Lass defeated!

2d 13h 23m [B] Healed in Cerulean's Pokémon Center.

2d 13h 23m [R] The Lass effectively uses the same strategy on Spearow. Paralysis with Stun Spore, then a slow death with Wrap. Spearow is down.

2d 13h 21m [R] Spearow is sent in, and then tucked into bed with Sleep Powder.

2d 13h 20m [R] Nidoqueen is completely helpless against Bellsprout's Wrap and is knocked out.

2d 13h 19m [R] Lass's Bellsprout paralyzes Nidoqueen and starts to perma-Wrap us.

2d 13h 18m [R] Entered the Celadon Gym. A Lass tells us we're not allowed in here and throws a Bellsprout at us.

2d 13h 13m [B] Meowth has fainted to a wild Sandshrew.

2d 13h 9m [R] We cut the tree that leads to Celadon's Gym!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: gen 1 cut TriHard

2d 13h 3m [B] Moved into Route 4.

2d 13h 3m The riot screen came on for a split second for some reason. Nothing seems to be wrong with the stream or games, though.

2d 12h 58m [B] We went north to Cerulean City.

2d 12h 51m [B] We gave the gatekeeper a refreshing drink. Arrived in Saffron City!

2d 12h 46m [R] Healed at Celadon's Pokémon Center!

2d 12h 45m [R] [Snark] Stay out of Team Rocket's way!

2d 12h 45m [R] Used an Escape Rope to get the heck out of that dreaded hideout!

2d 12h 43m [R] Obtained a Super Potion.

2d 12h 38m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has grown to level 12! CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) learned Bite!

2d 12h 36m [R] Dugtrio takes out Giovanni's rhyhorn then digs again, taking out kangashkhan. Giovanni defeated attempt #2! Silph Scope get!

2d 12h 35m [R] Dux pecks onix, but it's not enough to defeat the rocky snake. Instead Dux faints and dugtrio comes out and takes out the onix in revenge. [B] Blue discovers an eevee in the wild and chooses to run

[Info] All of those were meant to be [R]

2d 12h 34m Dux up next. In true Runwun style, Red consults the Helix Fossil

[Fluff] Come on and Slam! And welcome to the Jam!

2d 12h 33m Pikachu brings the slam! But it's not enough as Pikachu faints! Onix is in the red though

[Snark] Electric type against rock/ground type! Excellent strats guys

2d 12h 31m Pikachu comes in

2d 12h 31m Nidoqueen faints!

2d 12h 30m [R] Red realises that Nidoqueen is outclassed and tries to flee

2d 12h 28m [R] Onix binds nioqueen then Giovanni starts boosting with a guard spec. Meanwhile, nidoqueen does scratch damage with tackle and rage

2d 12h 28m [R] Vs Giovanni round 2! Nidoqueen v Onix

2d 12h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 12h 25m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 12h 24m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

2d 12h 22m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) fainted!

2d 12h 19m [Bot] [R] Now in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 12h 18m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 12h 11m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) fainted!

2d 12h 7m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Potion!

2d 12h 2m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has grown to level 21!

2d 11h 55m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 11h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 7.

2d 11h 54m [Bot] [R] Now in Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 11h 49m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM07 Horn Drill!

2d 11h 40m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

2d 11h 38m [Bot] [R] In Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 11h 38m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 1F.

2d 11h 36m [Bot] [B] Now in Celadon Department Store Lift.

2d 11h 35m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM10 Double-Edge!

2d 11h 28m [Bot] [R] In Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 11h 22m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Fire Stone!

2d 11h 20m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Poké Doll!

[R] We head onto Rocket Game Corner.

2d 11h 18m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

2d 11h 17m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Leaf Stone!

2d 11h 17m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

2d 11h 16m [Bot] [R] Rocket Prize Corner.

2d 11h 12m Despite a valiant and nearly-successful attempt, Pikachu faints! Blacked out! RIP Game Corner Giovanni #1!

2d 11h 11m [R] Giovanni boosts his kangaskhan's stats. Dugtrio's attack misses and gets taken out! Only Pikachu left

2d 11h 11m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM08 Body Slam!

2d 11h 10m [R] Dugtrio vastly outlevels the foe, being 13 levels higher. Dugtrio grows to level 38!

2d 11h 9m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Doll!

2d 11h 8m [R] Onix faints, rhyhorn up next

2d 11h 7m [B] Blue is currently shopping, trying to buy 98 Pokedolls

2d 11h 6m [R] VS Giovanni! Dugtrio v Onix

2d 11h 6m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Leaf Stone!

[R] A (Charizard) has fainted!

2d 11h 5m [Bot] [B] Acquired 2 Fire Stone!

2d 11h 5m [Bot] [R] Vs GIOVANNI!

2d 11h 4m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Thunderstone!

2d 11h 1m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 41!

2d 10h 57m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 10h 54m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 4F.

2d 10h 53m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 10h 52m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Fresh Water!

[R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout Lift.

2d 10h 51m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 10h 50m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 10h 50m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon Department Store 4F.

2d 10h 48m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon Department Store 3F.

2d 10h 47m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 4F.

[R] Acquired 1 Moon Stone!

2d 10h 47m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 5F.

2d 10h 47m [Bot] [B] Celadon Department Store 4F.

2d 10h 46m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 3F.

2d 10h 44m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon Department Store 2F.

2d 10h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Department Store 1F.

2d 10h 29m [Bot] [R] Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 10h 28m [Bot] [R] In Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 10h 16m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 10h 15m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

2d 10h 15m [Bot] [R] Now in Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 10h 14m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 10h 14m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 10h 13m [Bot] [B] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 10h 11m [Bot] [R] Now in Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 10h 5m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

2d 10h 1m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Pp Up!

2d 9h 57m [Bot] [B] In Celadon City.

2d 9h 57m [Bot] [B] Celadon House.

2d 9h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 9h 44m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has grown to level 40!

2d 9h 41m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 9h 40m [B] Now Blue needs to get out of this tree box.

2d 9h 40m [Bot] [R] Now in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 9h 39m [Bot] [R] Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 9h 36m [B] Victreebel is felled by a single Psybeam. Erika sends out Tangela, and it takes a couple hits to defeat, bringing Alakazam to level 35. Erika sends out Vileplume, and it drops immediately. Erika defeated! Earned the Rainbow Badge and TM21 Mega Drain!

2d 9h 35m [B] Erika leads with Victreebel, us with our poisoned Alakazam.

2d 9h 35m [B] Vs. Gym Leader Erika!

2d 9h 33m [B] Vs. the third gym trainer in here. She only has an Exeggcute. Alakazam cracks the eggs in a couple hits.

2d 9h 31m [B] The trainer sends out an Oddish. Alakazam takes the difficult route and Digs it to death, taking on some poison damage this time. Alakazam to 34 as it swaps to Psybeam to defeat Gloom and end the battle.

2d 9h 29m [B] Alakazam takes out Gloom and the Ivysaur that comes next with Confusion, not taking any poison damage due to Gen I mechanics. Blue moves on to the next trainer

2d 9h 28m [B] We cut the tree into Erika's area and fight the first trainer in the square. Alakazam takes out Weepinbell, and then gets poisoned by Gloom!

2d 9h 19m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has fainted!

2d 9h 15m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

2d 9h 15m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 33!

2d 9h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoqueen) fainted!

2d 9h 10m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 9h 10m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 21!

[R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

2d 9h 9m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 9h 7m [Bot] [R] On Rocket Game Corner.

2d 9h 4m [Bot] [R] We heal! MLLLULVVSS (Nidorina) has evolved into a Nidoqueen! Threw away 1 Moon Stone!

2d 9h 0m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has fainted!

2d 8h 57m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has grown to level 20!

2d 8h 56m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

2d 8h 55m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 8h 54m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 8h 54m [Bot] [B] We head onto Celadon Gym.

2d 8h 51m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

2d 8h 50m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

2d 8h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 8h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rocket Game Corner.

2d 8h 46m [Bot] [R] In Rocket Hideout B1F.

2d 8h 44m [Bot] [R] Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] Now in Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 8h 41m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 8h 38m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 TM02 Razor Wind!

2d 8h 37m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Lift Key!

2d 8h 35m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has fainted!

2d 8h 33m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) learned Thunderbolt over Pound! Threw away 1 TM24 Thunderbolt!

2d 8h 30m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) fainted!

2d 8h 28m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) is now level 16!

2d 8h 20m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rocket Hideout B4F.

2d 8h 19m [Bot] [B] Celadon City.

2d 8h 18m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 8h 16m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 8h 15m [Bot] [B] We head into Celadon City.

2d 8h 14m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidorina) has fainted!

2d 8h 4m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 7.

2d 8h 3m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

2d 8h 3m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

2d 8h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

2d 8h 2m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Rare Candy!

2d 7h 59m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B3F.

2d 7h 57m [Bot] [R] We head into Rocket Hideout B2F.

2d 7h 55m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

2d 7h 55m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has evolved into a Nidorina!

2d 7h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

2d 7h 54m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has leveled up to 16!

2d 7h 53m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 8.

2d 7h 53m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

2d 7h 53m [Bot] [B] Route 8.

2d 7h 52m [Bot] [B] We head onto Underground Path.

2d 7h 49m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 32!

2d 7h 49m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Escape Rope!

2d 7h 34m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

2d 7h 33m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 7h 30m [Bot] [R] Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 7h 29m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

2d 7h 27m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 31!

[R] In Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 7h 27m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

[Snark] That was a confusing movelearn

[Info] The move order got changed.

2d 7h 24m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 7h 20m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Confusion over Teleport! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Teleport over Dig! VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Dig over Confusion!

2d 7h 19m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has fainted!

2d 7h 13m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 30!

2d 7h 13m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) is now level 14! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) learned Poison Sting!

2d 7h 10m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 7h 9m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) fainted!

2d 7h 7m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has leveled up to 19!

[R] On Route 7.

2d 7h 6m [Bot] [R] We head into Celadon City.

2d 7h 3m [Bot] [R] Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 7h 2m [Bot] [R] Celadon City.

2d 7h 1m [Bot] [B] Route 8.

2d 7h 1m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 7h 0m [Bot] [B] Lavender Town.

2d 6h 59m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 6h 59m [Bot] [B] Now in Lavender Pokémon Center.

2d 6h 58m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 6h 57m [Bot] [R] In Celadon City.

2d 6h 57m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Lavender Town.

2d 6h 55m [Bot] [B] Route 10.

2d 6h 54m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 6h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 6h 51m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

2d 6h 48m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

2d 6h 45m [Bot] [R] In Celadon Mansion 1F.

2d 6h 39m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

2d 6h 39m [Bot] [R] Route 7.

2d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 29!

2d 6h 37m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 6h 35m [Bot] [B] Now on Rock Tunnel.

2d 6h 33m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 17 Mankey! Nickname: WWE

2d 6h 32m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 28!

2d 6h 31m [Bot] [R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mankey.

2d 6h 30m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has fainted!

2d 6h 28m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

2d 6h 27m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

2d 6h 25m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rock Tunnel.

2d 6h 25m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Psybeam over Disable!

2d 6h 25m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 27!

2d 6h 9m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 26!

2d 6h 7m [Bot] [R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mankey.

2d 6h 6m [Bot] [R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mankey.

2d 6h 5m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rock Tunnel.

2d 6h 5m [Bot] [R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Mankey.

2d 6h 2m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 25!

2d 6h 0m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) fainted!

2d 5h 58m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

2d 5h 57m [Bot] [R] Now in Saffron City Gate.

2d 5h 44m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has leveled up to 24!

2d 5h 41m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) is now level 13!

2d 5h 41m [Bot] [B] We head onto Rock Tunnel.

2d 5h 38m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) fainted!

2d 5h 35m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 7.

2d 5h 27m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has grown to level 18!

2d 5h 26m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Celadon City.

2d 5h 24m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 5h 23m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon Pokémon Center.

2d 5h 23m [Bot] [R] Now in Celadon City.

2d 5h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rock Tunnel.

2d 5h 19m [Bot] [R] On Route 7.

2d 5h 18m [Bot] [R] Underground Path.

2d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 10.

2d 5h 17m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

2d 5h 16m [Bot] [R] On Underground Path.

2d 5h 13m [Bot] [R] Now on Underground Path.

2d 5h 13m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) has leveled up to 39!

2d 5h 6m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

2d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 37!

2d 5h 2m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 4h 57m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has fainted!

2d 4h 54m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Rock Tunnel.

2d 4h 46m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

2d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

2d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) is now level 16!

2d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has fainted!

2d 4h 41m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 38!

2d 4h 39m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) fainted!

2d 4h 33m [Bot] [B] Rock Tunnel.

2d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] We head onto Route 10.

2d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 4h 31m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has grown to level 15! HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) learned Fury Attack!

2d 4h 30m [Bot] [B] In Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

[Chat] is celebrating Blue getting past The LedgerTM

2d 4h 28m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 10.

[R] Route 8.

2d 4h 27m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 23!

2d 4h 27m [Bot] [R] Now in Lavender Town.

2d 4h 25m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 22!

2d 4h 25m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 4h 14m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Lavender Pokémon Center.

2d 4h 12m [Bot] [R] In Lavender Town.

2d 4h 5m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 10.

2d 4h 4m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) is now level 21!

2d 4h 0m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 TM30 Teleport!

2d 4h 0m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 20!

2d 3h 58m [Bot] [R] Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 58m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has fainted!

2d 3h 56m [Bot] [R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Geodude.

2d 3h 56m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

[R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Geodude.

2d 3h 52m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 19!

2d 3h 52m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) has fainted!

2d 3h 51m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 44m [Bot] [B] Route 9.

2d 3h 43m [Bot] [R] On Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 42m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

2d 3h 41m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean House.

2d 3h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 3h 32m [Bot] [R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Zubat.

2d 3h 27m [Bot] [R] On Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 26m [Bot] [R] Now on Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 25m [Bot] [R] We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Geodude.

2d 3h 21m [Bot] [B] On Route 9.

2d 3h 20m [Bot] [R] Caught a Lv. 18 Zubat! Nickname: UUU-,,..[

2d 3h 19m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

2d 3h 18m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean House.

2d 3h 16m [Bot] [R] Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 15m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 13m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

[R] We head onto Rock Tunnel.

2d 3h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 9.

2d 3h 11m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

2d 3h 10m [Bot] [B] Cerulean House.

2d 3h 7m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

2d 3h 6m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

2d 3h 5m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

2d 3h 3m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

2d 3h 3m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean House.

2d 3h 2m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

[R] Caught a Lv. 17 Geodude! Nickname: ppj We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Geodude.

2d 3h 1m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

2d 2h 59m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 2h 59m [Bot] [R] Now on Rock Tunnel.

2d 2h 58m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 2h 56m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] Arrived on Route 10.

2d 2h 55m [Bot] [R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

2d 2h 55m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 10.

2d 2h 55m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

2d 2h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

2d 2h 51m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Bicycle! Threw away 1 Bike Voucher!

2d 2h 49m [Bot] [B] On Cerulean Bike Shop.

2d 2h 45m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 2h 45m [Bot] [B] Route 9.

2d 2h 44m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

2d 2h 43m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 9.

2d 2h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 2h 39m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 36!

2d 2h 38m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 5.

2d 2h 37m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

2d 2h 36m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

2d 2h 36m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Underground Path.

2d 2h 35m [Bot] [R] Now on Rock Tunnel.

2d 2h 35m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) fainted!

2d 2h 27m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

2d 2h 24m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

2d 2h 22m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

[R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) learned Slash over Scratch!

2d 2h 22m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

2d 2h 21m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) has leveled up to 35!

2d 2h 21m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

2d 2h 20m [Bot] [B] We head into Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

2d 2h 19m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

2d 2h 18m [Bot] [B] Now in Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

2d 2h 18m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

2d 2h 18m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rock Tunnel.

2d 2h 17m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

2d 2h 16m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

2d 2h 15m [Bot] [R] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has fainted!

2d 2h 14m [Bot] [B] Acquired 1 Bike Voucher!

2d 2h 12m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Fan Club (Vermilion City).

2d 2h 11m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

2d 2h 9m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Fan Club (Vermilion City).

2d 2h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

2d 2h 6m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion House.

2d 2h 5m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

2d 2h 5m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) fainted!

2d 2h 3m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion House.

2d 2h 1m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

2d 2h 1m [Bot] [B] House with Pidgey (Vermilion City).

2d 2h 0m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

2d 1h 58m [Bot] [B] Now in House with Pidgey (Vermilion City).

2d 1h 58m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

2d 1h 57m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 6.

2d 1h 56m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

2d 1h 56m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 1h 55m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

2d 1h 54m [Bot] [R] A (Charizard) is now level 37! A (Charizard) has fainted!

2d 1h 53m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

2d 1h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion House.

[Info] [B] We also received a TM for Thunderbolt. It's two steps forward, one step back with this bot...

2d 1h 46m [Bot] [R] A (Charmeleon) has evolved into a Charizard!

2d 1h 46m [Bot] [R] A (Charmeleon) has grown to level 37!

2d 1h 44m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

2d 1h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Rock Tunnel.

2d 1h 43m [Bot] [B] Received the Thunder Badge!

2d 1h 43m [Bot] [B] UUUVVX;:UL (Venusaur) has grown to level 34!

2d 1h 41m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

2d 1h 40m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) fainted!

2d 1h 39m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) is now level 15!

