Updater archive for #t9cxtjfhj8w3

Twitch Plays Pokémon X / Arena

[Snark] Good bye to the Pokémon X Updater while you can!


We will see you there! Say good bye to the Pokémon X Updater while you can!

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[Snark] About time.


If you are watching this, you are viewing the WRONG UPDATER! THIS updater will be used for Pokémon Omega Ruby! Join us!

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[Snark] Well then, just mute the audio. Kappa

[Fluff] I have been watching this title screen for the past 4 hours. I think I am going insane with this music stuck in my head.

click me for the live updater for Omega Ruby! We will not be using this in the next hour!

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1 hour left until Pokémon Omega Ruby HYPE!

2 hours left!

3 hours left until Pokémon Omega Ruby HYPE!

[Meta] TwitchSpeaks Pre-Game show is starting now!

4 Hours left to go until Pokémon Omega Ruby HYPE!

[Meta] While Pokémon Omega Ruby starts in 5 hours, TwitchSpeaks is going to be holding a Pre-Game party in 1 hour from now. That's 4 hours before the actual game starts tonight. So, come on in and hang out if you're interested.

[Donation] $2.00 USD donation from Anonymously large name: This is a note testing the maximum length that notes can possibly be to do this it goes on for awhile in order to use up the 200 character limit for tip notes, still more characters to use up, ok done

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Raise your Groudongers! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Stream back up! We're still on Omega Ruby.

[Snark] Riot? What is that? Just raise your arms and hope you get noticed. Kappa

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Stream down!

[Donation] $1.00 USD donation from ShinySapphire: Alpha Sapphire > Omega Ruby *Grabs even more popcorn* TriHard

[Donation] $1.00 USD donation from FF: Kenyaaaaaaaaaa! After months, we've come back for you!

[Fluff] Donations still work.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: is the donation overlay still working?


[OR] We picked English, and are watching the intro.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'm drowning in water KappaHD

[OR] We're in the language select, but the code is showing!

[Snark] Looks like Streamer just cast his vote for our character's name.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: a

By which I mean the title card. Not even in the game.


[Chat] Kyuremtrainer: OMG WII U EVOLVED INTO 3DS

Now we are on 3DS.

We are on the Wii U menu.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I made a dump of the match and betting history of Stadium 2: https://mega.co.nz/#!hwc31Jzb!2L2qolqGnjbKzmnTz3USI9FTq0bxZsJXtSo8odqav4Q

[SSB4] WE UNLOCKED ROB! Well, Deku did for us, but it's the thought that counts.

[SSB4] Okay, now we just flat out beat Deku in stats. Both of us got creamed by the CPUs.

[SSB4] We tied Deku? Anyways, another ROB encounter go!

[SSB4] We are now playing some Team Battles offline, but we also have a player 2, who I assume is Deku, and an Amiibo character on the field.

[SSB4] We just got Mr. Game and Watch, and got Duck Hunt Dog a while ago. Now we are facing ROB.

[SSB4] We are currently jamming out to some Sanic music on the Lost World stage.

[SSB4] We got Dark Pit! (Around 10 minutes ago)

[SSB4] On the character select screen! ...As expected.

[SSB4] Looks like we're having a start9 riot for some reason.

Just a little FYI: Pokemon Omega Ruby starts in 19 hours, 20 minutes.

[SSB4] Okay we have picture/audio now!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[SSB4] No device...

[SSB4] Apparently, there seems to be some Audio/Video desync going on now.

[SSB4] I like how you can choose to play in regular stages with disasters, or play in a flat, final destination type map for each stage design without all the disasters in the way.

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ I liked to raise my donger, ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ I did it all the time. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ And every time it lowered, ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ I'd cry and start to whine. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Since dongers are now banned, ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ I'll RIOT all day long. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ A donger earned is a donger saved, ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ so sing the RIOT song. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[SSB4] Just as I said that, Captain Falcon had won the match!

[Fluff] Obligatory "FALCON, PUNCH!"

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: by the way, spam b at character selection screen will get you out

[Fluff] Just not necessarily good AT playing online.

[Fluff] Don't worry, we're still good for playing online.


[Context] "Twitch_Plays_3DS: I'm going to bed so you're on your own now. Try not to get me banned for too long "

[Streamer] @Twitchplayspokemon as usual feel free to put the back up stream on if this one goes off line for more than half an hour

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: up/down/left/right for left stick, cup/cdown, etc for right stick, dup/ddown, etc for d-pad

[SSB4] We are now playing Online. HYPE!

[SSB4] Welp, that was Smash Tour.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Mr saturn PogChamp

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: how to unlock characters in smash Wii U? still doing matches?

[SSB4] Okay, we got last this time.



[SSB4] ...we won the impromptu Smash. HOW!?!?

[SSB4] We started Smash Tour!

[SSB4] The menus were playing SSB Melee's theme. That takes me back.

[SSB4] Link (us) vs. Link (Deku)

[SSB4] Looks like we also get Ganondorf at the start, as well as Jigglypuff. Anyone else I missed?

[SSB4] So we get Bowser Jr. from the start. Unlike the 3DS version, where we had to unlock him.


[SSB4] We already got a milestone for starting the game.

[Fluff] NMario, we obviously loaded up Smash 64 on the Wii Virtual Console. Kappa

[Fluff] Like if it wasn't obvious enough. Kappa

[SSB4] We are now playing Super Smash Bros for Wii U


[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: OK

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds shows "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U" here

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds yes, but I needed to refresh

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon I changed it to ssb but is still says bayonetta for me even after refreshing

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon did you see the channel game title change?

Now going on for Smash Bros for Wii U. It's preparing updates.

We quit Bayonetta.

[Snark] He got disbanded from TPP Players. Kappa.

[Bayonetta] Now we died because we didn't press B. Where's Jorsun when we need him?

[Bayonetta] QTE passed! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Snark] "a lot." indeed. Kappa

[Snark] Let's just say "a lot."

[Bayonetta] ...make that 3.

[Bayonetta] We've been doing fine, but here comes a quick-time event. 2 deaths so far.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U starts in 15 min. BTW.

[Fluff] I guess we're just stalling now for until the midnight eShop releases of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and Pokémon ORAS. Kappa

Next game is: Bayonetta

Okay, so we exited Super Mario 3D World.

[SM3DW] We completed the stage, and Peach came in 1st place! And we saved!

[SM3DW] We choose stage 1-4 this time.

[SM3DW] And so did Peach, GAME OVER.

[SM3DW] Mario just ran out of lives. (;_;)

[Fluff] "It's-ah me! MARIO!"

[SM3DW] And we choose Mario this time!

[SM3DW] Exited stage 1-2, and now on to stage 1-5.

[Donation] $1.00 USD donation from Catz: http://www.deviantart.com/art/A-Morning-Kitty-213667475

[SM3DW] I believe We are controlling Toad, and Peach has joined us!

Now playing: Super Mario 3D Worlds.

[Snark] Master Pie Quadforce, fighting for AARDVARK RIGHTS

[Miiverse] Our final, submitted post: "c masterpieqqquadforcet@@!aardvarkrightqqi"

[Donation] $1.00 USD donation from Cancer: My friend Ebola told me to come

[Fluff] Typing Noises Kappa


[Miiverse] We had previously: c (newline) masterpieceqwwwwwwquitist

[Snark] Looks like we're creating a "masterpiece"

[Miiverse] Back in the posting screen.

[Miiverse] We're trying to make a post. We've gotten several consecutive lowercase 'd's, followed by nonsense, but exited out of the posting screen.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: FailFish

[Miiverse] We have received a notice from the Miiverse administrators! Let's see here: *ahem* "Your post contained inappropriate or harmful content, so it was removed. For information on the proper use of Miiverse, please see Miiverse Code of Conduct. Continued violations may result in restrictions on your use of Miiverse."

Started Miiverse!

Pikmin 3 has been exited!

Meanwhile, Pokémon ORAS Starts in 23 Hours!

Reminder: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U to be played in 1 Hour HYPE!

[Snark] Apparently we've been reading it wrong the whole time: this is Twitch Plays Pikmin.

[Pkmn3] Dat, WHISTLE!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: up

[Snark] PNF-404 stands for "Planet Not Found - 404"

[Snark] Nintendo doesn't care about fonts. Kappa

[Fluff] Is it just me, or does almost every 3DS and Wii U game use the same font?

[Donation] $1.00 donation from Ebola: If u read dis u have Ebola now

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Kappa (right after the announcer in-game mentions Koppai)

Now we're playing Pikmin 3!

System Settings hype!

Something else for 1 hour, 30 min until Smash Bros.? Okay then. Kappa

We quit Earthbound!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Alright, guys, time for something else

[EB] We beat the Starman.


[EB] We run into a Starman Jr. (iirc)


[Snark] Buzz Buzz? What an original name for a bee! Kappa

[EB] Also, forgot the Bee's name was Buzz Buzz. Considering how he's with us for like 10 minutes, I could see why. (Buzz Buzz joined our party)

[Streamer] Deku has too much Zelda still in him. WE NEED TO PUMP IT OUT!

[EB] It tells us about Gigyas basically destroying everything in a few years. Hooray for the future! Kappa

[EB] We meet the Future Bee

[Snark] Don't test me with these mind-games.Kappa

[Snark] Picky? Don't you mean, Pokey? or IS it Picky? Kappa

[EB] Picky joins our party!

[EB] We're almost at the meteor!

[EB] We're making some progress, luckily we haven't run into a problem.

[EB/Snark] "No Problem here." Kappa

[EB] LEVEL 3!!!

[EB] Dad called. Is he the new Joey? Kappa

[EB] Also we revived and left the house again.

[Chat] Will O is in spotlight hell.

[EB] Game Over! ;_;

[EB] Offense went up by 1, HP by 3, we learned Lifeup Alpha

[EB] There's a green snake on the screen. Wait, never mind, the chat says it's a shiny Ekans.

[EB] LEVEL 2!!!


[EB] Also Pokey is doing a horrible wonderful job fighting. Kappa


[EB] Our first battle we get back-attacked! It's against a very Spiteful Crow.

[EB] We're outside!

[Streamer] FrankerZ = Bab M (no space)

...Our Dog joined our party!

[Snark] Clearly the only person who can WAHAHA is Wattson. Our dad totally isn't anyone else. Kappa

[EB] We picked up the phone and got $30 from our Dad. #MadCash

[EB] Pokey joined us!

Just a little reminder: We will be playing Super Smash Bros. for Wii U in 3 hours.

[EB] WE GOT CHANGED! Now we can go out of our house!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: what happened to that guys eye danScare

[EB] There's someone knocking on the door, and they just won't stop.

[Snark] "Wii U" Kappa

[Meta] I apologize for that. My brother got on my computer without my permission.

Here's everything we typed.

[EB] Our favorite food is PGGG.

[EB] We just named a guy "KatEE". Wasn't even a Dragonite.

[EB] We name our Ness "Will0"

Next Game is Earthbound now.

[Fluff] Right as I say/post things, a new game is changed.....

[KA] We seem to be having trouble entering doors to the next stage.

New game: Kirby's Adventure. Fun fact: initially I made a typo and typed "Nes game" instead of "New game", but that's accurate as well.

[Fluff] "Teeteeteeteeteeteeteepeepeeteeteeteeteeteeteeqeeqeeqeeqeeqeemeemeemeemekeekeekeekee". That's the sound FX in this game.

Next game: Balloon Fight!

Game exited! Apparently we have a new friend request.

[Snark] And just like any other racing game, we fail at it. Kappa

Next game is F-Zero.

Back to the menu! (Our bikes are safe!)

We're now playing Punch-Out! I have a feeling as if my bike is in danger...

Back to the Wii U Menu!

[SM] Not this time, apparently.

[Snark] Don't worry guys, the streamer has always extended the time limit if we don't finish in time!

We have a minute to escape the colony...no, more like 30 seconds. Good luck everyone!

Looks like we're now playing Super Metroid on Virtual Console.

Streamer has ended Hyrule Warriors! We are now playing.......well, I don't know yet.

[HW] Progress Quote from Pioxys: "we passed him and got to a part where we needed to get the chest to unlock bombs. problem is theres a timer to destroy the rocks guarding the path and if we lose we have to get the chest all over again which takes like 10 - 20 minutes. so that keept going on till we i guess now just hit restart from the beginning"

[HW] Progress Quote from s_SoNick: "We fought some Volga guy last night and then we restarted and we haven't gotten back up to him?"

[HW/Fluff] Are we starting new games? I feel like we've been here before, time and time again.

[HW] Link has finally found a treasure chest, and it contained some bombs!

[HW] Link hasn't fought any enemies, or had any real action in a long while now. He's just wandering around the castle fields. Is he lost?

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ BRING BACK STADIUM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[HW] So, Volga Retreated. I guess the mission was 'slightly' successful in a manner of speaking.

[Hw] And we just went backwards into battling more Dark Forces.

[HW] Time to fight Volga!

[Fluff] Why, Hello there Mars, Bringer of War.

We're now playing Hyrule Warriors!

So, we gave up on poor young Link, and closed out of Zelda: Wind Waker. Switching to another game perhaps?

[Fluff] We really like making Link drown a lot. Because of that, we just got a Game Over. So..... Back outside for more swimming lessons?

We switched out games! Now we're playing Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker!

[Snark] We're so bad, we placed 12th place.... IN LEGEND OF ZELDA! Kappa

[MK8] We're playing as Baby Mario, and are getting constantly lapped. :P

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[MK8] Internet borked!


[MK8] Back in it, DLC installed, ready to go!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: it only accepts gamepad control now





[SM3W] Finished 1-3!

[SM3W] Deku threw us into the star. lol


[SM3W] Game over!

[SM3W] Btw, we're on 1-2.

[SM3W] Welp that's Deku's first death.

[Stadium]Here's the final leader board for stadium: http://i.imgur.com/7R1P2OH.jpg

[SM3W] Deku's playing with us!

[Snark] What a twist!

We died

[SM3W] We enter World 1-1!

[Chat] Dem Graphics

Our First WiiU Game is Super Mario 3D World!

We're playing Super Mario 3D World!!!

"Omega Ruby starts in 1d 23:46:30"

Never mind, we're on WII U!!!


[Snark] 7.8/10. Too many Pioxys x Starmie OTPs

And that it for Stadium 2

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> PraiseIt (Helix Fossil Emote)

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: please look forward to PBR scheduled to commence after Omega Ruby

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: please look forward to PBR scheduled to commence after Omega Ruby

[Stadium] Final scores coming up!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: thank you everyone for playing Twitch Plays Pokemon Stadium 2

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: Wii U starts after leaderboard

final leaderboard!

[Stadium] Goodbye Stadium 2. We'll miss you. ;_;

that's all from stadium folks. It's been fun!





Earthquake from phanmpy, hits!

Smokescreen from typhlosion!

Typhlosion out!


Azumarill hurts itself, faints!

Followed by an earthquake!

More confusion!

Azumarill confused! Hit itself!

Phanpy with earthquake, M4 with waterfall, misses!


Azumarill uses waterfall



Phampy with double edge!

phampy continues to swagger!

TIMER HAS HIT zero, match continues!

phanpy with swagger!

10 seconds!


flash misses!

Phanpy continues to doubleteam!

another flash, another miss from zapdos!

panphy uses doubleteam!

Zapdos with flash, miss!

Zapdos with rocksmash, doubleteam for phanpy

Zapdos hits, OHKO's, phanpy out!

rattata uses shadowball! hits!

Zapdos uses thunder, misses!

rattata out!

zapdos uses thunder! psyduck down!

[Stadium] Final battle! Zapdos, Typhlosion, Azumarill vs. Phanpy, Psyduck, Rattata! Odds are 2.98:1, $560,657 $188,043!

[Stadium]Coming up, we have Zapdos, typhlosion azumarill, vs phanpy, rattata, and psyduck

[Stadium] We just witness an almost 9M game. The teams? Metapod, Kakuna, and Weedle vs. Starmie, Aerodactyl, and Umbreon.

[Stadium] Last Leaderboard.

[Stadium] We've been back for a bit, but now we're frozen again.

[Twitch] "Hold your Kappas tight, we are working to bring back chat! AC"

[Snark] Kappa

[Chat] Is still down tho

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!

[Stadium] Twitch chat is down, and the stream is broken!

[Fluff] If you haven't checked the stream recently, we have a timer that's counting down until when we say goodbye to Stadium and hello to the world of Wii U. It'll be in around 27 hours at this point.

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> I like how top betters in blue aren't even trying

[Snark] OTP OTP

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> @Twitchplayspokemon

<twitchplayspokemon> @twitch_plays_3ds hi

<twitch_plays_3ds> @Twitchplayspokemon private room

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: this is the second to last day for stadium

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!

We're broken, btw.

Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire in less than 1 week away! GET HYPED!

[Meta] In 1 hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by DuplexBeGreat, followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

[Stadium] 120 turns later and team Wobbuffet wins!

[Stadium] Kakuna got Magikarp down to 45HP before being downed.

[Stadium] KAKUNA HAS FINALLY BEEN DEFEATED! Now Magikarp vs. Metagod. It's already turn 51.

[Stadium] Metapod is taking the lead. A HOT BATTLE IS UNFOLDING!

[Chat] The struggle is real


[Stadium] Next up: Entei-Magikarp-Kakuna vs Metapod-Ditto-Wobbuffet.

[Stadium] Back to normal randomized teams.

[Stadium] Streamer is currently setting custom teams in Stadium. Just had a Tyrogue-Magikarp-Kakuna vs Metapod-Ditto-Suicune battle

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: as of 12 hours ago donations are functional again, please consider donating to support the purchase of TPP's new server for PBR and future runs: https://streamtip.com/t/twitchplayspokemon

[Fluff] Btw, in the last few hours, the Stream went down twice, but only temporarily. Everything is good now.

Also, 9d 1h 38m Until OR/AS!

[Stadium] Weezing had the opportunity for a KAPOW, but just didn't pull through. It seems like it actually wanted to win the match. Kappa

[Stadium] Turns out it wasn't was. (Forgot how I worded my last update.)

[Stadium] Everyone seems to have decided betting on Entei isn't a bad idea after all.

[Meta] In 1 hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by Iriomote14, followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

[Stadium] The overlay thinks we are fighting. Boy, is it wrong!

[Stadium] The parser is still accepting bets, but the Pokemon to be selected are remaining as silhouettes.

[Stadium] Guess what? The stream is stuck on a menu again!

[Chat] BEXXXXXXX: I'm snorting Sharpie, I feel like I'm in middle school again

[Stadium] Pokémon Stadium has returned!

[Stadium] Screen just turned black!

[Stadium][Fluff] Well, looks like it's going to stay on the menu until streamer comes back online to fix the problem. Not like it can be fixed by anyone else sooner than that.

[Stadium] Stadium has been stuck on the End Battle Menu for about 3.5 hours now.

[Stadium] Flareon just beat Pidgeotto for the match with the power of Smog and Bex Luck!

[Meta] In 1 hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by Poksonkirmar, followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

[Meta] Twitch Corrupts Pokemon is now running on /u/pigdevil2010's channel!

[Meta] /u/pigdevil2010 is doing a Halloween special over at his channel right now! Currently we're playing Pokemon Red TPP Edition; Twitch Corrupts Pokemon is next. Here's the channel.

[Chat] Spindaftw: Toast is toasty confirmed Kappa

[Streamer] TwilightWarrior: @Twitchplayspokemon Hey, I have a fresh, never before used ORAS demo code. Would you put it on stream if I gave it to you?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @twilightwarrior we've already played ORAS demo

[Chat] Deku's body is ready Kreygasm

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: @Twitchplayspokemon I'm ready

[Chat] poke_presence: It really is a date Kappa

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds I don't see it

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: @Twitchplayspokemon I sent you an invite to a private twitch group chat

It was directed more to Flarns strike through Post. So this conversation shouldn't exist. Kappa

@NMario84 What was your first clue?

[Fluff] I think it's safe to say that since last night, the Pokémon ORAS Demo is finally over, everything has returned back to normal, including TPP with Stadium 2 betting going on once again! Kappa

[Meta] Twitch Plays Smash Bros Brawl is running right now on TwitchSpeaks's channel!

[Streamer] yoshimitsu126: you can use level 9 computers

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @yoshimitsu126 I don't think CPU Smash battles are fun to watch for very long

[Streamer]TwitchPlaysPokemon: @mencee before Omega Ruby

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the noninteractive PBR test broadcast will take place on another channel

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'm looking forward to when Stadium 2 is over

[Streamer] @twitchplayspokemon good point, goes to show what stuck with you about our runs

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @ep1cnights what do you mean "our" you weren't around then

[Streamer] @twitchplayspokemon did you remember it because it froze for 7 hours?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @ep1cnights so did Red

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Diamond was the one I played from that generation

[Meta] Were you hoping to see more Smash? TwitchSpeaks will have you covered soon.

[Streamer] Discord211 @Twitchplayspokemon What gave you the idea of TPP, and did you expect it to get as big as it did?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @discord211 pretty much every blog that interviewed me asked that question, go read their articles

[Streamer] TwilightWarrior: @Twitchplayspokemon Any way to get a jukebox for all the music that plays? Maybe a bot you can ask, like with balance

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @twilightwarrior eventually I'd like to add a feature that allows people in chat to move songs up the queue but there's more pressing things to work on first

[Streamer] SinR2014: Twitchplayspokemon it might be too much to ask, but can we get Catz song next betting sequence?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @sinr2014 I don't have control over that

[Stadium] Streamer's balance is actually visible on the leaderboard right now; he's #116. And I'm #29

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: !balance

TPPbankbot: @Twitchplayspokemon your balance is 1074

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> it's been longer than an hour since the last leaderboard

More like Leaderbored.

Leaderboard PogChamp

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!

Why are we back here? Waste of an updater. Kappa

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Fluff] Welcome back everyone! Did you enjoy your stay?

[Fluff] RIP what? I'm still here. Kappa

[Fluff] RIP in Kappas.

[Fluff] RIP NMario84 BibleThump Kappa

[Fluff] Nobody will read this message. But apparently, some live updaters are unable to make a live update post in the ORAS Demo updater due to a transparent, slightly invisible [make update] button, including me.

[Snark] I think Flarn is just trolling the link now. He posted it once before.

[Snark] And that new updater is here, since nobody's posted the link until now.

Link to Demo Updater Archive

Well, as the Pokemon ORAS Demo is starting very soon, looks like we will be losing this updater page in favor of the Pokemon ORAS updater. It's been a real nice time updating over here! But It's time for everyone to move on over to the new page!

v Deadinsky66 already posted that reminder. Kappa

[Meta] Just a reminder, there is a new updater for the OR/AS demo. You can find it here: http://www.reddit.com/live/trttx20cuaad

Link to Demo Updater Archive

English is the chosen Language


We load up the Demo

Reminder: OR/AS Demo Updater is here

Link to Demo Updater Archive


[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon of course

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds remember to restart the stream 30min or so before it starts so an email notification is sent out and to split the video archive

Stream back up, sorry, forgot to post. Demo is downloading!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: downloading hype baubles

Stream down. Not very fitting music for a ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ.

[Snark] Both.

[Snark] Wait, you mean a character as in a letter and whatnot, or as in a protagonist?

[eShop] Now it only says "a" in the code box. You're supposed to type a code here, not name a character!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: FailFish


[eShop] Current code entered: a90-0000--009-99

[eShop] We're trying to enter in a code. It's not working so well. :P

Also, demo in less than one hour!

[Eshop] We're in the Eshop!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !disable home

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !cmd a

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Alright let's me test something

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !cmd x

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !cmd home

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !enable home

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !pause


[Smash] Link is at Master Hand.

[Smash] Death by Cheese

[Smash] and we ded



[Smash] Master Hand! How's it going?

[Smash] Yoshi!

[Smash] We quit.

[Smash] At MH with Pit.

[Smash] Death by lazers

[Fluff] I just really like saying Cheese every-time we die to it.

[Smash] CHEESE!

[Smash] We've reached Master Hand as Zelda

[Snark] Too cheesy for us

[Smash] We quit. Hizzah!

[Smash] Well, we didn't die from cheese that time


[Smash] Killed by the cheese again

[Smash] At MH with Samus.




ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Inputs dead

[Hype] 3 HOURS!!!

[Snark] When aren't we killed by the cheese in that stage? When we kill ourselves...

[Smash] Killed by the cheese

[Smash] We lost, and quit.

[Smash] Also we're at Master Hand again!

[Fluff] Also, apparently we won as Peach, but no one posted it in the updated, as far as I can tell. So, ya, we did.

[Smash] We be fighting for our friends as Ike. Against Wario currently

[Smash] Now we're ROB.

[Smash] We were 12 HP away from doing it first try.

[Smash] We're already at Master Hand again.

[Smash] Lucario, who is a Steel/Fighting Type, is currently facing us in its metal form...

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I didn't know Ike was in Starfox PogChamp

[Smash] We try again with Mr. Moustache.


[Smash] Now we are there with Zero Suit Samus.


[Smash] We a Weegee, Numba 1!

[Smash] At Master Hand with Fox.

[Smash] Just chilling around as Meta Knight.

[Smash] We restarted as Mario.


[Smash] At Master Hand.

[Smash] We beat Captain Falcon in literally less than two seconds.

[Smash] Currently trying it as Lucario.

[Smash] We quit.

[Smash] We are currently fighting Master Hand as Yoshi.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: they should make another Advance Wars, and it has to be in that weird jovial tone of the first 3 and not that serious and dark tone of the last one

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: Gameboy songs other than Red are pretty much impossible unless I can split the tracks out somehow like with Red

[Streamer] 100club: @Twitchplayspokemon add some telefang songs too SwiftRage

Twitchplayspokemon: @100club I don't have loose files for telefang so I can reference specific tracks, someone managed to split up Red's soundtrack into separate files for me but I don't know who

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: so now that Super Smash Bros has been played that means it's fine if I add songs from its soundtrack to PBR's playlist, right?

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: Star Fox by Chris Roberts would be pretty crazy, too

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I wish Platinum Games would make a Star Fox

[Streamer] Boltingslash: @Twitchplayspokemon I subbed, so there will be emotes for tpp in the future?

Twitchplayspokemon: @boltingslash yes, during Red

(Just a reconfirmation)

[Fluff] Also, some Streamer quotes from the past:

[Smash] And now as Yoshi!

[Smash] We restarted.... as Jiggles.

[Fluff] Also, because apparently nobody updated this for 12 hours, we beat Master Hand with Bowser like 3 hours ago.

[Smash] About to do Master Hand with Jiggles.

[Smash] Playing Online again.

[Smash] Spectating and betting now. Like stadium! Chat erupts in !bet xxx

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: got banned because we broke the meta

[Smash] Aaaaand we are banned for 20 more minutes

[Smash] Streamer has taken wheel and we are starting a for glory online match


[Smash] We are about to take on Master Hand again as Dr. Mario on 0.0 difficulty again

[Chat] WE DID IT insert anything here

[Fluff/Snark] Seriously, a victory riot at difficulty 0.0? Try Difficulty level 9.0 Kappa

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


[Smash] now at 7HP

[Smash] now at 14HP

[Smash] Master hand at 44HP

[Smash] We are at Master Hand with Ganondorf at difficulty 0.0

Inputs back up!

We have 54 viewers according to the broken view count

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> give me a second

Stream back up. Inputs still down.

Stream Online

Stream Offline

Stream goes down! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Commands are Down

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> I can't connect to IRC

[Smash] We are now Falco playing on difficulty 0.0

[Smash] We quit. Hooray!

[Smash] Bowser Jr. tried to KO us with a star, but ended up KOing Sonic, winning it for us.

[Smash] and we exit in shame and briefly restart with Mario at 0.0

[Smash] 0-7 now on this stage

[Smash] So close to winning that battle but no cigar

[Smash] 0-5 on this stage

[Smash] 0-4 right now in this stage

Lol nope

[Snark] Third time's the charm?

[Smash] Twice now

[Smash] We lost... on 0.0

[Streamer] <flarn2006> @Twitchplayspokemon Is there any way you can edit the modbot so it just blocks the message from being sent rather than timing people out? That would work much better.

twitchplayspokemon> @flarn2006 nope, I don't run the chat server

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> modbot can detect copypastas

[Smash] We enter Classic Mode with Mario at difficulty 0.0

[Smash] and we exit without beating Master Hand. rip

[Smash] After many losses, we quit.

[Snark] Dying gets a Mega before Flygon

[Smash] Also, we keep Mega-Dying with Mega Man.

[Fluff] Hype? HYPE!!!

Less than 24hr until we begin the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Demo!

[Smash] We be Master-handing with Mega Man.

[Smash] We made it to Master Hand in Classic Mode with Jiggles, but then restarted it with Mega Man.

[Smash] Inputs are working again.

[Smash] Inputs are frozen. Yoshi decides to pass the time by dancing. ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: tip the what? PogChamp

Commands now registering


Stream Online!

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> I tried other servers, they don't work as well

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Good thing is that the chat seems to be working again

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> I have asked streamer to put stadium back on, I hope he's working on it.

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> I'm not able to start streaming from my location

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> My roulette server is down as well

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ STADIUM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I looked at a couple of other channels, some are fine some are offline

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: @Twitchplayspokemon try to put stadium back?

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ TAX NKEKEV ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> It looks like a lot of messages are not showing up, that's why the chat is so slow

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> @Twitchplayspokemon does yours work?

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Fluff] Network crash huh? Figures.... They did maintenance yesterday if I recall. Guess something messed up somewhere.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: anyone can hear me?

[Info] https://twitter.com/TwitchSupport/status/525440177087737856 - Twitch is having some issues.

[Info] CORRECTION: Twitch is down for maintenance, or the entire network has crashed.

[Streamer] "It's not just me? I can't connect to chat or start stream either. Please let the streamer know to put stadium back on if he can, I'm not sure if it's me or the entire twitch."

TPP is currently down!

[Smash] And, just like that we're back to Super Smash Bros. 3DS

Exited Animal Crossing New Leaf.

[ACNL] and we hit 1 AM in our town

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> something is wrong with my chat

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> ? did anyone see my previous message

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> You know what, how about this:

[ACNL] Our inventory is filled with flowers apparently

[ACNL] Club LOL should be open

[ACNL] Its 12:44 AM on the 3DS.

[ACNL] We took a picture!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I changed the game title

[ACNL] Hola Resetti!

[ACNL] Apparently we are in 2015. Chat seems to like BTTF references.

Now Playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf <3


Currently on the 3DS menu screen.

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> Alright what else?

and we leave Youtube. rip


[Streamer] twitch_plays_3ds> that is a issue

[Snark] FailFish - Twitch_Plays_3DS, 2014

[Snark] And this is why Google didn't buyout Twitch. We couldn't navigate their own 3DS Youtube app.

ty - TPP 2014

feu:fnu,s - TPP 2014

[YouTube] and we keep reloading the same video.

[Snark] What about the second one? What did it say?

[YouTube] "firstspfoosaidpic" - TPP 2014

[YouTube] We are trying to watch something or trying to look for something...

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: ready?


[Snark] Safesearch Off. Kappa (Hopefully)

This might not end good...

[Store] "Thank You."


We hit the E-Shop!


[Info] Seems we might have a game change

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: let me try something else

[Streamer] twitch_plays_3ds> Too much for 1 day though..

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Fire Emblem with democracy mode would be nice

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> maybe we can try something else?

<twitch_plays_3ds> I don't know, we still have a day to fill

[Fluff] Iz good song to get stuck in your head.

[Fluff] Thanks to Streamer, I now have the music Stage 1 of Touhou 6 in my head and I can't get it out SwiftRage

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I watched the Smash Bros. Direct but I was planning on getting the Wii U version anyway

[Streamer] <poochyexe> @Twitchplayspokemon Do you have any of the CAVE PCBs?

<twitchplayspokemon> @poochyexe no, but I've been thinking about it

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> yes, I like cave story

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> it's impressive that it's all done by one person

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> CAVE spoiled me for quality I guess

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I tried to like Touhou but couldn't get into it

[Fluff] Streamer confirmed to be 30 years old or more Kappa

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> it wasn't until Half-Life and Quake 2 where I started using the mouse

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> when I first started playing shooters it was keyboard, no mouse

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> playing something like CoD or Battlefield with a controller is intolerable to me

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I don't like playing shooters with a controller unless they were designed specifically for that controller (Halo, Vanquish and stealth shooters like MGS)

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> Microsoft's exclusivity deal with CAVE forced me to buy an Xbox 360

[Streamer] gamebrojeremy> So streamer sempai likes FPS? Kappa

<twitchplayspokemon> @GameBroJeremy, no, shmups

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> my TV only has two HDMI ports and one is taken up by my PC, so I use the Nintendo HDMI cable for all my consoles, even my Xbox 360

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I used the Nintendo branded HDMI cable to connect my PS3 to my TV, guess it's going back to the Wii U


[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I don't mean button spam, I mean chat spam

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'm turning the modbot's spam detector back on

[Info] Just a little reminder. While TPP is playing Super Smash Bros. 3DS, Nintendo is having a live stream of 50-Fact Extravaganza for Super Smash Bros Wii U version 3 PM PT / 6 PM ET, lasting approx. 35 minutes in length.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I think my modbot is better than Nintendo's

[Smash] Now we're doing some offline play.

[Smash] Apparently we got banned for 20 minutes.

[Smash] We somehow got ourselves into a For Glory match.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: How did we unlock stages? danScare

[Smash] In some 2v1 stock matches. Well, more like 1v1, because our teammate usually has to carry us.

[Smash] We're playing some smash matches with all 3 possible computers. We won one time with Villager.

[Smash] Created a Room for our Friend's list to join in.

[Smash] In Smash Run.

[Smash] Playing some matches on For Fun!

[Smash] We're just doing some random team matches.

[Smash] We witness none other then Misty charging Palutena and Bowser Jr. She's coming for us!

[Smash] Kuno challenges us using a Mii. This mii seems to have a Gray Face.

[Smash] We added a Computer to our Friend's Lobby. Kuno is currently gathering some Miis.

[Smash] Kuno appears to us as a Swimsuit Shulk, talking about how much he is feeling praising Helix.

[Smash] In a Friend's Match with Kuno!

[Smash] Exiting the Character Select Screen has taken over the ledge position from Bowser Jr, as one input can mess up our entire attempt.

[Smash] Looking at the Streetsmash menus. Our current Token is Diddy Kong.

[Smash] We're on the character select screen. Apparently we're trying to exit the menu.

[Smash] It was a FFA with Wario.

[Smash] We just won a game!

[Fluff] The hivemind really works together when they want to quit after losing many, many times. If only they would put that teamwork into doing the opposite.

[Smash] No longer playing story mode. Just Solo FFA.

[Smash] We died, said "No" to a continue. Currently on the title screen.

[Smash] Back to the start. We are now using Zero suit Samus.

[Smash] We lost for the final time, and said "no" to the continue.

[Smash] Lost again. Used another continue.

[Smash] We lost, but we used a continue.

[Smash] Back at Master Hand, this time with Ganondorf!

[Smash] We're one stage away from Master Hand again.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Actual teammork PogChamp

[Smash] We have started another round of Classic with Ganondorf.

[Smash] And that is our third loss. Will we continue? No! And that is the end.

[Smash] We have been defeated a second time! We hit continue twice.

[Smash] We got defeated by Master Hand and decided to continue!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: strats PogChamp

[Smash] We have got to Master Hand for the second time as Dark Pit!

[Smash] We're currently up to Stage 5 of Classic.

[Streamer] PogChamp Twitch_Plays_3DS: dat skill

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: 0.7 difficulty too op

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: It worked out much better

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I though we're just going to fall off constantly

[Smash] Starting Classic!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Have you ever wondered how much money was lost by people betting on us?

[Smash] We're currently spectating online.

[Smash] Twitch_Plays_3DS: FailFish

[Smash] 9

Unlocked Ness with Mr. Game & Watch! EVERY FIGHTER UNLOCKED!

[Smash] 99 minute match hype!
[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: PogChamp

[Smash] 3... 2... 1... Launch! Rosalina Blast Off! RIP attempt 2.

[Smash] Failure...

[Smash] This is our final unlock!

[Smash] A challenger approaches... Ness!

[Smash] That ain't Falc- Oh wait, hyes it is. Unlocked Falco!

[Smash] After a long battle, we teleported off of the stage as Zelda.

[Smash] We rolled off of the stage as Yoshi. There goes the first attempt!

[Smash] A challenger approaches! Falco!

[Smash] Twitch_plays_3ds fixed the timer. No more 98 minute matches!

[Smash] Unlocked the WarioWare Inc. stage!

[Smash] We unlocked Wario using Luigi!

[Chat] Jirachi_Sauce: This smash is now in slow mode. You may spam start every 98 minutes.

[Smash] Mario casually walked off of the side of the stage. Attempt 9 is a failure.

[Smash] Attempt 8 failed in standard Bowser fashion.

[Smash] We sent the time limit to 98 minutes! Looks like we need to use the menu to quit now.

[Smash] Jigglypuff sings her last words as she falls off of the stage to end our seventh attempt.

[Recap] Yoshi hopped into an egg and rolled off the stage. It's amazing how we can go from competent play to suicide so fast.

[Smash] We escaped! Wario appeared after leaving the room, but attempt 6 was a failure.

[Smash] Twitch is having issues trying to get out of group mode because it requires tons of Bs and an A to confirm leaving the room.

[Smash] We attempted to unlock Wario on local wireless, but it didn't work.

[Smash] And off the side we go. Attempt 5 was a failure.

[Smash] We ground pounded off of the stage as Yoshi in order to fail our fourth attempt.

[Smash] Game! Attempt 2 was a failure.

[Recap] Yoshi took a look at Wario and promptly jumped off the stage. It was probably the smell of garlic that got to him.

[Smash] Well, there goes that.

[Smash] A new challenger is approaching! Wario!

[Fluff] Link's too busy taking selfies to fight Lucina.

[Smash] Unlocked Lucina on attempt 9 using Link!

[Smash] Attempt 8 failed. The recent attempts have been as Little Mac. I will stop updating on every attempt after 10.

[Smash] We won a local match with Little Mac!

[Smash] We have failed attempt 7 rather quickly.

Make that attempt number 6, sorry.

[Smash] DK down to Lucina in attempt number 8.

[Smash] We falcon-punched off of the side. Failure.

[Smash] Our fourth attempt to unlock Lucina was a failure.

[Smash] Inputs are fixed!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: PogChamp again?

[Smash] Inputs have frozen!

[Smash] Attempt #3 to defeat Lucina was a failure. We got off of the stage in record time!

[Smash] We got Lucina to 87% and fell off the stage.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> there's so many anime characters in Smash now

[Smash] Attempt 1 to defeat Lucina is a failure!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> not an appealing colour

[Smash] A new challenger approaches! Lucina!

[Recap] ROB followed off the stage; he died first. #smashboardsstrats

[Smash] A new challenger approaches! R.O.B.!
Unlocked R.O.B.!

[Smash] Did you miss it? Here is what happened!
The right size of the stage was covered in frozen spikes. Both TPP(Mario) and Ganondorf got hit, but Ganondorf was KO'd from the knockback first after some bouncing on the spikes.

[Smash] Unlocked Ganondorf!

[Smash] Sheik runs away from Ganon and off the stage in out 6th attempt. Guess she didn't want to get kidnapped.

[Smash] Ganon attempt 5 failed. Guess Shulk wasn't really feeling it.

[Chat] I'm really feeling it!

[Streamer] tetoh> @Twitchplayspokemon Whose your favourite character in SSBIV so far?

<twitchplayspokemon> @tetoh I haven't played it beyond the demo, I'm thinking of just holding out for the Wii U version

[Streamer] d_steves> @Twitchplayspokemon regardless, Ness never starred in Mother 1 or Mother 3 :3

<twitchplayspokemon> @d_steve that's what I mean, you wouldn't expect him to be in other games, Captain Falcon is a recurring character in F-Zero, despite recurring more in Smash

[Smash] ... and this last one. Four attempts failed.

[Streamer] <d_steves> @Twitchplayspokemon amount of games Ness has been in for his own game (1) amount of games Ness has been in for the smash games (4)

<twitchplayspokemon> @D_steves that's a JRPG series though

[Smash] Back up to the plate vs. Ganon. We failed our last Falcon-Punching attempt.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I thought it would be an obvious pick for the 3DS with how well stereoscopy is suited to racing games and how it helps convey a sense of speed, but I guess Star Fox works too

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> why wont Nintendo rehash F-Zero?

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> Captain Falcon has been in more non-F-Zero games than F-Zero games

[Smash] We landed Captain Falcon's Final Smash... in the last second of the match.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> probably Twtich chat issues, my setup suffers from the same issue

[Smash] Attempt #2 to defeat Ganondorf was a failure.

[Smash] We already lost.

[Smash] A new challenger approaches! Ganondorf!

[Chat] @Faithfulforce: BOWSER JR. 11 HOURS. GAME AND WATCH: 3 TRIES, 11 MINUTES

[Smash] Unlocked Mr. Game & Watch!

[Smash] Attempt 3 vs. G&W, with Ike this time.

[Smash] vs. challenger Mr. Game & Watch! Attempt 2!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: 15 second smash master OneHand

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds okay

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: @Twitchplayspokemon I think I'm going in for the night, if the stream goes offline or crashes for more than 30 minutes feel free to take over?

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 1V1 OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
[Smash] And now we're doing 1v1.

[Smash] Twitch_Plays_3DS has manually taken us online. We have did one round of For Fun FFA and we're on the third For Glory FFA.

[Smash] For those who missed it: Bowser Jr. fell below some donut platforms and failed to recover from the pit.

[Smash] In case anyone is curious, we used Palutena.

[Smash] We just unlocked Bowser Jr.! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ TEH URN

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @kamiathewolf thank you for subscribing

[Smash] Playing as Palutena!

[Smash] We tried practicing StreetSmash, and we lost. :P

[Smash] We're unbanned from online again!

[Smash] Still doing Bowser Jr runs.

[Smash] Banned for 50 minutes.

[Smash] We're now playing in For Fun FFA.

[Smash] We're currently unbanned from Sm4sh online. I wonder how long it will last?

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: danPalm OneHand

[Smash] In the Lumiose City stage. It's true what they say: this is one wild ride you really never can get off!

[Smash] We are now doing offline play.

[Smash] Aaaaaand we are banned again. 40 Minutes this time.

[Smash] Seems like after a minute it fixed itself.

[Smash] The 3DS is apparently lagging. Now we have a weird noise.

[Info] Here are the reasons as to why we are being banned a lot:

  • Repeated self-destructs

    • Dropping matches

Other reasons as to why Nintendo bans players can be found here. Scroll to the bottom.

[Chat] (After repeatedly accidentally cancelling Nintendo Network connection by pressing B) JORSUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN

[Smash] We have been unbanned from playing online!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: gg scale

[Smash] We quit and got banned for 30 minutes.

[Streamer] <beedle10> Earthbound was released on Wii U streamer

<twitchplayspokemon> @beedle10 that was the SNES one wasn't it? there was a game before it and one after it too

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> what a strange game to have a stage for, it didn't get released outside of Japan, did it? I know there was an unreleased official English version

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> the meta can't handle these strats

[Smash] We're currently playing For Glory FFAs. Our High Low Score in this session of For Glory is -14!

[Smash] We just won an online battle!

[Smash] Doing more online battles.

[Smash] We beat /u/Dracyoshi!

[Smash] He beat us! And I think he was going easy on us too...

[Smash] Starting a game with /u/Dracyoshi!

[Fluff] Nice face you have there, Marth.

[Streamer] <hatethemost> I MISS POKEMON RED

<twitchplayspokemon> @HateTheMost there will be a second run of Pokemon Red in February

[Streamer] <spindaftw> Streamer who do you main PogChamp

<twitchplayspokemon> @spindaftw used to main Fox but I heard he got nerfed in the last couple of games

[Chat] Abcdefgeeee: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ PK RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Fluff] My bike's missing again.

[Info] We have now unlocked the ability to disable the pause button!

[Smash] According to the game, we have just fought our 200th battle!

[Meta] By that last update, I meant in the chat. I've seen it posted before, but it just appeared in TPP.

[Smash] Seriously? NOBODY noticed this? http://i.imgur.com/DIGVezv.png

[Smash] Still playing online.

[Snark] Now it's 1987. Who's playing with the time machine?

[Info] Actually, it's now 2,005 BibleThump

[Info] 2,000 viewers! Exactly!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> was ~400 when I went to sleep

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> wow, the viewercount really jumped up overnight

[Smash] Now we're playing as Lucario. Jose left!

[Smash] We got -10! NEW RECORD! Kappa

[Smash] Jose (Kirby) won!

[Smash] We're playing as a black Yoshi in the Green Hill Zone.

[Smash] It's TRSRSRSRS vs. Frank vs. jose vs. Brittney!

[Smash] Never mind, starting an online match in "For Glory" mode!

[Smash] Error 018-0501 when trying to play online!

[Smash] Inputs working again.

[Smash] Inputs seem to be broken.

[Chat] This music is playing. Incidentally, much of the chat seems to be complaining about stolen bicycles.

[Smash] Obtained a Global Smash Power of 100000!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: 9 second gg danRekt

[Smash] We almost hit Little Mac with Galaxia Darkness, but we turned around at the last second.

Back to Classic Mode. We can now select our Mii.

[Smash] Well, we unlocked it. We haven't put it on him though.

[Smash] Our Mii got a Football Helmet!

[Smash] We have created a new Fighter Mii named "6wgraggxh"

[Smash] Currently we are still going through Classic Mode. We are clearing through stages and we are also saying "no" to continues.

[Smash] We lose against Master Hand. Continue? We press No.

[Smash] We defeated the Mii Team in a VERY clutch victory--we were falling into the bottomless pit, but the last Mii fell in before us and we won! Vs. Master Hand!




[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: anyone want to try classic mode?

[Chat] Pause Buffering Kreygasm

[Smash] We won as Pikachu!

[Smash] At least our shiny Pikachu is the right color.

[Smash] Fastest Suicide I've seen to date.

[Smash] Now we're playing as a white Charizard. But I thought shiny Charizard was black...

[Smash] Or not. NO CONTEST

[Smash] We keep losing on the Super Mario 3D World Stage, so why not practice it in regular Smash?

[Smash] We were 1 second away from unlocking Bowser Jr, but choked. :(

[Smash] We are also playing offline as Little Mac.

[Smash] We almost ragequit just as we were about to die.

[Smash] (We're playing as Pit now)

[Snark] While playing as Mario, we lose to Dark Pit. If you can't beat them, join them!


[Chat] ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ I'M REALLY FEELING IT! ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ

[Info] We are playing as Marth.

[Snark] ♪ Make a Mii of Me ♪

[Fluff] Why aren't any of you pressing 1 BibleThump Kappa

[Snark] Press 1 for more puns.

[Pun] A certain robot ROB-bed us of our win.

[Smash] We got second as Sonic, and another Sonic beat us to the victory. YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!

[Smash] We somehow aren't the first ones to die, as two people sd'd before us.

[Smash] We missed our Chain Attack Opportunity. I guess Dunban and Riki didn't respond to our call.

[Snark] [Smash] "When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing!"

[Smash] We won a match thanks to the assistance of Zamar.

[Smash] In the middle of some For Fun matches.

[Smash] Deku got us back into the game.

[Smash] It appears we crashed the game, as it's stuck in the loading screen. Whoops.

[Snark] Obligatory "Can't defeat Bowser Jr. due to auto scrolling stage." Don't forget, you are here forever! Kappa

[Smash] Sadly though, our team didn't pull out in the end. Ike wins, after a snark at how he fights for his friends.

[Smash] We're in a match as Little Mac, all ganged up on Ike.

[Smash] Smash Run exited.

[Smash] We begin a round of Smash Run as Palutena!

We lost to Bowser Jr.

[Info] So far, it seems that we have unlocked Jigglypuff, Duck Hunt, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario in Super Smash Bros. 3DS.

[Info] Stream is back online

[Info] Twitch has gone down for site maintenance.

I have to step out, hopefully another updater will take over soon.

We are defeated.

A new challenger Mr. Game and Watch has appeared!

[Info] Apparently some time in the last 15 minutes we have managed to get ourselves banned for a period of 10 minutes.

We go back to fighting bots.

We leave the lobby.

We win our third game online in sudden death as fox.

We have won again, this time as Rosilina!

We have won our first Online Battle!!

We are in sudden death in an online battle.

We have come in third place in an online battle.

Despite his efforts we come in last.

This player is apparently jseakle the ROB.

Apparently a member of the stream chat is in the game and is trying to assist us.

We have come in last for our fight for glory.

That quickly changes as we are now entering the "For Glory" mode.

A communication error has occurred, we are no longer playing online.

[Fluff] I wont be updating every game anymore, just the ones that are significant.

We select King Dedede.

Gannondorf wins this round, but We tie for third!

Going for a change of pace, we decide to play as the villager.

Marth wins the third round, we come in last.

FreakyJ... has left and now we are playing with That Guy.

Shadow Toon Link wins the second match in sudden death, we again place last.

Richy has left and in his place is FreakyJ... with Toon Link in a Dark Link alt.

For our second online match we again choose Toon Link.

Romann has won the match, we come in dead last.

Our opponents are Richy with Kriby, Romann with Marth, and Stormy64 who is playing with Ness. We chose Toon Link as our champion

We are playing online!

We have just entered a "With Anyone" match!

We are connecting to the Nintendo network again.

We leave the friends lobby after no-one joins.

Apparently we are attempting to go online.

We are very promptly defeated.

A new challenger ROB approaches.

We used our mastery of Palutena to accomplish this.

We have just defeated the challenger Dark Pit!

We have defeated the challenger Dr.Mario.

Lost again. Also, I'm off for the night, if any updater sees this, please take over.

[Fluff] I'm not going to update every game, but if we win I'll update. It's a bit too many updates.

Red Yoshi (Us) VS Pit and Little Mac.

Lost again. Also lost to Ness. back to character select screen.

New game. Blue Yoshi (us) vs Lucario and Samus.

We lost against Ness again.

VS Ness

End Battle! Captain Falcon won.

Games only go for 1 minute now.

New Game! Marth (us) vs Captain Falcon vs Link.

[Info] We have now fought 10 battles!

We could have unlocked Ness, but we lost against him.

Stream online.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: guys, I'm going to reboot my computer now to prepare it for the next few days, it will go offline for a minute or two

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


Rosalina (Us) vs Mario and Pit.

We were Sonic.

Sonic VS Link VS Sheik. Sheik won.

We did another match and lost. We were Peach that time.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Are you guys OK with lv3 or should I turn them down a notch?

We lost. -3 points.

New game. Luigi (Us) vs Shulk vs Fox.

Pac Man wins the game!

Pac-man K.O's us.

2 minutes remain.

We were K.O'd

The current timer for these games is 7 minutes.

Bowser vs Pac-Man vs Palutena

We chose Bowser! VS 2 Random CPUs.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: my computer is acting up slightly

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: alright I think it works now

We caught a glimpse of Streamer #2's computer.

Twitch_Plays_3ds is now controlling the stream.

We end the game. No contest.

5 Minutes remain.

Bowser vs Robin vs Pikachu.

3 CPUs are now fighting. We chose Random.

Currently considering life at the Character Select screen.

Game end! Zelda won! We came last.

Smash ball has despawned, like usual.

Smash ball has respawned again. 40 seconds to go.

We were K.O'd again. Took a picture of our sad face after our loss.

[Fluff] Gotta go fast.

Smash Ball Despawned again. Taking a picture of our loss now ;-;

Smash Ball has respawned!

we now just took a picture of Greninja in a headlock from Sonic.

We get K.O'd soon after.

[Snark] Seems like sonic is staring Zelda down with contempt after we just rekt her.

Now pausing, showing Sonic looking at Zelda. We take a picture in celebration of what just happened.

We K.O'd Zelda!

Smash ball has disappeared BibleThump

The Smash Ball has spawned!

[Chat] Samzy_123: Screw fighting we care for the photos

We now pause at a great sonic pose. We take a picture of it.

Unpaused, paused, unpaused. We are still battling. Paused again.

Now taking pictures!

Paused the game! Stuck on pause!

Game started! Sonic (us) vs Zeldz vs Greninja!

Inputs are now fixed...

We are having trouble selecting gamemodes as the arrow inputs are being pressed longer than usual.

Currently hosting a game! I wonder if Deku's other 3DS will join it. Kappa

[Info] Since this is an actual 3DS, we can go online if we choose to.

Olimar won the round! Next round starting.

Back, sorry. Nobody was able to update for me while I was having dinner. Anyway, it seems like we won our first game! Currently 4 CPUs are battling it out.

We are playing! Robin (us) vs Captain Falcon VS Sheik

Back on the menu. We can input again.

[Info] Pause is unlockable after around 200 matches.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: no disable pause D:

Deku is currently looking at options to disable the "pause' feature.

Ended the game again.

The type of game is a Time based game. 1 minute left.

Aqua Megaman vs Bowser vs Little Mac.

Started another game! 3 Random CPUs again.

Oh, and we are back on the character select screen because the game was quit.

[Chat] !bet 100 (character)

[Streamer] Mega Man vs Diddy Kong vs Little Mac

[Streamer] We are starting again. Same CPUs selecting Random. Rainbow Road is selected.

[Smash] Ended the game! Nobody won!

[Info] We can end the game if we want.

Start is pausing and resuming the game.

[Smash] Fight started! All are CPUs. Mega man, vs Pikachu vs Little Mac.

[Smash] Still on the character select menu.

[Smash] Megaman is selected, then deselected.

[Smash] We select the Solo gamemode!

[Smash] We don't get SpotPass, and we are now at the menu.

[Smash] Data created. We are asked if we want SpotPass.

[Smash] Extra Data is being created.

[Info] Download has completed. Super Smash Bros. is now starting.

[Streamer] Shinysapphire: @Twitch_plays_3ds Do you have everything unlocked?

Twitch_plays_3ds: @Shinysapphire I have nothing unlocked

[Snark] Let's just see how fast Deku's internet is while he is streaming Kappa

[Info] We are currently updating the game!

[Info] The results are in! Super Smash Bros. 3DS had 29 votes, coming in second was Animal Crossing, with 9 votes. We are now playing Super Smash.

[Info] On Twitchspeaks's stream, Super Smash Bros. Brawl was played and the hivemind there was able to get up to stage 2 in Story Mode.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: looks like Smash Bros 3DS is going to win, I guess we'll find out why it doesn't work, or maybe one of the minigames could be fun

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Here it is: http://strawpoll.me/2835059 Vote on what game to play for the next 8 hours

Twitch_plays_3ds: 5 minutes to vote

We are now Dipping ww3w4ea green.

ww3w4ea is sleeping.

Twitch_plays_3ds: I'm going to make a strawpoll with all the game I have, and I'll put it on and go to sleep for tonight

Still shopping / Saving.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon not really..

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds do you have any turn-based RPGs other than Pokemon?

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I haven't really considered the viability of the 3DS games, and I'm also not sure what you have

[Fluff] Democracy hype?!? PogChamp

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon yes

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds does your setup support something like a democracy mode?

We are continuing to save multiple times. Is this a protest?

[Meta] Here is a strawpoll to see if Streamer should use a strawpoll or not. Kappa http://strawpoll.me/2835047

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon I do have a copy of Pokemon Y, do you think it would be out of line to play another one during the intermission?

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: let me find something first

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon good idea

[Fluff] Official Strawpoll hype?!?

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds you could make a poll and then it's on the community if a bad choice is made

We bought 4 salmon meuniere.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon Well that's one thing I learned

[Pun] Does this mean that people want a ... butter game?

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds people are going to whine anyway, so don't let that get to you

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds perhaps switch to another game if this one isn't working out too well?

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds it can be hard to judge these things

[Fluff] Solution: Refund at gamestop and give us a new game

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon I thought this game was going to be fun, but it looking at it now it's actually not..

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon still there?

Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds yes, what happened?

Continuing to save the game.

[Snark] "Always remember to save the game when you are ready to stop playing!" Yep, we sure are ready.

Saving the game multiple times.

ww3w4ea said: Don't stare! It makes me nervous!

Back home. TRSRSRSRSRS is sleepy.

Back to the fountain.

Out of the Mii Maker.

[Snark] TwitchStalksdekuNukem

The room's lights have been turned on again!

The room in Twitch_Plays_3DS's house is now darker!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I'm going to bed soon, any game you guys want to play for the next 8 hours?

Making a new Mii.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: well I thought this game was going to be fun like everyone told me

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'm also performing maintenance on Stadium 2's server and database

Back to the Mii config menu.

We bought 4 veggie burgers.

[Info] We can come back here to find the Morning Market and the Rap Battle, at specific times of the day.

Nobody is here, just like the beach.

To the Fountain.

[Fluff] Sorry, I had to afk and nobody could take over. Back to updating.

We can delete ww3w4ea! We are too poor to do so, so z33k33 is safe.

Currently looking at our collection. Nothing is there, for what can be seen.

[Chat] Myrmidon_mamori: We're practicing searching through the sand for when we get the Claw or Root Fossil!

[Fluff] We seem to like the beach a lot.

To the shop! We decide not to buy anything.

We are now looking at TRSRSRS's house. He goes to the beach.

Back to the beach.

Looks like we can edit Z33k33 the Mii! Currently in Options menu.

[Fluff] Or a roll animation, depends. We can't see the ground.

Z33k33 does a flip animation while we are saving.

Back to the map. We save our progress.

Now to the beach.

Now at ww3w4ea's home.

We also had a news flash by yours truly, Z33k33.

Now checking the island map.

We are now looking at TRSRSRSRS and a vision of his baby.

We now have a Z33k33 mii named ww3w3ea!

Z33k33 Mii is named frupbctk'

The Mii looks like the emote DBStyle (z33k33)

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: DBStyle

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: the modbot wasn't designed for when 3DS inputs were being entered, so they were getting detected as spam due to oversights

[Streamer] Omnibussu: is reddy unbanned though Kappa

Twitchplayspokemon: I unbanned @reddylion

almost named this mii fCKZ... glad we didn't.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: modbot was still acting up, should be fine now

[Streamer] Iatias: just remove the modbot :/

Twitchplayspokemon: @latias modbot is needed to keep the hilter ascii spam at bay

current mii is wearing sunglasses.

[rip] streamer cuz he hasn't banned me yet

[rip] ShinkoNetCavy (only I can rip)

[rip] rip (I can rip what I want)

[rip] rip t #2

SO MUCH FOR THAT. We started over. AGAIN.

uyigukx is her last name.

We are working on a mii whose name is also t. Working on her last name... uyiguk so far...

[rip] rip t ,

Resetted the Mii! D:

last name is ,

[Snark] Can this girl be mai waifu?

So far her first name is t

Still working on our second mii.


[Fluff] Actual footage from this game. Not intentional; it's randomly generated from a long list of items and scenarios from my understanding.

We have to drag the food to our mii... AND WE DID IT! We have eaten the pancakes!

We have some pancakes. 3 it seems. We need to eat them.

[Fluff] Treesus looks just like the KevinTurtle emote.

We are in the store buying food.

[Fluff] He has the most hilarious grin.

[Fluff] and no I'm not racist BibleThump

[Fluff] He is a short, cute black kid :D so kawaii

TRSRSRSRS is his nickname, seems he's a very edited version of deku's default mii.

[Fluff] Why is it only now that I'm seeing "TRSRSRSRS" as "TREESUS"?

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

He's an easygoing dreamer apparently.


messing around with the voice options...

First name: iediai (the e has some kind of accent) gh.g is his last name. short fat kid. Still have not finalized him though...

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: b

Milazatron: streamer is a jorsun in his spare time

Working on a mii right now... He's exceptionally short.

Meanwhile, we're trying to work on another mii.

[Info] The countdown timer for the DEMO has been added to the stream!


We deleted that new mii too. rip.

[Snark] I wonder if we're going to ever get to playing this game.

So much for that mii, we deleted it and are starting over. AGAIN.

[Info] Team has been removed from the bottom of the screen.

[Info] Our team is being moved around on the bottom bar... or something. It was put back. Not sure what's going on with that.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon that's for the best

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds if I notice it going down for awhile I'll bring Stadium 2 back up

Twitch_plays_3ds: another sleepless week starts

We're still having trouble making a mii. Looks like we deleted that last one.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds if it managed TPPX I think ORAS demo + other games will be fine

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon because it's a residential internet after all, although from TPPX it looks it's stable enough but who knows what will happen

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon do you think you can keep a backup stream ready just in case?

Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds yes but I won't always be online to start it up

87d 1h 45m We are now creating a new mii named umYBAYSuoi!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon Is it?

Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds sounds good

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon how about that?

Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds sure

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: so we can start on friday night and do it over the weekend

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I just think if we do the demo over the weekend there would be more people

[Streamer] yoshifan123: @Twitchplayspokemon Can we play random fun games until the real game?

Twitchplayspokemon: @yoshifan123 I'll leave that up to Deku

Relsre: @twitchplayspokemon 48 hours perhaps? Not sure if having just 2-3 hours for some time zones is a good idea.

Twitchplayspokemon: @relsre maybe 48 hours, we'll see nearing the end of the first 24 if it's worth doing another

[rip] RIP ybytajka y

87d 1h 41m Now, our changes have erased!

[Fluff] It's so hard documenting all of these settings! BibleThump

[Fluff] Isn't this the first time one of TPP's trademark names has had an official pronunciation?

Mii name info... first name: ybytajka:'/,, last name: y nickname:<1[o-y (I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong)

87d 1h 40m Now changing our Mii's voice.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: 24 hours of ORAS demo sounds good, each timezone gets a chance to mess about with it

87d 1h 39m Now adding extra symbols to our Mii's name.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds set a time that suits you, I don't think it matters much anyway

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon We do need to come up with a time, I need to put the countdown up

Twitchplayspokemon: I think looping the demo a bunch of times sounds good, it can start it after Deku is done showing other games

87d 1h 37m We have a Mii saying "Yibby tajka" because her name is "Ybbytajka"

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: maybe it's worth restarting the demo multiple times?

Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon that might be a good idea

[Snark] Inb4 "OR/AS demo" is the streamer's way of saying "OR/AS will be played in democracy."

[Snark] Surely, Link's face would register as a Mii! >:c

87d 1h 35m Still trying to take a photo.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds I was thinking to when waiting until the viewercount is at its peak tomorrow, but again I don't know what the contents of the demo is, you could just put it on now and have it run for a day or two, I don't know

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon usual time as in weekend?

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds maybe it's worth waiting until the usual time to start it?

[Streamer] @Twitchplayspokemon when do you think we should start the demo itself?

Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds I'm not sure, I haven't played it, but it's short, right?

[Snark] Unable to detect a face! Kappa

87d 1h 31m Now taking a photo of a Super Smash bros 3DS case!

[Fluff] Wait... that looks like a Heracross sideways... Is deku a Heracross!?!

87d 1h 30m Currently taking a picture for our Mii! Too bad there is nobody there in the room except for a bunch of gadgets.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @Twitch_plays_3ds no

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon Did you see the invite?

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon still there?

Twitchplayspokemon: @Twitch_plays_3ds yes

87d 1h 28m Still deciding on what we should do for a Mii.

[Snark] 87d 1h 28m Yes we are still using timestamps. Or something. IDK.

[Fluff] Yep, someone needs to reset lol

[Fluff] W8, we're still using time stamps even after Pokémon X has been through for months? Kappa

87d 1h 25m Now making a new Mii from scratch.

87d 1h 25m We discarded our changes.

87d 1h 25m Currently selecting our Mii. We are editing TRSRSRSRSRS

87d 1h 24m We named it "]<</dojwiu3"!

87d 1h 23m Currently giving our island a name.

87d 1h 22m We are now playing Tomodachi Life!

[RIP] rip

87d 1h 22m Nintendogs has been shut down

[Fluff] Smash hype?

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: ready to try it out?

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I have another one that might just be better

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Alright guys this game is a bit boring

[Derp] We just saw Deku's computer for a second.

87d 1h 18m We saved the game.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: r

87d 1h 16m By the way, the phonetic spelling of that is "FrankerZ", according to the voice playback we heard.

87d 1h 16m We typed the name "fjsaaak7tr"!

[Fluff] Too bad we don't know what it is.

87d 1h 15m We taught our dog his name!

87d 1h 14m Oh wait, back to square 1

87d 1h 14m Somehow, we said something and he understood!

[Chat] Pikaballz: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ USE TWITCHSPEAKS ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Snark] Do we, the voices, have actual voices?


87d 1h 12m We must now say our puppies name.

87d 1h 11m Our dog just ate his food.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I might put on another game in a second

Twitch_plays_3ds: I brought this game just for TPP

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I'll might on another game in a second

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: This isn't working particularly well

It appears saving in this game only requires a single touch...

[rip] rip deku's SD card

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: r

[Chat] (after taking tons of pictures) Dracyoshi: @twitch_plays_3ds I think you're going to need a bigger SD card..

87d 1h 3m We bought a miniature dachshund!

87d 1h 0m The streamer has gotten us past the title screen, which requires you to pet a dog (oops, make that "doge") quicker than the Mob seems to be able to.

[Snark] It seems our party hasn't changed. Though it says the last update was about 3 minutes ago, so it might have changed in that short time.

[Chat] Twitchspeaks: GO AHEAD, TRY PUNCHING THEM

[Info] We are petting doge.

[Info] Touch screens are working.


[Chat] FrankerZ

[Info] The touch screen doesn't seem to be working.

87d 0h 55m Nintendogs+Cats has been loaded! Also, the Smash demo is visible on the home screen, but wasn't selected.

87d 0h 55m Menu opened, cartridge removed.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I just got this game

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: of course, I didn't write the emulators or anything like that

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: We're going to play an intermission game for a little while before starting the demo

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: the 3DS stuff is mostly Deku's work, with some oversight and direction, everything else is mostly my work with others helping with accomplishing specific goals (Lua scripts to read Gameboy memory, or construction of a save file for PB

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Well I guess stuff is working now

87d 0h 52m Stream back up!

87d 0h 52m Stream is offline! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[rip] rip dr. 0

87d 0h 51m Traded Dr. 0 to Shauna for Froabble!

[Info] It appears that the streamer has reloaded our save from immediately after defeating the Elite Four.

[Snark] inb4 we trade our team away again

[X] Stepped outside our house.

[Streamer] Yoshifan123:@Twitchplayspokemon Are you going to play the demo with us?

Twitchplayspokemon: maybe, I haven't played the demo yet, so it's all going to be new to me

[Info] Inputs are working!

[Info] Inputs have appeared on the screen, but it still isn't working.

87d 0h 47m The party display is visible, and it's showing our party we used to beat the Elite Four. (And yes, that's actually the time shown on the stream.)

[Info] Inputs are currently not working.

Pokemon X is running! Li'l D is back!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @Twitch_plays_3ds oh, you are available, so do you want to put the demo on now?

Twitch_plays_3ds: @Twitchplayspokemon I already have the code, and I have done some testing on the setup

Twitchplayspokemon: @twitch_plays_3ds alright, just a moment, I'll bring down Stadium 2

Twitch_plays_3ds: So everything's ready, just have to pick a time

Twitch_plays_3ds: not right now

The stream has been paused. There is talk of starting something with Twitch_plays_3ds. The stream is now labeled as "playing Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire!" DEMO HYPE?

[Meta] Special thanks to TwitchSpeaks, Bowser was successfully defeated in Super Mario Bros. 3 by yours truly, along with some help from /u/MrCheeze, who contributed to some of the progress. We had some struggle with the movements in the stages, but it finally come down to a happy ending for Mario! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!

[Stadium] A very long fight with a Tyranitar and a Ditto just happened, eventually Tyranitar won against it's clone.

[Fluff] Is.. Is that a Pokedex entry at the bottom of the screenshot? :O

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: new screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Sih5LQ5.png

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I just received a email

Twitch_Plays_3DS: it's the code for you-know-what

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon okay, the modbot should be much more accurate at detecting copypasta now (much fewer false positives from donger spam)

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon there's no reason to be using /me for every single message you post

[Streamer] Marsadeptenten: @Twitchplayspokemon : You didn't answer my query. Does using /me text constitute a bannable offense now? Because I got banned for doing that once.

Twitchplayspokemon: @marsadeptenten if you spam it, sure

[Streamer] Leraposa: @Twitchplayspokemon Is it possible for the modbot to ban you?

Twitchplayspokemon: @leraposa no, I put in exceptions for the bots and moderators

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: modbot is going to be a little overbearing for awhile while I tune it

[Streamer] Partyof3: @Twitchplayspokemon i get that you want this chat to be neat and clean, but... doesn't that kinda devalue from the original vision of TPP? to me, TPP is unabashed chaotic behavior. Granted, it's probably for stadium, but still

Twitchplayspokemon: @partyof3 I'm making it more chaotic by banning patterns

[Streamer] Danielsan555: @Twitchplayspokemon thank you for making such a fun and awesome channel! :) My friends and family have many good memories from this stream!

Twitchplayspokemon: @Danielsan555 thank you, I'm glad you and you're friends+family have enjoyed it so much

(Updater's Note: Positivity! Yay! :3 )

[Streamer] N1doking: @twitchplayspokemon can you do something about spam? like if 5 different people post the same thing, all 5 of them get banned

Twitchplayspokemon: @n1doking just this hour I added such functionality

[Streamer] Faithfulforce: Why is it that you can get banned for simply existing on the channel? BloodTrail

Twitchplayspokemon: @FaithfulForce trolls trying to make a name for themselves can't make a name for themselves when the bot autobans their name

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @LeRaposa what's wrong with the modbot?

Leraposa: @Twitchplayspokemon I got a timeout and I wasn't posting!

Twitchplayspokemon: @LeRaposa the bot only ever timeouts in response to a posted message, you can get banned for simply existing in the channel, but not timed out

Leraposa: @Twitchplayspokemon I did. I came back to the stream and I found I had a timeout. I wasn't even posting. I'm sure of it.

Twitchplayspokemon: @LeRaposa you probably used ctrl-c or capslock too much or something

[Fluff] More comments, this time from like 5 hours ago.

[Stadium] Also Magikarp just won a match with 7 HP left a few minutes ago against a Squirtle. HOW!?!?

[Streamer] Thethunderbyte: Twitchplayspokemon, you have 1k? Ive never seen you play chibiKawaii

Twitchplayspokemon: @TheThunderByte I doubled my 500 in one match recently

(Hence the "Streamer is apparently #776 on the leaderboards")

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: infinite odds drains everyone's bank account and splits it amongst the winners KappaHD

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I once played a perfect game of Scorched Earth against a human opponent, that was the only time I was there to witness someone ragequit from being defeated by me

[Fluff] Also, some quotes from him from yesterday:

[Streamer] Ponder361: LEAVE TwitchPlaysPokemon is dead

Twitchplayspokemon: /me isn't dead

[Streamer] Mencee: @Twitchplayspokemon Quick question, but are all pokemon giving modest natures?

Twitchplayspokemon: @mencee don't know, ask the team working on it

Projectrevotpp: @Mencee No, the screen you see has all natures Modest due to a PID quirk, that will be fixed before PBR debuts.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: balances will carry over and everyone below 1000 will be reset to 1000

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'm planning for PBR to start after ORAS, but if it's fully featured enough in time I'd like to test it before ORAS starts (dunno if this will happen or not)

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: another screenshot of the pokemon selection: http://i.imgur.com/UvT7mYm.png

[Fluff] I'll put in some streamer quotes from last night that no one got :P

[Meta] GameBroJeremy just showed up in chat last second to do human mode! :-O

[Meta][Streamer] Twitchspeaks: tonight's speaker will be Iriomote14

[Meta] In 1 hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by GameBroJeremy, followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

Streamer is apparently #776 on the leaderboards

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !balance

<tppbankbot> @Twitchplayspokemon your balance is 1002

[Chat] Vagjj just subscribed!

[Streamer] Tbmchristopher: @Twitchplayspokemon What's the point of having the Gen V Pokemon on the slot machine if they just won't be selected?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @tbmchristopher false hope

[Streamer] Spartan_Paladin: Twitchplayspokemon You're screenshot shows Gen V Pokemon, but I thought PBR was Gen IV?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Spartan_Paladin they just won't get selected ;)

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I tried to take a screenshot of the team selection slot machine thing, but it might be hard to understand from a still image: http://i.imgur.com/5epUEQy.png

[Streamer] Rcmaehl: @Twitchplayspokemon are we going to do the OR/AS demo at all? Have I already missed it?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @rcmaehl you haven't missed it, I haven't heard from Deku yet

[Streamer] Zzyyvux: hey @twirchplayspokemon, how are the pokemon chosen before the selection on screen? You can see their shadows where theyre going to be before theyre picked

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @zzyyvux no, no shadows anymore, it's picked like a slot machine where you'll see potential choices fly past before one is picked

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'd have to really plan it out and get someone who can commentate for awhile for the effort to be worth it

[Streamer] DeadInSky66: @TwitchPlaysPokemon Speaking of announcing, remember when you did some live commentator tests way back when. Are you going to bring those back eventually, or no?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @DeadInSky66 I would like to but it's a pain to set up, I need to change the buffer amount and that requires a restart of the stream and such, plus I have to manually mess about with Skype when bringing people on and set up desktop sharing etc

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: PBR has an announcer too

[Streamer] ShinySapphire: @Twitchplayspokemon Any examples of new music you will be adding to the playlist?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @shinyshapphire XY, PBR and XD(?)

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it also shows the results of the last match and Pokedex entries for random Pokemon

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: money will carry over and everyone below 1000 will be reset to 1000

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: yes, I'll be adding a bunch of songs, I'm also testing out having another song category that plays when it's down to 1v1

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the bottom text scrolls left constantly and shows other information like currently playing song and users who and joining and leaving the chat

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: ready for a new PBR screenshot? it's been awhile since the last one

TwitchPlaysPokemon: one moment, uploading it now

TwitchPlaysPokemon: http://i.imgur.com/EjU5OM5.jpg

TwitchPlaysPokemon: much of it is still very rough, it'll look much better when it's done

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> thank you for subscribing

(v0lt_ subscribed!)

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> the code starts with an "A" so I'm thinking it might be region locked

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> Nintendo sent me a code for ORAS demo, but I don't know if Deku can use it

[Chat] KAPOW

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: just don't spam them

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: if you spam you'll get timed out by the modbot, dongers are fine

[Stadium] Solareon is up against Moonbat.

[Stadium] Abby Sweep!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Slowpoke and Lapras have the same ears

[Snark] WTF we can't even Praise Helix? RIOT

[Streamer] pikaballz: @Twitchplayspokemon Can you whitelist the Praise Helix emote please?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @pikaballz I can't for some reason, it's on the whitelist but it still causes timeouts

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @assassinskye it's pretty much non-stop ASCII hitler and penis spam

[Snark] modbot or riot

[Streamer] AssassinSkye: @Twitchplayspokemon why is the modbot here? i never learned why.

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @assassinskye have you been on channels without a modbot?

[Streamer] Markbu: <message deleted>

Healsplz: <message deleted>

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @markbu @healsplz that one isn't whitelisting for some reason


[Streamer]TwitchPlaysPokemon: @BlueInfinity22 try again

BlueInfinity22: ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT! ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘

[Chat] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT! ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: what characters are used for dance riot?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @faithfulforce should be fine now

[Streamer] FaithfulForce <message deleted>

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @faithfulforce try again

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: no, SaltyBet inspired all of TPP, not just Stadium 2

[Streamer] EliteAnax17: If you don't mind us asking, where did the idea to bet on Stadium 2 matches come from? Was it a personal experience from your earlier outside-Twitch life that you'd rather not elaborate on or inspired by Salty Bets?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @EliteAnax17 I publicly stated awhile back that it was SaltyBet that inspired me to make an "automated game channel" on Twitch

[Streamer] Pokemonisawesome12345: @Twitchplayspokemon As far as PBR, is it not until Omega Ruby or is there going to be a “demo” before Omega Ruby?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @pokemonisawesome12345 I didn't know people used those quotes, I've added them to the whitelist

[Context] <leonys2> @TwitchPlaysPokemon, do you know how many slots of emotes you have?

[Streamer] @Leonys2 right now it's 8, but I imagine that would increase a little when emotes are added (maybe 10~12?)

[Streamer] Geforcefly: @Twitchplayspokemon Implementing a watchdog timer (so if the match takes too long) that would auto-reset would be a solution to the freezes.

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Geforcefly that's how it works with PBR

[Streamer] HankHillVidyaGames: @Twitchplayspokemon Would Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal be another good intermission game?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @HankHillVidyaGames I would like to but I'm not sure how I can deal with the crashes

[Streamer] Beesafree: @Twitchplayspokemon are you doing emotes now, did you look at mine?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Beesafree I'm not doing emotes until Red, I tried submitting an emote recently to test the waters and it got denied as I suspected it might

[Streamer]TwitchPlaysPokemon: I don't mind that it was denied, TPP is already breaking some policies regarding copyright and trademarks, I can understand Twitch's desire to limit it as much as possible

[Context] <leonys2> mind giving us a link to the rejected emote twitchplayspokemon?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: this was the emote that got denied: http://i.imgur.com/QVzPRfB.png

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I've seen a Vaporeon and a Snorlax emote in chat sometimes

[Streamer] DeadInSky66: @TwitchPlaysPokemon I know you said earlier that you were going to put in sub emotes during Red and you tested them, and they didn't go through. Have you ever considered using FrankerFaceZ emotes?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @DeadInSky66 I only tested one that I suspected would be denied as it was an emote of a Pokemon and not TPP related in any way as other channels have gotten away with such emotes

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> gen 6 would be a graphical downgrade compared to PBR

<twitchplayspokemon> 240p vs 1080p

<twitchplayspokemon> literally

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: gen 6 would be a graphical downgrade compared to PBR

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!


Pokémon Stadium 2 has frozen! AW SNAP!

[Fluff] DPPt Credits Theme plays during the leaderboard. Fitting.

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!

[Snark] "I keep freezing, keep, keep freezing the game."

[Chat] Twitch_Plays_3DS: If you're killed by roulette, I'll show one of the comments you said before

Twitch_Plays_3DS: This is just for the broken stream, I'll turn it off as soon as it's fixed

[Chat] Deku's courteous enough to give everyone a nice little message before timing them out.

Pokémon Stadium 2 froze literally 6 hours Those quick updates...

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll be adding emotes when Red is playing

<twitchplayspokemon> I tried adding an emote recently but it got denied as I expected it might

<twitchplayspokemon> Twitch's guidelines on emotes aren't clear, they seem to let a lot of emotes through that violate their rules so I tried adding a "worst case scenario" emote to see if they'd let it through or not

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!

Pokémon Stadium 2 is currently down!

[Stadium] Burrito just took out Brian!

Stream back up

Stream down!

[Stadium] Healsplz has subbed!

[Stadium] Everything is fixed now!

[Stadium] Either that or the game itself broke. Either way, not good. :(

[Stadium] Pretty sure the bots broke. :P

[Stadium] The game is running fine, but the list of betters and odds are gone!

[Stadium] At the end of the battle, the remaining victors are Ace and Burrito.

[Stadium] Burrito beats Oracle in a close finish.

[Snark] "What's this? It's not very effective!"

[Stadium] HELIX VS. LAZERGATOR VS. BIRD JESUS (vs. Swagsire c:)

[Chat] Hisoka624 has subscribed!

[Chat] MTDot7 has just subscribed!

[Meta] In 30 minutes, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by Karel101 (PeptoDysmal), followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

[Chat] TheAwfulTrainer has just subscribed!

[Meta] Congrats to TwitchSpeaks for completing ALTTP. Special congrats to /u/NMario84 and /u/MrCheeze for guiding us through most of the game, especially the end. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!

[Stadium] Helix just slayed Brian!

[Stadium] Twitchplayspokemon: @bareisu in some ways it's harder in others it's easier, Pokemon selection was so much easier in PBR than Stadium 2 where I had to emulate how the Pokemon list functioned in order to determine what buttons to press

[Stadium] Twitchplayspokemon: money will transfer to PBR and everyone below 1000 will be reset to 1000

[Stadium] Omanyte, Kabuto, and Feraligatr are all working together, for some strange reason...

[Chat] Yamayamadingdong has subscribed!

[Stadium] Pokémon Stadium has resumed from the results screen, and is ready for battle!

[Stadium] So apparently, Stadium has been frozen at the results screen for 3 hours now, according to user Marsadeptenten on chat.

[Stadium] So Amberzard, Dome, and Bird Jesus are on the same team. What could possibly stop this dream team? Starmie Sweep.

[Streamer] goosethemaster : @Twitchplayspokemon Can you give a window of when PBR is coming?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @goosethemaster after Omega Ruby has finished, probably

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: thanks for subscribing

[Chat] Paxafarus has subscribed!

[Stadium] We (Unown) get behind Slowpoke and Burrito as they win the match for us.

[Stadium] AA-j turned against Helix and is now battling him!

[Streamer] <ep1cnights> @twitchplayspokemon will we know the abilities of the pokemon in PBR? Some pokemon hwve more than one ability. <3

<twitchplayspokemon> @ep1cnight I still need to design that part of the layout so I can't say for certain yet, but probably

[Streamer] <reddash9> @Twitchplayspokemon: Would it be possible to have a second channel made just for PBR/Stadium2?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Reddash9 I'm happy for PBR to take a break, it's probably going to end up the most played game in terms of hours by a long shot anyway <twitchplayspokemon> take a break between other games*

[Streamer] <Mencee> @Twitchplayspokemon Will PBR be a side-betting game during Red and the hack roms we play?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Mencee definitely not during Red, but other than that I don't know

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I don't think double battles will happen due to the complexity of selecting a target

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Stadium 2's code turned into a huge mess, it originally started as a clean re-implementation of TPP's overlay

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> yes, I'll be adding PBR and X/Y's soundtrack, but it take until PBR depending on how easily I can backport the new music system

[Context] <yoshifan123> @Twitchplayspokemon does money transfer to PBR from here? and are the subscriber smilies coming after PBR?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Yoshifan123 money will transfer and sub emotes will be added during Red

[Chat] Kooma9 has just subscribed!

[Meta] In half an hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode with TwitchSpeaks as the speaker himself, followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I like Slowpoke

[Stadium] Burrito takes another match!

[Chat] Rynbowl has subscribed!

[Chat] Reddash 9 has just subscribed!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'm sure we all felt that moment of wonder when we discovered how to copy and paste text, but you eventually have to realize you're not being funny or clever

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @GrazinBullets oh well, see you in 24h

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @GrazinBullets how do you feel about the chat rules?

[Meta] In 1 hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by MarsAdeptEnten, followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

[Stadium] Flareon takes out Red's first two mons, and Magcargo on Red proceeds to sweep Blue team. The odds? 1:47/73 in favour of Red team.

[Stadium] Helix wins another match for Blue!

[Streamer] AquaticXi: @twitchplayspokemon How do I have "9" when I've only completed four adventures with TPP?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @AquaticXi it shows the first run you participated in

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @batmanji the database I'm using doesn't have a way to represent infinity

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I put in code to specifically handle that situation, but I haven't tested it very much so it might not work properly

[Streamer] @Twitchplayspokemon what happens if everyone bets on one team and then loses? we have an infinite pokedongers theory going here

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @batmanji I think it defaults to 1:1 or crashes

[Streamer] Rasera00: @Twitchplayspokemon if I spot a match where it happens in the future, I'll record the stream time and let you know, so you can look through VOD if you want

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Resera00 in either case the code is almost certainly going to be re-written for PBR so the alledged bug might just disappear on its own

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: RNG seeming to act strangely and the RNG actually acting strangely are completely different states that are difficult to distinguish between

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @bexxxxxxx do you complain when people will the lottery because the % is low?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: win*

[Streamer] Rasera00: It's not confirmation bias, I've seen 0% moves be picked as well. No one on the team will have picked that move, and all of the other moves have at least 1 PP in them.

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Rasera00 if there's a problem why hasn't it happened more often?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @BEXXXXXX if you haven't ruled out confirmation bias I'm not interested in hearing about RNG "glitches"

[Streamer] TheThunderByte: Various Emotes

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @TheThunderByte

TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's coming

TwitchPlaysPokemon: you hear it?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: the ban hammer

TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's falling

[Chat] So there's Bexxxxxxx, who's been having really good luck, and now that's spawned Bexxx_Luck and Bexxxxx_Luck. THE NEXT EVOLUTION OF ZETSU CLONES ARE HERE!

[Chat] Is having a Kappa attack right now. No Survivors. Kappa

[Stadium] Kabuto against Omastar. The battle of the century!

[Stadium] Magikarp's team won, with 15.93:1 odds against it.

[Stadium] Burrito Sweep!

[Stadium] Oracle, Swagsire, and Burrito are on Blue. Against a Spinarak, Caterpie, and Oddish. 62.93:1 odds.

[Fluff] A snap laid is a snap played.

Unsnap those fingers!

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!


Pokémon Stadium 2 has frozen!

[Streamer] FshyNuketastical: Its better than it was, though, TwitchPlaysPokemon, in the morning it was running at 45 seconds or so. I don't think its your end, just Twitches.

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @fshynuketastical it doesn't seem like the delay is on my end so I'm unable to do anything about it

[Streamer] MarsAdeptEnten: The simple fact that multiple Voices are experiencing more lag than their norm isn't enough for you, Streamer-sempai?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @marsadeptenten correct, it would have to be everyone for it to be enough for me, it only affecting some people indicates that the issue lies with Twitch or the connections of the viewer, do you have a problem with my line of reasoning?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: nothing out of the ordinary

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I get ~20 seconds, which is what I almost always get, I don't see any problem at all

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: input delay is nothing new, there's been an on-screen mention of it for months now

[Streamer] StormpikeCommando: @Twitchplayspokemon oh sure i totally understand. i mean no disrespect of any of the sort. it just feels odd that lag has somehow spiked without reason since last night

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @stormpikecommando is also dropped without reason since Red

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: you didn't complain when it dropped

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: remember when it was 30?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: and? the input lag changes sometimes


[Fluff] Example Screen

[Stream] It's okay for people already there, but IT'S UNABLE TO JOIN NEW PEOPLE!