2d 1h 37m [Bot] [R] <b>Caught a Lv. 16 Zubat!</b> Nickname: ?? We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Zubat.

2d 1h 36m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

2d 1h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs LT.SURGE!

2d 1h 20m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rock Tunnel.

2d 1h 19m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) is now level 18!

2d 1h 17m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

2d 1h 10m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Disable!

2d 1h 9m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) has grown to level 20!

2d 1h 7m [Bot] [B] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has leveled up to 14!

2d 1h 6m [Bot] [B] A (Ekans) fainted!

2d 1h 6m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) fainted!

2d 1h 5m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: welcome to all the new followers this run

2d 0h 56m [Bot] [R] <b>Caught a Lv. 17 Zubat!</b> Nickname: C-×-???KT We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Zubat.

2d 0h 53m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has fainted!

2d 0h 49m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) learned Dig! Threw away 1 TM28 Dig!

2d 0h 48m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 TM11 Bubblebeam!

2d 0h 45m [Bot] [R] Rock Tunnel.

2d 0h 45m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 10.

2d 0h 44m [Bot] [R] We head onto Rock Tunnel.

2d 0h 43m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

2d 0h 39m [Bot] [R] On Route 10.

2d 0h 39m [Bot] [R] We heal!

2d 0h 38m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

2d 0h 31m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 10.

2d 0h 27m [Bot] [R] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has fainted!

2d 0h 25m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Vermilion City.

2d 0h 24m [Bot] [B] We heal!

2d 0h 23m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

2d 0h 19m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

2d 0h 17m [Bot] [R] <b>Caught a Lv. 18 Zubat!</b> Nickname: ((KKLL))) We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Zubat.

2d 0h 16m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

2d 0h 15m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

2d 0h 14m [Bot] [B] We head onto Underground Path.

2d 0h 14m [Bot] [R] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has fainted!

2d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] On Underground Path.

2d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

2d 0h 13m [Bot] [B] Underground Path.

2d 0h 11m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

2d 0h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Saffron City Gate.

2d 0h 10m [Bot] [R] Rock Tunnel.

2d 0h 9m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 5.

2d 0h 7m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

2d 0h 7m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 9.

2d 0h 6m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

2d 0h 5m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

2d 0h 2m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

2d 0h 2m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

2d 0h 0m [Bot] [R] On Route 10.

2d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

1d 23h 59m [Bot] [B] We head onto Cerulean Bike Shop.

1d 23h 58m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

1d 23h 57m [Bot] [R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 23h 41m [Bot] [B] <b>Caught a Lv. 13 Paras!</b> Nickname: DDDDDDDMMM

[R] <b>Caught a Lv. 24 Pikachu!</b> Nickname: QPPQQRRQPj

1d 23h 34m [Bot] [B] <b>Caught a Lv. 34 Dugtrio!</b> Nickname: DDDDDDDDDD

[R] <b>Caught a Lv. 11 Meowth!</b> Nickname: CCLLUU)))♀

1d 23h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Trade Center.

1d 23h 16m [Bot] [R] Now in Trade Center.

1d 23h 16m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] Arrived in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Trade Center.

[R] Trade Center.

1d 23h 12m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 23h 8m [Bot] [B] In Trade Center.

[R] Now in Trade Center.

1d 23h 8m [Bot] [R] We head into Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 23h 3m [Bot] [B] Now in Trade Center.

[R] Arrived in Trade Center.

1d 22h 56m [Bot] [R] We head into Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 54m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 10.

1d 22h 54m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 53m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

1d 22h 52m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean House.

1d 22h 51m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

1d 22h 50m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean House.

[R] We head into Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 49m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

1d 22h 47m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean House.

1d 22h 46m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 10.

1d 22h 44m [Bot] [B] Cerulean City.

1d 22h 35m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 34m [Bot] [B] We head into Trade Center.

[R] In Trade Center.

1d 22h 32m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] We head into Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 24m [Bot] [B] Now in Trade Center.

[R] Arrived in Trade Center.

1d 22h 20m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 19m [Bot] [B] We head into Trade Center.

[R] We head into Trade Center.

1d 22h 19m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] In Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 18m [Bot] [B] In Trade Center.

[R] In Trade Center.

1d 22h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 22h 13m [Bot] [B] Now in Trade Center.

[R] Arrived in Trade Center.

1d 21h 53m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] Arrived in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 50m [Bot] [B] Trade Center.

[R] Trade Center.

1d 21h 49m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 48m [Bot] [B] Now in Trade Center.

[R] Now in Trade Center.

1d 21h 43m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[R] In Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

[Streamer] Japrno: Is this from touhou?

Chaos_lord2: @Japrno yes

1d 21h 40m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 39m [Bot] [R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Trade Center.

[R] Trade Center.

1d 21h 32m We reset out of the trade center!

1d 21h 32m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 27m [Bot] [B] We head into Trade Center.

[R] Trade Center.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: no I didn't LUL

1d 21h 24m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 18m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

1d 21h 18m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean Pokémon Center.

[Correction] We almost deposited a Pokémon.

1d 21h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

1d 21h 16m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean House.

1d 21h 15m [R] Red danced around the PC and almost released a Pokémon.

1d 21h 14m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

1d 21h 14m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean House.

1d 21h 13m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

1d 21h 10m [Bot] [R] Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 5m [Bot] [R] On Route 10.

1d 21h 4m [Bot] [B] On Route 4.

1d 21h 2m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

1d 20h 54m [Bot] [R] On Rock Tunnel.

1d 20h 42m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has grown to level 24!

1d 20h 32m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has fainted!

1d 20h 28m [Bot] [R] Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 20h 28m [Bot] [R] Route 10.

[Streamer] Zc230: I like a honest troll, someone lying like that is terrible

Chaos_lord2: @Zc230 I was meming, being a troll still isn't banworthy

1d 20h 26m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 17!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: Kappa

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: why should guzzlord be banned? isn't it stuck in NU?

1d 20h 18m [Bot] [R] We head into Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 20h 18m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 16!

1d 20h 14m [Bot] [R] On Route 10.

1d 20h 9m [Bot] [R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 20h 9m [Bot] [B] OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has leveled up to 15!

1d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] Route 10.

1d 20h 4m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Alakazam) fainted!

1d 20h 1m [Bot] [R] Now in Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.

1d 19h 56m [Bot] [R] <b>Caught a Lv. 17 Onix!</b> Nickname: NLK We change the nickname of MD--×))!!! (Geodude) to MD--×))!!!. We change the nickname of ××××× (Zubat) to ×××××. We change the nickname of ᵐᶰSSS( (Geodude) to ᵐᶰSSS(. We toss a Poké Ball at a wild Onix.

1d 19h 49m [B] Still grinding on Route 24.

1d 19h 44m [R] Caught a Lv. 17 Onix! Nickname: BKKKKKKTTTT

1d 19h 41m [R] "You missed the Pokémon!" Haven't seen that in years.

[Fluff] That's the last time I tab for a minute out to look at Discord.

1d 19h 37m [R] Oh, we were a trainer battle vs. Hiker. That's probably why. Hiker defeated!

1d 19h 34m [R] Dugtrio goes down somehow, must've missed it.

1d 19h 32m [B] Alakazam grew to Lv. 19!

1d 19h 26m [R] Cubone goes down. PokéManiac is defeated!

1d 19h 24m [R] Challenged by PokéManiac. Charmander goes down to Dugtrio easily.

1d 19h 21m [B] Or not. Kappa.

1d 19h 20m [B] Out of the grinding area, heading south on Nugget Bridge.

1d 19h 16m [R] Caught a Lv. 16 Geodude! Nickname: MNSSS(

1d 19h 15m [B] Alakazam grows to Lv. 18!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: unless you throw messages into the 1 second filter anyway

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: that way it's not an issue anymore

1d 19h 13m [R] We take out Oddish and Bulbasaur easily. Jr. Trainer♀ defeated!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: :thinking: i wonder if i could instead have modbot TO for 30 seconds 1 message before a global would happen

1d 19h 12m [R] We are challenged by Jr. Trainer♀.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: forgot to enable anti-global mode

1d 19h 9m [R] We finally defeat the PokéManiac.

1d 19h 8m [B] Alakazam grows to Lv. 17!

1d 19h 6m [B] We switch Alakazam's move order. Confusion is now in Slot 1, Teleport in Slot 2.

[Streamer] Soysauce06: Alakazam right?

Chaos_lord2: @soysauce06 no it's on the left Kappa

1d 19h 6m [B] We move the Dome Fossil towards the bottom of the item list.

1d 19h 2m [B] Farfetch'd goes down to a wild Pidgey's Gust.

1d 18h 59m [R] Challenged by PokéManiac. Slowpoke vs. Dugtrio!

1d 18h 58m [B] Meowth goes down almost instantly afterwards.

1d 18h 58m [B] Just as I post that, Ekans goes down!

[Snark] [B] Oh god, please just faint alreadddyyyy... THE BEEEPS

1d 18h 56m [R] Caught a Lv. 16 Zubat! Nickname: xxxxx

1d 18h 51m [B] Ekans grew to Lv. 17 still at 1HP. Skipped learning Bite.

[Snark] Wish I could say the same for my ears.


1d 18h 47m [B] Ekans has been on 1HP for a good long time now, but is still hanging on in there.

1d 18h 45m [R] Entered Pokémon Centre. Pokémon Healed

1d 18h 44m [R] We use Dig and escape again. Back on Route 9.

1d 18h 40m [R] A wild Machop scores a critical Karate Chop. Nidoran♀ goes down!

1d 18h 37m [B] Still grinding on Route 24. Ekans grew to Lv. 16!

1d 18h 34m [R] Re-entered Rock Tunnel.

1d 18h 31m [R] We use Dig and escape Rock Tunnel.

1d 18h 25m [B] Ekans grows to Lv. 15!

1d 18h 23m [R] Charmeleon almost evolved, but was cancelled.

1d 18h 23m [R] We take out Slowpoke with Charmeleon. PokéManiac is defeated! Charmeleon grows to Lv. 36!

[Fluff] Love this music so much ❤️

1d 18h 21m [R] We switch to Paras and Slowpoke uses Confusion. Paras down!

1d 18h 19m [R] Cubone takes Dugtrio into the red, but is defeated. Slowpoke uses Headbutt, Dugtrio down.

[B] Ekans grows to Lv. 14!

1d 18h 16m [R] In the dark, we challenge PokéManiac with Colosseum music!

1d 18h 15m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDDDD (Dugtrio) is now level 34!

1d 17h 58m [Bot] [R] On Rock Tunnel.

1d 17h 57m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefable) has grown to level 14!

1d 17h 56m We caught a Geodude about 6 minutes ago. I'm trying to figure out why the Bot is ignoring its most important job.

1d 17h 55m [Bot] [R] Route 10.

1d 17h 51m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 24.

1d 17h 50m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Poké Ball!

1d 17h 44m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) learned Seismic Toss over Thundershock! Threw away 1 TM19 Seismic Toss!

1d 17h 43m [Bot] [R] Rock Tunnel.

1d 17h 41m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) has leveled up to 13! DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) learned Stun Spore!

1d 17h 39m [Bot] [B] We heal! OOXXXXXWVT (Clefairy) has evolved into a Clefable! Threw away 1 Moon Stone!

1d 17h 34m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 10.

1d 17h 34m [R] healed and checkpoint

1d 17h 32m [R] Beat the ledge and made it to Route 10

1d 17h 26m Venusaur to 33

1d 17h 15m 1d 17h 15m [R] Beat the rest of the trainers of Route 9 that are before the ledge

1d 17h 3m [B] We go to Route 9's Cut tree but then we se Teleport to go back to the city instead of cutting

1d 16h 56m [R] We fall down the ledge again feelsbad

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: route 9ball strikes again

1d 16h 54m Ivysaur levels up to 32 and Evolves to VEnusaur!

1d 16h 49m [R] Dugtrio faints

1d 16h 47m [R] Beat the Ledge again!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: get confusion in slot 1, ????, zamsweeps

1d 16h 45m [B] Whiteout against a Hiker

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: oh hey it shows images of the badge now? cool

1d 16h 36m [B] Beat the Lass with Alakazam's Confusion

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: redbar NotLikeThis

[Streamer] the2ndlongestunderscore: @Chaos_lord2 good to know

Chaos_lord2: @the2ndlongestunderscore protip: people with the green sword icons next to thier name are mods

[Streamer] the2ndlongestunderscore: re-

Chaos_lord2: @the2ndlongestunderscore I'm the effective boss, so yes I count as a mod

1d 16h 33m [B] Still fighing the Lass, Pikachu and Meowth are down

1d 16h 33m [R] After the battle on red's side people spammed down and we fell, i guess we let our guard down

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: i only pushed it for them to work on, but there was a bugfix and stuff

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: unless M4 has been busy and pushed an update for it it doesn't actually work yet

1d 16h 31m [B] Ekans to lvl 13

[Streamer] Its_Reyn_Time: @chaos_lord2 the song feature? Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @Its_Reyn_Time yh that

1d 16h 31m [R] Beat The Ledge Easily, i'm guessing most people were distracted on the battle in blue

[Streamer] Keksbaer: @Chaos_lord2 Hello BegWan

Chaos_lord2: @Keksbaer KonCha

[Streamer] TheDemonHead: What the heck is party fitness

Chaos_lord2: @TheDemonHead rough calculation of power

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: OK, I noticed 3 people found the broken undocumented feature i was talking about earlier

1d 16h 29m [R] Back to our good old friend The Ledge™

1d 16h 21m [R] We pick up TM Teleport

1d 16h 20m [R] We beat a Hiker but Dugtrio at red hp after beating an Onix by Scratching

1d 16h 20m [B] Finally cut the bush

1d 16h 8m [R] Dugtrio to level 33 after taking out a Pokémon from a Lass

1d 16h 5m [R] Cut the bush, now properly inside Route 9

1d 15h 51m [B] So is Blue except she's already in Route 9 but in front of the cut bush

1d 15h 51m [R] In Route 5 heading for The Ledge™

1d 15h 47m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

[Info] Red still grinding in Route 6, Blue still in Cerulean

1d 15h 23m [B] Was about to head for the ledge but we use Dig and go back to the Center

1d 15h 16m [R] Beat a trainer in Route 11

1d 15h 14m [B] Left route 4 and went to Cerulean City

1d 15h 9m [R] We buy 5 Poké Balls

1d 14h 59m [R] We toss TM45 Twave

1d 14h 56m [Bot] [R] In House with Pidgey (Vermilion City).

1d 14h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 4.

1d 14h 51m [Bot] [R] We head into Vermilion City.

1d 14h 49m [Bot] [R] We head into Vermilion City.

1d 14h 45m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean Pokémon Center.

1d 14h 44m [Bot] [B] We head into Cerulean City.

1d 14h 44m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean House.

1d 14h 41m [Bot] [R] We head into Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 14h 41m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

1d 14h 40m [Bot] [B] We heal!

1d 14h 40m [Bot] [B] Cerulean Pokémon Center.

1d 14h 38m [Bot] [B] In Cerulean City.

1d 14h 36m [Bot] [B] On Cerulean Gym.

1d 14h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Cerulean City.

1d 14h 30m [Bot] [B] Route 5.

1d 14h 30m [Bot] [B] Now on Underground Path.

1d 14h 23m [B] Caught a Pidgey

1d 14h 17m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Antidote!

1d 14h 4m Both are now in Route 6

1d 13h 53m Both back inside center

1d 13h 38m Red left the center

1d 13h 26m Reset again

1d 13h 24m Back inside trade place

1d 13h 23m Unlinked

[Info] Reset happened

[Info] Went out of the trade machine so we need to go back on it but some people are preventing that

1d 12h 57m Nothing happened since the last trade

1d 12h 42m Red gives Blue Alakazam but get Charmeleon....

[Fluff] M4 put Katamari on so we can hurry up and finish trading (People want to give Alakazam back to blue for anything that isn't Charmeleon or Pikachu)

1d 12h 22m Red gives Blue Meowth and gets Nidoran♀

1d 12h 14m Finally both on the trade machine

1d 12h 6m [R+B] Game restarted! Link quickly re-established!

1d 11h 54m [R+B] The link goes through. Blue takes her spot while Red wanders off.

1d 11h 52m [R+B] The link goes through and the games are immediately reset.

1d 11h 51m [R+B] The link goes through and the games are immediately reset.

1d 11h 47m [R] Red is back in the Center.

1d 11h 43m [R] Red is now outside of the center.

1d 11h 32m [R+B] Reconnected and then reset again.

1d 11h 29m [R] Red heals.

1d 11h 29m [B] Blue talks to the Cable Club attendant while [R] Red uses the PC.

[Info] Current teams: [B] Nidoran, Charmeleon, (Red's) Clefairy, (Red's) Farfetch'd, (Red's) Ekans, Pikachu; [R] Dugtrio, Ivysaur, Paras, (Blue's) Meowth, (Blue's) Alakazam, (Blue's) Spearow

1d 11h 25m [R+B] Game reset!

1d 11h 24m [R+B] Screen closed.

1d 11h 14m [R+B] Screen closed and reopened again.

1d 11h 4m [R+B] The trade screen is briefly closed after a series of canceled almost-trades, and then gets immediately opened up again.

[Streamer] Filipetales45: gbc support gba audio?!

Chaos_lord2: @filipetales45 it's hooked up to an external music player

1d 10h 41m [R+B] In the screen once more.