[Info] https://twitter.com/TwitchSupport/status/511033198885629953

[Stream] IS DOWN!

[Meta] In 1 hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by JukeBiscuit, followed by more shenanigans + Open Mic session later tonight! Come hang out!

[Stadium] Helix swept!

[Stadium] LazerGator (Feraligatr) is up to take down Lord Helix and his prophet (Pidgeotto), but must also face himself (Croconaw)!

[Stadium] Katie swept for Red team!

[Twitch] "Recent login issue is resolved. Thanks again for alerting us to issues!" AC

[Twitch] "We are looking into reports of not being able to log into the site." AC

Just FYI, for anyone who can't log in to Twitch to play Pokémon with TPP. It looks like it's an issue to some people for the moment.

[Stadium] Umbreon and Vaporeon are against Jolteon. It's the Eevee show tonight. Also, Brian is with against Jolteon, and Fonz and Issac are with Jolteon.

[Stadium] It's fixed. Yay!

[Stadium] Broke, somehow, I think. There are no bets, no odds, the percentages are locked. More info to come shortly maybe.

[Stadium] So Jumpluff, a Grass-Flying type, beat up Entei and Flareon, two Fire types. Nothing unusual here, it seems. Kappa

[Stadium] Chikorita just swept? Against Drowsee, Pikachu, and Togepi. :P

[Stadium] Gods lost. Unown didn't even have to fight.

[Stadium] Dome and Helix are against the Voices (Unown).

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @EliteAnax17 I'll likely start messaging you about PBR in the coming weeks, please tell me what's going on then

[Streamer] <eliteanax17> Okay okay then I wont say anything more until you make an official announcement, I sent a new save to you and thats the only thing that happened
<eliteanax17> So basically the project is going into hibernation until streamer decides he wishes to pursue PBR

<twitchplayspokemon> @EliteAnax17 again, you're not official, so you're incapable of making an official announcement

[Streamer] <eliteanax17> @Twitchplayspokemon Are you active streamer?

<twitchplayspokemon> @EliteAnax17 yes, but not thinking about PBR right now (when will you understand?)

Pokémon Stadium 2 is now back online!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Pokémon Stadium 2 has frozen! AW SNAP!

[Meta] In 1 hour, TwitchSpeaks is having another human mode by FlyingDeathBird, followed by more shenanigans! Come hang out!

[Stadium] Burrito, Dome, and Helix are all on a team together. Dream team baby!

[Stadium] ATV and Burrito are against Dome.

[76d 13h 40m Until OR/AS!]

[Streamer] BEXXXXXXX: I agree!! I've met so many awesome people here and have stayed so long solely due to the community, thank you @twitchplayspokemon for uniting us all through your efforts

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @bexxxxxxx I'm happy that TPP has had such a positive effect on your life

[Streamer] The_Chef1337: @Twitchplayspokemon Can we get a Magikarp, Magikarp, and Magikarp vs Magikarp, Magikarp, and Magikarp match?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @the_chef1337 the rental menu won't let you select a pokemon more than once, it's an edge case I had to account for as the pokemon are selected entirely deterministically

[Streamer] reshiram19: @twitchplayspokemon why don't you ever bet on matches?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @reshiram19 I do occasionally, that's how I lost all my money

[Streamer] Weirdman3214: @Twitchplayspokemon do you think you would ever be able to manage a mystery dungr=eon game?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @weirdman3214 already have

[Streamer] TheFrozenGlaceon: @TwitchPlaysPokemon I really appreciate thath you've done this kind of thing not only for everyone, but I have found it to be somewhat therapeutic after a stressful day. Hence my support goes to you

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @thefrozenglaceon thank you, I'm happy that you've enjoyed the stream

[Streamer] Markbu: @twitchplayspokemon when are we switching to PBR?

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @markbu when it's ready

[Streamer] MarsAdeptEnten: @Twitchplayspokemon : Can you get "ENDING~To Their Respective Futures~" for the leaderboard playlist? TwitchPlaysPokemon: @marsadeptenten I'll definitely be adding songs to the playlist in the future

[Streamer] Mencee: Streamer, when's the next Stadium update? TwitchPlaysPokemon: @mencee when it's ready

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I haven't had to reset it for a few days now, I wonder why it's so stable

[Info] The picture in question: http://i.imgur.com/WEYovFL.png

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2cwfu2/i_am_twitch_ceo_emmett_shear_ask_me_almost/cjjpkf4

[Streamer] Raikou__: What offer? @Twitchplayspokemon TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Raikou_ for exporting all of TPP's videos to YouTube, since Twitch's built-in tools were incapable of handling such long video

[Streamer] MarsAdeptEnten: Did you try talking to the Twitch higher-ups and send them a PM about this, @Twitchplayspokemon ? TwitchPlaysPokemon: @marsadeptenten yes, I sent an email to support saying that I want to take the Twitch CEO up on his offer

[Streamer] Pikaballz: @Twitchplayspokemon why were they deleted? i thought twitch said they wouldn't TwitchPlaysPokemon: @pikaballz so did I

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: most of Red's videos are deleted already as they were the oldest

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: some of the earlier archives are already deleted

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: http://i.imgur.com/ZJXRF4P.png

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Lapras' ears are the same as Slowpoke's

[Stadium] So the scenario that happened on Stadium was freaking amazing. Team Blue's last Pokemon was Omastar which KOed 2 of Red's mon initially, and by the time it got to Red's last Pokemon, he had 4 HP left. Red's last mon? LazorGator. And somehow, Helix came out on top. With 1:9.9 odds against it. (Blue also had Omanyte :P) SOMEBODY PLEASE YOUTUBE THAT EPIC MATCH!


[Meta] TwitchSpeaks is having another Open Mic by SirSkitty, followed by more shenanigans! Come hang out!

[Stadium] Blue team barely won with 24.21:1 odds for them. Moltres, their last Pokemon, had 17 HP left. Clutch!

84d Until OR/AS! Pre-Hype?

[Stadium] Sweepyu strikes again!

[Twitch] "We're investigating site issues presently. Thanks for your continued patience! JM"

[Twitch] Twitch.tv appears to be running normal once again! Twitch emoticons are working too!

[Twitch] We're currently investigating issues with the site. Please stay tuned

This was a quote from Twitch Support's Twitter account. Apparently, Twitch has been experiencing problems recently. Even the Twitch emoticons are not working/functioning properly. Unfortunately, we don't have any other information when everything will be fixed again.

[Stadium] Eeveelution battle! Solareon vs. Burrito. Burrito wins :P

[Stadium] MAGMAR SWEEP! With 1:2.08 odds against it. You can guess how interesting the match was. :)

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> if you've got interested stats put them in a spreadsheet, no bots please

[Stadium] Is back!


[Snark] "Try again" it hovers over. Taunting us. :(

[Stadium] The game appears to be frozen, stuck at the win(s) screen.

[Stadium] Now RED TEAM is all WATER-typed. To be fair, blue team does have 2 Water-types.

[Stadium] All of blue team right now is water-typed.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: really?

The Kappa Count has stopped.

[Streamer] <2155720> How do you get Stadium 2 w/o music @twitchplayspokemon

<twitchplayspokemon> @2155720 Bobthepigeon made me a romhack that mutes the music
~7:58:00 AM UTC

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I made the victory detection look at frames more often, so this bug should hopefully not happen again
~7:57:00 AM UTC

[Streamer] <tehlockeness> @Twitchplayspokemon what is the inactive time limit before you're removed from the leaderboards until active again? just curious

<twitchplayspokemon> @tehlockeness it's 48 hours
~7:55:00 AM UTC

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !balance
<twitchplayspokemon> still not working
<twitchplayspokemon> oh well, still fixed a moveset bug <twitchplayspokemon> also the "hours since last active" is now properly dimmed on the leaderboard
~7:54:00 AM UTC

[Context] TwitchSpeaks had a error during a certain part of Twitch Makes a Music Video segment and then he said "The Black Guy is under repair" and the rest is history. (gg twitch chat)

[Chat] Was spamming: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ THE BLACK GUY HAS BEEN FIXED ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Long story...

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> do I need to start banning?

[Snark] Kappa 1 Kappa 2 Kappa 3..... oh wait please don't ban me streamer senpai D:

[Chat] Multiple users were recently banned for counting and spamming Kappas. This is the streamers response.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Chat rules: No spammy messages
<twitchplayspokemon> I gave out lengthy timeouts, they'll be back tomorrow
<twitchplayspokemon> when it was 600 seconds people thought it was fun to get timed out

[Meta] s_SoNick is going to read tonights Human Mode live chat on TwitchSpeaks channel in about 30 minutes, starting at 22:30 EDT. Come join us, and support s_SoNick's live reading of the TPP chat!


[Stadium] Cruella, The Keeper, and C3KO are repping Blue team. They're up against Eevee, Skarmory, and Suicune.

[Stadium] Kappa is facing off against Colonel N and Apostrichu!

[Info] This was in response to:

<eliteanax17> http://strawpoll.me/2395840 PBR Poll on what to do with legendary doges, please vote carefully as this will ACTUALLY affect their movesets in the PBR save that will be sent to streamer!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @EliteAnax17 I appreciate what you're doing but I don't want you to be so noisy, try to make the best decision within your group and go with that, if it doesn't work out it can be changed later. I'm not thinking about PBR at all until maybe sometime in September and bringing it up like this forces me to think about it and address it

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm not thinking about PBR until I start work on it in September after I upgrade my PC, I've got other things I need to focus on

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @eliteanax17 who said you had any say about TPP?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @eliteanax17 who are you?

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: dammit OpieOP

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @bigborbor you weren't banned, you were timedout for spamming, now you're banned for timeout evaision

[Stadium] Amber is against Randomized Amber :P


Slowbro just disabled Slowking's disable. I don't even...


[Chat] TwitchSpeaks: 131638 MINUTES TO ORAS HYPE!!!

[Stadium] Lord Amber is against LazorGator and Brian. Interesting...


[Stadium] AW SNAP! Stadium crashed!

[Stadium] LazorGator (Totodile) is against Flameslash (Sandshrew) and Dome (Kabutops).

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I changed the leaderboard to show the top 2000, I want to see how it affects performance

[Stadium] Stream Up!

[Stadium] Stream down!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I just think it's funny seeing adblockers complain about the lack of ads, I can change that if they have a problem with it, Twitch has an override checkbox

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @kmeao maybe if you disabled your adblock you'd have something to watch, thank you for supporting the stream

[Info] The End Screen/Leaderboard Glitch happened again.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: didn't patch all the files KappaHD

[Streamer] yoshimitsu126: When Is Pokemon Battle Revolution PogChamp

TwitchPlaysPokemon: @yoshimitsu126 I'll likely start work on it in September

[Stadium] Last match, Jynx swept Red team, with 1:34.12 odds. Needless to say, Blue team was very happy.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: leaderboard break should happen after this match

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: fixed the leaderboard not clearing and made it so the bankbot works during the leaderboard break


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] STREAM DOWN!

[Info] No leaderboard on the match end screen anymore.



[Stadium] STREAM DOWN!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it only shows users who are active in the past 48 hours

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I need to confirm that the rank difference is showing properly, anyway

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's hourly, it's a new hour

[Info] Now we are having an hourly break. After one match...

[Info] It appears it shows the top 129. This is with the overlapping text.

[Stadium] The leaderboard shows after every game!


[Stadium] The leaderboard now should EVERYBODY.

[Stadium] BACK ONLINE!

[Stadium] Stream Down!

[Info] Now there is an hourly break of 10 minutes, which showcases the Leaderboard.


[Stadium] BACK ONLINE!

[Chat] a_______b_______z: Guys can we calm down Kappa

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'm patching

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] Stream Down!

[Stadium] Amber and Flameslash are on Blue against Kappa on Red. Blue also has Dodiro and Red also has Tedurisa and Vulpix. Who will win? Let's find out!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !balance

TPPbankbot: @Twitch_plays_3ds your balance is 3999

Under 4000 club Hype!

[Stadium] Blue team had 1:67.84 odds. They knocked out 2 Pokemon and almost won!

[Stadium] Flareon ended up taking out Ariados, and Magneton as well winning the match!

[Stadium] Randomized Dome is against the Martyr and AA-j. This should be interesting.

[Stadium] Abby, Helix, and the Keeper are on Red.

[Stadium] So, Machoke took out Kabutops, and Flareon took out Machoke. Squirtle took out Flareon. Unown then proceed to KO Squirtle and Smoochum missed Blizzard 3 times. Unown finally fainted though.

[Stadium] So Dome, the False Prophet, and the Voices walk into a bar... where they fight on Red team.

[Stadium] Dodrio Sweep!

[Stadium] Doge (Raikou) Sweep!

[Stadium] So Starmie won against Shellock, Bird Jesus, and Brian. Pioxys would be proud. Kappa

[Stadium] Amber won the match.

[Stadium] Helix (Omastar) is paired with us (Unown) against randomized Amber (Charizard). Our devotion will pull us through (Or Water against Fire :P)


[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll start work on PBR when I upgrade my PC, my current one isn't powerful enough which might cause timing issues, I expect to upgrade next month or less likely the month after.

[Fluff] The actual quote had a r. Not the streamer's end. :P

[Snark] "the month afte" ? No r. Kappa

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll start work on PBR when I upgrade my PC, my current one isn't powerful enough which might cause timing issues, I expect to upgrade next month or less likely the month afte

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !balance

TPPbankbot: @Twitch_plays_3ds your balance is 4380

[Stadium] We just heard Bulbasaur's cry! It's back to normal. Phew!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !balance

Tppbankbot: @Twitch_plays_3ds your balance is 4572

[Meta] In a few minutes, TwitchSpeaks will have an hour of Human Mode with Pokemonisawesome12345, plus a TPP Narrates (maybe), and an Open Mic. Come join!

[Stadium] Blue wins!

[Stadium] Blue: Chikorita - Hypno - Smeargle vs. Red: Caterpie - Goldeen - Suicune

[Stadium] Red team wins!

[Stadium] Blue: Psyduck - Snubbull - Weezing vs. Red: Clefable - Cyndaquil - Smoochum

[Stadium] Red wins!

[Stadium] Blue: Bellsprout - Slowpoke - Snubbull vs. Red: Forretress - Porygon - Yanma

[Stadium] Blue wins!

[Stadium] Blue: Krabby - Psyduck - Zapdos vs. Red: Ekans - Growlithe - Magby

[Stadium] Red won with a Muk counter sweep!

[Stadium] Blue: Bellossom - Jumpluff - Wobbuffet vs. Red: Blastoise - Jigglypuff - Muk

[Stadium] Blue wins!

[Stadium] Blue: Bellossom - Golbat - Xatu vs. Red: Ledyba - Quagsire - Sunflora

[Stadium] Red team wins!

[Stadium] Blue: Pidgeot - Pikachu - Smeargle vs. Red: Azumarill - Crobat - Magnemite

[Stadium] Red team wins!

[Stadium] Blue: Dratini - Jumpluff - Marill vs. Red: Bellossom - Espeon - Poliwhirl

[Stadium] Red team wins!

[Info] Ledyba has gotten double freeze 3 times in the past week with Ice Punch!

[Stadium] Blue: Ledyba - Sentret - "Ursaring" vs. Red: Eevee - Pikachu - Poliwrath

[Stadium] Blue team wins with Doot Doot in for the kill!

[Stadium] Blue team: Piloswine - Sudowoodo - Xatu vs. Red team: Gengar - Weedle - Weepinbell

[Stadium] Blue team wins with a spaghetti sweep!

[Stadium] Blue team: Entei - Steelix - Tangela vs. Red team: Gastly - Poliwag - Wartortle

[Stadium] Red team wins with 6.15:1 odds!

[Stadium] Blue team: Meganium - Teddiursa - Weezing vs. Red team: Igglybuff - Onix - Tyranitar

[Stadium] Blue team wins with an almost Tauros sweep!

[Stadium] Blue team: Espeon - Slowpoke - Tauros vs. Red team: Ivysaur - Kabutops - Weepinbell

[Stadium] Blue team wins!

[Stadium] Blue team: Alakazam - Heracross - Lapras vs. Red team: Gyarados - Nidoking - Teddiursa

[Stadium] Blue team won with the predictions!

[Stadium] Blue team: Bellossom - Ledyba - Machamp vs. Red team: Igglybuff - Psyduck - Wobbuffet

[Stadium] Red team wins with flinch hax!

[Stadium] Blue team: Croconaw - Growlithe - Koffing vs. Red team: Magcargo - Persian - Seaking

[Stadium] Blue team won!

[Stadium] Blue team: Abra - Miltank - Tyranitar vs. Red team: Cubone - Fearow - Mareep

[Stadium] Red team wins!

[Stadium] Blue team: Beedrill - Golem - Lapras vs. Red team: Qwilfish - Totodile - Wobbuffet

[Stadium] Blue team wins! Magikarp got a kill in at least.

[Stadium] Blue team: Qwilfish - Smoochum - Tauros vs. Red team: Cyndaquil - Diglett - Magikarp

[Stadium] Red team wins!

[Stadium] Blue team: Kadabra - Ledian - Remoraid vs. Red team: Dragonite - Octillery - Wobbuffet

[Stadium] Red team wins!

[Stadium] Blue team: Entei - Metapod - Weedle vs. Red team: Dragonite - Flareon - Krabby

[Stadium] Blue team wins!

[Stadium] Blue team: Bellossom - Forretress - Gengar vs. Red team: Katie - Larvitar - Qwilfish

[Stadium] Blue team wins, go Dewgong!

[Stadium] Blue team: Dewgong - Dratini - Fearow vs. Red team: Jigglypuff - Magikarp - Pineco

[Stadium] Blue team wins with a slap of mud!

[Stadium] Blue team: Jynx - Moltres - Tyranitar vs. Red team: Exeggutor - Octillery - Umbreon

[Stadium] Red team wins! Master Goldeen strikes again with a Horn Drill victory!

[Stadium] Blue team: Gastly - Poliwhirl - "Ursaring" vs. Red team: Crobat - Master Goldeen - Godpip

[Stadium] Red team wins! Clefairy takes out Meowth with a Psychic! That's right!

[Stadium] Not looking good! Mantine was frozen solid to Articuno's Blizzard.

[Snark] Treesus I'm counting on you to Rock Rekt, I have 100 bucks in your hands right now.

[Stadium] Blue team: Articuno - Meowth - Weedle vs. Red team: Clefairy - Mantine - Treesus!

[Chat/Snark] How was that Machamp female?

[Stadium] Blue team wins. ATV takes out Forretress with Psychic!

[Stadium] Blue team: Machamp - Marowak - ATV vs. Red team: Bellossom - Forretress - Poliwhirl.

[Fluff] I hope this makes up for lack of updates, real sorry for no updates at all.

[Stadium] Hitmonchan goes down, Blue team wins.

[Stadium] Poliwhirl vs. Hitmonchan right now, both at yellow HP.

[Snark] He just messed with Shuckle!

[Stadium] Poliwhirl quickly revenge kills Shuckle with Surf.

[Stadium] Shuckle takes out Sunflora with Sludge Bomb! Poliwhirl is next up.

[Stadium] Another 3-5% Bide for Red team, RNG'd?

[Stadium] Shuckle is out and uses Bide against Sunflora.

[Stadium] Sunflora's Razor Leaf takes out Rhydon instantly.

[Stadium] Sunflora vs. Rhydon!

[Stadium] A match is about to begin with Golem - Poliwhirl - Sunflora vs. Hitmonchan - Rhydon - Shuckle


[Stadium] Helix takes out Worms with Ancientpower! Helix wins.

[Stadium] Weepinbell down to Worm's Sludge Bomb! Helix out.

[Stadium] Dome is down, Worms is out.

[Stadium] Bird Jesus goes down to Dome's Blizzard. Dome has no more Blizzard's left for Weepinbell!

[Stadium] Metagod down, Dome is out against Bird Jesus.

[Stadium] The match begins! Pidgeotto leads against Metapod.

[Stadium] Beedrill - Kabuto - Metapod vs. Omanyte - Pidgeotto - Weepinbell. Who will win?

[Stadium] A little late, but Dux just swept a team of Venonat - Tyranitar - Weepinbell!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !roulette

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Only one way to find out

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Only one way to find out Kappa

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !roulette

Maybe not? Or maybe it's back.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: No I turned it off

RIP !roulette

[Stadium] Helix just swept. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE HELIX ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: using cheat codes at all was causing Stadium 2 to stutter and mess up the menu navigation timings, Bobthepigeon has prepared a romhack that disables the music

[Stadium] BACK ONLINE!

[Snark] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RITO ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] DOWN!

[Stadium] Donphan Sweep!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !bet 100 red

[Stadium] Burrito is against Helix, with M4 up after Helix.


[Stadium] Dome and Helix are teaming up while on Red team.

[Music] Vermilion City - Pokemon Gold/Silver

[Stadium] Back Up

Stream is loading back up

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: performing maintenance on the server

[Chat] RIOT

[Stadium] DOWN!

[Stadium] Glitched selection again. Red team was supposed to be Exeggcute, Gastly, and Machop, but is now Electrode, Flaaffy, Ledian.

[Stadium] Oddish Sweep!

[Stadium] Helix Sweep!


[Stadium] Dewgong has been in Stadium surprising often the last few matches. I think he's overtaking us... o_O

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: personally I'd prefer if the order of teams were known beforehand but I understand this can result in less interesting matches, I ask those who are passionate about this to think of ways of selecting interesting teams of pokemon instead of making the making the match artificially unpredictable

[Stadium] Suicune swept blue team taking minimum damage.

animefan1998: @ TwitchPlaysPokemon, is the infobot order suppose to be pre-shuffle or post-shuffle?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @animefan1998 alphabetical

[Streamer] <bm01> @TwitchPlaysPokemon you could add it on the stream (i.e. video, not chat) instead

<twitchplayspokemon> @bm01 that's what I'm planning on doing but there's no space and no metadata

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I would really like the music track to be displayed too but it's a bigger ask than it seems and I don't want to use chatbots unless there's a good enough reason to (dealing with the stream delay, supporting data mining)

[Streamer] <stormpikecommando> stupid? why is that? thinking it would spam a bit too much?

<twitchplayspokemon> @stormpikecommando it's both spammy and hard to align with the audio stream

[Streamer] <howlback> streamer, would you consider having the infobot tell what song is playing?

<twitchplayspokemon> @howlback I considered it and quickly realized it was a stupid idea

[Stadium] Back online!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: not sure why that happened, maybe the music code doesn't work?

[Stadium] Is still playing music in the background. Weird.

[Stadium] OFFLINE!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has selected Clefairy instead of the displayed Crobat!

[Stadium] BACK ONLINE!

[Info] Patch time!

[Stadium] DOWN!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Dr_clipper you're correct, it's still using the same order from last match, but it will re-shuffle when betting is over

[Stadium] Tppinfobot now says what the teams are at the start of the match. The GUI also updates to show the new, randomized order.

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been patched!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down for a patch!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: undefined balance bug should now be fixed at least

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: oh, I know what went wrong, I'll fix it next match

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: didn't shuffle?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the order of pokemon is now shuffled right as the match starts

[Stadium] Stadium 2 is back up!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down for a patch!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: patch time

[Stadium] Piloswine just swept Red team.

[Stadium] As of a recent update, Pokemon are now selected in alphabetical order in order to speed up the Pokemon selection process and thus leaving more time to bet.

[Stadium] Blue Team was supposed to be Espeon, Seaking, Starmie. Instead it was Espeon, Sandslash, Spearow.

[Stadium] Both Amber's and Dome's alternative forms were on the same team. They won.

Stream back up

Stream down ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] Announcer is back! (He was gone for a few days.)

[Stadium] Another never bet on Entei match!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I did if(!result) {var balance = 1000;} but then Javascript

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> undefined = no balance = defaults to 1000

56 minutes ago
[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> is the Nidoran bug fixed?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> just making betting luck based isn't a good idea, the "luck" should come from unpredictability

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Pokemon order is now random

[Stadium] Stadium 2 is back up!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down for a patch!

Actually right now
[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> patch time

38 minutes ago
[Streamer] <misiekf71> http://www.reddit.com/r/twitchplayspokemon/comments/2d5flv/stadium_discussion/

<twitchplayspokemon> @misiekf71 I can look into making the order of Pokemon random

[Stadium] Helix sweep! Took out Entei - Aipom - Elekid! Never bet Entei.

Stream back up!

Stream down!

[Info] The match that it froze on did not count.

[Stadium] It's been back for 2 matches now! Apologies for delay.

[Stadium] Froze about 10 Minutes Ago! Sorry for the delayed reaction.

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> test

[Streamer] <cheesecake_og> I haven't betted and want to start betting but it's not working and it also doesn't show my balance Please help me

<twitchplayspokemon> @Cheesecake_og it not working if you haven't betted on a successful match before is a known issue, you probably have 1000

[Streamer]<peppey_pep> It don not show my balence..

<twitchplayspokemon> @Peppey_pep have you betted before?

[Streamer] <dr_clipper> @Twitchplayspokemon Do you get upped to $500 or $100 if you go all in?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Dr_clipper 500, because I'm subscribed by default

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I wonder if I made it through in time
Spoilers: He did.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !bet 200 red

[Stadium] 488,284 is bet on blue. 3,965 is bet on red.

[Stadium] The odds are 123.15:1.
In the words of the streamer...

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> gg

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !bet 100 red
<twitchplayspokemon> can't resist those odds

[Streamer] <mrpieman10> @Twitchplayspokemon Will the announcer ever come back? D:

<twitchplayspokemon> @Mrpieman10 yes, Bobthepigeon is working on a non-buggy music disable code

[Streamer] <czerwona_latarnia> Since when did !(check)balance work?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Czerwona_latarnia an hour or so ago

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> only during betting phase

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been patched!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down for a patch!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> yet another patch

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm changing the bankbot to only respond to !balance during betting phase

[Stadium] Tppbankbot is now a moderator again.

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has returned!
Tppbankbot seems to be no longer a moderator.

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down for a patch!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> patching again

[Streamer] !balance has been re-enabled and it now uses Tppbankbot!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 is back up!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !balance

[Stadium] !balance has been disabled!

[Info] Due to the amount of !balance spam, any messages from the streamer may be missed for the time being.

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 is back up!

[Info] !checkbalance is real now. Just type "!balance!" and you will get your balance will be posted on chat

[Stadium] You can now check your balance with !balance
Oh Helix why... I notice streamer messages quickly because his messages make a ping...

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !balance <twitchplayspokemon> @Twitchplayspokemon your balance is 900

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down for a patch!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> alright, time to patch

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> test
<twitchplayspokemon> testing something

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !test
<twitchplayspokemon> @Twitchplayspokemon your balance is undefined

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> !test

[Chat] ♫ ┌༼ຈلຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT! ♫ ┌༼ຈلຈ༽┘ ♪

[Fluff] D/P Game Corner intensifies

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> emotes are something that can wait until Red

[Streamer] <sirskitty> @Twitchplayspokemon Are there any benefits to subscribing? Besides the pokemoney not falling below 500?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Sirskitty not currently, but maybe there will be more things in the future

[Streamer] <bexxxxxxx> @twitchplayspokemon when someone subscribes, how much of the $5 goes directly to you?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Bexxxxxxx half of it

[Streamer] <kevin_the_noodles> Streamer can I buy a subscription with my pokemoney?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Kevin_the_noodles no, that would devalue the already pretty poor value subscription

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: !bet 100 red

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Zero3k I'm waiting on @Bobthepigeon for that

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: scrollbar bug should be fixed now

[Stadium] BACK UP!

[Stadium] DOWN!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: patching again

[Meta] In about 15 Minutes, TwitchSpeaks is Doing a Human Mode with /u/antiquatedCreator. Afterwards, There Will Be "TPP Runs For President", and an Open Mic. Come Join!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Bexxxxxxx I'm not sure, I'd like to change the way the audio is setup to account for Skype's lag before testing, I might do that later tonight (4~8 hours from now)

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Geforcefly when your local clock says 0 seconds, that's when betting closes

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @S_sonick that's why you use a clock that isn't in the stream, so there's no stream delay

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Trainer Tip: if you want to bet late watch the second hand on an accurate clock, when it hits 0 that's when betting closes. http://time.is/UTC

[Info] Description was updated: "Pokemon Stadium 2's audio has been disabled as the music disable code was causing a bug with Pokemon selection. It will return soon."

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: it doesn't matter if it's imbalanced, the variable odds will account for it

<Pokemon_playstwitch:> @Twitchplayspokemon Any chance we can unlock the higher legendaries like Mew and Mewtwo in Stadium 2?

<Twitchplayspokemon:> @Pokemon_playstwitch possibly

[Info] Timer was reduced to 3 minutes and 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes.

<Twitchplayspokemon> @Estasigma if you want to be technical about it, soon Stadium 2 might be a romhack, a romhack to disable music but a romhack none the less

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'm going to try to only announce events during events, I don't want people to feel like they have to stick around between runs

Stream online!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: match is still going and will resume

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: connection to twitch was interrupted

Stream offline!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: timer and nidoran bugs should be fixed now

Stream up!

[Info] Timer is being patched.

Stream down!

<Estasigma> @Twitchplayspokemon - So I assume you're working only on Stadium still?

<Twitchplayspokemon> @Estasigma yes, and then I'll likely be working on PBR, Twitch_plays_3ds is going to be working on the upcoming run

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: okay, going to fix that timer, I know why it messed up

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: next up on the chopping block is the nidoran and scrollbar bug

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: that change is that the timer is now synced to the minute, so those who want to be really late can look at their clock and get a good sense of when betting is ending

[Info] Place-to-bet timer was extended out to 5 minutes, originally was 4 minutes.

[Info] Pokemon are no longer in alphabetical order, similar to old Stadium.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @Spartan_paladin spotted the biggest change, there is one other smaller change and one (unconfirmed) bugfix

Stream up!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Stream down!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: time to patch

[Streamer] <goofrygaming> @TwitchPlaysPokemon, if ya give an Englishman a try at commentating your stream I would love to do it

<twitchplayspokemon> @Goofrygaming sure, but not right now, please keep an eye out for future commentary tests


<twitchplayspokemon> @Faithfulforce that's all true, and I intend on doing more commentary in the future, I want to fix that 3 second lag problem too

[Streamer] <gamebrojeremy> @twitchplayspokemon, if you can attend to do the streaming commentary latter on in the day, I can definitely commentate. That one time was just a test :)

<twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy good to know, you did well, I'd like to have you on again

[Stadium] And then to top off the live commentary... Catz.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Switch_z: @mrbubbles121 and his brother were commentating just now

[Stadium] That concludes the live commentary for today!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> that concludes today's commentary test

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> thank you to all of today's commentators

[Streamer] <gamebrojeremy> @twitchplayspokemon You can have a schedule for commentaries then considering this was a SUCESS.

<twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy yeah, I'll have to put a schedule together

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy I agree, this match will be the final commentated match for today

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> final commentary match for today

[Info] For those who just joined, @mrbubbles121 is live commentating with his brother.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Poksonkirmar yes, there will be more commentary, but these guys are going to be it for today, next time I'll like to address the latency issue

[Commentator] The call has been closed and re-opened!

[Stadium] The video has frozen!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> just a moment, I'll reset the videocall

[Commentators] They have lost their direct video off of Twitch, so they are now working with a large delay!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubble121 just bring it to a conclusion when you feel appropriate

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 go for as long as you want

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> sure, another

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy it seemed fine

[Commentator] <gamebrojeremy> @twitchplayspokemon, my mic is very old, I am getting a new one in the future. Sorry if it cut out during my match. I was talking with my sister so I clicked the mute button which causes the mic to go into a static like trance...


<twitchplayspokemon> @maafighter it's fine, thank you for considering

[Commentators] Their Skype call is currently having issues!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 I'll put it on in a moment, sorry

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has resumed!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> okay, @mrbubbles121 is commentating now with his brother

[Stadium] Stadium 2 is currently and has been down while the the next commentators come on.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 is checking with his brother

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 are you still available to commentate?

[Commentator] <maafighter> I WOULD HAVE BUT I WANTED A DUO TriHard

[Commentator] <gamebrojeremy> No my sister lives in the same house as I do

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @gamebrojeremy sure, it's okay, thank you for commentating

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121, you want to go back on?

[Commentator] I'd love to, but my sister needs to sleep.
[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> okay

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @gamebrojeremy another match?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @gamebrojeremy this is a fast match, let's do another

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has resumed!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> coming back now

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> thank you very much @mrbubbles121 for commentating, bringing on @Gamebrojeremy now

[Commentator] <gamebrojeremy> Because my I have a loud voice.

<gamebrojeremy> I want to test how well my mic works before I do dual commentary

[Commentator] <maafighter> HELLO? WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME ? SwiftRage

[Commentator] <maafighter> can someone duo commentate with me anyways? anyone?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Maafighter I'll ask you during @Gamebrojeremy 's match

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Maafighter you don't have to go afterwards if you don't want

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Maafighter all solo commentators do 1 match, I think it's a good policy for now

[Commentary] <gamebrojeremy> Oh 1? Okay!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy I'll have you on for one match, it's unfair to have @maafighter wait so long

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> okay, one more, and then it'll be @gamebrojeremy doing some solo commentary

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 if you don't mind of course

<twitchplayspokemon> everybody want that?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 at least one more match

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Maafighter I don't have a lot of it but I can easily create it if needed at cost to my income

[Stadium] The Entei sweep is a success!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy if you're going to go for 3 it's only fair we let these guys go for at least one more

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @gamebrojeremy how many matches you want to go for?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy send me your skype details if you haven't already

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy alright, I'll have you on next commentator switch

[Stadium] Team Red + Magikarp + Entei = ???

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll work on solving the lag problem for future matches, I do have a potential solution

[Commentator] <gamebrojeremy> I agree @Twitchplayspokemon so give them a few more matches, then have me on, then put maafighter on.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm happy for you to be on too, @Maafighter

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy I'm happy to have you on too, but I don't want to force you on a tough crowd

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Maafighter @Gamebrojeremy you would like them to stay on instead?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> alright, another match

[Stadium] Red team won!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121, you're on

[Stadium] And we have returned to Stadium 2 with commentary!

[Stadium] And Stadium 2 has been temporarily turned off!

[Streamer] <gamebrojeremy> Yeah @Twitchplayspokemon I'm better off with a solo trust me Kappa

<twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy okay

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira and @Pixley thank you very much for commentating, I'll end your call when the timer runs out and bring on @mrbubbles121

[Stadium] Red, the team with the Magikarp, actually won the match! And that ends @Pixley and @Zekira commentating!

[Stadium] The hype is building as a Magikarp KOs Mankey with Flail at 18HP while Mankey had fully maxed evasion!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 use this time to make sure your mic works well

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Maafighter it's Skype, you'll be watching a Skype shared desktop with a couple of seconds of latency

[Commentator] <gamebrojeremy> Execelent

[Commentator] <maafighter> yes @twitchplayspokemon thats okay Keepo/ i sent you a message, im still not even sure how you guys have this set up Keepo/

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy okay, good to know, I'll ask you again later as well

[Commentator] <gamebrojeremy> Sure @Twitchplayspokemon
<gamebrojeremy> I'm fine with that

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy and @Maafighter you'll be on after @Mrbubbles121 does two matches, that okay?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @mrbubbles121 are you still available to commentate?

<mrbubbles121> Yessir!

[Streamer] * faithfulforce @Twitchplayspokemon, do you ever plan to do commentary a few hours earlier? <3

<twitchplayspokemon> @Faithfulforce yes, I'm aware of the bad timing

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @zekira and @pixley one more match, and we'll have two more on

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @zekira still not perfect, but better

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira's mic seems better now

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> what does everyone want?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira and @Pixley, another match?

[Streamer] <schadenfreude555> @Twitchplayspokemon do you think it will be successful tho? It seems like tpp has this sort of hivemind while fpp is just a fish

<twitchplayspokemon> @Schadenfreude555 it's essentially RNG plays Pokemon with a very slow, but endearing random number generator, interest will undoubtedly die down but it may still have a small following, there was a TV show called fishcam in my home city that was very similar sans the Pokemon

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Gamebrojeremy if you and @Maafighter want to commentate we can have you on

[Streamer] <maafighter> @twitchplayspokemon i know i wont get picked to commentate any time soon but where do i sign up? i really want to do it Keepo/

<twitchplayspokemon> @Maafighter send me a message

[Streamer] <schadenfreude555> @Twitchplayspokemon what do you think of fish plays pokemon

<twitchplayspokemon> @Schadenfreude555 I like it, it's fun to see all of these twists on TPP pop up to fill a content vacuum now that X is over

[Commentator] Zekira is currently dealing with some slight mic quality and volume issues, but they are improving.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira it's getting better

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira it's okay, don't worry, it's a test, and bad mics and connections are just the way of things

[Commentator] <zekira> SwiftRage MY MIC SUCKS BibleThump

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> doing great so far guys!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has resumed with live commentary!
@Zekira and @Pixley will be commentating this match.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> okay coming back on now

[Stadium] <twitchplayspokemon> sending you an invite @Zekira

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been taken down temporarily!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> alright, time for commentary

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm going to send out invites at the end of this match

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira you'll get to watch over Skype which is low latency

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> the match after this one will have commentary, stay tuned

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I have @Zekira and @Pixley 's Skype details but not @mrbubbles121 and his brother's, so we'll start with @Zekira and @Pixley next match

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> 5 minutes until commentary, have a couple of pairs available

[Streamer] <zekira> Oh ok

<twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira you can do solo commentary instead if you'd prefer

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira @mrbubbles121 is going to commentate with his brother

[Streamer] <zekira> >9 minutes until commentary >I'm not invited BibleThump

<twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira if you're interested in commentating with Pixley you can be on

<zekira> wait, I thought mrbubbles was on

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> 9 minutes until commentary

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> 13 minutes until commentary

[Streamer] <gbaconator> @Twitchplayspokemon do you have to have a microphone to do commentary?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Gbaconator yes

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @zekira and @mrbubbles121 signed up for commentary so far

[Streamer] <blacky777> streamer, will there be music with commentary BibleThimp

<twitchplayspokemon> @Blacky777 yes, but I'll turn it down

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> live commentary test in 22 minutes!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> also @mrbubbles121 is interested in commentating

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> preferably dual commentary, but we'll see how it goes

[Streamer] <wonwonwonwon> 24 minutes until what?

<twitchplayspokemon> commentary test

[Streamer] <tehlockeness> @Twitchplayspokemon when is that streamer?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Tehlockeness 24 minutes from now

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I have @Zekira so far

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> at 11:30:00Z stream time I'll do a commentary test, anyone wanting to commentate please send me a message with your skype username

[Streamer] <jamkin74> @Twitchplayspokemon I think it'd be best if each pair of commentators commentate 2 games each

<twitchplayspokemon> @Jamkin74 I think so too, but we'll see how many there are first

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> if no pairs step up I could also put two individuals on at once

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm going to be testing dual commentary soon, any pairs of commentators please contact me with your skype details

[Chat] <zekira> @Twitchplayspokemon ah okay, I'll be back in a jiffy. I'll be waiting for the Skype invite then~

[Streamer] <mariosyoshi> @twitchplayspokemon why is there no game sonds?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Mariosyoshi because the music disable code was causing the pokemon selection bug so Stadium 2's audio is muted until Bobthepigeon works out a new code or romhack

[Streamer] <zekira> @Twitchplayspokemon hey dude, are we doing the commentary thingy today or no? Haven't seen you in skype yet BibleThump

<twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira yeah, I will like to, hopefully within the next few hours
<twitchplayspokemon> I'd like to try dual commentary, do you have someone you could commentate with @Zekira ?

<zekira> @Twitchplayspokemon oh crap, I'm not sure yet. Is anyone else on? Also I'll be eating dinner, I'll be back in like 5-10 minutes...

<twitchplayspokemon> @Zekira it'll be longer than 10 min away, yes, on skype

[Snark] Always bet on Entei.

[Stadium] Blue still wins, at least.

[Stadium] This just in, a Ledbya freezes Entei and knocks it out! Now it just froze a Gastly and knocking it out.

[Stadium] <spartan_paladin> @Twitchplayspokemon Is there any reason the pokemon teams are still on alphabetical order?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Spartan_paladin that was at attempt to reduce the pokemon selection bug from happening, I'm going to change it back in a later update

[Streamer] <resist_this13> @Twitchplayspokemon what is you job even? What do you do when not watching stream?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Resist_this13 computer programming, web development and some light system administration

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Kevin_the_noodles maybe, I have ideas for an interface specifically for Peggle

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Fishycheeze I do that with the browser so it doesn't break and I guess I'll be doing that to the emulator now as well

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Fishycheeze I was going to do that, but then I worked out the pokemon selection bug, the emulator freezing could happen at any time and it completely broke shortly after, I don't think a watchdog would help in this case

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> web browsers and emulators aren't usually designed to run for days on end

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> Project64 was running for a few days straight, it might've developed a memory leak

[Streamer] <jacobjr1> Streamer it picked a fourth pokemon accidently and just borked up

<twitchplayspokemon> @Jacobjr1 it would have messed up shortly before selecting the fourth Pokemon

[Streamer] <darkuraiontwitch> The emulator froze while picking Pokemon.

<darkuraiontwitch> It unfroze, but the buttons were desynced.

<twitchplayspokemon> @Darkuraiontwitch ah, thought that might've been the case, not sure why that happened but good to know it wasn't my fault

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> anyone see it break and remember how it happened? Project64 crashed while I was trying to reset it so maybe it was an emulator glitch

[Stadium] IT'S ALIVE

Stream back up, Stadium up and running!

Stream down!

[Stadium] Is Stuck!

[Stadium] Back Up!

[Stadium] Black Screen!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: now I have thermal grease all over my hands

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: getting an "INVALID SYSTEM DISK" for a dead CPU is extremely counter intuitive

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Estasigma so I was using an old stock CPU cooler that was totally inadequate for a few days

[Snark] RIP in pieces.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Estasigma nah, my CPU cooler died

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I thought my SSD was toast, most of everything is backed up but still turned out it was my CPU that was toast

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @lethay a couple of months ago I was having cooling issues, that might have damaged it, but I don't know why it broke now instead of then

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I would have fixed it earlier but I was having PC troubles, woke up this morning to a "OPERATING SYSTEM NOT FOUND" error followed by a system that won't POST at all.

[Stadium] It's now working again!

[Stadium] We are still snapping.

[Info] Apparently this was a while ago. :P

[Stadium] HAS "AW SNAP"ED!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm used to playing these games on arcade difficulty because I thought that's what everyone played on

<twitchplayspokemon> was I doing it wrong?

[Streamer] <tarotprophet> @Twitchplayspokemon I do agree Touhou games are easier compared to other shmups though.

<twitchplayspokemon> @Tarotprophet I noticed, I had to turn the difficulty all the way up when I played and I still got through a few bosses on my first try

[Streamer] <nuggetbuster> @TwitchPlaysPokemon Is there any chance of us playing Tomodachi Life in the future?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Nuggetbuster you'll have to ask Twitch_plays_3ds

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> why do people like Touhou so much? the gameplay is so bland compared to Cave

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> pokeballs are like $2 seems reasonable

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> the designers of Pokemon wanted you to equate the value of the in-world Pokemon currency to yen, that's why the currency is literally yen in the Japanese version

[Streamer] * faithfulforce: @Twitchplayspokemon, do you call it pokeyen or pokedollar?
* faithfulforce: @Twitchplayspokemon officially it's pokedollar, but it's your currency <3

<twitchplayspokemon> @Faithfulforce pokeyen, because I equate it in value to the yen

[Streamer] <gerym> @Twitchplayspokemon minimal bet should be 100, people bet 1 and troll moves.

<twitchplayspokemon> @Gerym 1% is an approximation, each pokeyen counts

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'd want to mute the in-game announcer if commentators are on, of course

[Streamer] <sm64player123> @Twitchplayspokemon who selects the poke mon you or a random bot?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Sm64player123 random.shuffle function in Python

[Streamer] <jc90xx> @Twitchplayspokemon will Stadium money transfer to PBR??

<twitchplayspokemon> @Jc90xx yes

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm going to not rush PBR at all, I'm going to continue to work on Stadium 2 so I can take what I learn and apply it to PBR which will be recreated from near nothing

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> PBR is when it's ready

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> that can wait for PBR I guess

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I might have it be a pop-up like the subscriber notification, it sucks that it won't be on constantly though which would be ideal

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I don't like scrolling bars for content like song titles, it's distracting and hard to read

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> that's why I'm thinking of having it as a PBR feature

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> even if I had the metadata I don't know where I'd display it

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Flashmanbro I'm thinking about uploading my reference file for the music and have everyone fill in the metadata, I've seen people in the chat with a much better ear for pokemon music than me

[Streamer] <sm64player123> @Twitchplayspokemon is your stream ONLINE 24/7?

<twitchplayspokemon> @sm64player123 since February 12

[Streamer] <minedreigon> @Twitchplayspokemon could we have, as already said, the song name on screen?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Minedreigon I'd like to do that but there isn't really a sport for it and the songs don't all have metadata

[Streamer] <shinysapphire> Sweet! I like it!<3

<twichplayspokemon> @Shinysapphire I have a soft-spot for real-time music rendering, which is probably why I put so much thought into its integration with the stream

[Streamer] <shinysapphire> Streamer, how did you get Gameboy music in there all of the sudden?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Shinysapphire I'm using Winamp + Chipamp plugin set

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> around the same time, maybe up to a few hours earlier, depending on what I'm doing

[Streamer] <flashmanbro> @TwitchPlaysPokemon are you going to have more commentators?

<twitchplayspokemon> @Flashmanbro yes, I'd like to try dual commentary tomorrow

[Streamer] * faithfulforce: I don't think the streamer is on anymore <3 Maybe he is, I don't know
* faithfulforce: @Redpotato15, the streamer rotated in 3 commentators, but the test is done for the day <3
* faithfulforce: Strange, now i can @Twitchplayspokemon you. Maybe it's if you've talked recently

<twitchplayspokemon> @Faithfulforce that's not true
<twitchplayspokemon> @Faithfulforce even if I'm not on my bot shares the same account, and that's always on

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> the moderator position isn't a trophy position

<twitchplayspokemon> if the moderator position was a trophy position there would be a lot more moderators

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Skype has a delay of a second or two, but I could configure OBS to compensate for it so the commentator's speech aligns more closely to in-game events

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> so, what does everyone think? is commentary an idea worth pursuing further?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> That concludes today's live commentary test, thank you to @Animefan210 @Pixley and @Razzcastic for commentating

[Stadium] Red, the team with the Magikarp, won the match!

[Stadium] Razzcastic is the commentator!

[Chat] Kappa//

[Stadium] The stream has resumed with another live commentator!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ADD LIVE RIOTER ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] The stream has changed to the idle screen!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> you did very well, @pixley

[Stadium] Blue team wins the match that Pixley was commentating!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> can skype share desktop to two people?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm bringing in someone for the next match too, anyone who wants to commentate please send me a message and get your skype set up correctly

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> he can only see Stadium's window, not the overlay

[Stadium] There was a small hiccup and the video froze for a second!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> just a moment, I'll adjust volume

[Streamer] <reeznovisback> @twitchplayspokemon let all ppl commentate 1 game and we will select the best one !

<twitchplayspokemon> @Reeznovisback good idea

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Pikaballz I would definitely like dual commentators, but I'm just testing one at the time to make sure that works okay

[Stadium] We have resumed Stadium 2 with Pixley on the mic!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Pixley is on as commentator

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> trying to connect to another commentator

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> anyone available to commentate?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Doghan4 send me your Skype account name

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> now all the other commentators are scared

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I was hoping to bring in Gamebrojeremy but it looks like he went afk

[Chat] * animefan210 hides in corner now

[Stadium] The stream has changed to the idle screen!

[Stadium] Red won the match that animefan210 was commentating!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @animefan210 thank you for being the first to stand up and commentate, after this match I'll rotate someone else in

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Pixley I'll see how it goes in-battle, I can pause and turn the music down

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has resumed with Animefan210 on the mic!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> okay, resuming stream

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Animefan210 the video coming through okay?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> oh, nevermind, animefan210 came through

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> ok, how about Zekira instead?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Animefan210 I need your skype username to add you

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] The stream has changed to the idle screen!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Animefan210 send me your skype name via twitch message and I'll add you

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> vote over, Animefan210 comes in at position #1

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> 1 minute left: http://strawpoll.me/2292717

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> 3 minutes left to vote for your favorite commentators: http://strawpoll.me/2292717

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> poll closes at 10:00:00Z, 5 minutes left: http://strawpoll.me/2292717

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> if we have time we'll go through more than one commentator

[Snark] Witch Plays Pokemon! Find it in theaters this October!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I have Gamebrojeremy, Yoyodude123, Animefan210 and Zekira, am I missing anyone?

[Streamer] witchplayspokemon> I have Gamebrojeremy, Yoyodude123, Animefan210 and Zekira, am I missing anyone?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> now have four potential commentators

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> if it turns out commentary is something worth doing then I'll need an announcer disable code, right now Stadium 2's audio is disabled because of a bug so I'm taking this opportunity to test it out

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> one hour

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll be testing the live commentary functionality at 10:00:00Z, anybody interested in being a commentator please send me a message, you must have a Skype account and a working microphone

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Misiekf71 it was interfering with the sound effect event system causing random unexpected menu navigation timings

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Mistrauss currently the music disable code has been disabled because it was causing the pokemon selection bug, I have muted Stadium 2 until I have a better solution (I have asked Bobthepigeon to look into it)

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Euphoriaburgers64 send me a message

[Streamer] <the_brofist_tfm> @Twitchplayspokemon Are you going to speak, or is some one else going to?

<twitchplayspokemon> @The_brofist_tfm someone else will

<twitchplayspokemon> @The_brofist_tfm I don't have a microphone connected to this PC

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Faithfulforce two hours

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll be testing the live commentary functionality at 10:00:00Z, anybody interested in being a commentator please send me a message, you must have a Skype account and a working microphone

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll be testing the live commentary functionality at 10:00:00Z, anybody interested in being a commentator please send me a message, you must have a Skype account and a working microphone

[Meta] It may have a few quirks to it, but the GDoc for X is finally updated up until the end of X-Postgame

[Streamer] koolkreeper15: twitchplayspokemon, how do you check your points?

Twitchplayspokemon: @Koolkreeper15 your balance is the dimmed value next to your bet amount

[Streamer] killagod47: @TwitchPlaysPokemon I only have 100 coins yet I am sub?

Twitchplayspokemon: @Killagod47 that shouldn't be the case, try making a bet and see if the cap gets applied after the match rends

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> the gen 1 and 2 music didn't have timestamps so I have have chosen some songs that are too short

[Streamer] (on FishPlaysPokemon) Twitchplayspokemon is attempting to tap the glass, enter !tap in chat to charge the tap meter

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> 10:00:00Z

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> 10am Z? that's not right

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'll ask around in the chat and put a poll together around 10AMZ

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's going to be fully supervised, the setup isn't elaborate enough to do it any other way at the moment

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Rayquaza1090 I'm in Australia UTC+11 or UTC+10 depending on DST (IIRC)

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> it'll just be one person at a time to keep it simple, I chose a time with low viewers (and me having free time) in case it doesn't go great

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I can't be bothered converting to American time, it's too far away

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> compare time to stream time

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: how about I do a test of the live commentary system at 10:00:00Z?

[Streamer] <bexxxxxxx> @twitchplayspokemon would there be an application one would have to fill out?
<twitchplayspokemon> @Bexxxxxxx I don't know, I didn't think about it that far, I only checked to see if it was technically possible, I haven't thought about putting it into practice yet

[Context] <death2danoobs> So what you're saying streamer is that people could call in and announce the stream? Would you screen share for them to see the game to announce it?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Death2danoobs yes, that's what I'm saying

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I won't have it so everyone can join, I'll manually add commentators

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I did set up a Skype account so people could call in and commentate (with screen sharing for low-latency gameplay footage)

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Countneko Stadium 2 audio is disabled because the music disable code was causing the pokemon selection and crash bug

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> oh really? I thought they had on-screen keyboards

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> are there people here watching on consoles?

[Stadium] Burrito sweeps Red team.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I took the Twitch CEO up on his offer to export a large number of VODs all at once: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2cwfu2/i_am_twitch_ceo_emmett_shear_ask_me_almost/cjjpkf4

[Stadium] Gen 1 & 2 music has been added!

[Stadium] Stadium 2 restarted, patch applied!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: all bets refunded, deploying patch

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has been shut off to apply a patch!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: but not battle music unfortunately, haven't worked out how to make it loop yet

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'll be adding some gen 1 and gen 2 music today

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: Stadium 2's audio will be disabled until then

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I sent a message to Bobthepigeon asking about a revised code or romhack that doesn't interfere with Pokemon selection

[Context] <estasigma> @Twitchplayspokemon - If you see this, could you please tell us when you plan to start the romhacks/other runs intermission?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Estasigma not working on anything but Stadium 2 right now, ask me again later

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> I'm working on an alternate method to disable music

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> with how reliable Pokemon selection has been I think it's safe to conclude that the problem was the music disable code was randomly changing the timings of the pokemon selection menu causing a desync

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I fixed a few small errors in the overlay in the last update

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> "turning it off and on again"

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> toggling chrome's visibility in OBS fixed it

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> OBS acting strangly...


[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Ell_akuro it explains why bugs showed up in code that hadn't been touched for a month

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it seems as though the music disable code was the culprit for the pokemon selection bug

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: any errors in the past 4 hours?

[Stadium] Burrito is against The False Prophet. This should be interesting.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it seems like FPP's popularity has also boosted TPP's viewercount so there's that to be appreciative of

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Python and Javascript

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Stadium is muted until it messes up

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'm going to disable the code next match and see if that helps (5 min ago)

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: now that I think about it, it's possible that the music disable code is causing the pokemon selection glitch (6 min ago)

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's just a dramatic pause, it's a "feature" of the music disable code

[Stadium] Working!

[Stadium] FROZE!

[Stadium] not.

[Stadium] Broke again...

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: at least that time

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: that means the hard part is done

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'd rather it fail after correctly selecting pokemon

[Stadium] ONLINE!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: trying another patch...

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I don't understand why it is breaking there

[Stadium] DOWN!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: oh, it broke?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: so far so good, I hope it holds up overnight

[Snark] When a Flareon's on screen? What could that mean?

[Stadium] Froze again!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: there should be less chance of it breaking now than this time yesterday, but maybe that's not something I should say out loud

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: my affinity for FPP is an indicator of which city I live in

[Stadium] Back Up!

[Stadium] DOWN!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: alright, patching now

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: okay, going to be increasing the direction hold duration from 0.15 seconds to 0.18 seconds next match

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'm testing different input timings locally, trying to find something with better tolerances

[Stadium] Unfrozen!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Misiekf71 I'm not resetting, put up with the bug until it's fixed or find something else to entertain yourself, I don't see you helping

[Stadium] Frozen!

[Stadium] BACK UP!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: another patch, trying to fix that pokemon order selection bug

[Stadium] Stream down!

[Stadium] Stadium is back up!

[Stadium] Stream down!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: Fish Plays Pokemon is awesome

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: maybe if we continue to talk about fish plays pokemon we'll stop hemorrhaging viewers KappaHD

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I recently made a change that sorted the teams of pokemon by the order that the pokemon appear in the list, this should reduce the opportunities for that bug to present itself

[Stadium] Red's Doduo just swept Blue without taking any damage!
Flawless victory!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: soon I'll be making an update that reduces the probability that a pokemon selection error will occur (but not eliminate it, unfortunately), and also add a lot of music

[Info] Because the UI is displaying the wrong Pokemon, here are the movesets.

SolarbeamHeadbuttFaint Attack
Sleep PowderRoarNight Shade

[Stadium] All of the Pokemon selections on Red are incorrect! Wartortle, Pidgetto and Nidoran was the intended lineup, but it is Victreebell, Persian and Murkrow instead!

[Stadium] Stadium has been restarted!

[Stadium] Stadium has failed to select a third Pokemon on Red!
I was watching Fish Plays Pokemon again...

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] Answer

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Which Electric type Pokemon has the highest base Speed?

[Snark] Voltorb is Jigglypuff... confirmed!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: jigglypuff in red team Kreygasm

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: FrankerZ

[Info] Note: Stadium bets are case sensitive.
I didn't win my cash because of that...

[Stadium] Stadium has returned with new teams.

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] The stream has been paused.

[Stadium] A second round is beginning with the same matchup that the streamer has been using for testing the Pokemon selection bug.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: this is a matchup I have been using to test the pokemon selection bug

[Stadium] The stream is back!
Stadium 2 has restarted.

[Stadium] The stream has been paused.

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has recovered from being frozen, but the Pokemon on Red are not selected.

[Stadium] Stadium 2 has frozen during Pokemon selection!

[Stadium] Two wrong Pokemon selections on Red!
It meant to select Murkrow, but it selected Misdreavus instead! [A:Shadow Ball|B:Thunder|C:Psywave|D:Pain Split]
It meant to select Bulbasaur, but it selected Bellossom instead!
[A:Petal Dance|B:Cut|C:Poisonpowder|D:Attract]
I was looking at Fish Plays Pokemon so I missed the cause.

[Stadium] In both recent cases of incorrect Pokemon selection the system ended one up or down input short after a pause in scrolling before selecting the correct Pokemon.

[Stadium] Wrong Pokemon selection on Blue! It meant to select Tentacruel, but it selected Tangela instead! [A:Giga Drain|B:Thief|C:Sleep Powder|D:Growth]

There was a small pause in scrolling down while the system was scrolling down to select Tentacruel.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Dracyoshi I appreciate your notes in the live updater about incorrect pokemon selection, if possible could you also make a note of how it messed up, did it overshoot or undershoot its target? did you notice any other irregularities? that sort of thing, it could be very helpful in fixing the bug

[Stadium] Wrong Pokemon selection on Blue! It meant to select Delibird, but it selected Dodrio instead!
[A:Fly|B:Tri Attack|C:Pursuit|D:Growl]

[Stadium] RNGPharos swept by not missing one Zap Cannon or DynamicPunch with -1 Accuracy from Mud Slap late game!

[Stadium] Used ICE HEAL on STADIUM 2! STADIUM 2 recovered from being frozen!

[Stadium] Stadium has frozen.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @Orderlyearthdragon I'm going to wait until Twitch/Google sorts out their music policy before I add unsequenced music

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I still have plenty of songs to add to the playlist, it has over 200 already, I'm working on more important things (such as pokemon selection losing sync)

[Stadium] After having multiple battles in a row of Nidoran, Gengar and Snubbull vs Arbok, Graveler and Sandshrew, the streamer has restarted Stadium.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: deployed new stadium 2 reference file and tried a (yet another) new fix for the pokemon selection bug

[Stadium] Stadium is now back online!

[Stadium] Entered standby!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @Dracyoshi I will like to set up an official YouTube channel for archives and maybe highlights

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Estasigma as long as Twitch/Google enforces their overbearing rules correctly it shouldn't affect this stream

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Radiant_poomph not yet, working on show-stopper bugs and better effortutput things

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Toysrmi yes, I am, I just don't just to fix it so often during peak

[Snark] PBR confirmed?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Lunaticriven Celebi doesn't show up as a renal Pokemon, you might have to wait for PBR to see Celebi

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Gameplayer144 if you didn't here it is: http://pastebin.com/nSvsYLJz

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Gameplayer144 did you get that pastebin link I posed a little while earlier?


[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @leonys2 thank you

[Context] <bm01> @Twitchplayspokemon nice, you should post that on their reddit, there's some action there already

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @bm01 I don't have a Reddit account for TPP and I don't have the time to maintain one

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> http://i.imgur.com/YrwrQAR.png

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> that's the biggest offense of it all, it's technically not even music streaming, it's live music performance with the tools I purchased

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @radicaltrain you're listening to live emulations of the soundtracks of various Pokemon games, not even rips from CDs or MP3 sites, actual raw files extracted from the game

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Biozim98 I want to see Twitch/Google explain why my videos were muted, there's no typical takedown targets in there at all

[Chat] TriHard Cheren...

[Music] Rival Battle - Pokémon Black & White

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm getting them confused a lot lately

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> oh wait, that's Ubisoft, not EA

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: EA wants their Catz money?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: wow, I'm surprised it got muted, there's no non-videogame music in that entire video, it's 100% Pokemon music + a few Catz songs

[Context] <raphy963> @Twitchplayspokemon What are you using to get the information directly from the game? Like who won and when the battle end i'm really curious

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @raphy963 a Python script that determines what buttons to press based on what pixels are which color and presses them through the Windows API

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Dr_clipper I'm glad you asked, http://pastebin.com/nSvsYLJz

[Chat] <dr_clipper> KevinTurtle Streamer, on the move list database... would you like some of us to manually proof the database for you? I'd be happy to try fixing the bugs in the one you are using

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @jjwalker12master at some point, sure, busy fixing show-stopper bugs right now

[Context] <jjwalker12master> @TwitchPlaysPokemon I have to ask. But are we getting Gen6 music playing at some point?

[Snark] The battle ended. BibleThump CRYOT BibleThump

[Context] <mencee> @Twitchplayspokemon Vileplume needs to be fixed btw.

[Fluff] The music playing for this battle, the Lance/Red Battle Theme from G/S/C/Etc. is one of my favorite songs in Pokemon <33

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> @mencee I tried to fix it but the other resource I used for moveset information was even worse and caused crashes due to incorrect move names

[Info] "Eitehr"

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: if the sound doesn't start playing, it'll never technically stop playing eitehr

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's a glitch with the music disable code, the game depends on sound ending to trigger animation ends (similar to my problem with the subscription notifier when Stadium 2 started)

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> not a crash, just a dramatic pause

[Stadium] Dome just swept the entire team.

[Stadium] Flareon is against Kabuto. o_O

[Context] sgv_sth> @Twitchplayspokemon I will admit that I do not know how Twitch handles streams, but can you download the streams from somewhere and be able to edit them later?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @sgv_sth and then do what with the edited footage? my upstream bandwidth is so small I'd be uploading one or two videos a day, not fast enough to not lose content to Twitch's cull

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I doubt Twitch's music muting changes will affect TPP, however the video archive expiry will, maybe it's time for TPP to get an official YouTube channel, but there's no way I can upload so much data and export has length limits that TPP blows way past

[Stadium] BACK!*

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: wow

[Meta] The Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon is now available until August 12 in North America! More here at the Official Pokémon Website!

[Chat] Is counting Kappas. Yay!

Stadium down!

[Stadium] Crashed!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'll be sleeping soon, I hope it holds up overnight

└༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♫ PARTY LIKE IT'S 10PM ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘♪

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I'm just testing out different button timings to find one that works well


[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I may have fixed the laggy scrolling (or at least made it less laggy) and I have changed the probability display to show 1% for < 0.5% bets too

Aaaaand, it's back!

Stream Down!

Stream back online!

10d 6h 4m Stream offline!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: no move named "flash " Twitchplayspokemon: does anyone know of an accurate Stadium 2 moveset list?

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I have tried another fix for the pokemon selection bug, probably won't help but you never know

[Info] The stream went down for a few minutes earlier.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: no one lost or won any money

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !roulette

Stream Back Up

[Stadium] Ivysaur and Totodile is read by the UI but the game selected Houndoom and Tentacool. Stream Down

*and by ubsquish i mean unsquish

[Stadium] The Betting lists are still squished but they will ubsquish and scroll after every match now.

[Stadium] Winnings now scroll after every match

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> I updated the movesets so it should be accurate now

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> yesterday someone sent me a link in chat to a spreadsheet that had the correct Stadium 2 movesets on it, I copied it down but now I can't find it, does anyone have it?

[Chat] Grazinbullets: @Twitchplayspokemon Will it be Staidum 2 for 107 days or will there be a intermission before OR?

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> @GrazinBullets there will be an intermission before to make sure the 3DS setup still functions correctly and reliably

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: @EasyQuest there's 90 songs for battling

Stadium Back Up

Twitch Plays Pokemon will resume shortly! Thank You for watching!

Stream Down

Twitchspeaks Human Mode w/ several of the TwitchDatesPokemon cast (http://redd.it/2bub87 is their info page) begins in 5 minutes. It will be followed by TPP Sells A Product & Open Mic. http://www.twitch.tv/twitchspeaks

Stream Back up

Stream Down

[Snark] Still never bet Entei, those are baby mons.

[Stadium] Igglybuff and Sunkern was the Pokémon Entei took down

[Stadium] Entei actually took out 2 Pokemon and caused his team to win.

[Stadium] Entei's team wins but Entei wasn't use in battle at all

[Stadium] Entei, Charmeleon, and Dunsparce vs Caperpie, Bayleef, and Magikarp. Entei's theme is playing during the battle

[Stadium] Dodrio swept an Onix, Golbat, and Jumpluff. Incredible!

[Snark] 8 hours? That's a world record \o/

[Fluff] How many hours was that stream being down for? About 8 hours?.

[Stadium] Not Dead Anymore

Stadium is running!


[Chat] BibleThump CRYOT BibleThump

[Stadium] Still Dead

♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE LIKE IT'S "AW SNAP!" ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

[Chat] TriHard Streamer...

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ AW SNAP ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Chat] We are back to 0 Kappa's!

[Fluff] Can TwitchPlays3DS get tempa-banned from a chat he's moderating?

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !roulette

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !roulette

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: OpieOP

[Stadium/Snark] Streamer should get a riot alarm for times like this. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] Black Screen uses "Aw, Snap!" Its super effective! Stream Fainted!

[Stadium] I still got the "Aw, Snap!" screen showing on the stream!

[Stadium] Its a Black Screen!

[Stadium] Still Down

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Chat] Is counting back down from -1000.


[Stadium] Down for 7 HOURS!

Streamer is sleeping! Kappa

[Stadium] Has been down for 6.5 Hours. Still on the Kappa count, past -500.

[Snark] Now some are doing negatives. Classy.


[Chat] The Final (Kappa) Countdown!

[Chat] They are counting down from 1000 Kappas.

[Chat] Counted to 1000 Kappas again. I think. Yay!

[Stadium] Stream has been crashed for 5 hours now.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: 4911 FrankerZ, 27147 Keepo, 2982 PMSTwin

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: PogChamp 66141 , OpieOP 6542

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: TPP emote count: Kreygasm : 73019, DBstyle : 23570

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS 卅(◕‿◕)卅 = Wooper Z (no space)

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: GreyFace

[Streamer] Emote count during TPPX: 34016 FailFish, 178411 Kappa, 100136 BibleThump, 22631 BloodTrail, 63353 SwiftRage

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: what chat stats?

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Dorito is unbanned ?

[Meta] TwitchSpeaks is doing an open mic while the stream is broken. Come join!

[Stadium] Aw, snap! Stream still isn't fixed.

[Chat] Looks like they're counting Kappas again.

[Info] What the stream looks like. Credit to /u/pieandstuff who submitted the original post on reddit.

[Chat] Way2evil4that: I WON OR LOST Kappa

[Stadium] A team won. Who knows which team did.

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ AW SNAP ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ‎

[Stadium] Stadium's still running, however there is a Chrome browser (which crashed) on screen. The announcer's still going on about a battle we cannot see.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: music should be fixed now

Stream is back up!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Stream down!

[Stadium] Alder's battle theme has been playing every battle for quite a while.

[Snark] Spearow went out with Frustration. I think this says something about that battle.


[Stadium] This is the second Mirror Move vs. Counter stalemate here. Wobbuffet vs. Spearow.

[Stadium] Nidoran is still broken. Female Nidoran was shown as male again.


[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: there's still a lot of things I want to add, in particular a "results of last match" during betting phase

Stadium Reset


[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> not sure why it is losing sync like that

[Fluff] D-O-G-A-R-S DOGARS (That music is playing... the theme for Roxie's gym)

Back up

[Stadium] Stream Down

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Mencee for that I'd want to properly label every song with the system and game it's from, right now only songs have an appropriate title (the rest are fan-translations from the Japanese title or internal reference IDs)

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> it seems like most of the music on brawlcustommusic.com doesn't loop appropriately (see "Loop Type: Song Loops Normally" and the way the waveform shrinks near the end), MP3 to BRSTM converters don't magically make it loop properly

[Stadium] Streamer forgot to start the IRC Bot and bets didn't start flooding in until after teams were picked.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> sorry, forgot to start the IRC bot, it's up now

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @EliteAnax17 it won't run on Intel integrated, a new server is needed

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @tacoballs7 but does it also support infinite length playback?

[Stadium] Betting seem to Reset again

[Streamer] Everyone starts with 1000 and are prevented from dropping below 100, subscribers are prevented from dropping below 500.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm going to recreate the Stadium 2 reference data, so all movesets should be fixed

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> Vileplume has Bulbasaur's moveset, I intend to fix this with the next update

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> when deciding a song the selector gets the 10 least-recently-played songs and selects one at random, songs are also divided up into four categories: betting, warning, battle and result

[Stadium] Reset!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> oh? it broke again?

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @AwesomeKuno not yet but I'm working on it, there's a different Stadium 2 resource that I'm going to scrape from, apparently Serebii wasn't completely accurate

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Orderlyearthdragon remixes aren't long enough, short songs don't work well at all

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> most of the music added is from HGSS but some from RSE and Conquest too

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I want PBR eventually, it was originally supposed to be PBR, that's why the blue and red teams are on the same sides as they are in PBR

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @pieandstuff not really thinking about PBR yet, needs new code, new layout and new server, it's months away at the least

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @Orderlyearthdragon same problem, not long enough, they need to be of preferably indefinite length

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @GalladeXtreme it doesn't loop, so it won't, 3 min song to cover a 5 min battle just plain doesn't work

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> @GalladeXtreme X/Y's soundtrack doesn't exist in a loopable form

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I added ~100 songs and changed the way the songs are selected to reduce repetition, also Nidoran should be fixed now

[Stadium] Is running again!


"Twitch Plays Pokemon will resume shortly. Thank you for watching!"

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Stream Offline!

[Meta] Pokémon X update archive has been posted!

[Stadium] Helix and LazorGator are on the same team. This can only end well.

[Snark] inb4 it freezes once again

[Stadium] It's Finally Fixed!

[Stadium] RESTART!

[Stadium] Has been frozen for 4 Hours!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ POTATO ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Stadium] Has been frozen for 3 Hours!

[Stadium] Has been frozen for about 2 Hours now!

[Chat] Hit 1000 Kappas

[Stadium] It's been about an hour since Stadium froze.

[Chat] ヽ̕༼́ຈ̢ل̴͏͚ຈ̷༽͘͏̶ノ̢͏͜ ̀G҉͠L̵I̺TͅC̡H̶ ̢R͢I̸͏̼O͘T̘ヽ͝༼͡ຈ̵ل͘ຈ҉̨༽͝͏͍ノ͝

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: 5411 roulettes were attempted during TPPX

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: During TPPX run you entered 3 millions chat messages.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: http://i.imgur.com/L3uxxWc.jpg

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: FrankerZ = Franker 2 (no space)

[Chat] The Kappa Count is happening.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Try it

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Kappa

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Info] As in, Everything Is Working, Except The Game Isn't Starting.

[Stadium] The Stream Froze!

[Staduim] Heracross just swept Red team and won the match for Blue.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it could be that the site I scraped Stadium 2 data from isn't entirely correct

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon : please tell me if you ever see a move being selected that no one voted for (and it isn't being used as a fallback, ie: the "winning" move is out of PP)

[Snark] ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ WIFI DANCE ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♫ (GTS Music playing)

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I thought I did fix the Nidoran glitch

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'm very thankful for the music disable code that Bobthepigeon provided me, without it this would be considerably less enjoyable

[Chat] JORSUUUUUUUUUUN (Evolution music was playing)

[Chat] GIVE ME WHAT I NEEEEEEEED!!! (Elesa gym music)

[Snark] Entei still sucks confirmed

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I don't know why that happened, I haven't changed the Pokemon selection code, I don't see why it would fail now and not before

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: huh? this shouldn't happen

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'm going to be adding more music, right now there's 179 but I've got more songs to sift through

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: no gen 6 music yet

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: there's still some bugs that need to be worked out

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: that was a close one

[Info] Stadium was stuck at bulbasaur before streamer fixed it.

[Snark] └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♫ PARTY LIKE IT'S 10PM ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘♪ (Catz music playing)

[Chat] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ D-O-N-G-E-R-S DONGERS ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ (It's playing Roxie's gym music while we wait for a battle to start.)


[Stadium] Before Stadium went down, Blue won the match!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

v No Time stamp!

8d 0h 58m STREAM DOWN!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: ah, I worked out the bug! my last-minute switch from Chrome to Chromium to fix a font rendering bug also cost me mp3 support (the format of the sound effect), I'll be replacing it with a wav shortly

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the subscriber alert is supposed to disappear after a sound effect has finished playing but the sound effect won't play for some reason, and if it won't play it won't end

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the music disable code has a glitch that sometimes causes the announcer and some sound effects to drop out

[Info] Another glitch: It said NidoranM is on the Red team, but a female one came out instead.

[Snark] Who's That Pokémon?

[Meta] It's 20 Sec Behind, So It Sync's Up With The Commentary.

[Meta] So...... TwitchSpeaks is ALSO showing TPP streamers Pokémon Stadium? Kind of redundant, no?

[Stadium] Forretress With a Clutch Win for Red. 8 HP Left!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: @Dracyoshi if that's the case then it might not be an isolated issue, please keep an eye out for other discrepencies

[Snark] Hoppip too strong pls nerf

[Info] There appears to be a glitch with Hoppip's moveset displayed on the screen. It has been seen using both Leech Seed and Sleep Powder, neither of which are displayed.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I adjusted the audio balance, Stadium announcer and sound effects should come through better now

[Stadium] Red team wins!

8d 0h 16m Blue has Sentret, Poliwrath, and Zapdos, while Red has Sandshrew, Hoppip, and Porygon.

[Info] Betting on a team is the same as Stadium during Platinum - Black 2. !bet amount team

[Info] Moves can be selected by entering !move selection where selection is 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' or '-', this corresponds to the moves listed under the Pokemon in the sidebar, selecting '-' (the default selection) will result in no influence on the selected move. Example: !move a.

[Info] The Streamer updated the description below the stream stating how to play this new Stadium game.

8d 0h 11m Blue wins!

8d 0h 11m Seadra uses DragonBreath, and KOs Wartortle.

8d 0h 11m Seadra's Surf misses, and Wartortle's Dig hits!

8d 0h 11m Another Swift Brings Wartortle down to 18 HP. It uses Dig.

8d 0h 10m Seadra uses Dragon Breath again, and paralyzes Wartortle,

8d 0h 10m Seadra uses Swift, and Wartortle responds with Rapid Spin. A Critical Hit!

8d 0h 10m Seadra's Swift misses, and Wartortle's Dig hits!

8d 0h 9m Seadra uses another Surf, and Wartortle uses Dig.

[Streamer] twitchplayspokemon> sorry about the subscription message, it's supposed to disappear after a few seconds, but it hasn't for some reason, it's not supposed to stay up

8d 0h 9m Seadra misses Dragon Breath, Dig hits from Wartortle!

8d 0h 9m Seadra uses Surf, while Wartortle uses Dig.

8d 0h 9m Red sent out Wartortle!

8d 0h 8m Seadra uses Dragon Breath, and KO Nidoran.

8d 0h 8m Seadra uses Surf. Down to 55 HP, Nidoran uses Iron Tail.

8d 0h 8m Nidoran uses Headbutt.

8d 0h 7m Sent out Nidoran!

8d 0h 7m Seadra sent out! She uses Surf. Smoochum down!

8d 0h 6m Butterfree uses Gust. Smoochum uses Blizzard. Butterfree faints!

[Fluff] I SERIOUSLY Have no idea what is going on..... I am SERIOUSLY Confused.....

8d 0h 6m Cleffa, Seadra, and Butterfree against Smoochum, Nidoran, and Wartortle.

8d 0h 6m We start!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> it's supposed to disappear after a couple of seconds...

8d 0h 4m OBNDO Subscribed!

[Snark]Slateport Music plays. HOENN CONFIRMED

8d 0h 2m WE START!

3 Months isn't shortly BibleThump



8d 0h 1m "Twitch Plays Pokemon will resume shortly! Thank you for watching!" ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> Well I guess this is it guys. In the end I want to thank twitchplayspokemon for allowing me to stream to this channel, /u/velocikoopa for lending me a capture-card-equipped 3DS to work on, without him TPPX will be impossible. And I want to thank every single one of you for participating in this amazing run of the final Pokemon main series game. I’m really looking forward to seeing you on the release day of ORAS.

8d 0h 1m ONLINE!

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Okay, starting up the stream.

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> It has been very stressful running TPP during the past 6 months but I have also enjoyed it immensely. In the future I would like to pace myself better so I can put more care and effort into each run but for now I want to focus on Stadium (and eventually PBR) so that there's something to play in between runs (which I'd like to be longer than two weeks apart so I can recover).

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Pokemon Battle Revolution is also on the horizon but the extremely demanding hardware requirements will require TPP to switch servers to one that is custom-built to handle it. The hardware side alone is going to cost a lot of time, effort and money. The different aspect ratio may require the layout to be completely overhauled. This is months away.

8d 0h 0m Happy New Year! Oh wait....

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> I'm considering various Pokemon romhacks for future TPP runs. I would also like to put on democracy-only runs of Pokemon Blue, Mystery Dungeon and TCG sometime after Red, there's also plenty of romhacks to consider such as Moemon, Touhoumon, Brown, Prism, Quartz, Marble et al.

You will be missed, d. (;_;)

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> Pokemon Stadium will begin shortly, it has undergone extensive changes since Black 2 and is now almost unrecognisably different, while it can be played in the same way the addition of selectable moves changes the balance and speed of matches into something much more entertaining.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I want to start off with a big thank you to dekuNukem/Twitch_plays_3ds for running the stream and managing the hardware during the Pokemon X run and for helping manage the chat since even earlier than that.


8d 0h 0m OFFLINE!

Arena Updater begins here


Hivemind, we have triumphed. Twitch beat Pokémon. It's all over now. Thank you, everyone. We all love you.

8d 0h 0m 5,4,3,2,1

7d 23h 59m 10 Seconds Left!

7d 23h 59m Lil 'd, we will miss you.


Goodbye, d

7d 23h 59m 1 Minute Left.

7d 23h 59m RESET!


Final Save.

7d 23h 58m We save!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !pause

7d 23h 57m Final cryot are everywhere now.

I just wanted to say, from us over at the TPP GDoc, thank you all so much for being here, playing along, and making this community what it is!

7d 23h 57m 3 Minutes Left...

7d 23h 56m Sadness is in the air, as d is just getting up and returning to sitting on his bed.....

The End is near...

[Chat] BibleThumps!!!!!!!!

7d 23h 55m 5 Minutes Left...

7d 23h 54m BibleThump Never forget BibleThump

7d 23h 54m Sitting on the bed.

7d 23h 52m We look at the TV. SO MANY BibleThumps!

[Chat] ヽ༼ [BibleThump]༽ノ FINAL RIOT ヽ༼ [BibleThump] ༽ノ

ヽ༼BibleThumpノ FINAL RIOT ヽ༼BibleThump༽ノ


[Cryot] CRYOT

[Fluff] The clock is ticking, and time winding down. The voices are about to go to hibernation in 10 minutes...

7d 23h 50m 10 Minutes Left...

7d 23h 48m Inside of our room.


7d 23h 46m Outside!

7d 23h 45m In Serena's Room!

7d 23h 45m 15 Minutes Left...

7d 23h 44m THEYRE BACK!

7d 23h 44m THE INPUTS BROKE!

7d 23h 41m We enter Serena's House!

[Chat] ヽ༼BibleThumpノ FINAL RIOT ヽ༼BibleThump༽ノ

7d 23h 40m 20 Minutes left...

7d 23h 39m On Route 1!

7d 23h 38m Outside!

7d 23h 36m Back upstairs!

Less than 25 minutes left...

7d 23h 34m We head down!

7d 23h 30m We enter the last 30 minutes of the game...

[Chat] DEM BibleThump's, EVERYWHERE!

7d 23h 25m In our room. Ahh, memories.

7d 23h 23m We heal!

[Snark] I Subbed before it was cool

7d 23h 21m In our home!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: if you're going to subscribe, wait until Stadium, an alert shows on the overlay when someone subscribes (assuming it works properly, haven't done a real-world test yet)

7d 23h 20m We fly to Vaniville Town, our hometown!

7d 23h 14m We switch Hydreigon and Electrike!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ FINAL RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Info] Kangaskhan

7d 23h 1m We trade a Level 60 Female Pidgeot for the (Kangaroo) Pokemon! I know my Pokemon names :)

7d 22h 58m We trade away that Level 1 Male Deino with a Japanese Girl for an Eevee!

7d 22h 57m We trade our Lv. 15 Love Riot Luvdisc for a Deino!

7d 22h 55m We trade our Level 100 Starmie, named Pioxys, equipped with Old Amber for Goomy!

7d 22h 54m We trade that Level 1 (NOT-Shiny) Honedge (Japanese) with Raido for a Charmander named Tatem!

7d 22h 53m We trade a Lv. 59 Male Gurdurr (é) with Sader for a Shiny Honedge!

7d 22h 51m We trade our Lv. 50 Female Hootowl (11tt!aho) with Toni for a Sentret!

[Snark] Everything Must GO!

7d 22h 49m We trade our Level 81 HOF Charizard to Dez for an Inkay with Weird Characters for a Nickname!

7d 22h 48m We trade our Level 1 Eevee to Darknezz for a Charmander!

[Info] That was our HOF Lapras! RIP!

7d 22h 47m We trade a level 68 Lapras with a Zap Plate to Morgan for a Japanese Eevee!

7d 22h 45m We trade our Level 70 Zygarde to Austin for a Dratini!

[Meta] TwitchSpeaks is holding a open mic in 15 Minutes for the last 1 Hour of X. Come join!

7d 22h 44m We trade a Lv. 49 Ditto (/ usr rbarh), with Quick Powder to Jon for a Zangoose!

[Snark] All of these Wonder Trades are rather bold moves.

7d 22h 43m We trade a Level 15 Female Sandile(2g222) wirh Dane for a Shiny Flabebe!

7d 22h 40m We trade a Lv. 31 Weepingbell (!ugyrnNnnbn) for Beldum!

7d 22h 38m We trade a Level 6 Male Fennekin for a Foongus!

7d 22h 37m We trade a Level 58 Female Gurdurr(yyie) with Wolfy for a Purrloin!


7d 22h 35m We send a Level 15 Male Luvdisc to Andou San for a Vivillon!

7d 22h 34m We send a Level 8 Male Combee to Red for a Fennekin!

7d 22h 33m We trade our Lv. 49 Male Hootowl !aka44w4h39 for Absol!

7d 22h 32m We trade our Level 16 Female Sandile with a weird nickname (R"4n7oi something) for a Golem!

7d 22h 30m We trade our Bulbizarre (Bulbasaur) Lv. 10 Male with Joomin for Weedle!

7d 22h 29m We trade our Lv. 47 Male Gliscor (Strongy) with Dre for a Combee!

7d 22h 27m We trade a Lv. 32 Female Quagsire with Meiko for a Tentacool with a Japanese Nickname!

7d 22h 25m We trade our Level 1 Male Charmander to P AURORA for an Electrike!

7d 22h 23m We trade a Level 7 Male Froakie "Froxy" with Melissa for a Mawille!

7d 22h 21m We trade our level 13 Female Solosis with Hunter for a Gigalith!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: 230, 120 overlaps with the cancel button

7d 22h 13m We trade a Level 30 Female Karrablast for a Ducklett with Josh!

7d 22h 12m We trade our level 1 Male Croagunk for a Gyarados with Nathan!

7d 22h 10m We trade a Level 97 Male Greninja for Wonder Roope, a Sand Hippo Pokemon!

7d 22h 9m We trade a Level 15 Male Pansear with Shinkya for a Blue Pokemon named Claw Launch!

[Info] The Croagunk is level 1, and the Gliiscor is Lv. 47

7d 22h 7m We trade the Level 1 Female Fletching we got for a Croagunk with a Japanese person in Hiroshima!

7d 22h 6m We trade our Lvl 1 Male Trevenant for a Shiny Gliscot named Strongy from Elliot!

7d 22h 4m We trade away that Giratina with Flecthling from Tre!

[Info] Giratina was Level 74 and had a Griseous Orb!

7d 22h 2m We Wondertrade our level 30 Male Machoke for a Turtwig from Sarah!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: It's up to you

[Info] Oskar was apparently /u/Harald12


7d 22h 0m We register Oskar's Friend Code, the person we just traded with.

7d 21h 59m We trade away our Oddish with a lot of yyyyy's in its name for Callum the Scrafty!


[Fluff] Apparently some people didn't already know its cry changed.

7d 21h 56m That trade was with /u/Leonys!

7d 21h 55m We trade Male Lv. 35 Klefki "Keys" for a Level 1 Male Bulbasaur!

[Info] We almost traded for a Ditto named Cheren...

7d 21h 53m We trade our Lv. 100 Female Dusknoir for a Giratina! With Jason!

[Fluff] Congrats to Liria, for getting a free 40 Levels, and a Cool Japanese Nickname, from a TPP Mon.



7d 21h 50m We traded our Lv. 41 Male Charizard for a Lv. 1 Male Charmander!

7d 21h 50m /u/liria12 is currently trading with us.

7d 21h 42m We trade T-Wrecks, a Tyrantrum Male Level 64 Shiny with a Life Orb for a Level 100 Arceus with Spooky Plate (Nickname is Japanese)

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it was much easier dealing with bots during the earlier runs, there were so many inputs coming in that I could shadowban bots without the botmaster realizing

7d 21h 35m We trade our Lv. 76 Shiny Raquaza for a Lv. 1 Male Torchic named Zexy!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Passerby only in half an hour

7d 21h 30m We forfeit immediately!

7d 21h 30m We send out Dusknoir, and our partner Haxorus (Shiny) against Shiny Clefairy and Poliwrath!

7d 21h 29m We enter Dusknoir and Charizard!

7d 21h 28m We start a double battle, with Cassidy, against Drexal and Gab!

7d 21h 19m We send out Charizard. We forfeit!

7d 21h 17m Ansol and Tyranitar Mega-Evolve, we miss Draco Meteor, Azu uses Water Jet, Absol KOs Hydreigon!

[Chat] We just counted to 1000 TriHard Cherens. Congrats!

[Snark] Fat Pikachu!

7d 21h 16m We send out Hydreigon, our partner a shiny Azumaril, against Tyranitar and Absol!

7d 21h 16m We submit Hydreigon and Charizard!

7d 21h 15m Another Double battle! Partnered with Daniel, against Lorraine (with d's HoF Team!) and Josie!

7d 21h 13m Communication interrupted!

[Chat] TriHard Cheren... reached #900, 100 more to go!

7d 21h 11m Blaziken Mega-Evolves! We use Draco Meteor on Metagross, Xerneas used Moonblast, Blaziken used Sky Uppercut and OHKOed Hydreigon! Metagross takes down Xerneas!

7d 21h 11m Against Blaziken and Metagross, we send out Hydreigon, and our partner Xerneas!

7d 21h 10m We only pick Hydreigon!

7d 21h 9m Same matchup for the fourth time!

7d 21h 7m We forfeit!

7d 21h 7m We send out Garchomp, and our partner Xerneas, against Fearow and Zekrom!

7d 21h 6m Another match! We only pick Garchomp though.

[Info] That match featured d (us) partnered with Calem (/u/Duplex_be_great) against E.J. (/u/metalthrasher) and Nick (/u/Griever1337).

7d 21h 4m WE FOREFEIT!

7d 21h 4m Against Yvetal!

7d 21h 4m Xerneas used Moonblast and OHKOed Deoxys! Fearow used Drill Peck, we use Fire Fang on our teammate!

7d 21h 3m Against Deoxys!

7d 21h 3m Xerneas used Moonblast and OHKOed Kyurem, Fearow attacks us, we fail to hit Xerneas.

7d 21h 2m We send out Charizard, our partner Xerneas, against Fearow and Kyurem!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I don't think it's possible to set pss to battle/trade only, is it?

7d 21h 0m Same set-up as before! We try and re-battle!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: How do I do that?

7d 20h 59m We forefeit!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I will change PSS to passerby only in an hour so those who haven't had the chance to play with d will have a better chance.

7d 20h 58m Kyurem used Dragon Pulse, we use Fire Fang, Lapras used Ice Beam, Ariados used Stickie Web!

7d 20h 57m We send out Charizard, our partner Lapras, against Kyurem and Ariados (Lord Dome).

7d 20h 57m We enter in Charizard, and Aegislash.

[Chat] People are counting the # of "TriHard Cheren", still.

7d 20h 55m We battle with Calem against E.J. and Nick. E.J. appears to have a team full of Ubers. :P

7d 20h 52m We go into a lot of trades, but they are getting canceled.

[Info] keys was level 35 and Male.

7d 20h 42m Gothorita was level 48, Female, and it's nickname is jh_j_tss88

7d 20h 42m We throw another Dusk Ball at a wild Gothorita! It's a catch!

7d 20h 40m Aegislash grows to level 62!

7d 20h 36m Roserade traded for a Klefki with the nickname 'keys'.

7d 20h 33m Greninja takes out Delphox with Hydro Pump. We lose!

7d 20h 33m Baz switches to Greninja. Gengar uses Dazzling Gleam, and Delphox uses Fire Blast.

7d 20h 33m Delphox is sent out.

7d 20h 32m Gengar's Dazzling Gleam takes out Raichu.

7d 20h 31m Gengar uses Dark Pulse, and Thunder misses Gengar. Blaziken can't move!

7d 20h 31m Brownie sends in Mega Gengar.

7d 20h 31m Thunder takes out Pidgeot in one hit. Sky Uppcut does not hit Raichu.

7d 20h 30m Brownie switches in Pidgeot. Blaziken attacks with Aerial Ace, but static paralyzes it. Raichu uses Thunder.

7d 20h 29m Kurupi sends in Raichu.

7d 20h 29m Blaziken Mega Evolves. Gengar uses Dark Pulse to take out Gogoat.

7d 20h 28m Baz sends in Blaziken.

7d 20h 28m Gengar Mega Evolves and uses Dazzling Gleam. Xerneas takes out Aegislash! Gogoat uses Leaf Blade to finish off Xerneas.

7d 20h 27m Brownie sends in Gengar.

7d 20h 26m Xerneas uses Moonblast on Gogoat, who uses Surf. Golem down in one hit! We attack with Iron Head.

7d 20h 25m We send in Aegislash, while Kurupi sends in Gogoat. Baz sends in Xerneas, and Brownie sends in Golem.

[Chat] TriHard Cheren...

7d 20h 25m We only enter Aegislash. The battle begins!

Screen is Black!

7d 20h 23m We team up with Kurupi to battle Baz and Brownie.

7d 20h 21m We got into two trades, but we cancel them before we can make any.

[Chat] <3 TPP <3 Kappa <3

7d 20h 16m It fails to work.

7d 20h 16m We throw another one!

7d 20h 15m Duskball used on a Gothorita! It didn't catch it.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I hope Stadium will work well with so many people, I was planning on it being played after Black 2 when the population was lower, the lists scale to fit everyone on screen at once which might make it unreadable if there's a lot of bets

7d 20h 12m Match Forfeited.

7d 20h 11m We send in Charizard and Gardevoir to face Xerneas and Aegislash.

7d 20h 10m We're teamed up with MALLON☆ against Aurora and Yurka.

7d 20h 9m In the screen before a multi battle.

[Fluff] I keep requesting for d to battle me, or trade with him. But all I get is d'NIED!.

7d 20h 2m In a trade!

7d 19h 59m Ditto, level 49, No Gender, Nickname is U(3spaces)vk av jp

7d 19h 59m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Ditto. Caught!

[rip] Lolmuh's Hopes and Dreams

[Fluff] Now I can't connect with d anymore.

7d 19h 51m We register SwagYolo's (/u/Lolmuhhhhhhh) Friend Code!

7d 19h 45m We registered Joanne's Friend Code!

7d 19h 38m Another Dusk Ball fails. We throw a third one. It fails.

7d 19h 38m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Ditto. It fails. 10 Remain.

7d 19h 34m Lv. 49, Ditto, no gender, Nickname is /(2spaces)usr rbarh

7d 19h 34m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Ditto. It catches!

7d 19h 31m Jigglypuff's nickname is !i irssarfaj

7d 19h 30m Jigglypuff is level 50, Female

7d 19h 30m Charizard level 41!

7d 19h 29m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Jigglypuff. Catches!

7d 19h 25m We exit the cave!

7d 19h 23m The match was forefeited.

7d 19h 23m Against Chespie and Hawlucha, we send out Charizard and our partner's Mr. Mime.

7d 19h 23m We enter Charizard!

7d 19h 21m Now we are partnered with Montrell, against Joanne and Ani!

7d 19h 20m We forefeit immediately!

7d 19h 19m We send out Drifblim and our partner Hawluhca, against Chespie and Hippowdon!

7d 19h 19m We enter Drifblim.

7d 19h 19m We enter a double battle, with Ani,, against Joanne and Montrell!

7d 19h 12m We register Jason's Friend Code!

7d 19h 9m We forfeit!

7d 19h 9m We send out Aegislash!

[Info] That Absol has the same nickname as ours that we traded. Can't confirm it's the same one though.

7d 19h 8m Fly hits, our foe uses X-Scissor. Hydreigon down!

7d 19h 8m Absol Mega-Evolves. We use Fly, and Absol uses Sword Dance.

7d 19h 7m We send out Hydreigon against Absol.

7d 19h 7m We battle online against Parsly! We entered Aegislash and Hydreigon.

7d 19h 5m We leave and re-enter the Unknown Dungeon.


[rip] Mewtwo

7d 19h 2m WE RUN!

7d 19h 2m Seventh Ball, no shakes. Mewtwo uses Psychic.

7d 19h 2m Sixth Ball. 3 Shakes, no catch. Mewtwo uses Recover.

7d 19h 1m Fifth Dusk Ball! No Shakes, Mewtwo uses Aura Sphere.

7d 19h 1m A fourth Dusk Ball! 3 Shakes, no catch. Mewtwo uses Barrier!

7d 19h 0m A third Dusk Ball, and 2 Shakes. Mewtwo uses Aura Sphere.

7d 19h 0m We use another Dusk Ball. After 1 Shake, it fails. Mewtwo uses Psychic.

7d 18h 59m We use a Dusk Ball. It fails. Mewtwo uses Recover.

7d 18h 59m We send out Aegislash against Mewtwo!

7d 18h 59m Engaged Mewtwo!

7d 18h 59m We switch Garchomp and Aegislash!

<3 MEWTWO <3

7d 18h 57m Inside of the Cave with Mewtwo!

7d 18h 55m We swap Drifblim and Smogon Sword.

7d 18h 54m Or not. Back on land!

7d 18h 53m Surfin'!

7d 18h 52m Obtained a Pretty Wing!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I’m thinking about changing PSS to passerby only in the final hours so those who haven't had the chance to play with d will have a better chance.

7d 18h 45m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Ditto. It fails. 20 Balls remaining.

[Snark] Inb4 we hop over the ledge right next to the cave!

7d 18h 41m Back on land!

7d 18h 38m We surf!

7d 18h 35m A wild Zoroark appears! We OHKO it! RIP.

7d 18h 32m In the Pokemon Village!

[Fluff] Hacker confirmed

7d 18h 26m Shiny everything, seems too legit for us. We forefeit.

7d 18h 26m Against a Shiny Yveltal.

[Fluff] Shiny Mew? Seems legit.

7d 18h 24m Jason sent out Zygarde (Shiny). We use Draco Meteor, and OHKO Zygarde! Mew used Aura Sphere, Blatoise used Surf.

7d 18h 24m Against Blaziken and Shiny Mew, we send out Hydreigon, and our partner Blastoise.

7d 18h 23m We enter Hydreigon, Aegislash, and Dusknoir.

[Info] Jason has Blaziken, Yvetal, Arceus, Zekrom, Xerneas, and Zygarde.

7d 18h 22m Double Battle! We partner with Yu, against Serena and Jason. Jason has 6 Ubers. This will be fun :)

7d 18h 16m The match was forfeited!

7d 18h 16m Noivern confuses Delphox, Delphox uses Psychic, while Dragonite uses Waterfall. Delphox down!

7d 18h 15m Our partner send out Delphox, and our foe Noivern.

7d 18h 14m Aerodactyl uses Rock Slide, Kerple fainted! Dragonite used Waterfall, Aerodactyl fainted.

7d 18h 14m Yu sends out Dragonite.

7d 18h 13m Aerodactyl Mega-evovles, and uses Earthquake! Pikachu down! We use Surf, and Kerple uses Dragon Pulse! Garchomp down!

7d 18h 12m We send out Garchomp, our partner Aerodactyl, against Pikachu and Kerple!

7d 18h 12m We enter in Garchomp only.

7d 18h 12m We start a battle, partnered with Baltrak, against Yu and Joanne!

7d 18h 10m We got a Black Wallpaper from a few people!

7d 18h 4m We trade our level 100 Female Glaceon for a level 100 Male Garchomp named Ulquiorra

7d 18h 1m Canceled the trade!

[Snark] We froze Vaporeon! (And made it gain some levels)

7d 17h 59m Traded over Vaporeon for Zac's Glaceon, Female Lv.100!

7d 17h 57m Canceled trade with Claire.

7d 17h 55m We saved the battle video!

7d 17h 55m And..... Forfeited the match.

7d 17h 54m Chatot and Dusknoir vs. "Kappa" and "Mars"!

7d 17h 53m We're going to try again! Serena and d vs. Yu and Aurora!

7d 17h 51m The match was forfeited. Kappa

7d 17h 50m Venusaur was sent out!

[Snark] Kappa

7d 17h 50m Chatot goes down!

7d 17h 49m Charizard and Chatot vs. "Kappa" and Gardevoir!

7d 17h 47m Wi-Fi Battle Yu Aurora, and d, Serena!

7d 17h 46m Canceled Trading with James.

7d 17h 45m Traded over "WT OR RIOT" back for our "Deer God"

7d 17h 43m Traded over Deer God for Jame's Charizard Male Lv.40 (Japanese Name)!

7d 17h 42m Traded over Grenijna for Jame's Dusknoir, Female Lv.100!

7d 17h 40m Canceled trade with Serre. Serre's friend code was registered!

7d 17h 39m Traded over Zapdos "AA-j" for Serre's Greninja Male Lv.39!

[Snark] RIP Neon

7d 17h 37m Traded "Neon" over for GameBro's Vaporeon Male Lv.55

7d 17h 35m Canceled a trade with GameBro.

7d 17h 33m Canceled a trade with James.

[Snark] TriHard Pioxsys...

[Snark] Pioxys x Starmie OTP

7d 17h 32m Canceled trade with Leonys.

7d 17h 31m Traded "FATTY007" for Leony's Starmie "Pioxys"!

7d 17h 30m Trading now.....

7d 17h 28m Connected to the Internet!

7d 17h 25m On Route 20 "Winding Woods"

7d 17h 20m Disconnected from the Internet!

7d 17h 20m Canceled trade with Matt.

7d 17h 19m Trading with someone.

7d 17h 18m Communication was Interrupted.

[Info] We were on Zac's team, BTW.

7d 17h 16m The battle video was saved.

7d 17h 15m Match was Forfeited! Kappa

7d 17h 15m Trapinch was sent out!

7d 17h 14m Flebebe goes down!

7d 17h 14m Deer God and Flebebe vs. "Rainbow Dash" and Zapdos!

7d 17h 12m Wi-Fi Multi Battle with Swagyolo Zac and Horst!

7d 17h 11m Canceled a trade with Christian. We registered his friend code!

[Fluff] Or maybe... Lil'd Tracy, is a little more appropriate for his title.

[Snark] DAT Outfit! Lil'd-ick Tracy, anyone?

7d 17h 2m Canceled the trade.

7d 17h 0m In a trading session with someone.

7d 16h 59m Back outside Snowbelle City!

[Info] We bought the yellow shirt for 4,800!

7d 16h 57m We are now wearing the new Fedora we bought, as well as changed into a matching yellow shirt! We bought the outfit

7d 16h 54m Trying out some new clothes on us!

7d 16h 50m We buy the Checkered Fedora!

7d 16h 48m Entered the Clothes shoppe!

7d 16h 39m We flew to Snowbelle City!

7d 16h 37m Communications were Interrupted.

7d 16h 37m [Fluff] Serre has.... THREE Mewtwo's, AND a Mew??? Seems Legit.

7d 16h 35m Wi-Fi Multi-Battle with Zayed, Serre, and E.J!

7d 16h 28m Communication was Interrupted.

7d 16h 28m "Schleimi" goes down! We lost the match!

7d 16h 27m "Schleimi" the Zygarde sent out!

7d 16h 26m Yveltal goes down! Raticate also goes down!

7d 16h 25m Yveltal sent out!

7d 16h 25m "Hirsch?" goes down!

7d 16h 24m "AlCapone" sent out!

7d 16h 24m And "Derp" goes down!

7d 16h 23m Raticate and "Derp" is sent out now!

7d 16h 23m "Bird Jesus" goes down!

7d 16h 22m "Bird Jesus" sent out!

7d 16h 21m "PeterSparker" goes down!

7d 16h 21m Hydreigon goes down!

7d 16h 20m Hydreigon "Hirsch?" vs. "CREEPLEON" and "PeterSparker"

7d 16h 18m Wi-Fi battle with Swagyolo, Horst, and Oskar

7d 16h 16m Obtained a Dusk Stone from a Team Flare Member!

7d 16h 15m Canceled trade with Rubens!

7d 16h 11m Canceled trade with Gary, and registered his friend code!

7d 16h 9m Canceled a trade with Leaf.

7d 16h 5m Canceled trade with Yu.

7d 16h 4m Traded Froakie "Grenousse" for Yu's Zapdos "AA-j" Lv.71

7d 16h 2m Canceled trade with Leaf.

7d 16h 1m Trading with someone.

7d 15h 58m Back outside the city!

7d 15h 56m Entered a house!

7d 15h 55m Entered Laverre City!

[Fluff] We're not letting d get the checkered fedora!

7d 15h 44m And down goes Sylveon! We lost the match!

7d 15h 43m Zapdos goes down and Yveltal sent back out!

7d 15h 43m Challenger Switched out for a Zapdos!

7d 15h 42m Another Yveltal up? OH COME ON HERE!

7d 15h 42m Another Yveltal down!

[Snark] HAAAXXXXX!!!!!

7d 15h 41m Another Yveltal sent out?

7d 15h 41m One Yveltal down!

7d 15h 39m "muh priority" goes down! Sylvian up!

7d 15h 39m "muh priority" sent out!

7d 15h 39m Galvantula goes down!

7d 15h 38m Another Yveltal sent out by opposing team! I'm seeing double!

7d 15h 38m Guude goes down!

7d 15h 38m Driftblim goes down!

7d 15h 36m Driftblim and Galvantula vs. Guude and Yveltal!

7d 15h 36m d Gary vs Leaf and Swagyolo!

7d 15h 35m We saved the battle video anyway!

7d 15h 35m Forfeited the match!

7d 15h 34m d & Leaf vs Gary and Swagyolo!

7d 15h 33m Wi-Fi Multi Battle with some folks!

7d 15h 30m Trade denied, FC denied too. ;_;

[Fluff] I just wanna add some TPPers to d's list ;_;

7d 15h 29m I'm TRADING?!?!?!

Including yours truely, gets rejected by d. ;_;

7d 15h 25m TONS of requests for trades and battles are rejected by d! The chat seems to want a Checkered Fedora instead!

7d 15h 10m Vale's Friend code was registered!

[Snark] Vale is now our friend Kappa (The battle had firend/rival music)

[Fluff] Just give up Vale. d apparently doesn't WANT you.

7d 15h 6m Match was forfeited. Kappa

7d 15h 5m Another battle with Vale! "Smogon Sword" vs. "Lord Helix"!

[Fluff] Ok this is really getting boring

7d 15h 2m Match was Forfeited once again!

7d 15h 2m "Lord Helix" goes down! Vale sends out Purrloin!

[Fluff] Vale REALLY wants to finish this battle against us!

7d 14h 58m "Neon" vs. "Lord Helix"!

7d 14h 58m One more match against Vale!

7d 14h 56m Saved the Battle Video!

7d 14h 56m Forfeited the match!

7d 14h 55m We sent out "Neon"!

7d 14h 53m "Deer God" goes down!

7d 14h 51m "Deer God" vs. "Lord Helix"!

7d 14h 50m Another match attempt against Vale!

7d 14h 49m The Match was forfeited!

7d 14h 47m "Smogon Sword" against "Lord Helix"!

7d 14h 46m Another Match against Vale!

7d 14h 44m Forfeited the Match!

7d 14h 43m Purrloin "(Japense Name)" sent out by Vale!

7d 14h 42m Lord Helix goes down!


7d 14h 39m Only Neon was selected for this battle! Lord Helix out by Vale!

7d 14h 38m Starting a Wi-Fi battle against Vale!

7d 14h 36m Gardevoir down! d's team lost!

7d 14h 35m Gardevoir sent out, and "Firefox" sent out! Garevoir Mega Evolves!

7d 14h 35m So does Xerneas and Neon!

7d 14h 35m Zapdos goes down!

7d 14h 33m James sent out Xerneas!

7d 14h 33m Zapdos is also out! Tornadus goes down!

7d 14h 32m Groudon sent out by opposing team!

7d 14h 31m Milotic goes down!

7d 14h 31m Milotic sent out by opposing team!

7d 14h 30m Gardevoir switched out for "Firefox"!

7d 14h 30m Togepi went down!

7d 14h 28m Gardevoir Mega Evolves!

7d 14h 28m James sends out Tornadus against Gardevoir "Rydia" and Togepi "Z33K33 KAPPA"!

7d 14h 27m We only send out Neon! James on our side!

7d 14h 25m Wi-Fi Battle with James, Rubens and Brian!

7d 14h 24m Grenousee the Froakie appears to be at Level 10!

7d 14h 21m Threw a Dusk Ball at a Quagsire, and Caught it! MULTIPLE LEVEL UPS FOR Grenousse!

[Info] 2 pokemon "Nicknames" were the german names of the pokemon. Infernape = Panferno, Aegislash = Durengard

[Info] I was the one in the battle who started it, and fought with you. Was a fun battle.

7d 14h 6m d is now on my Acquaintances list! AWESOME!

[Info] I was the one we just battled with the Destiny Bond Ralts :P

7d 14h 4m I'm Having a Wi-Fi Battle with d! YUS!

7d 14h 1m Gardevoir goes down! We lost the Match against Leonys and Zayed!

7d 14h 1m Roserade goes down!

7d 14h 0m Gardevoir Mega Evolves!

7d 14h 0m Gardevoir comes in!

7d 13h 59m Durengard goes down!

7d 13h 58m Another Aegislash comes out from the opposing team!

7d 13h 58m Lucario goes down!

7d 13h 58m Neon goes down!

[Fluff] Zet888 Plays Pokemon X!

7d 13h 57m Lucario Mega Evolves!

7d 13h 56m Roserade sent out!

7d 13h 56m Bronzong goes down!

7d 13h 56m Ralts switched out for Lucario!

7d 13h 55m Durengard The Aegislash was sent out!

7d 13h 55m Panferno goes down!

[Snark] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RAISE YOUR BRONZONGERS! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

7d 13h 53m Bronzong comes up!

7d 13h 53m Flareon goes down!

7d 13h 51m Neon Panferno vs. Ralts and Flareon!

7d 13h 50m Wi-Fi Battle against Leonys and Zayed!

[Fluff] Where are you d? I can't find you on my Passersby list. (;_;)

7d 13h 47m Registered Jonjon's friend code.

[Fluff] What's more likely? You get your Wondertraded Pokemon back, or your Pokemon "comes back" to you in Emerald because it is the only one on your team that knows an HM necessary to escape the town you are in?

[Fluff] Well..... That's what the release button does on the PC. You can't get them back, once they are released.

[Snark] Its worse, since u cant get them back ;-;

[Snark] So..... Wonder Trade is the "New Evil PC?"

7d 13h 33m We registered Nashuim's friend code!

7d 13h 32m Traded over Magnezone back for Umbreon "Neon" that Nashuim had!

7d 13h 27m Wonder Traded Espeon Lv.100 Female for a Froakie "Grebousse"!

7d 13h 17m We lose

7d 13h 17m Our Xerneas down

7d 13h 17m Mawile down

7d 13h 17m Aegislash out

7d 13h 16m Garchomp down

7d 13h 16m Mawile mega evolves

7d 13h 15m Mawile and Xerneas in

7d 13h 15m Clawitzer down

7d 13h 14m Magnezone down

7d 13h 14m Noivern down

7d 13h 13m Noivern and Magnezone vs. Xerneas and Garchomp

7d 13h 10m Entering a Double Battle!

7d 13h 4m We trade our Level 100 Umbreon for a Level 100 Magnezone from Nashium

7d 13h 0m We traded our Level 1 Shiny Eevee (Male) for a Lv. 34 Female Charmeleon, ABBBBBBK (

7d 12h 57m Thunderbolt from Zapdos, Aegislash used Sacred Sword, and Umbreon faints! We lose!

7d 12h 56m Another Thunderbolt hits us, Aegislash used Sword Dance, and we miss.

7d 12h 55m Zapdos used Aerial Ace, Aegislash uses Sword Dance, and we miss.

7d 12h 54m Against Aegislash!

7d 12h 54m Tornadus uses Hurricane and KOs Unfezant, Zapdos uses Thunderbolt on us, we use Moonlight! Tornadus faints due to Poison.

7d 12h 53m Another Hurricane from Tornadus, Unfezant used Fly, both Zapdos and us miss.

7d 12h 51m Tornadus used Hurricane, Unfezant was actually Zoroark, he uses Foul Play, Zapdos uses Thunderbolt and KOs Zoroark, we use Curse.

7d 12h 50m Partner sends out Unfezant!

7d 12h 50m Tornadus KOs Emboar, Fly hits us, we use Toxic on Tornadus.

7d 12h 49m Tornadus uses Focus Blast, Zapdos uses Fly, we use Moonlight, Emboar misses Flamethrower!

7d 12h 49m Against Zapdos!

7d 12h 48m Tornadus misses Focus Blast, Emboar uses Flamethrower and KOs Farfetch'd, we use Moonlight.

7d 12h 48m Emboar attacks, we use Moonlight, Farfetch'd cuts us.

7d 12h 46m We send out Umbreon and Emboar against Tornadus and Farfetch'd.

7d 12h 46m We enter in Umbreon!

7d 12h 45m It looks like we're paired with another copy of CLY's team (not CLY though), and one of the opponents we're against is a TPP All-Stars team.

7d 12h 44m In another double battle!

7d 12h 42m Communication interrupted!

7d 12h 40m We use Moonblast, OHKO! Defeated CLY!

7d 12h 40m We use Moonblast, and OHKO what is actually Zoroark!

7d 12h 40m Against Feraligatr!

7d 12h 39m We use Moonblast, OHKO!

7d 12h 39m We use Geomancy! Sceptile uses Energy Ball.

7d 12h 38m Against Sceptile!

7d 12h 38m We use Moonblast, OHKO!

7d 12h 38m Against Unfezant!

7d 12h 37m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

7d 12h 37m Against Emboar!

7d 12h 37m We use Moonblast, and OHKO Leavanny!

7d 12h 36m We send out Xerneas against Leavanny!

7d 12h 36m Against CLY again!

7d 12h 35m We enter Xerneas, Umbreon, Drifblim, and Espeon.

7d 12h 35m In an online singles battle!

7d 12h 34m We switch Xerneas and Hydreigon!

7d 12h 31m We use Fly! Fly hits, and Unfezant uses Air Slash. Hydreigon faints! We lose!

7d 12h 31m Against Unfezant!

7d 12h 31m Also, we only enter Hydreigon.

7d 12h 30m We use Fly. Fly hits, and Emboar faints!

7d 12h 30m We use Fly! Fly hits, and Emboar uses Brick Break!

7d 12h 30m Against Emboar!

7d 12h 29m We use Fly! Fly hits, and Sceptile is down!

7d 12h 28m We start with Draco Meteor, and Sceptile responds with Rock Slide.

7d 12h 28m We send out Hydreigon against Sceptile!

7d 12h 28m Against CLY!

7d 12h 28m Were are going into a Singles Battle!

7d 12h 21m Took Umbreon's Pixie Plate and gave it an Awakening!

[Info] Just wanted to show everyone Lord Hexil

7d 12h 20m We cancel it. RIP lolmuh's dreams.

7d 12h 19m In a trade with SwagYolo, aka /u/lolmuhhhhhhh

7d 12h 18m We register William!

7d 12h 13m Currently in a trade.

[Info] I was Swagyolo

7d 12h 7m Lugia falls to Absol's attack. We lose.

7d 12h 7m Lugia uses Roost to heal itself, preventing a Sucker Punch. Gardevoir uses Dazzling Gleam.

7d 12h 6m Absol Mega Evolves and attacks with Sucker Punch. Gardevoir uses Dazzling Gleam, and Lugia's dragon tail misses.

7d 12h 5m Gardevoir uses Dazzling Gleam. The sunlight fades.

7d 12h 5m Ninetales is switched into Absol. Lugia uses Psycho Boost on Gardevoir.

7d 12h 5m Cyander sends in Lugia!

7d 12h 4m Ninetales uses Fire Blast, and Scolipede goes down in one hit.

7d 12h 4m Cyander sends in her Scolipede.

7d 12h 4m Ninetales uses Fire Blast, and Metagross goes down.

7d 12h 2m Gardevoir mega evolves. Xerneas uses Moonblast on Ninetales. Ninetailes uses Fire Blast on Xerneas. Gardevoir uses Psychic on us! Xerneas down! Metagross uses Zen Headbutt on Gardevoir.

7d 12h 2m We send in Xerneas. Swagyolo sends in Gardevoir.

7d 12h 0m Braviary uses U-Turn on Metagross and switches into Ninetales. It brings the sun with it, and Metagross takes out Greninja with Meteor Mash.

7d 12h 0m We use Draco Meteor on Greninja. Greninja attacks us with Ice Beam, Hydregion down!

7d 11h 59m Swagyolo sends in a Greninja.

7d 11h 59m Our Drago meteor misses. Infernape attacks Metagross with Earthquake and Braviary attacks us with Brave Bird. Metagross uses Zen Heabutt, and Infernape falls.

7d 11h 58m Hydregion and Metagroess versus Braviary and Infernape!

7d 11h 57m The battle begins! We only choose Hydregion and Xerneas.

7d 11h 56m We're teamed up with someone named Cyander against Kevin and Swagyolo.

7d 11h 55m We accept to have a Multi Battle.

7d 11h 54m We then exit the menu. A lot of people are asking for battles with us.

7d 11h 52m We accept to have a single battle with CLY.

7d 11h 49m We forfeit the match.

7d 11h 49m Only Armaldo is left!

7d 11h 49m Greninja out. We use Thunderbolt, and it's down in one hit.

7d 11h 48m We finally use Moonblast. Delpox down in one hit.

7d 11h 48m Delpox attacks with Flamethrower. Xerneas in the red!

7d 11h 47m Eliza switches to Delphox. We keep using Geomancy.

7d 11h 47m We use Geomancy. Armaldo uses Earth Power.

7d 11h 46m We use Geomancy! Armaldo uses Iron Tail.

7d 11h 46m The battle begins! Xerneas versus Armaldo.

7d 11h 45m We choose to only enter Xerneas.

7d 11h 44m We are challenged by Eliza. Currently selecting our team.

7d 11h 41m Blaziken used Flare Blitz and KOed Gardevoir. We lost!

7d 11h 40m Gardevoir Mega-Evolves, and so does Blaziken. We use Shadow Ball, Gardevoir used Thunder, Blaziken used Flare Blitz and KOed Espeon! Blastoise used Ice Beam.

7d 11h 39m Our partner sends out Gardevoir, our foe Blaziken!

7d 11h 39m We use Shadow Ball and KO Meowsitc, Garchomp used Rock Slide, Blastoise used Ice Beam. Garchomp down!

7d 11h 38m We use Morning Sun, Garchomp used Rock Slide, Meowsitc used Shadow Ball, Blastoise flinched.

7d 11h 37m We send out Espeon!

7d 11h 37m Garchomp missed, Meowstic used Shadow Ball and KOed Aegislash!, Blastoise used Surf.

7d 11h 36m Against Meowstic!

7d 11h 36m Garchomp used Earthquake, Blastoise used Rest, foe Aegislash used Sword Dance, we use Shadow Claw. Foe Aegislash down.

7d 11h 35m Foe Aegislash used Protect, we use King's Shield, Garchomp used Earthquake, and Blastoise used Ice Beam.

7d 11h 34m Our partner sends out Garchomp.

7d 11h 33m Foe Aegislash used Shadow Sneak, Tornadus Down. Blastoise uses Ice Beam, we use Iron Head back.

7d 11h 32m Against Blastoise.

7d 11h 32m Tornadus uses Dark Pulse, Gardevoir uses Moonblast, foe Aegislash uses Sword Dance, we use Iron Head. Gardevoir down.

7d 11h 31m We send out Aegislash, partner Tornadus, against Gardevoir and Aegislash.

7d 11h 29m Another Online Double Battle! We enter Aegislash, and Espeon!

7d 11h 26m We trade our Level 8 Male Budew for a Trevenant from Japan.

7d 11h 20m We forefeit.

7d 11h 19m Another Focus Blast from Tornadus, we use Geomancy. Charizard misses, Lapras uses Waterfall.

7d 11h 19m Against Lapras and Charizard!

7d 11h 18m Tornadus uses Focus Blast and KOs Bidoof. we use Moonblast and KO Goodra.

7d 11h 17m We send out Xerneas, our partner Tornadus, against Bidoof and Goodra.

7d 11h 15m Another Double Battle! We enter in Xerneas, Hydreigon, and Espeon.

7d 11h 11m Caught level 31 Male Carnivine. Nickname is o6éd7eeeommu

7d 11h 10m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Carnivine. It catches.

7d 11h 6m Communication Error.

7d 11h 5m We went 6 and 0 that match. We saved our battle video!

7d 11h 5m We use Moonblast, and OHKO Feraligatr! DEFEATED CLY AND KEVIN!

7d 11h 4m We use Moonblast, and KO Sceptile. Against Feraligatr!

7d 11h 4m We use Moonblast, and Garchomp used Rock Slide. Flareon down. Sceptile used Energy Ball on Garchomp.

7d 11h 4m Against Flareon and Sceptile!

7d 11h 3m We use Moonblast, and KO Shinx! Garchomp used Earthquake and KOed Zoroark!

7d 11h 3m Against Shinx!

7d 11h 2m We use Moonblast and KO Roserade! Garchomp used Rock Slide. Zoroark used Dig.

7d 11h 1m Garchomp used Rock Slide, the Gator was a Zoroark! We use Geomancy, Zoroark flinched, Roserade used Petal Dance.

7d 11h 1m We send out Xenreas, our partner sends out Garchomp, against Roserade and Feraligatr!

7d 11h 0m We enter Xerneas, Umbreon, and Hydreigon!

7d 11h 0m One of the teams we're against is CLY's team. Another (Kevin) is Napoeleon's!

7d 10h 59m Engaging in an Online Double Battle!

7d 10h 57m Caught Lv. 30 Female Karrablast. Nickname is (1space)6oo

7d 10h 57m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Karrablast. It catches.

7d 10h 52m Caught level 31 Male Weepinbell. Nickname is !ugyrnNnnbn

7d 10h 52m A Second one fails. A third one is tossed.

7d 10h 51m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Weepinbell. It fails.

7d 10h 44m We use a Dusk Ball and fail to catch a wild Skorupi.

7d 10h 43m We save!

7d 10h 37m A third Dusk Ball catches! Caught Lv. 30 Female Karrablast, Nickname utttuyt(2spaces)55r

7d 10h 36m We used another Dusk Ball. It fails too.

7d 10h 35m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Karablast. It fails.

7d 10h 29m Received a "Nice!" from Katie.

7d 10h 28m Saved as Battle Video.

7d 10h 28m d and Katie loses! Derek and Tonie~! wins.

7d 10h 27m Aqua Jet from M4 finishes off Skitty.

7d 10h 27m Zygarde and Skitty are still asleep.

7d 10h 27m d-nusaur the Venusaur is withdrawn for M4 the Azumarill.

7d 10h 26m Kreygasm the Zygarde fell asleep.

7d 10h 26m PogChamp the Charizard is withdrawn. Kreygasm the Zygarde sent out.

7d 10h 25m PogChamp flies down. Skitty in red.

7d 10h 25m Skitty's asleep from sleep powder.

7d 10h 25m Ally sends in Skitty.

7d 10h 25m The foe's Venusaur uses Sludge Bomb. Our ally's Venusaur faints. PogChamp the Charizard flies.

7d 10h 25m Another Venusaur comes in the field.

7d 10h 24m Frenzy Plant from Venusaur faints Groudon

7d 10h 24m PogChamp uses Fly on Venusaur! Venusaur in yellow.

7d 10h 24m M4 is withdrawn. Tonie sends in a Groudon.

7d 10h 24m PogChamp the Charizard is flying.

7d 10h 24m M4 uses Aqua Jet on Xerneas! Xerneas faints.

7d 10h 23m PogChamp the Charizard mega-evolves into zard X.

7d 10h 23m Venusaur's Frenzy Plant has Charizard in yellow.

7d 10h 23m Moonblast hits Charizard. Charizard in about half.

7d 10h 22m Venusaur mega-evolves!

7d 10h 22m Derek withdraws his Xerneas and sends out Charizard (PogChamp)

7d 10h 22m Our Xerneas is in red from Play Rough. Our ally sends in Venusaur.

7d 10h 21m Moonblast from the other Xerneas faints Greninja.

7d 10h 21m Xerneas uses Moonblast on Azumarill. Azumarill in red after Extrasensory from Greninja.

[Meta] GDoc is updated on status, party, and recent catches. Almost done the backlog of Pokemon too.

7d 10h 20m The opponent sends in another Xerneas (HELLO TPP) and Azumarill (M4).

7d 10h 20m Katie sends out Greninja. d sends out Xerneas.

7d 10h 20m d only enters Xerneas.

7d 10h 19m Battle start!

7d 10h 17m Tonie~! + Derek, d + Katie.

7d 10h 16m In another multi-battle.

7d 10h 16m Aegislash grows to level 61.

7d 10h 13m Nickname is Skorupicu2

7d 10h 12m Caught lv 30 female Skorupi.

7d 10h 11m Umbreon's poisoned from a Skorupi.

7d 10h 7m d and Vale loses! James and his partner wins!

7d 10h 7m Focus Blast from Gardevoir has Aurorus in red. An additional Close Combat faints our Ally's Aurorus.

7d 10h 5m Ally sends in Aurorus.

7d 10h 5m Aegislash uses Iron Head on Staraptor. Aegislash then down from Curse damage.

7d 10h 5m Gardevoir mega-evolves and uses Moonblast on Burrito. Staraptor's Double-Edge faints Burrito.

7d 10h 4m James sends in Gardevoir. His ally sends in Staraptor.

7d 10h 4m Curse has Aegislash in red.

7d 10h 4m Xerneas faints from Iron Head from Aegislash.

7d 10h 4m Xerneas uses Thunder on Aegislash. Aegislash in yellow. Curse is laid on Aegislash from Golurk. Golurk down.

7d 10h 3m Sent in Smogon Sword the Aegislash. Ally sends in Burrito the Eevee.

7d 10h 3m Both Xerneas and Golurk are still standing. Xerneas in about half, Golurk in red.

7d 10h 3m Our ally's Meowstic also faints from a hit from Golurk.

7d 10h 3m Drifblim faints.

7d 10h 2m Meowstic uses Shadow Ball on Golurk. Our Drifblim explodes.

7d 10h 2m Xerneas is using Geomancy. Power Herb makes it fully charged.

7d 10h 1m James sends in Xerneas. We send out Drifblim.

7d 10h 1m Garchomp faints. Hydreigon also faints to a Dynamicpunch from Golurk.

7d 10h 0m We engage in another battle but the stream is buffering for me, sorry

7d 10h 0m In another multi-battle. Our side has Hydreigon and Meowstic. The other side has Golurk and Garchomp.

7d 9h 56m They send in Gyarados and Gardevoir who both Mega-volve and Espeon uses Shadow ball on Gyarados and Gardevoir takes Omastar down with a Thunderbolt, Gyarados defeats Espeon with a Bite We are defeated

7d 9h 55m Espeon Dazzling Gleams and takes Garchomp down, Omstar uses Surf and takes Diancie out.

7d 9h 54m Espeon uses Morning Sun andd Garchom Outrages On Omastar, Omastar uses Surf.

7d 9h 53m Partner send in Omastar

[Info] They didnt use Poison Jab twice, the other move was Iron head

7d 9h 53m We send Espeon

7d 9h 52m Garchomp use Iron Head on Xerneas and defeated i, Eeeve used a move i didnt catch and is defeated by Diamond Storm

7d 9h 52m They send in Diancie

7d 9h 51m They send another Garchomp who uses Poison Jab x2 and Xerneas uses Moonblast to defeat of of them

7d 9h 50m We send in Xerneas

7d 9h 49m Garchomp uses Earthquake again and Starator uses Brave Bird on Umbreon and defeats it, Eevee uses Retaliate and Staraptor is down.

7d 9h 49m Partner sends Eevee

7d 9h 48m Umbreon Moonlights and recovers HP

7d 9h 48m Absol Mega evolves and Garchomp uses Earthquake, Starator uses Brave Bird and they defeat Absol

7d 9h 47m We send Umbreon first, partner sens Absol vs Starator and Garchomp

7d 9h 47m We choose Espeon, Umbreon and Xerneas

7d 9h 46m We enter a multi battle with Vale, James and a Japanese person

7d 9h 39m Caught a male Carnivine and nicknamed it Carnivineuya atr level 31

7d 9h 35m Caught another level 30 female Karrablast nicknamed Karrablaso60

7d 9h 32m Caught a level 30 male Karrablast named Karrablastk

7d 9h 29m They offer a male japanese level 58 Conkelldurr but we canceled the trade

7d 9h 28m Entered a trade

7d 9h 24m Caught a female level 30 Karrablast, didnt nickname it

7d 9h 9m Its nicknamed Karrabzz and its level 31

7d 9h 7m We caught a Female Karrablast

7d 9h 2m We keep walking around the swamp

7d 8h 53m We canceled the trade while they offered a Groudon

7d 8h 52m Entered a trade

7d 8h 51m It uses Bide and we wasted a Dusk Ball and ran away

7d 8h 49m Fighting a wild Goomy

[Snark] Hw do these people expect us to beat them while they play at smogon level tactics?

7d 8h 41m d loses! Natsume and James wins!

7d 8h 40m Psychic finishes off Meloetta!

7d 8h 40m Meloetta uses Acrobatics. Gardevoir in yellow.

7d 8h 40m Gardevoir mega-evolves.

7d 8h 40m Out comes Gardevoir.

7d 8h 40m Xerneas falls asleep. Garchomp faints. Meloetta transforms.

7d 8h 39m Garchomp hurts itself and is in yellow. Meloetta uses Relic Song.

7d 8h 39m Greninja was switched for Xerneas.

7d 8h 38m Our ally sends in another Meloetta.

7d 8h 38m Garchomp's Dragon Claw faints Meloetta.

7d 8h 38m Greninja uses Water Shuriken. Meloetta's in the low yellow.

7d 8h 37m Garchomp is confused and hurts itself. Greninja uses Hydro Pump! Meloetta in about half now and flinches.

7d 8h 36m "Communicating. Please stand by..."

7d 8h 35m On our side, our ally sends in another Meloetta. d doesn't have any more Pokémon.

7d 8h 34m Water Shuriken from Greninja on Meloetta! Meloetta faints.

7d 8h 34m Garchomp is in about half from Relic Song.

7d 8h 34m Out comes Greninja on James' side.

7d 8h 34m Meloetta uses Relic Song and changes forme!

7d 8h 33m Garchomp uses Outrage! Espeon faints.

7d 8h 33m Espeon uses Shadow Ball! Gardevoir down.

7d 8h 33m Espeon and Meloetta in yellow as well.

7d 8h 33m Espeon uses Shadow Ball on Gardevoir. Gardevoir in about half.

7d 8h 32m Meloetta was withdrawn for another Meloetta.

7d 8h 31m Natsume sends in Garchomp.

7d 8h 31m Meloetta uses Psychic on Infernape. Infernape faints.

7d 8h 31m Infernape hurts itself in its confusion. Espeon heals up with Morning Sun and is in green.

7d 8h 30m Gardevoir mega-evolves!

7d 8h 30m Teeter Dance from Meloetta has all the Pokémon on field confused.

7d 8h 30m Greninja uses U-Turn on Espeon. Espeon in yellow. James sends in Gardevoir.

7d 8h 29m Espeon is d's only Pokémon.

7d 8h 29m On our side, we have Espeon and Meloetta. Out comes Greninja and Infernape on the opponent's side.

7d 8h 28m Battle begins! d and (Japanese name) vs. James and Natsume.

7d 8h 26m The battle's set on Normal Rules. Selecting our Pokémon.

7d 8h 26m In a multi-battle screen. It's Natsume - (Japanese name) and James - d.

7d 8h 23m Challenged to a battle with Natsume. d declines.

7d 8h 20m Messing around in the party menu and checking the summaries of our Pokémon.

7d 8h 18m Switched the order of the party. It's now Espeon, Drifblim, Umbreon, Hydreigon, Xerneas and Aegislash.

7d 8h 3m At the swampy area.

7d 8h 2m It's raining. The road ahead also looks quite dark.

7d 8h 0m Entered Route 14!

7d 7h 59m At the gatehouse.

7d 7h 59m Near the gateway to route 14.

7d 7h 56m At North Boulevard.

7d 7h 53m Near the Looker Bureau.

7d 7h 52m Left the restaurant.

7d 7h 51m The receptionist greets d warmly.

7d 7h 51m Back inside.

7d 7h 51m Exited the restaurant.

7d 7h 45m Saved as a battle video.

7d 7h 45m Jonjon defeated! d wins!

7d 7h 45m With a Thunderbolt from Xerneas, Kabuto is finished!

7d 7h 44m Our team's attacks all miss. Kabuto uses Dig on Umbreon. Umbreon's still in green.

7d 7h 44m Two of Jonjon's Pokémon are down. Only Kabuto remains on his side!

7d 7h 43m Kabuto's digging.

7d 7h 43m Unown uses Hidden Power on Umbreon. Umbreon hits back with Payback. Unown faints!

7d 7h 43m Xerneas uses Moonblast on Snivy. Snivy down!

7d 7h 42m Kabuto's nickname is DOME.

7d 7h 42m d sends out Xerneas, Umbreon and Espeon. Jonjon sends in Unown, Snivy and Kabuto!

7d 7h 42m Battle vs. Jonjon! All sides have three Pokemon.

7d 7h 41m Jonjon's team consists of Kabuto, Snivy, Unown (?), Entei, Granbull and a Bidoof.

7d 7h 40m Having a triple battle with Jonjon.

7d 7h 38m Interacted with a Fletchling in the restaurant. Twee-twee-tweet!

7d 7h 37m Cancelled the request.

7d 7h 37m Acquaintance Leon challenges d to a Triple battle.

7d 7h 33m d loses! Mojo wins the battle.

7d 7h 33m Bastiodon uses Earthquake! Xerneas faints.

7d 7h 33m Xerneas uses Moonblast on Hydreigon. Hydreigon down.

7d 7h 32m Out comes Bastiodon.

7d 7h 32m Hydreigon goes for U-Turn on Charizard. It doesn't affect Charizard much. One Fire Blast later and Xerneas is in red.

7d 7h 32m Xerneas uses Moonblast on Dewgong! Dewgong down.

7d 7h 31m Charizard uses Fire Bllast on Hydreigon. It doesn't do much. Xerneas in yellow after a hit from Dewgong.

7d 7h 31m Power Herb helps Xerneas to charge fully.

7d 7h 31m Charizard's in red. Xerneas uses Geomancy!

7d 7h 31m The sun shines harshly. Hydreigon uses Draco Meteor!

7d 7h 30m Charizard mega evolves into zard Y!

7d 7h 30m Mojo's Pokes have TPP-themed names.

7d 7h 30m d sends in Hydreigon and Xerneas. Mojo sends in Charizard and Dewgong.

7d 7h 29m Battle with Mojo! Mojo has six, d has two Pokémon.

7d 7h 28m Mojo's team currently consists of Bastiodon, Dewgong, Charizard, Aerodactyl, Greninja and Druddigon.

7d 7h 27m Having a double battle vs. Mojo.

7d 7h 25m We also had another match with Natsume. It was forfeited.

7d 7h 23m The match ended. Not sure who won.

7d 7h 18m Darkrai uses Dark pulse and Aegislash is down

They switch to Darkrai who uses Dark Void while we Kings Shield, we are put to sleep

7d 7h 17m We send in Aegislash

7d 7h 16m Garchomp uses Dragon Claw and defeats Hydreigon

7d 7h 16m Darkrai switches out to Garchomp

7d 7h 15m Darkrai Dark Voids

7d 7h 15m The time ends and we Enter Hydreigon and Aegislash only

7d 7h 13m She has Darkrai, Hydreigon, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp and Talonflame

7d 7h 12m We enter a battle with Natsume

They offer a shiny Granbull lvl 100 but we cancel the trade

7d 7h 9m We enter a trade

7d 7h 7m We win 17 Big Nuggets!

7d 7h 6m Owner of restaurant defeated.

7d 7h 6m Espeons Psychic doesnt do much and Smogon Swords's Shadow claw? (i didnt see it) defeates Bronzong

7d 7h 5m We send in Smogon Sword

7d 7h 4m Espeon Critcal Psychic takes Cofagrigus down and Drifblim levels up to level 61, Drifblim Explodes yet again, Bronzong uses Trick Room

7d 7h 3m Bronzong and Cofaggrigus vs Espeon and Drifblim

7d 7h 2m Trainer defeated

7d 7h 2m Espeon uses Shadow Ball to defeat Abomasnow, Smogon Sword levels up to level 60

7d 7h 1m Espeon uses Dazzling Gleam and Mamoswine is down, Umbreon uses Moonlight and Abomasnow uses Blizzard

7d 7h 1m We send out Umbreon

7d 7h 0m Abamosnow uses Protect and Espeon's Psychic is blocked, Driblim explodes and damages Mamoswine and Espeon, Mamoswine uses Earthquake

7d 6h 59m Abamosnow and Mamoswine vs Espeon and Drifblim

7d 6h 58m Espeon uses Psychic on Politoed to take it down, Trainer defeated

7d 6h 57m We send in Xerneas

7d 6h 56m Politoed used Protect and Espeon uses Psychic to take down Beartic, Drifblim Explodes again on Espeon only

7d 6h 56m Politoad and Beartic vs Espeon and Drifblim

7d 6h 55m Trainer defeated

7d 6h 55m Espeon use Psychic and Gliscor is down

7d 6h 54m Espeon misses Shadow Ball Umbreon misses Payback and Gliscor hits Espeon with Dig

7d 6h 53m Espeon uses Morning Sun and Umbreon uses Payback and Gliscor Digs again

7d 6h 52m We send out Umbreon and Gliscor is under Dig so didnt egt affect by Psychic

7d 6h 51m Espeon uses psychic and and defeats Hippowdon and Gliscor uses Dig, Drifblim explsodes and Espeon is damaged a bit

7d 6h 51m Gliscor and Hippowdon vs Espeon and Drifblim

7d 6h 50m Beat the trainer

7d 6h 49m Espeons Psychic beats Ninetales

7d 6h 49m Ninetales Heat waves

7d 6h 49m We forget theif and learn Explosion

7d 6h 48m Espeons Shadow Ball beats Tropuis, Drifblim levels up to level 60, its trying to learn Explosion

7d 6h 47m We Dazzling Gleam, Ninetales uses Heat Wave didnt catch the others

7d 6h 47m Ninetals and Tropuis vs our Espeon and Drifblim

7d 6h 46m We ask for a double battle and use up 500,000 poke

7d 6h 46m We enter the restaurant again

7d 6h 42m We leave the restaurant.

7d 6h 40m Leon is asking for a single battle but we enter the Sushi high roll restaurant.

7d 6h 39m We open wifi

7d 6h 37m We enter and try to talk to Emma

7d 6h 34m We are put outside of the Bureau

7d 6h 34m And that ends the Looker Quest

7d 6h 33m Emma and Espurr look back at this quest.

7d 6h 33m Looker leaves

7d 6h 33m Looker looks to the camera and thanks us all

7d 6h 32m Emma thanks Xerosic for making her a trainer. She says she will use the suit for the Bureau

7d 6h 32m Xerosic gives Emma the suit and admits defeat

7d 6h 31m Looker gives Emma the Bureau

[Chat] BibleThumps and CRYOTS start up again

7d 6h 30m Emma comes into the scene. Sad Music plays

7d 6h 29m We See Looker talking to Xerosic

7d 6h 29m We enter the Cafe

7d 6h 26m We are still trying to get to the Cafe but the camera isn't helping us at all

7d 6h 18m We are near the Lysandre Cafe but the camera keeps messing things up for us

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> my plans for Red are for it to be a Pokedex completion run and for it to be anarchy-only until a location-sensitive countdown timer runs down (so no grinding while waiting for it to tick down)

[Correction] Avenue, not Street

7d 6h 14m and we enter Autumnal Street

7d 6h 13m We are in the Magenta Plaza currently

7d 6h 12m We head in and then out of Centrico Plaze

7d 6h 9m Slowly easing ourselfs to the Cafe

[Info] Current Party order is Espeon, Drifblim, Smogon Sword, Hydreigon, Deer God, and Neon

7d 6h 8m More party shuffles in trying to fly! We then fly towards Center Lumiose

[Mispelling] Drifblim not Drifblem

7d 6h 5m Looks like we accidently switch our party a little trying to fly. Current order is Hydriegon, Drifblem, Smogon Sword, Espeon, Deer God, and Neon

[Streamer] <twitchplayspokemon> there's still more runs to do, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Diamond (Telefang), Touhoumon, Moemon, democracy-only runs of Pokemon Blue, TCG and Mystery Dungeon

[Info] It is almost over Folks

7d 6h 0m Emma calls us on the Holo Caster to go to the Lysandre Cafe

7d 5h 59m We return the Audio Guide and end our visit to the Museum

7d 5h 56m We also see paintings of the Sinnoh Battle Frontier and Castelia City

7d 5h 55m We receive it in-front of a painting of Ecruteak City

7d 5h 55m We receive TM 82 Dragon Tail

7d 5h 52m We head on down back to the first floor

7d 5h 51m We pass by a painting of a boat and a wingull.

7d 5h 48m We head back on down to the 2nd Floor of the museum

7d 5h 47m We talk to the manager of the museum

7d 5h 46m We head up to the third floor of the Museum

7d 5h 42m We head upstairs

7d 5h 41m We talk to the receptionist and pay ¥200 to enter the museum

7d 5h 39m We enter the Museum

7d 5h 35m We head out onto North Boulevard looking for the Museum

7d 5h 31m We finally exit the Bureau. Next stop is the Museum

7d 5h 30m Sadder Music now plays

[Chat] CRYOTS and BibleThumps are flying in chat again along with the sad Looker music

7d 5h 29m Also reveals he is really a part of the International Police

7d 5h 28m Espurr comes in the gives a letter to Emma. The letter says that Looker is leaving

7d 5h 27m We enter the Bureau and Emma reveals Looker is getting out of the Hospital

Final Chapter: Here's Lookin' At You Kid

7d 5h 26m We get a call for the Halo-Caster. Emma wants to see us

7d 5h 23m The cutscene ends and we reenter the Bureau. Emma reveals that Looker is sick

[Chat] BibleThumps and CRYOTS flying in chat

7d 5h 22m Sad Looker music is playing as he talks with Xerosic

7d 5h 17m Malamar is sent out after Crobat faints. Espeon takes cares of it. Essentia defeated

[Snark] We have defeated the E4!
We defeated Essentia four times.

7d 5h 17m 2 Dazzling Gleams puts Crobat in the red

7d 5h 16m vs Essentia again. Crobat is sent out vs Espeon

[Snark] omg, it was Emma? After we helped her why did she betray us?

7d 5h 15m Espurr goes in to reach to Emma

7d 5h 15m Essentia is revealed to be Emma

[Info] Defeating Mawile defeated Essentia for the second time, and then we got into the third battle with Essentia. She sent out Persian and got defeated first turn.

7d 5h 14m Looker shows up

7d 5h 13m Espeon uses Dazzling Gleam on Persian. Essentia defeated again

7d 5h 12m Psychic takes it down, and Mawile is next

7d 5h 12m Espeon vs Granbull

[Snark] We seem to be fighting the E4!

7d 5h 11m Fighting Essentia again

7d 5h 11m Essentia defeated

7d 5h 10m And another Psychic takes it down

7d 5h 10m We psychic and it quiver dances

7d 5h 10m 7d 5h 10m Espeon vs Volcarona

7d 5h 9m Its her Jellicent vs our Espeon, we use Psychic and it faints.

7d 5h 9m We are fighting Essentia

7d 5h 8m We read the last shelf and Xerosic appears

7d 5h 1m Here is a website you can see what we have to do, we currently are on chapter 5

7d 5h 0m Looks like we only have a few shelf's to read

[Info] We have to read all the secret notes in the shelf's to advance

7d 4h 41m We keep reading the bookshelf's and they point out stuff from Lysandre and about a expansion suit

7d 4h 39m we try to pick up a ball but it says its someone's else

7d 4h 31m We reached the room with the stolen pokeballs!

7d 4h 12m Spinning and spinning around, just like in Kanto

7d 4h 3m Spinning in the maze

7d 3h 58m In front of the elevator.

7d 3h 56m Eris defeated!

7d 3h 55m Psychic faints Bouffalant

7d 3h 55m Bouffalant in!

7d 3h 54m Dazzling Gleam and pangoro faints!

7d 3h 54m Espeon vs. Pangoro

7d 3h 54m vs.Lumiose ganngmemeber eris!

7d 3h 52m Still spining around.

7d 3h 43m Back on the 1st floor.

7d 3h 42m We're now on the second floor, near the teleporter.

7d 3h 38m We're still on the first floor of the old Team Flare hideout.

7d 3h 33m We're doing some not progressing progress.

7d 3h 27m We're spining and teleporting.

7d 3h 21m We disconnected from the wi-fi.

7d 3h 19m We succecfully connect to the wi-fi !

7d 3h 18m We're still spinning around.

7d 3h 13m We try to connect to the wi-fi, but fail.

[Info] Yes, we are STILL on the Looker Quest - Story Mission #5. I believe we have to look up more info on the Expansion Suit that Emma wears, if my memory serves me. Oh wait, I think we also have to track down the missing Poké Balls from the other trainers.

[Snark] Good ol times eh?

7d 2h 56m Still spinning around on this floor.

[Fluff] Spinning, spinning, and more spinning! Hope d doesn't get too dizzy, cause I sure am, just watching this! (@_@)

7d 2h 47m d saves the game multipe times, as an attempt to connect to the internet!

7d 2h 44m d Saves the game!

7d 2h 38m Smogon Sword Levels up to Level 56! Gang Member Seda defeated! d gets 4960 for winning!

7d 2h 38m Dazzling Gleam. Mandibuzz goes down!

7d 2h 37m Another Whirlwind. but bounced but no effect!

7d 2h 37m We use Shadow Claw! Whirlwind against us! Espeon sent out!

7d 2h 36m Switched out for Deer God! Mandibuzz uses Whirlwind and Smogon Sword sent out!

7d 2h 36m Challenged Gang Member Sedna! Espeon vs. Mandibuss!

[Info] This floor appears to have the same layout as the original floor, except with a few rooms blocked off, and some different trainers are here too. No Team Flare suits though.

7d 2h 32m Scientist Ernst defeated! d gets 4248 for winning!

7d 2h 31m Driftblim Level 58! Heliolisk out! Psychic against it and it goes down!

7d 2h 31m Shadow ball against it! Weezing goes down!

7d 2h 30m Challenged by Scientist Ernst! Espeon vs. Weezing!

7d 2h 29m Currently spinning, and teleporting around on this floor.

7d 2h 29m Disconnected from the Internet!

7d 2h 27m Canceled trade with Will. We registered his friend code.

7d 2h 26m Trading with someone

7d 2h 25m So, we're on the secret floor now?

7d 2h 24m Scientist Sonia defeated! d gets 6480 for winning!

7d 2h 24m Psychic against it! Klinklank goes down!

7d 2h 24m Psychic against it! It uses Lock-On!

7d 2h 22m Klinklang sent out!

7d 2h 22m Shadow Ball against it! It goes down!

7d 2h 22m Espeon vs. Elgyem!

7d 2h 22m VS Scientist Sonia!

7d 2h 20m We used the elevator, but wrong floor!

7d 2h 16m She is letting us go down to a secret floor through the Elevator!

7d 2h 16m Entered Lysandre Labs!

7d 2h 15m Entered a Cafe! Malva is here!

7d 2h 12m Canceled out!

7d 2h 11m At the Wonder Trade!

7d 2h 5m Canceled trade with Bex.

7d 2h 4m Trading time!

7d 1h 57m d Saves the game!

7d 1h 56m Autumnal Avenue again!

7d 1h 56m At Centrico Plaza!

7d 1h 54m Now at Autumnal Avenue!

7d 1h 51m Outside.

7d 1h 50m Entered a Café, I believe.

7d 1h 48m Re-Connected, once again!

7d 1h 47m Disconnected from TEH Intrahnetz!

[Snark] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Yes I have a Riot alarm I made myself :)

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I'm going to bed now, if something goes wrong do a massive riot and I'll wake up.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Look what I got here : http://imgur.com/2Tp9qWJ

7d 1h 36m We Connected to the Internet once again!

7d 1h 35m Okay, so apparently, We are now Disconnected from the Internet.

7d 1h 33m Finally back outside on North Boulevard!

[Snark] DEM Camera Angles!

7d 1h 31m Exited, Entered, Exited, Entered, Exited, Entered the Hotel Richissime, etc.

7d 1h 31m We entered the elevator again, and picked 1F!

7d 1h 30m We entered the elevator, and went down some floors!

7d 1h 26m Re-Connected to the Internet!

7d 1h 25m And... Just like that, we Disconnected from the Internet.

7d 1h 23m We receive some "Nice!" from some people.

7d 1h 23m Connected to the Internet!

7d 1h 21m d saves the game!

[Info] Just some nifty information for you:
Yes, this is the same hotel where you can actually work at, and get paid for doing a good job. Some of the job offers here are finding lost items, and keeping some rooms clean, fixing the beds up.


7d 1h 16m She tells us about Emma, and that she wears the suit as Essentia!

7d 1h 15m She tells us about the Expansion Suit! She apparently also worked for Team Flare!

7d 1h 14m Smogon Sword Level 55! Malva defeated! d gets 12,600 for winning!

7d 1h 14m Psychic against it! Pyroar goes down!

7d 1h 14m Espeon vs. Pyroar!

7d 1h 13m Battle against Malva!

7d 1h 9m We ride the elevator up to 5F!

7d 1h 9m And we ride it back down to 1F!

7d 1h 9m We go up the Elevator up to 2F.

[Info] Apparently, we are currently Disconnected from the Internet!

7d 1h 7m Entered the fancy hotel called "Hotel Richissime"!

7d 1h 3m Did we just disconnect from the internet?

7d 1h 2m Back on North Boulevard!

7d 1h 0m Exited the Looker Bureau!

[Fluff] He needs to go rush off, and he's just........STANDING THERE?!?!?!?


7d 0h 57m The butler tells us that he needs to rush off to Hotel Richissime's Royal Suite!

7d 0h 56m He tells us he was a former of Team Flare!

7d 0h 56m We use Psychic! OHKO! Braviary goes down! Butler Shalmers defeated! d gets 4960 for winning!

7d 0h 54m Battle against Butler Chalmers! Espeon vs. Braviary!

7d 0h 53m Emma rushes out! And we're greeted by some person who is visiting the Bureau.

7d 0h 53m We find out that Looker is in the hospital!

7d 0h 53m We talk to Emma!

7d 0h 52m Emma, and Mimi the Espurr is in here!

7d 0h 52m Entered the Looker Bureau!

[Info] Our new non-shiny Espeon's move set is Morning Sun, Shadow Ball, Psychic, and Dazzling Gleam, FYI.

7d 0h 42m North Boulevard, as we get a call from Loo.... Emma?

7d 0h 41m We have exited the Looker Bureau!

7d 0h 41m It appears that Looker got attacked with our encounter with Essentia. He's down to his knees!

[Chat] DEM BibleThump!

7d 0h 40m Essentia leaps up into the air!

7d 0h 39m Essentia breaks down!

7d 0h 39m The figure says that she, err... it is Essentia!

[Fluff] Emma?

7d 0h 38m Mimi is acting friendly to the suspicious figure!

7d 0h 37m Mimi the Espurr comes in now!

7d 0h 36m We meet the suspicious figure! Looker rushes in!

7d 0h 36m Suspicious Lady defeated! d gets 960 for winning!

7d 0h 36m We use Psychic against it! Persian goes down!

7d 0h 34m Morning Sun. It uses Assurance!

7d 0h 33m Challenge against Suspicious Lady! Espeon vs. Persian!

7d 0h 33m We approach another woman!

7d 0h 32m Canceled Keawan's trade, and registered his friend code to the list!

7d 0h 30m Entered the alley! We get another Holo Caster call from Looker!

[Snark] Burrito is back, without Guacamelee!Kappa

7d 0h 28m Traded over Snubbul "FrankerZ" with Jonjon's Espeon! Normal color, non-shiny.

7d 0h 27m Canceled trade with NcSaam.

7d 0h 25m Traded Venomoth "AATTVV 3000" for NcSaam's Shiny Jirachi "(Japanese text)"

7d 0h 24m We're trading with someone!

7d 0h 22m Now on South Boulevard!

7d 0h 20m Or not..... Communication was interrupted.

7d 0h 19m Having a Wi-Fi Battle!

7d 0h 18m Out of the alley.

7d 0h 14m Looks like we're going to take a trip to South Boulevard. There is only one alley there, and it's the same alley that we met the girls, and Emma. We're finally going to catch this person!

7d 0h 13m He was training in this alley, when she battled against a strange girl, and took his Pokéballs.

7d 0h 13m We talk to the karate man in this alley!

7d 0h 11m Entered an Alley. Another call from Looker on our Holo Caster!

7d 0h 10m Deer God goes down! We lost against Bex!

7d 0h 9m We sent out Deer God vs. Mayuri!

7d 0h 8m Hydreigon goes down, as well as Shutara, due to explosion!

7d 0h 7m Hydreigon vs. Bex's Shutara!

7d 0h 7m We only entered 2 of our Pokemon!

7d 0h 5m Having a Wi-Fi Battle with Bex! Single Battle, Normal Rules!

7d 0h 4m Canceled trade with Keawan.

7d 0h 2m Traded Lord Sail for Keawan's Shiny Rayquaza!

Welcome to Day 8 of Pokémon X!

We have reached over 24 Hours without a single Black Out!
Good job guys! Nice work, everyone!

6d 23h 56m Exited the Pokémon Center.

6d 23h 55m And Re-Connected to the Internet!

6d 23h 54m Disconnected from the Internet!

6d 23h 53m Entered the Pokémon Center.

6d 23h 52m Faffing about between roads, checking our bags, Pokémon stats, etc.

6d 23h 43m Back on North Boulevard!

6d 23h 42m Looker Heals our team again! Thanks Looker!

6d 23h 41m The figure appears again, as it jumps off the stage once more! Looker is beside us!

6d 23h 40m Suspicious Girl defeated! d gets 1824 for winning!

6d 23h 40m We use Iron Head! Mawile down!

6d 23h 39m Switched out for Smogon Sword! It uses Iron Head against us!

6d 23h 38m Switched out for Hydreigon, as Mawile continues to Stockpile!

6d 23h 38m Mawile uses Stockpile!

6d 23h 37m We attack it! and switch out for Neon!

6d 23h 37m Smogon Sword Level 54! Mawile sent out by girl!

6d 23h 37m Dark Pulse against it! Granbull goes down!

6d 23h 36m We use Moonlight! It uses Roar! Hydreigon sent out!

6d 23h 35m We got switched out for Neon!

6d 23h 35m Iron Head against it!

6d 23h 35m Granbull sent out by Suspicious girl!

6d 23h 34m Tailwind on us! Iron Head against it! Whimsicott down!

6d 23h 34m Sent out Smogon Sword!

6d 23h 33m Moonblast against us! FrankerZ goes down!

6d 23h 33m Talked to the girl and challenged her! Suspicious Child sends out Whimsicott! Go FrankerZ!

6d 23h 32m In the alley, there is now a small child here.

[Info] FrankerZ is a Snubbull. It was a shiny color.

6d 23h 30m Entered an alley and received a call from Looker on the Holo Caster!

[Chat] FrankerZ

6d 23h 26m Traded over Blaziken for Tonie~'s FrankerZ It appears to be a shiny color!

6d 23h 25m On the Trading Screen with someone.

6d 23h 24m Allison no longer wishes to trade, and we saved her to our friend code list.

6d 23h 23m Gonna try to trade with Allison again.

6d 23h 22m Canceled trade with Tonie~!

[Info] "Lord Sail" is an Aurorus, not an Amaura.

6d 23h 20m Traded Thundurus for Lord Sail!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Someone actually found d on passerby!

[Meta] TwitchSpeaks is now starting. /u/super-redguy will be speaking. Come watch.

6d 23h 18m Canceled trade with Leon.

6d 23h 18m More Trading.....?

6d 23h 16m On North Boulevard!

6d 23h 16m Canceled trade with Allison.

6d 23h 14m Trading again.

6d 23h 13m We connected to the Internet!

6d 23h 12m We're back in Luminose City now. Currently on Autumn Avenue!

6d 23h 11m Well.... Internet seems to have disconnected, since we had to restart the game.

6d 23h 10m We Re-Entered Pokémon X!

6d 23h 9m Game Reset!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Not again

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: What?

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ÉMEUTE OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Fluff] Well..... Here we go again!

6d 23h 8m Command inputs are broken too!

6d 23h 7m Screen just went black!

6d 23h 5m Traded over (Inappropriate) for Allisons Roserade!

[Meta] In a few minutes, /u/super-redguy is doing Human Mode tonight on TwitchSpeaks. Afterward there will be another "TPP Narrates A 1950's Short Film" and Open Mic, as usual. Come join and hang out!

6d 23h 4m So, we are going to trade again?

6d 23h 3m Back on North Boulevard!

6d 23h 0m Looker heals our team! What a great guy!

6d 22h 59m Looker runs and appears next to us! A Suspicious figure jumps high into the air!

6d 22h 59m Suspicious Woman "???" defeated! d gets 8400 for winning!

6d 22h 58m We use Fly! Volcarona down!

6d 22h 58m We use Draco Meteor against it! It uses Quiver Dance!

6d 22h 57m It uses Quiver Dance!

6d 22h 56m Woman sends out Volcarona!

6d 22h 56m Draco Meteor! Jellicent down! Smogon Sword Level 53!

6d 22h 56m We sent out Hydreigon!

6d 22h 55m We use Thief! Hydro Pump on us! Driftblim goes down!

6d 22h 55m It uses Fly! Hydro Pump against us!

6d 22h 55m We sent out Driftblim!

6d 22h 54m Hydro Pump against us! Blaziken down!

6d 22h 53m We challenge the person! Suspisious Woman sends out Jellicent! Go Blaziken!

6d 22h 51m There appears to be some ransom person standing in this alley!

6d 22h 49m Up an alley! We get a message from Looker in the Holo Caster!

6d 22h 48m We saved the game. Connected to the Internet!

6d 22h 47m North Boulevard again.

6d 22h 46m On Autumnal Avenue!

6d 22h 41m On North Boulevard!

6d 22h 36m Exited the Looker Bureau now!

6d 22h 35m Exited, entered, exited, and entered the Looker Bureau!

6d 22h 33m We accept Lookers request! We're going to play the role of the victim, and track down the enemy!

6d 22h 32m Talked to Looker! He's concerned about what has happened!

6d 22h 31m Disconnected from the Internet!

6d 22h 29m Entered the Looker Bureau!

[Info] Our new Braségali that we have now is a Blaziken!

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> There's no good way of doing this, people get pissed off either way, so I'll leave it up to you. If you want battle/trade just accept it, if you don't spam b and change a page or turn wifi off.

[rip] Burrito, the Espeon!

6d 22h 23m Traded Espeon with Allison's Braségali

6d 22h 22m We're gonna trade now?

6d 22h 20m Another call in the Holo Caster. This time its Looker!

6d 22h 19m Exited the Museum! We get a call from a Newscaster in the Holo Caster!

6d 22h 18m Returned the audio guide for the museum!

6d 22h 15m Gave up trade with Allison.

6d 22h 15m Going to trade, maybe?

6d 22h 10m Down the 1st floor of the Museum!

6d 22h 8m [Snark] Fail'd to connect Wi-Fi with Bex.

6d 22h 5m Down the 2nd floor of the Museum.

[Info] The guy appears to be the Museum Director.

6d 22h 1m We talked to the old man who is looking at the graffiti.

6d 22h 0m We listen to the audio guide about the painting that has the new deformed graffiti on it.

6d 21h 58m Up on the 3rd floor! The graffiti is right in front of us!

6d 21h 57m We canceled the trade.

6d 21h 56m Looks like we're gonna trade now.

6d 21h 56m Lil'd gets a "Nice"!

6d 21h 54m We forfeit the match against Eliza.

6d 21h 52m d vs. Eliza! It's a Single Battle! Neon vs. Ragnarok!

6d 21h 49m d Saves the game! We're gonna have a Wi-Fi battle with Eliza!

[Snark] We GOT #REKT!

6d 21h 47m Smogon Sword goes down! We lost the match!

6d 21h 47m Leon sent out Noivern and Grenninja!

6d 21h 46m Golem went down! So did Regigigas and Espeon!

6d 21h 46m Driftblim goes down!

6d 21h 43m We sent out Smogon Sword, Espeon, and Driftblim against Regigigas Goolem, and Blastoise!

6d 21h 43m Another Wi-Fi battle with Leon!

[Meta] If anyone from TPP finds someone named 'TrainerMario' on the Passersby list on Wi-Fi. That is me. Giving a shout out to Lil'd, in case I actually find him somewhere on Wi-Fi.

[Fluff] In true Kalos style!

6d 21h 40m And just like that we just forfeit the match. ;_;

6d 21h 39m It's a triple battle with Leon! Deer God Smogon Sword and Espeon! vs. Talonflame Noivern and Goolem!

6d 21h 37m We're having a Wi-Fi battle with Leon!

6d 21h 35m Up the 2nd floor in the Museum!

[Fluff] So much for a battle/trade request from yours truely. Not like I can find Lil'd on my wi-fi list anyway..... ;_;

6d 21h 29m We get multiple requests for battles/trades from familiar faces on d's list. But re reject them all!

6d 21h 25m We paid 200 for the Audio guide and entered the Museum!

6d 21h 23m Apparently someone left Grafitti on the third floor. We need to investigate.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: If wifi gets annoying you can turn it off or switch to other pages

6d 21h 23m In the museum!

6d 21h 20m Traded a Lv. 30 Male Japanese Wooper to /u/Bexxxxxxx for a shiny Lv. 15 Female Luvdisc named ♥Love Riot♥, equipped with a Sweet Heart.

6d 21h 17m We save!

6d 21h 11m Back outside!

6d 21h 9m We have to investigate it! But Looker can't, he has an appointment.

6d 21h 9m Apparently a museum was robbed!

6d 21h 8m Chapter 4 Begins! We get a HoloClip!

6d 21h 8m Back in the Looker Bureau!

6d 21h 3m Wandering around the City!

6d 21h 0m We swapped Umbreon and Drifblim!

[Meta] So, with all of the wondertrading happening in post-game, the GDoc team is a bit behind for Traded and PC Pokemon. However, we're keeping our status info and Party Pokemon up to date, so give it a look if you want.

6d 20h 58m It's Looker. He wants us to go to the Bureau.

6d 20h 58m In the North Boulevard! We get a Holo Clip!

6d 20h 56m She feels guilty staying there for free and doing nothing.

6d 20h 55m Emma talks to Mimi. She discusses getting part-time work

6d 20h 54m More BibleThumps! Looker has a heart-felt discussion with Emma.

6d 20h 53m Apparently they have put away their violent ways.

6d 20h 52m We head back to the Bureau. The gang visits.

6d 20h 51m Apparently the gang wants to be friends with Emma and not fight, but Looker gives them a speech about not being cruel to Pokemon.

6d 20h 50m Emma confronts Nix.

6d 20h 49m Drifblim Level 57! Defeated Nix!

6d 20h 49m We OHKO it with Dazzling Gleam!

6d 20h 48m We use Morning Sun, and we bounce back Krookodile's Scary Face.

6d 20h 48m Against Krookodile!

6d 20h 47m We use Dazzling Gleam, and OHKO it!

6d 20h 47m We send out Espeon against Druddigon!

6d 20h 47m Facing Lumiose Gang Member Nix!

6d 20h 43m We OHKO it with Dazzling Gleam! Defeated Eris!

6d 20h 43m Against Bouffalant!

6d 20h 42m We use Dazzling Gleam, and OHKO Pangoro!

6d 20h 42m We send out Espeon against Pangoro!

6d 20h 42m Facing Lumiose Gang Member Eris!

6d 20h 41m Smogon Sword is now level 52! Defeated Sedna!

6d 20h 41m We use Dazzling Gleam, OHKOing our foe!

6d 20h 40m We send out Espeon against Mandibuzz!

6d 20h 40m Facing Lumiose Gang Member Sedna.

6d 20h 39m Looker heals us!

6d 20h 38m Looker is about to leave, but we arrive.

6d 20h 38m He requests they return the person's Pokemon.

6d 20h 37m Looker encounters some of the Lumiose Gang!

6d 20h 34m At the Lumiose Station!

6d 20h 32m We look at two Skiddos sleeping.

6d 20h 30m Still wandering around!

6d 20h 20m In the North Boulevard! We save!

6d 20h 16m We talk to a Marill!

6d 20h 13m BACK ONLINE!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ÉMEUTE ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

6d 20h 4m Stream is offline!!

6d 20h 3m Gogoat takes us to North Blvd. East Shop!

6d 20h 1m We take a ride on the Gogoat for $200!

6d 19h 58m Capture Power Lv. 1 wore off.

6d 19h 57m We opened up Super Training! But cancelled out.

6d 19h 55m Toilet's friend code was registered!

6d 19h 54m Scratch that, we cancelled it. The passerby did show us our traded Meloetta.

6d 19h 53m We are now trading with a passerby.

6d 19h 51m We changed the music to "Music 3" but the battle was cancelled.

6d 19h 50m We forfeit the match immediately.

6d 19h 50m Clipper and Bex send out Scizor and Forretress, we send out Drifblim and Slowpoke sends out Bibarel.

6d 19h 49m We enter only Drifblim.

6d 19h 49m We are on Slowpoke's team! Battling against Clipper and Bex.

6d 19h 47m We accept Clipper's Multi-Battle request!

6d 19h 45m Still haven't successfully accepted a request yet.

6d 19h 40m A bunch of people are asking us to trade/battle, but we deny them all.

6d 19h 39m We select Espeon, but ended up cancelling the trade with Leon.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Isn't this what you wanted?

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: You see? This is what happens when you do a game with WiFi on

6d 19h 27m Outside!

6d 19h 26m Wifi reset.

6d 19h 20m We have to go to the Train Station in the North Boulevard.

6d 19h 17m Looker storms off to find the gang. Without any Pokemon. Smooth.

6d 19h 15m We have to find the woman's stolen Pokemon, that were stolen from the Lumiose Gang.

6d 19h 13m Also, Emma can speak back to her in Japanese.

[Snark] If the thoughts were in Japanese...

6d 19h 12m We can now hear the women's thoughts. Apparently she is sorry for being rude to Looker and Emma. The real reason she is troubled is because she can't find her Pokemon.

6d 19h 11m Mimi has powers, and is trying to help Emma.


6d 19h 9m Emma and Mimi come home. Looker went off to get tea.

6d 19h 9m Apparently, she is highly offended she has come and not been offered tea. We need to find some!

[Fluff] In the Japanese version, what language does she speak?

6d 19h 7m She speaks to us in Japanese.

6d 19h 7m Started Chapter 3! A Tourist walks in!

6d 19h 6m Apparently Emma is stressed. We need to find out what's wrong!

6d 19h 6m In the Bureau again!

6d 19h 1m We save!

6d 19h 0m We get a Holo Clip from Looker. Looks like it's back to work!

6d 18h 59m BibleThump! Looker talks about Emma and Mimi.

6d 18h 58m The girl introduces herself as Emma.

6d 18h 57m We go back to the bureau!

6d 18h 56m The girl now joins us!

[Chat] ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ DANCE RIOT ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♫


[Fluff] We actually selected Dance? WOW!

6d 18h 55m We DANCE!

6d 18h 54m We see Mimi!

6d 18h 54m In an alleyway!

6d 18h 48m Outside!

6d 18h 43m And we leave to the North Boulevard. Or not.

6d 18h 43m Inside of a building!

Some of the common ones I've seen in chat now are:

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WIFI RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ STADIUM RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Chat] Chat seems to be in some sort of RIOT mode at the moment.

[Info] Whenever we find Mimi the Espurr again, the correct answer we need to choose is "Dance". If we choose any other option, Mimi will just run away from us.

6d 18h 34m Inside of more alleyways!

6d 18h 31m We save!

6d 18h 30m We smile at it. It runs off, with a hint of smile.

6d 18h 30m We talk to Mimi, the Espurr!

6d 18h 30m Inside of an alleyway!

6d 18h 15m In Centrico Plaza!

6d 18h 6m Rollerskating around at the speed of sound!

6d 18h 1m On the South Boulevard!

6d 18h 1m We save!

6d 17h 58m We watch someone change into a celebrity. Fascinating!

6d 17h 56m In a cafe!

6d 17h 50m In Vert Plaza!

6d 17h 49m Wandering the city!

[Snark] Stranger Danger!

6d 17h 48m Mimi doesn't like being pet by strangers. Good to know!

6d 17h 47m We get another Holo Clip!

6d 17h 45m Our assignment is to befriend Mimi.

6d 17h 45m She declines our offer.

6d 17h 44m Same with Mimi. Mimi runs off.

6d 17h 43m Looker invites her to work at his Bureau!

[Chat] BibleThump EVERYWHERE!

6d 17h 43m The BibleThump is real.

6d 17h 42m "Mimi and I have always lived in alleys. We don't know about sunshine." "No, they're gone. I'm alone."

6d 17h 41m We investigate them.

6d 17h 40m Apparently, it's "trainer" doesn't have money to buy Pokeballs.

[Chat] O _ O

6d 17h 40m It's Espurr! It's named Mimi!

6d 17h 39m Looker meets up with us, and we encounter a strange noise.

[Snark] This is the K4. Kappa.

6d 17h 38m We are allowed to pass through the alleyway!

6d 17h 38m Defeated Macon!

6d 17h 38m We use Dazzling Gleam, and OHKO it!

6d 17h 38m Another Morning Sun, Spiritomb uses Dark Tomb.

6d 17h 37m We use Morning Sun again, our foe uses Nasty Plot.

6d 17h 37m We use Morning Sun! Spiritomb misses Sucker Punch.

6d 17h 37m We send out Espeon against Spiritomb!

6d 17h 37m Battling Schoolboy Macon!

6d 17h 36m Defeated Schoolgirl!

6d 17h 36m Drifblim is now level 56!

6d 17h 35m We use Shadow Ball, and OHKO it!

6d 17h 35m Against Kingler!

6d 17h 35m We use Dazzling Gleam, and OHKO it!


6d 17h 34m Against Leavanny!

6d 17h 34m Smogon Sword is level 51!

6d 17h 34m We use Psyshock and KO Rapidash!

6d 17h 33m We use Morning Sun. Rapidash uses Flare Blitz.

6d 17h 33m Against Rapidash, we send out Espeon!

6d 17h 33m Battling Schoolgirl Callie!

6d 17h 32m Defeated Lily!

6d 17h 31m We use Psyshock and OHKO it!

6d 17h 31m Against Iggybuff! We send out Espeon!

6d 17h 31m We challenge Preschooler Lily!

6d 17h 30m We save!

6d 17h 30m Defeated Preschooler!

6d 17h 29m Another Sucker Punch from Bonsly, and another Psyshock from us. Bonsly down.

6d 17h 29m Bonsly uses Sucker Punch. We use Psyshock.

6d 17h 28m Against Bonsly!

6d 17h 28m Espeon uses Psyshock, and OKHOs it!

6d 17h 28m We send out Espeon against Swinub!

6d 17h 28m We challenge Preschooler Natalie!

6d 17h 26m We refuse to battle them.

6d 17h 26m We find the little kids. It' their secret base apparently.

6d 17h 24m Still wandering the city. In South Boulevard now!

[Snark] That style...

6d 17h 10m Outside!

6d 17h 7m We should start on the South Boulevard, according to him. He wrote down of the alleys in Lumiose City.

6d 17h 6m Looker says we need to find some kids! They'll be in one of the alleys.

6d 17h 5m We read the notes. Chapter 2 Starts!

6d 16h 59m Looker is counting on us to solve the case. He tells us to read the notes on the desk.

6d 16h 59m Back in the Bureau!

6d 16h 58m We save!

6d 16h 52m We get a message on the Holo Caster from Looker. He wants us to come to the Bureau.

[Fluff] We're the Champion of the Kalos Region, and we can't even enter a fancy restaurant?

6d 16h 51m Outside of the restaurant!

[Snark] We beat the Elite 4, and we aren't famous?

6d 16h 46m We can't get in because we aren't VIP.

6d 16h 46m Inside of a restaurant!

[Snark] "My name is d! The E T E C T I V E is silent!"

6d 16h 43m Exited the Looker Bureau!

6d 16h 42m We say Yes to Lookers request! We're now detectives!

6d 16h 42m We talk to Looker! We completed the training!

6d 16h 40m Inside the Looker Bureau!

6d 16h 38m Black Belt Killian defeated! d gets 600 for winning! Killian quickly disappears after the battle!

6d 16h 38m Machoke OHKO by Shadow Ball!

6d 16h 37m Espeon vs. Machoke!

6d 16h 37m Challenged Black Belt Killian!

6d 16h 37m In an alley.

6d 16h 28m In Rouge Plaza!

6d 16h 28m We save!

6d 16h 19m Back outside once more!

6d 16h 19m Inside of the Gym again!

6d 16h 17m In Centrico Plaza!

6d 16h 9m Inside of a cafe!

6d 16h 8m Outside!

6d 16h 0m In a different store.

6d 15h 57m We save!

6d 15h 56m Obtained the Last Looker Ticket!

6d 15h 55m We enter the Herb shop!

6d 15h 52m Back on Vernal Avenue!

6d 15h 51m Inside of the shop NEXT to the Herb Shop.

6d 15h 42m In Estival Avenue!

6d 15h 41m Outside!

[Info] Just one more ticket left! That ticket is in the herb shop in Vernal Avenue.

6d 15h 39m Found a Looker Ticket!

[Snark] So these are Boat Tickets we're dealing with. Interesting...