1d 10h 29m Exited the trade screen.

[Info] Current status is: Blue's {Meowth, Alakazam, Spearow} to Red, and Red's {Clefairy, Farfetch'd, Ekans} to Blue.

1d 9h 58m [R+B] Traded Blue's Spearow to put Pikachu back in Blue.

1d 9h 54m [R+B] Back in the trade screen.

1d 9h 48m [R+B] Exited the trade screen, but Red immediately locked back in. Blue is reluctant towards the chance of getting her Alakazam back.

1d 9h 45m [R] Kadabra has evolved into Alakazam!

1d 9h 44m [R+B] Traded Blue's Kadabra for Red's Ekans! There's the meat

1d 9h 43m [R+B] Traded Blue's Pikachu for Red's Farfetch'd!

1d 9h 37m [R+B] Traded Blue's Meowth for Red's Clefariy!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: DarkMode

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: @kekyes, bkModeut I wont Dar

1d 9h 26m [R+B] Connection achieved! Trade screen entered!

[Fluff] We have now seen 152 Pokémon apparently.

1d 9h 24m Both games got into the cable club again, but Blue side hit reset again. At least this time it actually restarted instead of crashing.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: lb#

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: lb#

[Streamer] mudlord: hey, isn't this jubilife city music?

Chaos_lord2: @mudlord prism has alot of gen 4 demakes

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: lb#

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: it got pulled early by accident as an unexpected bug fix was needed

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: BTW, if anyone finds an undocumented feature, it doesn't work as advertised yet and is a waste of tokens

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: on it

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: .... fuck

1d 9h 11m We are back!

1d 9h 10m The overlay is back with blank game screens.

1d 9h 9m The riot screen is up. That's a difference, anyway.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: on it

[Fluff] Uh, sure.

1d 8h 59m [Bot] [B] <b>Caught a Lv. 255 !</b> Nickname: 9 999999999 <b>Caught a Lv. 25 Caterpie!</b> Nickname:   A <b>Caught a Lv. 255 !</b> Nickname: 99999999999 <b>Caught a Lv. 255 !</b> Nickname: 9999989♂999 <b>Caught a Lv. 255 !</b> Nickname:   Q <b>Caught a Lv. 255 !</b> Nickname:   <b>Caught a Lv. 255 !</b> Nickname:   <b>Caught a Lv. 255 !</b> Nickname: 99999999'v99

[Info] We have alerted staff to the current sitation, but nobody is available at this time. Please hold

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Snark] Return of the attack helicopter!

1d 8h 7m And the games crash! Hooray!

[Fluff] Red: !

[Info] This is the trade club, by the way.

1d 7h 55m [R] Red has taken his spot and is waiting for his counterpart. [B] Blue is inspecting the walls.

1d 7h 54m [R+B] Both sides seem to be a bit too restless to take their respective seats. It's exciting stuff.

1d 7h 53m [R+B] Connection achieved!

1d 7h 52m [R+B] Both sides are in the Pokémon Center by the Cable Club lady.

1d 7h 51m [Bot] [R] Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 7h 48m [B] is in the Vermilion City Pokécenter while [R] wanders around outside

1d 7h 43m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

[Info] [B] Charmeleon is poisoned

1d 7h 41m [R] Red leaves the gym. The tree has regrown

1d 7h 39m [B] Abra grew to level 16 and evolves into Kadabra! Learns confusion!

1d 7h 38m [B] Blue continues grinding [R] Red tries digging his way out of the gym with little success

1d 7h 36m [R] Dugtrio OHKOs Raichu! Lt Surge defeated first try! Thunder badge earnt!

1d 7h 35m [R] Dugtrio quickly deals with Surge's voltorb and grows to level 32! Pikachu up next and Dugtrio digs for a OHKO

1d 7h 35m Versus Lt Surge, attempt #1!

[Info] [B] We appear to be grinding Abra

1d 7h 11m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Abra) has grown to level 15!

1d 7h 7m [B] Blue is currently crawling through the long grass of Route 6 [R] Red is trying to figure out the solution to Lt Surge's gym puzzle

1d 7h 5m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

1d 7h 2m [Bot] [B] On Route 6.

1d 7h 0m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

1d 6h 48m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Pokémon Gym (Vermilion City).

1d 6h 43m [Bot] [R] In Vermilion City.

1d 6h 43m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 11.

1d 6h 43m [Bot] [R] Diglett's Cave.

1d 6h 42m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

1d 6h 38m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

1d 6h 37m [Bot] [B] We heal!

1d 6h 37m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 6h 36m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

1d 6h 36m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

1d 6h 36m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

1d 6h 32m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

1d 6h 31m [Bot] [R] Route 2 House.

1d 6h 28m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

1d 6h 23m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) has leveled up to 35!

1d 6h 14m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

1d 6h 13m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 Gate.

1d 6h 12m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

1d 6h 12m [Bot] [R] Route 2 Gate.

1d 6h 0m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Hp Up!

1d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Moon Stone!

1d 5h 56m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

1d 5h 55m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2 Gate.

1d 5h 54m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

1d 5h 50m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 6.

1d 5h 49m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

1d 5h 48m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 House.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: did they ever finish building in that spot in the later games?

1d 5h 44m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: lots of new followers during this run, welcome!

1d 5h 44m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 House.

1d 5h 43m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

1d 5h 42m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

[R] A (Ekans) learned Body Slam! Threw away 1 TM08 Body Slam!

1d 5h 40m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

1d 5h 40m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Poké Ball! Now in Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 5h 35m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

1d 5h 32m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion House.

1d 5h 30m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) learned Cut!

1d 5h 30m [Bot] [R] UUUVVX;:UL (Ivysaur) learned Cut over Razor Leaf!

1d 5h 29m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion City.

1d 5h 29m [Bot] [B] Now in Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 5h 28m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Super Potion!

1d 5h 23m [Bot] [B] On Route 11.

1d 5h 23m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

1d 5h 22m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2 House.

[Info] No bot, that was a black out

1d 5h 20m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion City.

1d 5h 19m [Bot] [B] We heal! Now in Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 5h 19m [Bot] [B] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has fainted!

1d 5h 15m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) fainted!

1d 5h 14m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

1d 5h 13m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) has leveled up to 34!

1d 5h 11m [Bot] [R] Route 2.

1d 5h 11m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 House.

1d 5h 10m [Bot] [B] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has grown two levels to level 12!

1d 5h 7m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Abra) fainted!

1d 5h 6m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

1d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2.

1d 5h 6m [Bot] [R] On Route 2 House.

1d 5h 5m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #8!

1d 5h 3m [Bot] [B] We head into S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 5h 2m [Bot] [B] Now in S.S. Anne 3F.

1d 5h 2m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 5h 0m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 4h 59m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

1d 4h 56m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

[R] Arrived on Route 2 House.

1d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

1d 4h 56m [Bot] [R] On Route 2 House.

1d 4h 55m [Bot] [B] Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 4h 55m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

1d 4h 54m [Bot] [B] In Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 4h 54m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted! BLACK OUT...

1d 4h 53m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Abra) has fainted!

1d 4h 52m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

1d 4h 49m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) fainted!

1d 4h 48m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Rare Candy!

1d 4h 47m [Bot] [R] DUX (Farfetch'd) has grown to level 12!

1d 4h 47m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) is now level 11!

1d 4h 46m [Bot] [B] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) fainted!

1d 4h 45m [Bot] [B] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has fainted!

1d 4h 44m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

1d 4h 43m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has leveled up to 22!

1d 4h 42m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #7!

1d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 3F.

1d 4h 41m [Bot] [B] Now in S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 4h 40m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 2 House.

1d 4h 39m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 4h 39m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

1d 4h 34m [Bot] [R] On Route 2.

1d 4h 34m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2 House.

1d 4h 33m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Abra) has fainted! We BLACK OUT!

1d 4h 33m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

1d 4h 32m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) has fainted!

1d 4h 32m [B] Paras sent out. Paras faints. Ekans sent out. Ekans faints. Dux sent out. Dux faints. Dugtrio sent out

1d 4h 31m [B] Ivysaur faints

1d 4h 31m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Abra) has grown two levels to level 14!

[R] Route 2.

1d 4h 31m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2 House.

1d 4h 30m [B] Charmeleon comes in and starts with the embers

1d 4h 30m [Bot] [B] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has fainted!

1d 4h 30m [B] Nidoran swapped in

1d 4h 29m [B] Abra is currently dying a slow leechful death, with only Teleport to use

1d 4h 28m [B] Abra in

1d 4h 28m [Bot] [B] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

1d 4h 27m [B] Spearow in and gets seeded. She responds with a few pecks

1d 4h 26m [B] Abra in

1d 4h 25m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) has fainted!

1d 4h 25m [B] Pikachu v Clefairy. 2 thunderbolts later and clefairy is down. Ivysaur up next, Meowth sent in

1d 4h 24m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #6!

1d 4h 23m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

1d 4h 23m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 4h 23m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 3F.

1d 4h 22m [Bot] [B] Now in S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 4h 21m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2 House.

1d 4h 21m [Bot] [R] Arrived on Route 2.

1d 4h 20m [Bot] [R] On Route 2 House.

1d 4h 18m [Bot] [R] Threw away 1 Max Ether!

1d 4h 17m [Bot] [R] Route 2 House.

1d 4h 16m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 4h 15m [Bot] [B] We head into S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 4h 14m [Bot] [R] We head onto Route 2.

1d 4h 14m [Bot] [B] Now in S.S. Anne 1F.

[R] On Route 2 House.

1d 4h 13m [Bot] [B] We head into Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

1d 4h 7m [B] Blue is out of useable Pokémon! Blue blacked out! RIP attempt #5

1d 4h 7m [R] Red digs around in his bag

1d 4h 6m [B] Pikachu comes in. Dugtrio digs. Pikachu faints!

1d 4h 6m [B] Meowth comes in....Meowth faints!

1d 4h 5m [B] Abra faints!

1d 4h 4m [B] Abra comes in, but with only Teleport won't be able to do much

1d 4h 4m [R] Meanwhile, Red rearranges his party

1d 4h 3m [B] Pikachu sent in to deliver a thundershock or two. Ekans faints and Dux comes out. Charmeleon comes out and OHKO's DUX. Only Dugtrio left, who digs then takes out charmeleon

1d 4h 2m [B] Charmeleon takes out ivysaur. Parasect replaces him, who is OHKO'd. Charmeleon grew to level 33, learnt Slash over Rage! Ekans up next

1d 4h 1m [B] Charmeleon comes in and uses ember

1d 4h 0m [B] Nidoran faints!

1d 3h 59m Spearow faints! Nidoran in

1d 3h 59m [B] Clefairy faints to a peck. Spearow v Ivysaur

1d 3h 58m [B] Blue is stuck in the bag. [R] Red returns to the Route 2 house

1d 3h 57m [B] Spearow is swapped in to leer at the clefairy, who growls in a battle of smogon strats

1d 3h 56m [B] Pikachu keeps trying to use thunder wave, giving clefairy free pound opportunities

1d 3h 55m [b] Pikachu starts off witha quick attack or two against the clefairy, before paralysing the fairy with thunderwave. Clefairy manages to get a Sing off however and starts pounding, though Pikachu wakes up. [R] Red leaves the Route 2 house

1d 3h 55m VS Rival Red! Attempt #5!

1d 3h 53m [Bot] [B] We head into S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 3h 53m [Bot] [B] Now in S.S. Anne 3F.

1d 3h 52m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 3h 51m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 51m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 2F.

[R] Arrived on Route 2 House.

1d 3h 50m [Bot] [B] We head into S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 50m [Bot] [B] In Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

[Correction] More like, we Blacked out.

1d 3h 46m [Bot] [B] We heal! Arrived in Vermilion City.

1d 3h 45m [Bot] [B] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) fainted!

1d 3h 43m [Bot] [B] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) fainted!

1d 3h 42m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) has fainted!

1d 3h 39m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

1d 3h 37m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has fainted!

1d 3h 36m [Bot] [B] Vs (((! Attempt #4!

1d 3h 35m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 2F.

[R] Route 2.

1d 3h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 3F.

1d 3h 34m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 3h 33m [Bot] [R] On Route 2 House.

1d 3h 32m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 30m [Bot] [R] DDDDDDDMMM (Paras) learned Dig! Threw away 1 TM28 Dig!

1d 3h 28m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 27m [Bot] [B] We head into S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 24m [Bot] [R] Route 2.

1d 3h 22m [B] Abra faints! Blacked out! RIP rival attempt #3?

1d 3h 22m [R] Meanwhile Red is still stuck at the tree

1d 3h 20m [B] Dugtrio comes out, digs and knocks out Charmeleon! Only abra remains, and as she only knows teleport it's a guaranteed black out!

1d 3h 19m [B] Charmeleon's rage overpowers ivysaur. Paras next, who falls to a single rage, swiftly followed by Ekans and Dux

1d 3h 18m [B] Charmeleon gets seeded and flies into a rage, taking a razor leaf and returning the favour

1d 3h 18m [R] Meanwhile Red struggles with a tree

1d 3h 17m [B] Ivysaur comes out next and OHKOs Nidoran! Charmeleon replaces her

1d 3h 16m [B] Charmelon swapped in and he starts raging. Clefairy defeated. Nidoran to level 10!

1d 3h 16m [B] Abra can only use Teleport, so Blue tries fleeing with no success. Teleport fails and clefairy pounds

1d 3h 14m [B] Clefairy's sleep hax claim another victim! Spearow faints! Abra up next

1d 3h 14m [R] Wandering around the Pewter side of Diglett tunnel

1d 3h 12m [B] Pikachu gets a shot in but gets put to sleep. Sleep hax keep him down for a few turns before Pikachu faints! Nidoran comes out, then is replaced by Spearow, who gets put to sleep as well

[Info] Vs Rival ((( actually

1d 3h 12m [Bot] [B] Vs undefined (((!

1d 3h 11m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

1d 3h 10m [Bot] [B] Arrived in S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 3h 10m [Bot] [B] In S.S. Anne 3F.

1d 3h 9m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 2F.

1d 3h 8m [Bot] [B] We head into S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 7m [Bot] [B] Now in S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 7m [Bot] [B] S.S. Anne 1F.

1d 3h 6m [Bot] [B] Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

1d 3h 5m [Bot] [B] Vermilion City.

1d 3h 4m [Bot] [B] CCLLUU)))♀ (Meowth) fainted!

1d 3h 1m [Bot] [B] Threw away 1 Potion!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: once I'm in New Zealand I'll have fibre internet

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: having to watch in 160p because my internet is so trash

1d 2h 56m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) has grown to level 32!

1d 2h 54m [Bot] [R] UUUVVX;:UL (Ivysaur) has leveled up to 31!

1d 2h 52m [Bot] [R] We head into Diglett's Cave.

1d 2h 49m [Bot] [B] Arrived on Route 11.

[R] Now in Diglett's Cave.

1d 2h 47m [Bot] [R] Now on Route 11.

1d 2h 45m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

1d 2h 44m [Bot] [B] House with Pidgey (Vermilion City).

1d 2h 43m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

1d 2h 42m [Bot] [B] We heal!

1d 2h 34m [Bot] [B] We head into Pokémon Center (Vermilion City).

1d 2h 33m [Bot] [B] Now in Vermilion City.

1d 2h 29m [Bot] [R] Arrived in Vermilion City.

1d 2h 28m [Bot] [R] We head into Vermilion House.

1d 2h 22m [B] Spearow almost takes down a wild Bellsprout, but its Wrap/Growth stats are more effective than repeatedly Growling. Spearow is Poisoned and grabs defeat from the jaws of victory. Spearow faints.

1d 2h 18m [R] We check in with the Vermillion fishing guru. We talk about fish!

1d 2h 18m [B] The same wild Pidgey KOs Nidoran. We run away immediately afterward.

1d 2h 16m [B] After several minutes of sand attacks and quick attacks, a wild level 15 Pidgey manages to KO our level 31 Charmeleon.

1d 2h 10m [B] Pikachu faints due to poison damage while walking around Route 6.

1d 2h 9m [R] After fumbling around in menus behind a pair of trainers, Red navigates back into Vermillion.

1d 2h 9m [B] Pikachu takes down a Weedle and Caterpie, but is poisoned and only has 2 hp. We send out Charmeleon to clean up. Bug Catcher defeated!

1d 2h 6m [B] Blue is challenged by a Bug Catcher on Route 6. Pikachu to Level 21!

1d 1h 57m [R+B] Both games are fighting level 13 Pidgey.

1d 1h 55m [B] Pikachu ran away from the wild Pidgey after about 10 turns of setup.

1d 1h 54m [R] Bug Trainer defeated. Clefairy to level 13. Learns Sing!

1d 1h 54m [B] Pikachu takes on a second Pidgey. Pikachu took it to 1 hp, then Growled at it 5 times so that Pidgey's attack could not drop any further.

1d 1h 51m [B] Pikachu takes down a wild Pidgey.

1d 1h 51m [B] Blue makes its way north of Vermillion and sashays on past the Bug Trainer that's currently challenging Red.

1d 1h 49m [B] After awaking in Vermillion, we Escape Rope back to the Poké Center. Just to make sure.

1d 1h 48m [R] Red ventures north of Vermillion. A Bug Catcher decides to battle. We send out Clefairy (12) against hits Butterfree (20). We swap out for Dugtrio (31), then Ivysaur.