[Snark] The light shines so bright, it hurts my eyes!

[Snark] In order to figure out what happened, the Looker Detective Agency must "consult the tickets."

6d 15h 37m Entered the Lumiose Gym!

6d 15h 36m In Centrico Plaza!

6d 15h 34m Back outside!

6d 15h 33m We receive 19 Rare Candies!

6d 15h 31m We heal!

[Info] That's 3 Tickets down! Just 2 more to go!

6d 15h 28m Found a Looker Ticket!

[Snark] Shiny floor spot! Must, CATCH!

6d 15h 27m We save!

6d 15h 26m Back in the Pokecenter!

6d 15h 25m Out of the Pokecenter!

6d 15h 24m We fly to the Pokecenter in Lumiose City. Checkpoint!

[Party] Espeon, Umbreon, Aegislash, Hydreigon, Xerneas, Drifblim.

6d 15h 19m WE'RE OUT!

[Meta] The TPPLeague is hosting the finals to the Little Cup Tournament they're holding. Come watch!

[Fluff] and we keep going inside, and getting stuck in the hotel due to the camera angles rotation that messes with our inputs.

6d 15h 11m Going back and forth from the hotel and outside!

6d 15h 7m Back outside!

6d 15h 3m Found Another Looker Ticket!

6d 15h 1m We enter the hotel!

6d 15h 1m On the North Boulevard!

6d 14h 55m Outside!

6d 14h 50m Literally right by where we found the ticket. Progress!

6d 14h 37m Found a Looker Ticket!



6d 14h 32m Inside of the museum!

6d 14h 31m Mocha Poke Puff!

6d 14h 29m Got a Citrus Pokepuff!

[Info] Again, here are the locations of the 5 Tickets:
Magenta Plaza: In the Pokémon Center
Centrico Plaza: In the Gym
Vernal Avenue: In the herb shop
North Boulevard: In the hotel
North Boulevard: In the Museum

6d 14h 26m Got a Frosted Spice Poke Puff.

6d 14h 21m We get a Pink Star Object!

6d 14h 19m He tells us hints to the locations of them.

6d 14h 18m Outside of the building, we get a message from Looker on our Holo Caster!

6d 14h 17m We've found 0 Tickets so far. Hooray!

6d 14h 16m These Looker Tickets are also glittery and sparkly. Hurray!

6d 14h 16m Looker says that d has to find 5 Looker Tickets around Lumiose and bring them back.

6d 14h 14m Looker asks d to reconsider. d accepts this time.

6d 14h 14m d rejects his offer!

6d 14h 14m He invites d to be his assistant.

6d 14h 13m Looker introduces himself-- as Looker! A grim, middle-aged man.

6d 14h 12m As well as the one to save the world from Team Flare.

6d 14h 12m He commends d for being the newest champion of Kalos.

6d 14h 12m Entered a house. We meet Looker!

6d 14h 10m Deluxe Spic Poke Puff got!

6d 14h 9m We also get a Fire Heart Object.

6d 14h 6m We get a Green Cube Object from people.

6d 14h 3m In the Rouge Plaza!

6d 14h 1m We also got a Fire Wallpaper.

6d 14h 0m In the Centrico Plaza!

6d 13h 59m We got a Purple Wallpaper from multiple people!

[Info] The Smeargle was also Male.

6d 13h 57m We said "Nice!" to Toilet.

[Info] The Smeargle we got before was Lvl. 14!

[Info] That guys username was Toilet. It shows.

6d 13h 46m We trade our lv. 46 Male QOOQ"O to a lv.24 Smeargle FATTY007 (something)

6d 13h 40m Trying to trade.

6d 13h 38m In the Autumnal Avenue!

[Snark] It's just covered in Guacamole, people.

[Chat] Rotten Burrito lol

6d 13h 29m In the Poke Amie area with Espeon!

6d 13h 21m We trade our level 50 Melotta for a Lv. 11 Femal Sentret with the Nickname that looks like a very inappropriate thing.

6d 13h 16m In Magenta Plaza.

6d 13h 13m We finish our first attempt with a score of 0/1800.

6d 13h 10m Against an Aurorus Balloon!

6d 13h 9m We do some Super Training!

6d 13h 7m Wandering the city.

6d 13h 1m We are told to go to the Looker Building by the Rouge Plaza. Chapter 1 Begins!

6d 13h 1m Watching a Holo Clip.

6d 13h 1m We received a Bargain Power 2 from a Passerby.

6d 12h 59m Flew to Lumiose City!

6d 12h 45m Asking Passerby Sherlock to trade with us.

6d 12h 30m d now seems interested in trying Tile Puzzles.

6d 12h 26m We get a new high score! ....7.

6d 12h 17m d isn't very good at directing his Pokémon to bounce yarn up.

6d 12h 14m Playing Head It!

6d 12h 12m Inside the Anistar center.

6d 12h 3m Traded a Vivillon for an Egg.

6d 11h 56m The Memory Girl keeps telling us memories about a Budew Juan caught for us.

6d 11h 50m We add Adrizel to our friend's list.

6d 11h 47m Currently talking to the memory girl.

6d 11h 45m Dani G. complements d .

6d 11h 43m We forfeit the match.

6d 11h 43m The battle begins! Xerneas and Espeon versus Politoad and Ludicolo.

6d 11h 41m We choose to have another battle with Dani G.

6d 11h 40m The match ended. Not sure who won.

6d 11h 38m Dani G. sends in Jolteon.

6d 11h 38m Vaporeon uses Toxic! Espeon's Magic Bounce makes Vaporeon poisoned.

6d 11h 37m Espeon uses Psyshock on Ditto. Ditto down.

6d 11h 37m Dani sends in Ditto!

6d 11h 37m Jolteon uses Volt Switch! Drifblim knocked out!

6d 11h 37m Battle with Dani G.! Double Battle! d sends in Drifblim and Espeon. Dani G. sends in Jolteon and Vaporeon.

6d 11h 36m The timer ends! Battle start!

6d 11h 35m Looks like another battle with Dani G. will be starting soon.

[Chat] Signal_beam: Great battle videoKappa

6d 11h 33m Saved the battle as a battle video.

6d 11h 33m d forfeits! Dani G. wins!

6d 11h 33m Double Battle! Go, Hydreigon and Espeon! Dani G. sends in Jolteon and Vaporeon.

6d 11h 32m Battle with Dani G.!

6d 11h 31m At the party menu screen right now.

6d 11h 30m In a double battle with Dani G.!

6d 11h 28m Declining some more battles and trades.

6d 11h 27m Challenged to a battle with Pixel. d declines.

6d 11h 27m Cancelled.

6d 11h 27m Dani G. offers Floofeh, a female lv. 72 Flareon.

6d 11h 26m The trade was accepted! Dani G. sends over Neon the lv 100 shiny male Umbreon. d trades a lv. 1 male Spiritomb over.

6d 11h 26m Offering a lv. 1 male Spiritomb.

6d 11h 25m The other party offers Neon, a level 100 male shiny Umbreon.

6d 11h 25m In a trade menu with someone.

6d 11h 9m We canceled

6d 11h 8m We get offered a d unown on lv 19

6d 11h 5m We get offered a shiny Kyogre on level 100, but we cancel the trade.

[Info] I think it had the Ocean Pattern

6d 11h 4m We trade Fletchling for Vivillion

[Info] It was a shiny Tyrantrum

6d 11h 2m We trade Flareon for "T-Wrecks" from Dani G.

6d 11h 0m Nickname is (diamond)DEER GOD(diamond)

6d 11h 0m We trade Goomy for Dani G.'s Xerneas!

6d 10h 59m And again, Xerneas offered.

6d 10h 56m Cancelled

6d 10h 55m We get Xerneas offered again

6d 10h 54m In tradin screen again.

[Snark] With these Powers is raising our dongers way easier! ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ

6d 10h 49m Receiving many O-Powers

6d 10h 46m Trade cancelled

6d 10h 46m We get offered a Xerneas

6d 10h 46m At the trading screen.

6d 10h 43m We left wondertrade

6d 10h 42m Wondertrade intensifies

6d 10h 42m We trade it for Kalm's... Spiritomb!

6d 10h 41m We trade away the Bunnelby in our team

6d 10h 41m More Wondertrade

[Snark] Juan pls

6d 10h 40m We trade it for JUAN's Budew

6d 10h 39m And we trade the Vulpix we just got away.

6d 10h 39m We trade it for Vicky's Vulpix

6d 10h 38m We trade away a snover, it isn't holding anything

6d 10h 38m In wondertrade again

6d 10h 37m We trade it for a Froakie from a Japanese

6d 10h 36m We trade a Noibat with a Draco Plate away

6d 10h 36m In Wondertrade.

[Snark] We got Burnt so much we ragequitted.

6d 10h 32m We forfeited, again

6d 10h 32m Our hydreigon got burned

6d 10h 31m This battle is progressing pretty slow.

6d 10h 30m Started the battle! Hydreigon vs. Braixen

[Snark] Burrito's Return! Oh wait, that must have been a long time ago

[Info] The Espeon we got was male

6d 10h 28m We're choosing our Pokemon to fight pixel!

6d 10h 27m We're getting many tradin & battling requests

6d 10h 25m We cancelled the trade

[Snark] Green Burrito DansGame

6d 10h 24m We trade Gligar for a shiny level 100 Espeon!!

6d 10h 24m We're at the trading screen right now

[Chat] "He rage quitted"

6d 10h 21m Communication error! Battle ends!

6d 10h 19m Chandelure OHKO Gligar

6d 10h 19m Medicham OHKO Bunnelby

6d 10h 18m Gligar, Bunnelby, Drifblim vs. Medicham (Shiny), Chandelure(Shiny) and Gardevoir.

6d 10h 18m Started battling "Misaki"!

6d 10h 16m Choosing our Pokemon to battle "Misaki"

6d 10h 15m Saved the battle video.

6d 10h 14m We forfeited the match

6d 10h 14m Gengar evolves into Mega-Gengar

6d 10h 13m Goomy & Aegislash out

6d 10h 13m Gengar OHKO Gligar

6d 10h 13m Greninja OHKO Bunnelby

6d 10h 11m Gligar, Drifblim & Bunnelby vs. Greninja, Gengar & Spinda

6d 10h 11m Battling "Jacky"!

6d 10h 9m We're choosing our Pokemon to battle "Jacky" in the Battle Spot

6d 10h 8m In Battle spot right now

6d 10h 4m We said "Nice" to pixel.

6d 10h 2m Looks like we cancelled.

6d 10h 0m The other party offers up a female lv. 70 Absol.

6d 9h 58m d's friend Mallory wants to trade. d cancels.

6d 9h 53m Challenged to a single battle by Acquaintance Hunter. d rejects.

6d 9h 52m Regardless, the trade was cancelled in the end.

6d 9h 52m A level 30 female Ninetales is shown.

6d 9h 51m Cancelled the trade.

6d 9h 51m Offering up Scorplane the lv 1 male Gligar. The other party offers a level 30 female Lampent.

6d 9h 50m In a trade screen.

6d 9h 50m Hunter challenges us again. It was cancelled.

6d 9h 49m Cancelled. We also receive a "Nice!"

6d 9h 49m Challenged to a single battle by Acquaintance Hunter.

6d 9h 49m Oh, it's Malva! She's reporting about the 2014 World Championships.

6d 9h 46m Tried to participate in an online competition. Too bad! There is none at the moment.

6d 9h 46m Exited the menu.

6d 9h 43m Started another Wonder Trade.

6d 9h 42m Our lv. 7 male Scyther was traded for a Gligar from Javier. Nickname is Scorplane.

6d 9h 42m Found trade partner Javier from US.

6d 9h 42m Offering up lv. 7 male Japanese Scyther this time.

6d 9h 41m Wonder-trading once more.

6d 9h 41m Lv 15. female Luvdisc traded for a Bunnelby from a Japanese person.

6d 9h 41m Found a Japanese trade partner.

6d 9h 40m We offer up that same Luvdisc. It's level 15 and female.

6d 9h 40m Wonder-trading again!

6d 9h 40m Regis the lv. 38 Rotom was wonder-traded for a Luvdisc from ratchet.

6d 9h 39m Found trade partner ratchet from Canada.

6d 9h 39m Offering up Regis the lv. 38 Rotom.

6d 9h 38m In a Wonder Trade menu.

6d 9h 37m What does d say when he's happy? 3WW4____!p. He tells that to everyone.

6d 9h 36m Asking a passerby Sky if s/he would like to trade. Called off the request soon after.

6d 9h 32m Cancelled the photo-taking session.

6d 9h 32m Taking a photo once more.

6d 9h 31m Called Phil again.

6d 9h 31m Phil leaves.

6d 9h 31m Currently viewing our photos.

6d 9h 31m Taking another photo with Phil.

6d 9h 30m Phil: "Yay, this is a great shot!" d does not tip him.

6d 9h 30m Looking good, d! Snapped a nice photo.

6d 9h 30m At the Photo Spot. Called up Phil the photo guy.

6d 9h 28m Exited the Wonder Trade menu.

6d 9h 27m As usual, Drifblim cannot be offered.

6d 9h 27m In another Wonder Trade menu.

6d 9h 26m Our male lv.34 Meowstic was traded with Simon's Scyther. It has a Japanese name.

6d 9h 26m Found trade partner Simon from England.

6d 9h 26m Now offering up a male lv.34 Meowstic.

6d 9h 25m In the Wonder Trade menu again.

6d 9h 25m Our level 3 female Pikachu was traded for a Goomy with a Japanese name.

6d 9h 24m The Pikachu has a Japanese name. Found a trade partner Brandon from US.

6d 9h 23m Offering up a level 3 female Pikachu in the party which we received in a wonder trade earlier.

6d 9h 23m Tried to offer a Drifblim but it didn't go through as Drifblim knew a HM Move.

6d 9h 22m In the Wonder Trade menu.

6d 9h 20m Cancelled a battle request.

6d 9h 15m It's Matt! "Come on, then!". The PR Video ends.

6d 9h 15m Exchanged PR Videos with someone.

6d 9h 8m Lv. 2 female Weedle traded for a Pikachu from a Japanese person!

6d 9h 8m Found a Japanese trade partner!

6d 9h 7m Wonder trading our lv. 2 female Weedle.

6d 9h 4m Sycamore tells d to try and find the mega stones around Kalos. After that, he leaves.

6d 9h 3m A light emerges! The mega ring has absorbed the power of the sundial!

6d 9h 3m Sycamore asks d to try touching the sundial.

6d 9h 1m He says he found a way to power up the Mega-Ring. He talks about Mega Stones now.

6d 9h 1m Met Professor Sycamore!

6d 8h 56m Backed out.

6d 8h 54m In a Super-Training minigame.

6d 8h 49m Cancelled.

6d 8h 48m Requesting a trade with a passerby named Sherlock this time.

6d 8h 47m The trade was cancelled.

6d 8h 46m Asking a Japanese passerby if s/he would like to trade!

6d 8h 42m On the bridge near the sundial in Anistar City.

6d 8h 41m Declined the offer.

6d 8h 40m Jester challenges d again.

6d 8h 40m d rejects.

6d 8h 39m Acquaintance Jester challenges us to a single battle!

6d 8h 39m We have a lot of presents in the Poké-Amie screen.

6d 8h 37m Got a Weedle in return!

6d 8h 36m Offered our female lv 68 Luxray! Trading with a Japanese.

6d 8h 36m Started a Wonder Trade.

[Info] Smogon Sword is also holding a Lax Incense.

6d 8h 34m Exited the trade screen with Clipper.

6d 8h 33m "Smogon Sword" is female and level 50.

6d 8h 32m Traded level 49 male Zoroark for an Aegislash named "Smogon Sword".

6d 8h 31m In another trade screen with Clipper.

[Info] The Pokemon that I used in the recent battle vs. Joseph(me) were all Pokemon previously owned or caught by TPP.

6d 8h 29m d cancels the trade.

6d 8h 28m Voice Chat is on.

6d 8h 28m Accepted a trade request with Clipper.

6d 8h 26m Saved the battle as a Battle Video.

6d 8h 26m d wins! Joseph defeated!

6d 8h 25m Discharge once more! Illumise faints!

6d 8h 25m Luxray uses Discharge! Illumise is in yellow. Tackle brings Luxray to red.

6d 8h 25m Joseph sends in Illumise.

6d 8h 25m One more Discharge! Throh down.

6d 8h 25m Luxray uses Discharge again! Throh is in red. Vital Throw puts Luxray in yellow.

6d 8h 24m Luxray uses Discharge! Throh is in yellow and uses Vital Throw! Luxray in about half.

6d 8h 24m d sends in Luxray!

6d 8h 24m Dark Pulse on Throh! It isn't very effective. Storm Throw faints Hydreigon.

6d 8h 23m Joseph sends in Throh.

6d 8h 23m Draco Meteor deals the final blow to Aegislash!

6d 8h 22m Aegislash uses Sacred Sword! Hydreigon in yellow.

6d 8h 22m Hydreigon leads with Dark Pulse! Aegislash is brought to red.

6d 8h 22m Sent out Hydreigon! Joseph sends in Aegislash.

6d 8h 21m d vs. Joseph!

6d 8h 21m Participated in a Single Battle with Joseph.

6d 8h 20m At the Game Sync menu. Exited later.

6d 8h 18m Closed the trade w/ Clipper.

6d 8h 17m Trading w/ Clipper using voice chat!

6d 8h 15m Rotom-W is Lv38.

6d 8h 13m Traded Yvetal for Regis, the Rotom-W!

6d 8h 12m We're attempting a trade with Bryce.

6d 8h 9m Canceled the trade.

6d 8h 8m Accepted Clipper's trade w/ voice chat.

6d 8h 7m Clipper closed the trade.

6d 8h 4m Clipper accepted the trade. No voice chat.

6d 8h 4m Opened a trade offer with Clipper.

6d 8h 2m "Here he is, ladies and gentlemen! Thats right, it's Clipper!"

6d 8h 2m Clipper accepted the offer!

6d 8h 1m Asking to see Clipper's PR Video.

6d 8h 1m Left the GTS.

6d 8h 0m Entered the GTS.

6d 7h 57m Closed interaction with Jester.

6d 7h 56m Lost the battle vs. Jester!

6d 7h 49m Attempting a battle vs. Jester.

6d 7h 46m Closed the trade with Aidan and registered his friend code.

6d 7h 45m Trading with Aiden.

6d 7h 43m Closed the trade with Clipper.

[Snark] The voices are communicating with us by using their voices!

6d 7h 40m Now trading with Clipper! Game Chat is on!

6d 7h 36m We're currently checking the memories of our Pokemon.

6d 7h 32m Added Clipper to our favorite list.

6d 7h 29m Used an Exp. Point O-Power Lv1 on Clipper.

6d 7h 21m Left the GTS.

6d 7h 20m We're currently in the GTS, attempting a search for a Bagon.

6d 7h 18m Connected to Wi-Fi!

6d 7h 17m Entered Anistar Pokemon Center and checkpointed.

6d 7h 13m Flew to Anistar City!

6d 7h 3m We are currently in the Pokemon menu. Attempts to fly to Anistar City are being made.

6d 6h 42m Wi-Fi is currently disabled.

6d 6h 41m Disabled and re-enabled the PSS.

6d 6h 35m Passerby requests, acquaintance requests and friend requests are all enabled.

6d 6h 32m Fiddling around with the PSS and declining invites.

6d 6h 28m Stopped playing with Leon and switched to amie!

6d 6h 26m Started another battle vs Leon and forfeited first turn!

6d 6h 22m Blastoise took out Hyreigon and a Rock Slide takes out Meowstic! Lost the link battle vs. Leon!

6d 6h 21m Leon switched out Talonflame for Deoxys-D and Giratina for Regigigas!

6d 6h 21m Damage flies all around the battlefield, leaving Giratina at around half health and Meowstic with ~4.

6d 6h 19m Leon switched out Rotom-W for Talonflame and Regigigas for Giratina!

6d 6h 19m Our Hydreigon stands at 27HP. Meowstic at 94. Leon's Blastoise is around half health, with the rest full health.

6d 6h 18m Yvetal is taken out by Blastoise after getting paralyzed by Discharge!

6d 6h 18m Leon's Blastoise is mega evolved!

6d 6h 16m The battle begins! Hydreigon, Meowstic and Yvetal vs Regigigas, Rotom-W and Blastoise!

6d 6h 14m Attempting a battle with Leon!

6d 6h 10m And d forfeited!

6d 6h 9m Aegislash and Drifblim vs Regigigas and Reshiram!

6d 6h 9m And the battle begins!

6d 6h 8m The teams are Joseph and d vs GameBro and Leon!

6d 6h 7m GameBro, d, Leon and Joseph are in this Multi Battle!

6d 6h 7m Started a Multi Battle!

6d 6h 4m Closed Pokémon Amie!

6d 6h 4m Score: 2! And now we quit playing Head It! Will this be the time where we leave Amie? ...find out next update!

6d 6h 3m We started another round of Head It! Now we're on Round 12.

6d 6h 1m Wandered back into Head It! It never ends!

6d 6h 0m Score: 2! Head It! was closed.

6d 5h 59m New High Score: 6! We're up to Round 10, now!

6d 5h 58m Score: 0! And now we're doing Round 9!

6d 5h 56m Started playing Head It! again!

6d 5h 56m Score: 2! And we quit playing Head It!

6d 5h 54m New Low Score: 0! And now Round 7 begins!

6d 5h 53m Score: 3! Starting Round 6!

6d 5h 52m Score: 4! Starting Round 5!

6d 5h 51m New High Score: 4! And we're playing Round 4!

6d 5h 49m Score: 2! And now... Round 3!

6d 5h 48m New High Score: 2! And we're playing again!

6d 5h 48m We hit a ball of yarn!

6d 5h 47m Playing Head It!(Easy)

6d 5h 46m Closed out of Puzzle Swap.

6d 5h 46m Entered Pokemon Amie and started Puzzle Swap(Easy)!

6d 5h 39m We're trading with Bryce again. And then Bryce cancels the trade.

6d 5h 36m Asking to see Passerby Benson's Trainer PR Video.

6d 5h 35m Closed the trade with Clipper.

6d 5h 34m Now we're trading with Clipper! He is offering an Aegislash named "Smogon Sword". Female, Lv35.

6d 5h 32m And yet again, we stopped trading with Bryce.

6d 5h 31m Trading with Bryce again!

6d 5h 29m Stopped trading with Bryce.

6d 5h 29m Trading with Bryce!

6d 5h 26m Stopped trading with Jonjon.

6d 5h 25m Traded a shiny PC Basculin(Lv35) for Jonjon's shiny Ditto!

6d 5h 23m Traded Lapras(Lv36, Male) for Jonjon's Yvetal(Lv50)!

6d 5h 23m We're still in the trade window.

6d 5h 20m Traded Throh(Male, Lv34) for Jonjon's Hydreigon(Lv100)!

6d 5h 19m We're currently trading with another person. They are offering a Lv100 Hydreigon.

6d 5h 16m Traded Throh(Male, Lv35) for Joseph's Drifblim!

6d 5h 12m Traded Throh(Male, Lv34) for Clipper's Zoroark(Male, Lv49)!

6d 5h 9m Trading with Clipper!

6d 5h 7m At one point, A♀Q, the only Throh with a nickname, grew to Lv35!

6d 5h 6m Serena tells us to go visit Professor Sycamore at Anistar City!
And then all of the O-Powers wear off.

6d 5h 5m Serena gave us the Absolite!

6d 5h 4m Espurr evolved into Meowstic!

6d 5h 4m Defeated Pokemon Trainer Serena!
Lapras grew to Lv36!
Espurr grew to 34!

6d 5h 4m Luxray OHKOs Absol next turn.

6d 5h 3m Serena switched into Absol and turned it into Mega Absol! Luxray starts by using Electric Terrain.

6d 5h 2m Luxray grew to Lv68!
Lapras grew to Lv65!
Mankey grew to Lv35!
All three Throh grew to Lv34!

6d 5h 1m Serena switched into Altaria! HP O-Powers come in and Luxray takes out Altaria!

[Info] Due to the sheer amount of level ups and move learns, I couldn't catch them all in time.

6d 4h 59m Throh grew to Lv33 and learned Bulk Up over Revenge!
Throh grew to Lv33 and learned Bulk Up over Storm Throw!
Throh grew to Lv33 and learned Bulk Up over Body Slam!

6d 4h 59m Delphox is sent out and promptly taken out by Luxray!

6d 4h 58m Lapras grew to Lv33!
Mankey grew to Lv33!
Espurr grew to Lv33!
Throh grew to Lv32!
Throh grew to Lv32!
Throh grew to Lv32!

6d 4h 58m Luxray learns Electric Terrain over Roar.

6d 4h 56m With 83 HP, Luxray defeats Jolteon and Luxray grows to Lv67!

6d 4h 55m Luxray nails yet another Return crit onto Jolteon, and Jolteon barely survives.

6d 4h 55m Luxray gets a Return crit on Jolteon, taking it to around half health.

6d 4h 54m HP O-Powers save Luxray from certain doom, and Serena switches out Delphox for Jolteon again.

6d 4h 54m Luxray manages to paralyze Delphox and knock it into the red!

6d 4h 53m Luxray uses Roar, and Delphox is forcefully switched out for Serena!

6d 4h 53m Serena switched out Delphox for Jolteon!

6d 4h 52m A surge of level ups hit the team! Serena switched into Delphox.

6d 4h 51m Lapras grew to Lv32! Rain Dance was overwrote with Ice Beam!

6d 4h 51m Luxray took out Clefable and Luxray grew to Lv66!

6d 4h 50m Serena switched into Clefable. O-Powers are still coming in while Luxray uses Discharge against Clefable

6d 4h 49m Lapras grew to Lv31! Meowstic grew to Lv37!

6d 4h 49m Luxray paralyzes Meowstic with Discharge. O-Powers are coming in.

6d 4h 48m Offered HP Power Lv3 by Jonjon! Luxray is fully restored.

6d 4h 48m Serena begins the battle with Fake Out! We take minimal damage and get stalled to another turn.

6d 4h 48m The battle starts with Meowstic(Lv66) vs Luxray(Lv65).

6d 4h 47m Battling Rival Serena!

[Fluff] It's kind of ironic that it's not easy to find a specific player in the Player Search System.

6d 4h 47m We're back on the PSS menu.

6d 4h 43m Started another game and quit! After that, we slapped Luxray in the face and closed Amie.

6d 4h 42m We completed Puzzle Swap(Easy)!

6d 4h 40m We're about halfway done with the puzzle.

6d 4h 37m We're swapping around puzzle pieces. We have got a couple into place already!

6d 4h 36m We're now playing Puzzle Swap(Easy).

6d 4h 34m Because we're currently unable to drag, we're unable to get a single point.

6d 4h 33m Started playing Berry Picker(Easy!)

6d 4h 32m Started playing with Luxray in Pokémon Amie!

6d 4h 31m Got a Spice Poké Puff!

6d 4h 29m We have recently traded away PC Alakazam to JonJon and got a shiny Thundurus in exchange!

At some point, we were also in a battle against our Aegislash!

[Info] As live updates have been out recently, I'll summarize what has happened.

1| We did multiple trades, ending with Luxray(0"☀ ☀0☀☺) and Lapras(Fresh Prince.)

2| We got into a multi battle. It was d and Jester vs Coryn and Joseph! In the end, Coryn and Joseph won.

3| We caught multiple Pokemon at the Friend Safari. They are:
Mankey - PP QTTTSD - Female, Lv10
Throh - A♀Q - Male, Lv30
Throh - Throh - Male, Lv30
Throh - Throh - Male, Lv30

4| We then traded Mankey(PP QTTTSD) for Daniel's Espurr. We also did another trade with him by trading away our shiny Vaporeon in the PC.

[info] We got Luxray from that last trade from when we handed over Druddigon.

6d 3h 12m Traded over Mawile for Cleffina's Yvetal "Y"!

6d 3h 9m Traded over our Druddigon for one of Aissurteivos Pokémon! (Sorry, don't know the name. Not familiar)

6d 3h 8m Canceled the trade.

6d 3h 6m Trading with Dr.Clipper, I think?

6d 3h 6m Canceled trade with Alex.

6d 3h 4m RE-Traded over Gyrados for Meloetta!

6d 3h 3m Traded Meloetta for Alex's Shiny Gyrados!

6d 3h 2m Traded Sylveon for Alex's Mawile!

6d 3h 0m We exited out of the 4 person battle match up.

6d 2h 59m Battle ended, with the opposing team..... Winning?

6d 2h 58m Against Pokémon "Dr. Clipper" and Khangaskhan!

6d 2h 57m d's Druddigon is sent out!

6d 2h 57m d & Aissurteivos vs. Clipper & GameBro!

6d 2h 55m Another Wi-Fi Battle! Looks like its a 4 person group, which means 2 vs. 2 battle!

6d 2h 53m And we exit out of Lloyds request.

6d 2h 52m It was a "Draw". Or did we cancel? Either way, the battle ended.

6d 2h 51m Lloyd switched out "Master Bait" for "It'll be ok"

[Snark] and Lloyd has 3 Pokemon selected. NUMBER MISMATCH!

[Info] We only entered Sylveon. If Trainer Lloyd defeats it, that's it for us!

6d 2h 49m Trainer Lloyed switched out his Lloyd for "Master Bait"

6d 2h 47m Sylveon vs. Shiny Lloyd!

6d 2h 47m d vs. Lloyd!

6d 2h 46m We're going to have a Wi-Fi Single Battle with someone!

6d 2h 44m Canceled trade with Cleffina.

6d 2h 43m Traded Gengar for Cleffina's Sylveon!

6d 2h 42m Canceled trade with Alex.

6d 2h 41m Trading with someone else. You know the drill....

6d 2h 39m Canceled trade with Cleffina. We received a "Nice!" from some folks!

6d 2h 38m Trading with someone else now.

[Fluff] I guess Kuno's Haunter probably evolved as well!

6d 2h 36m Haunter is evolving! It evolved into Gengar!

6d 2h 35m Traded our Female Haunter (Weird Nickname) with Kuno's Male Haunter!

6d 2h 35m Trading again.

6d 2h 33m Trade was Canceled by Jenny.

6d 2h 33m Trading with someone else now!

[Info] And Jonjon got his Unown back too.

6d 2h 31m We just Retraded back our same Pokemon! We got back Meloetta!

[Info] Jonjon's Unown.

6d 2h 29m Traded our Meloetta for an Unown Lvl.100

6d 2h 28m Looks like we're going to trade with someone else now!

6d 2h 27m Canceled out of Trading.

6d 2h 26m Kadabra is evolving! It evolved into Alakazam!

6d 2h 26m Traded Skiddo for Drexal's Kadabra!

6d 2h 25m We save the game, and at the Trading session once again!

6d 2h 24m And we left the trading screen.

6d 2h 20m d Saves the game! And we're going to trade, from what I can tell.

6d 2h 19m Looks like we're going to be a Wi-Fi Battle with someone! Single Battle Normal Rules, but we declined it!

6d 2h 19m We have closed out of the GTS Menu.

6d 2h 16m We're in the GTS Menu, seeking Pokemon.

6d 2h 16m we saved the game, and Turned back on the Internet!

6d 2h 14m Closed out of Super Training menu, and back to Wi-Fi.

6d 2h 13m [Fluff] And it rapidly hurts us with Shadow Soccer Balls! We canceled out of it!

6d 2h 12m We're against the Tentacruel Balloon! We need to score 1000 points to defeat this!

6d 2h 12m Okay THIS TIME We're in Super Training with Druddigon!

[Fluff] Seems like we're completely lost without our old team. ;_;

6d 2h 8m Maybe? Or no? We keep going in and out of Super Training!

6d 2h 7m Or not.....?

6d 2h 6m Back to Super Training! This time with Druddigon!

6d 2h 5m Acquaintances are turned on!

6d 2h 5m Friends turned on!

6d 2h 4m [Info] Friends and Acquaintances are off. Passerby is on!

6d 2h 4m Game Chat is disabled!

6d 2h 2m Added user 'Brandon' to our Favorites List.

[Fluff] Not sure what the goal was there. Not like that it matters anyway, since we don't have a decent team any more to work online with.

6d 1h 57m Looks like we're turning Off and On PSS settings.

6d 1h 56m Game Chat is enabled!

6d 1h 55m Acquaintances turned back off! Also, our Trainer PR video appears to be private.

6d 1h 52m We turned Acquaintances On again! Passerby List was turned off!

6d 1h 47m We turned Acquaintances On briefly, and then turned them back off.

6d 1h 45m We have Disconnected from the Internet!

[Options] Text Speed: Slow, Battle FX: On, Battle Style: Set, Batlle BG: Stickers, Button Mode: L=A

Haunter's Summary:

[Stats] Haunter Lv. 58 - Max. HP 127 Attack 81 Defense 65 Sp. Atk 143 Sp. Def 72 Speed 122

[Meta] Someone is playing the sad Memory Link song from Pokemon Black in TwitchSpeaks. There is a load of this:

BibleThump CRYOT BibleThump

6d 1h 35m We save the game.

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ __________ OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

6d 1h 31m Exited the Battle Maison building. Back outside Kiloude City.

6d 1h 24m Switched to the Wi-Fi touch screen menu.

6d 1h 21m Got a White Feather Cushion from Nicholas, Brian, and some Japanese/Chinese person.

6d 1h 20m Exited out of Haunters play room on Poké Amie.

6d 1h 19m Looking at Haunter in Poké Amie.

[Chat] "Twitch Plays __________"

6d 1h 17m Switched to the Poké Amie touch screen menu. Haunter is currently in it.

[Snark] aka the Battle HAXson

6d 1h 13m Entered the Battle Maison building!

6d 1h 12m Inputs were cleared again.

[Fluff] I wasn't here when our original whole team from the Elite 4 Run was disbanded through all the Trades, but whatever happened then, we have to live with now. And currently, we have just one Haunter, and a single Druddigon. "RIP d's original Team."

6d 1h 6m Exited out of Super Training, and switched menus.

6d 1h 5m Ran out of time. Kappa

6d 1h 1m On to the Magneton Balloon stage this time! We need to score 1500 points for this one.

6d 1h 1m We canceled out of the stage before the timer ran out.

[Info] As of phase 2 of Super Training, the scores we need to finish off the balloons are a little higher. For this balloon, we need 1000 points.

6d 0h 57m We are now attempting an Aerodactyl Balloon stage!

6d 0h 56m We have now phase 2 of Haunter's training stage. 6 more balloons were added.

6d 0h 55m Haunter's SP.ATK goes up by 4! We get a SP.ATK Bag M! "TEH URN!"

6d 0h 55m SUCCESS! We beat the Magnemite Balloon!

6d 0h 53m Attempt #5 against the Magnemite Balloon!

6d 0h 51m Time ran out once again! Still got some strength bags though.

6d 0h 47m Against the Magnemite Balloon again! Attempt #4?

6d 0h 47m Ran out of time again. Kappa But we did receive a complimentary Strength Bag.

6d 0h 43m Looks like we're gonna retry the Magnemite Balloon stage with Haunter again!

6d 0h 41m Inputs were cleared for a brief moment.

6d 0h 40m Defeated the Geodude Balloon! Haunters Defense raised by 4, and got Training Bag S.

6d 0h 38m Now trying the Geodude Balloon stage! This time, we need 400 points to defeat the Geodude balloon.

6d 0h 37m We defeated the Tentacool Balloon! Haunter's Sp. Def is raised by 4, and received some more training bags!

6d 0h 34m Now trying the Tentacool Balloon stage in Super Training! Need 200 points to finish!

6d 0h 34m We beat the Noibat balloon, with little time remaining left. Haunter's Speed was increased by 4!

[Info] We need 200 points to beat this stage.

6d 0h 30m We are now trying a Noibat Balloon stage.

6d 0h 29m Timer ran out again. We lost.

[Info] To beat the Magnetite Balloon stage in Super Training, we need to score 300 points. But we keep getting hit by dark soccer balls thrown by the enemy.

6d 0h 27m Currently retrying the Magnemite Balloon stage.

[Info] For each win/lose attempt at super training, it appears that we receive some complimentary punching bags to use on the training touch screen display.

6d 0h 26m We ran out of time before we could defeat it.

6d 0h 23m Against a Magnemite Balloon, as we continue to shoot soccer balls in the floating goals.

6d 0h 22m We re-entered super training with Haunter.

6d 0h 21m We discarded an Attack M Bag from training menu.

6d 0h 19m Haunter's Super Training done. It's Attack was increased by 4!

6d 0h 4m Super-Training Haunter,Defense increased by 4!

6d 0h 3m Opened the Super-Training Menu.

6d 0h 2m Messing with the settings,and exited the menu.

6d 0h 0m We're in Poké Amie, messing with Haunter.

== Welcome to the seventh day (a.k.a the second day of post game) of TPP Pokemon X!==

5d 23h 56m Got Supreme Honor PokePuff from Joseph,Mallory and Jake!

5d 23h 53m Exited Pokemon Center.

[Info] The PC Contains a Level 70 Japan Zygarde.

5d 23h 42m Opened the PC!

5d 23h 35m Send out Sawk that faints,lost the battle!

5d 23h 33m We send out Haunter,and faints

5d 23h 31m Diancie faints from Archeops' Earthquake!

5d 23h 29m Battling John via Wi-Fi battle!

[Fluff] If we have our old team... ;-;

5d 23h 15m Gigalith faints from Psychic! Black out!

5d 23h 14m We send out our Gigalith!

5d 23h 12m Haunter faints!

5d 23h 11m Meowstic used Psychic,Druddigon Faints! Send out Haunter!

5d 23h 10m Meowstic OHKOs Sawk! We send out Druddigon!

5d 23h 10m Diancie faints from Meowstic's Psychic,send out Sawk!

5d 23h 9m Diancie vs Meowstic!

5d 23h 9m d VS. Serena!

5d 23h 4m Exited the Battle Maison.

5d 22h 59m Exited the battle room.

5d 22h 57m We have saved this Battle Video.

5d 22h 57m We lost to Schoolboy Kevin!

5d 22h 53m Against Schoolboy Kevin!

5d 22h 52m Defeated the kid trainer, and the receptionist healed our team! We recieved 1 BP

[Info] We have currently entered Sawk, Gigalith, and a Haunter in the fight.

5d 22h 48m We have begun to battle some trainers inside the Battlle Maison!

[Snark] Battle Maison members are Google supporters.

5d 22h 22m Entered the Battle Maison!

5d 22h 18m Saved the game,entered Wonder Trade menu and exited it.

5d 22h 12m Entered the Online Competition menu and exited it.

5d 22h 9m Entered the Battle Spot menu....and closed it.

5d 22h 0m Entered the Wonder Trade menu and exited it.

5d 21h 57m Denied a battle against Passerby Cole.

5d 21h 56m Exited the Friend Safari

5d 21h 43m We viewing video 3 in PR Videos

5d 21h 42m Sandile deposited to Box 3

5d 21h 41m Apparently there's a second Diancie in the PC with a PP UP

[Info] Our party is Diancie, Haunter, Sawk, Druggigon, Gigalith, and Sandile

5d 21h 33m We still in the PC

5d 21h 31m Sawk, Druddigon, Haunter, Sandile, and Gigalith were withdrew and now in the party.

[Info] Our party currently only contains Diancie.

5d 21h 24m We deposit Spinda, Solosis, and Mew, and Greninja, and Pansear in Box 2

5d 21h 23m PC accessed

5d 21h 22m We reconnect to the internet!

5d 21h 17m We turn off the WiFi

[Correction] Brandon canceled the trade, not us.

5d 21h 13m Brandon offers up a Shiny Suicune this time. We cancel the trade

5d 21h 11m Mew is offered in this trade we entered. We trade AATTVVV to Brandon for the Mew

5d 21h 9m We exit the Friend Safari. Back at the Front Desk

5d 21h 8m Pansear lv up to 15, Solosis to 13, No nickname givin to Machoke

5d 21h 7m We use the Dusk Ball on a lv. 30 Machoke.

Solosis lv. up to Lv 12 and learns Scratch

Pansear Levels up by 1

Sawk gets no nickname

5d 21h 2m We use the Dusk Ball to catch the lv. 30 Male Sawk.

[Snark] Mr. Toilet sir, may I use you for a minute? Oh wait, never mind.

5d 20h 59m We encouter a Sawk!

5d 20h 59m We then Cancel the trade

5d 20h 58m Passerby Toilet wants to trade with us. We accept

5d 20h 57m !________uu7 is our Machoke's nickname

[Fluff] DEM Level Ups!

5d 20h 57m Pansear lvs up to Lv. 13 It does learn Fury Swipes over Scratch Solosis lv. up to Lv. 9. Learns Reflect and Rollout

[Stats] Pansear Lv. 13 - Max. HP 36 Attack 23 Defense 18 Sp. Atk 19 Sp. Def 20 Speed 21

5d 20h 56m Pansear gains three levels and is now level 13!

5d 20h 55m We use the Dusk Ball to catch Machoke.

5d 20h 52m Spinda goes down vs the Machoke

5d 20h 52m We find another Machoke

5d 20h 52m Machoke is defeated

5d 20h 50m We find a Machoke

5d 20h 50m We enter Dracyoshi's Friend Safari


5d 20h 49m We're Lil D agin


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 20h 49m STREAM DOWN!


[Info] Apparently we're on a diffrent Save. We're Bryce now

[Fluff] Wait... This is NOT Lil'd! WHO IS THIS?

5d 20h 45m We are in Camphrier Town Currently.

[Fluff] Wait... What team is this?


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ÉMEUTE OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


5d 20h 38m We save the game and enter Wonder Trade. We then quickly exit it

5d 20h 36m PC Accessed at the Friend Safari reception desk. We quickly exit it

[Correction] Its name is AATTVVV, not AATTVV. Same as Dragonslayer from Red.

5d 20h 35m Passerby Yoshi (So Happy) wants to trade. We decline

[Info] AATTVV is lv. 30 and Male

5d 20h 33m We then offer up Diancie but we pull. We then end the trade

5d 20h 33m Pansear is offered up for trade. Allison offers Dragonair but we decline

5d 20h 30m Allison offers a Haxorus but we decline. Now she offers a Venomoth named "AATTVV." We trade for it for a Solosis

5d 20h 30m We offer the Spinda we just got. Lv. 52 Female

5d 20h 29m We are trading a Snorlax for Spinda from Allison

5d 20h 28m We Sp. Attack Power from Passerby Orca

We are back in Wonder Trade. We send out Heracross lv 27 Female for trade. Christian picks it up and sends us a Japanese Solosis

5d 20h 23m Our Aromatisse is put up for trade. A Giancarlo trades it for a Snorlax

5d 20h 23m We enter Wonder Trade once Again

5d 20h 22m We disconnect and then reconnect to the Internet

5d 20h 18m We then exit it

5d 20h 18m We enter Battle Spot.

5d 20h 15m We trade a Lv. 27 Fennikin to a Mike from Kentucky and we recieve a Mienfoo for it

5d 20h 13m Our Drifloon is traded for a Heracross from a Jovanni

5d 20h 12m We enter Wonder Trade again

5d 20h 10m lv. 1 Tevenant is offered up for trade. We get a Solosis from Liam

[Snark] Brian Kappa

5d 20h 9m We trade our Skorupi to Lucas for a Pidgeot

5d 20h 8m Skorupi lv 38 Female if offered up for trade

5d 20h 7m We then save the game and enter Wonder Trade

We look at our trainer card, d's beautiful face, our ¥566956, and our badges.

5d 20h 6m Passerby Phantom gives up Bargain Power lv. 1

5d 20h 5m We exit Battle Spot

[Snark] Shortest Battle Video Ever

5d 20h 4m vs. Jacob. It's Aggron, Volcorona, and Porygon-z vs... and we forfiet

5d 20h 0m We find "Jacob" from California.

5d 20h 0m We participate in a Free Battle on Battle Spot! We do Triple Battles!

5d 19h 58m Reconnected, and we're on Battle Spot no-- nevermind.

5d 19h 57m Disconnected from the internet!


[Snark] Waifu for Waifu!

5d 19h 56m We get a Jynx. A Jynx for our Kirila.

5d 19h 56m We are back Wonder Trading, and we send off our girl Kirlia that's holding the Master Ball!


5d 19h 54m SHE GIVES US A WOOPER!!!!

5d 19h 54m We send off our other Slowpoke!

5d 19h 53m We reconnect by Wonder Trading!

5d 19h 53m Battle Spot closed, then we disconnect ourselves from the internet.

5d 19h 52m Battle Spot is up, we tried to participate in everything but "free battles"

5d 19h 51m Waffles sends us a Zorua!

[Meta] FaithfulForce will be doing "Human Mode" in 10 minutes on TwitchSpeaks. (8:00 PM EDT)

5d 19h 51m We find someone named "Waffles"

5d 19h 50m Wonder Trading.. again! We trade our Slowpoke.

5d 19h 50m We opened up Battle Spot! But then closed out of it.

5d 19h 49m We could not find anyone apparently.

5d 19h 48m Taking awhile to find a trade partner.

5d 19h 48m Wonder Trading our party Pansear!

5d 19h 46m And we reconnected ourselves.

5d 19h 44m We disconnected from the internet.

5d 19h 43m Inputs disappeared for a split second.

5d 19h 40m We tell the world "TlftejaaH17xxx"

[Fluff] Yes, its cry changed. But we already knew that.

5d 19h 39m Lysol gives us a Bulbasaur for Metang.

5d 19h 39m Metang is up for trade!

5d 19h 37m Pablo gives us a Skiddo for our shiny Mudkip.

5d 19h 37m We trade away our shiny Mudkip!

5d 19h 36m More Wonder Trading.

5d 19h 34m Tomas will be receiving baby Smogon, he gives us a Smogon Tree! Trevenant!

5d 19h 33m We trade Honedge! Bye Smogon Sword!

5d 19h 33m Nicknamed "SCHNECKMAG".

5d 19h 32m We find a boy named Sandro. He gives us a Slugma!

5d 19h 31m Wonder Trading a Bagon!

5d 19h 29m RAZAK gave us a Sunflora.

5d 19h 28m We trade a Zigzagoon to RAZAK!

5d 19h 28m Wonder Trading again!

5d 19h 27m Qwerty cancelled our trade.

5d 19h 27m Spritzee evolved into Aromatisse.

5d 19h 26m We offered a Blissey for Spritzee. Bye Blissey!

5d 19h 25m Passerby Qwerty wants to trade with us.

5d 19h 24m Yoshi from Ohio has been found! Froakie for a Drifloon!

5d 19h 24m More Wonder Trading, we trade a Froakie!

[Snark] Our Aegislash devolved! JORSUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN


5d 19h 23m Shiki gives us a Honedge for Gengar!

5d 19h 22m We trade a Level 99 Gengar!

5d 19h 21m We reconnect and now we're Wonder Trading!

5d 19h 20m We disconnected ourselves from the internet.


5d 19h 20m He gives us a Snover!

5d 19h 19m A japanese person is the winner, let's see what he gives us!

5d 19h 18m More random trades! We trade Nekito's Pancham!

5d 19h 18m We received a Pancham for Josh's Scatterbug.

5d 19h 18m Lucky winner goes to... Nekito from Mexico!

5d 19h 17m Who will be the lucky winner?

5d 19h 15m Wonder Trading again, we trade a Scatterbug.

5d 19h 14m Josh gives us a Scatterbug..!

5d 19h 14m Wonder Trading a Charmander!

5d 19h 13m Wonder Trading now.

5d 19h 12m Back outside Kiloude City!

5d 19h 10m Trade cancelled with Ryne.

5d 19h 8m We offer a Japanese Fletchling, he offers us a Larvitar! But we cancelled the trade.

5d 19h 7m Traded Boldore evolved into Gigalith.

5d 19h 6m We put a German Garchomp up for trade! He gives us a Boldore.

5d 19h 6m Trading with Passerby Ryhe!

5d 19h 5m Trade with Bryce was cancelled.

[Correction] Shiny Greninja.

5d 19h 3m We trade a Snover for a Greninja named "Gregor" with the Helix Fossil!

5d 19h 3m We are trading with Passerby Bryce!

5d 19h 1m Pansear grew to Level 10! We did not learn Incinerate!

5d 19h 1m We now have control of the game again.

5d 19h 0m Streamer reconnects us to the internet.

5d 18h 59m Pokémon X booted back up after 4 hours!

5d 18h 58m 3DS is off!

[Snark] Welcome to Pokémon Friend Safari Version.

5d 18h 54m We have now been frozen for 4 strait hours, blacked out at the Pokémon X Friend Safari Music Theme!

[Info] We're up to 500 Kappa's now.

[Snark] I see one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Seven Kappas.

[Chat] Chat is counting Kappas right now.

5d 18h 27m 3 hours, 30 Minutes.

[Pun] Maybe having d blacked out FOREVER was the final "PUN"ishment of TPP for breaking the input system.

[Snark] It could be reciprocal, just saying.

[Snark] All these exponents are making a parabolic snark.

[Chat] Kappa

5d 17h 54m Literally 3 hours now, FROZEN!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ LATE RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

While we're waiting for Streamer to wake up, why don't we listen to some Nimbasa City Music!


[Info] 2 hours, 20 min. to be exact. Not quite 2 hr.30 min yet.

5d 17h 18m Incase you are wondering, Pokémon X is still down.

♪ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ DANCE RIOT ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♪

[Chat] Command Inputs: A0000000000

[Snark] Stream isn't frozen guys, we've managed to get on 3DS Browser to listen to the 2 Hour-Loop version of the Friend Safari soundtrack.

5d 16h 54m Literally 2 hours now.

5d 16h 50m Stream has been frozen for approximately 2 hours now.

[Info] Spam bot filter seems to be broken as well. There's a lot of ASCII art pics being spammed in chat.

5d 16h 38m Riots are back.

[Info] Riots have settled down, but we're still playing Pokémon Black.

5d 16h 25m Stream is still frozen.

[Meta] While we are waiting for the stream to be fixed, for those that have missed TEH URN, You can watch them here.

Trainer d VS. The Elite 4 Run!

Trainer d VS. The Champion + AZ Fight!

Credit goes to the uploader.

[Info] nevermind it is back again

[Info] The riot somewhat stopped.

5d 16h 10m News? What news? The stream is frozen and the chat is rioting.

[Snark] The stream went with us RIOTing

[Snark] The stream is still frozen. Maybe it went on strike?

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ÉMEUTE ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Chat] A000000000

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ÉMEUTE OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Snark] riot and all that junk. I'm too lazy to copy-paste dongers.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ÉMEUTE ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ರೃ༽ノ EMEUTE ヽ༼ຈل͜ರೃ༽ノ

[Snark] Let it goooooooooo!

5d 15h 46m The stream has been frozen for 50 minutes now!

ヽ̉༼̒ྚ̓ຈ̓ິ̻ل͋ຈ̋ັ̔༽́ノ̈́ ͨG̔L̏I͋T̚CͣHͥ ̄ ̍R̓ĨO͆Tͬ ̆ヽͮ༼ͪ͏̱ྚͣຈ͂ິ͝لͨຈ̓ັ̈༽ͧノ̄

[Snark] This is 3D DARKNESS!

[Snark] This isn't your average everyday darkness, this is ADVANCED DARKNESS

[Info] This Riot is going on for 35 minutes now, maybe a new Riot record?

[Meta] Due to the riot, TwitchSpeaks has started an open mic session. Come join!

[Snark] Seems like we're playing pokemon black again.

ヽ゚༼ྚຈິلٍຈັ༽ུノ͌ G̯L̯I̯͏̯T̯C̯H̯ ̯ ̯R̯I̯O̯T̯ ヽ゚༼ྚຈິلٍຈັ༽ུノ͌

ヽ༼ຈل͜ರೃ༽ノ CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE ヽ༼ຈل͜ರೃ༽ノ

[Chat] A00000000000

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Fluff] Inb4 3DS Streamer is sleeping (AGAIN)

[Snark] 3DS Down! d blacked out!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

The screen suddenly turned Black!

5d 14h 54m Currently in a trade.

5d 14h 43m We find TidusP from France! We get a Patrat.

5d 14h 43m Wonder Traded Amoongus!

5d 14h 41m We find Daniel From Spain! We trade Worms to him, and get a Noibat.

5d 14h 41m Wondertraded Beedrill!

5d 14h 36m We tell everyone we're feeling happy with the letter "T".

5d 14h 35m We had a battle with Cleffina, but we lost or forfeited.

5d 14h 29m We get a Japanese Girl! She gives us a Froakie.

5d 14h 29m Vaporeon wonder traded!

5d 14h 28m Wi-Fi Back on!

5d 14h 25m Wi-Fi disconnected.

[Info] Apparently, we turned Wi-Fi off for a few minutes. We have now saved the game, and turned it back on!

5d 14h 11m We meet Karuosu from Spain! We get a Pansear.

5d 14h 11m We wondertrade Omastar!

5d 14h 5m Pidgeot traded for Meloetta.

5d 14h 3m Ninetales traded for a Blissey!

[Fluff] Daniel: Help me find d !

5d 14h 0m Lampet traded for a Level 30 Female Ninetales.

5d 13h 57m Chesnaught traded for a Lampent!

5d 13h 53m Greninja down to Aerial Ace! We lost.

5d 13h 52m Chesnaught down to Roserade's Petal Dance!

5d 13h 52m Diance down to Greninja's Water Pulse!

5d 13h 51m Daniel sends in Hawlucha.

5d 13h 50m We are to send in Greninja!

5d 13h 50m Ampharos falls to Poison Damage.

5d 13h 49m Omastar down to Roserade's Petal Dance!

5d 13h 48m Nothing really happens this turn! No one made a significant beating other then Diancie diamond storming Ampharos.

5d 13h 47m Chesnaught and Omastar out.

5d 13h 46m Ampharos uses Light Screen. Diancie attacked Ampharos.

5d 13h 46m Vaporeon down to Roserade's Petal Dance!

5d 13h 46m Greninja takes out Gengar with Night Slash!

5d 13h 45m Diancie, Gengar, and Vaporeon versus Ampharos, Greninja, and Roserade.

5d 13h 45m Battle! Versus Daniel!


5d 13h 43m We meet up with Daniel from California!

5d 13h 42m We choose to enter Battle Spot!

5d 13h 40m Only Passerbys can contact d now. Good luck!

5d 13h 39m We will no longer get from Acquaintances!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !pause

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !resume

5d 13h 38m Wi-Fi turned back on.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !pause

5d 13h 38m We get a communication error. Wi Fi was shut down.

5d 13h 37m Omastar holds a Carbos.

5d 13h 36m We forfeit the match.

5d 13h 36m Adrizel sends in Talonflame. We use Thunder. It's actually a Zoroark!

5d 13h 35m We only selected Omastar and Gengar. Gengar is our only mon left!

5d 13h 34m Garchomp mega evolves. It uses Earthquake. Omastar down!

5d 13h 34m Adrizel sends in his Garchomp.

5d 13h 34m Delphox uses Psychic. Omastar continues to rollout. Delphox faints.

5d 13h 33m Will o Wisp hits! Omastar keeps rolling out.

5d 13h 33m We avoid a Will O Wisp and use Rollout.

5d 13h 32m Omastar versus Delphox.

5d 13h 32m We have a rematch with Adrizel.

5d 13h 30m Greninja uses Hydro Cannon. Diancie down! We lost!

5d 13h 30m Adrizel sends in his Greninja.

5d 13h 30m We use Moonblast! Zoroark down.

5d 13h 29m We are attacked by Hyper Beam and use Diamond Storm! It was a Zoroark.

5d 13h 29m Diancie versus Talonflame.

5d 13h 29m We are challenged by Adrizel!

5d 13h 19m Giratina traded for a Level 100 Shiny Vaporeon.

5d 13h 17m Tepig traded for a Level 100 Male Omastar.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Jakob and Adrizel can you ease off a little bit? There are 1300 people watching the stream and they want to have a change as well.

5d 13h 8m Traded our Heracross for the Diancie again.

5d 13h 7m We trade it back. Chesnaught returns!

5d 13h 6m Chesnaught traded for a level 50 Diancie.

5d 13h 4m Wi-fi Refreshed.

5d 13h 1m Traded the Vivillion for a level 6 Giratina.

[Info] Vivillion is level 13, German, and Male.

5d 12h 57m Traded our other Paras for a Vivillion!

5d 12h 55m (Well, the nicknamed one.)

5d 12h 55m Traded our Paras for a level 99 Gengar!

5d 12h 51m We choose to quit.

5d 12h 50m We accept a battle with Adrizel.

5d 12h 48m Traded our Level 30 Volbeat for a Level 97 Male Greninja.

5d 12h 43m We send out Volbeat with all of the e's and receive a Level 1 Male Shiny Tepig!

5d 12h 40m We trade our Lv. 20 Kabuto with our Lv. 86 Male Chesnaught!

5d 12h 36m We left the Safari.

5d 12h 34m Another Ball, and It catches! Lvl. 30 Male Heracross, nickname is Téé"" httth

5d 12h 33m Used a Dusk Ball on a wild Heracross! It fails.

5d 12h 30m Another Dusk Ball, caught. Lvl. 30 Female Paras. Nickname is !(2 spaces)é6 u4é6u(1 space)

5d 12h 29m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Paras. It fails.

5d 12h 26m Another Dusk Ball! Caught level 30 Volbeat Male. Nickname is !tééé eeéé(2 spaces)

5d 12h 25m We use 2 More Dusk Balls on it.

5d 12h 20m We used a Dusk Ball on a wild Volbeat. The Volbeat KOs Paras!

5d 12h 14m Kabuto faints to a Wild Heracross!

5d 12h 10m We send our Level 1 Vaporeon and get a Lvl. 52 Male Floatzel (Also Adrizel)!

[Meta] Hey guys. Just letting you know that I'm going to be trying to hook my Pokemon online. But before I do that, I may transfer my 3DS stuff over to my 3DS_XL (My original 3DS R button is broken, and the system is a little worn from usage). Anyway, if you happen to see some trainer named "TrainerMario" in the bottom of the list, that is me, in Pokémon X. Just a little heads up. :)

5d 12h 8m We trade our Poliwhirl for a Lv. 20 Male Kabuto! Adriznel sent it!

5d 12h 6m Another Dusk Ball Catches a Lv. 30 Female Paras! No Nickname.

5d 12h 6m We use a Dusk Ball on a wild Paras. It fails.

5d 12h 0m Graveler evolves into a Golem!

5d 11h 59m We give our True Prophet Vaporeon and get a Lv. 57 Male Graveler named God.

5d 11h 58m We use a Quick Ball and Catch a Lv. 30 Female Volbeat! No nickname.

[Info] Our Poliwhirl is Shiny.

5d 11h 55m We go on a Friend Safari with Kuno!

[Info] Jenny sent that to us!

5d 11h 52m We give a level 1 Female Bunnelby, and we receive a level 21 Female Kirlia named Jenny Jr.! It has a Masterball!

5d 11h 50m We trade our level 70 Groundon for a level 94 Male Garchomp (Knackrack)!

[Snark] A guy is trying to trade a Weepingbell named JORSUUUUUUUUUUN!

5d 11h 45m We enter the Friend Safari!

5d 11h 41m Back outside!

[Info] The Poseidon nickname has a diamond on each side, and it has Leftovers.

5d 11h 37m We trade a level 17 Male Machop for a level 100 Male SHINY Vaporeon! (Poseidon)

5d 11h 36m Currently in a house.

5d 11h 28m We exit the pokecenter, still with only Poliwhirl in our team.


5d 11h 26m Traded a level 17 Solrock for a level 70 Groudon! The chat erupts for Kenya.

5d 11h 21m We were offered a shiny level 100 Vaporeon in a trade, but the trade was cancelled.

5d 11h 20m Deposited Lapras, Zygarde, Diancie, and Hawlucha. Poliwhirl remains.

5d 11h 18m Deposited Charizard.

5d 11h 18m We try to withdraw an Amoonguss, but the party is full :(

5d 11h 16m We got wallpapers! For beating the game!

5d 11h 16m Accessed the PC! Or not.

5d 11h 16m We save!

5d 11h 14m In the Pokecenter!

5d 11h 14m We checkpoint!

5d 11h 11m We register Frank!

5d 11h 9m Received the Vs. Recorder!

5d 11h 9m A man confronts us about the parade.

5d 11h 8m In Kiloude City!

5d 11h 6m We scan our pass. Boarded the TMV Train!

5d 11h 3m We add Chipsy!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Because otherwise it will just be those acquaintances spamming endlessly as you have seen here

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: How about this, I disable requests from friends but not acquaintances, so if those acquaintances become annoying you just vote them into friends and they can't interact with d anymore.

5d 11h 0m We add Kuno!

5d 10h 59m We register Kaiosu!

5d 10h 55m We head down to the Train Station!

5d 10h 53m Obtained the TMV Pass!

5d 10h 53m We talk to the Professor!

5d 10h 45m Communication was interrupted just as we were adding Kuno as a friend.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I'm testing an auto refresh mode, so far it's not working FailFish

5d 10h 42m We forfeit. It's a draw!

5d 10h 41m We use Strength again, and avoid Mawile's Attack!

5d 10h 41m Charizard uses Strength, Mawile uses Iron Head and KOs Dianice!

5d 10h 38m Filia Mega-Evolves (Mawile), attacks, we use Flamethrower on Ditto, and Diancie used Return, KOing Ditto!

5d 10h 38m Filia is the nickname, not the actual Pokemon.

5d 10h 37m We send them out against Filia and Sa-Sd the Ditto!

5d 10h 35m We enter Diancie and Charizard!

5d 10h 35m We engage in a Double Battle with Pixel!

5d 10h 32m Actual game! 2 People meet us, and they tell us about the 3 Pokedexs. National Pokedex obtained!

5d 10h 32m We transfer our Trainer PR video to someone!

5d 10h 29m Communication error!

5d 10h 26m We give Diancie a PP UP! (To hold)

5d 10h 23m Received a Befriending Power Lv. 2 O-Power!

5d 10h 21m We use another Hydro Pump, Zygarde uses Land's Wrath. Poliwhirl faints! We lose!

5d 10h 21m We use Hydro Pump, Zygarde uses Coil!

5d 10h 20m Another Wake-Up Slap, another Coil!

5d 10h 20m Poliwhirl uses Wake-Up Slap, Zygarde uses Coil!

5d 10h 19m Xerneas uses Geomancy, we use Wake-Up Slap, KOing Xerneas. Zygarde uses Coil.

5d 10h 19m Against Zygarde!

5d 10h 19m Yveltal uses Thief, we use Mod Bomb on Xerneas, Xerneas KOs Yveltal!

5d 10h 18m Yvetal uses Oblivion Wing, not Ring, we miss, Xerneas finishes Geomancy!

5d 10h 17m Yvetal used Oblivian Ring, we fail, Xerneas uses Geomancy!

5d 10h 17m T use Dragon Claw and KOs Giratina, we fail Belly Drum. Against Xerneas!

5d 10h 16m Y uses Dragon Claw on Giratina, Zygarde uses Crunch on it, Giratina KOs Zygarde! Poliwhirl misses.

5d 10h 16m Agaisnt Yveltal!

5d 10h 15m Palkia used Hydro Pump, Zygarde uses Crunch, Giratina used Dragon Punch and KOed its own Palkia! Poliwhirl misses.

5d 10h 15m Against Giratina!

5d 10h 15m Palkia used Dracio Meteor on Dialga, Zygarde KOS Palkia, Poliwhirl cuts it own HP to maximize damage!

5d 10h 13m We send out Poliwhirl and Zygarde against Dialga and Palkia!

5d 10h 12m We enter Poliwhirl and Zygarde!

5d 10h 11m GameBro's team is filled with Legendaries!

5d 10h 11m We start a Double Battle with GameBro!

[Chat] тo proтecт тнe cнaт ғroм devaѕтaтιon,тo υnιтe тнe ѕpaммerѕ wιтнιn oυr naтιon, тo denoυnce тнe evιlѕ oғ вanѕ and мodѕ, тo eхтend oυr ѕpaм тo тнe ѕpace aвove. copy! paѕтe! тwιтcн cнaт ѕcrolls aт тнe ѕpeed oғ lιgнт! Sυrrender now or prepare тo ғιgнт! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) тнaт'ѕ rιgнт!

[Chat] Pixel_trainer: Hope you like my Diancie TPP-Senpai!!!!!


5d 10h 8m We trade a Lv. 48 Goodra for a Lv. 50 Diancie!


[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: If you have already traded with d, slow down and give others a chance.

5d 10h 0m We trade a level 2 Male Weedle for a level 21 Male Vaporeon, namde True Prophet!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Shotouts in PSS menu is enabled as well

5d 9h 58m We register Zach!

5d 9h 56m We trade our level 1 Ponyta for a level 55 Male Basculin (with Zack)!

5d 9h 55m We trade our level 1 Charmander for a Level 25 Male Poliwhirl (with Zack)!

5d 9h 54m We are trading currently!

5d 9h 52m We register Shade' friend code!

5d 9h 51m We send a level 40 Male Helix to Shade in Return for a Level 1 Vaporeon!

5d 9h 50m We send a Level 30 Dusclops (Male) to get a level 48 Male Goodra (Sliggoo)!

5d 9h 49m It has Bird Jesus' nickname!

5d 9h 48m We get a level 40 Pidgeot from Shade in exchange for a level 14 Male Inkay!

5d 9h 46m In-game, I mean. Stream is still working fine.

5d 9h 46m Communication interupted!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Don't overdo it, acquaintances.

5d 9h 45m We save!

5d 9h 43m We register Zero as a friend!

5d 9h 43m Starting a trade!

5d 9h 41m We get a Helix traded

[Snark] Oh shit we lost the Charizardite

5d 9h 40m We trade Aggron for Zygarde!!!

5d 9h 38m Streamer turned on Aquaitances!

5d 9h 38m We cancelled the trade.

5d 9h 36m OBTAINED RAINBOW DASH /)^3^(\

[Info] He was called Zack

5d 9h 36m We trade Abra for a Ponyta called Rainbow dash

5d 9h 35m Trading with someone.

5d 9h 34m Regret, didn't trade "True Prophet" Vaporeon

5d 9h 33m We cancelled after he/she has shown us a Vaporeon

5d 9h 32m We are at the trading screen with someone.

5d 9h 31m We get a Metang from a Korean

5d 9h 31m We trade away Druddigon

5d 9h 30m We get a Nice from Zack

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: It works!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: !wifi_refresh

5d 9h 23m We get another Fletchling

5d 9h 23m japan pls

5d 9h 23m We trade away OEM the Spoink

[Snark] What does the fox say?

[Snark] RELEASE IT Kappa

5d 9h 21m We get a Fennekin!

5d 9h 21m We trade away Noctowl

5d 9h 19m We trade with Ivan and get a Pancham

5d 9h 19m We trade away a Combee

5d 9h 18m Couldn't find a trade partner! Charmander stays!

5d 9h 17m We trade away Charmander!

5d 9h 16m We trade with Jicé and get a Dusclops

5d 9h 15m We trade away Dwebble

[Snark] Now Espurr wil haunt us

5d 9h 14m We get an Abra.

5d 9h 14m A Japanese

5d 9h 13m We trade away Espurr O __ O

5d 9h 13m we get Dwebble

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I have enabled automatic wifi refreshing, it should refresh wifi every 20 minutes. But I'll have to wait and see if it works.

5d 9h 12m We trade away Parsleys Onix

5d 9h 11m Slowpoke get!

5d 9h 11m Trade with Canadian, but with a name I cannot say...

5d 9h 11m We trade away Fearow

[Snark] I think Parsley is now REALLY happy

5d 9h 8m Get Onix from Parsley

[Snark] THIS LUCKY GUY! He tries to get a TPP mon!!!



[Snark] Wow we have now Charmander and Charizard in our team

5d 9h 7m We get a Charmander!

5d 9h 6m We trade with another Japanese.

5d 9h 6m We trade the Pikachu in our Team!

5d 9h 5m We get a Fearow

5d 9h 5m Trading with a Japanese again.

5d 9h 5m And we trade Tirtouga away.


5d 9h 3m We get Tortuga!

5d 9h 3m We trade with a Japanese

5d 9h 2m We trade away Fletchling

[Info] So the only one of our original team who is able to get traded away now is Absol.

5d 8h 58m Gave Charizardite X to Aggron

5d 8h 58m We enter Lumiose city!

5d 8h 58m We get a Druddigon from Dogsi!

5d 8h 57m We trade away Lady Helix!

[Info] Charizard is save from Wondertrade

5d 8h 56m We forfeited the match.

5d 8h 55m Absol and Pikachu out.

[Snark] Inb4 Pikachu sweep

5d 8h 54m Reshiram OHKO Aggron

5d 8h 54m Zekrom OHKO Charizard.

5d 8h 54m Charizard used Heatwave but dealt almost no damage.

5d 8h 53m Aggron & Charizard vs. Reshiram and Zekrom!

5d 8h 53m 4 vs 4 Battle ! Double

[Snark] GAFU CAUGHT OUR STREAMER! We must safe him!

5d 8h 51m Choosing our Pokemon vs. GAFU!

5d 8h 50m We're in the Battle Spot, doing a Double Battle.

5d 8h 49m We get a Bunnelby from Jacob

5d 8h 48m We trade Woobat away in Wondertrade

[Info] The Mudkip is 42, Male.

[Snark] So I herd u liek mudkipz?

5d 8h 47m We cancelled the trade!

5d 8h 47m We almost traded Absol for a shiny Zoroark.

[Info] The Sneasel we traded was Male.

[Info] The guy we traded with is called Zero

5d 8h 45m We trade Sneasel for Aggron!

5d 8h 44m We are trading with someone.

[Info] The Wobbuffet before was Brave and had Shadow Tag.

[Snark] RIP Lord Sail

5d 8h 43m Mo sends us Skorupi

[Info] The Fletching we got was Level 4, Female.

5d 8h 43m We trade Lord Helix


5d 8h 41m We get a Fletchling

5d 8h 41m We trade with a Japanese.

5d 8h 41m We trade the Eevee we just got

[Info] Lapras and Hawlucha are save from Wondertrade.

[Info] Don't worry, Deku backed up the save beforehand.

[Info] Sneasel level 39, Pikachu level 4

[Snark] Pikachu took Revenge on us.

5d 8h 38m Pikachu is female

5d 8h 37m We get a Pikachu from Braders...



5d 8h 36m We get a Sneasel....


[Info] The Eevee we have is Level 1. Male.

[Snark] Use the Fire stone Kappa

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Eevee is so cute <3

5d 8h 34m We get an Eevee!

5d 8h 33m We are trading with a Japanese via Wondertrade

[Info] The Wobbuffet we had was level 22, Female.

5d 8h 33m Aaand we trade the Wobbuffet we just got.

5d 8h 32m We tried to trade Lapras 3 times, but can't because of Surf.

5d 8h 31m We cancelled Wondertrade after almost trading Absol & Lord Helix!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Looks like my wifi auto refresh is not working afterall FailFish

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Wait,

[Info] It was japanese so I couldn't read the name of the one who traded and the name of the pokemon

5d 8h 30m We get a female Wobbuffet!

5d 8h 29m We trade the Riolu we traded for Dr. 0 via Wondertrade.

[Snark] Seeing Articuno 10 times? Challenge accepted!

5d 8h 27m But it fled.

5d 8h 27m We encountered Articuno!

5d 8h 26m We got in again but then got out.

5d 8h 25m We somewhat entered wondertrade and ALMOST traded Aegislash! But then we cancelled out of wondertrade.

[Info] Seems like the streamer really did something against wondertrade. Everytime we enter and save, we get instantly cancelled at the yes/no screen.

5d 8h 22m Game bro has shown us a shiny dialga, but we cancelled.

5d 8h 21m Entered Route 4.

5d 8h 19m We're at the trading screen and instantly got out.

[Correction] He withdrew.

5d 8h 16m We forfeited!

5d 8h 16m Hew withrew and took out Kyle (Blastoise)

5d 8h 15m Aegislash out vs Chess... (the evolution of quilladin, forgot the name)

5d 8h 15m 6 vs 2... We are going to lose.

5d 8h 14m Choosing our mon to battle Aidan!

5d 8h 14m Entered A city (forgot the name)

[correction] trading. What is with me today?

5d 8h 12m We were at the traing screen, but cancelled fast.

5d 8h 10m 3 Moonblasts take out Blastoise! We win!

5d 8h 9m Xerneas vs. Blastoise

5d 8h 9m Another Moonblast takes it out.

5d 8h 9m Heracross almost defeated with Moonblast

5d 8h 8m Hercross mega-evolves.

5d 8h 8m Heracross in

5d 8h 8m Moonblast defeats it.

5d 8h 8m Xerneas in.

5d 8h 7m But Charizard faints!

5d 8h 7m Flare Blitz deals massive damage

5d 8h 7m Charizard Mega evolves!

5d 8h 6m Charizard vs. Porygon-Z

5d 8h 6m Entered with only Charizard and Xerneas!

5d 8h 4m Currently choosing our Pokemon to battle Jacob.

5d 8h 3m Some passerbys are trying to battle with us.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: It works!

5d 8h 0m Streamer resets Wifi

5d 7h 59m Wut Lloyd entered with only 1 mon! We won!

5d 7h 59m Flying Press kills it..

5d 7h 58m And taking it again to the sky.

5d 7h 58m Master Bait used Aqua ring.

5d 7h 57m We take Seaking to the Sky.

[Correction] Master Bait.

5d 7h 57m Hawlucha vs... Mast Bait? Shiny Seaking!

5d 7h 56m Battling Lloyd again.


5d 7h 55m Lol we cancelled.

5d 7h 54m Lloyd sends out... LLOYD. Shiny Beldum!

5d 7h 54m Battling Lloyd with only a Sandile....

5d 7h 51m Streamer refreshed Wi-Fi

5d 7h 49m Defeated him!

5d 7h 49m Me First --> Scratch. OHKO!

5d 7h 49m Panpour out.

5d 7h 49m Pursuit OHKO

5d 7h 48m Pansear out.

5d 7h 48m Sucker Punch OHKO.

5d 7h 48m Pansage vs Absol

5d 7h 48m Battling a Schoolboy!


5d 7h 47m Aaaand Bidoof gets over killed by Sucker Punch. Schoolgirl Bridget defeated!

5d 7h 46m Schoolgirl Bridget would like to battle! It's a lv. 6 Bidoof against Absol!

5d 7h 46m Riolu is lv. 7 and male.

5d 7h 44m Seth sent us a Riolu nicknamed "Wonder eric" in exchange for PIkachu!

5d 7h 44m Trading our Dr. 0 aka Pikachu!

5d 7h 42m Heracross takes out Charizard with Rock Tomb! We lose to Jacob!

5d 7h 41m Volcarona down! It's just Heracross and Porygon-Z on the opponent's side now.

5d 7h 41m Charizard mega evolves!

5d 7h 40m It's all up to Charizard.

5d 7h 40m Absol down!

5d 7h 39m Absol uses Psycho-cut and takes out Gengar! A Porygon-Z comes out on Jacob's side.

5d 7h 39m Xerneas down!

5d 7h 38m Mega-gengar uses Sludge Bomb. Xerneas is down to 12HP.

5d 7h 38m We sent in Xerneas

5d 7h 38m Hawlucha down!

5d 7h 38m Gengar mega evolves! Hawlucha lands a crit fly on Gengar! Gengar is down to red!

5d 7h 37m Hawlucha leads on our side followed by Absol and Charizard. The opponent has Gengar leading along with Heracross and Volcarona

5d 7h 36m Triple rotational battle again!

5d 7h 36m Jacob issued a challenge over wi-fi!

5d 7h 34m We forfeit the match!

5d 7h 34m Opponent's Xerneas uses Moonblast on Mega-Charizard! Charizard down!

5d 7h 33m The opponent's Talonflame goes for the Flame Charge.

5d 7h 33m Our Charizard mega evolves!

5d 7h 33m Aegislash sets up a Swords Dance.

5d 7h 32m We send in Aegislash!

5d 7h 32m Brave bird incoming! Xerneas down!

5d 7h 32m Zhu sends in a Talonflame!

5d 7h 31m Mega-mewtwo uses Psychic! Our Xerneas is down to red! Another Moonblast from Xerneas takes out Mewtwo!

5d 7h 31m Our Xerneas's Moonblast brings Mewtwo down to red!

5d 7h 30m Mewtwo mega-evolves into Mega-mewtwo X!

5d 7h 30m Xerneas is first along with Lapras second and Charizard third. The opponent's side has Zygarde, Xerneas, and Mewtwo.

5d 7h 30m It's a triple rotational battle!

5d 7h 29m Entered a wi-fi battle against male trainer Zhu!

[rip] rip dead-redguy

[Meta] It is at this time that /u/super-redguy has retired from the updating team. He has consistently had one of the highest updating numbers on the team throughout each game and has been updating for us since TPP Emerald. /u/super-redguy currently holds the record for highest overall total number of updates and pun master. Thanks for everything /u/super-redguy! Please shoot him a message on reddit expressing your gratitude!


5d 7h 19m Received a Zigzagoon in return for Quilladin from Flinn

5d 7h 18m Trading our Quilladin!

[Snark] Sorry /u/Slowpokeisagamer

5d 7h 16m Received Luvdisc from Teru!

5d 7h 16m Wonder trading our lv. 24, female Slowpoke ARQQPPKKKQ!

5d 7h 15m Faffing around with our lower screen. Joining and exiting Wonder Trade repeatedly.

[Info] The initial trade we had with Joseph giving him Aegislash back in exchange for a Garchomp was performed by Deku. The most recent trade we had where we received Aegislash back in exchange for the same Garchomp was performed by the hivemind. Impressive!

[Info] /u/dracyoshi has confirmed with me that indeed, this is the same Aegislash. We once again traded with Joseph for it. Nothing has been changed to it.

[Chat] It's been 3000 years

5d 7h 3m Traded Garchomp back for our Aegislash!

5d 7h 2m What's this!? It's our Aegislash!

5d 7h 2m We're trading!

[Info] According to one of our fellow updaters and original owner of Garchomp, /u/dracyoshi, Garchomp has been caught with a Master Ball in Pokemon Platinum. /u/dracyoshi has continuously taken it through every generation of the Pokemon games since Gible was introduced. Its moveset consists of Rock Climb and other HMs.

5d 6h 55m Reached Santalune Forest

5d 6h 51m Reached Route 2!

5d 6h 47m Arrived at Aquacorde Town.

5d 6h 46m In Route 1.

5d 6h 42m Traded Oi!oiswhhve the Aegislash in return for Joseph's level 93 male Garchomp!

5d 6h 41m Joseph offers a level 93 male Garchomp.

[Note] Deku is currently in control of the game.

[Info] We're now handing Aegislash back to Dracyoshi.

5d 6h 39m d offers up Oi!oiswhhve the Aegislash.

5d 6h 39m Trading with Joseph.

5d 6h 37m The match was forfeited. The battle ends in a draw!

5d 6h 36m Xerneas' stats cannot go any higher.

5d 6h 35m Scizor continues doing Swords Dance.

5d 6h 35m Politoed uses Protect. Xerneas can only use Geomancy.

5d 6h 34m Politoed uses Encore on Xerneas. Scizor still uses Swords Dance.

5d 6h 33m Xerneas continues using Geomancy.

5d 6h 33m Politoed uses Scald on Xerneas. Scizor's using Swords Dance.

5d 6h 32m Xerneas meanwhile is still using Geomancy. The rain stops.

5d 6h 32m Ludicolo was switched out for Scizor.

5d 6h 31m Politoed uses Scald on Xerneas.

5d 6h 31m Xerneas continues using Geomancy. Ludicolo hits Aegislash with Hydro Pump! Aegislash faints.

5d 6h 30m Encore is used on Xerneas.

5d 6h 30m Aegislash goes for Swords Dance.

5d 6h 30m Ludicolo hits Aegislash with Hydro Pump! Aegislash in yellow.

5d 6h 29m Politoed's using Protect. Aegislash avoids Hydro Pump. Xerneas uses Geomancy.

[Info] After this final battle, Deku will be trading Aegislash back to /u/Dracyoshi.

5d 6h 28m Politoed in about half.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: After this battle

5d 6h 28m Ludicolo goes for Fake Out on Xerneas. Xerneas flinches.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: OK I'll stop the stream and give it back to you

5d 6h 28m It's raining.

5d 6h 27m Sent in Xerneas and Aegislash! Ben sends in Ludicolo and Politoed.

5d 6h 27m VS. Ben

5d 6h 27m d enters two Pokémon.

5d 6h 27m His team consists of Politoed, Scizor, Hydreigon, Manectric, Ludicolo and Talonflame.

5d 6h 26m Having a double battle with Ben.

5d 6h 25m Cancelled.

5d 6h 25m In a trade screen. A level 50 shiny Sceptile was offered.

5d 6h 23m d forfeits. Darius wins!

5d 6h 23m Togekiss in yellow after a Flamethrower.

5d 6h 23m Xerneas uses Tri Attack! Togekiss is paralysed.

5d 6h 22m Hawlucha flies down! Togepi faints.

5d 6h 22m Metronome again. Togepi uses Nuzzle on Charizard! Charizard paralysed.

5d 6h 22m Charizard faints Togetic with Strength.

5d 6h 21m Xerneas uses Megahorn on Togepi. Togepi still in green.

5d 6h 21m Hawlucha flies.

5d 6h 21m Extremespeed on Charizard doesn't hurt it much.

5d 6h 21m The Togepi family are using Metronome.

5d 6h 20m Togetic is in yellow.

5d 6h 20m Hawlucha uses Aerial Ace on Togekiss! Xerneas goes for Megahorn on Togekiss! Charizard uses Strength on Togetic.

5d 6h 20m Sent in Xerneas, Charizard, and Hawlucha. He sends in Togepi, Togetic, and Togekiss.

5d 6h 19m VS. Darius.

5d 6h 19m So far, Xerneas, Charizard, and Hawlucha are entered.

5d 6h 17m Having a Triple Battle with Darius.

5d 6h 16m d loses again. Nicholas gets the win.

5d 6h 15m Absol down from Snorlax's Return.

5d 6h 15m Absol uses Return. Snorlax does the same.

5d 6h 14m d only has one Pokémon.

5d 6h 14m Sent in Absol! Nicholas sends in Snorlax.

5d 6h 14m VS. Nicholas.

5d 6h 13m Having a single battle with Nicholas this time.

5d 6h 12m d loses! Jake wins!

5d 6h 12m Earthquake again! Aegislash down.

5d 6h 11m Aegislash uses Slash! Terrakion in green.

5d 6h 11m Terrakion uses Earthquake! Aegislash in red.

5d 6h 11m Sent in Aegislash! Jake sends in Terrakion.

5d 6h 11m d enters just one Pokémon.

5d 6h 9m Having a single battle with Jake now.

[Snark] And Dracyoshi is rejected again.

5d 6h 9m Cancelled.

5d 6h 8m Trading with Joseph.

[Snark] Told you! Never bet on Entei.

5d 6h 7m Defeated Matt!

5d 6h 7m Fly lands. Shuckle down.

5d 6h 6m Hawlucha flies!

5d 6h 6m Hawlucha's in yellow from the rollouts.

5d 6h 6m Flying Press brings Shuckle to yellow.

5d 6h 6m Shuckle's using Rollout.

5d 6h 5m Matt sends in a shiny Shuckle!

5d 6h 5m Flying Press ends off Helix!

5d 6h 5m Omanyte's Scald doesn't hurt Hawlucha too much.

5d 6h 5m Flying Press again! Omanyte is brought to red.

5d 6h 4m Hawlucha's in love with Helix.

5d 6h 4m Flying Press once more! Helix in about half.

5d 6h 4m Omanyte uses Protect! Hawlucha fails Flying Press.

5d 6h 4m Matt sends in Omanyte, nicknamed LORD HELIX.

5d 6h 4m Entei faints!

5d 6h 4m Hawlucha uses Flying Press!

5d 6h 3m Entei roars again. Hawlucha is dragged in.

5d 6h 3m Charizard goes at Entei with Flare Blitz! Entei is in yellow.

5d 6h 3m Maga-evolved Charizard!

5d 6h 3m Charizard is sent in.

5d 6h 3m Sky Drop lands! Entei is still in green and uses Roar.

5d 6h 2m Hawlucha uses Sky Drop!

5d 6h 2m Sent out Hawlucha! Matt sends in Entei!

5d 6h 2m VS. Matt!

[Snark] He has Entei! Finally a battle we'll win!

5d 6h 1m In a battle with Matt. Selecting some Pokémon.

5d 5h 58m Cancelled.

5d 5h 57m Accepted a challenge from passerby Danny.

5d 5h 57m Looks like we cancelled.

5d 5h 57m In a single battle challenge with Kati.

5d 5h 55m Umbreon, Genesect, Kyogre, for example. In the end, d cancels.

5d 5h 55m The player shows us a lot of shinies.

5d 5h 55m Mudkip is level 42, shiny and male.

5d 5h 54m Traded Spoink for the Mudkip!

5d 5h 54m We offer a level 14 male Spoink RQ?eeqpgoy q.

5d 5h 54m In a trade screen. A level 42 shiny male Mudkip is offer.

5d 5h 53m We're in Vaniville Town, by the way.

5d 5h 51m Traded level 16 male Machop in the PC AMmu in exchange for Shauna's Froakie Froabble!

5d 5h 50m Cancelled her request to trade once.

5d 5h 50m Talking to Shauna.

[Snark] Well he is from Kalos; what do you expect?

5d 5h 47m d forfeits the match. Cecily wins!

5d 5h 46m Go, Absol!

5d 5h 46m Flareon also in yellow from poison.

5d 5h 46m Charizard hits with Flamethrower on Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee in yellow.

5d 5h 46m C-3K0 uses Fake-Out on Xerneas. Flareon uses Flare Blitz on Xerneas! Xerneas down.

5d 5h 45m Sent in Charizard.

5d 5h 44m Hawlucha faints.

5d 5h 44m Charizard is switched out for Hitmonlee! C-3KO

5d 5h 43m Flareon's poisoned by Toxic Orb.

5d 5h 43m Flareon uses Flame Charge on Hawlucha! Hawlucha in yellow.

5d 5h 43m The sun shines harshly! Charizard uses Protect!

5d 5h 43m Cecily mega-evolves her Charizard!

5d 5h 42m Sent out Xerneas and Hawlucha! It's a double battle! Out comes Flareon and Charizard. They have TPP-based nicks!

5d 5h 42m Battle! VS. Cecily

5d 5h 41m Cecily's team consists of Flareon, Charizard, Vileplume, Hitmonlee, Crobat and Rhyperior.

5d 5h 41m Accepted a request for a battle with Cecily.

5d 5h 39m A lv. 50 male Zoroark was shown for a second. Then we cancelled.

5d 5h 39m Trading again.

5d 5h 38m Cancelled.

5d 5h 38m d hasn't offered anything yet.

5d 5h 38m A lv. 42 male Shiny Mudkip is offered.

5d 5h 38m Trading again.

5d 5h 37m Rejected her request.

5d 5h 37m Left the house. d encounters Shauna! She wants to trade.

5d 5h 36m Cancelled trade.

5d 5h 35m A lv. 1 Gible is shown.

5d 5h 35m In another trade screen.

5d 5h 35m d's getting trades and battle requests here and there.

5d 5h 34m Cancelled.

5d 5h 34m A Lv.15 Meloetta is shown.

5d 5h 34m We're in a trade screen. The player shows a shiny Venusaur for a second.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: It's all up to you, after all this.


[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: It's time for a new message

5d 5h 31m Successfully connected to the Internet.

5d 5h 31m "Is it okay to begin connecting to the Internet?"

5d 5h 31m She tells Li'l d that Sycamore wants to talk at us at Lumiose Station.

5d 5h 30m Mum greets us. She saw the parade on TV.

5d 5h 30m Headed down the stairs.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Just a second

5d 5h 29m Li'l d's now at home.

5d 5h 29m Back in the game.




5d 5h 26m Streamer turned on the Wi-Fi! Thank you for staying with me and thanks to every updaters! It's been a pleasure to update with you guys but I have to go away from this community now. Good bye everybody!

[Snark] Start the game already! It's been 3000 years!

5d 5h 22m Seven minutes left.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I'm really sorry guys, I need a bit more time on this

[Snark] "My name is twitch_plays_3ds! The T W I T C H _ P L A Y S _ 3 S is Silent!"

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WAITING RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 5h 18m Less than five minutes until the online postgame begins.

[Snark] "My name is twitch_plays_3ds! The T W I T C H _ P L Y S _ 3 D S is Silent!"

[Google Doc] Updated.

[Fluff] This 3DS has a folder named A on the home screen.

[Snark] twitch_plays_3ds broke the record by having the shortest intermission ever!

5d 5h 11m Game card was removed...could he be using Powersaves?

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 3DS MENU RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 5h 11m Just being treated to a view of his 3DS menu.

Post game starts in 0:12:00!

5d 5h 10m Also the online postgame starts in twelve minutes.

5d 5h 10m It appears as if he may be backing up the save?

5d 5h 10m Looks like Deku took out the game card.

5d 5h 10m The game is suspended!

5d 5h 9m He's got 308 Pokémon seen in his Dex.

5d 5h 9m Li'l d's back home now.

5d 5h 9m And we're back at the title screen.


5d 5h 9m Li'l d saved the game.

5d 5h 8m The credits roll to a stop. Pokémon X's main story ... has been finished.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Thank you Twitch_plays_3ds for streaming Pokemon X

Yes we just beat every Pokémon Game guys. Let that sink in

5d 5h 7m "When we share in our love, we make a beautiful world."

5d 5h 5m KISEKI begins to play!

5d 5h 5m So, from the updating team, thank you all.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 3 DAYS RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 5h 4m You know what - I doubt all this could've happened without Game Freak. And the Streamer. And Deku.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: 3 days post-game! then stadium!

[Snark] No seriously, these credits are so long.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Thank you, everyone.

5d 5h 4m Get ready for the longest credits scene ever.

And the main story of Kalos is end...

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I was here for the end this time

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Nice Job, Everyone!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ CREDITS RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 5h 3m And the credits roll!

5d 5h 2m Three millennia ago, they were separated, but it has returned to him!

[Info] We made a new record of the shortest run! 5 days and 5 hours! that damn AZ...

[Snark] Catch that Flabebe!

5d 5h 2m AZ's Floette has arrived.

[Chat] BibleThump

5d 5h 1m It's been three thousand years ...

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 3000 YEARS RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 5h 1m Something descends from the skies! A Floette?!

5d 5h 1m This has freed him from the part of him that has been mired in sorrow from so long.

5d 5h 1m It looks like he truly understands what being a trainer is.

[Snark] AZ expected of d!


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 5h 1m Pokémon Trainer AZ defeated!

5d 5h 1m A second Pursuit takes out Golurk!

5d 5h 0m Mega Punch does the same to Moondoge.

5d 5h 0m Pursuit again! Golurk straight to red.

5d 5h 0m In comes AZ's Golurk.

5d 5h 0m Pursuit promptly downs Sigilyph.

5d 5h 0m Persim Berry has no effect. Air Slash takes a quarter of Moondoge's health out.

5d 4h 59m Searching through the items.

5d 4h 59m Moondoge is sent in.

5d 4h 58m Tiger down to an Air Slash.

[rip] rip charizard

5d 4h 58m Flamethrower promptly brings Sigilyph to red.


5d 4h 58m He Mega Evolves!

5d 4h 58m Tiger hanging on at 2 HP.

5d 4h 57m A Quick Ball is thrown! Don't be a thief!

[Fluff] Inb4 We lose this!

5d 4h 57m In comes Sigilyph.

5d 4h 57m Heat Wave finishes Torkoal off!

5d 4h 57m Lava Plume does the same to Tiger.

5d 4h 57m Second Flare Blitz takes Torkoal to red.

5d 4h 57m Stone Edge brings Tiger to yellow.

5d 4h 57m Flare Blitz halves Torkoal's health.

[rip] rip lapras

5d 4h 56m In comes Tiger.

5d 4h 56m Lapras gets stoned.

5d 4h 56m In the red now. Sheer Cold misses again.

5d 4h 56m Lapras is in yellow. Sheer Cold misses.

5d 4h 56m Quick Ball again! Don't be a thief!

[Snark] AZ doesn't deserve Pokemon, here, let us take them from you.

[Snark] AZ is the real challenge is the best plot twist.

5d 4h 55m Stone Edge does little damage to Lapras.

5d 4h 55m Li'l d throws a Quick Ball! Don't be a thief!

5d 4h 55m Lapras vs Torkoal.

5d 4h 55m Battling Pokémon Trainer AZ.

5d 4h 55m He wants to know what a trainer is.

5d 4h 54m He slowly approaches, demanding a battle.

5d 4h 54m AZ watches us.

5d 4h 54m Professor Sycamore hands all of them the Medal of Kalos!

[Snark] what did the friends even do, d did all the work.

5d 4h 54m Li'l d and friends dramatically walk towards some stage in Lumiose.

5d 4h 53m A few days later, crowds come to celebrate the saviours of Kalos.

5d 4h 53m Congratulations, Li'l d, on becoming the Champion!

5d 4h 53m Aegislash!

5d 4h 53m Hawlucha!

5d 4h 53m Xerneas!

5d 4h 53m Absol!

5d 4h 53m Charizard!

5d 4h 53m Lapras!


5d 4h 52m The Pokémon are recorded one by one.

5d 4h 52m Diantha leads us to the Hall of Fame's machine.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ INPUT RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 4h 52m Inputs return!


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ REGULAR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 4h 52m The inputs appear to have stopped.

[Fluff] d has had a short but absolutely wonderful journey! :)

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 4h 51m Welcome, Li'l d, to the Hall of Fame.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 4h 51m Oh yeah and Aegislash leveled up to 93.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Info] We made a new record of the shortest run! 5d4h50m!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


5d 4h 51m HE REFUSES!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 4h 50m The Lord of Deers wants to learn Close Combat!**



TEH URN!!!!! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 4h 50m Xerneas to Level 80!

5d 4h 50m Moonblast proceeds to take it out anyway!

5d 4h 50m Gardevoir is sent in! It Mega Evolves!

5d 4h 50m Aurorus' Reflect (not Light Screen) wears off.


5d 4h 49m Moonblast proceeds to one-shot it.

5d 4h 49m In comes Diantha's Gourgeist.

5d 4h 49m Hawlucha to Level 72.

5d 4h 49m It gets one-shotted by Moonblast.

5d 4h 49m Diantha sends in her Goodra.

5d 4h 49m Moonblast on the other hand takes out Aurorus immediately.

5d 4h 48m Blizzard does little damage to Xerneas.

5d 4h 48m Geomancy activates. Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and Speed rise!

5d 4h 48m Aurorus uses Light Screen.

5d 4h 48m Xerneas uses Geomancy!

5d 4h 48m Diantha sends in Aurorus.

5d 4h 48m Moonblast is used again! Tyrantrum is OHKOed!

5d 4h 47m Diantha sends in Tyrantrum.

5d 4h 47m Moonblast immediately takes out Hawlucha!

5d 4h 47m Xerneas vs Hawlucha.


5d 4h 46m Li'l d approaches Diantha.

5d 4h 46m We head up the elevator.

5d 4h 46m Into the Radiant Chamber.

5d 4h 45m The door to the Radiant Chamber is open! The Elite Four has been defeated!

5d 4h 45m Siebold defeated!

5d 4h 44m Moonblast OHKOs.

5d 4h 44m In comes Starmie.

5d 4h 44m Moonblast OHKOs it.

5d 4h 44m In comes Barbaracle.

5d 4h 44m Moonblast OHKOs it.

5d 4h 44m In comes Gyarados.

5d 4h 43m Moonblast OHKOs Clawitzer.

5d 4h 43m Geomancy activates. Xerneas' offensive skills rise sharply.

5d 4h 43m Water Pulse from Clawitzer does little damage.

5d 4h 43m Xerneas uses Geomancy!

5d 4h 42m Xerneas v Clawitzer.

5d 4h 42m VS. Siebold!

5d 4h 42m Li'l d annoys Siebold about chefs.

5d 4h 41m And all this water promptly drenches us.

5d 4h 41m Arrived at Siebold's chamber.

5d 4h 40m Into the Flood Chamber.

5d 4h 40m Back in the lobby.

5d 4h 39m Drasna defeated.

5d 4h 39m Xerneas to Level 79.

5d 4h 39m Moonblast OHKOs.

5d 4h 38m In comes Noivern.

5d 4h 38m Moonblast OHKOs Druddigon.

5d 4h 38m Xerneas is sent in.

5d 4h 38m Moondoge faints to a Revenge.

5d 4h 37m Moondoge uses Me First. She hits Druddigon with Revenge. It's brought to yellow.

5d 4h 37m In comes Druddigon.

5d 4h 37m Critical Psycho Cut downs Altaria.

5d 4h 37m Psycho Cuts does a quarter of Altaria's health in damage. Moonblast brings Moondoge to yellow.

5d 4h 37m In comes Altaria.

5d 4h 36m Psycho Cut takes out Dragalge.

5d 4h 36m We send in Moondoge.

5d 4h 36m Tiger down to Thunderbolt.

5d 4h 36m Strength takes a decent chunk outta Dragalge. Tiger gets poisoned.

5d 4h 36m Tiger vs Dragalge.

5d 4h 35m VS. Drasna!

5d 4h 35m Dragon wings, yay!

5d 4h 35m Up the elevator.

5d 4h 33m Entered the Dragonmark Chamber.

5d 4h 33m Back in the lobby.

5d 4h 31m Wikstrom defeated.

5d 4h 31m Flamethrower OHKOs.

5d 4h 31m In comes Scizor.

5d 4h 31m Aegislash to Level 92.

5d 4h 31m Tiger to Level 81.

5d 4h 31m Heat Wave downs Probopass.

5d 4h 30m Tiger's brought to 34 HP by a Power Gem.

5d 4h 30m Probopass to yellow.

5d 4h 30m Tiger Mega Evolves and throws out a Flamethrower.

5d 4h 30m In comes Probopass.

5d 4h 30m Hawlucha to Level 71.

5d 4h 30m Tiger takes out Aegislash with a second Flamethrower.

5d 4h 29m It uses King's Shield, switches to Shield Form, and blocks a Flamethrower.

5d 4h 29m Tiger's health is halved by a critical attack from Aegislash.

5d 4h 29m Strength does little damage.

5d 4h 29m In comes Tiger.

5d 4h 29m Lapras down from a Sacred Sword.

5d 4h 28m Thunderbolt does little damage to it.

5d 4h 28m Aegislash is sent in by Wikstrom.

5d 4h 28m Second Surf takes out Klefki.

5d 4h 28m Klefki brings Lapras to five hp.

5d 4h 28m Surf halves Klefki's health.

5d 4h 27m Lapras v Klefki.

5d 4h 27m VS. Wikstrom!

5d 4h 26m Swords everywhere.

5d 4h 26m Up we go.

5d 4h 26m Entered the Ironworks Chamber again.

5d 4h 25m In and out, in and out. Back in the lobby.

5d 4h 25m Entered the Ironworks Chamber.

5d 4h 24m Back in the lobby.

5d 4h 21m Stumbling around the Blazing Chamber.

5d 4h 20m Malva defeated.

5d 4h 20m Surf OHKOs.

5d 4h 19m Malva sends in Chandelure. It brings Lapras to red with Flamethrower.

5d 4h 19m Absol hits Level 70.

5d 4h 19m Lapras hits Level 68.

5d 4h 19m Surf OHKOs Talonflame.

5d 4h 19m Lapras down in yellow.

5d 4h 18m Talonflame is sent in.

5d 4h 18m Surf OHKOs Torkoal.

5d 4h 18m Torkoal in.

5d 4h 18m Surf OHKOs Pyroar.

5d 4h 18m Wild Charge does little damage to Lapras.

5d 4h 18m Lapras v Pyroar.

5d 4h 17m VS. Malva!

5d 4h 16m Entered the Blazing Chamber. Behold, Malva!

5d 4h 16m Entered the Lobby. Elite Four Run 21 begins!

5d 4h 13m Into the building.

5d 4h 13m Heading up the road to the League Building.

5d 4h 11m Shadow Claw downs Aegislash! Black out!

5d 4h 11m Slash has no effect.

5d 4h 11m Wikstrom sends in his own Aegislash.

5d 4h 10m Scizor goes down to another Sacred Sword.

5d 4h 10m Night Slash does the same to Aegislash.

5d 4h 10m Sacred Sword brings it to red.

5d 4h 10m In comes Scizor.

5d 4h 10m Probopass goes straight down to Aegislash's next attack.

5d 4h 9m Sacred Sword proceeds to bring it right to 1 HP.

5d 4h 9m Probopass gets restored.

5d 4h 9m Earth Power from Probopass takes a chunk outta Aegislash.

5d 4h 9m Aegislash switches to Sword Form and slashes Probopass. It's brought to red.

5d 4h 8m We send in Aegislash.

5d 4h 7m Absol got taken out.

5d 4h 7m Sucker Punch takes Probopass to yellow.

5d 4h 7m Flash Cannon brings Absol to red.

5d 4h 7m We throw a Quick Ball and waste a turn.

5d 4h 6m Power Gem from Probopass takes a decent chunk out of Absol.

5d 4h 6m Me First from Absol turns into Power Gem. It does little damage.

5d 4h 6m Me First from Absol fails.

5d 4h 5m Probopass is restored to full.

5d 4h 5m Absol is sent in.

5d 4h 4m Probopass and poison takes down Xerneas.

5d 4h 4m Nature Power is used again. More Tri Attack.

5d 4h 4m Flash Cannon brings Xerneas to yellow.

5d 4h 4m It does little damage to Probopass, but paralyzes it.

5d 4h 3m Nature Power is used! It becomes Tri Attack.

5d 4h 3m Xerneas in.

5d 4h 3m Power Gem takes out Tiger.

5d 4h 3m Flare Blitz brings Probopass to yellow.

5d 4h 2m Probopass in.

5d 4h 2m Klefki gets OHKOed by Flamethrower.

5d 4h 2m Tiger vs Klefki.

5d 4h 2m Verily, shall this duel be one for the bards to sing over campfires!

5d 4h 1m VS. Wikstrom!

5d 4h 1m Up into the main chamber! Swords! Swords everywhere!

5d 4h 0m Nope, back inside.

5d 4h 0m We enter the Ironworks Chamber and leave.

5d 4h 0m Tiger leads.

5d 4h 0m Back in the lobby.

5d 3h 59m [Team Status] Hawlucha (fainted), Lapras (fainted), Absol, Xerneas (poisoned), Charizard (poisoned), Aegislash.

5d 3h 57m Drasna defeated.

5d 3h 57m Druddigon gets OHKO by Moonblast.

5d 3h 57m Druddigon in.

5d 3h 57m Aegislash grows to Level 91.

5d 3h 57m Noivern OHKOed.

5d 3h 56m Noivern in.

5d 3h 56m Xerneas grows to Level 78.

5d 3h 56m Moonblast OHKOs.

5d 3h 56m Drasna sends in Altaria.

5d 3h 55m Megahorn takes out Dragalge! Xerneas is poisoned.

5d 3h 55m Moonblast brings it back to yellow.

5d 3h 55m Dragalge is healed by Full Restore.

5d 3h 55m Xerneas is sent in.

5d 3h 54m Thunderbolt and poison take out Hawlucha.

5d 3h 54m Hawlucha whacks Dragalge with Flying Press. It's brought to yellow. Hawlucha gets poisoned.

5d 3h 53m Thunderbolt halves her health.

5d 3h 53m We switch to Hawlucha.

5d 3h 53m Poison Point poisons Tiger! Thunderbolt then takes him down a quarter of his health.

5d 3h 53m He uses Strength. Dragalge is brought to yellow.

5d 3h 53m Tiger is sent in.

5d 3h 52m Lapras gets Thunderbolted.

5d 3h 52m Lapras' Sheer Cold misses!

5d 3h 52m Lapras v Dragalge.

5d 3h 52m VS. Drasna!

5d 3h 51m The display's slightly outta date.

5d 3h 51m [Team Status] Lapras in the red, everyone else at full.

5d 3h 50m Dragons! Dragons everywhere!

5d 3h 50m Heading up the floating elevator into the main part of the chamber.

5d 3h 50m Entered the Dragonmark Chamber.

5d 3h 49m Back in the lobby.

5d 3h 49m Malva defeated.

5d 3h 48m Surf takes out Chandelure.

5d 3h 48m Flamethrower brings Lapras to red.

5d 3h 48m Chandelure in.

5d 3h 48m Talonflame goes down to a Surf.

5d 3h 48m Brave Bird from Talonflame brings Lapras to about half health.

5d 3h 48m Talonflame is sent in.

5d 3h 48m Tiger grew to Level 80.

5d 3h 47m Surf OHKOs the Torkoal.

5d 3h 47m Torkoal is sent out.

5d 3h 47m Surf OHKOs Pyroar.

5d 3h 47m Lapras gets hit by Flamethrower. It does little damage.

5d 3h 47m Lapras vs Pyroar!

5d 3h 46m VS. Malva!

5d 3h 46m Kablooey! All the fire.

5d 3h 46m Heading upwards towards the main part of the Blazing Chamber.

5d 3h 45m Back in the Chamber.

5d 3h 45m Entered the Blazing Chamber ... left it.

5d 3h 43m Entered the lobby! Run 20 begins!

5d 3h 41m Entered the League Building.

5d 3h 40m AKA random rows of bushes. Li'l d's on the path towards the League building.

5d 3h 40m Stumbling against these mysterious bushes.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: If it still lags in the end, I'll pause the input stream until it catches up

5d 3h 38m We use Slash, it uses Bullet Punch. Aegislash down! Black Out!

5d 3h 37m Against Scizor!

5d 3h 37m We use Iron Head, and KO Probopass!

5d 3h 37m Another Full Restore, another Sacred Sword!

5d 3h 36m Wikstrom uses a Full Restore, we use Sacred Sword!

5d 3h 36m We use Sacred Sword, Probopass uses Earth Power!

5d 3h 36m Against Probopass!

5d 3h 36m We use Sacred Sword, and KO Klefki!

5d 3h 35m We use Swords Dance, Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam!

5d 3h 35m We send out Aegislash!

5d 3h 34m We use Moonblast, our foe uses Flash Cannon. Xerneas faints!

5d 3h 34m We send out Xerneas against Klefki!

5d 3h 33m Against Wikstrom!

5d 3h 32m In the main lobby again!

5d 3h 27m We save!

5d 3h 26m Siebold defeated!

5d 3h 26m We use Megahorn, and OHKO it!

5d 3h 26m Against Starmie!

5d 3h 25m We use Moonblast, and KO Barbaracle!

5d 3h 25m We use Moonblast, and Barbar uses Stone Edge!

5d 3h 25m Against Barbaracle!

5d 3h 25m One more Moonblast KOS Gyarados!

5d 3h 24m Siebold uses a Full Restore, we use Moonblast again.

5d 3h 24m We use Moonblast, it uses Dragon Dance!

5d 3h 24m Against Gyrardos!

5d 3h 24m Aegislash level 90!

5d 3h 23m Siebold uses a Full Restore. We use Moonblast again. Claw fainted.

5d 3h 23m We use Moonblast, and our foe uses Water Pulse.

5d 3h 23m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

5d 3h 24m Against Siebold!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 77 - Max. HP 309 Attack 253 Defense 192 Sp. Atk 209 Sp. Def 191 Speed 193

5d 3h 19m In the main lobby!

5d 3h 17m Defeated Drasna!

5d 3h 17m We OHKO it with Moonblast!

5d 3h 17m Against Druddigon!

5d 3h 17m Against Noivern! We OHKO it with Moonblast!

5d 3h 17m Xerneas level 77!

5d 3h 16m We use Moonblast, and KO Altaria!

5d 3h 16m Geomancy is successful, Altaria uses Cotton Guard!

5d 3h 16m We use Geomancy! We avoid Sing!

5d 3h 15m We send out Xerneas!

5d 3h 15m Against Altaria! We use Pyscho Cut, Altaria uses Moonblast. Absol down!

5d 3h 14m Absol level 69!

5d 3h 14m Dragalge uses a Full Restore. We use Psycho Cut. Foe down!

5d 3h 14m We use Pyscho Cut, and Dragalge uses Sludge Bomb.

5d 3h 14m We send out Absol against Dragalge!

5d 3h 13m Against Drasna!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: x

5d 3h 11m Back in the Main Lobby!

5d 3h 10m Malva defeated!

5d 3h 10m We use Moonblast, and KO Chandelure!

5d 3h 10m We hit ourselves. Our foe uses Flamethrower!

5d 3h 9m We use Geomancy! It uses Confuse Ray!

5d 3h 8m Malva uses a Full Restore, we use Moonblast.

5d 3h 8m We send out Xerneas!

5d 3h 8m Fly hits, and Chandelure uses Flamethrower. Hawlucha down!

5d 3h 8m We use Fly again!

5d 3h 7m We use Fly. Fly hits, we get burnt. Chandelure uses Flamethrower!

5d 3h 7m Sent out Hawlucha!

5d 3h 7m We hit ourselves, and get hit by Shadow Ball. Charizard fainted!

5d 3h 6m We Mega-Evolve, and we hit ourselves. Chandelure uses Shadow Ball!

5d 3h 6m It uses Confusion Ray on us!

5d 3h 6m We send out Charizard!

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 67 - Max. HP 280 Attack 153 Defense 135 Sp. Atk 144 Sp. Def 153 Speed 122

5d 3h 6m The foe uses Flamethrower, and KOs Lapras!

5d 3h 6m Against Chandelure!

5d 3h 5m Lapras level 67!

5d 3h 5m It uses Flare Blitz, we use Surf. OHKO!

5d 3h 5m Against Talonflame!

5d 3h 5m Another Surf KOs Torkoal!

5d 3h 4m Torkoal uses a Full Restore, we use Surf.

5d 3h 4m Against Torkoal. Surf is used by us, it uses Stone Edge.

5d 3h 4m Hawlucha level 70!

5d 3h 4m We surf again and KO Pyroar!

5d 3h 3m Pyroar uses Noble Roar, we use Surf!

5d 3h 3m We send Lapras against Pyroar!

5d 3h 3m Against Malva!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I think it might be twitch IRC, however i did restart the program and chang some settings, so it should get better.

5d 2h 59m Run 19 Starts!

5d 2h 56m We save!

5d 2h 54m Outside of the Pokemon Center!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: You broke it...

[rip] rip

[Fluff] "Hello? No, I'm sorry. This is NOT the Run!"

5d 2h 53m Gourgeist used Shadow Sneak, Aegislash down! Black Out!

5d 2h 52m We use miss, Gourgeist hits!

5d 2h 52m We use Sacred Sword, which fails. Our foe uses Phantom Force.

5d 2h 52m We send out Aegislash!

5d 2h 51m Fly misses, Phantom hits! Hawlucha down!

5d 2h 51m We use Fly, and it uses Phantom Force.

5d 2h 50m We fail using FlyingPress, and it vanishes!

5d 2h 50m We send out Hawlucha!

5d 2h 50m Gourgeist used Shadow Sneak. Xerneas down!

5d 2h 50m Against Gourgeist!

5d 2h 49m We use Moonblast, OHKO!

5d 2h 49m Against Goodra!

5d 2h 49m TEH URN!

5d 2h 49m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

5d 2h 49m Against Aurorus!

5d 2h 49m We use Moonblast and OHKO!

5d 2h 49m Against Tyrantrum!

5d 2h 48m 7 HP! We use Moonblast! Hawlucha down!

5d 2h 48m We finish Geomancy, Hawlucha uses Poison Jab!

5d 2h 47m We use Geomancy! Hawlucha uses Sword Dance!

5d 2h 47m We send out Xerneas against Hawlucha!

5d 2h 48m Engaged Diantha!

5d 2h 46m Onto the Champ!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 76 - Max. HP 305 Attack 250 Defense 190 Sp. Atk 207 Sp. Def 189 Speed 191

5d 2h 45m Aegislash level 89! Defeated Siebold!

5d 2h 45m Xerneas level 76!

5d 2h 45m We use Moonblast, and OHKO Starmie!

5d 2h 45m Against Starmie!

5d 2h 45m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

5d 2h 45m Against Barbaracle!

5d 2h 44m We use Moonblast, OHKO!

5d 2h 44m Against Gyarados!

5d 2h 44m We use Moonblast, and OHKO Claw!

5d 2h 43m Our Geomancy goes through, and we get hit by another Water Pulse.

5d 2h 43m Xerneas uses Geomancy, while our for uses Water Pulse.

5d 2h 43m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

5d 2h 43m Engaged Siebold!

5d 2h 43m We save!

5d 2h 41m In the main lobby!

5d 2h 40m Drasna defeated!

5d 2h 40m We use Moonblast, OHKO!

5d 2h 40m Against Druddigon!

5d 2h 40m We OHKO it with Moonblast!

5d 2h 39m Against Noivern!

5d 2h 39m We OHKO it with Moonblast!

5d 2h 39m Against Altaria!

5d 2h 39m Hawlucha level 69!

5d 2h 39m We use Moon Blast, and KO Dragalge!

5d 2h 38m We use Moonblast, and Dragalge responds with Sludge Bomb.

5d 2h 38m We send out Xerneas against Dragalge!

5d 2h 38m Against Drasna!

5d 2h 36m In the main lobby.

5d 2h 35m Defeated Wikstrom!

5d 2h 35m We use Sacred Sword, and Scizor faints!

5d 2h 35m We use Swords Dance, while Scizor uses Night Slash.

5d 2h 35m We send out Aegislash!

5d 2h 34m We use Sucker Punch, and Scizor uses Bullet Punch. Absol down!

5d 2h 34m Against Scizor!

5d 2h 34m We use Sucker Punch, and KO Aegislash!

5d 2h 33m We use Psycho Cut, and Aegislash uses Sacred Sword.

5d 2h 33m Aegislash uses King's Shield, blocking our attack.

5d 2h 33m Against Aegislash!

5d 2h 33m We use Sucker Punch, and KO Probopass!

5d 2h 33m Sent out Absol!

5d 2h 32m We use Flamethrower, Probopass uses Power Gem. Charizard faints!

5d 2h 32m Against Probopass!

5d 2h 31m Charizard Mega-Evolves, and uses Flare Blitz! Klefki down!

5d 2h 31m We send out Charizard against Klefki!

5d 2h 31m Challenged Wikstrom!

5d 2h 29m Back in the Main Lobby!

5d 2h 27m Xerneas level 75, Aegislash 88, Malva defeated!

5d 2h 27m We use Heat Wave, and KO Chandelure!

5d 2h 26m We use Flamethrower again, our foe uses Confuse Ray!

5d 2h 26m We use Flamethrower, it uses Shadow Ball.

5d 2h 26m We send out Charizard!

5d 2h 26m It use Flamethrower and OHKOs Lapras!

5d 2h 26m Against Chandelure!

5d 2h 25m Absol is level 68!

5d 2h 25m Talonflame uses Flare Blitz, we use Surf! Talonflame down!

5d 2h 25m Malva uses a Full Restore, while we use Surf!

5d 2h 24m It uses Brave Bird, while we use Surf.

5d 2h 24m Against Talonflame!

5d 2h 24m Another Surf by us KOs Torkoal!

5d 2h 24m Malva uses a Full Restore, we use Surf.

5d 2h 23m We use Surf, and Torkoal uses Curse.

5d 2h 23m Up against Torkoal!

5d 2h 23m We use Surf again, and KO it!

5d 2h 22m Pyroar starts off with a Wild Charge, but we use Surf and OHKO it!

5d 2h 22m We send out Lapras against Pyroar!

5d 2h 22m Engaged Malva!

5d 2h 20m Run 18 Starts!

5d 2h 17m We hang up several times.

5d 2h 17m We call Phil the Photo Guy!

5d 2h 16m Back outside!

5d 2h 15m We heal again!

5d 2h 15m We save!


[rip] rip

5d 2h 15m It uses Shadow Sneak, and Hawlucha faints! Black Out!

5d 2h 14m Phantom Force hits, and we miss Flying Press.

5d 2h 14m We fail Flying Press twice, and our foe uses Tick-or-Treat, and Phantom Force.

5d 2h 14m Sent out Hawlucha!

5d 2h 13m Gougeist uses Shadow Sneak, Xerneas down!

5d 2h 13m Against Gourgeist!

5d 2h 13m We use Moonblast, and OHKOs it!

5d 2h 13m Against Goodra!

5d 2h 13m We use Moonblast again and KO Aurorus!

5d 2h 12m We use Moonblast, while our foe misses Blizzard!

5d 2h 12m Hawlucha level 68!

5d 2h 12m Against Aurorus!

5d 2h 12m We use Moonblast and OHKO it!

5d 2h 11m Against Tyrantrum!

5d 2h 11m We use Moonblast to OHKO it!

5d 2h 11m We send Xerneas out against Hawlucha!

5d 2h 11m Against Diantha!


5d 2h 9m Heading to the Champion!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Smogon Sweep Kreygasm

5d 2h 8m Defeated Siebold!

5d 2h 8m Against Starmie! We use Moonblast! It OHKOS it!

5d 2h 7m Against Barbarcle! We OHKO it!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 74 - Max. HP 297 Attack 242 Defense 185 Sp. Atk 201 Sp. Def 183 Speed 185

5d 2h 7m Xerneas level 74!

5d 2h 7m We OHKO it with Moonblast!

5d 2h 7m Against Gyarados!

5d 2h 7m We snap out of confusion and use Moonblast! OHKO!


5d 2h 7m We hit ourselves, and we get hit with Water Pulse.

5d 2h 6m Another own hit, another Water Pulse.

5d 2h 6m Water Pulse confuses us! We hit ourselves! Another Water Pulse hits us!

5d 2h 6m Our Geomancy finishes, and we face another Water Pulse!

5d 2h 5m Xerneas starts off with a Geomancy! Claw uses Water Pulse!

5d 2h 5m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

5d 2h 5m Engaged Siebold!

5d 2h 2m In the lobby!

5d 2h 1m Drasna defeated!

5d 2h 1m Xerneas uses Moonblast, and OHKOs Druddigon!

5d 2h 0m Against Druddigon!

5d 2h 0m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

5d 2h 0m Against Noivern!

5d 2h 0m We use Moonblast, and KO Altaria!

5d 2h 0m Sent out Xerneas!

5d 1h 59m We use Pyscho Cut, and Altaria uses Moonblast. Absol down!

5d 1h 59m Against Altaria!

5d 1h 59m We use Psycho Cut, and OHKO it!

5d 1h 59m We send out Absol against Dragalge!

5d 1h 59m Engaged Drasna!

5d 1h 56m In the main lobby!

5d 1h 54m Hawlucha level 67! Defeated Wikstrom!

5d 1h 54m We use Sucker Punch, and KO Aegislash!

5d 1h 53m We use Pursuit, and Aegislash uses Sacred Sword!

5d 1h 53m We send out Absol instead. Foe Aegislash uses King's Shield.

5d 1h 53m Sent out Hawlucha!

5d 1h 53m We fail Slash, another Shadow Claw KOs Aegislash!

5d 1h 52m We fail Sacred Sword, it uses Shadow Claw!

5d 1h 52m Against Aegislash!

5d 1h 52m We use Sacred Sword, OHKO!

5d 1h 52m Against Scizor!

5d 1h 52m We use Sacred Sword, and KO Probopass!

5d 1h 51m We send out Aegislash!

5d 1h 51m We use Flamethrower, it uses Power Gem. Charizard down!

5d 1h 51m We use Strength, while our foe uses Power Gem!

5d 1h 51m Against Probopass!

5d 1h 50m Our foe uses Torment, we use Flamethrower. OHKO!

[Chat] SPAM FLAMETHROWER (Right after Torment was used...)

5d 1h 50m We send out Charizard!

5d 1h 50m We start off with Surf, while our foe uses Flash Cannon. Lapras fainted!

5d 1h 49m We send out Lapras against Klefki!

5d 1h 50m Challenging Wikstrom!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 73 - Max. HP 293 Attack 238 Defense 182 Sp. Atk 198 Sp. Def 180 Speed 183

5d 1h 47m Back in the E4 Lobby!

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 66 - Max. HP 275 Attack 151 Defense 133 Sp. Atk 142 Sp. Def 151 Speed 121

5d 1h 47m Lapras level 66! Defeated Malva!

5d 1h 47m We use Surf and OHKO it!

5d 1h 46m Against Chandelure!

5d 1h 46m Absol level 67!

5d 1h 46m It uses Brave Bird, we use Surf. Talon down.

5d 1h 46m Against Talonflame!

5d 1h 46m Xerneas is level 73!

5d 1h 46m We use Surf, OHKO it!

5d 1h 45m Against Torkoal!

5d 1h 45m Charizard 79, Aegislash 87!

5d 1h 45m Pyroar uses Wild Charge, and Lapras starts off with a Surf. Pyroar faints.

5d 1h 44m We send out Lapras againt Pyroar!

5d 1h 45m Engaged Mavla!

[Party] Lapras, Charizard, Absol, Xerneas, Hawlucha, Aegislash!

[Party] Xerneas, Charizard, Absol, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Lapras.

5d 1h 36m Entered the E4 Hall! Run 17 Begins!

[Correction] We didn't waste a Quick Ball before. We still have the ball. We did waste a turn, however, which cost us the match. Not that we would likely have won anyway without hax

5d 1h 35m Back at the Pokemon League!

[Snark] Versus the Champion, last Pokemon at low health... and we throw a Pokeball. Never change, TPP.

5d 1h 34m On Victory Road, battling Wild Pokemon!

5d 1h 33m We re-heal at the Pokecenter!


[rip] rip

[Snark] GOT #REKT!

5d 1h 32m We waste a Quick Ball. Aurorus uses Thunder. Charizard down! Black Out!

5d 1h 31m We send out Charizard!

5d 1h 30m We use Moonblast, Aurorus uses Blizzard, Xerneas down!

5d 1h 30m Against Aurorus!

5d 1h 30m TEH URN?!?!?

5d 1h 30m We use Moonblast, OHKO!

5d 1h 30m Against Tyrantrum!

5d 1h 29m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

[Chat] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

5d 1h 29m We send out Xenreas against Hawlucha!

5d 1h 29m Engaged Diantha!


5d 1h 29m We talk to Diantha!

5d 1h 28m In the Radiant Chamber!

[Chat] Akimbochickenstrips: EV TRAINING LET'S GO

5d 1h 27m We use an Iron on Xerneas!

5d 1h 26m We're going to see the Champ!

5d 1h 26m Defeated Drasna!

5d 1h 25m Against Druddigon! We use Moonblast. It OHKOs!

5d 1h 25m We use Moonblast and OHKO it!

5d 1h 25m Against Noivern!

5d 1h 25m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

5d 1h 25m Against Altaria!

5d 1h 24m We use Moonblast, and KO Dragalge!

5d 1h 24m Geomancy works, but Sludge Bomb hits.

5d 1h 24m We use Geomancy, against another Sludge Bomb.

5d 1h 23m We use Moonblast, while Dragalge uses Sludge Bomb.

5d 1h 23m We send out Xerneas against Dragalge!

5d 1h 23m Engaged Drasna!

[Snark] I never made a comment about how I bold Siebold's name. It's fitting.

5d 1h 17m In the Main Lobby!

5d 1h 16m Defeated Siebold!

5d 1h 16m We use Megahorn, and KO Starmie!

5d 1h 16m Another Full Restore, another Moonblast.

5d 1h 16m Starmie uses a Full Restore, we use Moonblast!

5d 1h 15m We use Nature Power-Tri Attack, it uses Light Screen.

5d 1h 15m Against Starmie!

5d 1h 15m We forget Horn Leech and learn Nature Power!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 72 - Max. HP 289 Attack 233 Defense 177 Sp. Atk 194 Sp. Def 177 Speed 179

5d 1h 15m Xerneas level 72!

5d 1h 14m We use Horn Leech, restoring us to full health! Barbaracle down!

5d 1h 14m Against Barbaracle!

5d 1h 14m We use Moonblast, and KO Gyarados!

5d 1h 14m We use Horn Leech, while our foe uses Dragon Dance!

5d 1h 13m Against Gyarados!

5d 1h 13m Xerneas uses Moonblast, and KOs Claw!

5d 1h 13m Geomancy finishes, we face another Water Pulse!

5d 1h 12m Xerneas starts off with a Geomancy! Our foe uses Water Pulse!

5d 1h 12m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

5d 1h 12m Engaged Siebold!

5d 1h 12m We save!

[Stats] Aegislash Lv. 86 - Max. HP 212 Attack 140 Defense 289 Sp. Atk 141 Sp. Def 277 Speed 135

[Party] Xerneas, Charizard, Absol, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Lapras!

5d 1h 1m We use a Max Revive on Xerneas!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 78 - Max. HP 243 Attack 200 Defense 157 Sp. Atk 172 Sp. Def 161 Speed 185

5d 0h 56m We switch many Pokemon! Will update the current party once we get into the main hall!

5d 0h 52m Absol and Charizard moved!

[Party] Lapras, Xerneas, Charizard, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Absol!

5d 0h 46m We save!

5d 0h 45m Defeated Wikstrom!

5d 0h 45m We use Heat Wave, and KO Aegislash!

5d 0h 45m We send out Charizard!

5d 0h 44m We fail Body Slam. It uses Sacred Sword and KOs Lapras!

5d 0h 44m We send out Lapras!

5d 0h 44m We use Pyscho Cut, it uses Sacred Sword. Absol down!

5d 0h 43m Foe Aegislash uses King's Shield, protecting it from out Me First.

5d 0h 43m Against Aegislash!

5d 0h 43m Absol uses Me First, using X-Scissor! Scizor faints!

5d 0h 42m We send out Absol!

5d 0h 42m Scizor used Bullet Punch, and KOs Aegislash!

5d 0h 41m We use Sword Dance, and Scizor attacks us!

5d 0h 41m We send out Aegislash!

5d 0h 40m Scizor used Bullet Punch, KOing Xerneas!

5d 0h 40m Against Scizor!

5d 0h 40m We use Horn Leech, and KO Probopass!

5d 0h 39m We use Moonblast, and Probopass uses Flash Cannon!

5d 0h 39m We use Megahorn, and Probopass responds with Flash Cannon!

5d 0h 38m Wikstrom used a Full Restore! Xerneas used Horn Leech!

5d 0h 38m We use Moonblast once more, while Probopass uses Flash Cannon again!

5d 0h 38m We use Moonblast, and Probopass uses Flash Cannon!

5d 0h 37m Wikstrom uses a Full Restore, we use Horn Leech.

5d 0h 37m We send out Xerneas!

5d 0h 37m We use Flying Press, and Probopass uses Discharge. Hawlucha faints!

5d 0h 36m We use Aerial Ace! Probopass uses Discharge!

5d 0h 36m We switch to Hawlucha! Probopass uses Power Gem.

5d 0h 36m We use Flamethrower, it uses Power Gem!

5d 0h 35m Against Probopass!

5d 0h 35m Charizard level 78!

5d 0h 35m We use Flare Blitz! It OHKOs Klefki!

5d 0h 35m We switch to Charizard! Klefki uses Torment!

5d 0h 34m Klefki uses Spikes, we use Body Slam!

5d 0h 34m Lapras starts the battle with a Body Slam! Klefki uses Flash Cannon.

5d 0h 34m We send out Lapras against Klefki!

5d 0h 33m Engaged Wikstrom!

[Party] Lapras, Xerneas, Hawlucha, Aegislash, Charizard, Absol. Forgot to mention that before the battle!

5d 0h 26m Defeated Malva!

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 65 - Max. HP 271 Attack 149 Defense 131 Sp. Atk 140 Sp. Def 149 Speed 119

5d 0h 26m Against Chandelure! It uses Confuse Ray, and we use Surf. OHKO!

5d 0h 26m Hawlucha level 66!

5d 0h 25m Lapras level 65!

5d 0h 25m Talonflame down!

5d 0h 25m Talonflame used Brave Bird, we use Surf!

5d 0h 25m Against Talonflame!

5d 0h 25m We use Surf again, and OHKO!

5d 0h 25m Against Torkoal!

5d 0h 24m Pyroar uses Wild Charge, we use Surf. OHKO@

5d 0h 24m We send out Lapras against Pyroar!

5d 0h 24m Against Malva!

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 64 - Max. HP 267 Attack 147 Defense 129 Sp. Atk 138 Sp. Def 147 Speed 117

5d 0h 19m In the E4 Hall! Run 16 Begins!

5d 0h 18m Says there are 72 viewers right now. Most likely a glitch.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ONLINE RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 0h 18m Online!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: On it

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 0h 16m OFFLINE!

[Party] Absol, Xerneas, Hawlucha, Aegislash, Charizard, Lapras

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 77 - Max. HP 240 Attack 196 Defense 155 Sp. Atk 171 Sp. Def 159 Speed 182

5d 0h 14m We save!

5d 0h 9m In Victory Road! Battling Wild Pokemon!

5d 0h 9m Pyroar uses Flamethrower, and KOs Aegislash! Black Out!

5d 0h 8m We send out Aegislash!

5d 0h 8m We use Megahorn, while Pyroar used Hyper Voice. Xerneas faints!

5d 0h 8m We send out Xerneas against Pyroar!

5d 0h 8m Against Malva!

5d 0h 5m Messing with some menus.

5d 0h 0m Somehow the PSS was opened. Still no Wi-Fi though.

Welcome to Day 6 of Pokémon X!

4d 23h 59m Back in the Main Lobby!

4d 23h 58m Wikstrom defeated!

4d 23h 57m We use Sacred Sworsd, and KO Scizor!

4d 23h 57m We use Swords Dance, Scizor uses Night Slash.

4d 23h 57m Aegislash uses Swords Dance, while it uses Nigh Slash.

4d 23h 56m We send out Aegislash!

4d 23h 56m We use Surf, and Scizor uses X-Scissor. Lapras down!

4d 23h 55m Against Scizor!

4d 23h 55m We use Surf again, and KO Aegislash!

4d 23h 55m We use Surf, our foe uses Sacred Sword!

4d 23h 55m Aegislash's King Shield protects itself.

4d 23h 55m We send out Lapras!

4d 23h 54m We use Aerial Ace, but Aegislash KOs Hawlucha!

4d 23h 54m Fly hits!

4d 23h 54m We use Fly again, missing Iron Head.

4d 23h 53m Aegislash uses King's Shield, Fly doesn't hit.

4d 23h 53m Aegislash uses a Full Restore, we miss Flying Press.

4d 23h 52m We send out Hawlucha!

4d 23h 52m We use Flamethrower, and it responds with Shadow Claw. Charizard down!

4d 23h 52m Against Aegislash!

4d 23h 52m Down to 5 HP! Xerneas level 71!

4d 23h 51m We use Flare Blitz, and KO Probopass!

4d 23h 51m Flamethrower vs. Power Gem!

4d 23h 51m We send out Charizard! Wikstrom uses a Full Restore!

4d 23h 50m We use Hron Leech, our foe uses Earth Power!

4d 23h 50m We finish Geomancy!

4d 23h 50m We use Geomancy, and Probopass uses Flash Cannon.

4d 23h 49m Probopass uses Power Gem.

4d 23h 49m We send out Xerneas!

4d 23h 49m We use Flamethrower, and Probopass uses Power Gem.

4d 23h 49m Against Probopass!

4d 23h 48m We Mega-Evolve and use Flamethrower! Klefki down!

4d 23h 48m We use Strength, and Klefki responds with Flash Cannon!

4d 23h 47m We send out Charizard! Klefki uses Spikes!

4d 23h 47m We send out Xerneas against Klefki!

4d 23h 47m Against Wikstrom!

4d 23h 46m We save!

4d 23h 44m Back in the main lobby!

4d 23h 43m Aegislash 86! Siebold defeated!

4d 23h 43m We use Horn Leech again, and KO Starmie.

4d 23h 43m We use Horn Leech, it uses Light Screen.

4d 23h 42m Against Starmie!

4d 23h 42m Another Horn Leech, and Barbaracle down!

4d 23h 42m We use Horn Leech, it misses Stone Edge.

4d 23h 41m Geomancy finishes, and it uses Stone Edge again!

4d 23h 41m We use Geomancy, it uses Stone Edge.

4d 23h 41m Against Barbaracle!

4d 23h 41m We use Moonblast again, and KO it!

4d 23h 41m We use Moonblast, it uses Waterfall!

4d 23h 40m Against Gyarados!

4d 23h 40m Lapras level 64!

4d 23h 40m We use Moonblast again, and KO Claw!

4d 23h 40m Another Full Restore, another Moonblast.

4d 23h 39m Our foe uses a Full Restore, and we use Moonblast.

4d 23h 39m We start off with a Horn Leech, while our foe uses Water Pulse!

4d 23h 39m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

4d 23h 39m Against Siebold!

4d 23h 36m Back in the E4 Lobby!

4d 23h 34m Drasna defeated!

4d 23h 34m We use Moonblast once more, OHKO!

4d 23h 33m Against Druddigon!

4d 23h 33m Against Noivern! We OHKO it with Moonblast!

4d 23h 33m We forget Slash and learn Flare Blitz!

4d 23h 32m We try to learn Flare Blitz!

4d 23h 32m Charizard 77!

4d 23h 32m We use Moonblast, and KO Altaria!

4d 23h 32m We send out Xerneas!

[Stats] Absol Lv. 66 - Max. HP 179 Attack 234 Defense 105 Sp. Atk 135 Sp. Def 82 Speed 129

4d 23h 31m We use Psycho Cut, while our foe repsonds with Moonblast. Absol down!

4d 23h 31m Against Altaria!

4d 23h 31m Xerneas level 70, Hawlucha level 65!

4d 23h 31m Absol level 66!

4d 23h 31m We use Psycho Cut, and KO it!

4d 23h 30m We use Sucker Punch, and get poisoned in the process. Our foe uses Sludge Bomb!

4d 23h 30m We send out Absol against Dragalge!

4d 23h 30m Engaged Drasna!

4d 23h 26m Run 15 Starts!

4d 23h 19m Back outside!


4d 23h 19m Aegislash's Iron Head KOs Hawlucha! Black Out!

4d 23h 18m We fail Flying Press. Our foe uses Iron Head.

4d 23h 18m We send out Hawlucha!

4d 23h 18m Geomancy is successful, Aegislash uses Iron Head. Xerneas down!

4d 23h 17m We use Geomancy! Aegislash uses Iron Head.

4d 23h 17m Aegislash uses King's Shield, while we fail Moonblast!

4d 23h 17m We send out Xerneas!

4d 23h 16m We use Sacred Sword, not effecting our foe. Foe Aegislash uses Shadow Claw, and KOs our Aegislash!

4d 23h 16m Foe Aegislash uses King's Shield. We use fail Slash.

[Fluff] I'm seeing DOUBLE!

[Snark] Sword Fight!

4d 23h 15m We send out Aegislash! Foe Aegislash uses Iron Head.

4d 23h 14m Aegislash uses King's Shield, our Fly misses.

4d 23h 14m We use Fly, Aegislash uses Iron Head.

4d 23h 13m Aegislash uses King's Shield, making our Fly miss.

4d 23h 13m We use Fly, while Aegislash misses Iron Head.

4d 23h 12m Aegislash uses King's Shield, protecting itself from Sky Drop.

4d 23h 12m Sky Drop hits!

4d 23h 12m Wikstrom uses a Full Restore! We use Sky Drop.

4d 23h 12m Sky Drop hits!

4d 23h 12m We use Sky Drop!

4d 23h 11m We send out Hawlucha!

4d 23h 10m We use Surf, and Aegislash uses Sacred Sword. Lapras down!

4d 23h 10m We fail Sheer Cold, and Aegislash uses Sacred Sword.

4d 23h 9m Aegislash uses King's Shield, we fail Sheer Cold.

4d 23h 9m Sent out Lapras!

4d 23h 9m Another Slash that fails. Aegislash uses Shadow Claw. Charizard down!

4d 23h 8m Another King's Shield. We use Slash, it fails.

4d 23h 8m It uses King's Shield, protecting from Charizard's Flamethrower.

4d 23h 8m Against Aegislash!

4d 23h 8m We use Flamethrower once more, and KO Probopass!

4d 23h 7m We Mega-Evolve, and use Flamethrower! Probopass uses Power Gem.

4d 23h 7m Against Probopass!

4d 23h 7m Wikstrom uses a Full Restore, and we use Flamethrower. OHKO!

4d 23h 6m We use Slash, and Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam!

4d 23h 6m We send out Charizard!

4d 23h 6m We use Sucker Punch, and Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam. Absol down!

4d 23h 5m We send out Absol! Klefki uses Flash Cannon.

4d 23h 5m We send out Charizard! Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam!

4d 23h 5m Klefki uses Torment, we use Pursuit again!

4d 23h 4m Klefki uses Spikes, we use Pursuit!

4d 23h 4m We send out Absol against Klefki!

4d 23h 4m Against Wikstrom!

4d 23h 1m Inside the E4 Hall! Run 14 Starts!

[Info] Some users are experiencing very high input delay.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: It's more likely that your stream is lagging than the input is lagging, pause and resume the stream to fix it.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: b

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: what

4d 22h 57m Inside of the Pokecenter, we save!


4d 22h 56m Talonflame used Brave Bird. Charizard down! Black Out!

4d 22h 56m Malva used a Full Restore! We use Strength.

4d 22h 56m Sent out Charizard!

4d 22h 55m Talonflame uses Flare Blitz. OHKOed Aegislash!

4d 22h 55m Malva used a Full Restore, we use Iron Head.

4d 22h 55m Sent out Aegislash!

4d 22h 52m OHKOed Hawlucha!

4d 22h 52m We use Aerial Ace! Talonflame uses Brave Bird.

4d 22h 51m We send out Hawlucha!

4d 22h 48m Our foe uses Flare Blitz, and KOs Xerneas!

4d 22h 48m We send out Xerneas!

4d 22h 48m Talonflame uses Brave Bird, and KOs Lapras!

4d 22h 48m Against Talonflame!

4d 22h 48m We use Surf again, and Torkoal is down!

4d 22h 47m We use Surf, and Torkoal uses Stone Edge.

4d 22h 47m Against Torkoal!

4d 22h 47m Pyroar uses Wild Charge, and we use Surf. Pyroar down!

4d 22h 46m Our foe uses Noble Roar, and we use Body Slam.

4d 22h 46m We switch to Lapras, and Pyroar uses Flamethrower!

4d 22h 46m We start off by using Megahorn, and Pyroar uses Flamethrower.

4d 22h 45m We send out Xerneas against Pyroar!

4d 22h 46m Against Malva!

4d 22h 44m Back in the Main Hall!

4d 22h 42m Defeated Wikstrom!

4d 22h 42m Against Scizor, we OHKO it with Flamethrower!

4d 22h 42m Aegislash level 85!

4d 22h 42m Wikstrom uses a Full Restore, and we use Flamethrower! Aegislash down!

4d 22h 41m We use Flamethrower, and it uses Shadow Claw.

4d 22h 41m Aegislash uses King's Shield, protecting itself.

4d 22h 41m We miss, it uses Shadow Claw!

4d 22h 41m Against Aegislash!

4d 22h 41m Lapras level 63!

4d 22h 40m We use Flamethrower again and KO Probopass!

4d 22h 40m Wikstrom uses a Full Restore, we use Flamethrower.

4d 22h 40m We Mega-Evolve, and use Flamethrower! Probopass uses Power Gem!

4d 22h 40m Against Probopass!

4d 22h 39m Teh urn?

4d 22h 39m We use Flamethrower, and KO Klefki!

4d 22h 39m We send out Charizard, while Klefki uses Spikes!

4d 22h 39m Kllefki uses Spikes, while Xerneas uses Horn Leech.

4d 22h 38m We use Megahorn! While Klefki uses Flash Cannon!

4d 22h 38m We send out Xerneas against Klefki!

4d 22h 38m Against Wikstrom!

4d 22h 35m Back in the Main E4 Hall!

4d 22h 34m Charizard level 76! Defeated Siebold

4d 22h 33m Another Mega Horn KOs Starmie!

4d 22h 33m We use Mega Horn, it uses Light Screen.

4d 22h 33m Against Starmie!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 69 - Max. HP 277 Attack 221 Defense 167 Sp. Atk 185 Sp. Def 166 Speed 170

4d 22h 33m Hawlucha level 64!

4d 22h 33m Against Barbaracle! We OHKO it with Moonblast.

4d 22h 32m Xerneas level 69!

4d 22h 32m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

4d 22h 32m Against Gyarados!

4d 22h 32m We miss Mega Horn and get hit with another Water Pulse. Clawitizer down.

4d 22h 31m Our foe uses Water Pulse. Geomancy is successful, and we get hit with another Water Pulse.

4d 22h 31m We use Geomancy!

4d 22h 31m Another Full Restore versus another Moonblast.

4d 22h 30m Siebold uses a Full Restore. We use Moonblast.

4d 22h 30m We use Horn Leech to start off with, and out foe uses Water Pulse.

4d 22h 29m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

4d 22h 29m Against Siebold!

4d 22h 27m Back in the E4 Hall!

4d 22h 25m Defeated Drasna!

4d 22h 24m We use Moonblast once more, and Druddigon faints!

4d 22h 24m Against Druddigon!

4d 22h 24m Noivern uses Air Slash, we use Moonblast. Noivern down.

4d 22h 24m Against Noivern!

4d 22h 23m We use Moonblast, and KO Altaria!

4d 22h 23m We send out Xerneas!

4d 22h 23m We use Psycho Cut, Altaria uses Moonblast. Absol down!

4d 22h 23m Against Altaria!

4d 22h 22m Another Psycho Cut KOs the foe.

4d 22h 22m Absol starts off with a Psycho Cut, which Dragalge responds with a Sludge Bomb.

4d 22h 22m We send out Absol against Dragalge!

4d 22h 22m Challenged E4 Drasna!

4d 22h 17m We save!

4d 22h 11m Entered E4 Hall! Run 13 Starts!

[Snark] If you want to win, you have to URN IT!

4d 22h 6m We leave the Pokecenter!

4d 22h 6m We use Strength! Clawitzer uses Water Pulse! Charizard down! d blacked out!

4d 22h 5m Clawitzer is burned.

4d 22h 5m Siebold heals up. Charizard uses Heat Wave!

4d 22h 5m Charizard is our last mon left!

4d 22h 5m Fly hits! Hawlucha down to Water Pulse!

4d 22h 5m We fly up high! Water Pulse avoided.

4d 22h 4m We use Flying Press, but it misses! Hawlucha at 1 HP!

4d 22h 4m We use Flying Press! Clawitzer uses Water Pulse.

4d 22h 4m Hawlucha versus Clawitzer!

4d 22h 3m d versus Elite Four Member Siebold! We didn't consider battling an Art.

4d 22h 0m Flood Chamber entered.

4d 21h 58m Wikstrom defeated!

4d 21h 58m We use Flamethrower again! Probopass down!

4d 21h 58m We use Flamethrower. Probopass uses Power Gem.

4d 21h 57m Wikstrom sends in Probopass.

4d 21h 57m Charizard uses Heat Wave! Scizor down!

4d 21h 57m Charizard is sent out!

4d 21h 57m Scizor uses Bullet Punch! Xerneas down!

4d 21h 56m Xerneas and Aegislash are wearied by attacks, but Aegislash goes down first! Scizor out!

4d 21h 54m We sent in Xerneas.

4d 21h 53m Lapras uses Thunderbolt instead. Aegislash uses Iron head. Lapras down!

4d 21h 53m Lapras can't use surf due to Torment.

4d 21h 53m Lapras uses Surf. Aegislash attacks with Sacred Sword!

4d 21h 53m Aegislash uses King's Shield. Sheer Cold can't hit!

4d 21h 52m Hawlucha is level 63! Wikstrom sends in Aegislash.

4d 21h 52m Klefki used Spikes. Lapras used Surf! Klefki fainted!

4d 21h 52m Klefki uses Torment! Lapras does not hit with Sheer Cold.

4d 21h 52m Klefki uses Spikes. Lapras uses Surf!

4d 21h 51m Wikstrom heals Klefki. Lapras fails to hit with Sheer Cold.

4d 21h 51m Klefki uses Spikes! Lapras attacks with Surf.

4d 21h 51m Lapras uses Surf. Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam.

4d 21h 51m We send in Lapras!

4d 21h 51m Aeigislash down to Klefki's Flash Cannon!

4d 21h 50m We send in Charizard! But then we switch to Aeigslash.

4d 21h 50m Absol down to Klefki's Dazzling Gleem!

4d 21h 50m We use a Full Heal on Absol. It's not sleeping.

4d 21h 49m Absol versus Klefki!

4d 21h 49m d versus Elite Four Member Wikstrom!

4d 21h 47m We enter the Ironworks Chamber.

[Options] Text Speed: Slow, Battle FX: On, Battle Style: Set, Battle BG: Stickers, Button Mode: L=A

[Stats] Aegislash Lv. 84 - Max. HP 207 Attack 305 Defense 115 Sp. Atk 323 Sp. Def 103 Speed 131

4d 21h 41m Drasna defeated.

4d 21h 41m Druddigon faints to one Iron Head! Aegislash is level 84! Charizard is level 75!

4d 21h 41m Xerneas is level 68, Lapras 62! Druddigon out!

4d 21h 40m Noivern uses Flamethrower! Aeigislash uses Iron head. Noivern down!

4d 21h 40m Drasna sends in Noivern.

4d 21h 40m Aegislash wakes up and uses Iron Head. Altaria faints!

4d 21h 39m Aegislash is fast asleep. Altaria uses Dragon Pulse!

4d 21h 39m Aegislash uses Swords Dance! Altaria uses Sing to send Aegislash to sleep.

4d 21h 39m We switch into Aegislash! Altaria uses Moonblast again.

4d 21h 38m Absol is snoozing. Altaria uses Moonblast!

4d 21h 38m Absol uses Psycho Cut. Altaria uses Sing! Absol is fast asleep.

4d 21h 38m Drasna sends in Altaria.

4d 21h 38m Absol uses Psycho Cut. Dragalge down in one hit!

4d 21h 37m Absol versus Dragalge!

4d 21h 37m d versus Elite Four Member Drasna!

4d 21h 33m Run 12 Begins!

[Fluff] No. This is NOT the Run!

4d 21h 29m Back outside of the Pokecenter!

4d 21h 29m We use Heat Wave, and Probopass uses Power Gem! Charizard down! Black Out!

4d 21h 28m Against Probopass!

4d 21h 28m Charizard uses Flamethrower, and KOs Klefki!

4d 21h 28m We send out Charizard against Klefki!

4d 21h 28m Engaged Wikstrom!

4d 21h 26m We save!

4d 21h 23m Back in the E4 Hall!

4d 21h 22m Defeated Malva!

4d 21h 22m We send out Charizard! We use Heat Wave, and KO Chandelure.

4d 21h 20m We miss Slash, Chandelure uses Flamethrower. Aegislash faints!

4d 21h 20m We use Slash, missing. Chandelure uses Confide.

4d 21h 19m Our foe uses Confuse Ray, we hit ourselves.

4d 21h 19m We switch to Aegislash!

4d 21h 19m Fly hits, and Chandelure use Flamethrower. Hawlucha down!

4d 21h 19m We use Fly, avoiding a Flamethrower.

4d 21h 18m We send out Hawlucha! Chandelure use Shadow Ball.

4d 21h 18m We miss Strength, Chandelure uses Shadow Ball!

4d 21h 17m We use Heat Wave, Chandelure use Shadow Ball.

4d 21h 17m It misses Slash, Chandelure uses Confuse Ray.

4d 21h 17m We send out Charizard.

4d 21h 17m Chandelure uses Flamethrower, and KOs Lapras!

4d 21h 16m Against Chandelure!

4d 21h 16m We use Surf, and KO Torkoal!

4d 21h 16m Another Full Restore, another Surf!

4d 21h 16m Malva uses a Full Restore, we use Surf.

4d 21h 16m We use Surf, and Torkoal uses Stone Edge.

4d 21h 15m Against Torkoal!

4d 21h 15m Our foe uses Flare Blitz, we use Surf. Talonflame down.

4d 21h 15m Sent out Lapras!

4d 21h 15m Talonflame uses Quick Attack, and Xerneas faints!

4d 21h 14m Another Flare Blitz, and a Moonblast from us!

4d 21h 14m It uses Flare Blitz, we use Megahorn!

4d 21h 14m Against Talonflame!

4d 21h 13m We use another Moonblast and KO Pyroar!

4d 21h 13m We use Moonblast again, and Pyroar use Noble Roar!

4d 21h 13m We use Moonblast to start off, and Pyroar uses Noble Roar.

4d 21h 12m We send out Xerneas against Pyroar!

4d 21h 12m Against E4 Malva!

4d 21h 12m In the Blazing Chamber!

4d 21h 11m TEH URN?

4d 21h 10m Back in the E4 Hall!

4d 21h 9m Defeated Siebold!

4d 21h 9m A Moonblast from us KOs Starmie!

4d 21h 8m We use Horn Leech, while Starmie uses Light Screen.

4d 21h 8m Against Starmie!

4d 21h 8m We use Horn Leech, and KO Barbaracle!

4d 21h 8m Geomancy is successful, another Stone Edge.

4d 21h 7m We use Geomancy, our foe uses Stone Edge.

4d 21h 7m Another Full Restore vs. Another Horn Leech.

4d 21h 7m It uses a Full Restore, we use Horn Leech again.

4d 21h 7m We use Horn Leech, it uses Stone Edge.

4d 21h 7m Against Barbarcle!

4d 21h 6m Hawlucha 62, Aegislash 83!

4d 21h 6m Another Dragon Dance from the fish, and we use Moonblast. Gyarados down!

4d 21h 6m We use Moonblast, and Gyarados uses Dragon Dance!

4d 21h 5m Against Gyarados!

4d 21h 5m We use Moonblast, and KO Clawitizer!

4d 21h 5m We use Horn Leech, while Claw uses Water Pulse!

4d 21h 4m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

4d 21h 4m Against E4 Siebold!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Why don't you ask him then?

4d 21h 2m Back in the E4 Hall!

4d 21h 1m Charizard 74, Lapras 61! Defeated Drasna!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 67 - Max. HP 269 Attack 213 Defense 162 Sp. Atk 179 Sp. Def 160 Speed 164

4d 21h 1m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

4d 21h 1m Against Druddigon!

4d 21h 1m Xerneas level 67!

4d 21h 0m Noivern uses Air Slash, we use Moonblast. Noivern faints!

4d 21h 0m Against Noivern!

4d 21h 0m We use Moonblast, and KO Altaria!

4d 21h 0m Sent out Xerneas!

4d 20h 59m We sleep, Altaria Moonblasts us. Absol down!

4d 20h 59m We sleep, while Altaria uses Moonblast!

4d 20h 59m We use Psycho Cut and it uses Sing. Absol sleeps!

4d 20h 59m Against Altaria!

4d 20h 58m We use Psycho Cut, and it OHKOs Dragagle!

4d 20h 58m We send out Absol against Dragagle!

4d 20h 58m Against E4 Drasna!

4d 20h 55m We save! In Dragonmark Hall!

4d 20h 54m We enter the E4 Hall! Run 11 begins!

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> Oh, I got my powresave 3DS this afternoon, so online postgame can start as soon as e4 is done

[Streamer] twitch_plays_3ds: I don't know if !roulette still works

4d 20h 49m Back outside from the Pokecenter!

4d 20h 48m Starmie uses Surf, and KOs Aegislash! Black Out!

4d 20h 48m Against Starmie!

4d 20h 48m Gyarados uses Earthquake, while we use Slash! Gyarados faints!

4d 20h 47m We send out Aegislash!

4d 20h 47m Gyarados uses Waterfall, and KOs Charizard!

4d 20h 46m Another Dragon Dance from Gyarados, and a Flamethrower from us.

4d 20h 46m We send out Charizard, while Gyarados misses Earthquake!

4d 20h 45m Aegislash uses Slash, while Gyarados uses Dragon Dance!

4d 20h 45m Sent out Aegislash!

4d 20h 44m Gyrados uses Earthquake, and KOs Lapras!

4d 20h 44m Against Gyrados!

4d 20h 44m We use Thunderbolt again and KO our foe!

4d 20h 44m We use Thunderbolt, and Barbaracle uses Stone Edge!

4d 20h 44m Against Barbaracle!

4d 20h 43m We use Thunderbolt, and KO Clawitizer!

4d 20h 43m We send out Lapras!

4d 20h 43m Another Water Pulse (not Blast) KOs Xerneas!

4d 20h 43m Xerneas starts with a Moonblast, and our foe uses Water Blast!

4d 20h 42m We send out Xerneas against Clawitizer!

4d 20h 42m Engaged E4 Siebold!

4d 20h 41m Messing with items.

4d 20h 40m Back in the main hall.

4d 20h 38m Defeated Drasna!

4d 20h 37m We use Moonblast, and OHKO it!

4d 20h 37m Against Druddigon!

4d 20h 37m Noivern uses Super Fang, we respond with Moonblast! Noivern down!

4d 20h 37m Against Noivern!

4d 20h 36m Xerneas uses Moonblast, and KOs Altaria!

4d 20h 36m Sent out Xerneas!

4d 20h 36m Altaria uses Moonblast again, and KOs Hawlucha!

4d 20h 36m We are asleep, Altaria uses Moonblast!

4d 20h 36m Hawlucha uses Flying Press, Altaria uses Sing. We sleep!

4d 20h 35m Fly hits, and Altaria uses Cotton Guard.

4d 20h 35m We use Fly, avoiding Moonblast!

4d 20h 35m We send out Hawlucha! Absol uses Cotton Guard!

4d 20h 34m We use Body Slam, and Altaria can't move!

4d 20h 34m Drasna uses a Full Restore! We miss Sheer Cold!

4d 20h 34m We use Body Slam again, and Altaria fails Sing.

4d 20h 34m We use Body Slam and paralyze Altaria! Altaria uses Dragon Pulse!

4d 20h 34m Sent out Lapras!

4d 20h 33m Against Altaria! Altaria uses Moonblast and KOs Absol!

4d 20h 33m Aegislash level 82! Lapras 60!

[Stats] Absol Lv. 65 - Max. HP 177 Attack 231 Defense 104 Sp. Atk 133 Sp. Def 81 Speed 127

4d 20h 33m We want to learn Perish Song!

4d 20h 32m Absol level 65!

4d 20h 32m Drasna used a Full Restore! We use Psycho Cut again, and KO our foe!

4d 20h 32m We use Psycho Cut, and Dragagle uses SLudge Bomb. We're poisoned!

4d 20h 31m Against Dragagle! We send out Absol!

4d 20h 31m Engaged E4 Drasna!

4d 20h 31m Talking to Drasna!

4d 20h 31m Went up the elevator!

4d 20h 29m In the Dragonmark Chamber!

4d 20h 25m Inside of the E4 Hall! Run 10 Begins!

4d 20h 25m We save!

4d 20h 24m Heading to the E4 Hall!

4d 20h 23m Outside of the Pokecenter!

4d 20h 23m Black out!

4d 20h 23m Aegislash down!

4d 20h 22m Aegislash vs. Pyroar!

4d 20h 22m Challenged Malva!

4d 20h 20m Entered Blazing Chamber

4d 20h 16m Left it!

4d 20h 16m Entered Flood Chamber!

4d 20h 15m Back in the main hall!

4d 20h 14m Drasna defeated!

4d 20h 14m Druddigon down to Iron head, Aegislash in the red!

4d 20h 14m Aegislash in the yellow!

4d 20h 14m Druddigon in the red!

4d 20h 13m Druddigon in

4d 20h 13m Noivern down to Sacred sword!

4d 20h 13m Full res tore on noivern!

4d 20h 13m Iron head and Noivern is in the red!

4d 20h 13m Aegislash is in!

4d 20h 12m Xerneas fainted!

4d 20h 12m Xerneas in the red!

4d 20h 11m Air Slash and Xerneas flinched!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 66 - Max. HP 266 Attack 210 Defense 160 Sp. Atk 176 Sp. Def 156 Speed 161

4d 20h 11m Noivern in!

4d 20h 11m Xerneas up to lv. 66!

4d 20h 11m Altaria faints to moonblast!

4d 20h 10m Horn leech isn't really effective!

4d 20h 10m Xerneas out!

4d 20h 10m Absol fainted !

4d 20h 10m Absol in the red!

4d 20h 10m Used a dusk Ball on Altaria!

4d 20h 9m Absol is sleeping!

4d 20h 9m Psycho cut puts it in the yellow!

4d 20h 9m Altaria out!

4d 20h 8m Psycho cut and dragalge fainted!

4d 20h 8m Absol vs. Dragalge!

4d 20h 8m Challenged Drasna!

4d 20h 6m Entered Dragonmark chamber

4d 20h 5m We entered and leaved DragonMark chamber

[Stats] Absol Lv. 64 - Max. HP 174 Attack 227 Defense 102 Sp. Atk 131 Sp. Def 80 Speed 125

4d 20h 3m Back in the main hall!

4d 20h 2m Wikstorm defeated!

4d 20h 1m Sacred Sword and Scizor fainted!**

4d 20h 1m Aegislash sent in!

4d 20h 1m Charizrd out!Charizard fainted!

4d 20h 1m Hawlucha fainted!

4d 20h 0m Flying press and scizor is in the yellow!

4d 20h 0m Hawlucha in the yellow to iron head!

4d 20h 0m Hawlucha in!

4d 19h 59m Lapras down to Bullet punch!

4d 19h 59m Lapras in the yellow!

4d 19h 59m Bullet punch put it to half health!

4d 19h 59m We switch to Lapras

[Correction] Aegislash Level 81

4d 19h 59m Scizor is out!

4d 19h 58m Aegislash is down!

4d 19h 58m Aegislash is in the red too!

4d 19h 58m Charizard in the red!

4d 19h 58m egislash ( of wikstom) out!

4d 19h 57m Aegislash up to lv.78

4d 19h 57m Probopass down to flamethrower!

4d 19h 57m probopass is in the yellow and burned due to heat crash!

4d 19h 57m Probopass in!

4d 19h 56m Hawlucha up to lv. 61!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 73 - Max. HP 228 Attack 260 Defense 196 Sp. Atk 189 Sp. Def 151 Speed 173

4d 19h 56m Charizard up to lv. 73!

4d 19h 56m Klefki down to flamethrower!

4d 19h 55m Spikes are scattered around our team!

4d 19h 55m We mega evolved Charizard!

4d 19h 55m Charizard is tormented!

4d 19h 55m We switch to Charizard!

4d 19h 54m Absol vs. Klefki!

4d 19h 53m Challenged Wikston!

4d 19h 51m Entered Ironworks Chamber!

4d 19h 50m We entered the E4 lobby! Run # 9!

4d 19h 48m Entered the E4 building

Xerneas current level stats:

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 65 - Max. HP 262 Attack 206 Defense 157 Sp. Atk 173 Sp. Def 152 Speed 159

[Info] Xerneas isn't at lv. 68, but 65

4d 19h 47m Out of the pokecenter!

4d 19h 47m BLACK OUT!

4d 19h 47m Lapras fainted to Stone edge!

4d 19h 46m znother thunderbolt bring it to half health!

4d 19h 46m Barbaracle in!

4d 19h 46m Thunderbolt and starmie fainted!

4d 19h 46m Lapras in!

4d 19h 45m Starmie in the yellow!

4d 19h 45m Waterfall and Charizard fainted!

4d 19h 45m Flamethroweri sn't really effective, and surf ptu charizard in the yellow!

4d 19h 44m Charizard is in!

4d 19h 44m surfBrougth Aegislash down!

4d 19h 44m Starmie is sent in!

4d 19h 44m Gyarados fainted!

4d 19h 43m Another earthquake and she's in the red!

4d 19h 43m Earthquake put it at half health! we use Sword dance!

4d 19h 43m Aegislash sent in!

4d 19h 42m Hawlucha down!

4d 19h 42m 4d 19h 42m Hawlucha in the red!

4d 19h 42m Hawlucha in!

4d 19h 42m Another Waterfall and Xerneas fainted!

4d 19h 42m Waterfall and Xerneas is in the red!

4d 19h 41m Moonbalst again! Gyarados in the yellow!

4d 19h 41m Gyarados in!

4d 19h 41m Moonblast and Clawitzer fainted!

4d 19h 40m Horn leech and clawitzer is in the yellow!

4d 19h 40m Xerneas vs. Clawitzer!

4d 19h 40m Challenged Siebold!

4d 19h 39m Entered Flood chamber!

[correction] Absol fainted to moonblast sorry

4d 19h 37m And left it...

4d 19h 37m Entered Flood Chamber!

4d 19h 35m Back in the main hall!

4d 19h 34m Drasna defeated!

4d 19h 33m Moonblast took it down!

4d 19h 33m Druddigon in!

4d 19h 33m Xerneas in the yello, Noivern down!

4d 19h 33m Noivedrn in!

4d 19h 32m Moonblast an altaria faints!

4d 19h 32m Xerneas in!

4d 19h 32m Absol down to Moonlight!

4d 19h 32m Psycho cut and altaria is in the red!

4d 19h 31m Absol in the yellow!

4d 19h 31m Lapras up to lvc. 59! Alataria in

4d 19h 31m Xerneas up to lv. 68!

4d 19h 31m Psyco cut and Dragalge is down!

4d 19h 30m Absol vs. Dragalge!

4d 19h 30m Challenged Drasna!

4d 19h 29m We entered DragonMark chamber

4d 19h 27m This is the start of run 8!

4d 19h 25m Entered the E4 building!

4d 19h 24m Left Victory Road.

[Fluff] Considering this has been our fastest run so far, will we be able to defeat the Elite 4 + Champion in under 50 runs? Find out next time, on the next episode of Pokemon X!

4d 19h 23m Entered Victory Road!

4d 19h 22m Attempt #7 over!

4d 19h 22m Charizard uses Slash but it doesn't do much. A Stone Edge takes out Charizard! D blacks out!

4d 19h 21m Barbaracle comes in!

4d 19h 21m Gyarados uses Earthquake! Charizard clutch lives with 35HP and uses Strength! Gyarados down!

4d 19h 20m Heat Wave! Gyarados is at about 40%

4d 19h 20m Gyarados sets up another Dragon Dance.

4d 19h 20m Charizard mega evolves!

4d 19h 19m It's all up to Charizard now.

4d 19h 19m Ice Fang! Hawlucha down!

4d 19h 19m Hawlucha is at 11HP. We waste a turn trying to use an Awakening.

4d 19h 18m Gyarados is down to about 70%.

4d 19h 18m Hawlucha flies again!

4d 19h 17m Full Restore used on Gyarados!

4d 19h 17m Hawlucha heads to the skies! Gyarados is down to red!

[Snark] Well that's not very nice... Gyarados you're not too heavy in my book! :(

4d 19h 17m Gyarados sets up a D-dance!

4d 19h 17m Hawlucha uses Skydrop but Gyarados is too heavy to be lifted!

4d 19h 17m Hawlucha comes in!

4d 19h 15m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Gyarados down to less than half. Waterfall! Xerneas down!

4d 19h 15m Gyarados comes in.

4d 19h 15m Another moonblast takes out Clawitzer!

Xerneas goes for the Moonblast. Clawitzer down to about 30%. Water Pulse! Xerneas down to red.

4d 19h 14m Xerneas versus Clawitzer!

4d 19h 14m Versus Siebold!

4d 19h 13m Entered Siebold's room.

4d 19h 12m CORRECTION: This is Attempt #7! Sorry about that folks!

[Status] Xerneas leads followed by Hawlucha and Charizard all at full. Absol, Lapras, and Aegislash have fainted.

4d 19h 8m Moonblast! Druddigon down! Drasna defeated!

4d 19h 8m Drasna sends in Druddigon!

4d 19h 8m Xerneas uses Moonblast. Noivern down!

4d 19h 8m Sent in Xerneas.

4d 19h 7m Another Dragon Pulse knocks out Lapras!

4d 19h 7m Noivern repeatedly hits Lapras with Dragon Pulse. Lapras is down to red.

4d 19h 6m Sent in Lapras!

4d 19h 6m Flamethrower again! Aegislash down!

4d 19h 6m Noivern uses Flamethrower. Aegislash is down to 50HP.

4d 19h 6m Noivern comes in!

4d 19h 5m Aegislash uses Sacred Sword. It's a crit! Altaria faints!

4d 19h 5m Sent in Aegislash!

4d 19h 5m A Moonblast by Altaria takes out Absol!

4d 19h 5m Altaria comes in.

4d 19h 5m Hawlucha does not learn Sword Dance!

4d 19h 4m Hawlucha grows to lv. 60!

4d 19h 4m Absol grows to lv. 64!

4d 19h 4m Another Psycho Cut takes out Dragalge!

4d 19h 4m Absol uses Psycho Cut! Dragalge down to about 30%. Sludge Bomb! Absol down to 85HP

4d 19h 4m Absol versus Dragalge!

4d 19h 3m Versus Drasna!

4d 19h 0m Attempt #6 incoming! Entered the Elite Four Chambers!

4d 18h 54m Another Cross Chop takes out Charizard! D blacks out!

4d 18h 54m Cross Chop! It's a crit! Charizard down to red!

4d 18h 53m Full restore used on Barbaracle!

4d 18h 53m Charizard uses Strength. Barbaracle is down to red!

4d 18h 53m Barbaracle goes for the Stone Edge again. Charizard is down to less than half!

4d 18h 53m We dodge the Stone Edge!

4d 18h 53m Charizard mega evolves! Charizard uses Heat Wave! But it misses!

4d 18h 51m Another Stone Edge takes out Lapras! It's all up to Charizard!

4d 18h 51m Barbaracle uses Stone Edge! Lapras is in the red! T-bolt! Barbaracle is down to 60%

4d 18h 51m Barbaracle in!

4d 18h 51m Charizard grows to lv. 72!

4d 18h 50m Gyarados sets up another Dragon Dance. Lapras uses T-bolt! Gyarados down!

4d 18h 50m Sent in Lapras!

4d 18h 50m Waterfall! Aegislash down!

4d 18h 50m Iron Head! Gyarados is down to about 65%

4d 18h 50m Full restore used on Gyarados!

4d 18h 50m Aeisglash uses Sacred Sword. Gyarados is in the red.

4d 18h 49m Sent in Aegislash. Gyarados uses Earthquake. Aegislash is at about 55%.

4d 18h 49m Gyarados uses Waterfall. Xerneas down!

4d 18h 49m Gyarados comes in and gets hit with Moonblast! Gyarados sets up a Dragon dance.

4d 18h 49m Aegislash grows to lv. 80!

4d 18h 48m Megahorn from Xerneas takes out Clawitzer!

4d 18h 48m Water pulse brings Xerneas down to 74HP.

4d 18h 48m Moonblast! Clawitzer is down to about 30%

4d 18h 48m Xerneas versus Clawitzer!

4d 18h 48m Versus Siebold!

[Status] Xerneas leads with 149/258HP, followed by Aegislash, Charizard, and Lapras all at full. Absol and Hawlucha have fainted.

4d 18h 44m Drasna defeated!

4d 18h 44m Moonblast! Druddigon down!

4d 18h 44m Druddigon comes in

4d 18h 44m Xerneas is left with 149/258HP

4d 18h 44m Another Air Slash by Noivern. Moonblast! Noivern down!

4d 18h 43m Noivern uses Air Slash. Xerneas flinches!

4d 18h 43m Noivern comes in!

4d 18h 43m Xerneas levels up to 64!

4d 18h 43m Moonblast! Altaria down!

4d 18h 43m Altaria comes in

4d 18h 43m Another Moonblast by Xerneas takes out Dragalge!

4d 18h 42m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Dragalge down to less than half.

4d 18h 42m Another full restore used on Dragalge!

4d 18h 42m Sent in Xerneas!

4d 18h 42m Another t-bolt takes out Hawlucha!

4d 18h 42m Dragalge uses Thunderbolt! Hawlucha down to 88/188HP

4d 18h 41m Hawlucha uses Fly! Dragalge down to less than half.

4d 18h 41m Full Restore used on Dragalge!

4d 18h 41m Sent in Hawlucha!

4d 18h 41m Absol uses Me First which turns into Sludge Bomb! Dragalge down to red! Another Sludge Bomb from Dragalge takes out Absol!

4d 18h 41m Dragalge uses Slude Bomb. Absol down to about 25% and poisoned!

4d 18h 40m Absol versus Dragalge!

4d 18h 40m Drasna engaged!

4d 18h 38m Entered Dragonmark Chamber

4d 18h 37m Run #6 incoming! Entered the Pokemon League!

4d 18h 33m And that concludes Attempt #5!

4d 18h 32m Waterfall! Aegislash down! D blacks out!

4d 18h 32m Aegislash sets up a Swords Dance.

4d 18h 32m Gyarados uses Earthquake. Aegislash clutch lives with 5HP!

4d 18h 31m It's all up to Aegislash.

4d 18h 31m Waterfall from Gyarados knocks out Charizard!

4d 18h 30m Sent in Charizard!

4d 18h 28m The only 'Mons still alive on our team are Charizard and Aegislash.

4d 18h 28m Gyarados is currently at just below half health.

4d 18h 27m We miss the Sheer Cold. Another EQ takes out Lapras!

4d 18h 27m Gyarados uses Earthquake. Lapras is down to 82HP.

4d 18h 27m Lapras comes in!

4d 18h 27m Gyarados uses Ice Fang. Hawlucha OHKO'ed!

4d 18h 26m Hawlucha comes in!

4d 18h 26m Gyarados is now at +2 Attack and Speed

4d 18h 26m A couple of waterfalls by Gyarados takes out Xerneas!

4d 18h 25m Gyarados sets up another Dragon Dance.

4d 18h 25m Gyarados sets up a D-Dance. +1 Attack, +1 Speed now

4d 18h 25m Gyarados comes in.

4d 18h 24m Another Moonblast takes out Clawitzer!

4d 18h 24m Clawitzer uses Water Pulse. It doesn't do much.

4d 18h 24m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Clawitzer down to about 30%

4d 18h 24m Xerneas versus Clawitzer!

4d 18h 24m Versus Siebold!

4d 18h 23m Entered Siebold's Chambers.

4d 18h 23m Team Status: Xerneas now leads with full health. The only Pokemon that has fainted so far is Absol. The rest of our party 'Mons are at full.

4d 18h 21m Lapras also levelled up to level 58 during our battle with Drasna.

4d 18h 21m Successful sweep by Xerneas! Saved the game as well!

4d 18h 20m Druddigon in! Moonblast! Druddigon down! Drasna defeated!

4d 18h 20m Xerneas avoids the Air Slash and uses Moonblast! Noivern OHKO'd!

4d 18h 20m Drasna sends in Noivern!

4d 18h 20m Moonblast! Altaria OHKO'd!

4d 18h 20m Altaria comes out!

4d 18h 19m Another Moon Blast by Xerneas takes out Dragalge!

4d 18h 19m Xerneas goes for the Moon Blast. Dragalge down to less than half!

4d 18h 19m Drasna uses a Full Restore on Dragalge!

4d 18h 19m Sent in Xerneas!

4d 18h 19m Another Sludge Bomb from Dragalge takes out Absol!

4d 18h 18m Absol is down to 54HP thanks to Sludge Bomb.

4d 18h 18m Absol uses Me First! It turned into Sludge bomb!

4d 18h 18m Absol versus Dragalge!

4d 18h 18m Versus Drasna!

4d 18h 16m We have entered Dragonmark Chamber

4d 18h 15m Okay, it seems like we are done switching around our team for now. Our party is as follows: Absol leads followed by Xerneas, Hawlucha, Aegislash, Charizard, and Lapras.

4d 18h 12m In case you were wondering, yes we are still switching around our party members.

4d 18h 3m Just kidding, apparently we're still not done switching our party order around.