1d 1h 43m [B] Level 9 Nidoran really doesn't enjoy Diglett's Tunnel. Nidoran faints. BLACKED OUT!!

1d 1h 41m [B] Spearow stops enjoying Diglett's Tunnel. Spearow faints.

1d 1h 39m [B] Charmeleon does not enjoy Diglett's Tunnel. Charmeleon faints.

[Snark] Trees, our second greatest foes, after ledges

1d 1h 37m [R] The Vermillion Gym shrubbery continues to prove insurmountable.

1d 1h 36m [B] Spearow, on the other hand, wouldn't mind Diglett's Tunnel so much if its offensive pool wasn't garbage. It manages to gain the upperhand against the Diglett that swept the rest of our team and wins. Nidoran to level 9!

1d 1h 33m [B] Meowth does not enjoy Diglett's Tunnel. Meowth faints.

1d 1h 31m [B] Abra does not enjoy Diglett's Tunnel Abra faints.

1d 1h 27m [B] Pikachu does not enjoy Diglett's Tunnel. Fainted.

1d 1h 24m [B] We start exploring Diglett's tunnel.

1d 1h 20m [B] Pikachu takes down a wild Spearow and Drowzee.

1d 1h 19m [R] Spending some quality time with our old friend, the Vermillion Gym tree.

1d 1h 19m [B] Heading east of Vermillion to train. We deploy Pikachu against Spearow.

1d 1h 16m [R] After almost tossing a few TMs, we manage to boot up HM 01 Cut! Farfetch'd learns Cut!

1d 1h 13m [B] Team healed!!

1d 1h 13m [R] We buy 1 Super Potion and 10 Poké Balls. We are now completely out of money.

1d 1h 11m [R] We boot up TM 28 and try to teach Dig to Farfetch'd. Mission failed.

1d 1h 9m [B] In the Poké Center. Our only survivng Pokémon is the Abra that only knows Teleport

1d 1h 9m [B] We try to hustle the Cable Club, but get turned down because we don't have any friends. Which is believable.

1d 1h 8m [R] We buy 5 Poké Balls.

1d 1h 7m [R] Shopping time! Poké Ball acquired

[Streamer] Strnpeyton: Gotta say, nice job on making it so new music syncs up with these games, Must've taken a lot of work

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Strnpeyton you can thank M4_used_Rollout for his work on the music system

1d 1h 5m [B] Spearow faints while fighting a wild Sandshrew.

1d 1h 1m [R] We make our way into the Poké Center. Team Healed!

1d 1h 0m [R] We enter a guy's house. He tells us about his life as an outdoor enthusiast. We bond. Old Rod received!!

1d 0h 59m [B] We encounter another wild Sandshrew. Spearow makes to take it down. Nice.

1d 0h 57m [B] Abra teleports us away from Satan's Sandshrew

1d 0h 57m [B] You thought that our Level 8 Nidoran would win against a level 15 Sandshrew? Haha nope

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: subscribed for an entire year, congrats!

1d 0h 56m [B] Meowth faints

1d 0h 54m [B] Enemy Sandshrew KOs Charmeleon.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: OhMyDog

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: it'll eventually scratch to death

1d 0h 52m [B] Still grinding out West of Vermillion.

1d 0h 52m [R] Vermillion shopping trip concluded.

1d 0h 51m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: blind rage Jebaited

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: sand rage LUL

1d 0h 50m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: a standard randomiser won't work as i rewrote the encounter table code

1d 0h 50m [Bot] [R] Acquired 3 Poké Ball!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the codes open source if someone wants to have a go

1d 0h 49m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Poké Ball!

[Streamer] howlback: hey devs can we play randomized anicrys this year?

Chaos_lord2: @howlback we'd need someone to implement it

1d 0h 49m [Bot] [R] Acquired 2 Poké Ball and 1 Super Potion!

1d 0h 48m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

1d 0h 48m [Bot] [R] Acquired 1 Poké Ball!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: meal*

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: ok so that's 1 cheesburger mean and a ice cream cone, what else

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: OH BOY, HERE WE GO AGAIn

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: > mime

[Streamer] CountRaposa: RaccAttack MAP MAP

Chaos_lord2: @CountRaposa [ TehePelo yes I'd like an exta large sausage pizza, deep pan and extra sauce

[Streamer] Its_Reyn_Time: @chaos_lord2 the bot hasn't been banning the virus spam bots for a couple of days now, mind if I just set up mine to ban them until it's fixed?

Chaos_lord2: @Its_Reyn_Time talk in mod chat

1d 0h 46m [Bot] [R] We head into Poké Mart (Vermilion City).

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: @me DarkMode @me @me

1d 0h 45m [Bot] [R] Now in Vermilion City.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: which is probably ass o clock tomorrow

[Streamer] 1eamannan: i thought rewards were coming at the beginning of the next season TriHard

Chaos_lord2: @1eamannan nah, I'm getting them out at next convieniance

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: FailFish

1d 0h 43m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has fainted!

[Streamer] ChaosDukemon: still no rewards TriHard

Chaos_lord2: @ChaosDukemon next downtime, we're rolling an update or 2 together

1d 0h 42m [B] Meanwhile, Bule's off in the tall grass to the east of Vermillion.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: solarbeam when?

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: a grass type named UV 🤔

1d 0h 41m [R] Having spent the last several minutes on the SS Anne, we step off and watch it leave.

1d 0h 41m [Bot] [R] We head into Vermilion Harbor (Vermilion City).

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: DEE DOO ))) NotLikeThis ((( DOO DEE

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: Kappa

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: azure please, it's been 2 years, you can stop haunting the stream

[Streamer] daft_civilians: what the heck is this battle music

Chaos_lord2: @daft_civilians looks like pokego according to the music display

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: how is the run so far?

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: LUL hello to you to bot

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: KonCha

1d 0h 34m [B] Blue is still grinding while [R] Red continues ambling around the ship.

[Streamer] ZacharyStorch: Are rematches like hacked in? I don't remember that in red and blue

Chaos_lord2: @ZacharyStorch yes

1d 0h 25m [R] We leave the captain's quarters.

1d 0h 23m [R] Input rate picks up dramatically. We sprint into the Captain's quarters.

1d 0h 22m [B] [Info] Thundershock is not effective against Sandshrew.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: already have second badges? nice

1d 0h 21m [B] We make our way east of Vermillion to grind. We start off by sending out Pikachu against a wild Sandshrew. Good work, team.

1d 0h 19m [R] Only surviving Pokémon is Dugtrio with 4 HP

1d 0h 19m [R] We pick up a Max Ether!

1d 0h 19m [R] Dugtrio manages to Dig and KO the Gentleman's Pikachu. We emerge victorious!

1d 0h 18m [B] Traversing the Vermillion shores, ruminating in shame.

1d 0h 17m [R] We are challenged by a Gentleman in the same room. He sends out Pikachu, which KOs Clefairy with a crit Thundershock!

1d 0h 17m [R] Dugtrio takes down Sailor's Goldeen and levels up to 31! Congratulations on making Blue's upcoming rematch even harder!

1d 0h 16m [B] Our only remaining Pokémon is Abra, who only knows Teleport. This isn't going to go wel -- Abra faints. BLACKED OUT!!

1d 0h 15m [R] Dugtrio hangs on with 1 HP against Tentacool but manages to clutch. Sailor sends out another Goldeen.

1d 0h 14m [B] Also bye Meowth

1d 0h 14m [B] Spearow faints to Rival's Dugtrio.

1d 0h 14m [R] Our Dugtrio manages to take down Goldeen and survives with 7 HP. Almost OHKOs Sailor's Tentacool, which clutches and lands a Wrap.

1d 0h 13m [B] We deploy Spearow, who starts taking Sand Attacks. It's a war of Growls and Leers and minimal Pecks.

1d 0h 12m [B] We send Nidoran back out, who also faints to Dig.

1d 0h 12m [B] We switch out Nidoran while Dugtrio is digging and send out 1hp Pikachu. Pikachu does not like that.

1d 0h 11m [R+B] Both games are really intent on looking at key items in the middle of battle.

1d 0h 11m [B] Level 8 Nidoran against level 30 Dugtrio seems like a good idea, so we go with that.

1d 0h 9m [B] Rival's Dugtrio gets in a quick Dig before Charmeleon can attack. It's Super Effective and KOs Charmeleon.

1d 0h 8m [B] Rage OHKOs Rival's Clefairy. And Paras. And Ekans. And Farfetch'd.

1d 0h 7m [B] Charmeleon is locked into Rage against Ivysaur. Ivysaur tanks like a pro, but Charmeleon proves victorious and grows to level 31

1d 0h 7m [R] [Info] Misty rematch currently available

1d 0h 6m [B] We withdraw Pikachu with 1 hp and deploy Charmeleon.

1d 0h 5m [B] )))'s Ivysaur leech seeds Pikachu. It's a war of attrition that isn't going favorably for Blue.

1d 0h 5m [R] Clefairy takes on Sailor's Goldeen.

1d 0h 4m [B] Rival ))) challenges us to a rematch!

1d 0h 4m [R] We find a sailor's quarters we haven't visited yet. He challenges us.

1d 0h 2m [R] Still soliciting the quarters of various guests.

1d 0h 1m DAY 2 BEGINS!

1d 0h 0m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

0d 23h 59m [R] We step into a gentleman's quarters, who keeps telling us his preference for strong and rare "Pokémon"

0d 23h 57m [R] Still shambling around the SS Anne's second floor, clumsily swiping through menus like a drunk college student checking Tinder while walking home from the bars.

0d 23h 55m [B] We flash our ticket and reboard the SS Anne.

0d 23h 51m [B] We awaken in the Vermillion metropolitan area.

0d 23h 50m [B] Ivysaur takes down Charmeleon. BLACKED OUT!!

0d 23h 50m [R] [Info] Current Party: Clefairy (12) and Dugtrio (30). Everyone else is fainted: Ivysaur (30), Paras (12), Ekans (13), and Farfetch'd (11).

0d 23h 49m [B] We use rage against Ivysaur, which causes minimal damage. We are Leech Seeded. The ticking time clock begins.

0d 23h 49m [B] We're challenged by Rival ((( !

0d 23h 48m [B] [Status] Current Party: Charmeleon, Level 30 at 50% Health. The rest of the party is fainted: Pikachu (19), Nidoran Female (8), Spearow (14), Abra (12), and Meowth (10)

0d 23h 47m [R] [Fluff] Four years, and we're still trying to chuck the Helix Fossil.

0d 23h 45m [B] Charmeleon takes down the Shellder. We emerge victorious against the Sailor on the SS Anne deck.

0d 23h 44m [B] Spearow goes down to a Shellder.

0d 23h 43m [R] We make the sick sea captain feel better by rubbing his back and get HM 01 Cut!

0d 23h 42m [B] It's a battle of Peck vs Tackle We appear to be slightly losing it.

0d 23h 42m [B] We swap our moves again, but decide not to actually use any.

0d 23h 40m [R] This is the game of Growls. We break the streak and use a Scratch to KO Meowth and defeat our rival! With barely any mons to spare too!

0d 23h 40m [R] We use a Scratch and KO Abra. Against Meowth now. [B] We use Peck repeatedly and finally do damage.

0d 23h 38m [B] We switch it up to Growl, but unfortunately a Supersonic confuses us. Luckily we don't hit ourselves before it goes away.

0d 23h 36m [R] Against Abra now, we're so spooked by him that we try to run away. But it's no use, we can't escape its Teleport. Devastating, clearly.

0d 23h 36m [R] Unfortunately we weren't able to KO Spearow, as Arbok faints! Our only real hope is a Diglett Scratch, so we send it out and do just that. Spearow faints in one shot.

0d 23h 35m [B] We keep using Leer to lower Shellder's defense while it keeps using Withdraw to raise its defense. This is a healthy cycle.

0d 23h 34m [R] We continue to use Wrap, but we're severely hindered by our burn. Meanwhile [B] We swap where Leer and Growl are in our moves, so Leer is first.

0d 23h 33m [R] We send out Arbok while [B] We send out Spearow.

[R] [Info] Also in case it isn't clearly, we're fighting the team from the Blue Run.

0d 23h 32m [R] After another crit Scratch and a Dig, we KO Charmeleon! Against Nidoran now, we easily KO it with Dig. Now our test comes with Spearow.

0d 23h 32m [R] We crit a Scratch and get hit with a devestating Ember. We use a bunch of Sand Attacks to make Charmeleon basically always miss.

0d 23h 31m [B] After a few Rages, and surviving some Karate Chops, we KO Machop. Against Shellder now, we send out Abra who immediately gets KOed!

0d 23h 30m [R] We send out Diglett, who hopefully won't lose immediately due to typing. Meanwhile [B] We use Rage to slowly kill off Machop.

0d 23h 29m [R] We're fighting our Rival! We send out Ivysaur against Pikachu. We OHKO Pikachu with Razor Leaf crit. Against Charmander now. We get KOed by an Ember!

0d 23h 29m [B] Went to refill my drink and now we're at two battles. Blue side: Charmander is fighting Machop.

0d 23h 27m [B] We 2HKO it with Rage and defeat the Sailor. Finally we don't have any battles playing now.

0d 23h 26m [B] Abra grew to level 12! We keep Charmander out against Tentacool.

0d 23h 26m [B] We spam Rage and manage to out muscle the muscle Pokémon, defeating him while still holding onto half of our health.

0d 23h 25m [R] Found a Rare Candy!

0d 23h 25m [B] We send out Pikachu and get KOed by Machop's chops! We send out Charmander now, who can take more than one before fainting.

0d 23h 24m [R] Ivysaur easily takes out Rattata, and then OHKOs Pikachu with a crit Razor Leaf. Defeated Lass.

0d 23h 23m [B] We send out Machop, who gets OHKOed by a Karate Chop! Go Abra!

0d 23h 23m [R] Standing right in front of an item, we instead decide to face Lass. We send out Ivysaur against Rattata.

0d 23h 22m [R] Ekans levels up to level 13! Defeated Gentleman!

0d 23h 21m [R] We send out Diglett, who gets hit by a fiery Ember. We retaliate with a Dig, causing us to double our Leech Seed gains and KO Ponyta when we reappear.

0d 23h 20m [B] We use Growl while [R] we send out Ivysaur.

0d 23h 19m [R] We send out Dux, who due to being such a low level immediately gets KOed! Rip Dux!

0d 23h 18m [R] We're hit with Ember, and burnt, also I totally confused Ekans for a Squirtle. Damn Gen 1 sprites being shit.

0d 23h 16m [B] We send out Pikachu against Machop. We start with a Thundershock and paralyze our foe. Meanwhile we're hit with a heavy blow, knocking us to half health.

0d 23h 16m [R] We send out Squirtle and [B] Shoot we're fighting Sailor.

0d 23h 12m [R] Against Ponyta now. We continue to use Leech Seed while the fire type uses a fire move against us, a grass type. Ember slowly drains our health.

0d 23h 11m [R] We use Razor Leaf, and get a crit to almost KO them. We taunt them by using Leech Seed to get the remaining HP and KO Growlithe.

0d 23h 10m [R] Back to Ivysaur, we rummage our items in hopes of delaying the victory even longer. We have some Blue Team sabotaging Red Team here, clearly.

0d 23h 8m [B] We're making a man very uncomfortable by loitering in their room.

0d 23h 7m [R] We swap to Diglett and our hit with a measly bite. However, we continue to use Growl, prolonging the inevitable of actually battling.

0d 23h 6m [R] Gentleman wants to fight! We send out Ivysaur against Growlithe!

0d 23h 6m [B] Finally, we use Ember twice (with about a two minute gap) to KO Nidoran and defeat Gentleman.

0d 23h 5m [R] Meanwhile, we're wandering the ship. Still with the Moon Stone goal in the back of our mind.

0d 23h 4m [B] We send back out Charmeleon and try to Growl our foe. "Rawr", we continue to say, as our foe does less and less damage to us.

0d 23h 3m [B] Nidoran vs Nidoran. Ours goes in for the Tackle while our foe... also goes for the Tackle. Their's is 11 levels higher so our Nidoran faints!

0d 23h 2m [B] 0d 23h 2m We swap to Abra, but our only move is Teleport. We get pelted by Poison Sting before deciding to switch to Nidoran.

0d 23h 2m [B] We're hit with a Poison Sting and swap out to Charmeleon. We spam Rage thrice and KO our foe's Nidoran. Now we're up against another Nidoran!

0d 23h 1m [B] Facing Gentleman! We send out Pikachu against Nidoran! Starting off with a Thundershock, it paralyzes our foe!

0d 22h 59m [B] We're heading onto the SS Anne!

0d 22h 56m [R] We throw away our Antidote! ~~And try to consult the Helix fossil while we're at it.

[Info] [R] We're trying to use the Moon Stone on Clefairy I'm pretty sure.

0d 22h 53m [R] We use a HP up on Paras!

0d 22h 49m [B] Healed.

0d 22h 48m [R] Used TM11 to teach Bubblebeam to Clefairy.

0d 22h 43m [R] Found TM08 Body Slam! [B] Got the Old Rod!

0d 22h 40m [R] Red is battling a Youngster. Ivysaur grew to level 30 earlier and learned Razor Leaf over Poison Powder.

[Snark] Stop re-opening the parentheses NotLikeThis

0d 22h 37m [B] Caught a Lv. 13 Bellsprout! Nickname: (--

[Snark] Someone finally closed Red's parentheses.