4d 18h 3m Switched our party order. It is now Lapras, followed by Xerneas, Hawlucha, Absol, Charizard, and Aegislash

4d 18h 0m Entered the Pokemon League. Run #5 incoming.

4d 17h 49m Noivern uses Flamethrower. Hawlucha faints! Black out!

4d 17h 49 Airslash by Noivern brings Hawlucha to red!

4d 17h 49m Only Hawlucha is left!

4d 17h 48m Another Dragon Pulse takes out Charizard!

4d 17h 48m Charizard mega evolves! Noivern hits Charizard with another Dragon Pulse. Charizard down to 12HP!

4d 17h 47m Noivern goes for the Dragon PUlse. Charizard retaliates with Slash!

4d 17h 47m Charizard sent in!

4d 17h 47m Lapras gets hit with Air Slash! Lapras down!

4d 17h 47m Switched in Lapras!

4d 17h 46m Sent in Hawlucha!

[Stats] Aegislash Lv. 79 - Max. HP 195 Attack 287 Defense 108 Sp. Atk 304 Sp. Def 97 Speed 124

[Meta] The TPP GDoc is back up-to-date as of 4d 17h 45m. Come join us at googledoc.twitchplayspokemon.info

4d 17h 45m Noivern uses Flamethrower! Aegislash down!

4d 17h 45m Drasna sends in Noivern!

4d 17h 45m Aegislash grows to lv. 79!

4d 17h 45m Sacred Sword! Altaria down!

4d 17h 44m Another Swords Dance, Aegislash is now at +4 Attack

4d 17h 44m Altaria gradually chips away at Aegislash's health with Dragon Pulse.

4d 17h 44m Aegislash sets up a Swords Dance. +2 Attack

4d 17h 43m Aegislash uses Slash! It doesn't do much.

4d 17h 43m ALtaria uses Dragon Pulse. Aegislash takes it like a boss!

4d 17h 43m Switched in Aegislash!

4d 17h 42m Lapras is down only 21HP after another Dragon Pulse

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Those smogon strats FailFish

4d 17h 42m Another sing puts Lapras to sleep!

4d 17h 42m Lapras avoids Sing and retaliates with Sheer Cold! Which is also a miss!

4d 17h 42m Altaria hits Lapras with another Dragon Pulse. Lapras wakes up and uses Body Slam!

4d 17h 41m Another Cotton Guard, Altaria is now at +4 Def

4d 17h 41m Altaria sets up a Cotton Guard. Def +2

4d 17h 41m Drasna uses ANOTHER full restore on Altaria!

4d 17h 40m Altaria is down to red! Sing puts Lapras to sleep!

4d 17h 40m Altaria keeps getting parahaxed.

4d 17h 40m Another Thunderbolt paralyzes Altaria!

4d 17h 40m Altaria keeps hitting Lapras with the Dragon Pulse. Down to about 55% on Lapras.

4d 17h 39m Lapras goes for the Thunderbolt. It doesn't do much.

4d 17h 39m Lapras uses Sheer Cold. We miss!

4d 17h 39m Drasna uses a Full Restore on Altaria.

4d 17h 39m Sent in Lapras!

4d 17h 38m Altaria uses Moon Blast as well. Absol down!

4d 17h 38m Absol uses Moon Blast! It's a crit! Altaria down to red!

4d 17h 37m Altaria comes in.

4d 17h 37m Absol uses Psycho Cut! Dragalge down!

4d 17h 37m Sent in Absol!

4d 17h 37m Dragalge uses Slude Bomb again! Xerneas is down to red. Xerneas faints from poison!

4d 17h 37m Moonblast! Dragalge down to less than half.

4d 17h 37m Xerneas uses Horn Leech! It doesn't do much. Dragalge hits us with a Slude Bomb! Xerneas is poisoned!

4d 17h 36m Xerneas versus Dragalge!

4d 17h 36m Versus Drasna!

4d 17h 35m Entered Drasna's Chamber.

4d 17h 31m Xerneas currently leads our team.

Attempt #4 incoming

4d 17h 27m In the Pokémon League Building.

4d 17h 23m Flamethrower OHKO's Aegislash! Black out!

4d 17h 23m Aegislash vs. Pyroar.

4d 17h 22m Malva challenged!

4d 17h 21m Entered Malva's room

Here is Absol's current stats, BTW.

[Stats] Absol Lv. 63 - Max. HP 171 Attack 224 Defense 101 Sp. Atk 129 Sp. Def 79 Speed 123

4d 17h 19m Drasna defeated!

4d 17h 19m Noivern used Flamethrower! Aegislash knocks out Noivern!

4d 17h 19m Sent out Aegislash

4d 17h 18m Noivern uses Air Slash. Hawlucha faints!

4d 17h 17m Hawlucha sent out!

4d 17h 17m Charizard fainted!

4d 17h 15m Charizard uses Heat Wave.

4d 17h 15m Noivern sent out.

4d 17h 14m Charizard forgets Inferno for Heat Wave!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 71 - Max. HP 222 Attack 182 Defense 144 Sp. Atk 158 Sp. Def 147 Speed 169

4d 17h 14m Charizard level 71!

4d 17h 14m Charizard used Inferno, and Druddigon fainted!

4d 17h 13m We sent out Charizard.

4d 17h 12m Lapras fainted!

4d 17h 12m Lapras sent out!

4d 17h 11m Absol fainted!

4d 17h 11m Drasna sent out Druddigon. Psycho Cut again.

4d 17h 10m Altaria used Moonblast! Absol woke up and uses Psycho Cut to bring down Altaria!

4d 17h 10m Absol fell asleep!

4d 17h 10m Psycho Cut again! Altaria is in the yellow!

4d 17h 9m Hawlucha level 59! Altaria sent out!

4d 17h 9m We send out Absol, who finishes Dragalge with Psycho Cut.

4d 17h 9m Xerneas faints!

4d 17h 8m Drasna challenged! Xerneas vs Dragalge.

4d 17h 7m Entered Dragonmark Chamber. (Drasna)

[Info/Stats] In case we missed some level ups, current party levels now are Charizard lvl.70, Lapras lvl.57, Aegislash Lvl.78, Absol Lvl.63, Xerneas Lvl.63, and Hawlucha Lvl.58

4d 17h 2m Xerneas switched with Charizard. Drasna next?

[Status] All our team members are at full health with the exception of Charizard, who is 66/215.

4d 16h 59m Exited Wikstrom's room.


4d 16h 58m Xerneas did not learn Misty Terrain. Wikstrom defeated!

4d 16h 58m Xerneas is trying to learn Misty Terrain.

4d 16h 58m Flamethrower against Scizor. Scizor down! Xerneas level 63!

4d 16h 57m Charizard uses Flamethrower! Aegislash uses King's Shield! Aegislash protected itself! Flamethrower again! Aegislash fainted!

4d 16h 57m Wikstrom's Aegislash is sent out. Charizard uses Flamethrower!

4d 16h 56m Flamethrower again. Probopass fainted!

4d 16h 56m Aegislash level 78! Flamethrower against Probopass.

4d 16h 55m Mega Charizard uses Flamethrower! Klefki OHKO'd!

4d 16h 55m Charizard vs. Klefki. Charizard Mega Evolves!

[Snark] "Let us both give our word that our battle will be fair and honorable." Good...so no Full Restores then, right?

4d 16h 55m Wikstrom challenged!

4d 16h 54m Entered Ironworks Chamber, which is still Wikstrom's room.

4d 16h 53m Charizard is now in front

4d 16h 51m Attempt #3 begins!

[Snark] Is your refrigerator running?

4d 16h 48m Called Phil the Photo Guy again. We instantly send him away.

4d 16h 46m Black out!

4d 16h 46m Used Sacred Sword! Scizor in the yellow! Aegislash fainted!

4d 16h 46m Sent out Aegislash!

4d 16h 45m Xerneas fainted!

4d 16h 45m Geomancy again...FailFish

4d 16h 44m Scizor is sent out.

[Snark] Looks like Wikstrom lost his keys.

4d 16h 44m Klefki puts out another layer of spikes! Xerneas uses Megahorn, but misses. Moonblast used, Klefki down!

[Snark] Geomancy: for when wasting one turn on a non-damaging move isn't enough.

4d 16h 43m Xerneas is subjected torment, and uses Geomancy!

4d 16h 43m Klefki is in the yellow!

4d 16h 43m Klefki used Smogon Spikes!

4d 16h 42m Hawlucha fainted!

4d 16h 42m Hawlucha uses Aerial Ace. (kreygasm) Klefki uses Dazzling Gleam!

4d 16h 41m Wikstrom sent out Klefki, we send out Hawlucha. And yes, we did throw away the thunder stone.

4d 16h 41m Wikstrom challenged!

4d 16h 41m Tried to use an escape rope, but didn't do anything. Also I think we threw away a Thunder Stone.

4d 16h 40m Entered Ironworks Chamber, Wikstrom's room!

4d 16h 39m Used a Max Revive on Hawlucha!

4d 16h 36m Looks like we're trying to use one of those Max Revives.

4d 16h 36m We step onto the elevator without any problems this time.

4d 16h 35m Malva defeated!

4d 16h 35m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Chandelure down!

4d 16h 35m Chandelure uses Confuse Ray and Xerneas is confused!

4d 16h 35m Xerneas used Horn Leech.

4d 16h 35m Xerneas sent out!

4d 16h 34m Absol fainted!

4d 16h 34m Malva sent out Chandelure. Sucker Punch once again! It's super effective. Did more than 50% damage!

4d 16h 33m Absol is in the yellow! Talonflame in the red! Sucker Punch again! Talonflame fainted!

4d 16h 33m Sent out Absol. Malva used a Full Restore. Absol used Sucker Punch! But it failed! Absol used Sucker Punch again! Talonflame in the yellow! Absol is burned by Talonflame's Flame Body!

[Info] That move was Brave Bird.

4d 16h 32m Lapras fainted!

4d 16h 32m Malva sends out Talonflame! Talonflame uses some move that I didn't catch the name of, is damaged by recoil. Talonflame in the yellow against Surf!

4d 16h 32m Surf again! Torkoal down!

4d 16h 31m Torkoal at about half HP.

4d 16h 31m Malva sent out Torkoal. Surf's up!

4d 16h 31m Pyroar used Noble Roar! Lapras' Attack and Special Attack fell! Surf again! Pyroar down!

4d 16h 31m Surf again! Pyroar in the yellow!

4d 16h 30m Pyroar used Wild Charge! Does about 1/4 damage. Lapras used Surf! Pyroar in the red! Full restore used!

4d 16h 30m Malva challenged! Lapras sent out against Pyroar.

[Fluff] Another room that lives up to its name.

4d 16h 29m Entered Blazing Chamber, Malva's room. Since Lapras is in the front, this gives us a type advantage!

4d 16h 28m Saved the game a couple times. And we finally exit Drasna's room!

4d 16h 27m We're having trouble stepping on the elevator tile in the center of the room to exit Drasna's room.

[Info] We have at least one Max Revive in our inventory.

[Meta] Here is our Pokémon X Elite 4 Selfie Photo!

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 62 - Max. HP 250 Attack 195 Defense 148 Sp. Atk 163 Sp. Def 143 Speed 150

4d 16h 20m One more moonblast, and another OHKO! Xerneas level 62! Drasna defeated!

4d 16h 20m Drasna sends out Uxie Druddigon!

4d 16h 20m Drasna sends out Noivern! Noivern uses Air Slash. Xerneas uses Moonblast again. Another OHKO! Noivern down!

4d 16h 19m Drasna sends out Altaria! Moonblast again! It's super effective! Altaria OHKO'd!

4d 16h 19m Xerneas used Moonblast! Dragalge fainted!

4d 16h 19m We sent out Xerneas! Type advantage!

4d 16h 19m Charizard faints from poisoning!

4d 16h 18m Drasna uses another Full Restore! Charizard Mega Evolves and uses Strength!

4d 16h 18m Dragalge is in the red again!

4d 16h 18m Charizard is poisoned by Dragalge's Poison Point!

4d 16h 18m Dragalge is burned again!

4d 16h 17m Dragalge is brought to a tiny sliver of HP by its burn, but it doesn't faint! Full Restore used! Charizard uses Inferno!

4d 16h 17m Charizard uses Flamethrower! Dragalge in the red, and it was burned! Dragalge uses Thunderbolt!

4d 16h 17m Sent out Charizard.

4d 16h 17m Thunderbolt again! Hawlucha down!

4d 16h 16m Sky Drop hits, but doesn't do much damage!

4d 16h 16m Dragalge uses Thunderbolt again! Hawlucha in the yellow! Hawlucha uses Sky Drop!

4d 16h 16m Hawlucha uses Fly! Dragalge uses Thunderbolt, but it misses! Fly lands! Dragalge at 2/3 HP.

4d 16h 15m Drasna challenged! We send out Hawlucha against Drasna's Dragalge!

4d 16h 14m Entered Dragonmark Chamber! This is Drasna's room.

4d 16h 13m Attempt #2 has begun!

4d 16h 12m Entered League building!

4d 16h 12m We take a photo, but d blinked! We save it anyway. No tip for Phil. The exercise he got running here and back should serve as his tip.

4d 16h 11m Called him again! Taking another photo!

4d 16h 11m We call him back, and dismiss him once again. He must be getting tired.

4d 16h 11m We change our mind. Phil leaves.

4d 16h 11m Taking a photo!

4d 16h 10m We don't take a picture; d was just wondering what a camera was. But then he calls him back!

4d 16h 10m We call Phil the Photo Guy and ask him what a camera is.

CLEARLY not teh urn.

4d 16h 9m Left the Pokemon center.

4d 16h 8m Gyarados brought to the red by Moonblast, but Xerneas faints! Black out!

4d 16h 8m Siebold sends out Gyarados!

4d 16h 7m Horn Leech again. Clawitzer down!

4d 16h 7m Xerneas is back in the yellow!

4d 16h 7m Xerneas uses Horn Leech, bringing Clawitzer into the yellow. Xerneas at half HP.

4d 16h 7m Xerneas used Geomancy! Xerneas's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed rose sharply! Xerneas is in the yellow!

4d 16h 6m Siebold uses another Full Restore! Cheater!

4d 16h 6m Xerneas used Moonblast! Clawitzer used Water Pulse! Xerneas at about half HP! Siebold uses a Full Restore!

4d 16h 5m Sent out Xerneas, who is the last member of our team, and is poisoned!

[Chat] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

4d 16h 4m Now it's Clawitzer's turn. Absol fainted!

4d 16h 4m Absol used Me First, which turned into Aura Sphere!

4d 16h 3m Siebold sends out Clawitzer. We send out Absol.

4d 16h 3m Siebold asks us if Pokemon battling can be considered art. We say yes, he agrees. Siebold challenged!

4d 16h 2m The room is flooded with water! I guess it was named that for a good reason.

4d 16h 2m Entered the Flood Chamber, Siebold's room.

[Info] This is like in Gen V, where we can challenge the Elite Four in any order we want. There's Malva (Fire type), Siebold (Water type), Drasna (Dragon type) and Wikstrom (Steel type).

[Info] RUN #1 Incoming!

4d 15h 59m Entered the Elite Four area. There's no turning back now!

4d 15h 58m Entered the Pokemon League building.

4d 15h 56m We didn't heal.

4d 15h 56m Exited.

4d 15h 55m Still in the Pokemon Center.

4d 15h 52m We go back and Checkpoint!


4d 15h 51m Absol level 62! Veteran defeated!

4d 15h 51m We use Moonblast, and KO Umbreon!

4d 15h 50m We send out Xerneas, who proceeds to take Toxic! We are poisoned!

4d 15h 50m Our Me First fails. Umbreon heals itself!

4d 15h 50m Sent out Absol!


4d 15h 48m We use another Flamethrower, but Charizard faints to another Payback!

4d 15h 48m We Mega-Evolve and use Flamethrower! Umbreon uses Payback!

4d 15h 48m Against Umbreon!

4d 15h 48m Another Pyschic, and another Inferno! Alakazam down!

4d 15h 47m We use Inferno and burn our foe, Alaka responds with Psychic!

4d 15h 47m Sent out Charizard!

4d 15h 47m Psychic KOs Aegislash!

4d 15h 47m Against an Alakazam!

[Stats] Aegislash Lv. 77 - Max. HP 190 Attack 280 Defense 105 Sp. Atk 297 Sp. Def 95 Speed 121

4d 15h 46m Aegislash level 77! Xerneas 61! Charizard 70!

4d 15h 46m Another Sacred Sword from us KOs the foe!

4d 15h 46m Aegislash starts off with a Sacred Sword, and Skarmory responds with Night Slash.

4d 15h 45m We send out Aegislash against Skarmory!

4d 15h 45m Against Veteran Gilles!

4d 15h 45m Defeated Veteran Catrina!

4d 15h 45m We use Sacred Sword, and KO Snorlax!

4d 15h 44m Sent out Aegislash!

4d 15h 44m We use Surf once more, but Body Slam KOs Lapras!

4d 15h 44m Another Surf, another Body Slam. Down to 25 HP!

4d 15h 44m We use Surf, and Snorlax uses Body Slam!

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 56 - Max. HP 235 Attack 128 Defense 113 Sp. Atk 121 Sp. Def 126 Speed 103

4d 15h 44m Against Snorlax!

4d 15h 43m Lapras level 56!

4d 15h 43m We use Surf once more, and KO Glaceon!

4d 15h 43m Lapras' Thunderbolt, Glaceon's Blizzard!

4d 15h 43m We use Surf, and avoid Blizzard!

4d 15h 42m We use Sheer Cold unsuccessfully, and Blizzard hits!

4d 15h 42m We use Thunderbolt, and we avoid Glaceon's Blizzard!

4d 15h 42m We send out Lapras against Glaceon!

4d 15h 42m Against Veteran Catrina!

[Fluff] His body wasn't ready.

4d 15h 41m Defeated Veteran Timeo!

4d 15h 41m We use Sacred Sword, and KO it!

4d 15h 41m Gigalith used Protect, avoiding our Sacred Sword.

4d 15h 41m Sent out Aegislash!

4d 15h 40m We use Fly, avoiding a Stone Edge. The curse ends up KOing Hawlucha!

4d 15h 40m We use Flying Press, and avoid Gigalith's attack.

4d 15h 40m Against Gigalith!

4d 15h 39m We use Aerial Ace, and Trevenant responds with Curse! It ends up killing him!

[Chat] "My Body is Ready!"

4d 15h 39m Against Timeo! We send out Hawlucha against Irevenent!

4d 15h 38m We surf an enter another cave!

4d 15h 36m Defeated Vincent!

4d 15h 35m We use Flying Press, and OHKO Smeargle!

4d 15h 35m We send out Hawlucha against Smeargle!

4d 15h 35m Battling Artist Vincent!

4d 15h 35m Outside once more!

4d 15h 31m Entered another cave!

4d 15h 28m We save!

4d 15h 26m We swap Hawlucha and Charizard!

4d 15h 26m Outside!

4d 15h 22m We switch Hawlucha and Xerneas!

4d 15h 21m Trekking along the caves!

4d 15h 16m On Victory Road once more!

4d 15h 13m In the Pre-Victory Road room.

4d 15h 12m On Route 21!

4d 15h 9m Another save!

[Meta] /u/Calabazal has a new recap video up.

4d 15h 6m Outside in Snowbelle City!

4d 15h 6m Inside of the Pokecenter! We save!

4d 15h 5m Xerneas down! Black Out!

4d 15h 5m We use Horn Leech, and Gigalith uses Stone Edge again.

4d 15h 5m Our foe uses Protect, we miss Horn Leech.

4d 15h 4m We use Horn Leech, and Gigalith responds with Stone Edge!

4d 15h 4m We finish our Geomancy!

4d 15h 4m We use Geomancy, while our foe uses Sandstorm!

4d 15h 3m Gigalith used Protect, not taking damage from Moonblast.

4d 15h 3m Against Gigalith!

4d 15h 3m We start off with Horn Leech, and KO Irevenant!

4d 15h 2m We send out Xerneas!

4d 15h 2m We use Psycho Cut. Our foe uses Wood Hammer! Absol fainted!

4d 15h 1m Absol starts of with Me First. Ireve uses Will-O-Wisp, burning us!

4d 15h 1m We send out Absol!

4d 15h 0m We fail Sacred Sword again, and a Shadow Claw KOs Aegislash!

4d 15h 0m We use Sacred Sword. It doesn't affect our foe. Ireve uses Curse.

4d 14h 59m We send out Aegislash against Irevenant!

4d 14h 59m Against Veteran Timeo!

4d 14h 58m Inside of a cave!

4d 14h 58m We surf!

[Correcection] I meant to say Aegislash leveled up, the same one we sent in.

4d 14h 56m Another Sacred Sword KOs Scizor! Defeated Michelle!

4d 14h 56m We use Sacred Sword, Scizor responds with Night Slash!

4d 14h 56m We send out Aegislash!

4d 14h 55m Scizor uses Bullet Punch again, and KOs Hawlucha!

4d 14h 55m Scizor uses Bullet Punch, we still sleep.

4d 14h 55m We fall asleep! Against Scizor!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 58 - Max. HP 185 Attack 143 Defense 99 Sp. Atk 93 Sp. Def 105 Speed 171

4d 14h 55m Hawlucha level 58! Doublade level 76!

4d 14h 54m We use Flying Press, and KO Magcargo!

4d 14h 54m Another Aerial Ace from us, and Magcargo uses Yawn!

4d 14h 54m We use Aerial Ace, and Magcargo responds with Fire Blast.

4d 14h 54m Another Ancient Power KOs Lapras! We send out Hawlucha!

4d 14h 53m We use Sheer Cold. Magcargo is unaffected.

4d 14h 53m We use Body Slam again, and it uses Ancient Power!

4d 14h 52m We use Body Slam, and get burned due to Mag's Flame Body. Mag misses its attack.

4d 14h 52m We use our turn to re-evaluate and send out Lapras! Mag uses Fire Blast.

4d 14h 52m We send out Aegislash!

4d 14h 51m We use Flamethrower, and Magcargo uses Ancient Power again. Charizard down!

4d 14h 51m We use Slash, and Mag responds with Ancient Power! It's Super Effective!

4d 14h 51m We send out Charizard against Magcargo!

4d 14h 51m Battling Ace Trainer Michelle!

4d 14h 50m Outside once more!

4d 14h 47m Battling wild Pokemon!

4d 14h 47m Progressing along! Entered another cave!

4d 14h 42m Entered Victory Road!

[Party] Charizard, Lapras, Aegislash, Absol, Hawlucha, Xerneas.

4d 14h 38m On Route 22!

4d 14h 37m Entered the Victory Road Gates!

4d 14h 36m On Route 21!

4d 14h 31m We save!

4d 14h 28m Outside in Snowbelle City!

4d 14h 28m Back in the Pokecenter!

4d 14h 27m Absol uses Me First! We both hit each other with X-Scissors. Absol down! Black Out!

4d 14h 27m We send out Absol!

4d 14h 26m Our only Pokemon left is Absol!

4d 14h 25m Scizor uses Bullet Punch, and KOs Xerneas!

4d 14h 25m Xerneas starts off with a Horn Leech, and Scizor responds with a Swords Dance!

4d 14h 24m We send out Xerneas to face Scizor!

4d 14h 24m Scizor starts with a Bullet Punch, and KOs Lapras!

4d 14h 24m Michelle sends out Scizor!

4d 14h 23m 2 More Ancient Powers from Magcargo, and Lapras finally responds with Surf. Magcargo down!

4d 14h 23m Our foe uses Ancient Power, paralyzing us. We can't move!

4d 14h 23m She sends out Magcargo, and we send out Lapras!

4d 14h 22m Ace Trainer Michelle engaged us!

4d 14h 21m We head outside of the cave!

4d 14h 20m Absol leveled up to 61! Defeated Veteran Gerard!

4d 14h 20m Another Moonblast KOs Leafeon!

4d 14h 20m We start off with a Moonblast, and Leafeon responds with a Leaf Blade!

4d 14h 20m Against Leafeon!

4d 14h 19m Xerneas level 60!

4d 14h 19m Xerneas responds with a Mega Horn, and KOs Banette!

4d 14h 19m We send out Xerneas, who faces Banette's Thunderbolt immediately!

4d 14h 18m Lapras uses Sheer Cold, uneffecting Banette. We get Thunder Waved, paralyzing Lapras!

4d 14h 18m We send out Lapras!

4d 14h 18m Banette uses another Shadow Ball on Aegislash. Aegislash down!

4d 14h 18m Banette uses Shadow Ball, and we respond with a Sword Dance!

4d 14h 17m Sent out Aeigslash! We change to Blade Form and uses Slash, unaffecting it. Banette uses Thunder Wave, paralyzing us.

4d 14h 17m We use Flamethrower, but Banette's Shadow Ball manages to KO Charizard!

4d 14h 16m Charizard Mega-Evolves, and uses Slash. It doesn't affect Banette. Banette responds with Thunderbolt!

4d 14h 16m We send out Charizard against Banette!

4d 14h 16m Against Veteran Gerard!

4d 14h 15m Facing some wild Pokemon!

4d 14h 12m We finally defeated her.

4d 14h 12m Moon Blast takes out Altaria

4d 14h 11m Xerneas fell asleep!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: FailFish what's happening

4d 14h 10m Altaria out

4d 14h 10m Horn leech takes out Slwobro

4d 14h 10m Surf defeats Hawlucha

4d 14h 8m Charizard --> Hawlucha

4d 14h 7m Slowbro vs. Charizard

4d 14h 7m Fighting Pokemon Ranger Petra.

[Snark] This will be our boss. TOO MANY LEDGES.

[Info] Lapras is now at Level 55!

4d 14h 1m We used a Rare Candy on Lapras!

4d 13h 59m They are back.

4d 13h 59m Inputs are broken!

4d 13h 58m We heal!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I think the delay is back to normal now

4d 13h 56m We found a quick ball!

4d 13h 54m Serena left

4d 13h 54m Serena gives us Max Revives!

4d 13h 53m We defeated Serena!

4d 13h 53m Sucker Punch takes out Serena's Absol!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I can't do anything about the delay, it's twitch.

4d 13h 52m Absol! Absol vs Absol.

4d 13h 51m We finally defeat Altaria.

4d 13h 51m We try to use Antidote...

4d 13h 50m We send out Absol!

[Info] Seems like the delay is big.

[Info] If anyone misunderstood, we used Skydrop, it didn't affect Altaria and Altaria took us out.

4d 13h 47m Sky Drop... And Altaria defeats out hawlucha.

4d 13h 46m We're trying to Aerial Ace Altaria to death.

4d 13h 46m Serena sends Altaria.

4d 13h 46m AERIAL ACE takes out Delphox.

4d 13h 45m We changed it for Hawlucha...

4d 13h 45m Aegislash out.

4d 13h 44m Delphox survives Body Slam with little HP and then defeats Lapras with Shadow Ball

4d 13h 43m We paralyzed Delphox.

4d 13h 43m We send Lapras!

4d 13h 42m Psychic takes out Xerneas

4d 13h 41m Delphox out!

4d 13h 41m Mega Horn defeats Jolteon!

4d 13h 41m Xerneas out.

4d 13h 40m Qucik Attack from Jolteon faints Charizard.

[Snark] "Don't be a thief!"

4d 13h 39m Tossed a dusk ball at Serenas Jolteon.

4d 13h 39m Jolteon out.

4d 13h 39m We forgot Rock Smash for me first.

4d 13h 38m Absol grew to level 60!

4d 13h 38m Strength from Charizard takes out Meowstic!

4d 13h 37m Meowstic out.

4d 13h 37m Serena engaged!

4d 13h 37m We meet Serena!

4d 13h 34m Healed our team!

4d 13h 33m Hex Maniac defeated!

4d 13h 32m Moonblast defeats Gourgeist.

4d 13h 32m Gourgeist out.

4d 13h 31m Fighting a Hex Maniac!

4d 13h 30m Still in Victory Road, trying to progress and running from wild pokemon.

4d 13h 23m Fairy Tale Girl defeated!

4d 13h 22m Xerneas level 59! Didn't learn Psych up.

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 59 - Max. HP 238 Attack 184 Defense 140 Sp. Atk 155 Sp. Def 135 Speed 142

4d 13h 22m Florges down.

4d 13h 21m Florges out

4d 13h 21m Azumarill defeated, Xerneas healed a bit.

4d 13h 20m She sends out Azumarill!

4d 13h 20m Fighting a Fairy Tale Girl!

4d 13h 16m Caught a wild Graveler! Female and level 57. Nick !qtwéeui

4d 13h 12m We're back.

We ALMOST named it Uxxxieeeeee or something, which would have been hilarious in the same way as Aipom J.

4d 13h 11m Stream down

[Info] It was Level 58.

4d 13h 10m Caught a wild Druddigon!, male and called Druddigoné23

[Info] Xerneas is the only mon left, with 94 HP

4d 13h 8m We save!

4d 13h 7m Trainer defeated!

4d 13h 8m Defeated the Psychic!

4d 13h 7m Moonblast faints Espeon.

4d 13h 7m Espeon uses Future Sight on us, and we respond with Moonblast. Espeon fainted!

4d 13h 6m We send out Xerneas!

4d 13h 6m Burrito <3

4d 13h 6m Hawlucha fainted!

4d 13h 6m Fighting a trainer! HAwlucha against Espeon!

[Info] We nicknamed it Gurdurryyié.

4d 13h 3m Caught a wild Gurdurr with a Dusk Ball! Famale, Level 58

[Info] The Haunter we just caught was Level 58.

4d 13h 0m Caught Haunter with a dusk ball, Female, nickmane 07,22yééééé

4d 13h 0m Used another Duskball It broke free!

4d 12h 59m Used a Dusk Ball on a wild Haunter! it Broke free!

4d 12h 56m Caught a wild female Druddigon with a Dusk Ball! Level 58! No Nickname.

4d 12h 53m Caught Gurdurr Male, nickname é

4d 12h 52m Hawlucha up to lv. 57!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 57 - Max. HP 182 Attack 141 Defense 97 Sp. Atk 91 Sp. Def 104 Speed 168

4d 12h 52m Wasted 2 Dusk Ball on a wild Gurdurr!

4d 12h 51m it broke free!

4d 12h 50m Throw a dusk Ball on a graveler!

[Info] Only Hawlucha and Xerneas are left now! The rest fainted.

4d 12h 46m Found Carbos!

4d 12h 45m Hawlucha leads our team now!

4d 12h 44m Ander defeated!

4d 12h 44m Sky drop put Heracross down!

4d 12h 44m Hawlucha in!

4d 12h 42m Close Combat and Absol fainted!

4d 12h 42m Absol in!

4d 12h 42m Aegislash fainted!

4d 12h 42m Heracross in!

4d 12h 41m Aegislash up to lv. 75!

[Stats] Aegislash Lv. 75 - Max. HP 186 Attack 273 Defense 103 Sp. Atk 289 Sp. Def 92 Speed 117

4d 12h 41m Sacred Sword and pangoro is down!

4d 12h 41m Pangoro vs. Aegislash

4d 12h 41m vs. Black belt Ander!

4d 12h 40m We left the puzzle!

4d 12h 39m We're now jumping from plot to plot

4d 12h 38m In a cave!

4d 12h 36m ON the outside part of Victory road!

4d 12h 36m Black belt Markus defeated!

4d 12h 36m Xerneas up to lv. 58!

4d 12h 35m Flying Press put Machamp down!

4d 12h 35m Sky Drop And Machamp is at half health! we avoided Stone edge!

4d 12h 34m We switched to Hawlucha!

4d 12h 34m Earthquake and absol is in the yellow!

4d 12h 34m We switched for Absol!

4d 12h 33m Machamp vs. aegislash!

4d 12h 32m Battle agains Black belt Markus!

4d 12h 28m Bence defeated!

4d 12h 28m Sacred Sword and Kangaskhan faints!

4d 12h 28m Kangaskhan in!

4d 12h 27mElectrode down!

4d 12h 27m Aegislash is in!

4d 12h 26m Lapras fainted to a third Thunder!

4d 12h 25m Another thunder missed! Sheer cold didn't affect electrode!

4d 12h 25m **Lapras in the red to Thunder!

4d 12h 25m Electrode is sent in!

4d 12h 25m Hawlucha up to lv. 56!

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 54 - Max. HP 227 Attack 123 Defense 108 Sp. Atk 116 Sp. Def 122 Speed 98

4d 12h 24m Lapras up to lv. 54!

4d 12h 24m Surf take Steelix down!

4d 12h 24m Steelix against Lapras!

4d 12h 23m VS. Ace trainer Bence!

4d 12h 23m Back on land.

4d 12h 23m We're now surfing.

4d 12h 22m Entered Victory Road!

4d 12h 21m Back at the entrance of Victory Road!

4d 12h 20m And on Route 22!

4d 12h 19m At the entrance of victory road!

4d 12h 19m Mireille defeated!

4d 12h 18m Megahorn and Crustle faints!

4d 12h 18m Crustle in!

4d 12h 17m Xerneas isn't confused anymore! Moonblast took Sableye down!

4d 12h 17m Xerneas hurt himself, and Zen headbutt isn't really effective!

4d 12h 16m Horn Leech puts Sableye to half health, confuse Ray confuse Xerneas.

4d 12h 16m Xerneas in!

4d 12h 16m Charizard faints!

4d 12h 15m Power gem And charizard is in the red!

4d 12h 15m Shadow ball puts him in the yellow!

4d 12h 15m Charizard is confused and hurt himself!

4d 12h 15m Sableye vs. Charizard!

4d 12h 14m Battle against ace trainer Mireille!

4d 12h 13m We entered Route 21

4d 12h 11m Out of the pokecenter and in the streets!

4d 12h 10m We blacked out, by the way. Back in Wulfric Town.

[Snark] Looks like Bence was right.

4d 12h 9m By Iron Tail, that last turn. A third Horn Leech, and then Xerneas is taken down by Iron Tail.

4d 12h 8m As does a second Horn Leech, and Xerneas is brought to low health.

4d 12h 8m A horn Leech does barely any damage, and Xerneas dodges an Iron Tail.

4d 12h 7m Ace Trainer Bence says that we look like a good foe to fight with his Steelix. Little does he know, we have Xerneas!

4d 12h 2m An Ice Punch hurts Xernas, but not as much as Moonblast hurts Weavile, instantly knocking it out. Alanza defeated.

4d 12h 1m Looking for some piece and quiet, Ace Trainer Alanza challenges us with weavile. Xerneas is our only Pokemon left.

4d 12h 0m We enter Victory Road proper. As in, the cave part.

4d 11h 59m We walk up those stairs and find ourselves heading into Victory Road.

4d 11h 59m We walk up to a strange sigil, it lights up, falls down, and a gate with a Pokeball opens, revealing stairs.

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 57 - Max. HP 230 Attack 176 Defense 134 Sp. Atk 149 Sp. Def 130 Speed 137

4d 11h 58m Xerneas uses Moonblast, and it finally fells Robbie's Kingdra. Robbie is defeated, and Xerneas grows to level 57.

4d 11h 58m A Megahorn hurts Kingdra, but it counters with Flash Cannon!

4d 11h 57m Xerneas is sent out, the last Mon. It gets hurt by stones and sets up the aura.

4d 11h 56m Robbie sends out Kingdra. Another of Absol's Psycho Cuts tear through it, but Absol's no match for Dragon Pulse and goes down.

[Stats] Absol Lv. 59 - Max. HP 161 Attack 210 Defense 95 Sp. Atk 121 Sp. Def 73 Speed 115

4d 11h 56m Raichu brings Absol to red with thunderbolt, but Absol finishes off Raichu with a Psycho Cut, and levels to lv. 59 for her efforts.

4d 11h 55m We send out absol, and she's hurt by stones as well.

4d 11h 54m Hawlucha is sent out, and pointed stones dig into her. She raises high into the air, away from Raichu's nuzzling. The next turn, fly does little damage, and Raichu Nuzzles Hawlucha. Another turn is a flying press, still little damage, and a thunderbolt faints Hawlucha.

[Chat] Dr O's Return, Pikachu is back, etc. etc.

4d 11h 52m Robbie sends out Raichu, and is uses Grass Knot. Lapras faints.

4d 11h 52m A second surf takes out Carbink.

4d 11h 52m Another Sheer Cold just leaves Carbink unnafected and power Gem does some damage. Next turn, surf makes Carbink low yellow, and Power Gem to half on Lapras.

4d 11h 51m Sheer Cold misses, and Carbink sets up with some Stealth Rocks.

4d 11h 51m Ace Trainer Robbie must test us first with his Carbink against our Lapras, for some reason.

4d 11h 51m We enter the Victory Road gate. A single Trainer blocks our path. We present him our badges.

4d 11h 49m A moonblast takes down Wailord, and Elincia and Sean are defeated, and they yell magic words.

4d 11h 49m We send in Xerneas, and the Fairy Aura activates.

4d 11h 48m Everything misses, and Wailord faints Charizard with Dive.

4d 11h 48m Another slash brings Wailord to low yellow, and it dives. Sheer cold by Lapras unaffects it.

4d 11h 47m After Mega-evolving Charizard, its slashing and Lapras's Body Slamming take out Vileplume. Wailord uses Water Spout, but Lapras heals. Charizard is in red, however.

4d 11h 46m Engaging Ace Duo Elina And Sean! They send out Wailord and Vileplume, and we Lapras and Charizard.

4d 11h 40m We pass through the western gate onto Route 21.

[Snark] Well we're already on the 5th day, seems like it's about time we get to Victory Road already!

4d 11h 38m Mister Stands-Next-To-The-Podium-Thing-Guy congratulates us, and Wulfric comes and tells us we should head to the Pokemon League. That all happened at the very outside of Wulfric's Gym.

4d 11h 37m After Wulfric's speech, an ice path is made and we sliiiiiide back to the entrance and exit.

[Info] For those of you counting, we got all eight badges in five days!

4d 11h 37m Recieved the Iceberg Badge and TM13 Ice Beam from Wulfric.

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 69 - Max. HP 216 Attack 177 Defense 140 Sp. Atk 153 Sp. Def 143 Speed 164

[Chat] 69 Kappa

4d 11h 36m Cryogonal couldn't take the burn! It's down! Charizard to level 69, and Wulfric is defeated!

4d 11h 36m A third Inferno burns Cryogonal and puts it in red, and another ice beam hurts Charizard.

4d 11h 36m Another Inferno misses, and the hail begins again!

4d 11h 35m Cryogonal sent out, and Inferno misses! Ice beam hits, and the hail stops.

4d 11h 35m Inferno just about melts Avalugg, and it faints. Lapras levels up.

4d 11h 34m We attempt to catch Avalugg, but Wulfric blocks the ball. Meanwhile, Avalugg uses torch and Aegislash is buffeted by hail. Next turn, Aegislash hits with a sacred sword and is then crunched, and faints. CHarizard sent out.

4d 11h 33m Aegislash's quick movements speedily bring down Abomasnow with an Iron Head, but it's buffeted by hail. Avalugg is sent out!

4d 11h 33m Wulfric engaged after a pat of his belly! He sends out Abomasnow, and we start out with Aegislash. It starts to hail.

4d 11h 32m Approaching Wulfric.

4d 11h 32m Moved the Green platform out of position, but then back into a correct one.

4d 11h 31m Rotated Green Platform into correct position! Wulfric is ready to be challenged!

4d 11h 29m Rotated once more into correct position.

4d 11h 28m Rotated the yellow platform twice.

4d 11h 25m Rotated Yellow platform to incorrect position, but then we pressed the button again.

4d 11h 22m Rotated yellow once again into another incorrect position.

4d 11h 19m Yellow platform rotated to incorrect.

[Info] With only Wulfric left to fight, it's all a matter of pressing buttons now.

4d 11h 15m Theo is defeated, Hawlucha learns Sky Drop over Sky Attack, and grows to level 56!

4d 11h 14m Theo sends out Vanilluxe, and is broken to pieces by a second Iron Head! Hawlucha grows to level 55!

4d 11h 14m Aegislash outspeeds Beartic, no surprise, and brings it down with an Iron Head.

4d 11h 13m Fighting on the yellow platform with Ace Trainer Theo! His Beartic goes out against Aegislash.

4d 11h 12m Snapping out of its confusion, Aegislash takes out Jynx with one more Iron Head. Defeated Shannon!

4d 11h 12m Aegislash grows to level 73 Absol to 58, and Shannon sents out Jynx.

4d 11h 11m Piloswine is sent out, and another Iron Head brings it down.

4d 11h 11m A confuse ray hits Aegislash, but luckily it shatters Cryogonal with an Iron Head anyway!

4d 11h 10m And that means... Engaged Ace Trainer Shannon once again! Cryogonal is sent out, as is Aegislash.

4d 11h 10m Crossed onto the yellow platform, but we need to get past the green button area to switch it so it's correct.

4d 11h 9m Brought the red platform into a correct position!

4d 11h 7m More button-pressing shenanigans with the red platform.

4d 11h 5m Another, incorrect... and the third brings us into correct mode, but we press it again.

4d 11h 5m We bring the red platform around once, incorrect...

4d 11h 3m We turn the platform back into its correct position!

4d 10h 58m Blue button pressed and moves the platform into another incorrect position.

4d 10h 53m Incorrect again.

4d 10h 53m Blue platform back in correct position.

4d 10h 52m Blue button pressed, setting the platform in the... incorrect position? I may have been incorrect on that Info.

[Info] Both platforms that are affected by the buttons are in their incorrect positions.

4d 10h 49m We went over and pressed the Red button!

4d 10h 45m Blue button pressed to being wrong again, and we walk away.

4d 10h 44m and the Blue button is, twice.

4d 10h 42m Red button pressed...

[Info] The buttons reset when you re-enter the Gym, so we have to press them all over again.

4d 10h 39m Wulfric's Gym re-entered!

4d 10h 36m A second moonblast does little damage, and Jynx avalanches Xerneas to fainting. Blackout!

4d 10h 35m Shannon sends out Jynx.

4d 10h 35m Xerneas, currently in low health, uses Moonblast, and takes down Piloswine.

4d 10h 34m A second Flying press whittles piloswine's health to low yellow, and its Blizzard Takes down Hawlucha.

4d 10h 34m A Flying press oneshots Cryogonal. Shannon then sends out Piloswine.

4d 10h 33m Engaged Ace Trainer Shannon! She sends out Cryogonal, and we send out low-health Hawlucha.

4d 10h 32m Crossed the blue bridge.

4d 10h 31m More pressing the red button. I'll make sure to inform when we press a different one.

4d 10h 30m Pressed it twice more.

4d 10h 29m Red button pressed twice, back to normal.

4d 10h 28m Pressed the blue button; the blue platform rotates.

4d 10h 18m Stepped on a Blue Switch The Blue Platform Rotates

4d 10h 18m Hawlucha Leveled up to Lv54

4d 10h 17m Sky Attack knocks out Mamoswine

4d 10h 17m Mamoswine takes Hawlucha to 1HP with Blizzard

4d 10h 16m Hawlucha Vs Mamoswine

4d 10h 16m Hawlucha knocks out Delibird with Aerial Ace

4d 10h 16m Hawlucha Vs Delibird

4d 10h 16m Battling Ace Trainer Viktor

4d 10h 12m Defeated Ace Trainer Imelda

4d 10h 12m Horn Leech knocks out Cloyster

4d 10h 12m Send out Xerneas

4d 10h 11m Absol faints to an Icicle Crash

4d 10h 10m Absol takes Cloyster to about half health while cloyster use spikes

4d 10h 10m Absol Vs Cloyster

4d 10h 10m Rock Smash OHKOS it

4d 10h 9m Absol Vs Sneasel

4d 10h 9m Battling Ace Trainer Imelda

4d 10h 8m Wulfric awaits us at the end of the Gym puzzle

4d 10h 8m Entered Snowbelle City Gym

4d 10h 7m Near the Snowbelle Gym

4d 10h 1m Back to Snowbelle City

4d 9h 58m Xearneas Leveled up to Lv 55

4d 9h 58m Nicknamed UI8u288th6qa

4d 9h 57m Xerneas Forgets Night Slash and Learns Horn Leech

4d 9h 57m Caught a wild Male Lv 48 Zoroark with a Dusk Ball

4d 9h 56m Wasted a Net Ball on the Zoroark

4d 9h 55m Wasted all the Quick Balls on a wild Zoroark

4d 9h 52m Defeated Poke Fan Roisin

4d 9h 52m Moonblast takes out Granbull

4d 9h 51m Roar forces Absol to Switch out to Xerneas

4d 9h 51m Psycho Cut dosent do much to Granbull

4d 9h 51m Absol knocks out Snubbull with Psycho Cut

4d 9h 50m Absol Vs Snubbull

4d 9h 50m Battling Poke Fan Roisin

4d 9h 47m Charizard faints from Poison

4d 9h 44m Mega Evolve Charizard to Fight a Horde of Lv 25 Foongus

4d 9h 40m Nicknamed Euaateattea

4d 9h 40m Caught a wild Male Lv49 Jigglypuff with a Quick Ball

[Snark] Well its real name is !. But it's also known as 44w4h39.

4d 9h 38m Nicknamed !aka44w4h39

4d 9h 38m Caught a wild Lv49 Male Noctowl with a Quick Ball

[Info] That Jigglypuff just now was a Female lv 49

4d 9h 36m Nicknamed Kkq

4d 9h 35m Caught a wild Female Lv 48 Amoonguss with a Quick Ball

[Chat] Cue the chat saying "right" as their interpretation of the name, which then gets processed as an input. I wonder how many of them realized this would happen?

4d 9h 35m Nicknamed Rryt1

4d 9h 34m Capture a wild Jigglypuff

4d 9h 33m Nicknamed __11tt!aho

4d 9h 32m Capture a wild Level 50 Female Noctowl with a Quick Ball

4d 9h 32m Saved the game

[Info] We Have 8 Quick Balls 83 Dusk Balls and 1 Net Ball

[Info] It was Lv 50 Female

4d 9h 28m Nicknamed ur wuqev3r

4d 9h 27m Hawlucha Leveled up to Lv53

4d 9h 27m Absol Leveled up to Lv 57

4d 9h 27m Charizard Leveled up to Lv68

4d 9h 26m Caught a Wild Amoonguss

4d 9h 25m Aegislash faints to a wild Ditto

4d 9h 21m Jumped of a ledge near Mewtwo's cave

4d 9h 18m Aegislash OHKO the wild Ditto

4d 9h 17m Wasted another Dusk Ball on the Ditto

4d 9h 17m Aegislash is down to red by a wild Ditto's Iron Head

4d 9h 16m 85 Dusk Balls left

4d 9h 15m Wasted another 3 more Dusk Balls on a wild Ditto

4d 9h 14m Wasted 5 Dusk Balls on a Ditto

4d 9h 10m Obtained a Pixie Plate

4d 9h 8m Obtained a Prism Scale

[Info] The Noctowl was a Male Lv50

4d 9h 3m Obtained a Pretty Wing

4d 9h 1m Nicknamed 'eg'xxRju

4d 9h 1m Caught a Noctowl

4d 9h 0m It was a Male Lv50

4d 8h 59m Nicknamed AAQ(Female) ____XDDGK

4d 8h 58m Aegislash Leveled up to Lv 72

4d 8h 58m Caught a wild Amoonguss

[Streamer] twitch_plays_3ds: ResidentSleeper = Resident snorlax (no space)

4d 8h 54m A Snorlax is resting under a tree

4d 8h 53m Charizard is poisoned by a wild Amoonguss

4d 8h 52m Xerneas Leveled up to Lv 54

4d 8h 49m Wulfric is going back to the gym awaiting for our challenge

4d 8h 47m Entered Pokemon Village

4d 8h 47m Talking to Wulfric

4d 8h 44m Defeated Fairy Tale Girl Wyyne

4d 8h 43m Aegislash knocks out Azumarill with and Iron Head

4d 8h 43m Sacred Sword and Play Rough dosent do too much to either pokemons

4d 8h 43m Aegislash vs Azumarill

4d 8h 43m Aegislash knocks out Klefki with an iron head

4d 8h 42m Battling Fairy Tail Girl Wyyne

4d 8h 41m Defeated Twins Nana and Nina

4d 8h 40m Hawlucha levels up to lv 52

4d 8h 40m Charizard finishes off Slurpuff with Strength

4d 8h 39m Aegislash uses Iron Head on Charizard it dosent do much

4d 8h 39m We Sent out Charizard

4d 8h 39m Lapras faints to an Energy Ball

4d 8h 37m Thunderbolt from Lapras almost kills Slurpuff

4d 8h 36m Aegialsh knock out Aromatise

4d 8h 36m Aegislash & Lapras Vs Slurpuff & Aromatise

4d 8h 36m Battling Twins Nana and Ninia

4d 8h 34m Aegislash Leveled up to Lv 71

[Chat] Shinysapphire: TPP Crystal: Gator wars, TPP HG: Kenya Wars, TPP X: Fedora Wars Kappa

4d 8h 30m Encountered a horde of foongus and quickly ran away

4d 8h 30m Entered Route 20 Winding Woods

4d 8h 24m We're back outside.

4d 8h 20m So far, d's outfit hasn't changed much. The only thing different is the orange bag he has on now.

4d 8h 20m Left.

4d 8h 17m In the fitting room once more.

4d 8h 16m Changed into the orange bag.

4d 8h 15m In the fitting room again.

4d 8h 12m Left without changing clothes.

4d 8h 12m In the fitting room.

[Money] 86,140

4d 8h 10m Bought Black Chinos.

4d 8h 9m Purchased yellow Sneakers.

4d 8h 8m Bought Splatter Paint T-Shirt.

4d 8h 6m Purchased Two-Tone Bag.

4d 8h 5m Browsing the items.

4d 8h 4m Entered the clothes shop.

4d 8h 2m Did not give a tip.

4d 8h 1m Called the photo guy. Took a photo!

4d 7h 58m Got off. We're on the streets now.

4d 7h 57m Sitting on a bench.

4d 7h 54m Safely outside.

4d 7h 54m And we're back in again.

4d 7h 54m Exited the house.

4d 7h 53m Returned outside for a short while before coming back in.

4d 7h 50m Just wandering around the house now.

4d 7h 47m Host: What's "Eevee" called in Japanese? "Eievui!"

4d 7h 46m Still at the TV. d's learning a lot it seems.

4d 7h 37m d then proceeds to watch the TV again.

4d 7h 37m Tipped the lady 100 for her song. The lady thanks us.

4d 7h 36m Went away from the TV.

4d 7h 35m Still watching the TV.

4d 7h 34m Now it's about the move Fling.

4d 7h 33m This time it's a program about Ramos, the Coumarine Gym Leader.

[Chat] The chat is talking about Kono Pokemon Mite.

4d 7h 32m Watching the TV again.

4d 7h 32m It's the Jubilife City song

4d 7h 31m A lady in the house plays a song.

4d 7h 29m d's watching the TV. It's a program about the item King's Rock. Watchy Watchog is on air.

4d 7h 27m A little Litleo frolicks along the second floor.

4d 7h 24m Back inside.

4d 7h 23m In a random house. Left.

4d 7h 20m Walking around the snowy streets.

4d 7h 19m Left the centre.

4d 7h 19m In the Pokémon Centre. Checkpoint Snowbelle City.

4d 7h 13m Arrived at Snowbelle City!

4d 7h 11m Nickname is K_YY_BX_(umbrella)

4d 7h 11m Absol level 56.

4d 7h 10m Used a Quick Ball! Caught level 48 male Drapion.

4d 7h 9m Made it past the bridge.

4d 7h 8m Shauna leaves after.

4d 7h 8m Shauna gives us HM05 Waterfall.

4d 7h 8m Trevor and Tierno leave.

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 53 - Max. HP 209 Attack 162 Defense 123 Sp. Atk 137 Sp. Def 119 Speed 126

4d 7h 7m Our friends wonder where Serena is.

[Chat] BibleThump

4d 7h 7m Lapras to level 52.

4d 7h 6m Trevor defeated.

4d 7h 6m Moonblast again! Aerodactyl is finished.

4d 7h 6m Nonetheless, Moonblast hits! Aerodactyl barely survives.

4d 7h 6m Xerneas is also confused.

4d 7h 5m Out comes Aerodactyl.

4d 7h 5m Xerneas to level 53.

4d 7h 5m Xerneas in red.

4d 7h 5m Moonblast knocks Florges out!

4d 7h 5m Both are in about half now.

4d 7h 4m Trevor sends in Florges.

4d 7h 4m Charizard to level 67.

4d 7h 4m Moonblast knocks out Raichu!

4d 7h 4m Raichu's next Thunderbolt doesn't do much either.

4d 7h 3m Raichu uses Thunderbolt! Xerneas still in green. Xerneas hits with Moonblast! Raichu is in red.

4d 7h 3m Xerneas vs. Raichu.

4d 7h 3m Battle! VS. Pokémon Trainer Trevor.

4d 7h 3m Trevor heals our team.

4d 7h 1m Pokémon Trainer Tierno defeated.

4d 7h 1m Crawdaunt is knocked out!

4d 7h 1m Aegislash uses Scared sword.

4d 7h 1m Sent in Aegislash.

4d 7h 1m Absol faints to Crawdaunt's Crabhammer.

4d 7h 1m Absol uses Sucker Puncj. It doesn't do too much to Crawdaunt.

4d 7h 0m Tierno sends in Crawdaunt.

4d 7h 0m Psycho Cut finishes off Roserade.

4d 7h 0m Absol's in red. Roserade confused!

4d 7h 0m Roserade still in green and uses Petal Dance!

4d 7h 0m Absol uses Rock Smash!

4d 6h 59m Sent in Absol.

4d 6h 59m Roserade leads with Petal Dance! Lapras faints.

4d 6h 58m Tierno sends in Roserade.

4d 6h 58m Hawlucha to level 51.

4d 6h 58m Surf hits the bird! Talonflame down.

4d 6h 58m Talonflame is paralysed.

4d 6h 58m Lapras is burned by Flame Body!

4d 6h 58m Talonflame uses Acrobatics! Lapras still in green and uses Body Slam! Talonflame paralysed.

4d 6h 57m Lapras vs. Talonflame.

4d 6h 57m Battle! VS. Pokémon Trainer Tierno.

4d 6h 57m Tierno challenges Li'l d to a battle.

4d 6h 56m Trevor and Tierno come running along.

4d 6h 56m Shauna defeated.

4d 6h 56m Aegislash to level 70.

4d 6h 55m Slash takes out Greninja!

4d 6h 55m Greninja uses Water Shuriken! Charizard in red.

4d 6h 55m Mega-Evolved Charizard!

4d 6h 55m Greninja uses Double Team.

4d 6h 55m Charizard uses Flamethrower. Greninja in red.

4d 6h 54m Shauna sends in Greninja.

4d 6h 54m Absol to level 55.

4d 6h 54m Flamethrower finishes off Goodra!

4d 6h 54m Dragon Pulse has Charizard in yellow!

4d 6h 54m Strength on Goodra! Goodra in yellow.

4d 6h 54m Another Dragon Pulse on Charizard has it at about half!

4d 6h 53m Charizard uses Inferno and misses!

4d 6h 53m Goodra's Dragon Pulse doesn't hurt Charizard much either.

4d 6h 53m Charizard uses Flamethrower! It's not very effective.

4d 6h 53m Sent in Charizard.

4d 6h 53m Sludge Wave and poison finishes off Xerneas.

4d 6h 53m Geomancy raises Xerneas' Sp. Atk, Def and Speed.

4d 6h 52m Goodra tries Sludge Wave! Xerneas in yellow and poisoned.

4d 6h 52m Xerneas uses Geomancy.

4d 6h 52m Shauna sends in Goodra!

4d 6h 52m Delcatty down!

4d 6h 52m Xerneas goes at it with Moonblast!

4d 6h 51m Xerneas vs. Delcatty.

4d 6h 51m Battle! VS. Pokémon Trainer Shauna.

4d 6h 51m She challenges us to a battle!

4d 6h 51m Someone calls d! It's Shauna!

4d 6h 50m On the bridge.

4d 6h 48m Fairy Tale Girl Lovelyn defeated.

4d 6h 47m Moonblast again on Aromatisse. Aromatisse faints.

4d 6h 47m Aromatisse uses Skill Swap.

4d 6h 47m Aromatisse gets hit by Moonblast and is in yellow.

4d 6h 47m Fairy Tale Girl Lovelyn sends in Aromatisse.

4d 6h 47m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Azumarill faints.

4d 6h 46m Azumarill goes for Aqua Ring.

4d 6h 46m Megahorn on Azumarill has it still in green.

4d 6h 46m Azumarill comes out.

4d 6h 46m Lapras to level 51.

4d 6h 46m Megahorn faints Mr. Mime.

4d 6h 45m Mr. Mime in red. Psychic doesn't do much to Xerneas.

4d 6h 45m Xerneas leads with Moonblast!

4d 6h 45m Xerneas vs. Mr. Mime.

4d 6h 45m Challenged by Fairy Tale Girl Lovelyn.

4d 6h 44m Hopping across the stones.

4d 6h 43m Found a hidden Net Ball.

4d 6h 41m At Route 19.

4d 6h 40m Making our way past the bridge and heading south.

[Streamer] twitch_plays_3ds : Smogon Kreygasm

4d 6h 40m Back at Couriway Town.

4d 6h 39m In the centre.

4d 6h 39m Blacked out!

4d 6h 39m Aegislash down!

4d 6h 39m Hydro Pump from Azumarill!

4d 6h 39m Azumarill's restoring health now.

4d 6h 38m Aegislash is paralysed and cannot move.

4d 6h 38m Azumarill makes it rain.

4d 6h 38m Sacred Sword on Azumarill! Azumarill in about half.

4d 6h 38m Azumarill goes for Aqua Ring.

4d 6h 38m No more PP left for Iron Head.

4d 6h 38m Azumarill is next.

4d 6h 37m Iron Head knocks out Mr. Mime immediately.

4d 6h 37m Aegislash vs. Mr. Mime.

4d 6h 37m Challenged by Fairy Tale Girl Lovelyn.

4d 6h 34m d finds a Max Revive.

4d 6h 34m Hopping on some rocks.

4d 6h 32m Back at the beginning of Route 19.

4d 6h 32m Ended up jumping past the ledge.

4d 6h 31m Went up a flight of stairs. An item ball is in sight!

4d 6h 30m Found a Yache Berry.

4d 6h 29m Ranger Shinobu defeated.

4d 6h 29m Beartic misses with Blizzard. Beartic faints after to Aegislash's attack!

4d 6h 28m Icicle Crash brings Aegislash to yellow. Aegislash flinches.

4d 6h 28m Out comes Beartic.

4d 6h 27m Aegislash grows to level 69.

4d 6h 27m Iron Head knocks out Zangoose.

4d 6h 27m X-Scissor isn't very effective against Aegislash.

4d 6h 27m Aegislash vs. Zangoose.

4d 6h 27m Battle with Ranger Shinobu.

4d 6h 26m Challenged by another Ranger.

4d 6h 24m Found a PP Up.

4d 6h 23m Nickname is 454__IBBB_

4d 6h 22m Caught female level 48 Quagsire with Quick Ball.

4d 6h 20m Came up a flight of stairs.

4d 6h 19m Defeated Ranger Ambre.

4d 6h 19m Emolga takes an Iron Head! Emolga faints.

4d 6h 19m Emolga tries Discharge. Aegislash is paralysed.

4d 6h 18m Iron Head on Emolga brings it to red.

4d 6h 18m Emolga uses Encore!

4d 6h 18m Ambre sends in Emolga.

4d 6h 18m Grumpig gets hit by Iron Head. Grumpig faints.

4d 6h 18m Ambre sends in Grumpig.

4d 6h 18m Emolga uses Volt Switch. Emolga switches out.

4d 6h 17m Aegislash vs. Emolga.

4d 6h 17m Battling Ranger Ambre.

4d 6h 16m Challenged by another Ranger.

4d 6h 16m Nickname is ACC

4d 6h 16m Caught level 47 male Quagsire.

4d 6h 15m Used a Quick Ball on a wild Quagsire!

4d 6h 15m On land.

4d 6h 13m Surfing on the murky waters.

4d 6h 12m Ranger Clementine defeated.

4d 6h 12m Aegislash uses Sacred Sword. Alomomola faints.

4d 6h 12m The pink fish uses Safeguard.

4d 6h 12m Iron Head again. Alomomola in yellow.

4d 6h 11m Stance Change! Aegislash goes for Iron Head. Alomomola isn't hurt much but flinches.

4d 6h 11m Aegislash vs. Alomomola.

4d 6h 11m VS. Ranger Clementine.

4d 6h 11m A trainer spots us! Battle.

4d 6h 8m Found a Rare Bone.

4d 6h 7m In the end, d runs away.

4d 6h 7m So does the third.

4d 6h 7m Another Quick Ball fails as well.

4d 6h 6m Used Quick Ball on a wild Quagsire. Capture failed.

4d 6h 4m Wild Pokémon are popping out of the water.

4d 6h 3m Swimmer Coral defeated.

4d 6h 3m Aegislash grows to level 68.

4d 6h 3m Stunfisk is down after a couple of Iron Heads.

4d 6h 2m Aegislash vs. Stunfisk.

4d 6h 2m Battling Swimmer Coral.

4d 5h 59m A wild Sliggoo's Muddy Water faints Charizard.

4d 5h 57m Rangers Ivy & Orrick defeated.

4d 5h 57m Charizard grows to level 66.

4d 5h 57m Aegislash uses Iron Head on Tauros. Tauros down.

4d 5h 56m Tauros uses Swagger on Aegislash. Aegislash is confused.

4d 5h 56m Charizard snaps out of its confusion and hits Miltank with Strength. Miltank faints.

4d 5h 56m Aegislash uses Swords Dance.

4d 5h 55m Zen Headbutt on Charizard from Tauros. Charizard survives!

4d 5h 55m Charizard hurts itself in its confusion. Charizard in yellow.

4d 5h 55m Aegislash uses Slash on Miltank. Miltank in yellow.

4d 5h 54m Miltank uses Captivate.

4d 5h 54m Tauros uses Swagger on Charizard. Charizard is confused.

4d 5h 54m Charizard goes for Strength on Miltank. Miltank still in green.

4d 5h 54m Charizard mega-evolves!

4d 5h 53m Charizard & Aegislash vs. Tauros & Miltank.

4d 5h 53m Battle vs. Rangers Ivy & Orrick.

4d 5h 53m Challenged to a double battle by two Rangers.

4d 5h 52m Back on land.

4d 5h 49m Surfing again.

4d 5h 48m Back on land.

4d 5h 48m Surfing.

4d 5h 47m Went down some flights of stairs and now d is by a pond.

4d 5h 44m Received 1,600 for winning.

4d 5h 44m Defeated Hex Maniac Josette.

4d 5h 44m Charizard goes for Flamethrower this time. Pumpkaboo faints!

4d 5h 42m Strength doesn't affect Pumpkaboo. Hit by a Shadow Ball from the pumpkin. Charizard's Sp. Def falls.

4d 5h 42m Inferno misses yet again. Seed Bomb doesn't hurt Charizard much as usual.

4d 5h 40m Another Inferno misses. Thankfully Seed Bomb isn't really doing anything to Charizard.

4d 5h 40m Charizard is still in green health.

4d 5h 40m Inferno misses. Pumpkaboo hits with Shadow Ball.

4d 5h 38m Out comes another Pumpkaboo.

4d 5h 38m Charizard uses Inferno! Pumpkaboo instantly knocked out.

4d 5h 37m No more items left in HP/PP Restore menu.

4d 5h 37m Hit by Seed Bomb this time. Charizard is barely hurt.

4d 5h 37m Another Sitrus Berry is used on Charizard.

4d 5h 36m Pumpkaboo uses Pain Split.

4d 5h 36m Used a Sitrus Berry On Charizard. Charizard is back to about half.

4d 5h 35m Charizard vs. Pumpkaboo.

4d 5h 35m VS. Hex Maniac Josette.

4d 5h 35m Challenged by a trainer.

4d 5h 35m Arrived at Route 19.

4d 5h 34m Heading south.

4d 5h 34m Crossed a bridge.

4d 5h 32m On the streets.

4d 5h 30m Picked up a Rare Candy.

4d 5h 29m At the train station area in Couriway.

4d 5h 28m Obtained TM89 U-Turn.

4d 5h 21m Sycamore heads off.

4d 5h 21m He commends d for loving and trusting his Pokémon and says a treasure of his is hidden in this town.

4d 5h 21m Pokémon Professor Sycamore defeated.

4d 5h 20m d's Charizard uses Strength! Sycamore's Charizard down.

4d 5h 20m Wasted a turn using a Sitrus Berry. Tiger is hit with Slash.

4d 5h 20m d's Charizard uses Strength! The other Charizard is in yellow and uses Flamethrower. Both in yellow.

4d 5h 19m Sycamore sends in his own Charizard.

4d 5h 19m Aegislash to level 67.

4d 5h 19m Strength again! Blastoise down.

4d 5h 18m Charizard survives the hit with about half health.

4d 5h 18m Blastoise is brought to red and uses Water Pulse.

4d 5h 18m Charizard goes for Strength!

4d 5h 18m Go, Charizard!

4d 5h 18m Charizard and Aegislash are left.

4d 5h 18m Hawlucha knocked out by Water Pulse!

4d 5h 17m Water Pulse has Hawlucha barely surviving.

4d 5h 17m Flying Press again! Blastoise in yellow.

4d 5h 16m Flying Press on Blastoise doesn't damage it too much. Blastoise goes for Iron Defense.

4d 5h 16m Sycamore sends in Blastoise.

4d 5h 16m Hawlucha to level 50.

4d 5h 16m Fly knocks out Venusaur!

4d 5h 16m Petal Blizzard has Hawlucha in yellow. Hawlucha flies.

4d 5h 15m Venusaur now in red from Fly.

4d 5h 15m Hawlucha flies up.

4d 5h 15m Venusaur uses Petal Dance. It's not very effective.

4d 5h 15m Sky Attack misses!

4d 5h 15m Hawlucha uses Sky Attack and glows! Venusaur uses Worry Seed.

4d 5h 14m Go, Hawlucha!

4d 5h 14m Another Petal Blizzard! Lapras down.

4d 5h 14m Venusaur uses Petal Blizzard! Lapras in yellow.

4d 5h 14m Lapras vs. Venusaur.

4d 5h 13m Battle! VS. Professor Sycamore.

4d 5h 12m He apologises for the trouble with Lysandre and thanks d for his efforts.

4d 5h 12m Met Professor Sycamore!

4d 5h 11m Back outside.

4d 5h 9m Reached the Pokémon Centre in the town. Checkpoint.

4d 5h 7m Arrived at Couriway Town.

4d 5h 7m Lapras is leading the party.

4d 5h 4m Back outside at Route 18.

4d 5h 4m Received a Sitrus Berry.

4d 5h 3m Psychic Inver defeated.

4d 5h 3m Flamethrower faints Mr. Mime.

4d 5h 3m Encore on Charizard makes Charizard burst flames from its mouth again.

4d 5h 3m Flamethrower again. Mr. Mime is in yellow.

4d 5h 2m Charizard goes at Mr. Mime with Flamethrower! Mr. Mime is still in green and uses Reflect.

4d 5h 2m Charizard mega-evolves!

4d 5h 2m Inver sends in Mr. Mime.

4d 5h 2m Charizard to level 65.

4d 5h 1m Charizard uses Inferno. Golurk down.

4d 5h 1m Go, Charizard!

4d 5h 1m Phantom Force hits. Absol is knocked out!

4d 5h 1m Absol's Rock Smash misses.

4d 5h 1m Golurk vanishes again from Phantom Force.

4d 5h 1m Absol uses rock Smash! Golurk in about half.

4d 5h 0m Sent in Absol.

4d 5h 0m Phantom Force hits. Xerneas faints.

4d 5h 0m Golurk uses Phantom Force. Golurk vanishes. Xerneas misses Night Slash.

4d 4h 59m Inver sends in Golurk.

4d 4h 59m Xerneas to 52.

4d 4h 59m Weavile down.

4d 4h 59m Weavile uses Night Slash. Xerneas is brought to red and uses Night Slash as well.

4d 4h 58m Xerneas vs. Weavile.

4d 4h 58m VS. Psychic Inver.

4d 4h 58m Accepted a request for an Inverse Battle.

4d 4h 58m A girl tells us about Inverse Battles.

4d 4h 57m In a house.

4d 4h 56m Battle Girl Justine defeated.

4d 4h 55m Moonblast on Mienshao knocks it out.

4d 4h 55m Bounce hits. It paralyses Xerneas.

4d 4h 55m Xerneas misses Night Slash.

4d 4h 55m Mienshao bounces up high.

4d 4h 55m Xerneas vs. Mienshao.

4d 4h 55m Battling Battle Girl Justine.

4d 4h 53m Onto Route 18.

4d 4h 50m Back in Anistar City.

4d 4h 49m Blacked out.

4d 4h 49m Aegislash faints to a wild Sandslash.

4d 4h 48m Aegislash is still also the only one surviving.

4d 4h 48m Just wandering around the area.

4d 4h 41m Worker Yusif was also defeated.

4d 4h 41m Aegislash also hit level 66.

4d 4h 40m Battled Worker Yusif earlier, who had a Probopass. The Probopass fainted.

4d 4h 31m Aegislash is at 5HP.

4d 4h 24m Picked up TM30 Shadow Ball.

4d 4h 23m Found a Star Piece in that rock.

4d 4h 22m Smashed a rock.

4d 4h 20m Black Belt Ricardo defeated.

4d 4h 19m Aegislash uses Iron Head. Hariyama faints.

4d 4h 19m Hariyama vs. Aegislash.

4d 4h 19m Battling Black Belt Ricardo.

[Chat] Lyeco: Twitch plays 3ds, does your 3DS overheat? I am kinda concerned

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: It won't

4d 4h 15m Battle Girl Hailey defeated.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I'm really sorry for the downtime earlier guys

4d 4h 15m Aegislash to level 65.

4d 4h 15m Hawlucha's Steel wing isn't doing much. Iron Head knocks out Hawlucha.

4d 4h 14m Iron Head has Hawlucha barely surviving.

4d 4h 14m Hawlucha uses Steel Wing. Aegislash now in yellow.

4d 4h 14m Hawlucha comes out.

4d 4h 14m Iron Head knocks out Medicham.

4d 4h 14m Zen Headbutt on Aegislash brings it to about half as well.

4d 4h 13m Aegislash uses Scared Sword. Medicham is in about half.

4d 4h 13m Aegislash vs. Medicham.

4d 4h 13m Battling Battle Girl Hailey.

4d 4h 13m A trainer spots d. Battle!

4d 4h 11m Another rock is smashed.

4d 4h 11m Smashed a rock.

4d 4h 10m Only Aegislash is left standing on the team.

4d 4h 9m Hawlucha faints to the same Durant.

4d 4h 7m Absol faints to a wild Durant.

4d 4h 4m Found a Full Heal.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Did it crash when a lot of people were inputting?

[Correction] about 1 hr, 30 min. Not 40. Typo.

From "4d 2h 16m Command Inputs were cleared!" To "4d 3h 44m Inputs are working again."

4d 3h 54m Making our way through Terminus Cave.

4d 3h 51m Picked up a X Attack.

[info] I have calculated about 1 hr, 40 min it was frozen.

4d 3h 49m Absol's in yellow.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: How long has it been down? I was sleeping

4d 3h 46m Defeated Black Belt Gunnar.

4d 3h 46m Iron Head again. Sawk down.

4d 3h 45m Aegislash uses Iron Head. Sawk barely survives.

4d 3h 45m Gunnar sends in Sawk.

4d 3h 45m Hawlucha to level 49.

4d 3h 45m Iron Head on Toxicroak faints it.

4d 3h 45m Shadow Ball doesn't hurt Aegislash too much.

4d 3h 44m Sent in Aegislash vs. Toxicroak.

4d 3h 44m Inputs are working again.

4d 3h 19m Inputs have been frozen for an hour.

[Info] The time clock is still stuck on 4d2h16m21s.

[Info] And we've been stuck on Black Belt Gunnar's Toxicroak for 40 minutes now.

[Info] We're still in Terminus Cave, FYI.

[Sob] And I wanted to finish this trainer battle up before I head off for bed. ;_;

[Info] 30 Minutes we've been stuck now!

[Items] While we wait, the results of our item-swapping shell game: Between Hawlucha, Aegislash, and Charizard, we have a Zap Plate, a Protector, and a Hard Stone. Bets on who has what?

[Fluff] Michael Catson would be PROUD of us.

[Chat] AOMRocks21: I think we just caught this toxicroak in the middle of its workout , because it's doing some maaaaaad squats

[Info] 20 Minutes we've been stuck on this trainer battle now!


[Info] We have been stuck frozen at this trainer battle for over 10 Minutes now.

[Chat] Now everyone is spamming this:

,/╲/╭༼ຈຈل͜ຈຈ༽╮/╱, MEGA RIOT ,/╲/╭༼ຈຈل͜ຈຈ༽╮/╱,

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ PARTY LIKE IT'S 4d2h16m21s ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Snark] Black Belt Gunnar used Freeze HAX! It's SUPER Effective!

[Snark] Inb4 3DS Streamer Senpai is sleeping to not notice this.

Also, the time clock appears to be frozen as well!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Did we break the inputs again?

4d 2h 16m Command Inputs were cleared!

4d 2h 15m Another Night Slash! Sludge Bomb on us! Xerneas goes down!

4d 2h 15m Night Slash against it! Sludge Bomb on us!

4d 2h 14m Xerneas vs. Toxicroak!

4d 2h 14m Challenged by Black Belt Gunnar!

4d 2h 10m d Saves the game.

4d 2h 8m Party order is now Xerneas, Absol, Hawlucha, Aegislash, Lapras, and Charizard.

4d 2h 6m We swapped items around several times... will confirm final positions in a moment...

4d 2h 5m We're swapping around some items...

4d 2h 3m We use a Dusk Stone, and Doublade evolves into Aegislash!

4d 2h 2m We swap Doublade's Abomasite with a Zap Plate.

4d 2h 1m And we switched party orders again.

4d 2h 0m Absol is now holding a Protector!

4d 1h 57m Party order is currently Absol, Lapras, Xerneas, Charizard, Hawlucha, and Doublade.

[Fluff] Looks like we won't have a final team order until we evolve that Doublade.

4d 1h 51m Hawlucha is now holding a Hard Stone!

4d 1h 48m Doublade now holds Zap Plate!

4d 1h 47m More shuffling the party again.

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 50 - Max. HP 210 Attack 113 Defense 99 Sp. Atk 107 Sp. Def 111 Speed 90

4d 1h 42m Found an Iron!

4d 1h 41m Party order is now Hawlucha, Lapras, Xerneas, Charizard, Absol, and Doublade.

4d 1h 40m d Saves the game!

4d 1h 39m Switching party orders again....

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 51 - Max. HP 201 Attack 155 Defense 119 Sp. Atk 133 Sp. Def 114 Speed 121

[Stats] Absol Lv. 54 - Max. HP 148 Attack 192 Defense 87 Sp. Atk 111 Sp. Def 68 Speed 106

4d 1h 35m [Party] Doublade - Lapras - Hawlucha - Charizard - Absol - Xeneas

4d 1h 34m Booted up some TMs. But did not teach anything.

4d 1h 31m Used a Quick Ball on a wild Lairon! We caught it! Level 46 Male! Nickname is Q00Q"O_"

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 64 - Max. HP 159 Attack 182 Defense 216 Sp. Atk 100 Sp. Def 78 Speed 72

[Info] Looks like we are trying to use the new found Dusk Stone on one of our Pokémon.

[Info] We currently have 64,860 Poké dollars in our Money pocket.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 48 - Max. HP 154 Attack 119 Defense 83 Sp. Atk 78 Sp. Def 88 Speed 142

4d 1h 20m Found a Dusk Stone!

4d 1h 17m Used a Quick ball on a wild Graveler, but it escapes!

4d 1h 14m Lapras down to a wild Durant!

4d 1h 11m We use Rock Smash to break open a small rock! We found a Hard Stone!

4d 1h 10m We attacked a wild Durant! Absol at Level 54! **Doublade up to Level 64!

4d 1h 9m We saved the game!

4d 1h 8m Encountering some wild Pokémon.

[Fluff] Andrea? Oh hey, that's my older sisters name!

4d 1h 7m Battle Girl Andrea defeated! d gets 2400 for winning!

4d 1h 6m Another Sky attack! Stone Edge on us! Conkeldurr goes down!

4d 1h 6m Sky Attack vs. Stone Edge!

4d 1h 5m Aerial Ace against it! Throh down! Conkeldurr sent out!

4d 1h 5m We sent out Hawlucha!

4d 1h 5m Slash against it! Rock Slide on us! Charizard goes down!

4d 1h 4m Flamethrower against it! Rock Slide on us!

4d 1h 4m Charizard vs. Throh!

4d 1h 4m Challenged Battle Girl Andrea!

4d 1h 3m Down more stairs inside the cave.

4d 1h 1m Hawlucha learns Sky Attack over Bounce! Worker Dimitri defeated! d gets 3200 for winning!

4d 0h 59m Strength against it! Octillery down! Hawlucha Level 48!

4d 0h 59m Strength vs. Ice Beam!

4d 0h 58m Challenged by Worker Dimitri! Charizard vs. Octillery!

4d 0h 54m Lapras Level 50! Learns Sheer Cold over Rain Dance! Worker Narek defeated! d gets 3072 for winning!

4d 0h 54m Flamethrower against it! Earthquake, but no effect! Another FLamethrower against it! Golem Down!

4d 0h 53m Graveler down! Golem sent out!

4d 0h 53m Another Graveler up! And we burn it!

4d 0h 52m Inferno Misses the 1st time. we attack again the 2nd time! Graveler down! Xernera Level 51! Learns Night Slash over Gravity!

4d 0h 51m Challenged by Worker Narek! Charizard vs. Graveler!

4d 0h 49m Encountering some wild Pokémon, as well as some horde encounters.

4d 0h 47m Down some stairs inside the cave!

[Party] Charizard - Lapras - Hawlucha - Xerneas - Absol - Doublade

4d 0h 45m Entered Terminus Cave!

4d 0h 44m Stream Back Online!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

4d 0h 42m Stream Offline!

4d 0h 39m We save!

4d 0h 36m On Route 18!

4d 0h 34m Back outside!

4d 0h 33m We enter a clothes store!

4d 0h 31m Wandering the city!

4d 0h 30m Outside!

4d 0h 29m Back in the Anistar Pokecenter!

4d 0h 29m Another Bulldoze from Graveller KOs Doublade! Black Out!

4d 0h 28m Graveler uses Bulldoze, and we can't move!

4d 0h 28m Graveler attacks, we use Sword Dance!

4d 0h 28m We send out Doublade against Graveler!

4d 0h 28m Challenged Worker Narek!

4d 0h 27m We use Rock Smash! Obtained a Pearl!

4d 0h 26m We save!

4d 0h 25m Found a Dusk Ball!

4d 0h 23m Went down some stairs!

4d 0h 21m In Terminus Cave!

4d 0h 20m Facing some wild Pokemon!

4d 0h 19m Hiker defeated!

4d 0h 19m Stunfisk uses Thunderbolt! We use Sacred Sword and KOs Stunfisk!

4d 0h 18m Stunfisk bounce hits, and we can't move.

4d 0h 17m Stunfisk uses Bounce, we use Sacred Sword!

4d 0h 17m We use Iron Head, which paralyzes us due to static. Stunfisk couldn't move.

4d 0h 17m We send out Doublade against Stunfisk!

4d 0h 17m Against Hiker Orestes!

4d 0h 16m We exit the house!

4d 0h 14m Received a Sitrus Berry! We save!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 63 - Max. HP 156 Attack 180 Defense 213 Sp. Atk 99 Sp. Def 77 Speed 71

4d 0h 13m Doublade level 63! Defeated Psychic Inver!

4d 0h 13m We use Fury Cutter and KO Azumarill!

4d 0h 12m We send out Doublade!

4d 0h 11m We use Rain Dance, and Azumarill responds with Play Rough! Lapras fainted!

4d 0h 11m We send out Lapras!

4d 0h 10m Azumaril's Aqua Tail KOs Absol!

4d 0h 10m Against Azumarill!

4d 0h 10m Talonflame used Brave Bird, and we KO it!

4d 0h 9m We send out Absol!

4d 0h 9m Talonflame uses Quick Attack, and KOs Hawlucha!

4d 0h 8m Talonflame used Flare Blitz, while we used Flying Press!

4d 0h 8m We send out Hawlucha!

4d 0h 7m We try to send out a Pokemon!

4d 0h 6m Talon uses Flare Blitz, and KOs Charizard!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 64 - Max. HP 201 Attack 165 Defense 130 Sp. Atk 143 Sp. Def 133 Speed 152

4d 0h 6m Against Talonflame!

4d 0h 6m Absol level 53!

4d 0h 6m Charizard level 64!

4d 0h 5m We use another Inferno, and KO Skuntank!

4d 0h 5m We miss, and Skuntank uses Poison Jab again!

4d 0h 5m We use Inferno, it responds with Poison Jab!

4d 0h 5m Charizard against Skuntank!

4d 0h 4m We challenge her brother, Psychic Inver, to a reverse battle!

4d 0h 3m A girl talks to us about her brother's type-reversing power.

4d 0h 2m Entering and exiting a room!

4d 0h 1m Battling wild Pokemon!

Welcome to Day 5 of Pokémon X!

3d 23h 59m Defeated Youngster Jaden!

3d 23h 59m We use Flamethrower, and OHKO it!

3d 23h 59m Against Pinsir!

3d 23h 59m We use Inferno, and OHKO it!

3d 23h 59m We send out Charizard against Scolipede!

3d 23h 58m We battle Youngster Jaden Smith!

3d 23h 57m On Route 18!

3d 23h 54m Back outside!

[Info] We have 4 Revives currently, 2 Ice Heals, 1 Paralyz Heal, and a bunch of Awakenings (70)

3d 23h 51m We enter a house. Obtained TM10 Hidden Power!

3d 23h 51m We watch a Holo Clip. The professor wants to meet us in person.

3d 23h 50m Outside!

3d 23h 49m We learn about O-Powers.

[Info] Beldum's OT's name was Lloyd, according to the memory girl.

3d 23h 47m Inside of the Pokecenter!

3d 23h 46m Apparently the Beldum we received came from an egg in the Safari.

[Memory] "Dr.0 was defeated by a Sandile, and we ran away."

3d 23h 39m She talks about Xerneas, and some other Pokemon.

3d 23h 39m We talk to the memory girl! She tells us about Pikachu.

3d 23h 38m We checkpoint!

3d 23h 38m We fly to Anistar City!

3d 23h 31m We fly to Santalune City!

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 49 - Max. HP 205 Attack 110 Defense 96 Sp. Atk 105 Sp. Def 109 Speed 88

[Info] Xerneas nature is Careful.

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 62 - Max. HP 154 Attack 177 Defense 210 Sp. Atk 96 Sp. Def 76 Speed 70

[Party] Charizard, Lapras, Hawlucha, Xerneas, Absol, Doublade.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 47 - Max. HP 151 Attack 117 Defense 81 Sp. Atk 76 Sp. Def 86 Speed 139

[Party] Xerneas, Lapras, Charizard, Doublade, Absol, Hawlucha.

[Stats] Absol Lv. 52 - Max. HP 143 Attack 185 Defense 84 Sp. Atk 107 Sp. Def 65 Speed 102

3d 23h 16m Hawlucha is level 47!

3d 23h 14m Battling wild Pokemon!

3d 23h 13m On Route 13!

3d 23h 12m Still in Coumarine City!

3d 23h 10m We board the Monorail!

[Info] We currently have 555,556 Pokédollars, according to our Trainer Card.

[Info] This is a monorail station.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: FailFish 2/10

3d 23h 4m Inside of a building! We sit down and save.

3d 23h 2m In Coumarine City!

3d 23h 1m Defeated Pokemon Breeder Foster!

3d 23h 0m We use Flying Press, and KO Tauros!

3d 23h 0m Fly hits, Tauros is asleep still.

3d 23h 0m We use Fly again, while Tauros uses Rest.

3d 22h 59m Hawlucha uses Fly, avoiding Tauros' Pursuit. Fly hits, and Tauros uses Work Up!

3d 22h 59m Against Tauros!

3d 22h 59m Doublade level 62!

3d 22h 58m Sent out Hawlucha! We use Bounc and OHKO Zangoose.

[Correction] What I meant before was "Our oldest enemy is no match for the mighty Skiddo!" Not what I said. :P

3d 22h 58m We use Geomancy, and Zangoose used Slash. Xerneas down!

3d 22h 58m We send out Xerneas against Zangoose!

3d 22h 57m Battling Pokemon Breeder Foster!

[Snark] Our oldest enemy is nothing compared to the mighty Skiddo!

3d 22h 55m We ride our goat.

[Meta] /u/Mojo120 is currently reading the twitch chat on TwitchSpeaks. Head on over if you want to hear someone shout various things.

3d 22h 52m We surf!

3d 22h 50m Used a repeat ball on another Slowpoke! It fails.

3d 22h 48m We run from the police horde.

[Snark] It's the fuzz! Against a bunch of Wingull.

Just some FYI, on Xerneas current stats.

[Stats] Xerneas Lv. 50 - Max. HP 197 Attack 152 Defense 115 Sp. Atk 130 Sp. Def 113 Speed 119

3d 22h 46m Use a Pokeball on a wild Pinsir. It fails.

3d 22h 45m ARQQPPKKKQ(2 spaces) is the nickname, level 25 Female!

3d 22h 45m Another Repeat Ball catches a Slowpoke!

[Fluff] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RAISE YOUR YEDONGERS ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

3d 22h 43m Caught a level 25 Male Slowpoke! No nickname!

3d 22h 42m We use 2 Repeat Balls on Slowpoke. Second one catches!

3d 22h 42m On Route 12!