0d 22h 32m [R] Red starts to battle a Lass. [B] Blue finally throws a ball and cat-ches a level 10 Meowth! Nickname: CCLLUU)))♀, is male.

0d 22h 31m [B] Blue finally runs away from the unstoppable tiny bird. Pikachu is also down, by the way.

0d 22h 27m [B] Nidoran faints to the same Pidgey.

0d 22h 26m [B] Charmeleon faints.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: did blue get pocket sand?

0d 22h 23m [B] Charmeleon may be in some trouble as a wild Pidgey used Sand-Attack to activate the Rage accuracy glitch.

0d 22h 18m [B] Blue seems to be trying to catch a Meowth, but she keeps running away from them.

0d 22h 12m [R] Back on the ship.

0d 22h 10m [B] Pikachu to level 19.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: did we? i forget, if we did it was ugly persian though so it doesn't count

0d 22h 6m [R] BLACKED OUT!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: thundercat was a post kakuna mon, got boxed when the ground mons team did near rock tunnel iirc

0d 22h 5m [R] Paras and Clefairy are knocked out.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: iirc the only persian we had on a team for a while was ar's thundercat

0d 22h 3m [R] Charmeleon knocks out Dugtrio with his signature Rage. Red sends out Ivysaur, who also falls to Rage.

0d 22h 2m [R] Red switches again into Dux! This proves to be a bad idea as Dux is down in one. He sends out Dugtrio next to knock out Pikachu. The rival sends out Charmeleon.

0d 22h 1m [B] Healed and checkpointed in Vermilion!

0d 22h 0m [R] Red sends out a low HP Ivysaur against her Pikachu, but switches right out into Paras.

0d 21h 59m [R] Vs. Rival XXWWNNpk!

0d 21h 57m [B] Blue arrives in Vermilion City!

0d 21h 54m [B] Challenged by another Jr. Trainer, this one starting with a couple Pidgey, which lose to Charmeleon. [R] Red finally beats the Sailor and his Tentacool.

0d 21h 51m [B] Nidoran immediately faints, but Charmeleon cleans up the battle.

0d 21h 49m [B] Abra comes in to save the day. Abra faints.

0d 21h 48m [B] Pikachu is KO'd!

0d 21h 47m [B] Pikachu shocks out the Spearow, and the trainer sends out Raticate. [R] Red attempts to use an Antidote on Ivysaur.

0d 21h 46m [R] Red challenges a Sailor with a Machop while [B] Blue is challenged by a Jr. Trainer with a Spearow!

0d 21h 42m [R] Red re-embarks the S.S. Anne.

0d 21h 39m [B] Blue emerges back onto Route 6, this time with full health.

0d 21h 38m [R] Red Blacked out a few minutes ago. [B] Blue is wandering the Underground Path.

0d 21h 19m [R] Ivysaur faints, and chat feels the relief from beeping.

0d 21h 15m [B] Charmeleon powers through one Pidgey, but the next makes us BLACK OUT!

0d 21h 13m [B] Facing the first of 2 trainers blocking Vermilion City. [R] Still grinding. Ivysaur is on 1 HP and almost no PP.

0d 21h 6m [B] Blue wins the battle!

0d 21h 5m [B] Abra faints. Only a 1 HP Charmeleon is left. [R] Red is taking his sweet time on a battle against a wild Diglett.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: gen 1 wrap in general is derpy

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: gen 1 backsprites have half the res of front sprites, most of them look terrible

0d 21h 3m [B] Sent out Abra, possibly as a bluff to make the opponent forfeit out of fear.

0d 21h 2m [B] Fighting a Bug Catcher with a Butterfree, which KOs Spearow.

0d 21h 2m [R] Dugtrio faints to its singlet counterpart.

[Fluff] Both Charmeleon and Ivysaur are low on health, causing a double low-health beeping sound

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: digrat*

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: and if it pulls a dig rast, we can name it king DigDigDig

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: the redestbar

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: DDDDDDDDDDDDigmole

0d 20h 55m [B] Made it onto Route 6. [R/B] Both party leads are at very low health, making the beeping louder.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: DIGMOLE PogChamp

0d 20h 55m [R] Caught a level 30 male Dugtrio! Nickname: DDDDDDDDDD

0d 20h 52m [B] Underground Path. [R] Red finds a Dugtrio and delves into his bag.

0d 20h 49m [B] Blue makes it onto Route 5 and hops down the Daycare ledges. [R] Still grinding.

0d 20h 45m [B] Charmeleon Rages at Machop, defeating it while clutching out on 1 HP, and also defeats the Drowzee!

0d 20h 43m [B] Vs. a Rocket! Rocket sends out Machop. Charmeleon is at very low HP.

0d 20h 41m [R] Red has opted to grind Ivysaur on Diglett. [B] Blue walks through the burgaled house in Cerulean, not Vermilion.

0d 20h 38m [R] In Diglett's Cave now. [B] Walking back to Vermilion.

0d 20h 34m [R] Red disembarks the ship, continuing his indecisive streak.

0d 20h 32m [B] We teleport Bill back out of his Pokémon form.

0d 20h 30m [B] Blue talks to a Pokémon who identifies itself as Bill. [R] Back on the ship.

0d 20h 29m [B] We move past the Lass towards Bill's House. [R] Red disembarked the ship at some point.

0d 20h 28m [B] Charmeleon grows to level 29!

[Fluff] ...in battle.

0d 20h 26m [B] Blue beats the Youngster an moves on to a Lass.

0d 20h 25m [B] Found another Youngster with an Ekans. Charmeleon begins to Rage.

0d 20h 23m [B] Defeated the Rattata after taunting it with debuffs, then cleared out the Spearow too.

0d 20h 20m [B] Challenged by a Youngster with a Rattata. Pikachu faints to its Tackle after paralyzing it.

0d 20h 19m [B] Geodude delays the inevitable by spamming Defense Curl to avoid the Attack increase from Rage, but Charmeleon prevails. Abra grows to level 11!

0d 20h 18m [B] Charmeleon begins his unstoppable Rage. [R] Red finds a new Sailor to fight. His lone Shellder dies immediately to Vine Whip.

0d 20h 16m [B] Nidoran faints. [R] Clefairy grows to level 12.

0d 20h 15m [B] Blue brings out Nidoran, who also isn't able to do much here. [R] Tentacool Wraps up Clefairy, but gets sapped up by Leech Seed, completely counteracting the damage dealt.

0d 20h 14m [B] Blue switches out into Abra. Much better. [R] Paras faints to the Tentacool's Acid and Red sends out Clefairy.

0d 20h 13m [B] Pikachu defeats the Machop, but the Hiker sends out a Geodude, a big problem for our electric friend.

0d 20h 12m [B] On the way to visit Bill, we begin a battle with a Hiker, who starts with a Machop. [R] In a battle with a Sailor's Tentacool.

0d 20h 11m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 25.

[Streamer] Halosoul96: what pokemon game is this

Chaos_lord2: @Halosoul96 slightly edited versions of red and blue

0d 20h 9m [Bot] [B] Now on Route 24.

0d 20h 8m [Bot] [R] UUUVVX;:UL (Ivysaur) has leveled up to 29!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: things you will never unsee: the guy in front of mewtwos cave is a beefeater

[Streamer] Strnpeyton: oh sweet

Chaos_lord2: @Strnpeyton yes. but it's not. protip: the games are linked up

0d 20h 6m [Bot] [B] Arrived in Cerulean City.

[R] In S.S. Anne B1F.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: pika is in both

0d 20h 5m [Bot] [B] On Route 4.

0d 20h 5m [Bot] [R] In S.S. Anne B1F.

[Streamer] raylias: Flametix : Why is her fitness over 86,000 when even stats don't come close to 1000?

Chaos_lord2: @raylias IIRC it multiplies a bunch of things together like move power + attacking stats, def and hp etc:

0d 20h 5m [Bot] [B] We heal! HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has been revived! A (Charmeleon) has been revived! QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has been revived! VVDDD- (Abra) has been revived! MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) has been revived! Cerulean City.

0d 20h 4m [Bot] [B] HHHHAAAIQQ (Spearow) has fainted! BLACKED OUT!

0d 20h 2m [Bot] [B] MLLLULVVSS (Nidoran♀) fainted!

[Streamer] jamesk93: wtf I thought we beat Misty in Blue?

Chaos_lord2: @jamesk93 optional rematches to avoid softlock situations for money later and provide faster grind

0d 20h 1m [Bot] [B] VVDDD- (Abra) has fainted!

[Streamer] PaiardiMich: @Chaos_lord2 rematches? D:is this obliged?

Chaos_lord2: @PaiardiMich no, it's there so you can get XP and cash if needed

0d 20h 0m [Bot] [B] A (Charmeleon) has fainted!

[Streamer] PaiardiMich: Y are we fighting against Misty again? don't we already have the badge?

Chaos_lord2: @PaiardiMich rematches. also, we have to beat misty! Kappa

0d 19h 59m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) fainted!

0d 19h 59m [Bot] [B] QPPQQRRQPj (Pikachu) has leveled up to 18!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: 95% TriHard

0d 19h 58m [Bot] [B] Vs MISTY! Attempt #13!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: TBF it is pretty important to know when chat is near PC

0d 19h 51m [B] Starmie wipes us out proving our last win was a fluke skill

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: Songs aren't biddable as play time is unreliable due to the priority system

[Streamer] returnofMCH: @M4_used_Rollout what's with the music

Chaos_lord2: @returnofMCH for varieties sake, we have a music player offering different songs as appropriote, including some from other series's

[Streamer] MrBeast12456: @chaos_lord2 what games are being played

Chaos_lord2: @MrBeast12456 a slightly modified red and blue

[Streamer] HonshouMieru: @Chaos_lord2 Chaos, when will we reiceve PBR rewards? after the run?

Chaos_lord2: @HonshouMieru next downtime, probably when I wake up tommorow (GMT)

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: yh, z80 isn't THAT bad, just simple

0d 19h 46m [B] Pikachu Beats Staryu and faints to Starmie

[Streamer] ValtonZenola: Wait, isn't this Lufia GBC music?

Chaos_lord2: @ValtonZenola looks like it, the music player has a variety of songs for when that 1 route theme just keeps droning on...

0d 19h 45m [B] VS Misty, Rematch #1

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: we may have helped on other big hacks, but I'm all confused ATM, I should eat a berry...

[Streamer] homoweirdus: @M4_used_Rollout that helps a lot

Chaos_lord2: @homoweirdus TPP has a romhacking team under it's wing,look up anniversary crystal

[Streamer] メガザード (megazard): rematching her Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @megazard in brief, it's a way to roughly gauge a teams strength,and is used for various features

0d 19h 41m [Snark] [B] Misty already wants a rematch, uh oh the salt

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I wrote the rematch teams, expect something a little more... optimal than plain old vanilla ;)

0d 19h 40m [B] We heal

0d 19h 38m [Fluff] [B] We wander around Cerulean gloating about our victory against Misty. Then we go to the Poké Center to hear about BILL.

0d 19h 37m [R] Switched to Farfetch'd.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I see

0d 19h 34m [R] Challenged by Gentleman. Nidroan♂ vs. Ivysaur

[Streamer] Glitcher_Red: only swift has 100% accuracy

Chaos_lord2: @Glitcher_Red OK, so basically gen 1 misses don't count for rage glitch, you have to be double teaming up to near max?

0d 19h 32m [R] Boarded the SS Anne.

[Streamer] homoweirdus: @Chaos_lord2 in gen 1 there is a 1/256 chance that any move (other than swift) will miss because the programers used > rather than >=\

Chaos_lord2: @homoweirdus I know, i thought that triggered rage miss glitch

[Streamer] Glitcher_Red: @Chaos_lord2 gen 1 rage doesn't always miss after a miss

Chaos_lord2: @Glitcher_Red 1/256 to hit IIRC

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: if you get that rage gen 1 hit, you start hitting again

[Streamer] Egobuff: we hit with rage twice after the miss

Chaos_lord2: @Egobuff yes, except for a 1 in 256 chance...

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: ...did we gen 1 miss rage into gen 1 hit rage?

0d 19h 30m [B] Misty is finally defeated!!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: GEN ! MISS RAGE BrokeBack

0d 19h 29m [B] Nidoran goes down!

0d 19h 29m Pikachu goes down! But did manage to damage and PRZ Starmie. Abra then goes down!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: not burn, can't kill it with abra and harden spam Kappa

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: PRZ PogChamp

0d 19h 28m [B]Pikachu grew to level 17!

0d 19h 27m [B] Misty Attempt #11

0d 19h 26m [R] Obtained a Lv. 10 Farfetch'd! Nickname: DUX

0d 19h 25m [R] Traded Spearow for Farfetch'd!

0d 19h 24m [B] We black out again! #MistyFail10

0d 19h 23m [Fluff] [B] We try to run some more as we release this attempt is futile.

0d 19h 21m [B] Nidoran faints, then Charmeleon follows!

0d 19h 20m [B] Pikachu faints!

[Snark] Remember the tactical PP restore! Ideally before Pikachu faints!

0d 19h 19m [B] Attempt #10 at Misty!

0d 19h 14m [Snark] [B]Pikachu's PP was restored. Very tactical.

0d 19h 14m [B] With only Abra left it's safe to say we're going to black out But we try to run first.

0d 19h 13m [B] Spearow growls at Starmie, and is taken out! Nidoran, expectedly, suffers the same fate!

0d 19h 11m [B] Pikachu goes down! Sent out Spearow!

0d 19h 11m [B] Pikachu grows to level 16! Learned Quick Attack!

0d 19h 10m [B] Attempt #9 at Misty!

0d 19h 9m [R] Looks like we're interested in trading our Spearow for a Farfetch'd.

0d 19h 8m [B] We black out again!

0d 19h 7m [B] Charmeleon goes down! Nidoran follows!

0d 19h 6m [R] Everyone's super interested in the gym battle atm, so Red is just taking a leisurely stroll around Vermillion.

0d 19h 6m [B] Pikachu goes down! Sent out Charmeleon!

0d 19h 5m [B] Attempt #8 on Misty!

[Fluff] [B] Misty now has enough attempts to be considered part of the Wattson rating.

0d 19h 4m [B] We once again enter Misty's gym!

0d 19h 3m [B] We black out!

0d 19h 1m Abra promptly faints. then Nidoran faints*

0d 19h 0m [B]Starmie gets a crit on Charmeleon, who goes down! Sent out...Abra.

0d 18h 59m [B] Pikachu faints! Sent out Charmeleon.

0d 18h 59m [B] Pikachu grows to level 15!

0d 18h 58m [R] Exited the Pokémon Centre.

0d 18h 58m [B] Now on attempt #7 For Misty!

0d 18h 57m [B] Changed text speed to Slow and battle style to Set.

0d 18h 56m [R] Entered the Pokémon Centre. Pokémon Healed.

0d 18h 56m [B] We enter Misty's gym once again!

0d 18h 54m Arrived in Vermillion City!

0d 18h 54m [R] We take out Raitcate with a Vine Whip. Jr. Trainer♂ is defeated.

0d 18h 54m [B] We black out!

0d 18h 53m [B]Abra is taken out

0d 18h 52m [R] We send in Ivysaur, and Leech Seed Raticate.

0d 18h 52m [B] Charmeleon goes down after doing nothing but growl at it. Spearow is sent out, but also goes down.

0d 18h 51m [R] Clefairy and Spearow go down!

0d 18h 51m [B] Starmie takes out Pikachu Sent out Charmeleon.

0d 18h 51m [R] We send in Paras, who also goes down. We switch to Clefairy.

0d 18h 51m [B] Pikachu takes out Staryu!

0d 18h 49m [R] Did I say Pidgey? I meant Spearow. Anyway we dispatched it, and he sent out Raticate. We switched to Ekans, who went down.

0d 18h 50m [B] Started the battle with Misty! This is attempt #6!

0d 18h 48m [B] Entered Misty's Gym!

0d 18h 47m [R] Challenged by Jr. Trainer♂. He sends in Pidgey, we counter with Ivysaur.

0d 18h 47m [R] Exited Underground Path. Heading south on Route 5.

0d 18h 45m [R] Entered Underground Path.

0d 18h 45m [B] Nidoran faints and we black out!

0d 18h 43m [R] Heading south on Route 5.

0d 18h 42m [B] We seem to have given up on trying to teach the TM, and enter a fight with a Youngster. Spearow faints then Abra faints - Only Nidoran left.

0d 18h 40m [R] Went through the Dig Man's house, now in his garden.

0d 18h 39m [B] We throw away TM01.

0d 18h 38m [B] Used Rare Candy on Spearow, now level 14

0d 18h 37m [Snark] [B] Rip Bide TM.

0d 18h 35m [R] Wondered around the badge man's house and garden.

0d 18h 33m [B] We hang around the menus try to teach the recently picked up TM (Seismic Toss) to Abra.

0d 18h 28m [B] We wander around for a bit which causes Charmeleon to faint from poison. Well, at least we found TM19 Kappa

[Streamer] TheGeekachu: chaos Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @TheGeekachu yes that pings

[Streamer] Zc230: @chaos_lord2 by someone talking to @chaosdukemon I think, they pinged you on accident Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @Zc230 probably, the word chaos pings me so it happens alot

0d 18h 27m [B] Also, Charmeleon grew to Lv. 28!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: VoHiYo

0d 18h 26m [B] We easily defeat him, but Charmeleon was poisoned with only 8HP left.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I was pinged?