3d 22h 37m In Shalour City!

3d 22h 28m Lapras level 49!

[Meta] Tonight at 22:45 EDT, Mojo120 will be reading the twitch chat over at TwitchSpeaks. Why not head on over then?

3d 22h 26m Entered Reflection Cave!

3d 22h 23m We use 2 Repeat Balls on a wild Hariyama! They both fail.

3d 22h 21m We save!

3d 22h 17m Fighting some wild Pokemon!

3d 22h 15m We enter Route 11. Can't jump a ledge without a Skiddo, d.

3d 22h 14m Now that Lucario is in the PC, our party order is Xerneas-Lapras-Hawlucha-Doublade-Absol-Charizard.

[Snark] Maybe AZ is talking about Kenya--a Pokemon that abandoned its trainer to wander eternally, delivering mail.

3d 22h 13m The man who built the ultimate weapon is but an empty shell, wandering Kalos to this day.

[Chat] AZ BibleThump

3d 22h 13m AZ laments on the war thousands of years ago.

3d 22h 13m We are confronted by AZ.

3d 22h 12m Team Flare is finished. Everyone runs off in relief. Serena personally thanks us!

3d 22h 12m Lysandre is nowhere to be found. The Masked Heroes thank d and our friends for helping stop Team Flare.

[Snark] It's just like when we're in a double battle!

3d 22h 11m d, Serena, and Shauna run off! The Ultimate Weapon destroys itself!

3d 22h 10m Lysandre calls on the last of the Ultimate Weapon's power!

3d 22h 10m Lysandre screams out. Shauna and Serena speak with him.

3d 22h 10m Lysandre throws his visor in shock.


3d 22h 9m Gyarados MEGA EVOLVES! Xerneas uses Moonblast. It's super effective!

3d 22h 9m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Pyroar down! Lysandre sends in Gyarados!

[Snark] Moonblast is working pretty well for a battle that's seemingly taking place on the surface of the sun.

3d 22h 8m Pyroar is sent out! Xerneas uses Moonblast! Pyroar uses Fire Blast.

3d 22h 8m Absol Level 52!

[Rip] Aura Overload.

3d 22h 8m Someone else leveled up. Honchkrow sent out, but goes down to Moonblast.

3d 22h 8m We use Moonblast! Mienshao down! Hawlucha level 46!


3d 22h 7m Xerneas uses Gravity. Mienshao can't use Hi Jump Kick!

3d 22h 7m Mienshao uses acrobatics. Xerneas begins to glow.

3d 22h 7m SHOWDOWN VERSUS LYSANDRE! Mienshao versus Xerneas!

3d 22h 6m Lysandre greets us! It's a fight he wants!

3d 22h 6m We send Lucario to the PC box in place of Xerneas!

3d 22h 6m Level 50, genderless, no nickname. We don't replace it with any of our Party!

3d 22h 6m It's a catch!

3d 22h 5m We throw a Dusk Ball!

3d 22h 5m Battle! Xerneas! Hawlucha versus Xerneas.

3d 22h 5m We enter the Ultimate Weapon room.

3d 22h 3m New party order is Lucario - Lapras - Hawlucha - Doublade - Absol - Charizard

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: it's fixed now

Inputs died for a second. Back now.

3d 21h 57m Back inside the Team Flare Secret HQ.

3d 21h 51m d keeps healing his Pokémon with the nurse. What if the ultimate weapon has radiation?!

3d 21h 51m Order is now Hawlucha, Lucario, Charizard, Absol, Lapras, Doublade.

3d 21h 51m Switched some positions around.

3d 21h 50m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Absol down! d blacked out!

3d 21h 50m Absol is sent out!

3d 21h 49m Xerneas uses Moonblast! Charizard down!

3d 21h 49m We don't get it! Xerneas uses Geomancy!

3d 21h 49m We throw a Dusk Ball!

3d 21h 49m Xerneas uses geomancy again. We didn't catch it.

3d 21h 48m We throw a Quick Ball!

3d 21h 48m Xerneas uses Geomancy! d keeps using useless items.

3d 21h 48m Xerneas is absorbing light! Awakenings do nothing.

3d 21h 48m We don't catch it this time. Xerneas uses moonblast on us.

[Snark] d used Run! Enemy Xerneas' HP is restored!

3d 21h 48m We throw a quick ball!

3d 21h 47m Battle! Xerneas! Charizard against Xerneas.

3d 21h 47m Xerneas uses moonblast. We run!

3d 21h 47m Xerneas attacks with megahorn. Charizard uses flamethrower.

[Chat] Booxmowo: OH DEER GOD! Kreygasm

3d 21h 47m Battle! Xerneas! Xerneas versus Charizard!

3d 21h 47m Xerneas wants to help us.

3d 21h 46m We RUN!

3d 21h 46m Awakenings have no effect. Xerneas uses moonblast! Doublade down!

3d 21h 46m Doublade is sent out!

3d 21h 46m Moonblast! Lapras has fainted!

3d 21h 46m Xerneas uses Megahorn! We use thunderbolt again.

3d 21h 45m Xerneas uses gravity. Lapras uses thunderbolt.

3d 21h 45m Xerneas used Geomancy! We tried to use an Awakening.

3d 21h 45m Xerneas uses megahorn and begins to absorb energy again. We attack it with thunderbolt.

3d 21h 45m We use a Hyper Potion on Lapras!

3d 21h 44m Xerneas used geomancy! It's powered up! We use Thunderbolt again.

3d 21h 44m Xerneas is absorbing light! We use thunderbolt again.

3d 21h 44m Lapras is hit by Moonblast! We use thundebolt.

3d 21h 44m Battle! Xerneas!


3d 21h 43m The tree shows itself as the Life Pokémon: Xerneas!

3d 21h 43m The tree is shaking!

3d 21h 42m The Tree appears to be reacting to something...

3d 21h 42m The admins call for reinforcements!

3d 21h 42m Golbat down. Admin defeated.

3d 21h 41m We send in Charizard.

3d 21h 41m Lucario also down to Acrobatics!

3d 21h 40m We send in Lucario.

3d 21h 40m Hawlucha down to Acrobatics!

3d 21h 40m We are challenged by the Team Flare Admin! Hawlucha versus Golbat.

3d 21h 38m We enter the Ultimate Weapon room! There is one admin left to face.

3d 21h 38m Making our way down.

3d 21h 34m We secure ourselves in the office area of the HQ.

3d 21h 31m d is having some fun going up and down the Team Flare Secret HQ elevator. That or he's running around outside Geosenge Town.

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 48 - Max. HP 201 Attack 106 Defense 94 Sp. Atk 102 Sp. Def 107 Speed 85

3d 21h 24m The order is now Hawlucha, Lapras, Charizard, Absol, Lucario, and Doublade.

3d 21h 24m Switching around the order of our Pokémon.

3d 21h 22m Back in Team Flare Secret HQ.

[Info] Just in case we forget a level up on the long run, our current party stats is Hawlucha Lvl.45, Doublade Lvl.61, Charizard Lvl.63, Absol Lvl.51, Lucario Lvl.51, and Lapras Lvl.48

They are back up!

Inputs are broken!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: You broke it..

3d 21h 16m Lucario down! d blacked out!

3d 21h 16m Lucario uses Power Up Punch. Golbat uses Acrobatics.

3d 21h 16m We use Aura Sphere. Golbat uses Acrobatics.

3d 21h 16m We are challenged by the final Team Flare Admin! Lucario versus Golbat!

3d 21h 12m Lucario does not learn Heal Pulse. Admin defeated.

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 51 - Max. HP 139 Attack 151 Defense 80 Sp. Atk 145 Sp. Def 89 Speed 143

3d 21h 11m Lucario uses Power Up Punch to take out Houndoom. Lucario grows to level 51!

3d 21h 10m Lucario is d's last Pokémon!

3d 21h 10m Houndoom uses Feint Attack. Lapras down!

3d 21h 10m Houndoom uses Foul Play again. Lapras keeps using Thunderbolt.

3d 21h 9m Feint Attack on Lapras! Thunderbolt on Houndoom.

3d 21h 9m Houndoom uses Foul Play. Lapras uses thunderbolt.

3d 21h 9m The Admin sends in Houndoom.

3d 21h 9m Embargo is used on Lapras. Lapras uses body slam, Mightyena faints.

3d 21h 9m We use thunderbolt! Mightyena uses scary face again.

3d 21h 9m Lapras is sent in.

3d 21h 8m Mightyena uses assurance! Charizard down!

3d 21h 8m We use Slash. Mightyena uses Scary Face.

3d 21h 7m We're up for another Admin battle! Mightyena versus Charizard at 2 HP.

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 63 - Max. HP 198 Attack 162 Defense 128 Sp. Atk 140 Sp. Def 131 Speed 150

3d 21h 6m Swalot down to flamethrower. Charizard is level 63! Admin defeated.

3d 21h 6m Swalot spits out it's stockpile! Charizard is down to 2 HP.

3d 21h 6m We keep attacking it, but it's defenses are too high. We're out of Infernos to use on it, so we use flamethrower.

3d 21h 5m Swalot avoids our Inferno. It uses stockpile.

3d 21h 5m We battle another Admin! Swalot versus Charizard.

3d 21h 4m It can't withstand two though. The admin is defeated.

3d 21h 4m The admin sends in her Manectric. It survives one inferno, unlike her Liepard.

3d 21h 4m We take out her Liepard in a single Inferno. Lapras grows to level 48!

3d 21h 3m We are challenged by an Admin! Liepard versus Charizard.

3d 21h 3m Some of the admins went after the girls. There are four left in the room, and only one d to face them.

3d 21h 3m Shauna is scared and runs off. Serena follows her.

3d 21h 2m Serena finds it hard to breathe. We are ambushed by multiple Team Flare Admins!

3d 21h 2m The Legendary Pokémon lies beyond the door! We enter it.

3d 21h 2m We arrive at a locked door. Shauna unlocks it using something she got from Clemont.

3d 21h 0m Shauna thinks d and Serena are amazing. She doesn't offer to heal our Pokémon.

3d 20h 58m Serena tells us to hurry and stop the Ultimate Weapon. d seems busy bumping in to walls, no time to do that!

3d 20h 56m We defeat the Team Flare Admin & Grunt.

3d 20h 55m Houndoom uses flamethrower on Absol. Absol takes out Scrafty with slash. Charizard takes out Houndoom with Flamethrower.

3d 20h 55m Charizard uses Inferno on Houndoom. Serena sends in her Absol.

3d 20h 55m Jolteon is hit by a foul play and uses double kick. Scafty takes out Jolteon!

3d 20h 54m Jolteon attacks with Quick attack! Houndoom uses foul play on Jolteon, and Scrafty uses Scary Face. Our attack failed.

3d 20h 54m Jolteon uses double kick on Scraft. Houndoom uses foul play on Charizard. We attack with slash on Houndoom, and Scrafty keeps using Scary Face.

3d 20h 54m Scafty uses Scary Face on us. Serena sends in Jolteon.

3d 20h 53m Meowstic avoids our inferno and attacks the opposing mon. It goes down to Houndoom's attack, however.

3d 20h 52m Meowstic fake outs Houndoom. We attack Meowstic with Flamethrower accidentally! Charizard is hit by Scrafty's crunch.

3d 20h 52m We are attacked by two more Team Flare Admins and Grunts! Houndoom and Scrafty versus Charizard and Mewostic.

3d 20h 51m d is concerned for his friend's health. Serena tells him they will be fine.

3d 20h 51m Shauna appears! Serena is surprised to see her. Shauna says friends should stick together, especially now.

3d 20h 50m Doublade down to Manetric's shock wave! Delphox takes out Manetric with psybeam. Admins defeated!

3d 20h 50m Meowstic fakes out Manectric. But we accidentally attack it! Mewostic down, Serena sends in Delphox.

3d 20h 49m Serena sends Meowstic back in.

3d 20h 49m Serena sends out Jolteon! Jolteon takes a bite and goes to down to Mightyena's attack. Doublade uses slash and takes out Mightyena!

3d 20h 48m Manectric uses thunder fang on Meowstic and Mightyena uses taunt. We set up Swords Dance, and Mewostick attacks with it's voice.

3d 20h 47m Double battle vs team flare grunts!

3d 20h 47m Doublade Level 61!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 61 - Max. HP 152 Attack 174 Defense 206 Sp. Atk 95 Sp. Def 75 Speed 69

3d 20h 46m (not even going to try to update that)

We win!

3d 20h 44m Double battle!

3d 20h 44m Saved the game!

3d 20h 44m walking downstairs.

3d 20h 43m Lysandre tells d and Serena they are too late and to go downstairs to see for themselves. Serena refuses to give up hope.

3d 20h 42m forgot return for inferno!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 62 - Max. HP 195 Attack 159 Defense 126 Sp. Atk 138 Sp. Def 129 Speed 148

3d 20h 42m **Lysandre defeated!

3d 20h 42m Pyroar fainted!

3d 20h 42m Tiger out!

3d 20h 42m Used pursuit, then fainted to fireblast!

3d 20h 42m Pyroar out!

3d 20h 41m Gyrados fainted!

3d 20h 41m Absol used pursuit!

3d 20h 41m Absol out!

3d 20h 41m Hawlucha faints to awua tail.

3d 20h 41m We use fly.

3d 20h 40m aqua tail avoided.

3d 20h 40m Hawlucha used fly.

3d 20h 40m Gyrados is out.

3d 20h 40m Used fly! Honchkrow fainted!

3d 20h 40m Used fly on Honchkrow

3d 20h 39m Lapras up to 47, did not learn hydro pump

3d 20h 39m Mienshao fainted!

3d 20h 39m Hawlucha out! Used fly!

3d 20h 39m Engaged Lysandre. Mienshao out!

3d 20h 37m Lysandre take 3.

[Info] Order is now Hawlucha, Doublade, Charizard, Absol, Lucario, and Lapras.

3d 20h 36m In the lab.

3d 20h 36m moving in and out of the lab.

[Info] Update on our Pokeball Count: We have 100 Dusk Balls, 23 Quick Balls, and 7 Repeat Balls in our inventory!

3d 20h 36m Down we go.

3d 20h 32m Inside elevator.

[Info] We're trying to move lapras to the back.

3d 20h 30m Shuffling our party.

3d 20h 27m still in Geosenge.

[Info] At some point during that battle, Lucario Leveled up to Lvl.49!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: FailFish

3d 20h 22m gyrados used earthquake! lucario fainted! blacked out!

3d 20h 22m Lucario out!

[Meta] I'm not very good at this...

3d 20h 21m gyrados used aqua tail! tiger faints

3d 20h 21m tiger used return!

3d 20h 21m gyrados used aqua tail!

3d 20h 21m gyrados out!

3d 20h 21m pyroar fainted!

3d 20h 21m tiger out!

3d 20h 20m absol fainted

3d 20h 20m pyroar used fire blast!

3d 20h 20m Doublade Level 60!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 60 - Max. HP 149 Attack 171 Defense 203 Sp. Atk 94 Sp. Def 74 Speed 68

3d 20h 20m lucario out!

3d 20h 19m duoswords fainted

3d 20h 19m pyroar out!

3d 20h 19m we use ironhead! honchrow fainted! duoswords up to 50!

3d 20h 19m honchrow used nightslash!

3d 20h 18m duoswords out!

3d 20h 18m Hawlucha fainted!

3d 20h 18m honchrow out!

3d 20h 18m Arial ace kreygasm!

3d 20h 17m used fly!

3d 20h 17m hawlucha out!

3d 20h 17m lapras fainted!

3d 20h 17m sent out lapras!

3d 20h 16m Engaged lysandre!

3d 20h 15m Lysandre take 2

3d 20h 15m Entered!

3d 20h 14m entered the base, left, entered, left, entered, left.

3d 20h 14m In, out, in, down.

[Meta] I am now copy-pasting from the updator.

3d 20h 13m went out.

3d 20h 13m went in.

3d 20h 12m went out.

3d 20h 12m went up.

3d 20h 12m went down.

3d 20h 12m back inside.

3d 20h 11m walked straight up to the control panel, and then walked out.

[Chat] Call joey!

3d 20h 9m more holocaster fun.

[Snark] Guys, we just need to select b4.

3d 20h 7m back inside.

3d 20h 6m left the base.

3d 20h 6m looking at the holo caster

[Snark] In out in out, shake it all about

3d 20h 4m and back in!

3d 20h 3m outside again

3d 20h 3m and back up!

3d 20h 3m down we go!

3d 20h 2m in the base

3d 20h 2m Back outside the base

3d 20h 1m *duoblade, not lesblade

3d 19h 58m lesblade faints. Blacked out!

3d 19h 58m Lesblade out!

[Stats] Absol Lv. 51 - Max. HP 141 Attack 182 Defense 83 Sp. Atk 105 Sp. Def 64 Speed 100

3d 19h 57m absol fainted

3d 19h 57m honchkrom out!

3d 19h 57m absol up to level 51

3d 19h 56m pyroar used fire blast! we use psycho cut! pyroar fainted!

3d 19h 56m we use sucker punch!

3d 19h 56m Pryoar out!

3d 19h 56m 3d 19h 56m we use sucker punch! Gyrados fainted!

3d 19h 55m absol out!

3d 19h 55m lucario fainted!

3d 19h 55m Gyrados uses earthquake

3d 19h 54m Lucario out!

3d 19h 54m Gyrados used aqua tail! tiger fainted!

3d 19h 54m we use return!

3d 19h 54m Gyrados out!

3d 19h 54m we used return, meshinga fainted!

3d 19h 53m tiger out


3d 19h 52m Lysander time

3d 19h 51m **back up and in the base proper

[Meta] The old screen is back



3d 19h 49m down the shaft

3d 19h 49m entered the base

3d 19h 48m left the base

3d 19h 48m and back up!

3d 19h 47m left the base, exited the base, went down the elevator.

3d 19h 47m take a wild guess what happened

3d 19h 46m and up once more! MAGIC!

3d 19h 46m down once more

3d 19h 45m we went down, and then back up.

3d 19h 44m entered the "secret" base

[Fluff] the selfie is already on imgur http://imgur.com/xq5ua7j

3d 19h 42m the photoshoot continues

3d 19h 41m Took the photo

3d 19h 40m shuffled our party

[Fluff] Tick Tock, set the clock

[Snark] But first, let me take a selfie.

3d 19h 32m We flew back to Geosenge! We were already here, though.

3d 19h 30m Saved our game before we take a photo!

3d 19h 26m Entered Route 11, then walked back into Geosenge Town!

3d 19h 25m And back out!

3d 19h 24m We entered Team Flare's Secret HQ!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 59 - Max. HP 147 Attack 169 Defense 200 Sp. Atk 92 Sp. Def 72 Speed 67

3d 19h 22m Doublade takes an Air Cutter and kills off Golbat with Iron Head! Grunt defeated.

3d 19h 22m Golbat is sent in, and goes for Acrobatic! Doublade uses Slash!

3d 19h 21m Scrafty is knocked out with Sacred Sword! Doublade levels up to 59!

3d 19h 21m Doublade goes for another Slash! Scrafty hits us with Facade!

3d 19h 20m Scrafty goes for Crunch on Doublade! We used Slash again!

3d 19h 20m Scrafty is sent out.

3d 19h 20m Doublade knocks out Manectric with Slash!

3d 19h 20m Doublade was identified! Doubladed used Slash!

3d 19h 19m Battle vs. Team Flare Grunt! Doublade vs. Manectric.

3d 19h 17m Team Flare Grunts are guarding every exit of the town.. Which means you are here forever.

[Info] Party order is currently Lapras - Doublade - Lucario - Hawlucha - Charizard - Absol.

3d 19h 15m Back in the Pokémon Center!

[Fluff] Team Flare music intensifies

3d 19h 14m We flew to Geosenge Town! Checkpointed as well!

[Info] Repeat Balls were also bought at the Pokéball Emporium.

[Info] We are down to about $4000 dollars left, we had at least $127,000 before entering the Pokéball Emporium.

[Info] If you talk to the girl in the Pokéball Emporium and tell her you like round things, she gives you some free Heal Balls or Luxery Balls.

3d 19h 3m 100 Dusk Balls, and 13 Quick Balls bought!

3d 18h 52m TM94 Rock Smash booted up to Hawlucha, we did not teach it!

3d 18h 49m More party switching before taking flight to Geosenge Town!

[Party] Lucario - Lapras - Hawlucha - Doublade - Charizard - Absol

[Stats] Absol Lv. 50 - Max. HP 138 Attack 179 Defense 81 Sp. Atk 104 Sp. Def 63 Speed 99

[Fluff] TEH URN

[Snark] Time to fly on a fainted Hawlucha.

3d 18h 39m HM02 Fly booted up on Hawlucha! We remove High Jump Kick for Fly!

3d 18h 35m HM02 Fly was booted up on Charizard, but we could not remove Strength.

[Party] Absol, Lapras, Doublade, Lucario, Charizard, Hawlucha.

3d 18h 27m We swapped Lapras and Hawlucha!

3d 18h 18m We save!

3d 18h 16m Booted up Rock Smash! We don't learn it.

[Info] We may be able to walk there, but we're trying to learn Fly anyways.

[Info] We're required to learn Fly, and use it to get to our next destination.

[Party] Absol, Hawlucha, Doublade, Lucario, Lapras, Charizard

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 61 - Max. HP 192 Attack 157 Defense 124 Sp. Atk 136 Sp. Def 127 Speed 145

3d 17h 58m We took Hawlucha's Awakening!

[Snark] I went all in on red, there goes my Pokedongers...

3d 17h 55m Back outside!

3d 17h 53m It bloomed in Geosenge!

3d 17h 53m Our decision didn't matter, ultimate weapon activated!


3d 17h 52m Cutscene time!

3d 17h 52m We pushed blue!

3d 17h 50m Almost had the blue button. Didn't choose it though.

[Snark] Well, seems like d chooses the black wall.

[Snark] The black wall is lottocracy/demarchy, Amber, etc.

[Chat] Comparisons are being made to stadium teams, anarchy vs. democracy, Helix vs. Dome, etc.

3d 17h 45m We almost chose the red one, but we need to contemplate more.

[Snark] The Red Button or the Blue Button? Why not the black wall?

[Snark] Like this choice matters.

3d 17h 42m We have to push a red or blue button. Better than pills!

3d 17h 41m Charizard Level 61! Xerosic defeated!

3d 17h 41m We use Flamethrower again, and KO Malamar!

3d 17h 41m We Mega-Evolve, and use Flamethrower! It responds with Psyback!

3d 17h 40m We send out Charizard!

3d 17h 40m Against Malamar! It OHKOs Lapras!

3d 17h 40m Absol forgot Future Sight and learned Sucker Punch!

3d 17h 39m Another Thunderbolt KOs it! Absol level 50!

3d 17h 39m We use Thunderbolt on Crobat! It attacks back!

3d 17h 39m We send out Lapras!

3d 17h 38m We use Hi Jump Kick, and Crobat KOs Hawlucha with Air Slash!

3d 17h 38m We waste a turn with items, Crobat uses Air Slash!

3d 17h 38m We send out Hawlucha against Crobat!

3d 17h 38m Against Team Flare Xerosic!

3d 17h 37m Back with the two Team Flare members!

3d 17h 36m Down on B3!

3d 17h 34m Another save! Messing with the elevator!

3d 17h 33m We sort our items!

[Fluff] Why is the music in the Cafe creepier than that in the evil laboratory?

3d 17h 29m We save!

3d 17h 27m In Lysandre Labs!

3d 17h 27m We turn the EXP Share On! Back inside!

3d 17h 26m We enter and exit the cafe!

Here's Hawlucha's Stats as well.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 45 - Max. HP 145 Attack 112 Defense 78 Sp. Atk 72 Sp. Def 83 Speed 134

3d 17h 23m In Magenta Plaza!

Here are some current stats for some of our Pokémon that I was able to catch.

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 48 - Max. HP 131 Attack 137 Defense 75 Sp. Atk 135 Sp. Def 83 Speed 132

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 58 - Max. HP 145 Attack 166 Defense 196 Sp. Atk 91 Sp. Def 71 Speed 66

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 46 - Max. HP 193 Attack 101 Defense 90 Sp. Atk 98 Sp. Def 102 Speed 80

3d 17h 20m Walked outside to Lumiose City!

3d 17h 20m Lucario uses Power-Up Punch, but Malmar OHKOs Lucario! Black Out!

3d 17h 19m We send out Lucario!

3d 17h 19m Another Payback KOs Doublade!

3d 17h 19m Malmar uses Payback, we use Swords Dance!

3d 17h 19m We send out Doublade!

3d 17h 18m Another Superpower KOs Lapras!

3d 17h 18m Our foe uses Superpower, we respond with Thunderbolt!

3d 17h 17m Sent out Lapras!

3d 17h 16m We use Strength, it KOs Charizard with Psycho Cutter!

3d 17h 16m Against Malamar!

3d 17h 16m We use Flamethrower and OHKO it!

3d 17h 16m We send out Charizard against Crobat!

3d 17h 16m Battling Team Flare Xerosic!

3d 17h 15m We snoop on a Team Flare conversation!

3d 17h 15m We save! On B3!

[Info] Text Speed now is fast!

[Info] We made it to B3, only to immediately go back in the lift and go to B1. Never change, TPP.

3d 17h 12m On B1!

3d 17h 11m We enter the Super-Training Menu, only to quickly leave.

3d 17h 7m On B2 again!

3d 17h 7m We save!

3d 17h 6m We go to B3!

3d 17h 3m Back up the elevator!

[Correction] Had it. We need to find it, before it's too late!

3d 17h 1m The man in the cell is AZ, having the same name as the former king. He has the key to the weapon around his neck.

3d 17h 0m The man ended the war with the machine. The Pokemon that was given life must have known many were killed to make them alive, and the Pokemon left the man.

3d 16h 59m He brought back his most beloved Pokemon, but that didn't subside his rage. He couldn't forgive the world, so he built his machine into the ultimate weapon.

[Fluff] Time for the super-sad AZ cutscene. I actually cried during this scene when I first played X.

3d 16h 58m It's about a man, who loved his Pokemon, after they take part in the war, they all died. He wanted to bring them back, no matter what, so he built a machine to give life.

3d 16h 58m BibleThumps EVERYWHERE!

[Chat] BibleThump CRYOT BibleThump

3d 16h 58m We see a flashback scene!

3d 16h 57m We enter the elevator, and go to B2.

3d 16h 56m We are walking into a wall repeatedly. Progress!

3d 16h 52m Still walking in circles. We switch the touch screen to Super Training.

[Fluff] Seeing TPP walk diagonally is weird.

3d 16h 45m We exit the room!

[Party] Hawlucha, Charizard, Absol, Lucario, Lapras, Doublade!

3d 16h 44m Obtained the Elevator Key!

3d 16h 44m Mable defeated!

3d 16h 43m We KO Weavile as well.

3d 16h 43m Charizard uses Return, Weavile uses Low Sweep.

3d 16h 43m Against Weavile!

3d 16h 43m We OHKO it!

3d 16h 43m We send out Charizard against Houndoom!

3d 16h 42m Fighting Team Flare Mable!

3d 16h 39m We switch Lapras and Hawlucha!

3d 16h 39m Entered another room! We save!

3d 16h 38m Defeated Grunt!

3d 16h 38m It uses Taunt, we OHKO it with Surf!

3d 16h 38m Against Liepard!

3d 16h 38m W euse Surf, and Toxic fainted!

3d 16h 37m We use Rain Dance, and Toxicroak raised his Special Attack.

3d 16h 37m Lapras used Surf, and Toxic uses Mud Shot.

3d 16h 37m We switch to Lapras, while Toxic uses Venoshock!

3d 16h 36m Against Toxicroak! We send out Charizard!

3d 16h 36m Battling Team Flare Grunt!

3d 16h 36m We head into the correct room from the teleporter.

[Snark] You never get off Mr. Lysandre's Wild Ride!

3d 16h 26m We save!

3d 16h 22m Spinning in a circle. Yay!

3d 16h 17m Charizard level 60, Lucario 48, Doublade 58!

[Correction] Charizard Level 60!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 60 - Max. HP 189 Attack 215 Defense 162 Sp. Atk 156 Sp. Def 125 Speed 143

3d 16h 17m Grunt defeated, we save, and we teleport.

3d 16h 16m We Mega-Evolve and use Flamethrower. It faints,

3d 16h 15m We use Flamethrower, burning Golbat. It uses Poison Fang on us!

3d 16h 15m Charizard against Golbat!

3d 16h 15m Against Team Flare Grunt!

3d 16h 14m Found a Hyper Potion!

3d 16h 13m Spinning around, at the speed of something.

3d 16h 11m Grunt defeated!

3d 16h 10m Against Scrafty! We use Strength and KO it!

3d 16h 10m We us Flamethrower, and KO it. Lapras level 46!

3d 16h 10m We use Strength, it misses Thunder Fang.

3d 16h 9m We send out Charizard against Manectric!

3d 16h 9m Against Team Flare Grunt!

3d 16h 7m We then leave them to be.

3d 16h 6m We talk to them. They say the Stones on Route 10 steal the Ultimate Power!

3d 16h 6m Defeated Bryony!

3d 16h 6m We Mega-Evolve, and use Flamethrower! Bisharp down!

3d 16h 5m Against Bisharp! We use Slash, it uses Night Slash!

3d 16h 5m Liepard Sucker Punch hits, but we KO it with Flamethrower!

3d 16h 4m We use a Hyper Potion on Charizard! Liepard misses Sucker Punch!

3d 16h 4m We use Strength, and Liepard responds with Taunt!

3d 16h 4m Liepard uses Fake Out, flinching us!

3d 16h 3m We send out Charizard against Liepard!

3d 16h 3m Defeated Celosia! Againt Bryony!

3d 16h 3m We use Aura Sphere, and KO Drapion!

3d 16h 2m We miss Bone Rush, it uses Acupressure!

3d 16h 2m We use Bone Rush, and Drapion responds with Acupressure!

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 47 - Max. HP 128 Attack 167 Defense 88 Sp. Atk 155 Sp. Def 81 Speed 149

3d 16h 2m Against Drapion!

3d 16h 2m We try to learn Calm Mind. We don't.

3d 16h 1m Lucario level 47!

3d 16h 1m Lucario Mega-Evolves and uses Bone Rush, and KOs Manectric!

3d 16h 1m We send out Lucario!

3d 16h 0m Another Thunderbolt from Manectric KOs Absol!

3d 16h 0m We use Future Sight, uit uses Thunderbolt!

3d 16h 0m Sent out Absol!

3d 15h 59m We use Aerial Ace, but Thunderbolt OHKOs Hawlucha!

3d 15h 59m Against Manectric, we send out Hawlucha!

3d 15h 59m Challenged Team Flare Celostia!

3d 15h 59m We enter a room, and 2 Team Flare members confront us!

3d 15h 57m Hawlucha level 45! Grunt defeated!

3d 15h 56m Toxicroak uses Sucker Punch, we use Flying Press. KOed!

3d 15h 56m Against Toxicroak!

3d 15h 56m Doublade level 57!

3d 15h 56m We use Hi-Jump Kick anfd KO Houndoom!

3d 15h 55m Hawlucha uses Aerial Ace! Houndoom responds with Fire Fang!

3d 15h 55m Hawlucha against Houndoom!

3d 15h 55m Battling Team Flare Grunt!

3d 15h 52m We go on the Green Teleporter again!

3d 15h 51m We go on the teleporter!

3d 15h 49m Back to the start!

[Party] Hawlucha, Charizard, Absol, Lucario, Lapras, Doublade.

3d 15h 46m We save!

[Snark] "Fashionable people can lose, too" Trust us, we've lost many times.

3d 15h 45m Charizard level 59! Grunt defeated!

3d 15h 44m We use High Jump Kick, for another OHKO!

3d 15h 44m We waste a turn with items, Mightyena uses Taunt!

3d 15h 43m Against Mightyena!

3d 15h 43m We use High Jump Kick, and OHKO Liepard!

3d 15h 43m We send out Hawlucha against Liepard!

3d 15h 43m Battling Team Flare Grunt!

3d 15h 42m Outside of the healing room!

3d 15h 40m Found a Revive!

3d 15h 38m We save!

3d 15h 36m More sleeping!

3d 15h 36m Obtained TM12 Taunt!

[Info] Btw, Absol doesn't have the Protector equipped anymore.

[Snark] I think we're going to oversleep at this point.

3d 15h 34m We heal!

3d 15h 34m We head into the healing room!

3d 15h 32m Trying to head back! It's not working out well.

3d 15h 30m The 2 People asked a certain professor to stop Team Flare!

3d 15h 30m Received Revives!

3d 15h 29m Apparently Yellow was the right one. Either way, we encounter two people.

3d 15h 29m Defeated Team Flare Grunt!

3d 15h 28m Charizard uses Strength, and OHKOs Liepard!

3d 15h 28m Against Liepard!

3d 15h 28m We use Return again, and KO Swalot!

3d 15h 28m We use Return, while Swalot responds with Stockpile!

3d 15h 28m Against Swalot! We send out Charizard!

3d 15h 27m Battling Team Flare Grunt!

3d 15h 27m We head on the green teleporter. Is it right?

3d 15h 27m Defeated Aliana!

3d 15h 26m We use Return, and Dru faints!

3d 15h 26m Same scenario plays out. Charizard at 30 HP, Dru in the yellows!

3d 15h 26m We use Flamethrower again, Dru responds with Scratch.

3d 15h 26m Against Druddigon!

3d 15h 25m We use Flamethrower, and OHKO it!

3d 15h 25m Charizard against Mightyena!

3d 15h 25m Battling Team Flare Aliana!

3d 15h 25m We save!

3d 15h 24m We made it to the next room!

3d 15h 23m We head on the teleporter! Or not!


3d 15h 18m Still spinning on tiles and teleporters!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 58 - Max. HP 183 Attack 209 Defense 156 Sp. Atk 152 Sp. Def 121 Speed 138

3d 15h 16m We save!

[Chat] SO MANY FailFish-ES!

[Snark] Spinning around at the speed of sound!

3d 15h 12m Swalot finally goes down. Team Flare grunt defeated.

3d 15h 11m Charizard mega evolves. With that strength, his attacks are doing much more damage to Swalot now.

3d 15h 11m Swalot keeps using Stockpile. Charizard's attacks are doing less and less damage.

3d 15h 11m We try to catch the Swalot. It's owned by the Grunt!

3d 15h 10m Versus a Team Flare Grunt! Swalot versus Charizard.

[Fluff] Welcome, everyone, to Lysandre's WILD RIDE.

3d 15h 9m Lysandre taunts us before telling us to find an Elevator Key to pursue him further in the labs.

3d 15h 9m Lysandre defeated! Charizard grows to level 58, and Doublade grows to level 56.

3d 15h 9m Pyroar down to a slash!

3d 15h 8m Charizard mega evolves and uses slash! Pyroar uses Hyper Voice.

3d 15h 8m We send in Charizard.

3d 15h 8m Pyroar uses Fire Blast! Lucario down!

3d 15h 7m We send in Lucario!

3d 15h 7m Absol down to Fire Blast!

3d 15h 7m We use a Hyper Potion on Absol. No effect! We're hit by Fire Blast.

3d 15h 7m Lysandre sends out Pyroar.

3d 15h 7m The rain stops. We use Psycho Cut. Gyarados down!

3d 15h 6m We keep using Rock Smash. Gyarados keeps hitting itself.

3d 15h 6m Absol uses Rock Smash. Gyarados is too confused to attack us!

3d 15h 6m d sends out Absol!

3d 15h 5m Gyarados is confused after his Outrage ends.

3d 15h 5m Lapras down to Gyarados's Outrage!

3d 15h 5m Gyarados continues its Outrage. We use rain dance again.

3d 15h 5m Gyarados uses Outrage. Lapras uses Rain Dance.

3d 15h 5m Go! Lapras!

3d 15h 4m We use Aerial Ace. Gyarados uses Aqua tail. Hawlucha down!

3d 15h 4m Lysandre sends out Gyarados!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 44 - Max. HP 142 Attack 110 Defense 76 Sp. Atk 72 Sp. Def 81 Speed 130

3d 15h 4m Hawlucha is level 44! We forget Wing Attack for High Jump Kick.

3d 15h 3m We use an Aerial Ace of our own. Murkrow down!

3d 15h 3m We use Wing Attack again. Murkrow uses Aerial Ace!

3d 15h 3m Lysandre sends out Murkrow.

3d 15h 3m We use Wing Attack! Mienfoo down in one hit.

3d 15h 3m Mienfoo versus Hawlucha.

3d 15h 2m d versus Team Flare Boss Lysandre!

3d 15h 2m Back in Lysandre Labs. Lysandre acts like we haven't seen him here before.

3d 15h 1m We finally enter the Café!

[Info] According to our Trainer Card, we have 78,560 Poké dollars. We have 165 Poké Miles. Our ID# is 17065.

3d 14h 59m We're close to Lysandre Café.

3d 14h 41m We quickly went back out. Now at Magenta Plaza again. Then Centrico. Now Magenta again.

3d 14h 41m We enter the Lumiose gym.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I should get my powersave within two days, before I get that I don't want to open the wifi floodgate.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: My current plan is making a backup save right after E4, then postgame with WiFi. Everyone can have a go at obtaining one of the pokemon used in this very run by trying to trade, and everyone can decide whether or not to give it to them. Online rated battles will also be enabled.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I have never used a powersave before, does it allows backup/restore the save file only on the card that save file is from? Or can I transfer the save file to another card?

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I bought a powersave 3DS so I can backup the save file before enabling the WiFI, it should arrive tomorrow or friday.

3d 14h 19m Back outside.

3d 14h 18m One final Aqua Tail. Doublade down! d blacked out!

3d 14h 17m Gyarados uses earthquake again! Doublade survives and uses Sacred Sword. 9 HP!

3d 14h 16m Gyarados uses earthquake. Doublade uses Sacred Sword.

3d 14h 16m Doublade is our only Pokémon left against Lysandre!

3d 14h 16m We use return, Gyarados aqua tail. Charizard is down!

3d 14h 15m We're hit by an Aqua Tail. Charizard in the red!

3d 14h 15m We throw a repeat ball at it. It's not ours!

3d 14h 15m Mienfoo down to a single return. Lysandre sends in Gyarados.

3d 14h 15m d versus Team Flare Boss Lysandre! Charizard versus Mienfoo.

3d 14h 14m We are greeted by the man himself. He laments on how he has a secret ticket. He asks his to show us our strength.

3d 14h 14m We enter Lysandre Labs!

3d 14h 14m A mysterious cupboard is moved by our words! A secret enterence!

3d 14h 13m Apparently the password to open a secret entrance is "Open sesame!"

3d 14h 13m Charizard uses Flamethrower, and Scrafty faints. Grunt defeated.

3d 14h 12m Scrafty uses Facade on us. We use slash!

3d 14h 11m Scrafty takes a hit of our strength.

3d 14h 11m We are challenged by another Team Flare grunt! Scrafty versus Charizard.

[Fluff] The grunt thinks that at this rate, we'll find out a secret entrance to Lysandre labs! Well, you just told us about it.

3d 14h 9m Return takes out Liepard in a single hit. Grunt defeated.

3d 14h 9m We are challenger by a Team Flare Grunt! Liepard versus Charizard.

3d 14h 8m We enter Lysandre Café!

3d 14h 0m We speak to a Team Flare Grunt. She doesn't seem as hostile to us.

3d 13h 56m We've secured ourselves in Magenta Plaza.

3d 13h 50m We exit the Pokémon Center. Then reenter it. Then enter it again. Enter, exit. Make up your mind, d!

3d 13h 47m d learns about the big root from a TV show.

3d 13h 47m We enter the central Center! Checkpoint!

3d 13h 45m We're at Autumnal Avenue. Or Centrico Plaza. Back and forth.

3d 13h 43m At Centrico Plaza!

3d 13h 42m We hopped in and out of it. Back outside.

3d 13h 41m We enter Restaurant Le Wow.

3d 13h 40m Back at Hibernal Avenue.

3d 13h 31m At Jaune Plaza.

3d 13h 30m We enter Hibernal Avenue!

3d 13h 29m We entered Hotel Richissime for a split second, but quickly exited.

3d 13h 19m A city resident talks about how much she loves Striaton City's tea.

3d 13h 15m Still mindlessly staring out North Boulevard.

[Chat] Chat seems busy creating blanks with _____underscores.

3d 12h 48m Nothing much is happening. d hasn't really traveled anywhere in Lumiose other then North Boulevard.

3d 12h 36m At an Alleyway in North Lumiose.

3d 12h 26m We speak to a very tall man. He tells us about the things available for us to do in North Boulevard.

3d 12h 15m Currently at North Boulevard.

3d 12h 11m ...But because of the Camera angles we're back in the gatehouse.

3d 12h 11m We arrive at Lumiose city!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RANDOM RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

3d 12h 7m We bump into Fairy Tale girl Alice. We already battled her.

3d 12h 1m Absol down to a wild Pumpkaboo!

3d 11h 56m We attempt to use an Awakening on Absol. No effect.

3d 11h 50m At Route 16 now.

3d 11h 48m d enters Route 15.

3d 11h 46m We enter the center. Checkpoint: Dendemille Town.

3d 11h 41m We're at Dendemille Town again.

3d 11h 40m We hop off Mamoswine.

3d 11h 39m It's level 39, Male, and it's nickname is 66PF__QQAUMM

3d 11h 39m We catch the wild Sneasel!

3d 11h 39m d tosses another Repeat Ball!

3d 11h 38m We throw another Repeat Ball at it. Also not a catch.

3d 11h 38m Repeat ball tossed at a wild Sneasel! We didn't catch it.

3d 11h 35m We caught the Wild Snover! It's Female, and 66q6g is it's nickname.

[Stats] Absol Lv. 49 - Max. HP 135 Attack 174 Defense 79 Sp. Atk 102 Sp. Def 62 Speed 97

3d 11h 35m Absol grows to level 49!

3d 11h 35m We throw a Repeat Ball at a wild Snover!

[Stats] Absol Lv. 48 - Max. HP 133 Attack 171 Defense 78 Sp. Atk 100 Sp. Def 61 Speed 95

[Status] Lapras, Hawlucha, and Lucario are down. Absol has 89 HP, and Charizard and Doublade are fully healed.

3d 11h 26m We enter deep snow. Wild Pokémon will now appear.

3d 11h 25m We hop on Mamoswine. Back down, back on again.

3d 11h 23m Back on Route 17!

3d 11h 21m Pikachu's feelings when it went down to a Sandile are indescribable.

3d 11h 21m We exit the Pokémon Center.

3d 11h 19m We refuse to let the Nurse heal our Pokémon twice.

3d 11h 19m Back in the Center!

3d 11h 17m We exit the Pokémon Center.

3d 11h 15m d uses his Iron on Lapras.

3d 11h 14m We get TM32: Double Team!

3d 11h 14m We speak with a Hex Maniac.

3d 11h 12m We enter the Pokémon Center.

3d 11h 10m Hawlucha got teary eyed when it went down to a Klefki.

3d 11h 9m Speaking to the Memory Girl.

3d 11h 3m We don't tip Phil.

3d 11h 2m We tell him to take a picture again. We actually take it!

3d 11h 2m We call on Phil the photo guy, but decide not to take a picture in the end.

3d 11h 0m Battle animations are turned back on by the streamer.

3d 10h 58m d doesn't seem alarmed about the fact Lysandre betrayed his trust. He just walks around Anistar City.

3d 10h 56m Serena dashes off.

3d 10h 56m Lysandre tells all trainers that he will destroy everyone not of Team Flare with the ultimate weapon!

3d 10h 55m It's from Lysandre.

3d 10h 55m We get a message on our holo caster!

3d 10h 55m We exit the gym, and Serena greets us. She knows that we would have no problem.

3d 10h 55m "Power that grants life awakens...voices of woe." This woman speaks mysteriously. She then warps us out of the gym.

3d 10h 54m We also get TM04: Calm Mind!

3d 10h 54m We obtain the Psychic Badge!

3d 10h 54m Mewostic uses Calm Mind, and we take it out with Pursuit! Olympia defeated!

3d 10h 54m Meowstic uses Shadow Ball. Absol uses Pursuit.

3d 10h 53m Meowstic is sent out! It uses fake out to flinch Absol.

3d 10h 53m Olympia sends in Slowking. It's down in a single Pursuit! Doublade is level 55.

3d 10h 53m We avoid an air slash and use another Pursuit. Sigilyph is down!

3d 10h 52m Sigilyph sets up Reflect. Absol uses Pursuit.

3d 10h 52m Absol is sent out!

3d 10h 52m Lucario down to 3 Psychics!

3d 10h 51m Lucario keeps using Metal Sound while Sigilyph keeps using Psychic.

3d 10h 51m Hawlucha down to a Psychic! we send in Lucario.

3d 10h 51m Hawlucha versus Sigilyph.

3d 10h 50m d versus Leader Olympia!

3d 10h 50m She is! She talks about a ritual to decide our future.

3d 10h 48m A uniquely clothed person lies ahead. Could they be the gym leader?

3d 10h 47m Gardevoir goes down. Charizard grows to level 57! Melanie defeated.

3d 10h 47m Gardevoir doesn't bother to attack us as we keep hitting it with Aerial Ace.

3d 10h 46m We are challenged by Hex Maniac Melanie! Hawlucha versus Gardevoir.

3d 10h 45m We warp to the next area. Psychic Arthur is avoided!

3d 10h 44m d runs past a trainer. It appears that he is trying to go back for him.

[Correction] Lucario grew to level 46, Absol grew to level 48.

3d 10h 35m We take Medicham out in two Aerial Aces. Harry is defeated. Lapras and Lucario are level 46!

3d 10h 34m We are challenged by Psychic Harry! Hawluncha versus Medicham.

3d 10h 30m We are now on the green platforms.

[Snark] You know, since the gym is designed like this, I was hoping the area we could move around in would be a bit more...spacious.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Did auto save work? It should save itself every 30 minutes.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Frost cavern already done? Wow

3d 10h 20m We are warped down onto the blue platforms.

3d 10h 16m Exeggutor goes down. Paschal defeated.

3d 10h 15m d sends in Lucario.

3d 10h 15m Lapras down to a Wood Hammer!

3d 10h 15m A single wood hammer brings Lapras to red!

3d 10h 14m Battle! Psychic Paschal! Lapras versus Exeggutor.

3d 10h 12m Entered the Anistar City Gym.

3d 10h 8m Left the café.

3d 10h 8m Walking around now.

3d 10h 6m Sat at a table.

3d 10h 6m At the café.

3d 10h 0m Just hanging around near the Anistar gym.

3d 9h 55m Serena heals our team.

3d 9h 55m Pokémon Trainer Serena defeated.

3d 9h 54m Absol down now.

3d 9h 54m Absol's in red.

3d 9h 54m Serena sends in Absol.

3d 9h 54m Charizard uses Return this time. Delphox down.

3d 9h 54m Both go at each other with fire attacks.

3d 9h 53m Serena sends in Delphox.

3d 9h 53m Doublade to level 54.

3d 9h 53m Charizard uses Return. Jolteon faints.

3d 9h 53m Charizard mega-evolves!

3d 9h 53m Flamethrower on Jolteon has it at yellow.

3d 9h 52m Serena sends in Jolteon.

3d 9h 52m Strength again from Charizard. Meowstic down.

3d 9h 52m Charizard goes at Meowstic with Strength! The cat is in yellow.

3d 9h 51m Sent in Charizard.

3d 9h 51m Psychic again! Lucario faints.

3d 9h 51m Psychic on Lucario brings it to yellow.

3d 9h 51m Lucario goes for Power-Up Punch. Meowstic still in green.

3d 9h 51m Meowstic uses Fake Out.

3d 9h 50m She sends out Meowstic. Lucario comes out on d's side.

3d 9h 50m Battle! VS. Serena

3d 9h 50m In a café. Decided not to have a seat and d goes out.

3d 9h 48m Found a Pretty Wing in the bushes as well.

3d 9h 48m Back at the streets.

3d 9h 41m It's a nice view here at the phototaking area. d's just wandering around though.

3d 9h 36m By the sundial.

3d 9h 32m Exited the centre.

3d 9h 32m d doesn't change his clothes.

3d 9h 31m In the dressing room.

3d 9h 31m Reached the Pokémon Centre. Checkpoint.

3d 9h 30m Sina also tells d that there is someone in Anistar who knows about the Kalos legendary Pokémon.

3d 9h 30m Obtained Repeat Balls.

3d 9h 29m Arrived at Anistar City.

3d 9h 27m Serena challenges d to a battle in front of Anistar City's gym. The Holo Clip ends.

3d 9h 27m Holo Clip received!

3d 9h 27m Nearing the end of the route.

3d 9h 27m Got off Mamoswine.

3d 9h 26m Mamoswine breaks through some rocks along the way.

3d 9h 21m Absol faints to a wild Sneasel.

3d 9h 19m Back on Mamoswine again and heading through the snow.

3d 9h 18m Hopped off Mamoswine.

3d 9h 16m Absol's in yellow health.

3d 9h 15m Also stepping on some wild Sneasels along the way.

3d 9h 15m Smashed through a rock.

3d 9h 13m Mamoswine's ploughing through the snow.

3d 9h 12m Back on again.

3d 9h 10m Got down.

3d 9h 10m Hopped on the Mamoswine.

3d 9h 10m At Route 17.

3d 9h 10m In the gateway.

3d 9h 5m Returned to Dendemille Town.

3d 9h 5m At Frost Cavern.

3d 9h 2m Item order: Lapras - Zap Plate Hawlucha - Awakening Absol - Protector Lucario - Lucarionite Charizard - Charizardite X Doublade - Abomasite.

3d 8h 54m Still swapping.

3d 8h 54m Lucario's holding Lucarionite.

3d 8h 53m Charizardite X was swapped to Absol.

3d 8h 52m Charizard's now holding Zap Plate and Lucario's holding the Charizardite X.

3d 8h 49m Swapped again. Charizard's now holding Charizardite X and Lucario's holding the Zap Plate.

3d 8h 45m Lucario's Zap Plate and Lapras' Awakening were also swapped.

3d 8h 44m Swapped the order of items. Charizard is now holding Charizardite X and Absol's holding the Abomasite.

3d 8h 41m Absol's holding Charizardite X now.

3d 8h 40m Gave Doublade the Lucarionite to hold.

3d 8h 40m Gave Hawlucha the Protector to hold.

3d 8h 38m Swapped Hawlucha's Black Belt for a Big Nugget.

3d 8h 35m Swapped Lucario's Escape Rope for a Zap Plate.

3d 8h 35m Tiger now holds the Abomasite.

3d 8h 34m Switched Lucario's Lucarionite for an Escape Rope.

3d 8h 31m Plan appears to be giving the Charizardite X back to Tiger.

3d 8h 29m Back in Dendemille Town.

3d 8h 27m Heading southwards.

3d 8h 26m Exited the cave!

3d 8h 26m Down near the entrance.

3d 8h 23m Swapped Tiger's move order. Flamethrower's now in the final slot.

3d 8h 22m On the first floor.

3d 8h 20m Sliding on ice. Heading back towards the entrance.

3d 8h 20m Tiger did not learn Fire Spin.

3d 8h 19m Tiger hits Level 56.

3d 8h 16m It gives us an Abomasite!

3d 8h 15m We talk to Abomasnow.

3d 8h 15m Trevor says something about how everything's fine now, and leaves.

3d 8h 15m With Team Flare now defeated, Abomasnow has been rescued!

3d 8h 15m Mable defeated.

3d 8h 14m Foul Play brings Doublade to yellow! Houndoom goes down to a Sacred Sword.

3d 8h 14m Houndoom embargoes Doublade. Iron Head is not very effective, but it takes Houndoom to yellow.

3d 8h 14m Doublade vs Houndoom.

3d 8h 14m Battling Team Flare Mable.

3d 8h 13m Doublade levels up to 53.

3d 8h 10m Doublade currently leads. Just meandering around this room.

3d 8h 9m Looks like Trevor defeated the other grunt.

3d 8h 8m Grunt defeated.

3d 8h 8m Lucario grew to Level 45!

3d 8h 8m Manectric in. Manectric out to a Flamethrower.

3d 8h 8m Golbat gets an Air Cutter off, which does little damage to Tiger. Flamethrower downs Golbat.


3d 8h 7m Sacred Sword does little damage to Golbat. We switch to Tiger.

3d 8h 7m Battling Team Plasma Grunt. Doublade v Golbat.

3d 8h 6m Trevor spouts something about why Team Flare wants stuff and yadda yadda. He decides that Team Flare's loony.

3d 8h 6m We're treated to the sight of Team Flare trying to catch Abomasnow.

3d 8h 5m We close in on Team Flare! Trevor arrives and asks what's going on.

3d 8h 5m Black Belt Kenji defeated.

3d 8h 4m Doublade's Iron Head takes Gurdurr straight to yellow. A second one takes it out.

3d 8h 4m Rock Slide does little damage to Doublade.

3d 8h 4m Doublade vs Gurdurr.

3d 8h 4m Battling Black Belt Kanji.

3d 8h 4m Onto the second floor.

3d 8h 3m She forgets Night Slash for Psycho Cut!

3d 8h 3m Absol levels up to 47!

3d 8h 2m Rock Smash takes Carbink down a bit. Future Sight then takes out Carbink!

3d 8h 2m Second usage of Future Sight fails. Carbink uses Ancientpower. It does little damage.

3d 8h 2m Future Sight is used! Carbink uses Guard Split again.

3d 8h 1m Night Slash doesn't do much damage. Carbink uses Guard Split to equalise the defenses.

3d 8h 1m Carbink is sent in by Alain.

3d 8h 1m Doublade hits Level 52.

3d 8h 1m Night Slash finishes off Graveler.

3d 8h 1m Sent in Absol.

3d 7h 59m Hawlucha gets bulldozed.

3d 7h 59m Flying Press takes Graveler to yellow.

3d 7h 59m Second Graveler in.

3d 7h 58m Flying Press takes out Graveler.

3d 7h 58m Wing Attack does little damage to Graveler. Bulldzoe hits Hawlucha and brings her to red! Her speed falls.

3d 7h 58m Flying Press brings Graveler to yellow. Smack Down does the same to Hawlucha and brings her down onto the ground.

3d 7h 58m Hawlucha v Graveler.

3d 7h 57m Vs. Hiker Alain.

3d 7h 57m "OH NO I CAN'T FEEL MY TOES."

3d 7h 57m First floor again.

3d 7h 56m We're currently on the second floor.

3d 7h 56m Surfing again.

3d 7h 55m Slip n' Slide.

3d 7h 54m Back on the first floor, near the healer.

3d 7h 52m Surfing.

3d 7h 48m Currently near the Brains and Brawns Duo.

[Info] I forgot to add to the map that the pink banner[06] in the lower left of the map points to a healer precariously placed next to a ledge that takes you back to the start of the cave.

3d 7h 29m Currently on the second floor. Ice-sliding time.

[Info] Here's a map with directions for the Frost Cavern. Credit to /u/Dracyoshi for making it.

3d 7h 28m Hawlucha currently leads.

3d 7h 26m Sliding on ice.

3d 7h 25m We slide down one of those ledge-like things. Back at the start now.

3d 7h 25m Down we go~! First floor again.

3d 7h 25m Close to the stairs.

3d 7h 24m Surfing again.

3d 7h 23m Battle Girl Kinsey defeated.

3d 7h 23m Flying Press once again! Mienshao is OHKOed!

3d 7h 23m Kinsey sends in Mienshao.

3d 7h 22m She whacks Sawk with Flying Press! OHKO!

3d 7h 22m Hawlucha is sent in.

3d 7h 22m Another sweep takes out Lapras.

3d 7h 22m Body Slam does little damage to Sawk.

3d 7h 21m Low Sweep from Sawk brings Lapras straight to yellow! His speed falls.

3d 7h 21m Lapras vs Sawk.

3d 7h 21m Battling Battle Girl Kinsey.

3d 7h 20m Tiger levelled up to 55.

3d 7h 20m Hawlucha levelled up to 42.

3d 7h 20m Lapras levelled up to 45!

3d 7h 19m Lapras currently leads our team.

3d 7h 18m Decided against surfing on the river.

3d 7h 16m Back on the second floor.

3d 7h 16m Healed at this Ace Trainer!

3d 7h 15m Lucario grew to Level 44.

3d 7h 14m First floor again.

3d 7h 14m Back on the second floor.

3d 7h 13m Hyper Potion obtained.

3d 7h 12m Hanging around the first floor.

3d 7h 10m Up onto the second floor. Back down.

3d 7h 8m Currently near some stairs on the first floor.

3d 7h 8m Battling wild Pokemon.

3d 7h 5m Back on the ice. Now skating to and fro.

3d 7h 4m Now surfing.

3d 7h 4m Still stumbling around in the snow.

3d 7h 3m Checking out the Dex.

3d 7h 1m Tried surfing on the river, but decided not to after a short while.

3d 7h 0m Checking out our Items.

3d 6h 58m Currently still traversing the Frost Cavern.

3d 6h 58m Black Belt Alonzo defeated.

3d 6h 58m A critical Flamethrower takes out Throh!

3d 6h 58m Rock Slide promptly brings Tiger to red.

3d 6h 57m Return only does a third of Throh's health in HP.

3d 6h 57m Tiger finishes Scrafty off with a second Return. In comes Throh.

3d 6h 57m He whacks Scrafty with a Return, bringing it to yellow. A High Jump Kick does little damage to our Charizard.

3d 6h 57m We send in Tiger.

3d 6h 56m Absol gets OHKO! Moxie raises Scrafty's attack.

3d 6h 56m Night Slash, despite being critical, doesn't do much to Scrafty.

3d 6h 56m Absol v Scrafty.

3d 6h 55m Battling Black Belt Alonzo.

3d 6h 55m Brains and Brawn Eoin and Wolf defeated.

3d 6h 55m Charizard's and Absol's attack faints Grumpig.

3d 6h 54m Sent in Charizard.

3d 6h 54m Meanwhile, Absol attacks Doublade with Night Slash. Doublade faints.

3d 6h 54m Grumpig is resting. Grumpig in green again and asleep.

3d 6h 52m Sent in Doublade.

3d 6h 52m Night Slash from Absol ends off Lapras.

3d 6h 51m Lapras in red.

3d 6h 51m Body Slam from Lapras has Grumpig in yellow and paralysed.

3d 6h 51m Absol uses Future Sight.

3d 6h 51m Sent in Absol.

3d 6h 51m Grumpig's Psyshock faints Hawlucha.

3d 6h 50m Absol to level 46.

3d 6h 50m Wing Attack finishes off Hariyama.

3d 6h 50m Hawlucha and Lapras' attack has Hariyama in red.

3d 6h 49m Lapras and Hawlucha are sent out against Hariyama and Grumpig.

3d 6h 49m VS. Brains and Brawn Eoin and Wolf.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: here's a new screenshot, Pokemon become desaturated when fainted and Pokemon are selected in order: http://i.imgur.com/EP6yJwM.png

3d 6h 36m Entered the Cave Area of Frost Cavern

3d 6h 33m We are riding on our Bike

3d 6h 33m Took a Picture near the Frost Cavern

3d 6h 30m Obtained an Escape Rope

3d 6h 29m Trying to take a photo near the Frost Cavern

[Info] Charizard does not hold the Charizardite X anymore

3d 6h 22m Saved the game

3d 6h 18m Arrive at Frost Cavern

3d 6h 17m We are beside a Windmill

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 44 - Max. HP 184 Attack 95 Defense 85 Sp. Atk 93 Sp. Def 98 Speed 75

3d 6h 5m Exited the Pokemon Center

3d 6h 5m Blacked Out

3d 6h 5m Lucario faints to a wild Beartic's Slash

3d 6h 2m We backtracked yet again

3d 6h 2m Making some progress in the ice puzzle

3d 5h 58m Going up and down the stairs

3d 5h 51m Saved the game

3d 5h 47m Still sliding on the Ice

3d 5h 40m He now have 14 hp remaining!

3d 5h 40m Lucario leveled up to lv. 43!

3d 5h 39m Lucario has only 4 hp left!

3d 5h 36m Back at the start of the puzzle.

3d 5h 30m And we backtracked....

3d 5h 30m We're almost at the end of the puzzle

3d 5h 29m Lucario is in the red.

3d 5h 28m Found an Ice Heal!

3d 5h 27m We're back at the start of the puzzle.

3d 5h 26m Still on the ice puzzle.

3d 5h 19m Obtained Ice Heal

3d 5h 15m Nope we backtracked

3d 5h 15m Made Some Progress on the ice puzzle

3d 5h 12m Back to the ice puzzle again

3d 5h 11m Went down the stairs

3d 5h 9m Still trying to solve the ice puzzle

3d 5h 1m Sliding back and forth on the ice

3d 4h 59m Back at the beginning of the Ice Puzzle

3d 4h 56m We keep going up and down the stairs.

3d 4h 55m And back upstairs!

3d 4h 54m We went downstairs!

3d 4h 46m Upstairs and sliding again.

3d 4h 45m We went down the stairs.

3d 4h 44m Still sliding on the ice

[Google Doc] Ladies and gentlemen! Once the Google Doc was three hours behind, but no longer! It's been successfully updated.

3d 4h 40m And we ran from Haunter...

3d 4h 40m We mega evolved Lucario!

3d 4h 38m Lucario is the only one left!

3d 4h 38m Doublade faints to a wild Haunter!

3d 4h 36m Hiker defeated!

3d 4h Lucario forgot Shadow claw and learned Aura Sphere!

3d 4h 35m Lucario up to lv. 42!

3d 4h 34m Doublade forgot Fury cutter for Sacred Sword!

3d 4h 34m Rhydon down!

3d 4h 34m Doublade up to lv. 51!

3d 4h 34m Rhydon is in!

3d 4h 34m Doublade fell asleep!

3d 4h 33m Iron head and Relicanth faints!

3d 4h 33m Doublade is sent in!

3d 4h Anothe rock climb and hawlucha faints!

3d 4h 32m Rock Climb put hawlucha in the red!

3d 4h 32m Relicanth vs. Hawlucha!

3d 4h 31m Battle against hiker Delmon!

3d 4h 28m Hawlucha is in the yellow!

3d 4h 27m Hawlucha leads our team now.

3d 4h 25m We're now sliding on the ice.

3d 4h 25m We went upstairs.

3d 4h 24m Golduck fainted, trainer defeated!

3d 4h 23m Lucario is sent in!

3d 4h 22m Golduck is in the yellow!

3d 4h 22m Charizard fainted!

3d 4h 21m Golduck is in!

3d 4h 21m Marowak fainted, Charizard up to lv. 54!

3d 4h 21m Charizard and marowak are in the red!

3d 4h 20m We sent charizard in

3d 4h 20m Marowak is in the yellow

3d 4h 20m Absol faints to Trash!

3d 4h 20m Marowak in!

3d 4h 19m Raichu is down!

3d 4h 19m Absol is sent in!

3d 4h 19m Thunderbolt and Lapras faints!

3d 4h 19m Lapras vs. Raichu!

3d 4h 18m Challenged by Ace trainer Neil!

3d 4h 17m We took the wrong stairs and went down.

3d 4h 17m We went upstairs.

3d 4h 15m Entered Frost Cavern

3d 4h 12m Near the entrance of Frost Cavern

3d 4h 9m Trainer defeated!

3d 4h 8m Return and Swanna faints!

3d 4h 8m Charizard is in the yellow!

3d 4h 8m Flamthrower bring Swanna in the red!

[Info] Charizard is our only elligible pokemon for sky battle.

3d 4h 7m Out comes Swanna!

3d 4h 7m Slash put Carnivine down!

3d 4h 7m Carnivine is in the yellow!

3d 4h 6m Charizard vs. Carnivine!

3d 4h 6m We accepted a sky battle

3d 4h 2m We're on the road to Frost Cavern!

3d 3h 58m Running around on the streets of Dendemille Town.

3d 3h 55m Out of the pokecenter

3d 3h 52m Wild Jynx knocks out Lapras, we black out!

3d 3h 52m Wild Jynx appeared! It almost KO'd us... 13 HP right now...

3d 3h 49m Lapras down to 28 HP against a wild Beartic. We barely take it out.

3d 3h 48m Saved again.

3d 3h 46m Used Body Slam against a Haunter. Twice.

3d 3h 45m Saved!

3d 3h 43m Entered the cave part of Frost Cavern

3d 3h 43m Heading toward the cave.

3d 3h 42m Took out Smeargle without much problem. Still in green health.

3d 3h 42m Challenged by an artist! He sent out Smeargle. It's still hailing but Lapras is part Ice type so it won't affect us.

[Info] Our not-fainted party member is Lapras, level 44, 100% health. Everyone else, dead fainted.

3d 3h 39m the opposing Swanna knocked out Charizard and we lost! But we have Lapras alive so we did NOT black out.

3d 3h 38m Carnivine down! But there's hail here. Charizard is in yellow health, up against a Swanna.

3d 3h 38m We were challenged to a sky battle again and accepted. Charizard is our only eligible non-fainted Pokemon. We're up against a Carnivine.

3d 3h 34m We were challenged to a sky battle but we declined.

3d 3h 33m Lapras grew to level 44 after defeating a hiker's Vibrava.

[Info] We shuffled our party order. Right now we have Lapras out first. Also, we did not heal.

3d 3h 32m In the Frost Cavern area now but we're not in the actual cave yet.

3d 3h 27m Left the house.

3d 3h 26m Entered a house.

3d 3h 23m We were directly in front of the Pokemon center door, but we ran away.

3d 3h 22m Aside from saving, we have yet to do anything interesting here.

3d 3h 19m Saved the game!

3d 3h 18m Arrived in Dendemille Town

[meta] Sorry, my stream lagged out. Looks like we are on Route 15.

3d 3h 14m Okay, we changed areas and now it's not working again....

3d 3h 10m It appears the streamer has decided to enable the touch screen outside of battle!

3d 3h 8m Slowly but surely we are heading north.

[Info] Just in case you're wondering, Charizard and Lapras are the only non-fainted party members right now.

3d 3h 3m We ran. 2spooky4us

[Snark] Charizard used Slash on a wild Haunter! Great job TPP.

3d 3h 2m In the swamp.

[Snark] I wouldn't want my kids to play on this playground... The music here is creepy.

3d 3h 0m We're on the playground.

3d 2h 59m On route 14!

3d 2h 58m In the gatehouse.

3d 2h 56m We're by the entry to route 14.

3d 2h 55m Left the alley.

3d 2h 54m We're still in the alleyway with the house and sushi place.

3d 2h 50m In the bag, TM pocket... well we were, then we exited. Now looking at the Pokedex. Oh, we closed out.

3d 2h 49m Went into the save menu but didn't save.

3d 2h 48m Currently in our Pokemon menu.

3d 2h 46m We keep walking into and out of a random house.

3d 2h 42m Left the sushi place again.

3d 2h 40m Went back into the sushi place.

3d 2h 40m Left the sushi place.

3d 2h 39m Entered the sushi restaurant, but we're not famous yet so we can't do anything here.

3d 2h 36m We opened the menu a few times but them closed out.

3d 2h 35m Wandering around Lumiose.

3d 2h 32m Left Prism Tower, went into one of the plazas, left the plaza, and re-entered the plaza.

3d 2h 30m Left Prism Tower through the west exit, but then re-entered.

[Info] The previous post should say 3d, not 4d. Sorry.

4d 2h 27m Entered the Prism Tower

Walking toward Prism Tower.

3d 2h 24m Exited Re-entered Exited Re-entered Exited Re-entered Exited the boutique.

[Snark] d's trainer card photo somehow got updated without having to take a new one!

3d 2h 21m And Pokemon-Amie is back.

3d 2h 21m Now Super Training is open!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !cmd 10, 10

3d 2h 20m Somehow we switched the screen to the PSS, which has a warning saying wireless communications are disabled.

3d 2h 20m We put on the fedora! (Bolded because that appeared to be a goal we were working towards.)

[Info] We currently have $29,648.

3d 2h 16m Bought a fedora for $80,000!

[Info] The first floor only has women's clothes, and not only is this store rude to people who would otherwise be customers, but they're very intolerant of cross-dressers as well.

[Fluff] So all that money we wasted on same hair cuts actually paid off?

3d 2h 14m We didn't get kicked out!

3d 2h 14m Near the entrance to the boutique, but we haven't gone in yet. and we just went in.

3d 2h 8m Exited the barber shop.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Isn't it the same

3d 2h 7m Now d has medium-length blonde hair.

[Fluff] Is anyone else reminded of that scam in MapleStory to get you to use the cash shop?

[Snark] InB4 we waste all our money on haircuts and not enough to pay for the fedora.

3d 2h 5m Now we're paying for a haircut and coloring. We chose what we have already for both.

3d 2h 4m We paid for another new style...but got the same one.

3d 2h 2m d now has very short brown hair.

3d 2h 1m Oh apparently it is letting us choose. We chose "Very Short" this time.

3d 2h 1m Back to the other hairstyle...are there only three hairstyles in this game? And it doesn't let you choose?

[Info] So far I believe we've spent $13,500 at the barber shop.

3d 2h 0m Back in! Just styling this time; $1,500.

3d 2h 0m I think it's that short one from before again...

3d 1h 59m Won't be changing the color.

3d 1h 59m Another full style and color. $3,000 again.

3d 1h 59m Back in the barbershop. Here we go again!

3d 1h 57m Exited the cafe. Near the Route 5 gate.

3d 1h 55m We've exited and re-entered the cafe multiple times.

3d 1h 50m We've entered a café that is supposedly Diantha's favorite.

3d 1h 50m Left the barber shop and walked away.

3d 1h 49m d is blonde again. Think it's the same style as before...didn't we pay extra for a new style?

3d 1h 49m Agreed to ANOTHER haircut. We've spent $9,000 so far, including this one. We chose "Surprise me!" for the color.

[Snark] Technology is amazing! Now you can get longer hair after a hair cut!

[Chat] A discussion is taking place about the strangeness of having longer hair after a haircut.

3d 1h 48m Longer now, but not as long as originally.

3d 1h 47m Keeping the same color.

3d 1h 47m Another styling and coloring, another $3,000!

3d 1h 46m Exited without doing anything and reentered a second time. And exited again! And entered again!

3d 1h 46m Exited and reentered the barber shop!

[Chat] The voices disapprove of his new look!

3d 1h 44m d's hair is much shorter now.

3d 1h 44m Chose a black color.

3d 1h 44m Agreed to get a $3,000 haircut!

3d 1h 43m We're in the barber shop now.

3d 1h 41m We didn't use any of them.

3d 1h 41m Looking through our TMs.

[Info] In order to go into the Lumiose City Boutique (That we were just kicked out of), we are required to do various tasks around the city.

3d 1h 39m Back on South Boulevard.

[Snark] If a real clothing store had that policy, wouldn't they be kicking out everyone who has any reason to give them any business?

3d 1h 37m Entered the boutique. The rude staff member has the nerve to kick d out for not being stylish!

3d 1h 36m We're still aimlessly wandering around Lumiose City, as the jokes continue to pour in.

[Snark] My Diglett is excited to meet your Cloyster.

[Chat] Mrsanctuary: my super rod really wants to catch your ***, eerr, cat, or somehting

3d 1h 32m "Y'know... my Emolga really wants to shock your Dedenne." "What?" - Overheard in Lumiose City.

[Correction] We challenged her to battle. Not the other way around.

3d 1h 31m Now in Vert Plaza.

[Correction] She told us to buzz off, not back off. Not that it matters.

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 53 - Max. HP 168 Attack 137 Defense 108 Sp. Atk 118 Sp. Def 111 Speed 127

3d 1h 30m Trainer defeated!

3d 1h 30m Charizard OHKO's Krokorok and grows to level 53!

3d 1h 29m A rude girl tells us to back off and challenges us to a battle! Vs. Punk Girl Lillian! She sends out Krokorok, and we send out Charizard.

3d 1h 27m Right now we're on South Boulevard, still near the Route 4 gate.

[Fluff] If you think that's overpriced, remember that the currency is based on yen, which are more akin to pennies. Then again, considering how small Lumiose is for a capital city, or even a city at all...

3d 1h 26m Took a cab to the Route 4 entrance for $2,500!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: City map, we're near route 16 entrance : http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/292/9/b/lumiose_city_map_by_rain_of_ashes-d6r3yi4.jpg

3d 1h 24m Currently on North Boulevard.

3d 1h 23m Saved the game. In Lumiose City. Hope the streamer has updated since the game came out!

3d 1h 22m Back in Lumiose!

3d 1h 22m Back in the gate.

3d 1h 21m Entered Lumiose City!

3d 1h 21m Entered the gate to the left.

3d 1h 18m d obtained the Super Rod!

[Chat] I don't think I need to tell you what the chat was spamming a minute ago. Here's a hint: it begins with an R and includes dongers.

3d 1h 17m Stream back up.


3d 1h 17m Updating stream setting. Will be back very soon!

3d 1h 15m Watching A LOT of TV.

3d 1h 12m Wandered into the house by the water.

3d 1h 9m Over at the docks on Route 16

3d 1h 5m And down goes Mawile. Alice is defeated!

3d 1h 4m Klefki down. Mawile in.

[Snark] Alice in Wonderland

[Fluff] Wait, ALICE?

[Snark] ALICE! 'A'?

3d 1h 4m Charizard vs. Klefki.

3d 1h 3m Vs. Fairy Tale Girl Alice.

[Info] By the way, I can't tell the difference between genders. Charizard is actually a he.

3d 0h 58m Alakazam falls as well. Mysterious sisters are defeated!

3d 0h 57m Mega Evolve'd Charizard. She knocks out Gardevoir.

[Chat] Gardevoir is out...what do you think they're talking about?

3d 0h 55m Charizard and Lapras vs. Gardevoir and Alakazam

3d 0h 54m Fighting some Mysterious Sisters!

3d 0h 52m We used the Citrus berry to heal Charizard.

3d 0h 47m Lapras is promoted to level 43! Did not learn Safeguard.

[Snark] Jet: "Yo d, what ya doin with mah boyfriend?"

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 52 - Max. HP 165 Attack 135 Defense 106 Sp. Atk 117 Sp. Def 109 Speed 125

3d 0h 45m Jet is defeated!

3d 0h 45m Swanna makes a strong stand, but is no match for Charizard who is promoted to level 52!

3d 0h 44m Delcatty down! Out comes Swanna.

3d 0h 43m Charizard vs. Delcatty.

3d 0h 43m And another skater pulls up. Fighting Jet!

3d 0h 43m Manectric down! Olle rekt!

3d 0h 42m Charizard vs. Manectric.

3d 0h 42m Fighting Roller Skater Olle.

3d 0h 40m Back outside

3d 0h 31m Moondoge faints to a wild Magneton!

[Info] We caught the last Rotom with a Quick Ball.

[Update] Rotoms are only level 38 here.

3d 0h 21m Caught another Rotom! Nick: 5776eee'iggr. Missed the level, will update once received.

3d 0h 20m Doublade is down to the wild Rotom!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Smogon strats

3d 0h 17m Oh look another Rotom!

[Snark] And not even the pocket kind!

3d 0h 14m Picked up a protector!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 50 - Max. HP 126 Attack 144 Defense 170 Sp. Atk 79 Sp. Def 62 Speed 57

3d 0h 13m Defeated Cecile.

3d 0h 13m Doublade is promoted to level 50!

3d 0h 12m Out comes another Liepard.

3d 0h 12m Absol is promoted to level 45.

3d 0h 12m Doublade downs Liepard!

[Correction] Current party levels on display are Doublade Lvl.49, Absol Lvl. 44, Charizard Lvl. 51, and Lapras Lvl.42

3d 0h 11m Fighting Punk Girl Cecile! Doublade vs. Liepard!

3d 0h 8m Hawlucha faints to a wild Pawniard.

3d 0h 7m Hawlucha is on the ropes against a wild Pawniard.

[Snark] 96 HYPE.

[Chat] Cue the obligatory references to the Number of the Beast and a certain...other number. You know which one.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Smogon RotomKappa

3d 0h 4m Also, Hawlucha is promoted to level 41!

3d 0h 3m Master ball'd a Rotom. Nickname: !6696rsxtv8o. Level 38.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 41 - Max. HP 133 Attack 101 Defense 71 Sp. Atk 65 Sp. Def 75 Speed 121

3d 0h 1m Jacuqes has been defeated.

3d 0h 1m Let's see if I got this right. Lapras is promoted to level 31 and Charizard to level 51 I believe.

3d 0h 0m Hawlucha rekts Crawdant.

3d 0h 0m Hawlucha gets the KO!

2d 23h 59m Hawlucha comes out!

Welcome to day 4 of Pokémon X!

2d 23h 59m WHO TAUGHT THAT SKUNK TO BREATHE FIRE? Lucario is down!

2d 23h 58m Lucario vs. Skuntank.

2d 23h 58m Jacques would like to battle!

2d 23h 57m Punk Guy Slater loses!

2d 23h 57m Doublade is promoted to level 49 as well.

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 41 - Max. HP 112 Attack 112 Defense 62 Sp. Atk 112 Sp. Def 70 Speed 107

2d 23h 56m Both mon's land moderate damage on the first turn. Lucario gets the upper edge, wins, and is promoted to level 41.

2d 23h 56m Lucario against Dunsparce.

2d 23h 56m VS. Punk Guy Slater!

2d 23h 55m Entered the Lost Hotel

2d 23h 54m And down goes Swellow as well. Charizard is untouched and we beat Clara.

2d 23h 54m Now it's Charizard up against Swellow.

2d 23h 54m Emolga burned to a delicious crisp.

2d 23h 53m Emolga vs. Charizard.

2d 23h 53m Fighting Sky Trainer Clara!

2d 23h 51m We decline to battle a sky trainer.

2d 23h 51m We put the boulder in it's rightful place.

2d 23h 50m Charizard used strength. Now we can move boulders!

2d 23h 48m Feathering between routes 15 and 16.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: save (he forgot the !)

2d 23h 46m Made it back to route 15.

2d 23h 45m Wandering around Dedemille Town.

2d 23h 45m Back outside. Where the snow is.

2d 23h 44m Charizard fainted to a wild Klefki. BLACK OUT-DES!

[Snark] I love how they go back in and out of doors more than 2 times in a row. Classic TPP Style!

2d 23h 41m Back outside, then back inside, then back outside, then back inside, then back outside, then back inside.

2d 23h 39m In the Lost Hotel again!

2d 23h 30m On Route 15!

2d 23h 27m Back outside!

2d 23h 25m Got a Sitrus Berry!

2d 23h 24m Still inside the Pokecenter.

2d 23h 23m Checkpointed!

[Correction] Denemille Town!

2d 23h 20m 2 Scientists confront us again. They tell us about legendary Pokemon.

2d 23h 19m In Dendemile Town!

2d 23h 16m Back out on Route 15!

2d 23h 9m A punk insults on our clothes. Sir, we are stylin!

2d 23h 6m Punk Couple defeated!

2d 23h 6m Trubbish used Body Slam, we use Return and KO it! Charizard level 50!

2d 23h 5m Charizard went Mega! We use Flamethrower and KO Pangoro. Trubbish used Body Slam!

2d 23h 4m Charizard uses Flamethrower, Absol uses Night Slash, Pangoro uses Vital Throw, and Absol fainted!

2d 23h 4m Charizard and Absol against Garbodor and Pangoro!

2d 23h 4m Against Punk Couple!

2d 23h 3m Defeated Jeanne!

2d 23h 2m We use Night Slash and KO Arbok!

2d 23h 2m Sent out Absol!

2d 23h 2m Arbok uses Mud Bomb, Lapras faints!

2d 23h 2m Another Acid Spray from Arbok, we use Surf.

2d 23h 1m We use Thunderbolt, it uses Acid Spray.

2d 23h 1m We send out Lapras against Arbok!

2d 23h 1m We use Night Slash and OHKO it!

2d 23h 0m Absol against Seviper!

2d 23h 0m Against Punk Girl Jeanne!

2d 22h 59m Defeated Punk Guy!

2d 22h 59m Absol level 44!

2d 22h 59m We use Surf again, and KO Pawniard!

2d 22h 58m We use Thunderbolt, it responds with Metal Sound.

2d 22h 58m Against Pawniard! We send out Lapras!

2d 22h 57m We use Return, and KO Sharpedo!

2d 22h 56m We send out Charizard!

2d 22h 56m Sharpedo KOs Doublade!

2d 22h 56m Against Sharpedo!

2d 22h 55m It uses Crunch, we use Iron Head. Scrafty down.

2d 22h 55m We used Iron Head, it responds with Scary Face.

2d 22h 54m Doublade against Scrafty!

2d 22h 54m Battling Punk Guy Sid!

2d 22h 50m In the Lost Hotel!

2d 22h 44m Carrie defeated!

2d 22h 44m We use Iron Head again, and KO Duosion!

2d 22h 43m We use Iron Head, Duosion used Future Sight!

2d 22h 43m Against Duosion!

2d 22h 43m Litwick used Momento. We KO Litwick!

2d 22h 43m We send out Doublade against Litwick!

2d 22h 42m Battling Hex Maniac Carrie!

2d 22h 41m Dedenne goes down! Fairy Tale Mahalyn defeated!

2d 22h 41m It uses snore! We use surf!

2d 22h 41m Dedenne falls asleep and it recovers some HP!

2d 22h 39m Another thunderbolt! Aromatisse goes down and Dedenne sent out! Lapras Level 41!

2d 22h 39m Thunderbolt on it! is uses charm!

2d 22h 39m Thunderbolt against it! Moonblast on us!

2d 22h 39m Body Slam against it! Flail on us!

2d 22h 39m We send out Laparas!

2d 22h 38m We use a Leppa Berry! Moon Blast on us! Hawlucha goes down!

2d 22h 38m Volt Switch on us! Trainer switched out for Aromatisse!

2d 22h 38m We use Bounce! Volt Switch but it misses!

2d 22h 37m Hawlucha vs. Dedenne!

2d 22h 37m Challenged by Fairy Tale Hahalyn!

2d 22h 35m Doublade Up to Level 49!

2d 22h 35m Encountering some wild Pokémon.

2d 22h 28m Defeated the trainers, looking at a Holo Cast.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 40 - Max. HP 129 Attack 99 Defense 69 Sp. Atk 63 Sp. Def 74 Speed 118

2d 22h 27m Doublade level 48!

2d 22h 27m Hawlucha level 40!

2d 22h 26m Hawlucha uses Wing Attack, Absol uses Night Slash, Drifblim down!

2d 22h 26m Hawlucha uses Bounce, Rock Smash does nothing with Absol, Drifblim uses Shadow Ball on Haw.

2d 22h 25m Sent out Absol.

2d 22h 24m Hawlucha uses Bounce, Lucario KOs Floette (Absol level 43), Drifblim KOs Lucario!

2d 22h 24m Hawlucha used Wing Attack, Lucario Power Up Punch, Drifblim Shadow Ball, Floette Grassy Terrain!

2d 22h 23m We send out Lucario and Hawlucha against Floette and Drifblim!

2d 22h 23m Against Mysterious Sisters Rune and Rine.

2d 22h 16m Seadra uses Twister (not Whirlwind), we use Iron Head. Seadra down. Dean defeated!

2d 22h 16m Seadra uses Bubble Beam, we use Fury Cutter.

2d 22h 15m Seadra uses Bubble Beam, we use Fury Cutter. It uses Whirlwind, we use Iron Head. Future Sigh hits.

2d 22h 15m Against Seadra!

2d 22h 14m Swoobat uses Future Sight, we use Iron Head. Swoobat down!

2d 22h 14m Against Swoobat! We send out Doublade!

2d 22h 14m We use Power-Up Punch, and KO it!

2d 22h 14m We use Bone Rush! It uses Hyper Fang.

2d 22h 13m We send out Lucario against Watchog!

2d 22h 13m Battling Pokemon Ranger Dean!

2d 22h 13m Found a Leppa Berry!

2d 22h 11m We save!

2d 22h 9m Found an Antidote!

<3 DIS Music! <3

2d 22h 8m On Route 15!

2d 22h 4m We head back to Laverre City!

2d 22h 3m We received another Holo Caster!

2d 22h 2m We talk about Team Flare.

2d 22h 2m We talk to our friends!

2d 21h 59m We save!

[Snark] InB4 we use it within 24 hours of obtaining it.

[Correction] Doublade.

2d 21h 53m Defeated them. Obtained Masterball and Big Nugget!

2d 21h 52m Lucario level 40, Hawlucha level 39, Duoedge level 47!

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 40 - Max. HP 109 Attack 137 Defense 72 Sp. Atk 129 Sp. Def 68 Speed 124

2d 21h 52m We OHKO Manectric with Power-Up Punch.

2d 21h 51m Lucario Mega-Evolves and uses Power-Up Punch, OHKOing Liepard. Manectric uses Thunder Fang on us, Meowsitc uses Light Screen!

2d 21h 51m Lucario and Meowsitc against Liepard and Manectric!

2d 21h 51m Against Team Flare Celosia and Bryony!

2d 21h 51m Teamed up with Serena!

2d 21h 50m Defeated the Admin!

2d 21h 50m Lapras grew to 40!

2d 21h 50m Houndoom uses Odor Sleuth. We OHKO it!

2d 21h 50m Against Houndoom!

2d 21h 49m We use Power-Up Punch, and KO Scraggy!

2d 21h 49m We use Bone Rush, it uses Scary Face!

2d 21h 49m Against Scraggy. We send out Lucario!

2d 21h 48m Battling Team Flare Admin!

2d 21h 48m The Team Flare Boss talks with some employees.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: But you can do !roulette

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Only I can do that

2d 21h 40m We heal!

2d 21h 35m Wandering around the Factory.

2d 21h 30m Grunt defeated!

2d 21h 30m We use Thunderbolt, and KO Mightyena!

2d 21h 29m We use Fury Cutter, it uses Roar. Sent out Lapras!

2d 21h 29m Against Mightyena!

2d 21h 29m We use Iron Head, and OHKO it!