0d 18h 25m [B] We enter a fight with a cool guy whose got a girlfriend.

0d 18h 25m [R] Game saved.

0d 18h 24m Charmeleon takes out the rest of the Hiker's Pokémon by (Baby) raging at them to death.

0d 18h 23m [B]Nidoran leveled up to level 8!

0d 18h 21m [B] Nidoran clutches with 1HP, then we tactical switch back to Charmeleon!

0d 18h 19m [R] Back in Cerulean City.

0d 18h 19m We send in Clefairy, but it faints. Blackout!

0d 18h 18m [R] We Leech Seed the Raticate, but Ivysaur goes down to Hyper Fang.

0d 18h 18m [B] Lass is defeated, and we enter a fight with a Hiker.

0d 18h 18m [R] Spearow goes down, Raticate is sent in.

[Fluff] You know that Pidgey battle took 20 minutes? o_O

0d 18h 16m [R] We are challenged by Jr. Trainer♂ who has a Spearow. Great.

0d 18h 15m [R] We send in Clefairy and the Pidgey GOES DOWN! Jr. Trainer♀ is finally defeated.

0d 18h 15m [B] Entered battle with Lass! Charmeleon growls at her Nidoran, then we try to use TM34. But it isn't the time to use that.

0d 18h 14m [R] Paras goes down to this invincible Pidgey.

0d 18h 13m [R] Pidgey takes out Spearow, Paras is sent in.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: OK, it sounds like the new music system isn't actually connected to the core, so manipulating odds won't be as easy as expected

0d 18h 12m [B] We tactfully switch out Abra for potential exp. Charmeleon is sent out, which easily takes out the Younger's slowpoke.

0d 18h 11m [R] Ekans goes down, we send in Spearow. Pdgey FINALLY goes down. Oh look, ANOTHER Pidgey!

0d 18h 11m [B] Pikachu went down, we sent out Abra that only has Teleport.

0d 18h 10m [R] Ekans is down in the red, STILL on this Pidgey.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: I know there's been alot of talk about music ratios, and I was thinking about possibly allowing tokens to be place on each of the 3 categories (RB, pokemon, other) to make them more likely for the next 12 hours or so

0d 18h 7m Onix goes down, Hiker defeated.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: KonCha

0d 18h 4m [B] Now heading East towards Bill on Route 25. Challenged by a Hiker.

[R] Still in this battle. We switch to Ivysaur.

0d 17h 59m [B] Still grinding on Route 24. Nothing much to report.

0d 17h 58m [R] We defeat a Pidgey, and switch to Ekans. Oh look, another Pidgey.

0d 17h 57m [R] Challenged by Jr. Trainer♀.

0d 17h 54m [R] We have travelled through the Underground Path. Arrived on Route 6.

0d 17h 42m [R] We've backtracked and are now back in Cerulean City.

0d 17h 36m Caught a Lv. 10 Abra! Nickname: VVDDD-

0d 17h 32m [R] We enter the Underground Path.

[B] We're still grinding on Route 24, still have not beaten Misty.

0d 17h 27m [R] Game saved.

0d 17h 26m [R] Heading south on Route 5.

0d 17h 22m [B] Meanwhile, we have crossed the Nugget Bridge and are grinding on Route 24.

0d 17h 21m Rocket defeated! Obtained TM28 Dig!

0d 17h 20m [R] We switch to Spearow. Drowzee goes down to Leech Seed. Spearow grows to Lv. 10!

0d 17h 19m [R] We manage to poison and Leech Seed Drowzee.

0d 17h 15m [R] Machop goes down. Ivysaur grows to Lv. 28! Rocket sends in Drowzee.

0d 17h 14m [B] Blackout!

0d 17h 14m [B] Nidoran♀ goes down to a wild Sandshrew!

0d 17h 12m [R] He sends in Machop, we counter with Ivysaur.

[B] Charmeleon goes down!

0d 17h 12m [R] Challenged the Rocket Grunt!

0d 17h 11m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

0d 17h 9m [R] We enter the Dig man's house.

0d 17h 4m [B] Charmeleon grows to Lv. 27!

0d 16h 56m [B] Currently on Route 4, grinding.

[R] Currently wondering around Cerulean City.

0d 16h 50m [B] Water Gun hits, Charmeleon faints! Blackout!

0d 16h 49m [B] Charmeleon is sent in.

0d 16h 49m [B] We send in Spearow, and it gets hit with Bubble Beam. Spearow down!

0d 16h 49m [B] Nidoran♀ goes down to a Tackle!

0d 16h 48m We send in Nidoran♀.

0d 16h 48m [B] Starmie is sent in, Pikachu goes down!

0d 16h 47m [B] Misty sends in Staryu, we counter with Pikachu. We land a crit Thundershock and paralyse! A couple core, and Staryu down! Pikachu grows to Lv. 13!

0d 16h 47m [B] Vs. Misty! (Attempt #5)

0d 16h 41m [B] Entered Cerulean Gym.

0d 16h 40m [R+B] Wondering around Cerulean City.

0d 16h 39m [R] The arrow beneath the Cascadebade has disappeared.

0d 16h 38m [R] We send in Spearow and it goes down to Water Gun! Blackout!

0d 16h 37m [R] Paras goes down to a Tackle! We send in Ivysaur, and it goes down too!

0d 16h 37m [R] We switch to Paras.

0d 16h 36m [R] We try to run from Misty. We switch to Ekans, and get hit in the face with Bubble Beam. Ekans down!

0d 16h 35m [R] Staryu goes down! Starmie is sent in.

0d 16h 35m [R] Staryu is slowly losing its health to poison and Leech Seed.

0d 16h 33m [B] We enter the Pokémon Centre. Pokémon Healed

0d 16h 33m [R] Ivysaur lands a Poisonpowder and a Leech Seed.

0d 16h 31m [R] Misty sends out Staryu, we counter with Ivysaur.

0d 16h 30m [R] Misty rematch started!

0d 16h 30m [R] We enter Cerulean Gym.

[B] We return to Cerulean City.

0d 16h 29m [Correction] That was supposed to be marked as [R].

0d 16h 26m [B] The Cascadebage appears to now have an arrow underneath it. I wonder what that could mean? :3c

0d 16h 23m [B] Nidoran to level 7

0d 16h 23m [B] Pikachu and Spearow faint

[Meta/Fluff] A Kotaku article about this run has currently more than doubled our viewer count temporarily.

0d 16h 20m [B] Nidoran to level 6

0d 16h 13m [R] We finally help Bill and get an S.S Ticket

0d 16h 1m [R] We leave the house and come back in so we need to talk to Bill again to get inside his machine

0d 15h 57m [B] To summarize the rest of the match, we Whiteout

0d 15h 55m [B] Charmeleon beats Staryu but faints to Starmie's crit Water Gun

0d 15h 55m [B] Pikachu faints to Staryu after dealing half of it's hp

0d 15h 54m 0d 15h 54m [B] VS Misty, Attempt #4

0d 15h 50m [B] In the Cerulean Gym. We can't reach Misty by going around the side, despite our best efforts.

0d 15h 49m [R] Bill's inside his machine but we decide to take our time to help him

0d 15h 46m [R] In Bill's house

0d 15h 35m [B] Nidoran faints, whiteout

0d 15h 32m [R] Make that most trainers, one left

0d 15h 32m [R] Red over here managed to beat the trainers in Route 25 and is near Bill's house

0d 15h 32m [B] Starmie beats Spearow

0d 15h 31m [B] Spearow to level 12 after beating Staryu

0d 15h 31m [B] Charmeleon faints after spamming Growl and Leer, we managed to use one Ember but Staryu survived with 1hp

0d 15h 29m [B] We send in Charmeleon

0d 15h 29m [B] Pikachu faints after firing off 3 Thundershocks and she uses an X Defend on Staryu

0d 15h 28m [B] Vs Misty Attempt #3!

0d 15h 19m [R] Ivysaur beats a Hiker and levels up to 27

0d 15h 17m [R] Back in Route 25

0d 15h 10m [R+B] Walking around town

0d 15h 2m [R] Ivysaur is finally knocked out. White out.

0d 15h 2m [B] Entered the Pokémon Center. Party healed!

0d 15h 1m [R] Spearow is down. Only Ivysaur and its 10 HP remain on this side.

0d 15h 0m [B] We have moved away from the grass and headed to Cerulean's Pokémon Center.

0d 14h 59m [R] A well-timed (?) switch brings Clefairy down to a critical hit Karate Chop!

0d 14h 59m [R] Ivysaur is in critical condition.

0d 14h 55m [R] Our remaining party members are Ivysaur, Clefairy and Spearow. Ivysaur's only remaining PP is in PoisonPowder and Growl.

0d 14h 54m [R] Paras was knocked out by Hiker's Machop.

0d 14h 53m [B] With no other party members in the way, our level 26 Charmeleon is left to wreak havoc on the wilds of Route 4. It's going pretty well.

0d 14h 52m [R] Clefairy grew to level 11 and Spearow grew to level 9 and learned Leer!

0d 14h 50m [B] Spearow fainted to a wild Rattata. A different one.

0d 14h 47m [B] Nidoran fainted to the same wild Rattata.

0d 14h 46m [R] Ekans fainted to the Hiker's second Geodude.

0d 14h 45m [B] Pikachu fainted to a wild Rattata.

0d 14h 43m [B] Pikachu grew to level 12!

0d 14h 40m [B] Getting some exercise in Route 4.

0d 14h 37m [R] Having fun chipping away at a Hiker's Geodude.

0d 14h 36m [B] Spearow is knocked out just as quickly. Whiteout.

0d 14h 36m B] Nidoran is sent in, but with a sixteen level deficit, it doesn't hold a candle to Starmie and is defeated by a mere Tackle.

0d 14h 33m [B] Charmeleon takes down Staryu and grows to level 26, but is immediately taken out by Starmie.

0d 14h 32m [B] Pikachu deals a lot of damage to Misty's Staryu, but is quickly taken down! Charmeleon sent in.

0d 14h 32m [B] Misty attempt #2!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: what do people think of the music volume ATM?

0d 14h 30m [R] Ekans grew to level 12!

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: and that's a wrap for the red team]

[Streamer] GRShredder: @Chaos_lord2 Just wanted to give you a shoutout for putting in the good work

Chaos_lord2: @GRShredder VoHiYo

[Streamer] Keksbaer: more a Jebaited

Chaos_lord2: @Keksbaer so first thing my time, sounds about right#

[Streamer] Keksbaer: @Sandoz1 CoolCat

Chaos_lord2: @Keksbaer when I find a good time to take down the stream for a bit, if nothing else is in the pipe I'll probably do it at ass-o-clock tomorrow

[Streamer] SteveTroppoli: what does the - do for the commands?

Chaos_lord2: @SteveTroppoli hold, I ashould ad that to the !commands prompt

0d 14h 24m [R] Entered the Cerulean Gym.

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: IIRC it's 50% for default, 25% for other pokemon and 25% for a suprise

[Streamer] WingedOneTaro: whered this music come from Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @WingedOneTaro we hooked up the music player to the game, such that we can play different music

0d 14h 18m [R] Beat the Hiker and a Youngster, to level 26

[Streamer] LadyJasmineOfOlivine: Kappa r/theydidn'tdothemath

Chaos_lord2: @LadyJasmineOfOlivine I did alot of math, how was I supposed to know that pythons idea of "log()" and googles were different Kappa

[Streamer] Pyrolyze: Oh, if the problem was fixed then SeemsGood

Chaos_lord2: @Pyrolyze yh, there was 2 issues, I fucked up the math and used post-trading code in current core due to an oversight, this crashed the core

0d 14h 14m [R] Vs a Hiker in Route 25

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: maybe I should have a way to end seasons from outside of core boot 🤔

0d 14h 14m [B] Healed in center

[Streamer] Pyrolyze: Where the FUCK are my crates

Chaos_lord2: @Pyrolyze there was a tech issue delaying rewards, I'm just waiting for a good time to take the stream down to give them out

[Streamer] Ninjanitor: Crates weren't even given away yet though Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @Ninjanitor I know, but leaderboard shows prizes

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: also, just to be clear and make sure it's known, there was a bug with the prizes shown by leaderboard so don't be disapointed about getting less

[Streamer] nanami44: what did we just do in red? :o

Chaos_lord2: @nanami44 grabbed the Twave TM

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: yh that's TWave

0d 14h 10m [R] Picked up TM45

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: IIRC, M4 locked the settings

[Fluff] Looks like Red doesn't get his rematch vs the rocket grunt to stop getting infinite nuggets which he gives us before the battle

[Streamer] Ninjanitor: I can do that, but I wasn't aware Kippa

Chaos_lord2: @Ninjanitor yh it's not your fault, I just passed it by the internal channels as correcting peoples spelling is kinda a hobby for some of us

[Streamer] Ninjanitor: @Chaos_lord2 *using and *respectively Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @Ninjanitor BrokeBack this is why OTHER people were supposed to proofread it

[Streamer] Its_Reyn_Time: Now if only it answered the questions that get repeated hundreds of time every day Kappa

Chaos_lord2: @Its_Reyn_Time adding commands like that is trivial, if you have any that would be useful pitch them to me

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: that's just a little extra I slipped in on request

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: OK, looks like the fix got pushed overnight

0d 14h 4m Blue is grinding on Route 4 and Red wants a rematch with the rocket grunt on route 24

0d 14h 4m [B] Nidoran faints

[Streamer] Chaos_lord2: KonCha

0d 13h 58m [R] Ekans faints, whiteout

0d 13h 55m [R] Spearow faints

0d 13h 52m [B] Spearow faints, whiteout

0d 13h 49m [B] Charmelon faints

0d 13h 49m [R+B] Vs Rocket Grunt

0d 13h 48m [B] Charmeleon poisoned, trainer 5 defeated

0d 13h 48m [R] Ekans to level 11, trainer #5 defeated

0d 13h 47m [B] We fight trainer #5!

0d 13h 46m [R] Ivysaur faints

0d 13h 44m [B] We fight trainer #4!

0d 13h 43m [B] Pikachu faints

0d 13h 42m [R] We fight trainer #5!

0d 13h 38m [R] We challenger trainer #4!

0d 13h 37m [B] We challenge trainer #3!

0d 13h 36m [R+B] We resume our Nugget Bridge run together.

0d 13h 30m [R+B] Just wondering about Cerulean City.

0d 13h 30m [R] Spearow goes down! Blackout!

0d 13h 29m [B] Found a hidden Rare Candy!

0d 13h 27m [R] Paras goes down to Quick Attack!

0d 13h 26m [R] We manage to sneak past a trainer and skip to the next one. Challenged Lass!

0d 13h 25m [R] Youngster is defeated!

0d 13h 24m [B] Meanwhile, we're finding out about badges.

0d 13h 23m [R] Ivysaur goes down to Leech Life! We send in Spearow.

0d 13h 22m [R] Ekans goes down to Ivysaur. Youngster sends in Zubat.

0d 13h 19m [R] Clefairy goes down! We send in Ivysaur and take out Rattata. Youngster sends in Ekans.

[B] We enter the Pokémon Center. Pokémon Healed!

0d 13h 18m [R] We send in Clefairy.

0d 13h 17m [R] Ekans goes down!

0d 13h 16m [R] On to the next Nugget Bridge crew.

0d 13h 15m [R] We had a much better time of it than we did in Blue. Lass defeated.

0d 13h 14m [B] Lass is defeated!

[R] We challenge the same Lass!

0d 13h 13m [B] Spearow goes down to Poison Sting. We send in Charmeleon.

0d 13h 13m [B] Pidgey goes down. Spearow grows to Lv. 11! Nidoran♀ is sent in.

0d 13h 11m [B] We send in Spearow.

0d 13h 11m [B] Pikachu goes down to Gust!

0d 13h 8m [B] Nidoran♀ goes down!

0d 13h 6m [B] Bug Catcher defeated - now trainer #2!

0d 13h 4m [R] Ekans goes down to Poison Sting! Blackout!

[B] Pikachu grow to Lv. 11!

0d 13h 4m [B] We start our Nugget Bridge run.

[Fluff] WutFace it's only been 13 hours, wow

0d 13h 1m [Fluff] Misty within 13 hours? Is that a new record?

0d 13h 1m [B] We send in Spearow, and it goes down to Water Gun! Blackout!

0d 13h 1m [B] Staryu goes down. Charmeleon grows to Lv. 25!. Misty sends out Starmie. Charmeleon goes down!

0d 12h 59m [B] We challenge Misty! (Attempt #1)

[R] Clefairy goes down!

0d 12h 58m [R] Ivysaur goes down to Pidgey!

[B] JR. Trainer ♀ is defeated.

0d 12h 57m [R] Lass wants to battle.

0d 12h 57m [R] Ivysaur takes down Weedle. Bug Catcher is defeated!

[B] We are challenged by JR. Trainer ♀.

0d 12h 54m [B] Swimmer sends out Shellder. We switch to Charmeleon. Shellder goes down! Swimmer defeated.

[R] We challenge the first of Nugget Bridge crew.

0d 12h 53m [B] Currently fighting a swimmer. Spearow grows to Lv. 10!

0d 12h 52m [R] Defeated Rival! We have now beaten the Nugget bridge rival battle in both games.

0d 12h 50m [R] Spearow beats Paras, we send out Clefairy which pounds it till it faints. Clefairy to level 10.

0d 12h 49m [R] Red trainer sends out Paras. For some reason, enemy Charmeleon spams growl and leer instead of the super effective ember! Charmeleon down, Paras grows to level 12, Ivysaur grows to level 25. Rival sends out Spearow.

0d 12h 48m [R] We switch out Ivysaur for Spearow, but Spearow gets beaten instantly by Charmeleon's ember.

0d 12h 47m [B] Entered Cerulean Gym.

0d 12h 46m We poison and seed Charmeleon.

0d 12h 44m Pikachu down, rival sends out Charmeleon.

0d 12h 42m [R] VS the blue player! Ivysaur VS Pikachu. Ivysaur leech seeds Pikachu, Pikachu paralyzes Ivysaur.

0d 12h 41m [B] We are shopping. Bought 25 Poké Balls and 1 potion with all our money.

0d 12h 38m [R] Red team healed too.

0d 12h 33m [B] Blue team healed.

0d 12h 29m [R] We try to buy 99 Poké Balls in the Poké Mart, but of course, we don't have enough money. We decide to be less greedy and instead buy 12 Poké Balls. We have 14 Poké Balls now and 151 Pokédollars remaining.

0d 12h 21m [R] Starmie is 3-shotted by Vine Whip. We beat Misty, OBTAINED CASCADEBADGE. We also got TM11 Bubblebeam!

0d 12h 19m Telefang Boss battle music plays as we face Misty. Vine whip two shots Staryu, Ivysaur grows to level 24.

0d 12h 19m [R] VS Misty. We send out Ivysaur against her Staryu.

0d 12h 18m [R] VS a Junior trainer in the gym. Ivysaur got confused by a Goldeen but fights through confusion and wins without a scratch!

0d 12h 17m [R] VS a Swimmer in the gym. We send out Ivysaur against her Horsea. Vine whip one shots both Horsea and Shellder, we win.

0d 12h 16m [R] Entered the cerulean gym.

0d 12h 12m Healed the Red team.

0d 12h 11m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

0d 12h 6m Charmeleon beats Ivysaur, grew to level 24 and learned Rage over Scratch. We easily beat the rest of our rival's team (Clefairy, Paras, Ekans and Spearow). Defeated Rival ))).

0d 12h 5m Charmeleon uses scratch then ember, both with normal effectiveness. Ivysaur seeds and poisons Charmeleon.

0d 12h 3m [B] We send out Pikachu which falls to Ivysaur's vine whip. Charmeleon is sent out.

0d 12h 2m [B] VS the rival (=the player from the red game.) on Nugget bridge.

[R] Caught a female Lv. 10 Ekans! Nickname: A

[B] Healed and checkpointed at Cerulean City.

0d 11h 56m [B] We enter Cerulean City!

0d 11h 55m [B] Made it out of Mt. Moon.

[Chat] Very manly Spearow PogChamp

[R] Caught a female Lv. 8 Spearow! Nickname: ::♂♂♂♂♂VLLL

0d 11h 47m [B] Obtained the Dome fossil.

(The red game has the Helix fossil.)

0d 11h 42m [B] Nidoran down to a wild Zubat.

0d 11h 41m Charmeleon down, Spearow pecks the Koffing till it faints. Defeated super nerd! Spearow grew to level 9.

0d 11h 40m Foe's Koffing poisoned Charmeleon!

0d 11h 38m [B] VS the super nerd guarding the fossils.

0d 11h 35m [B] Challenged by another rocket grunt! Charmeleon makes short work of his Rattata and Zubat. We win.

0d 11h 30m [R] Bought 4 Poké Balls in the mart. Current balance: 12 Pokédollars.

0d 11h 27m We send out Charmeleon who gets hit by a critical hit hyper fang! He retaliates with an ember which is also a crit, Rocket defeated.

0d 11h 26m In the blue game, we fight the Rocket with a Raticate again. Pikachu down.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it being a catch them all run should pad out the run length at least, good luck!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: wow, you're at Cerulean City already?

0d 11h 15m Checkpointed at the Cerulean City Poké Center.

0d 11h 14m Red makes it to Cerulean City. Normal Cerulean music is playing here.

0d 11h 12m [R] Currently at the end of route 4, trying to make it to Cerulean to checkpoint.

[B] Wandering around Mt. Moon.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I imagine they're finding the stream via the "Pokemon Red" game category?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: seeing lots of new followers since this run started, welcome!

0d 11h 11m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

0d 11h 9m [R] Red is out of Mt.Moon!

0d 11h 6m [B] Nidoran reached Lv. 4.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: tppHelix / tppDome ?

0d 11h 1m [R] Red picked up the Helix Fossil!

0d 11h 1m [R] It's fossil time!

0d 11h 0m [R] Red pulled off a clutch victory!!

0d 10h 59m [R] Without any damaging moves left, Ivysaur is barely surviving with a handful of HPs thanks to Leech Seed...

0d 10h 57m [R] Clefairy is down.

0d 10h 56m [R] And then immediately fainted.

0d 10h 55m [R] Paras reached Lv. 11!

0d 10h 54m [B] Blue blacked out. [R] Red has gotten past two Pokémon out of three.

0d 10h 50m [B] Blue only has Spearow left.

0d 10h 50m [R] Red made it past the trainer with a full party and is now facing the super nerd in front of the fossils!

0d 10h 47m [B] Charmeleon fainted.

0d 10h 43m [R] Red made it to a different Rocket trainer with a full party. Both sides are battling now. Red is closer to the fossils.

0d 10h 42m [B] Blue is up against a Rocket trainer again.

[Streamer] Keksbaer: @TwitchPlaysPokemon when do we get our reward from last season? Keep

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Keksbaer there was an error with the prize distribution code, it'll have to wait until it's fixed, likely the end of the run at the latest, maybe sooner

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: did Twitch take away the twitch bat emote?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: zubat spam tppLUL

0d 10h 32m [B] Pikachu down again.

[Fluff] Our race to see who faints first has been going great, thanks.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how's the run coming along?

0d 10h 21m [R] Red followed her shortly after.

0d 10h 14m [B] Blue blacked out.

0d 10h 13m [B] Charmeleon and Nidoran both fainted against the enemy Raticate.

0d 10h 10m [B] Blue is facing a Rocket trainer, while on Red's side, [R] Clefairy fainted.

0d 10h 1m [B] Charmeleon reached Lv. 22.

0d 10h 0m [B] Pikachu is down.

0d 9h 56m [B] Pikachu reached Lv. 9 and learned Thunder Wave.

0d 9h 55m [R] Ivysaur fainted.

0d 9h 48m [B] Pikachu reached Lv. 8!

0d 9h 39m Red and Blue are both in front of the first trainer in the cave, both with a healthy party, and they are totally not racing, nope, this isn't a race.

[Info] [R] Ivysaur's current move order: Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Poisonpowder, Growl.

0d 9h 36m [B] Shortly after, Blue also blacked out. [R] Red is back into the cave.

0d 9h 31m [R] Paras goes down; another attempt at getting past Mt.Moon has ended for Red. Blacked out!

0d 9h 26m [R] Ivysaur's moves have been switched around, with Leech Seed being on top of the list. He fainted right after.

0d 9h 21m [R] Ivysaur reached Lv. 22 and learned Poison Powder over Tackle.

0d 9h 19m [B] Blue found her own Moon Stone.

0d 9h 9m [R] Red is fighting a Youngster. Clefairy fainted against a Rattata.

0d 9h 0m [B] Found an Escape Rope.

0d 8h 57m [B] Blue picked up a Rare Candy.

0d 8h 47m [B] Charmeleon reached Lv. 21.

0d 8h 46m [R] Red is standing around in front of the entrance of Mt.Moon while [B] Blue is still progressing with Charmeleon alone. At this hour, inputs are slow.

0d 8h 39m [R] Red is wandering around within the pokécenter.

0d 8h 31m [R] Red blacked out against a Rocket.

0d 8h 29m Both sides are slowly dragging themselves through Mt.Moon with only their starters still barely conscious.

0d 8h 22m [B] Found an Ether.

0d 8h 19m [R] Picked up a Moon Stone.

0d 8h 12m [B] Picked up a TM 01. [R] Ivysaur reached Lv. 21.

0d 8h 11m [R] Red defeats the Rocket trainer, while [B] on the right side, Paras fainted against a Hiker.

0d 8h 9m [B] Pikachu fainted; Blue only has Charmeleon left.

0d 8h 7m Both sides are in a trainer battle. For a brief moment, the stream's layout went dark. [B] Pikachu reached Lv. 7!

0d 8h 5m [B] Blue has finally decided that Pikachu's pokéball should precede Charmeleon's.

0d 8h 1m [B] Blue is trying hard to re-order her party. So far, Charmeleon is staying in the lead, followed by Pikachu, Spearow, and Nidoran.

0d 7h 55m [R] Clefairy was about to get some sweet EXP, but a couple of crits took her out. [B] Charmeleon reached level 20.

0d 7h 54m [B] Blue just entered a battle against the exact same trainer.

0d 7h 53m [R] Red is currently battling Tommy Wiseau-- err, a Lass.

0d 7h 46m As Blue defeats the trainer with only Charmeleon and Pikachu still standing, Red walks right back into the Mt.Moon. They are both in the first area.

[Info] The arrow that was under the badges earlier is gone now.

0d 7h 43m [R] Red blacked out. We're back outside of the cave, questioning the life choices that ultimately brought us here.

0d 7h 42m Both sides are battling. [B] Spearow fainted; [R] Ivysaur fainted.

0d 7h 40m [B] Has been spotted by the Lass right at the entrance of Mt.Moon and started battling; [R] Ivysaur reached Lv. 20!

[Snark] HP UP, fossil, same thing

0d 7h 34m [R] Found an HP UP.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: this area outside of Mt Moon near the Pokecenter is where I remember TPP first started getting really popular

0d 7h 32m [R] Red approaches the fossil again.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: already got a badge? nice

0d 7h 26m [B] Healed and checkpointed! [R] Paras faints.

0d 7h 24m [B] Blue finally reaches the Pokémon Center at the end of the route.

0d 7h 9m [B] Blue is challenged by a startled Lass with a Jigglypuff. Charmeleon KOs it.

0d 7h 6m [B] Blue has some trouble with a wild Jigglypuff putting Nidoran to sleep. [R] Red re-enters Mt. Moon.

[Info] There's an arrow below the Boulderbadge on Red's side. Unclear on the significance.

0d 7h 0m [B] Blue defeats the Bug Catcher's Caterpie and Metapod. [R] Red approaches the fossil podium—with only one fossil?—but is promptly beaten up by a Clefairy. BLACKED OUT!

0d 6h 58m [B] Blue finally gets past the ledge and starts a fight against a Bug Catcher.

0d 6h 57m [R] Clefairy faints after being assaulted by a jealous wild Clefairy.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: yeah definitely a speedrun KappaHD

[Info] [R] Male, apparently.

0d 6h 51m [R] Suddenly caught a Level 10 Paras! Nickname: DDDDDDDMMM

0d 6h 48m [B] Defeated the Youngster without much problem. [R] Clefairy is sitting at 4 HP, but the damage taken from Leech Life and healed from Leech Seed are perfectly balancing.

0d 6h 47m [B] Challenged by a Youngster with just a Spearow. [R] Ivysaur faints to a wild Zubat!

[Info] [R] The overlay says the Clefairy is female.

0d 6h 45m [R] Caught a Level 9 Clefairy! Nickname: OOXXXXXWVT [B] Struggling with the ledges.

0d 6h 42m [B] Blue defeats the Bug Catcher. Charmeleon to Level 18.

0d 6h 41m [B] Charmeleon scores repeated critical hits and brings down Caterpie. [R] Red finds a wild Geodude and uses a Potion on Ivysaur before starting to chuck some Balls. Failing the capture, he runs away.

0d 6h 40m [B] Blue takes on a Bug Catcher, and quickly KOs a Weedle and a Kakuna.

0d 6h 38m [B] Charmeleon takes out both of the Lass' Pokémon without an issue.

0d 6h 37m [B] Challenged by a Lass who starts with a Rattata. [R] Still exploring the cave, Ivysaur hanging on by a thread.

0d 6h 33m [B] Charmander has evolved into Charmeleon!

0d 6h 32m [B] Charmander defeats Rattata with little effort, and Ekans the same. Charmander grows to level 17!

0d 6h 31m [B] Blue gets up some troublesome stairs and starts a rematch against Joey.

0d 6h 29m [R] The Lass is defeated and Ivysaur's level grows to 19.

0d 6h 27m [R] Challenged by a Lass and her Clefairy! She puts Ivysaur to sleep.

0d 6h 26m [R] Entered Mt. Moon!

0d 6h 24m [B] Spearow comes in and finishes the job. Spearow to level 6! [R] Red has some trouble finding the entrance of Mt. Moon.

0d 6h 22m [B] Pikachu has some trouble getting his Thundershocks out. Pikachu faints.

0d 6h 19m [B] Pikachu defeats one Pidgey and grows to level 6! [R] Red talks to the locals.

0d 6h 17m [R] Healed and checkpointed!

0d 6h 17m [B] Switched out to Pikachu for the type advantage, and tries to teach Bide on the fly but is stopped by Oak's disembodied voice.

0d 6h 16m [B] Blue is challenged by a Pidgey-toting Lass.

0d 6h 15m [B] Blue steps back onto Route 3 while [R] Red enters the Pokémon Center by Mt. Moon.

0d 6h 8m [B] Unfortunately, Wrap is broken in this game. BLACK OUT!

0d 6h 7m [B] Blue's last Pokémon is a level 3 Nidoran against a level 11 Ekans, but Ekans' HP isn't doing so hot.

0d 6h 5m [B] Pikachu almost defeats the Ekans, but falls to poison damage. [R] Red defeats the Bug Catcher's 2 Pokémon without a hitch.

0d 6h 4m [B] Spearow faints and we send out Pikachu next.

0d 6h 3m [R] Red battles the last Bug Catcher of a clump of trainers. He sends out a Caterpie. [B] Blue's Spearow struggles against Joey's Ekans.

[Snark] Trainer: "Avoid fights by not letting people see you!" Red: "Where'd I put my invisibility cloak?"

0d 6h 0m [B] Charmander clutches out a Quick Attack from Rattata and KOs it, but Charmander faints to his Ekans. [R] Ivysaur defeats the Bug Catcher's Caterpie and Metapod.

0d 5h 59m [R] Ivysaur takes out a Kakuna. Ivysaur to Level 18! [B] Blue starts a battle against Joey.

0d 5h 59m [Bot] [B] [Info] Current Party:

[R] [Info] Current Party:

0d 5h 58m [R] Red finds another trainer to battle, Ivysaur KOing a Weedle. [B] Blue decides she prefers Charmander to Charmeleon and cancels an evolution.

0d 5h 57m [B] Blue gives her Pikachu a chance at a winnable battle against a Caterpie. He tears through it with several Thundershocks.

0d 5h 54m [B] Blue's Charmander fights off the Bug Catcher's first Caterpie and Weedle, leveling up to 16!

0d 5h 53m [R] He can't take the Gusts! BLACK OUT!

0d 5h 52m [R] ...I may have spoken too soon. Ivysaur runs out of Vine Whip and his Tackle is at the mercy of Sand-Attack. [B] Blue meanwhile makes it onto Route 3 and battles the first trainer.

0d 5h 51m [R] Hopped a ledge! Found a trainer with a couple Pidgey that are no match for Ivysaur's rampage.

0d 5h 48m [B] Blue listens to Jigglypuff again before healing. [R] Red finds another trainer with another Rattata and scores another win.

[Fluff] Jigglypuff learnt the correct song! PogChamp

0d 5h 46m [R] We found Youngster Joey! He gives us the shorts talk and battles us with his Rattata. Despite being top%, Ivysaur dispatches it and grows to level 17. His Ekans goes down too.

0d 5h 46m [R] Finally beat that trainer.

0d 5h 42m [R] Took down the Caterpie and his subsequent Weedle. Another Caterpie comes out, so Ivysaur growls some more.

0d 5h 40m [R] Challenged by a trainer that apparently met us in Viridian Forest. His Caterpie clutches out some Tackles, so we just Growl threateningly.

0d 5h 40m [R] On Route 3 now, and chat is already dreading the ledges.

[Info] [R] Also bought 1 Potion.

0d 5h 38m [R] Bought 6 Poké Balls.

0d 5h 31m [B] Brock's Onix goes down to more flaming Embers! Defeated Gym Leader Brock and received the Boulderbadge and TM34 Bide!

0d 5h 29m [B] Some special Embers finally take down Geodude. Pikachu jumps up to level 5!

0d 5h 28m [B] Blue is still plodding strategically through the battle, countering Geodude's several Defense Curls with some Leers.

0d 5h 28m [R] Bulbasaur has evolved into Ivysaur, while Brock gives us TM34 Bide!

0d 5h 27m [R] Bulbasaur takes out Geodude in one hit, and does the same to Onix! Defeated Gym Leader Brock! Bulbasaur grows to level 16! Received the Boulderbadge!

0d 5h 26m [B] Blue switches Charmander back in. [R] Vs. Gym Leader Brock, attempt #1!

0d 5h 26m [R] Bulbasaur to level 15!

0d 5h 25m [R] Vs. first gym trainer! Bulbasaur easily deals with Diglett and Sandshrew.

0d 5h 24m [R] Entered Brock's Gym! [B] Pikachu spams ineffective moves while Geodude spams ineffective Defense Curls.**

0d 5h 23m [R] Red, ever indecisive, immediately exits the museum and throws his ticket in the trash. [B] Blue switches Charmander out for Pikachu.

0d 5h 22m [R] Red meanwhile takes a leisurely trip to the museum, burning ₽50. [B] Speaow faints.

[Info] [B] Apparently Nidoran fainted at some point before this battle? Spearow is at half HP.

0d 5h 21m [B] It's a battle of stats as Geodude spams Defense Curl and Spearow spams Growl.

0d 5h 20m [B] We recognize the type disadvantage Charmander has against a Rock-type and smartly switch to Spearow.

0d 5h 19m [B] Vs. Gym Leader Brock! Attempt #2

0d 5h 19m [B] Back in the gym.

0d 5h 17m [R] BLACKED OUT while training.

0d 5h 11m [B] Blue talks to the nurse to heal and walks outside.

0d 5h 11m [R] Bulbasaur grows to level 14!

0d 5h 10m [B] Blue keeps wandering around in the Pokémon Center, while [R] Red trains in Route 2's grass.

0d 4h 51m [B] Charmander to level 15! He learns Leer!

0d 4h 50m [R] Bulbasaur to level 13! He learned Vine Whip!

0d 4h 48m [R/B] Out in Pewter City.

0d 4h 46m [R] Red, giving up, heals. [B] Blue dances for the entertainment of Jigglypuff.

0d 4h 42m Back in. [R] "Link lady, please?" [B] "Oooo! PC!"

0d 4h 41m Hello darkness my old friend... and title screen.

0d 4h 40m [B] Blue hits the PC. [R] Red is frozen from shock for being stood up by Blue and can't escape the menu...

0d 4h 39m Back in the game. A funky Pokémon Anime remix to the Poké Center music plays as we reconnect to the Cable Club and Blue promptly cancels out...

[Streamer] ProjectRevoTPP: thanks for firing the anti-air guns @M4_used_Rollout



0d 4h 38m The emulators are reset! They're trying to get rid of the helicopter flying around our right ear right now.

[Fluff] Attack helicopter is still playing

0d 4h 37m [B] Blue speaks to the Cable Club lady. [R] Red speaks to a man outraged about Team Rocket.

0d 4h 36m [R] Red speaks to the Cable Club lady. [B] Blue hits the PC.

0d 4h 36m The games resume! Pokémon Go's title music is used.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's not like TPP unless something goes wrong

0d 4h 35m Inputs are stopped too.

[Snark] Current music: Attack helicopter

0d 4h 34m A odd helicopter-like sound is present as both games have crashed to white.


0d 4h 33m Blue sits at the table and patiently waits for Red to stop banging into walls.

0d 4h 33m [B] Blue speaks to the Cable Club lady. [R] Red speaks to the Cable Club lady. Welcome to the Trade Colosseum!

0d 4h 32m [R] Red caresses the PC. [B] Blue talks with the Cable Club lady.

0d 4h 31m [B] BLACKOUT! [R/B] We both heal at the center.

0d 4h 30m [B] Geodude brings us to 1HP with a tackle! We continue to ember! [R] Red contemplates PC-icide...

0d 4h 29m [B] Our scratches live up to their name, but our embers do more damage. Geodude rolls up into a ball several times.

0d 4h 29m [B] Vs Brock! (Attempt #1)

0d 4h 28m [R] We save! Then dive into the PC! [B] Spearow goes down! Charmander comes out with 4HP and wins the fight!

0d 4h 27m [B] Pikachu makes a token cameo.

0d 4h 26m [B] We keep attempting to use Antidote, but no one is poisoned, so it won't let us.

[Chat] spams Stadium and PBR announcer lines as the battle music changes to Pokémon Stadium.

0d 4h 25m [B] Sandshrew does a number on our Spearow, and we attempt to run from battle. [R] We dance to funky Pokémon Stadium music.

0d 4h 23m [R] Jigglypuff is a bitch about our music and changes it on us. [B] Our Nidoran came out and promptly died.

[Fluff] Jigglypuff has learned a new song

0d 4h 22m We're fighting a [B] Diglett / [R] Sandshrew. [R] Sandshrew takes out Bulbasaur and BLACK OUT! [B] Charmander to level 14!

0d 4h 21m [R] We're now double light years from facing Brock apparently, as Pokémon Colosseum sounds fill the air.

0d 4h 20m [B] We're LIGHT YEARS from facing Brock! [R] Red found a gym as well!

0d 4h 19m [B] We seem to have found ourselves in a gym. [R] Red is wandering all lonely around Pewter.

[Snark] [R] #ForeverAlone

0d 4h 16m [R] Red speaks to the Cable Club lady. [B] Blue misses and runs out of the center entirely.

0d 4h 14m [R] Red speaks to the Cable Club lady. [B] Blue misses and nearly deposits Charmander.

0d 4h 13m [R] Red speaks to the Cable Club lady. [B] Blue misses and speaks to the PC.

0d 4h 12m [R] Red is now flirting with the PC. Having only one Pokémon on him, his possible damage is more limited.

0d 4h 11m [R] We enter the Poké Center. [B] We exit the Poké Center. [Music] Pokémon Colosseum's Poké Center.

0d 4h 9m Blue speaks to the Cable Club gal and tries to contact Red. Red is too busy smelling the flowers to care.

0d 4h 8m [B] Blue decides to browse Someone's PC...

0d 4h 2m [B] Jigglypuff keeps singing "Intermission 3 - Ms. PACMAN", now on the Blue side rather than Red.

0d 4h 1m [B] Healed! Checkpoint Pewter City!

0d 3h 59m [R/B] Putzing about in Pewter City.

0d 3h 58m There's now a "Now Playing" bar at the bottom of the overlay.

0d 3h 56m [R] Between all the musical fuss, we heal in Pewter City!

0d 3h 53m We're still reeling from the music change, where a random song appropriate to the category keeps getting picked. And Jigglypuff keeps overriding everything.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the new music system is great, wonderful work by M4_used_Rollout!

0d 3h 52m [R] We're in the Pokémon Center, which didn't have a song. But Jigglypuff is now singing and overridding Red's battle music.

0d 3h 51m [Chat] WutFaces as yet more non-GBA music appears

0d 3h 50m We continue the game now and have gen 2 and 3 music playing over our gen 1 games. [B] Blue manages to make it out of the forest unharmed and with Pikachu intact.

0d 3h 49m We're suddenly given control back and.... a very much NOT Gameboy version of the battle theme is now playing!

0d 3h 47m We see copyright screens on both games as the emulator is reloaded (the games are running in the same emulator). A save state is loaded, and both games are manually saved after running from battles.

0d 3h 46m All goes black...

0d 3h 46m [B] Another save state is loaded, and Blue is a mess of sprites and can walk over walls.

0d 3h 45m [B] A save state is loaded and Pikachu is gone now! We don't catch it! And now everything is frozen and there's no music...

0d 3h 45m The streamer takes over and somehow runs from Blue's trainer battle, and now there's no trainer sprite.

0d 3h 45m Inputs cease momentarily.

0d 3h 43m [B] We find a potion in the grass in front of a bug trainer at the end of the forest. We send out our level 13 Charmander.

0d 3h 41m [B] And a save state has been reloaded! Back in the forest with our Pikachu and all.

[Correction] Also, the Pikachu was caught by Blue.

0d 3h 40m [B] Charmander to level 14! And we watch as Blue... walks off the top of Viridian Forest map... and THE GAME CRASHES!

0d 3h 35m Caught a male Lv. 3 Pikachu! Nickname: QPPQQRQPj

0d 3h 33m [B] We run into a wild L3 Pikachu. Much consternation is had as we throw a Poké Ball... and catch it!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: so much progress has been made already, not like the first run

0d 3h 31m [B] We find an Antidote!

0d 3h 30m INTERNAL SERVER ERROR -- nope we're fine. Chrome's fine. Moving on like nothing happened.

0d 3h 30m [B] Charmander to level 13!

0d 3h 25m [B] Charmander to level 12!

0d 3h 23m [B] We pick up another Poké Ball in the woods!

0d 3h 21m [B] Meanwhile, Blue's made it into the forest, and we get to hear the forest music for the first time.

0d 3h 21m [R] Bulbasaur to level 12!

0d 3h 14m [R] Healed! Checkpoint Pewter City!

0d 3h 14m [R] Red finally manages to find the Poké Center door! Hooray!

0d 3h 9m The stream resumes. [R] Red continues to have difficulty finding the door to the Pokémon center. [B] Blue continues to have difficulty getting past pidgeys on Route 1.

0d 3h 8m There is a brief pause while a bug is fixed on stream. RIOT!

0d 3h 3m [R] TRAINER TIPS: You have arrived in Pewter City!

0d 3h 2m [R] We arrive on the route leading up to Pewter City, as the music battles over which route music is more prominent.

0d 3h 1m [B] BLACKOUT Welcome back to Pallet Town!

0d 3h 0m [R] Red runs into another trainer as he makes to exit the forest, and the trainer music stomps the wild battle music from [B] Blue, who's getting curb stomped by a L4 pidgey.

0d 2h 58m [B] Blue is trying to catch up to Red now, and is heading to the forest.

0d 2h 56m [B] We've managed to meander our way back into Viridian City.

0d 2h 53m [R] Found an antidote!

0d 2h 51m [R] Bulbasaur to level 11! and we win the trainer battle!

0d 2h 47m [R] Bulbasaur to level 10!

0d 2h 45m [R] We run into our first trainer battle, a bug catcher!

0d 2h 41m [R] We throw our only Poké Ball at a L5 Kakuna, and it breaks free almost immediately. Chat just laughs.

0d 2h 38m [B] Charmander grew to level 11!

0d 2h 38m [R] We picked up a Poké Ball!

[Streamer] m4_used_rollout: oh by the way, the fitness thing?
m4_used_rollout: if your party loses fitness, the rival's party won't
m4_used_rollout: the rival always has the best party you've ever had
m4_used_rollout: so don't go to the PC to try to make the game easier for the other side. It will only make it harder for you

0d 2h 33m [R] We head into Viridian Forest.

0d 2h 31m [R] We examine the trees on the route north of Viridian. [B] We examine the tall grass on the route west of Viridian.

0d 2h 27m [R] Healed! Checkpoint Viridian City!

[Fluff] [R] We're not check pointed yet until we heal.

0d 2h 25m [B] We're out of balls trying to catch another female nidoran. [R] We're bumming around in south Viridian, and managed to actually enter the Pokémon center!

[Info] Current teams: Blue: Level 10 Charmander, Level 3 Nidoran Female, Level 5 Spearow. Red: Level 9 Bulbasaur.

0d 2h 19m [B] Caught a Lv. 5 Spearow! Nickname: HHHHAAIQQ The overlay thinks its female.

0d 2h 17m The riot screen flashes up a couple of times.

[Snark] It's gen 1 Pokémon didn't have genders

[Info] The Nidoran is female!

0d 2h 15m [B] Caught a Lv. 3 Nidoran Male! Nickname: MLLLULVVSS

0d 2h 14m [R/B] Hanging around on the route west of Viridian.

[Chat] Sim called itself a Troll

0d 2h 2m [b] Blue leaves Viridian city to walk in the tall grass, while [r] Red decides to stay in Viridian

0d 2h 0m [r] Red gets denied a trip to the Poké Center by the ledge

[Fluff] Poor red, they are too poor to buy balls

0d 1h 53m [b] We buy 3 Poké Balls

0d 1h 51m Both hosts are now in Viridian City

[Fluff] That was easy, we just spammed scratch and ember.

By the way, now it's using the actual party for the rival's team.

0d 1h 41m [B] Charmander grew to level 10! Rival Red defeated!

0d 1h 40m [B] Red strides up and challenges blue. VS Rival Red!

0d 1h 39m [R] Bulbasaur grew to level 9!

[Fluff] They're both battling level 3 rattatas now

[Snark] That trip was not free it cost ₽46

[Correction] That [R] on the Charmander update should have been [B]

0d 1h 36m [R] Red finally hands over the parcel and gets the Pokédex

0d 1h 35m [R] Charmander grew to level 9 and learned Ember

0d 1h 33m [B] Blue has gotten stuck on Route 22 and [R] Red finally finds his way into Oak's lab, where he starts checking out the bookcases

0d 1h 29m [B] Blue returns to Viridian City and starts heading west

0d 1h 28m [R] Bulbasaur faints! Blacked out! Red gets a free trip back to Pallet Town

0d 1h 25m [B] Charmander faints! Blacked out! and the double beeping stops

[Chat] WutFaces as both games go into red HP beeping in sync.

[Fluff] Constant battle start music as both trainers train on Route 1

[Snark] [R] Red tries using Oak's parcel in battle. It fails miserably!

0d 1h 20m [B] Charmander faints! Blacked out!

0d 1h 16m [B] Charmander grows to level 8!

0d 1h 15m [R] Red gets Oak's Parcel!

0d 1h 14m [R] Red finally reaches Viridian City, only taking an hour to get through Route 1

0d 1h 11m [R] Bulbasaur grows to level 8

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the music system is fantastic, great work!

0d 1h 6m [B] Blue gets the Pokédex! Meanwhile, the rival Red appears to have greater success at leaving home, having gotten his Pokédex as well

0d 1h 7m [B] Delivered Oak's Parcel and received the Pokedex.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: still no response from Reddit moderation despite them claiming to be happy to answer any questions, I guess mine left them stumped? tppLUL

0d 1h 4m [R] Bulbasaur faints! Blacked out!

0d 1h 3m [R] Red's tactic of leeching enemies to death hits a snag as Leech Seed runs out of PP. [B] Meanwhile Blue is lost again, this time in Pallet Town

0d 1h 0m [B] Blue returns to Pallet Town

[Fluff] Sound glitched for a second there, used the "battle start" music when a battle was ongoing

0d 0h 56m [B] Blue uses the potion. [R] Meanwhile Red struggles to leave home...again

0d 0h 54m [R] Bulbasaur faints! Blacked out!

0d 0h 52m [B] Blue finally gets Oak's parcel after wandering around Viridian City for the better part of an hour

0d 0h 49m [R] Bulbasaur grew to level 7 and learned Leech Seed!

0d 0h 45m [R] Bulbasaur faints! Blacked out!

0d 0h 37m [R] Red leaves home again

0d 0h 34m [B] Blue finds a hidden Potion!

0d 0h 34m [R] Bulbasaur faints! Blacked out!

0d 0h 33m [B] Blue leaves Viridian City again while [R] Red continues the trek northwards

0d 0h 31m [R] Bulbasaur grew to level 6!

0d 0h 27m [R] Red sets off again, while [B] Blue walks into walls and the entirely wrong building in true TPP fashion

0d 0h 26m [B] Blue remains lost in Viridian City while [R] Red works up the courage to leave again

0d 0h 25m [R] Bulbasaur faints! Blackout!

[Streamer] m4_used_rollout: @Macrol CP is IVs and level. Fitness is IVS, level, EVs, and moveset

[Info] Also, the party overlay has "CP" and "Fitness" for each pokemon. [B] Charmander has CP 10, Fit 4226. [R] Bulbasaur has CP 71, Fit 3000.

0d 0h 20m [B] Blue leaves Viridian City then finds a drunk old man while [R] Red fights wild mons

0d 0h 18m [B] Blue arrives in Viridian, while [R] Red finally enters Route 1

0d 0h 18m A grew to level 7!

[Fluff] Yup, as evidenced by the first rival battle in the red game.

[Info] Also, the stream staff have confirmed that the Link Cable between the two is fully functional. So trading/battle between them will be a thing.

0d 0h 15m Both trainers are now trying to head to Viridian City. [B] Blue has headed north while [R] Red has returned to Oak's lab

[Snark] How can they both lose at the same time?

0d 0h 13m [B] A the Charmander faints! Blackout! [R] Bulbasaur faints! Rival wins!

[Info] The rival's charmander in the red game is the same charmander in the player's party of the blue game. It has the same nickname and level.

Nickname of Bulbasaur: UUUVVX;:UL

0d 0h 12m [R] Battling Rival Blue

0d 0h 11m [R] Red chooses Bulbasaur!

[Info Addendum] Also, all sound is coming out of their respective side's speakers. Blue on the left speaker, Red on the right speaker.

[Info] Though we can still hear sound from Red

[Info] The music is interesting. It seems that there's a presidence thing going on between the two games. Red's in Oak's lab, and that music was playing instead of Blue's Pallet Town or Route 1 music. But when Blue enters battle, the battle music takes over from Blue.

0d 0h 9m Meanwhile the red player is still undecisive about which starter to pick.

0d 0h 9m [B] Blue leaves Pallet Town

0d 0h 8m [B] Blue is wandering around the northeastern corner of Pallet Town while [R] Red is looking at mons

[Fluff] So we are

0d 0h 6m [B] A levels up to level 6! Rival ((( defeated!

[Info] We never named our rivals. It seems... we are each other's rival...

0d 0h 6m [B] We got a Charmander! Nickname A

[Info] My mistake, they are [B] XXWWNNPk and [R] (((. [B] Rival is (((

0d 0h 2m [R] Red has entered the lab while [B] Blue has entered the tall grass and encountered Professor Oak