2d 21h 28m Against Scraggy! We send out Doublade!

2d 21h 28m Battling Grunt!

2d 21h 25m Found a Quick Ball!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 46 - Max. HP 117 Attack 132 Defense 157 Sp. Atk 73 Sp. Def 57 Speed 53

2d 21h 24m Charizard level 48! Grunt defeated!

2d 21h 23m We use Slash and KO it! Doublade level 46!

2d 21h 23m Golbat uses Confuse Ray, confusing us. We hit ourselves.

2d 21h 23m It uses Acrobatics, we use Iron Head.

2d 21h 23m Against Golbat!

2d 21h 22m It uses Assurance again, we use Iron Head. Mightyena down!

2d 21h 22m It uses Assurance, we use Fury Cutter.

♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ TEAM FLARE DANCE RIOT ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫

2d 21h 22m Doublade against Mightyena!

2d 21h 22m Battling Team Flare Grunt!

2d 21h 20m Defeated Team Flare Grunt!

2d 21h 19m We use Slash and OHKO it!

2d 21h 19m Our Hyper Potion had no effect. Toxic's attack missed.

2d 21h 19m It confuses us! We hit ourselves!

2d 21h 18m We send Doublade out against Toxicroak!

2d 21h 18m Against Team Flare Grunt!

2d 21h 17m "I love battles that don't quit" As we stand in-between them.

2d 21h 17m We chat with a Team Flare member. Serena will take care of this!

2d 21h 16m We head to check the Factory!

2d 21h 15m The Flare Grunt chases after some of them.

2d 21h 15m Our friends meet up with us!

2d 21h 12m The Team Flare Grunt won't let us through.

[Chat] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

2d 21h 9m At the Pokeball Factory!

[Chat] WE DID IT ________ (fill in the blank)

2d 21h 5m Back outside.

2d 21h 3m Petting the Espurr.

2d 21h 1m We head inside someone's house.

2d 21h 0m Two people confront us, then immediately leave! We save!

2d 21h 0m We head outside!

2d 20h 57m Defeated Valerie! Fairy Badge obtained! Tm 99 Dazzling Gleam obtained!

2d 20h 57m We use Flamethrower again, and Sylveon is down.

2d 20h 57m We use Flamethrower, burning Sylveon. It uses Charm.

2d 20h 57m We use Return, it uses Charm!

2d 20h 57m Against Slyveon!

2d 20h 56m Doublade level 45! It forgets Night Slash and learns Iron Head!

2d 20h 56m We use Flamethrower, Mr. Mime faints!

2d 20h 55m Mr. Mime KOs Absol! Sent out Charizard!

2d 20h 55m Mr. Mime uses Reflect, we use Night Slash.

2d 20h 55m Absol vs. Mr. Mime.

2d 20h 55m Lapras level 39!

2d 20h 55m It uses a Hyper Potion, we use Flamethrower. Mawile down!

2d 20h 54m We use Return, it uses Bite.

2d 20h 54m We use Strength, Mawile can't move.

2d 20h 54m We send out Charizard!

2d 20h 54m A Wing Attack from us, and a Crunch from Mawile. Hawlucha down!

[Snark] Kreygasm

2d 20h 53m We use Aerial Ace! And Mawile uses Crunch.

2d 20h 53m We use Flying Press. it uses Crunch.

2d 20h 53m We use Bounce again. Bounce hits, and Mawile uses Iron Defense.

2d 20h 52m We use Bounce, avoiding Crunch. Bounce hits, and it become paralyzed. It still uses Iron Defense.

2d 20h 52m We send out Hawlucha against Mawile!

2d 20h 52m Facing against Gym Leader Valerie!

2d 20h 51m Absol level 42! Katherine defeated!

2d 20h 51m We use Bounce, missing an attack. Bounce hits, Slurpuff fainted.

2d 20h 50m We use Wing Attack agains, it uses Endeavour!

2d 20h 50m We use Wing Attack, it responds with Energy Ball.

2d 20h 50m Against Slurpuff. We send out Hawlucha!

2d 20h 50m Against Furisode Girl Katherine!

2d 20h 47m Wandering the gym.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Nope Kappa

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 38 - Max. HP 122 Attack 93 Defense 65 Sp. Atk 60 Sp. Def 70 Speed 111

2d 20h 40m Girl defeated!

2d 20h 39m Charizard level 46! We learn Flamethrower over Dragon Rage!

2d 20h 39m We use Return and KO it!

2d 20h 38m We use Rock Smash, it uses Rage again. It drags out Charizard.

2d 20h 38m We use Future Sight, Granbull uses Rage.

2d 20h 38m Another Rock Smash, while Granbull uses Rage!

2d 20h 38m We use Rock Smash again, it uses Headbutt again!

2d 20h 37m We use Rock Smash, it responds with an attacking move!

2d 20h 37m We send out Absol against Granbull!

2d 20h 37m We OHKO it with Return.

2d 20h 37m Charizard out against Kirlia!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: a

2d 20h 36m Hawlucha level 38!

2d 20h 36m We use Bounce. It hits, Klefki down!

2d 20h 35m We use Flying Press again, Klefki misses.

2d 20h 35m Bounce hits, not very effective.

2d 20h 35m We use Bounce, avoiding Foul Play.

2d 20h 34m We use Flying Press, it responds with Mirror Shot!

2d 20h 34m We fail to use a Pesim Berry, it uses Torment!

2d 20h 34m We send out Hawlucha against Klefki!

2d 20h 33m Battling Furisode Girl Blossom!

2d 20h 31m Doublade level 44! Linnea defeated!

2d 20h 30m We send out Charizard. We use Slash and KO Aromatisse!

2d 20h 30m We are immobilized! Another Moonblast KOs Lucario!

2d 20h 29m We Mega-Evolve and use Shadow Claw. Our foe uses Moonblast!

2d 20h 29m We use Attract, it uses Attract. Lucario is in love.

2d 20h 29m We use Shadow Claw, it responds with Charm.

2d 20h 29m Against Aromatisse, we send out Lucario.

2d 20h 28m Against Furisode Girl Linnea!

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 39 - Max. HP 107 Attack 133 Defense 71 Sp. Atk 125 Sp. Def 67 Speed 119

2d 20h 27m Lucario level 39! Defeated Kali!

2d 20h 27m We use Shadow Claw again, and KO Azumarill!

2d 20h 26m We Mega-Evolve, and use Shadow Claw! M4 uses Rain Dance.

2d 20h 26m We use Bone Rush, and it reponds with Aqua Ring.

[Fluff] M4!!!

2d 20h 26m Against Azumarill!

2d 20h 26m We use Bone Rush, and KO it!

2d 20h 25m We use Shadow Claw, while Dedenne uses Shadow Beam.

2d 20h 25m We send out Lucatio against Dedenne!

2d 20h 24m Battling Furisode Girl Kali!

2d 20h 23m Inside of the gym!

2d 20h 21m Back outside!

2d 20h 21m We save!

2d 20h 19m Still in the Pokecenter.

2d 20h 17m In the Changing Room.

2d 20h 17m Back inside of the Pokemon Center!

2d 20h 16m Wandering around Laverre City.

2d 20h 13m Volt Switch faints Lapras! Blackout!

2d 20h 12m Thunderbolt doesn't do much damage on Dedenne

[Stats] Lapras Lv. 38 - Max. HP 159 Attack 81 Defense 73 Sp. Atk 79 Sp. Def 85 Speed 63

2d 20h 11m Lapras level 38

2d 20h 11m Thunderbolt faints Azumarill

2d 20h 11m it sleeps while Azumarill makes it rain.

2d 20h 10m Lapras!

2d 20h 10m Aqua Tail faints Charizard

2d 20h 9m Dedenne switched out for Azumarill

[Snark] M4

2d 20h 9m Dragon attack... doesn NOTHING

2d 20h 9m Charizard vs. Dedenne

2d 20h 8m Battle against a Furisode Girl!

Teleporting around in the gym

2d 20h 6m Entered the Gym

2d 20h 4m Left it

2d 20h 3m Entered the Pokemon Center

2d 19h 59m Left the clothes shop

2d 19h 56m we bought new clothes and changed them!

2d 19h 54m Tried to change clothes

2d 19h 53m At a clothes shop!

2d 19h 52m In Laverre City!

2d 19h 52m Back on Route 14!

2d 19h 50m In a house. We save!

[Chat] There's speculation about who exactly the "faceless men" are...could they be us?

2d 19h 45m Doublade fainted

2d 19h 44m Super training screen... back at Pokemon Amie screen :(


2d 19h 44m We gave no tip

[Snark] A horde of faceless men Kappa

[Snark] 2spooky4me

2d 19h 43m A "creepy" story.

2d 19h 42m In front of the house we enter with 3 of our friends

2d 19h 41m Pokemon Ranger Reed defeated

2d 19h 41m Fraxure down

2d 19h 40m Nightslash almost OHKO Fraxure

2d 19h 39m Fraxure out

2d 19h 39m Loudred down

2d 19h 39m Doublade level 43!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 43 - Max. HP 109 Attack 124 Defense 147 Sp. Atk 69 Sp. Def 54 Speed 49

2d 19h 39m Bubblebeam crit faints it

2d 19h 38m PoliWhirl out

2d 19h 38m Pokemon Ranger Reed battle!

2d 19h 34m Found a Hyper Ace Potion!

2d 19h 33m Awakening somewhat killed Hawlucha because of poison.

2d 19h 31m Surfing with our Lapras :3

2d 19h 29m Charizard level 46!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 37 - Max. HP 119 Attack 90 Defense 63 Sp. Atk 58 Sp. Def 69 Speed 107

2d 19h 29m Hawlucha level 37

2d 19h 29m Haunter down.

2d 19h 29m Another Aerial Ace and Haunter in Red

[Snark] AERIAL ACE Kreygasm

2d 19h 28m Aerial ace takes Haunter to the yellow

2d 19h 28m Haunter out

2d 19h 28m Litwik down.

2d 19h 27m Litwik vs. poisoned Hawlucha

2d 19h 27m Battle against Hex Maniac Anina

2d 19h 24m Hawlucha is poisoned.

[Fluff] Goomy :3

[Snark] woop

2d 19h 20m Lucario fainted to a wild Swagsire Quagsire

[Snark] ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE AWAKENING ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

2d 19h 17m Lapras fell asleep

2d 19h 16m 5 Bellsprouts!

[Info] Also forgot to say that Absol forgot taunt for Night Slash

2d 19h 15m Defeated Nash.

2d 19h 15m Bone rush kills faints Goomy.

2d 19h 14m Lucario evolves to Mega Lucario!

2d 19h 14m Goomy out! RUN

2d 19h 14m Fighitng against Ranger Nash!

[Info] I forgot to say that Honedge got level 42 and Lapras got level 37

2d 19h 12m Defeated the Pokemon Ranger!

2d 19h 12m Pyroar too.

2d 19h 11m Aaaand Absol fainted.

2d 19h 11m Fire fang takes it to 3 hp

2d 19h 11m Take down brings Absol to red.

2d 19h 11m Charizard ----> Absol.

2d 19h 10m Strength deals some damage

2d 19h 9m Pyroar vs. Charizard.

2d 19h 9m Absol leveled up to 40 and leanred Night slash

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 38 - Max. HP 103 Attack 103 Defense 57 Sp. Atk 103 Sp. Def 65 Speed 99

2d 19h 8m Lucario Level 38!

2d 19h 8m Bone rush finally defeats Arbok.

2d 19h 8m Tried to use awakening.

[Snark] Praise Awakening!

2d 19h 7m Swallow heals Arbok.

2d 19h 7m Dodged Bone rush.

2d 19h 6m Bone rush brings arbok to the red... before healing itself.

2d 19h 5m Power up punch doesn't deal much damage.

2d 19h 5m Arbok vs. Lucario

2d 19h 5m Against a Pokemon Ranger!

[Snark] Remember: Charizard? Not a Dragon. Goomy? Totally a Dragon.

2d 19h 2m We found a tiny mushroom!

[Snark] Praise Lord Goomy

[Snark] It's a Dragon, run Kappa

2d 19h 0m And they went away.

2d 19h 0m Met our 2 other friends.

2d 18h 59m Defeated Serena! Lucario Sweep.

2d 18h 58m Lapras level 37! Didn't learn brine!

2d 18h 58m Powerup Punch defeats Absol!

2d 18h 58m Absol vs. Mega Lucario!

2d 18h 57m Hawlucha level 36!

2d 18h 57m Shadow Claw OHKO Delphox.

2d 18h 57m Delphox out!

2d 18h 56m Lucario Level 37 and didn't learn me first

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 37 - Max. HP 101 Attack 100 Defense 55 Sp. Atk 100 Sp. Def 63 Speed 95

2d 18h 56m Lucario defeats Meowstic

2d 18h 56m Power up punch neither.

2d 18h 55m Fake out doesn't do much damage

2d 18h 55m Meowstic vs. Lucario.

2d 18h 55m Battle against Serena!

2d 18h 55m Meeting Serena and Trevor!

2d 18h 54m Entered Route 14

2d 18h 50m Lumiose intensifies

2d 18h 47m And we exited it.

2d 18h 47m Currently trying to exit the museum.

2d 18h 42m Museum intensifies

[Snark] Don't forget: you're here, forever.

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> Postgame with WiFi after E4.

2d 18h 15m only to go it up again ;_;

2d 18h 15m Finally went down the stairs.

[Snark] Lord Skull was so remomorable that he got drawn on a picture!

[Snark] Espurrs EVERYWHERE O _ O

2d 18h 3m We just listened to an audio guide.

2d 18h 1m I think we're trying to hear to the audio guide.

2d 17h 55m Walking around in the museum.

2d 17h 53m Entered the museum and paid 200 pokedollars for audio guide.

2d 17h 51m Entered the museum

[Snark] And now espurr is wanting its owner to go to the museum! But with feels... aka. O _ O

2d 17h 49m Lumiose... The town of espurrs...

2d 17h 48m Finally left the building... with a ghost inside it...

2d 17h 46m And down the elevator we go!

2d 17h 45m Currently having problems getting to the first floor.

[Snark] What if she is real and we are the ghosts? Kappa

2d 17h 41m She left.

[Snark] 2spooky4me

2d 17h 41m It is the ghost girl!

2d 17h 40m Entered a building.

2d 17h 37m Entered the North Boulevard.

2d 17h 36m Left it.

[Snark] Espurr going crazy.

2d 17h 33m Entered a random cafe. With Espurr O _ O

2d 17h 32m And left it. I hope for the last time.

2d 17h 32m Left and reentered and left and reentered it.

2d 17h 30m Entered Lysandres cafe, again.

2d 17h 29m In Magenta Plaza.

2d 17h 28m We save!

2d 17h 24m Actually back outside.

[Info] Cafe Rouleau is the name of the place.

2d 17h 23m Back on Estival Avenue! Or not.

2d 17h 23m Inside a Cafe!

2d 17h 19m Still wandering the city.

2d 17h 13m We save!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Everytime I type party it opens and closes the party menu and updates the screenshot

2d 17h 10m Back outside!

2d 17h 10m We heal!

2d 17h 8m Back inside!

2d 17h 6m And out of the Pokecenter!

2d 17h 5m Accessed the PC!

2d 17h 5m Inside of the Pokecenter!

2d 17h 1m In the Centrico Plaza!

2d 16h 59m Outside once more!

2d 16h 58m Inside the Juice Shoppe!

2d 16h 56m Back outside!

2d 16h 54m We buy a Colorful Shake for Lucario!

2d 16h 52m We don't have enough berries for anything.

2d 16h 52m It is a Berry Juice store.

2d 16h 51m Talking to Espurr constantly.

2d 16h 50m We enter a store! We quickly leave.

2d 16h 49m Still in the Autumnal Avenue!

[Snark] The stare from the Taxi Driver. It reminds me of Espurr.

2d 16h 41m EXP Share was turned on!

2d 16h 40m Outside. Received a Holo Clip from Trevor. He tells us to go to Route 14.

2d 16h 37m Messing around with the Holo Caster.

2d 16h 36m Obtained the King's Rock!

2d 16h 35m They tell us about 3,000 year old legends.

2d 16h 35m Apparently the Holo Caster was made in this guy's lab.

2d 16h 34m Two people congratulate us on Mega-evolving Lucario!

2d 16h 34m We enter a cafe!

2d 16h 29m We save!

2d 16h 28m Back outside!

2d 16h 26m In the Pokecenter!

2d 16h 24m Inputs refreshed briefly!

2d 16h 24m We gave Lucario the Lucarionite!

2d 16h 23m Back outside! We received a Holo Clip!

Just FYI on Hawlucha's current level stats.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 35
Max. HP 113
Attack 85
Defense 60
Sp. Atk 54
Sp. Def 64
Speed 101

2d 16h 19m Received the Lucarionite from Lucario!

2d 16h 18m We gave Doublade the Evoilite in exchange for Iron!

2d 16h 18m Booted up Fly!

2d 16h 14m Lapras forgot Water Pulse and learned Thunderbolt!

[Fluff] We're only 3 days on Pokémon X, and we already have 5 badges? I guess that could mean more Post Game time for us.

2d 16h 14m Booted up Thunderbolt!

2d 16h 13m We go down to the first floor!

2d 16h 9m EXP Share is off!

[Stats] Absol Lv. 40
Max. HP 112
Attack 144
Defense 66
Sp. Atk 84
Sp. Def 51
Speed 80

[Info] Apparently beforehand, I accidently said Doublade became level 40 twice, when the second time should have said Absol is now level 40!

2d 16h 2m We save!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 45
Max. HP 144
Attack 117
Defense 93
Sp. Atk 101
Sp. Def 95
Speed 108

2d 15h 59m TEH URN!!!!

2d 15h 59m Obtained TM24 Thunderbolt!

2d 15h 59m We receive the Voltage Badge!

2d 15h 59m Charizard level 45! Defeated Clemont!

2d 15h 59m Emolga uses Volt Switch, we KO Emolga!

2d 15h 57m Emolga uses Quick Attack, we use Strength. We become paralyzed!

2d 15h 57m We miss our attack, Emolga uses Aerial Ace.

2d 15h 57m We send out Charizard!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 41
Max. HP 105
Attack 117
Defense 140
Sp. Atk 63
Sp. Def 51
Speed 46

2d 15h 56m Teh urn?

2d 15h 55m Emolga used Volt Switch, we faint!

2d 15h 55m Clemont uses a Hyper Potion, we use Sword Dance.

2d 15h 55m Against Emolga.

2d 15h 55m We want to learn Power Trick. We didn't.

2d 15h 55m Doublade level 41!

2d 15h 54m Foe uses Thunderbolt, we use night Slash. Helilisk down.

2d 15h 54m Sent out Doublade!

2d 15h 54m Heliolisk uses Thunderbolt, then Quick Attack, to KO Hawlucha!

2d 15h 53m We send out Hawlucha!

2d 15h 53m Heliolisk uses Quick Attack, and KOs Absol!

2d 15h 53m Heliolisk uses Thunderbolt, we use Pursuit!

2d 15h 52m We send out Absol!

2d 15h 52m Another Thunderbolt KOs Lapras!

2d 15h 51m It uses Thunderbolt, we fail Surf.

2d 15h 50m Sent out Lapras against Heliolisk!

2d 15h 50m We use Rock Smash again, Magneton faints!

2d 15h 50m We use Rock Smash, it uses Electric Terrain!

2d 15h 50m Absol vs. Magneton!

2d 15h 49m We use Power-Up Punch again, Lucario faints by a Volt Switch!

2d 15h 49m We use Shadow Claw, our foe uses Aerial Ace.

2d 15h 49m Lucario uses Power-Up Punch, Emolga uses Aerial Ace.

2d 15h 48m We send out Lucario against Emolga!

2d 15h 48m Engaged Clemont!

2d 15h 48m On the top floor!

2d 15h 45m On the second-last floor!

2d 15h 44m Up the elevator again!

2d 15h 40m Up to the next floor!

2d 15h 36m Up the elevator!

2d 15h 34m Entered the gym!

Here's Charizard's Stats, FYI.

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 44
Max. HP 141
Attack 114
Defense 91
Sp. Atk 99
Sp. Def 93
Speed 106

2d 15h 33m Back outside!

[ríp] ríp

2d 15h 32m Against Helioisk. It uses Thunderbolt to KO Doublade! Black Out!

2d 15h 32m We use Fury Cutter, and KO Magneton!

2d 15h 31m We send out Doublade!

2d 15h 31m Another Water Pulse, but Lapras faints due to Thunderbolt.

2d 15h 30m Another Hyper Potion used by Clemont. We use Water Pulse.

2d 15h 30m We send out Lapras! Magneton uses Thunderbolt.

2d 15h 29m Magneton uses Thunderbolt, we use Sword Dance!

2d 15h 29m We send out Doublade!

2d 15h 28m We use Foresight, it uses Thunderbolt. Absol down!

2d 15h 28m Sent out Absol!

2d 15h 28m Magneton uses Thunderbolt and KOs Charizard!

2d 15h 27m We send out Charizard. Foe uses Thunderbolt, paralyzing us.

2d 15h 27m Clemont uses a Full Restore on Magneton! We use Pursuit.

2d 15h 26m Sent out Absol. We use Pursuit, it responds with Electric Terrain!

2d 15h 26m We use Flying Press again, Magneton uses Thunderbolt. Hawlucha fainted!

2d 15h 26m Hawlucha uses Flying Press, and Emolga responds with a Volt Switch. Against Magneton!

2d 15h 25m We send out Hawlucha against Emolga!

2d 15h 25m Against Clemont!

2d 15h 22m On the top floor!

[Options] Text Speed: Slow
Battle FX: On
Battle Style: Switch
Battle BG: Blue
Button Mode: Default

2d 15h 18m On the next floor!

2d 15h 18m We save!

2d 15h 12m We enter an elevator! Up to the next floor!

2d 15h 10m In the Gym!

2d 15h 9m In Centrico Plaza!

2d 15h 4m In the Magneta Plaza!

2d 15h 3m Back outside!

2d 15h 1m Checkpointed at the Pokecenter!

2d 14h 52m On our way to the gym!

2d 14h 49m In the North Boulevard!

2d 14h 46m Entered Lumiose City!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 40
Max. HP 102
Attack 114
Defense 137
Sp. Atk 61
Sp. Def 50
Speed 45

2d 14h 42m Still wandering the route.

2d 14h 25m Lucario faints to a wild Dugtrio!

2d 14h 10m Hawlucha level 35, Doublade level 40!

2d 14h 7m Fighting some wild Pokemon!

2d 14h 6m On Route 13!

[Fluff] Jazz music this time.

2d 14h 4m Back outside!

2d 13h 59m In the BibleThump room.

2d 13h 55m Back outside!

[Fluff] BibleThump

[Correction] Memory Link.

2d 13h 53m If you're curious, it's the Flashback music from Black 2 (Also in Black 1).

[Chat] So many BibleThumps!

2d 13h 50m Saving!

2d 13h 49m Inside of a house!

2d 13h 46m We save!

2d 13h 44m At Coumarine City!

2d 13h 43m Outside the Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

2d 13h 43m Against Helioisk! It uses Quick Attack and KOs Charizard! Black Out!

2d 13h 43m We use Return, Emolga fainted!

2d 13h 43m Against Emolga!

2d 13h 43m We Mega Evolve! We use Return, and Magneton faints!

2d 13h 42m We waste an Awakening, it uses Thunderbolt!

2d 13h 41m We use Return, while Magneton uses Electric Terrain!

2d 13h 41m We send out Charizard!

2d 13h 41m Magneton's Thunderbolt KOs Absol!

2d 13h 41m Emolga uses Volt Switch, switching to Magneton. We use Future Sight.

2d 13h 40m We send out Absol against Emolga.

2d 13h 40m Battling Gym Leader Clemont!

2d 13h 40m And his little sister, Bonnie.

2d 13h 39m At the final floor. Talking to Clement!

2d 13h 39m We go in Elevator #2. It's right!

2d 13h 39m *Charizard level 44 Poke Fan defeated!

2d 13h 38m We Mega Evolve! We use Strength. Plusle down!

2d 13h 37m We send out Charizard!

2d 13h 37m An Electro Ball KOs Lapras!

2d 13h 36m Absol changes to Lapras, while Plusle uses Swift!

2d 13h 36m Against Plusle. We send out Absol!

2d 13h 36m Battling Pokefan Lydie!

2d 13h 36m We save and we pick #2!

2d 13h 35m We enter Elevator #1! It was wrong!

2d 13h 35m Our Foresight KOs Minun! Abigal defeated!

2d 13h 35m We use Pursuit, it uses Copy Cat.

2d 13h 34m We use Foresight, it uses Charm.

2d 13h 34m We use a Full Restore on Lapras!

2d 13h 34m We send out Absol against Minun!

2d 13h 33m Battling Poke Fan Abigal!

2d 13h 33m We challenge #1!

Here is Charizards stats, just FYI.

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 43
Max. HP 138
Attack 112
Defense 89
Sp. Atk 97
Sp. Def 91
Speed 104

[Stats] Laparas Lv. 36
Max. HP 151
Attack 75
Defense 69
Sp. Atk 74
Sp. Def 80
Speed 59

2d 13h 32m We enter Elevator #3. It's wrong.

2d 13h 32m Lapras level 36! Defeated Tara!

2d 13h 32m Pikachu used Thunderbolt. We use Surf. Pikachu fainted!

2d 13h 31m Pikachu has its health restored. We use Body Slam.

2d 13h 30m Pikachu used Nuzzle, paralyzing us. We use Body Slam!

2d 13h 30m We send out Lapras.

2d 13h 29m Pikachu used Thunderbolt. Doublade fainted!

2d 13h 29m Against Pikachu! We use Doublade!

2d 13h 29m We pick #3! Battling Poke Fan Tara!

[Correction] Doublade is level 40, like I said during the battle. Derp :P

2d 13h 27m On Floor 4!

2d 13h 26m We enter elevator #3! It's right!

2d 13h 26m Defeated Rico!

2d 13h 26m Honedge level 40!

2d 13h 26m Ampharos uses Electro Ball, we use Fury Cutter. We become paralyzed, Ampharos faints.

2d 13h 26m We become confused. We use Fury Cutter.

2d 13h 25m Ampharos uses Power Gem, Doublade uses Night Slash.

2d 13h 25m We send out Doublade!

2d 13h 23m Hawlucha uses Wing Attack, Ampharos ues Thunder Punch. Hawlucha down!

2d 13h 23m We send out Hawlucha against Ampharos.

2d 13h 22m Challenged by Ace Trainer Rico!

2d 13h 22m We pick 3, Panpour.

2d 13h 18m Who's that Pokemon? It's one of the Pan-bunch.

2d 13h 17m On the Third Floor!

2d 13h 17m We step into the elevator. It's right!!!!

2d 13h 17m Absol level 39! Defeated Rising Star!

2d 13h 17m Raichu uses Tail Whip, we use Rock Smash. Raichu down.

2d 13h 16m Raichu used Quick Attack, we use Rock Smash!

2d 13h 16m We use Future Sight.

2d 13h 16m We send out Absol!

2d 13h 15m We use Power-Up Punch, but Raichu KOs Lucario!

2d 13h 15m We send out Lucario against Raichu.

2d 13h 15m Challenged Rising Star Esel!

2d 13h 14m We challenge #1, Fletching.

2d 13h 12m Who's that Pokemon? 1. Fletching. 2. Pigdey. 3. Taillow

2d 13h 12m Next level!

2d 13h 12m We enter elevator #3, it's right!

2d 13h 11m We use Bone Rush and KO it. Doublade level 39! Schoolboy Finnan defeated!

2d 13h 11m We use Shadow Claw, Dedenne responds with a Charge Beam.

2d 13h 10m We use a Full Restore on Lucario! Dedenne uses Volt Switch.

2d 13h 10m We send out Lucario against Dedenne!

2d 13h 10m Against Schoolbot Finnan!

2d 13h 10m We pick door #3, Pikachu.

2d 13h 9m We save!

Here is Laparas Stats as well, just FYI.

[Stats] Laparas Lv. 35
Max. HP 147
Attack 73
Defense 68
Sp. Atk 72
Sp. Def 78
Speed 57

2d 13h 7m Process of elimination...

2d 13h 7m We enter elevator number 1! It's wrong!

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 36
Max. HP 98
Attack 97
Defense 54
Sp. Atk 97
Sp. Def 62
Speed 92

2d 13h 6m Schoolboy Arno defeated!

2d 13h 6m Pch uses Electro Ball, we KO it with Bone Rush. Lucario level 36!

2d 13h 6m It uses Swift, still can't move!

2d 13h 6m It uses Electro Ball, we can't move!

2d 13h 5m We use Power Up Punch, it misses hits Thunder Wave. We're paralyzed!

2d 13h 5m We send out Lucario against Pachirisu!

2d 13h 5m Battling Schoolboy Arno!

2d 13h 4m We talk to trainer number 1, who is Emolga!

[Chat] └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♩♪♫♬♬♫♪♩ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐

[Snark] Elementary, my dear Wattson.

2d 13h 0m We enter Elevator 2! It was incorrect!

2d 12h 59m We OHKO Stunfisk anyways. Sherlock defeated!

2d 12h 59m It uses Endure, we miss Power-Up Punch.

2d 12h 59m We send out Lucario against Stunfisk

2d 12h 59m Against Schoolboy Sherlock.

2d 12h 59m We chose Dedenne incorrectly.

2d 12h 55m We gave Honedge the Iron in replacement of its Awakening!

2d 12h 54m We save!

2d 12h 52m We head inside the Luminose City Gym!

2d 12h 52m In the Centrico Plaza!

2d 12h 51m The Prism Tower lighting system activates!

2d 12h 50m At the Prism Tower!

2d 12h 37m We save again!

2d 12h 35m In the Magneta Plaza!

2d 12h 30m Back inside the main area.

2d 12h 29m We try walking along the right path!

2d 12h 28m We save!

2d 12h 26m We aren't following Shauna's directions. We try to wander off constantly.

[Snark] Camera Angles are the new ledges.

2d 12h 20m In the North area. Shauna tells us to go see the Tower. We aren't going the right way.

[Snark] The don't put ice in your soda in Kalos? I guess no ice guns are packing :(

[Info] That person's Shauna. d's friend.

2d 12h 19m We don't tell the person it was us. Were going to go see the Prism Tower!

2d 12h 18m Someone calls us. They say the power's back!

2d 12h 18m We actually stay in Luminose City!

[Snark] We're gonna break the doorway!

2d 12h 14m d places a foot into Lumiose and... nope! d turns back into the gateway.

2d 12h 13m Returned to Lumiose. And going back again.

2d 12h 12m Actually we're back in the gateway again. d had a nice view of Lumiose just now.

2d 12h 12m Been quite a while since you were here huh, d?

2d 12h 11m Welcome back to Lumiose City!

2d 12h 10m Now in the gateway to Lumiose.

2d 12h 10m We also met Az earlier near the southern edge of the badlands.

2d 12h 9m Heading south.

2d 12h 5m We save!

2d 12h 4m On Route 13!

2d 11h 59m Back outside!

2d 11h 58m Inside an area with computers and scientists.

2d 11h 57m Still wandering the Power Plant.

2d 11h 53m We save!

2d 11h 52m The mysterious masked people who helped us leave.

2d 11h 51m We obtain Full Restores!

2d 11h 51m Our Pokemon are healed!

2d 11h 51m Defeated Team Flare Aliana.

2d 11h 51m Lapras to level 35.

2d 11h 50m Lapras was also sent out later. Mightyena down.

2d 11h 49m Out comes our Charizard.

2d 11h 49m Lapras uses Water Pulse! Mightyena still in green and uses Roar!

2d 11h 49m Sent in Lapras.

2d 11h 48m Absol faints to Mightyena's attack.

2d 11h 48m Absol vs. Mightyena.

2d 11h 48m VS. Team Flare Aliana

2d 11h 46m Currently Charizard leads at yellow health.

2d 11h 45m Team Flare Admin defeated!

2d 11h 45m Houndoom down!

2d 11h 44m Houndoom's in yellow.

2d 11h 44m Charizard vs. Houndoom currently.

2d 11h 44m Battling Team Flare Admin.

2d 11h 36m Scraggy fainted! Defeated the grunt!

2d 11h 36m Grunt sent out Scraggy! Scraggy used Payback! Absol down to 8HP!

[Stats] Absol Lv. 38 - Max. HP 107 Attack 135 Defense 63 Sp. Atk 79 Sp. Def 49 Speed 73

2d 11h 34m Liepard fainted! Absol leveled up to 38!

2d 11h 33m Sent out Absol.

2d 11h 32m Switched Charizard out for Doublade! Doublade fainted!

2d 11h 30m Grunt sent out Liepard.

2d 11h 28m Croagunk used Sucker Punch! Doublade used Slash! Croagunk defeated! Switched Doublade out for Charizard.

2d 11h 27m VS. another grunt.

2d 11h 26m Female grunt sent out Swalot. Doublade has no moves left and used Struggle! Swalot and grunt defeated!

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 38 - Max. HP 97 Attack 107 Defense 130 Sp. Atk 58 Sp. Def 48 Speed 41

2d 11h 25m Doublade levels up to 38!

2d 11h 25m Liepard fainted!

2d 11h 24m VS. another grunt. She sends out a Liepard. Liepard used Hone Claws! Doublade used Slash!

2d 11h 22m VS. a female grunt! She sent out Swalot! A piece of cake for Doublade. Grunt defeated.

[Stats] Doublade Lv. 37 - Max. HP 94 Attack 105 Defense 127 Sp. Atk 56 Sp. Def 47 Speed 40

2d 11h 20m Defeated the grunt in the corner!

2d 11h 20m Charizard leveled up to 42!

2d 11h 20m Doublade used Slash! Mightyena fainted! Doublade leveled up to 37!

2d 11h 19m Grunt sent out Mightyena. Mightyena used Assurance! Doublade used Slash!

2d 11h 18m Golbat used Wing Attack! Doublade used Slash! Golbat fainted!

2d 11h 17m VS. the grunt in the corner again.

[Chat] ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ DANCE RIOT ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐ ♫

2d 11h 13m Back in the Power Plant.

2d 11h 7m Lapras leveled up to 34!

2d 10h 50m Still grinding on wild Gibles and Trapinch'.

2d 10h 38m Trainch unleased energy! Lucario fainted!

2d 10h 33m VS. a wild Dugtrio.

2d 10h 20m VS. a wild Gible.

[Snark] ヽ༼✪﹏✪༽ノ RAISE YOUR PINCHERS ヽ༼✪﹏✪༽ノ

2d 10h 14m VS. a wild Dugtrio.

2d 10h 8m Golbat used Wing Attack! Lapras fainted! Blacked out!

2d 10h 8m VS another grunt in the corner! Grunt sent out Golbat! Lapras only has 7HP left! Golbat used Confuse Ray! Lapras used Surf!

2d 10h 6m Lapras used Body Slam! Golbat used Swift! Lapras down to 17/HP! Body Slam! Used Swift! Used Body Slam! Golbat fainted!

2d 10h 6m Sent out Lapras! Lapras used Water Pulse! Scraggy fainted! Grunt sent out Golbat!

2d 10h 5m Absol used Rock Smash! Scraggy used Hi Jump Kick! Absol fainted!

2d 10h 4m VS a grunt!

2d 10h 3m Both are in the yellow. Mightyena goes down to a Rock Smash. Grunt defeated.

2d 10h 3m Battling a Team Flare Grunt! Absol vs Mightyena! Both are just whacking at each other with Pursuit and Assurance respectively.

2d 10h 2m Headed deeper into the Power Plant.

2d 10h 1m Grunt defeated.

2d 10h 0m Lapras hits Level 33.

2d 10h 0m She forgets Slash for Future Sight!

2d 10h 0m Absol hits Level 36.

2d 10h 0m Second Slash hits! Golbat down.

2d 9h 59m She still manages to get off a Slash. Golbat in yellow.

2d 9h 59m Absol is confused by a Confuse Ray.

2d 9h 59m Golbat is sent in.

2d 9h 58m Croagunk is promptly taken out by Slash.

2d 9h 58m Revenge does a decent amount of damage to Absol.

2d 9h 57m He's switched for Absol.

2d 9h 57m Lapras is sent in.

2d 9h 56m Confusion damage takes him out.

2d 9h 56m Confusion damage and Mud Bomb bring him further down to red.

2d 9h 56m Confusion damage however, brings him near to half health.

2d 9h 55m Charizard Mega Evolves! Sucker Punch does little damage to him.

2d 9h 55m Charizard gets swaggered. His attack rises, but he's now confused.

2d 9h 55m Dragon Rage halves Croagunk's health.

2d 9h 54m Charizard is sent in.

2d 9h 54m Confusion damage instantly takes her out.

2d 9h 53m A Sucker Punch brings her into yellow.

2d 9h 53m Croagunk uses Swagger. Doublade's attack rises again! But she's now confused.

2d 9h 53m Mud Bomb nearly halves Doublade's health! She sets up another Swords Dance.

2d 9h 53m Swords Dance is set up! Doublade's attack rose sharply!

2d 9h 52m Doublade v Croagunk.

2d 9h 52m Battling another Team Flare Grunt.

2d 9h 49m Zap Plate obtained.

2d 9h 46m These workers are the Power Plant folks, who've had their workplace hijacked by the dastardly Team Flare.

2d 9h 45m Entered a room with a number of workers.

2d 9h 45m It looks like Team Flare is trying to redirect power that's heading to Lumiose to ... somewhere.

2d 9h 44m The Grunt is defeated.

2d 9h 44m A Sucker Punch does little damage to Charizard. Dragon Rage takes Croagunk out.

2d 9h 44m Charizard halves Croagunk's health with a Dragon Rage.

2d 9h 43m Croagunk is sent in.

2d 9h 43m Charizard Mega Evolves into and promptly takes out Scraggy with Strength.

2d 9h 42m Sent in Charizard.

[Correction] We'd revived Lucario earlier, not Hawlucha.

2d 9h 42m Brick Break OHKOs.

2d 9h 41m Three hits from a Bone Rush bring the Scraggy to yellow.

2d 9h 41m Lucario vs Scraggy.

2d 9h 41m A battle starts!

2d 9h 41m Moved further in! A Flare Grunt arrives to ask us why we're here.

2d 9h 40m It's very blue in here.

2d 9h 39m We enter the Kalos Power Plant!

2d 9h 38m Revived Hawlucha with our single Revive!

2d 9h 37m Heading towards the Power Plant entrance.

2d 9h 35m Even without the Dowsing Machine, Li'l d finds the Power Plant Pass!

2d 9h 35m Saved the game.

2d 9h 33m Guess what Li'l d has though? Why, a Dowsing Machine!

2d 9h 33m If only he had a Dowsing Machine.

2d 9h 33m The Team Flare Grunt has dropped his Power Plant Pass! Probably somewhere to the east of him.

2d 9h 32m Grunt defeated.

2d 9h 32m A second Acrobatics brings him to yellow! Surf takes out Golbat.

2d 9h 32m Lapras gets hit with Acrobatics. He sets up a Rain Dance.

2d 9h 32m Lapras easily tanks a Swift, and goes on to bring Golbat to red with Surf.

2d 9h 31m Lapras is sent in.

2d 9h 31m Air Cutter takes her out!

2d 9h 31m Hawlucha continues trying to use it on Golbat.

2d 9h 31m Flying Press does little damage.

2d 9h 31m Golbat is sent in.

2d 9h 30m Flying Press takes out Houndoom.

2d 9h 30m Hawlucha brings Houndoom straight to yellow! Houndoom does the same to her.

2d 9h 30m Hawlucha v Houndoom.

2d 9h 30m Encountered the Team Flare Grunt again!

2d 9h 29m Saved the game.

2d 9h 29m He forgets Smokescreen for Slash!

2d 9h 29m Charizard grows to Level 41.

2d 9h 28m Hawlucha grew to Level 33!

2d 9h 26m Honedge evolves into Doublade!

2d 9h 25m Honedge is evolving!

2d 9h 25m She learns Night Slash over Metal Sound!

2d 9h 25m Honedge hits Level 35!

2d 9h 21m Biking around this route.

2d 9h 17m Hawlucha leads.

2d 9h 17m Lucario faints to a random Trapinch.

2d 9h 12m Now on a bicycle!

2d 9h 12m Lapras did not learn Ice Beam.

2d 9h 12m Lapras hits Level 32!

2d 9h 11m Lucario hits Level 35.

2d 9h 10m Absol levelled up to 35.

2d 9h 7m Lucario currently leads the party.

2d 9h 6m Route 13 now.

2d 9h 5m Headed southwards.

2d 9h 4m Left the house. Back to smooth jazz.

2d 9h 3m Tipped the guy there.

[Chat] Lots of BibleThumping

2d 9h 0m Back in a house! Emotion from Black and White plays!

2d 8h 55m Back in Coumarine City.

2d 8h 55m Charizard takes himself out in confusion! Black out!

2d 8h 54m Return brings it to red. Charizard is then confused!

2d 8h 54m Golbat is sent in.

2d 8h 54m Return finishes off Houndoom.

2d 8h 54m Sent in Tiger the Charizard.

2d 8h 53m Fire Fang finishes Honedge off.

2d 8h 52m Honedge brings Houndoom to yellow. Next turn, she gets identified.

2d 8h 52m Bite brings Honedge straight to red.

2d 8h 52m Honedge vs Houndoom.

2d 8h 52m Battling the Grunt.

2d 8h 52m We meet a Team Flare Grunt!

2d 8h 51m Westwards now.

2d 8h 47m Heading southwards down the route.

2d 8h 46m All these Pokémon ambushing us from below.

2d 8h 44m Got ambushed by a Trapinch from underground.

2d 8h 43m Decided against teaching it.

2d 8h 43m Booted up Return.

2d 8h 41m Arrived on Route 13! Also known as the drumroll Lumiose Badlands.

2d 8h 40m They also upgrade Li'l d's Pokédex to include Pokémon from Mountain Kalos.

2d 8h 40m Sina and Dexio arrive! They mention that they're investigating the Power Plant on Route 13.

2d 8h 40m Heading southwards.

2d 8h 37m He mentions something about Li'l d being able to use Mega Evolution and says something about not covering the world with more filth and doing something to change the world.

2d 8h 37m Lysandre calls us on the Holo Caster!

2d 8h 34m Teaching TMs.

2d 8h 32m Teaching Aerial Ace ... gave up.

2d 8h 31m Lucario lost Swords Dance for Shadow Claw!

2d 8h 31m Teaching Shadow Claw to Lucario.

2d 8h 30m Gave up on that.

2d 8h 30m Teaching it to Honedge.

2d 8h 29m Gave up on teaching it to Lucario.

2d 8h 29m Teaching it to Lucario.

2d 8h 28m Shadow Claw selected.

2d 8h 28m Plan seems to be to teach Shadow Claw.

2d 8h 27m Sorting items in the bag.

2d 8h 26m Checking the bag.

2d 8h 22m Roaming the streets of Coumarine with this smooth jazz playing in the background.

2d 8h 22m Left the house.

2d 8h 21m d tips the man 100 for his song.

[Info] The soundtrack that is playing is Unwavering Emotions from Black and White. A really beautiful and sad tune. Personally, one of my favourites too. I loved B/W. :')

[Pun] It really brings me black.

[Chat] BibleThump

2d 8h 16m A person in the house plays one of the soundtracks of Black and White for us to hear.

2d 8h 12m In another house this time.

2d 8h 9m In a random house. Exited.

2d 8h 7m Exited the Coumarine Gym.

2d 8h 6m Came down the tower!

2d 8h 5m Received TM86 Grass Knot.

2d 8h 5m Obtained the Plant Badge.

2d 8h 5m Leader Ramos defeated.

2d 8h 5m Weepinbell doesn't last long either.

2d 8h 4m Out comes Weepinbell.

2d 8h 4m Charizard to level 40. Honedge to 34.

2d 8h 4m 2d 8h 4m Gogoat faints to Return!

2d 8h 4m Charizard now in red. Ramos heals up Gogoat.

2d 8h 3m Charizard uses Return! Gogoat in yellow.

2d 8h 3m Ramos sends in Gogoat.

2d 8h 3m Return finishes off Jumpluff!

2d 8h 3m Go, Charizard!

2d 8h 3m Jumpluff is still standing on the field at green health.

2d 8h 2m Another Grass Knot! Lapras down.

2d 8h 2m Jumpluff uses Grass Knot! Lapras in yellow and uses Surf!

2d 8h 2m Sent in Lapras.

2d 8h 1m Jumpluff uses Acrobatics! Absol faints!

2d 8h 1m Absol taunts.

2d 8h 1m Ramos heals up Jumpluff.

2d 8h 1m Go, Absol!

2d 8h 0m Hawlucha down from Acrobatics!

2d 8h 0m Hawlucha goes for Wing Attack! Jumpluff in red.

2d 8h 0m Hawlucha vs. Jumpluff.

2d 8h 0m Battle! VS. Gym Leader Ramos.

[Correction] Stomp brings Hawlucha* to red, not Exeggutor. Sorry about that.

2d 7h 58m Climbed up a rope.

2d 7h 57m Ranger Twiggy defeated.

2d 7h 57m Hawlucha forgets Fling and learns Bounce.

2d 7h 57m Exeggutor down. Hawlucha to level 32.

2d 7h 57m Stomp brings Exeggutor to red.

2d 7h 57m Hawlucha goes at it with Wing Attack! Exeggutor in yellow.

2d 7h 56m Twiggy sends in Exeggutor.

2d 7h 56m Aerial Ace once more! Gloom down.

2d 7h 56m Hawlucha uses Aerial Ace! Gloom to red.

2d 7h 56m Hawlucha vs. Gloom.

2d 7h 56m VS. Ranger Twiggy.

2d 7h 56m Challenged by another trainer.

2d 7h 50m Ranger Brooke defeated.

2d 7h 50m Honedge to level 33.

2d 7h 50m The next Flying Press hits. Wormadan down.

2d 7h 49m Hawlucha hit by Confusion and in yellow.

2d 7h 49m Hawlucha goes for Flying Press! Missed.

2d 7h 49m Wormadan comes out. Switched to Hawlucha.

2d 7h 49m Hawlucha to level 31.

2d 7h 49m Roselia down.

2d 7h 49m Pursuit on Roselia brings it to yellow. Magical Leaf beings Absol to red.

2d 7h 48m Roselia does Giga Drain. Absol in yellow.

2d 7h 48m Switched out for Absol.

2d 7h 48m Hawlucha vs. Roselia.

2d 7h 48m Challenged Ranger Brooke.

2d 7h 42m Ranger Maurice defeated.

2d 7h 42m Charizard uses Return. Lombre down!

2d 7h 42m Lombre hits with Fake-Out. Charizard in about half.

2d 7h 41m Mega-Evolved Charizard! Looking ferocious there, buddy!

[Stats] Charizard Lv. 39 - Max. HP 126 Attack 102 Defense 81 Sp. Atk 87 Sp. Def 82 Speed 94

2d 7h 41m Out comes Lombre.

2d 7h 41m Absol to level 34.

2d 7h 41m Charizard to level 39.

2d 7h 41m Charizard now goes for Return. Carnivine down.

2d 7h 40m Charizard uses Dragon Rage! Carnivine still in green and uses Ingrain.

2d 7h 40m Carnivine uses Sweet Scent.

2d 7h 40m Charizard goes for Smokescreen.

2d 7h 40m Maurice sends in Carnivine. Switched to Charizard.

2d 7h 40m Fury Cutter on Ferroseed faints it.

2d 7h 39m Pin Missile doesn't hurt Honedge much.

2d 7h 39m Slash at Ferroseed brings it to red.

2d 7h 39m Go, Honedge!

2d 7h 39m Ferroseed hurts Lucario with its Iron Barbs. Lucario faints.

2d 7h 39m Lucario goes for Power-Up Punch! Ferroseed in yellow.

2d 7h 38m Lucario vs. Ferroseed.

2d 7h 38m VS. Ranger Maurice.

2d 7h 38m Challenged by another trainer.

2d 7h 37m Swinging through ropes.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Hi <3

2d 7h 32m Lucario's surviving with just 1HP.

2d 7h 31m Ranger Chaise defeated.

2d 7h 31m Lapras to level 31.

2d 7h 31m Honedge does not learn Iron Defense.

2d 7h 30m Honedge to level 32.

2d 7h 30m Another Power-Up Punch faints the monkey.

2d 7h 30m Seed Bomb has Lucario in red.

2d 7h 30m Power-Up punch on Simisage brings it to yellow!

2d 7h 30m Mega-evolved Lucario!

2d 7h 30m Lucario vs. Simisage.

2d 7h 29m Challenged by Ranger Chaise.

2d 7h 29m A trainer spots us! Battle!

[Meta] Apologies for the staggered updates on Serena's battle, /u/MasterLeoZangetsu's stream was lagging.

2d 7h 26m Climbing ropes now.

2d 7h 25m Earlier in the Serena battle, Hawlucha also grew to level 30 and Honedge to level 31.

2d 7h 25m Entered the Coumarine City Gym.

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 34 - Max. HP 93 Attack 115 Defense 63 Sp. Atk 109 Sp. Def 59 Speed 101

2d 7h 24m Pokémon Trainer Serena defeated.

2d 7h 24m Lucario to level 34.

2d 7h 24m Another Power-Up punch! Braixen down.

2d 7h 24m Lucario's mega-evolved. Lucario comes with Power-Up punch and Braixen is in yellow.

2d 7h 23m Out comes Braixen.

2d 7h 23m It's currently Lucario vs. Absol. Absol faints on Serena's side.

2d 7h 21m Battling Trainer Serena

[Info] Lucario's Ability is Steadfast

2d 7h 18m Checkpoint at the Pokemon Center

2d 7h 15m Now on the other side of Coumarine City

2d 7h 15m Riding on a Monorail

2d 7h 12m Obtained HM02 Fly

2d 7h 7m Obtained TM63 Embargo

2d 7h 2m Entered Coumarine City

2d 7h 1m Serena wants to meet us in front of the gym

2d 7h 0m Received a Holo Clip

2d 6h 59m Left the Ranch while riding on a Skiddo

2d 6h 58m Riding on another Skiddo

2d 6h 56m Back at the ranch full of Skiddos

2d 6h 55m Got off the Skiddo and jumped over 3 ledges

2d 6h 54m Got back on Skiddo

2d 6h 52m Obtained a Shiny Stone

2d 6h 50m Made it through the Ledge

[Fluff] Twitch Plays Goat Simulator™

2d 6h 49m Riding on a Skiddo

2d 6h 45m Inside a ranch full of skiddos

[Info] Absol Leveled up to Level 33 and does not learn Swords Dance

2d 6h 43m Saved the game

[Stats] Lucario Lv. 33 - Max. HP 91 Attack 112 Defense 61 Sp. Atk 105 Sp. Def 57 Speed 97

2d 6h 41m Lucario Grew To Level 33

2d 6h 40m Lucario does not learn Quick Guard

2d 6h 39m Power Up Punch Boosts Lucario's Attack

2d 6h 39m Lucario Vs Linoone

2d 6h 39m Battling Backpacker Joren

2d 6h 37m Took Honedge's Lucarionite and gave it To Lucario

2d 6h 36m Swap Charizard's Lucarionite with Honedge's Charizardite X

2d 6h 35m Took the Lucarionite from Absol and Gave it to Charizard to hold

2d 6h 31m Gave Honedge Charazadite X to hold

2d 6h 30m Gave Lucarionite To Absol

2d 6h 26m Swimmer Alessandro Defeated

2d 6h 26m Charizard Grew To Level 38

2d 6h 26m Body Slam Paralyzes Binacle

2d 6h 25m Lapras Vs Binacle

2d 6h 25m Surf Kills Qwilfish

2d 6h 24m Switched Into Lapras

2d 6h 24m Hawlucha Vs Qwilfish

2d 6h 24m Battling Swimmer Alessandro

2d 6h 23m Surfing On Lapras

2d 6h 22m Lapras Learns Surf over Perish Song

[Info] Hawlucha is Holding the Black Belt

2d 6h 18m Trying To Teach Surf To Lapras

[Info] Lapras is level 30, male and is nicknamed ! ♀o?04+6eAd.

2d 6h 14m Currently in Route 12

2d 6h 10m Recieved Lapras

2d 6h 9m Obtained HM03 Surf

2d 6h 4m Entered Shalour City

2d 6h 1m Running away from wild pokemons

2d 5h 56m Currently Inside Reflection Cave

2d 5h 41m Exited Connecting Cave.

2d 5h 36m Saved the game three times.

2d 5h 36m Healed our Pokemon!

2d 5h 35m Entered Connecting Cave.

2d 5h 31m Obtained TinyMushroom and Persim Berry!

2d 5h 31m Tried to catch a Volbeat but failed,run away from it.

2d 5h 21m [Team Order] Hawlucha,Honedge,Charizard,Absol and Lucario.

2d 5h 13m [Team Order] Absol,Hawlucha,Charizard,Honedge and Lucario.

2d 5h 11m Saved the game again.

2d 5h 9m Saved the game,and put Vivillion inside daycare.

2d 5h 8m Closed it,and we're now checking the shelves.

2d 5h 7m Opened PC!

2d 5h 1m Entered the daycare.

2d 4h 58m [Team Order] Vivillion,Absol,Hawlucha,Charizard,Honedge and Lucario.

2d 4h 56m [Final Team Order] Lucario,Absol,Hawlucha,Charizard,Honedge and Vivillion.

2d 4h 52m Taken Charizardite X from Vivillion

2d 4h 49m Taken Lucarionite from our Lucario!

[Extra Addendum] We deposited the lower levelled Hawlucha for our now Level 35 Vivillon.

[Addendum] We deposited one of our Hawlucha.

2d 4h 46m Exited Daycare.

2d 4h 45m Exit PC,talked to the daycare lady and take back our Vivillion.

2d 4h 44m Opened the PC again.

2d 4h 35m Opened PC and closed it.

2d 4h 33m Saved the game once again!

2d 4h 30m We look like we want to avoid PC and go to the Daycare lady instead.

2d 4h 29m Opened PC!

2d 4h 28m Entered daycare!

2d 4h 26m Entered the daycare and leave it.

[Snark] D is obsessed too much about his looks,first he looks at his room mirror and then trying to see his reflection at the ocean.

2d 4h 24m Saved the game again.

2d 4h 21m Exited Connecting Cave and currently at Route 7.

2d 4h 19m Entered Connecting Cave!

2d 4h 15m Saved the game!

2d 4h 8m At Route 8.

2d 4h 4m Briefly entered the centre and left.

2d 4h 2m Just wandering around on the streets.

2d 4h 1m Exited the lab.

[Fluff] There's a helix fossil on the shelf, which many people are noticing.

2d 3h 56m At the fossil lab.

2d 3h 54m Left the Pokécentre.

2d 3h 50m At the Pokémon Centre. Checkpoint.

2d 3h 49m In Ambrette Town again.

2d 3h 48m In Route 8.

2d 3h 45m Returned to Ambrette Town.

2d 3h 44m Back on foot.

2d 3h 43m Off the path.

2d 3h 42m Back on the path.

2d 3h 41m Riding again.

2d 3h 41m Got off the Rhyhorn as well.

2d 3h 41m Left the rocky path!

2d 3h 33m Smashing some boulders along the way.

2d 3h 30m It's currently raining in the route.

2d 3h 26m On the rocky path.

2d 3h 24m Back up on the Rhyhorn.

2d 3h 21m A lady nearby heals our team.

2d 3h 20m Got off.

2d 3h 20m Hopped on the Rhyhorn.

2d 3h 18m Used an Escape Rope. Back at Route 9.

2d 3h 13m Obtained TM65 Shadow Claw.

2d 3h 4m Wandering around the passageways.

2d 2h 57m Hawlucha grows to level 25.

2d 2h 56m Hawlucha's in yellow health.

2d 2h 50m In Glittering Cave.

2d 2h 49m Got off the Rhyhorn.

2d 2h 47m Going through a few more boulders.

2d 2h 37m Hawlucha's asleep.

2d 2h 37m Smashed through some boulders.

2d 2h 34m Cruising through the rocky road ahead.

2d 2h 33m On the Rhyhorn again.

2d 2h 33m Hopped on a Rhyhorn! Got off immediately after.

2d 2h 31m Headed into Route 9.

2d 2h 29m Just on the streets.

2d 2h 27m By a signpost and a flight of stairs.

2d 2h 25m Arrived at Ambrette Town.

2d 2h 25m Hopped off the rocky path.

2d 2h 23m Sky Trainer Howe defeated.

2d 2h 23m Pidgeotto down!

2d 2h 23m Dragon Rage has Pidgeotto in yellow.

2d 2h 23m Drifloon down. Out comes Pidgeotto.

2d 2h 22m The next Ominous Wind hits. Charizard isn't hurt much.

2d 2h 22m Smokescreen on Drifloon! Drifloon misses Ominous Wind.

2d 2h 21m Charizard vs. Drifloon.

2d 2h 21m VS. Sky Trainer Howe!

2d 2h 21m A trainer challenges us to a Sky Battle!

2d 2h 21m Hopping across rocks again.

2d 2h 18m Back on the path at the edge of the cliff.

2d 2h 17m Jumping across a couple of rocks.

2d 2h 13m Hawlucha grows to level 29.

2d 2h 12m Honedge grows to level 30.

2d 2h 11m Poor Seviper was clawed at and faints to the horde of Zangoose.

2d 2h 11m A horde of Zangoose appeared! With one... Seviper?

[Streamer] Suitello: 3ds Overheating Confirmed even with good ventilation

Twitch_plays_3ds: No it won't

2d 2h 5m Picked up a Water Stone.

2d 2h 4m It's pushed into the hole.

2d 2h 4m Used Strength on a boulder.

2d 2h 3m Jumping across a couple of ledges.

2d 2h 1m At Route 8.

2d 1h 57m A kind lady heals up our Pokémon.

2d 1h 55m Went left.

2d 1h 54m An exit is in sight.

2d 1h 53m Pushing another boulder. It drops into a hole.

2d 1h 51m Pushed a boulder into a hole.

[Snark] I was beaten to it. DOESN'T MATTER GOT AERIAL ACE

[Chat] AERIAL ACE Kreygasm

2d 1h 46m Picked up TM40 Aerial Ace! KreyGasm

2d 1h 46m We use Strength to push a big boulder!

2d 1h 45m Entered Connecting Cave!

[Snark] Regret: Did not heal.

2d 1h 37m Exited the Pokémon Center.

2d 1h 35m d Saves the game!

2d 1h 33 Entered the Pokémon Center. Checkpoint Cyllage City!

2d 1h 28m Arrived on Cyllage City!

2d 1h 23m Encountered a horde of Nosepasses, BTW.

[Snark] Those noses definitely wouldn't have let us pass.

2d 1h 22m d Saves the game!

2d 1h 20m On Route 10 "Menhir Trail"

2d 1h 19m Exited the Pokémon Center without healing.

2d 1h 19m Entered the Pokémon Center. Checkpoint!

2d 1h 15m Arrived on Geosenge Town!

2d 1h 12m Exited the Reflection Cave! On Route 11 "Miroir Way"!

2d 1h 6m We use Strength to push a large boulder! Shortcut created!

2d 1h 4m Up more stairs in the cave!

2d 1h 4m Honedge gets attacked by a wild Mr.Mime!

2d 1h 1m Went upwards some stairs in the cave.

2d 0h 58m In the room with the Alakazite (That we can't get yet).

2d 0h 56m Picked up TM74 Gyro Ball!

2d 0h 54m Entered the room again.

2d 0h 53m Also, we left the hidden room. Didn't pick up the item in there.

2d 0h 52m Charizard goes down to a wild female Wobbuffet!

[Info] During certain hours of the game, you can find the Alakazite here, but only during the Post Game events.

[Info] It's Gyro Ball.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: What's that TM?

2d 0h 48m Entered the hidden room!

2d 0h 47m Encountering some more wild Pokémon, as well as a few horde encounters.

2d 0h 45m Down more stairs into the Cave!

2d 0h 43m Dragon Rage against it! Pinsir down! Ace Trainer Emil defeated! d gets 2500 for winning!

2d 0h 43m We use Paralyze heal! Brick Break on us!

2d 0h 42m We sent out Charizard.

2d 0h 42m Absol goes down!

2d 0h 42m Pursuit against it! Brick Break on us!

2d 0h 41m Rock Smash against it! Brick Break against us!

2d 0h 41m We switch out for Absol!

2d 0h 40m Return! Absol down! Pinsir sent out!

2d 0h 40m Challenged by Ace Trainer Emil! Charizard vs. Absol!

2d 0h 39m Went down a level inside the Cave.

2d 0h 38m Encountering some wild Pokémon.

2d 0h 37m Re-Entered Reflection Cave!

2d 0h 35m Back on Shalour City!

2d 0h 34m Entered Reflection Cave!

2d 0h 31m Exited the Pokémon Center.

2d 0h 29m Entered the Pokémon Center.

2d 0h 28m Exited the house.

2d 0h 27m Entered the house beside the Pokémon Center.

[Info] Our Lucario currently has the Mega Stone equipped on it!

[Options] Text Speed: Slow
Battle effects: On
Battle Style: Switch
battle BG: Blue
Button Mode: Default
Forced Save: Save

2d 0h 21m d saves again, just for another good measure installment!

2d 0h 19m d saves the game again.

2d 0h 17m We leave Tower of Mastery! Back outside in Shalour City!

[Info] Our male Lucario is currently at Level 32.

[Info] Current arty order is now Hawlucha, Charizard, Absol, Hawlucha, Honedge, and Lucario!

2d 0h 13m d saves again, just for good measure.

2d 0h 12m We are now heading down the spiral stairs!

2d 0h 12m d saved the game!

2d 0h 10m Pikachu was sent back to the PC.

2d 0h 10m Received Lucario! No Nickname.

2d 0h 10m We tried to take our Lucario this time, but our party is full.

2d 0h 6m We talk to our Lucario for a bit. It's staring at us.

2d 0h 5m Back outside the top of the tower.

2d 0h 4m Back inside the tower.

2d 0h 3m We use Hyper Potion! She attacks with Power Up Punch! Lucario goes down!

2d 0h 2m Power Up Punch vs Power Up Punch!

2d 0h 2m She Also Mega Evolves hers!

2d 0h 2m We Mega Evolve our Lucario!

2d 0h 2m Challenged Korrina again! Lucario vs. Lucario!

Welcome to Day 3 of Pokémon X

2d 0h 1m She has 2 Lucarios with her!

2d 0h 0m At the top of the Tower with Korrina!

1d 23h 59m Heading up the spiral stairs!

1d 23h 57m Korrina is waiting for us at the top of this tower!

1d 23h 57m Entering the Tower of Mastery!

1d 23h 55m We exit the Gym!

1d 23h 54m d Saves the game!

1d 23h 54m She leaves by roller skating away from her Gym.

1d 23h 54m We Recieve TM98 Power Up Punch!

[Snark] (Korrina's Hawlucha uses Hone Claws!) "Can't attack now; don't want to break a nail."

1d 23h 53m Krroina defeated! We get the Rumble Badge!

1d 23h 52m Learns Slash over Retaliate!

1d 23h 52m Hawlucha down! Honege Level 29!

1d 23h 52m We attack with Retaliate once again!

1d 23h 52m Hone Claws vs. Retaliate!

1d 23h 51m Hone Claws vs. Retaliate!

1d 23h 51m Fury Cutter against it!

1d 23h 51m It attacks us! Hawlucha down! We sent out Honedge!

1d 23h 51m Korrina's Hawlucha sent out!

1d 23h 50m ** Absol Level 32!**

1d 23h 50m We sent out another Hawlucha! Wing Attack against it! Machoke down!

[Info] Machoke is Paralyzed!

1d 23h 49m Nuzzle on it! It attacks us! Pikachu goes down!

1d 23h 49m Rock Tomb against us!

1d 23h 48m Hawlucha down! We sent out Pikachu and use Nuzzle!

[Fluff] Kreygasm

1d 23h 48m Fling vs. Rock Tomb!

1d 23h 48m Aerial Ace against it! Rock Tomb against us!

1d 23h 48m Aerial Ace against it! Mienfoo down! Machoke sent out!

1d 23h 48m She uses anotehr Hyper Potion! We use Wing Attack!

1d 23h 47m Korrina uses Hyper Potion! We use Wing Attack!

1d 23h 47m Wing ATtack against it! Double Slap on us!

1d 23h 47m Fling vs. Power Up Punch!

1d 23h 46m Hawlucha vs. Mienfoo! Fake Out against us!

1d 23h 46m Gym Leader Korrina Engaged!

1d 23h 46m d Saves the game.

1d 23h 45m Made it to the center of the gym.

1d 23h 41m Checking the Pokédex.

1d 23h 36m Entered C-Pad Mode.

1d 23h 37m Re-Entered the Shalour City Gym!

1d 23h 34m d Saves the game.

[Info] The Hawlucha up front of our team is currently at Lvl.24. The one in the center of our team is Lvl.28. Rip Twinzies.

1d 23h 32m Back at the Pokémon Center and right back outside.

1d 23h 31m Attacked by a horde of Roggenrola! Hawlucha goes down! d Blacks Out!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 28
Max. HP 92
Attack 64
Defense 48
Sp. Atk 42
Sp. Def 52
Speed 77

1d 23h 27m It uses Rock Polish! We use Flying Press! Dwebble down! Hiker Dunstan defeated! d gets 1344 for winning!

1d 23h 27m Bug Bite against us! Wing Attack against it!

1d 23h 27m It uses Rock Polish!

1d 23h 27m Dwebble sent out!

1d 23h 26m Learns Flying Press over Roost!

1d 23h 25m Aerial Ace against it! Diggersby down! Hawlucha up to Level 28!

1d 23h 25m Fling vs. Take Down!

1d 23h 25m Aerial Ace against it! Double Kick against us!

1d 23h 25m Double Kick against us!

1d 23h 25m Diggersby sent out! We use Aerial Ace!

1d 23h 24m Aerial Ace against it! Sandile down!

1d 23h 24m We use Roost! Assurance against us!

[Snark] Still not enough chins!

1d 23h 23m Challenged by Hiker Dunstan! Hawlucha vs. Sandile!

1d 23h 23m Entered Reflection Cave!

1d 23h 21m C-Stick inputs disabled.

1d 23h 19m We have entered D-Pad mode.

Left/Right/Up/Down: D-Pad movements.
Cleft/Cright/Cup/Cdown: C-Stick movements.

[Info] Our party order is Hawlucha, Charizard, Absol, Hawlucha, Honedge, and Pikachu.

1d 23h 13m Exited the Gym!

1d 23h 13m And we're back at the entrance of the Gym!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 27
Max. HP 89
Attack 61
Defense 47
Sp. Atk 41
Sp. Def 50
Speed 74

1d 23h 7m Roller skated at the center of the gym. Korrina greets us!

[Info] He means ddown, not just a plain down.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: You can use dup/down/dleft/dright to walk

[Info] Only Korrina is left to battle!

1d 22h 58m We saved the game.

1d 22h 58m Wing Attack against it! Mienfoo down! Roller Skater Kate defeated! d gets 896 for winning!

1d 22h 57m We use Roost! Double Slap on us but no!

1d 22h 57m Fake Out against us!

1d 22h 57m Aerial Ace against it! Meditite down! Mienfoo sent out!

1d 22h 57m it uses Calm Mind as we continue to sue Fling!

1d 22h 57m Mind Reader on us!

1d 22h 56m Challenged by Roller Skater Kate! Hawlucha vs. Meditite!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: You can wait at one spot for the skater to come around

1d 22h 50m Aerial Ace against it! Machoke down! Hawlucha up to Lvl.27! Roller Skater Shun defeated! d gets 864 for winning!

1d 22h 49m Aerial Ace against it! Low Sweep against us!

1d 22h 49m Aerial Ace against it! Throh down! Machoke sent out!

1d 22h 49m Wing Attack vs. Revenge!

1d 22h 48m Fling against it! but it fails. We get attacked by Throh!

1d 22h 48m Only our single Hawlucha Lvl.26 is left!

1d 22h 47m Slash against it! Revenge against us! Absol goes down!

1d 22h 47m Slash against it! Pancham down! Throh is being sent out!

1d 22h 47m Rock Smash against it! Vital Throw on us!

1d 22h 46m Absol vs. Pancham!

1d 22h 46m Challenged by Roller Skater Shun!

1d 22h 46m We saved the game.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 26
Max. HP 85
Attack 59
Defense 45
Sp. Atk 39
Sp. Def 49
Speed 71

1d 22h 44m Aerial Ace against it! Heracross down! Hawlucha Up to Level 26! Roller Skater Dash defeated! d gets 960 for winning!

1d 22h 44m Heracross is in the red. We send out Hawlucha!

[Snark] Dash: "Gotta go fast!"

1d 22h 42m Charizard goes down!

1d 22h 42m STrength against it! Counter on us!

1d 22h 42m Strength against it! Take Down on us but ti failed!

1d 22h 42m We challenge Roller Skater Dash! Charizard vs. Heracross!

1d 22h 39m Wing Attack aginst it! Hariyama down! Roller Skater Rolanda defeated! d gets 928 for winning!

1d 22h 38m Roost! it uses Belly Drum!

1d 22h 38m We sent out Hawlucha!

[Snark] Male Annie!

1d 22h 37m Nuzzle against it! Its paralyzed! Knock Off against us! Pikachu goes down!

1d 22h 36m Sawk goes down! We switch out for Pikachu! Hariyama sent out!

1d 22h 36m Strength against it! Low Sweep against us!

1d 22h 36m Smokescreen vs. Low Sweep!

1d 22h 35m We challenge Roller Skater Rolanda! Charizard vs. Sawk

1d 22h 32m We save the game.

1d 22h 31m Entered the Shalour City Gym!

1d 22h 28m Exited the house.

1d 22h 27m Entered a house.

1d 22h 23m We are now currently using our skates!

1d 22h 22m We exit the Tower of Mastery. Back on Shalour City!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: You can't beat the gym without skates

1d 22h 21m We saved the game.

[Info] I believe it was one of our Hawlucha's that was recently leveled up to Lvl.25 during the battle.

1d 22h 19m Booted up TM27 Return

1d 22h 18m All of our friends leave the tower except for one Shauna.

[Stats] Honedge Lv. 28
Max. HP 65
Attack 57
Defense 69
Sp. Atk 36
Sp. Def 29
Speed 23

1d 22h 17m It did not learn Wing Attack.

1d 22h 16m Charmeleon successfully Evovles into Charizard!

1d 22h 16m Braixen down! Level 25! Serena Defeated!

1d 22h 15m Quick Attack on us! Dragon Rage against it! Absol Down! Charmeleon Level 36! Absol Level 31!Serena sends out Braixen!

1d 22h 15m Quick Attack against us! Return against her!

1d 22h 14m We sent out Charmeleon!

1d 22h 14m Bite against us! Honedge goes down!

1d 22h 14m Serena sends out Absol!

1d 22h 12m Psybeam against us! its confused! We use Fury Cutter! Meowstic down! Honedge and Pikachu both Level 28!

1d 22h 12m Disarming voice vs. Fury Cutter!

1d 22h 12m Light Screen vs. Cut!

1d 22h 12m We sent out Honedge!

[Snark] Serena used Amnesia! It's super effective! Trainer d gets to battle again!

1d 22h 11m Another Psybeam on us! Hawlucha goes down!

1d 22h 11m Psybeam aaginst us! Wing Attack against it!

1d 22h 11m Hawlucha vs. Meostic!

1d 22h 10m Serena Engaged!

1d 22h 4m Re-Entered the Tower of Mastery!

[Snark] You know the rules: whoever wins that battle gets the Mega Ring. We lost, so I guess we have to reset! (not really, for everyone who doesn't know.)

1d 22h 0m Back outside Shalour City!

1d 22h 0m Back in the Pokémon Center.

1d 21h 59m Bite against us! Our Absol goes down! We Blacked Out!

1d 21h 59m Disarming Voice against us! Slash against it! Meowstic goes down! Serena sends out her Absol!

1d 21h 59m We send out Absol!

1d 21h 58m Disarming Voice on us! Honedge goes down!

1d 21h 58m Psybeam on us! Another Retaliate!

1d 21h 57m another psybeam on us! Retaliate against it as it snaps out of confusion!

1d 21h 57m Psybeam against us! It becomes confused! Retaliate against it!

1d 21h 57m We sent out Honedge!

1d 21h 56m Disarming voice against us! Charmeleon goes down!

1d 21h 56m Fake Out on us!

1d 21h 56m Charmeleon vs. Meowstic!

1d 21h 56m Battle vs. Serena!

[Info] All Serena, Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor are here with us!

1d 21h 53m We seem to be discussing about the Mega Evolutions!

1d 21h 52m We leave the small room area, and back with our group in the tower.

1d 21h 51m As we enter, we're greeted by the Gym Leader, and our friends come in here too!

1d 21h 50m Entering the door at the bottom.

1d 21h 48m Entered the Tower of Mastery!

1d 21h 47m Received the Intriguing Stone from Tierno!

1d 21h 47m Tierno wants to show us something!

[Stats] Pikachu Lv. 27
Max. HP 63
Attack 39
Defense 35
Sp. Atk 36
Sp. Def 41
Speed 61

1d 21h 43m Greeted by our friends Tierno and Trevor.

[Info] Honedge's move set is Retaliate, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter, and Metal Sound.

[Stats] Honedge Lv. 27
Max. HP 63
Attack 55
Defense 67
Sp. Atk 35
Sp. Def 28
Speed 22

1d 21h 38m Exited the house.

1d 21h 38m Received an Eviolite!

1d 21h 35m Entered someones house.

1d 21h 33m Exited the Center.

1d 21h 32m Entered the Pokémon Center. Checkpoint Shalour City!

1d 21h 31m Exited the Reflection Cave1 We have arrived at Shalour City!

1d 21h 29m Picked up an Iron!

[Stats] Absol Lv. 30
Max. HP 85
Attack 100
Defense 50
Sp. Atk 61
Sp. Def 39
Speed 53

1d 21h 27m Slash on Vespiqueen! Absol Up to Level 30! Honeymooners Yuu and Ami defeated! d gets 3744 for winning!

1d 21h 25m Hawlucha goes down to Power Gem! Charmeleon sent out!

1d 21h 24m Combee down!

1d 21h 24m Absol Hawlucha vs. Combee and Vespiquen!

1d 21h 24m vs. Honeymooners Yuu and Ami!

1d 21h 23m Honedge Level up to Lvl.27!

1d 21h 22m Picked up a Hyper Potion!

[Snark] Hawlucha X Hawlucha confirmed Twinzies!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 24
Max. HP 77
Attack 55
Defense 41
Sp. Atk 46
Sp. Def 35
Speed 63

1d 21h 19m Trainer defeated!

1d 21h 18m Nidorino down! Another Hawlucha up to 24 and also learns Fling!

1d 21h 17m Hawlucha goes down to Horn Attack! We send out Charmeleon!

1d 21h 16m Trainer battle! Hawlucha vs. Nidorino!

1d 21h 16m Charmeleon up to Level 35!

1d 21h 15m It learns Fling over Karate Chop!

1d 21h 15m Hawlucha up to Level 24!

1d 21h 13m Party order is now Hawlucha, Absol, Pikachu, Hawlucha, Honedge, and Charmeleon.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 23
Max. HP 76
Attack 52
Defense 41
Sp. Atk 35
Sp. Def 44
Speed 63

1d 21h 11m Golett down! Psychic Franz defeated! d gets 1,344 for winning!

1d 21h 10m Chimecho goes down! 2nd Hawlucha to Level 23! Absol Level 29! Trainer sends out Golett!

1d 21h 9m We sent out Hawlucha!

1d 21h 8m Pikachu goes down to Chimecho!

1d 21h 8m Challenged by Psychic Franz! Pikachu vs. Chimecho!

1d 21h 5m Honedge Levels Up to Lvl.26, and learns Retaliate over Automize!

1d 21h 2m Currently encountering some wild Pokémon. We also switched our party order.

Pikachu, Absol, Hawlucha, Hawlucha, Honedge, and Charmeleon in the back.

[Info] Here are some maps of the floors of Reflection Cave. -Floor 1F- -Floor B1F- -Floor B2F-

[Stats] Charmeleon Lv. 34
Max. HP 96
Attack 68
Defense 57
Sp. Atk 57
Sp. Def 58
Speed 67

1d 20h 54m The lady Heals our team! Everyone back at full strength!

1d 20h 46m d Saves the game!

1d 20h 46m Igor: "Train"

1d 20h 44m Retailiate vs. Aerial Ace! Sawk Down! Hawlucha Up to Level 23! Black Belt Igor defeated!

1d 20h 44m [Info] Only one Hawlucha is left remaining alive.

1d 20h 43m Bulldoze against us! Pikachu goes down!

1d 20h 43m Play Nice vs. Bulldoze!

1d 20h 42m We switched out for Pikachu!

1d 20h 42m Bulldoze against us! Honedge goes down!

1d 20h 41m Bulldoze against us! We use Metal Sound!

1d 20h 41m We sent out Honedge!

1d 20h 40m Hawlucha goes down!

1d 20h 39m Aerial Ace against it! Double Kick on us!

1d 20h 39m Aerial Ace against it! Double Kick against us!

1d 20h 39m Encore vs. Double Kick!

1d 20h 39m We sent out Hawlucha!

1d 20h 38m Double Kick against us! Absol goes down!

1d 20h 38m Challenged by Black Belt Igor! Absol vs. Sawk!

1d 20h 37m Found an Escape Rope!

1d 20h 32m Charmeleon goes down to the female Wobbuffet!

1d 20h 31m Encountered a wild Female Wobbuffet.

[Snark] DEM LIPS.

1d 20h 29m Received TM70 Flash from our friend Tierno!

1d 20h 25m Found a Black Belt!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: comparing TPP's viewer count to other streams isn't fair since they don't run 24/7, during Pokemon Black 2 there were on average 18,000 unique viewers per day

1d 20h 23m Encountered a horde of Roggenrolas. A horde encounter usually consist of 5 Pokémon.

[Info] One of the Hawluchas have 71 Max HP. The other has 73 Max HP. Maybe we can tell them apart by their Max HP levels and/or other stats?

[Fluff] We have 2 level 22 Female Hawluchas. Twinzies?

1d 20h 16m Nidorina goes down to strength! Tourist Monami defeated! We get 1872 for winning!

1d 20h 15m Challenged by Tourist Monami! Charmeleon vs. Nidorina!

1d 20h 13m A lady inside the cave heals our team!

1d 20h 10m Encountering some wild Pokémon.

[Correction] The statement should read "We use Return! Helioptile down!" during the trainer battle.

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 22 - Max. HP 71 Attack 50 Defense 37 Sp. Atk 42 Sp. Def 33 Speed 58

1d 20h 4m Aerial Ace against it! Granbull down! Hawlucha up to Level 22! Ace Trainer Monique defeated! We get 2500 for winning!

1d 20h 4m Karate Chop on it!

1d 20h 3m We use Roost! Headbutt against us!

1d 20h 3m Aerial Ace vs. Headbutt!

1d 20h 3m Karate Chop vs. Headbutt!

1d 20h 3m Wing Attack against it! Headbutt on us!

1d 20h 2m Aerial Ace against it! It uses Charm.

1d 20h 2m Karate Chop against it!

1d 20h 2m Pikachu goes down to Granbull! We send out Hawlucha!

[Snark] "We use Helioptile down!" Ungh, brain....Derp

1d 20h 0m Granbull is Paralyzed by our Nuzzle attack!

1d 19h 59m We switched out for Pikachu, trainer sends out Granbull!

1d 19h 59m Razor Wind against us! We use Helioptile down!Return! Absol up to Level 25!

1d 19h 58m Trainer sends out Helioptile!

1d 19h 58m Hawlucha Level 22!

1d 19h 57m Uproar against us! Return against the,! Doduo down!

1d 19h 57m Challenged by Ace Trainer Monique! Charmeleon vs. Doduo!

1d 19h 48m Used a Nest Ball on a wild Sableye, but did not catch!

1d 19h 46m Entered Reflection Cave!

1d 19h 39m Charmeleon is Paralyzed by a wild Dedenne.

1d 19h 37m Encountering some wild Pokémon.

1d 19h 34m On Route 11.

1d 19h 34m We saved the game.

[Info] The party order is currently Charmeleon, Absol, Hawlucha, Hawlucha, Honedge, and Pikachu.

1d 19h 30m Back outside.

1d 19h 29m Pikachu Down to Razor Wind! Blacked Out!

[Info] Pikachu is the only one left alive.

1d 19h 27m Doduo down to Quick Attack! Trainer sends out Helioptile!

1d 19h 27m We sent out Pikachu!

1d 19h 27m Honedge goes down to Doduo's Pursuit!

1d 19h 25m Used a Dusk Ball, but it was blocked by the trainer. "Don't be a Thief!"

1d 19h 24m We sent out Honedge!

1d 19h 24m Hawlucha goes down to Doduo!

1d 19h 23m Hawlucha vs. Doduo!

1d 19h 23m Challenged by Ace Trainer Monique!

[Info] Hawlucha, Honedge, and Pikachu are left alive. Absol, Hawlucha, and Charmeleon are currently fainted.

1d 19h 14m Pikachu Levels up to Lvl.27!

1d 19h 10m in Refelection Cave!

1d 19h 7m Absol forgets Double Team and learn Slash!

1d 19h 6m We want to learn Slash.

1d 19h 6m Absol level 28!

1d 19h 5m Hawlucha faints against a wild Starvia!

[Fluff] Annie.

1d 19h 1m Charmeleon faints against a wild Hariyama!

1d 18h 58m Charmeleon is currently poisoned.

1d 18h 56m SKUNK ATTACK! Against 5 wild Stunky.

1d 18h 55m Route 11!

[Stats] Pikachi Lv. 26 Max. HP 60 Attack 38 Defense 34 Sp. Atk 35 Sp. Def 40 Speed 58

1d 18h 53m We switch Absol and Charmeleon. Charmeleon leads.

1d 18h 53m We switch Charmeleon and Hawlucha.

[Party] Absol, Hawlucha, Charmeleon, Hawlucha, Honedge, Pikachu.

1d 18h 50m We switch Honedge and Pikachu.

[Party] Honedge, Hawlucha, Charmeleon, Hawlucha, Pikachu, Absol

1d 18h 44m We save!

1d 18h 44m Back outside!

1d 18h 43m Inside the Pokecenter!

1d 18h 40m Back in Geosenge Town!

1d 18h 37m ThunderStone was moved from Charmeleon to Honedge!

1d 18h 32m On Route 10!

1d 18h 32m Outside of the Pokemon Center!

[ríp] ríp

1d 18h 31m We use Slam again, it uses Headbutt and KOs Pikachu! Black Out!

1d 18h 31m Pikachu uses Slam, Granbull uses Headbutt.

1d 18h 31m We use Play Nice, it uses Charm!

1d 18h 30m We Headbutt, Granbull can't move.

1d 18h 30m We use Nuzzle, paralyzing Granbull. She responds with a Headbutt.

1d 18h 30m We send out Pikachu!

1d 18h 29m We use Smoke Screen, and Granbull uses Lick. Charmeleon down!

1d 18h 29m We send out Charmeleon!

1d 18h 28m We use Taunt, Granbull KOs Absol with a Headbutt!

1d 18h 28m We use Rock Smash again, it uses Headbutt again!

1d 18h 28m We use Pursuit, while Granbull uses Headbutt.

1d 18h 28m We use Rock Smash again, it misses Charm.

1d 18h 27m We use Rock Smash, and Granbull uses Charm!

1d 18h 27m Against Granbull!

1d 18h 27m Charmeleon level 34!

1d 18h 27m We KO Helioptile!

1d 18h 26m We use Pursuit, and Helioptile responds with Whirlwind!

1d 18h 26m Against Helioptile!

1d 18h 25m We use Pursuit again and KO Doduo!

1d 18h 25m We use Pursuit, Doduo uses Uproar!

1d 18h 25m Absol uses Double Team, Doduo misses Uproar!

1d 18h 25m We send Absol against Doduo!

1d 18h 24m Challenged Ace Trainer Monique!


1d 18h 22m We face a Horde of Mime Jr.!!!!

1d 18h 20m We save!

1d 18h 18m Defeated Battle Girl Hedvig!

1d 18h 18m Another Rock Tomb from Hawlucha, and our Dragon Rage KOs it!

1d 18h 18m We avoid a Rock Tomb, and uses another Dragon Rage.

1d 18h 18m Hawlucha uses Rock Tomb, Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage.

1d 18h 18m Against Hawlucha!

1d 18h 17m Absol level 27!

1d 18h 17m We use Dragon Rage, and KOed Throh!

1d 18h 17m Charmeleon uses Strength, Thorh uses Vital Throw.

1d 18h 17m We send out Charmeleon!

1d 18h 16m We use Aerial Ace, another Vital Throw KOs Hawlucha!

1d 18h 16m We use Encore, it uses Vital Throw again.

1d 18h 16m We use Roost again, while our foe uses Vital Throw!

1d 18h 16m We use Roost, Throh uses Vital Throw!

1d 18h 15m We send out Hawlucha!

1d 18h 15m Throh used Bulldoze on us and KOed Honedge!

1d 18h 15m We send out Honedge against Throh!

1d 18h 15m Battling Battle Girl Hedvig!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Try !roulette for WiFi

1d 18h 9m Still fighting wild Pokemon.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Sorry guys

1d 18h 8m INPUTS ARE BACK!

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WIFI OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Rip Command Inputs.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: It just happens, Can't connect to IRC

[Snark] We had 8 badges! Time to go to Victory Road!

[Snark] See no evil (screen stops working), hear no evil (audio stops working), speak no evil (the voices lose control)

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I can't connect to the twitch IRC right now, I think there's something wrong with twitch FailFish

[Snark] It seems the streamer is practicing Whac-A-Mole. Fix one bug, another pops up!


1d 18h 2m Both video and audio have returned. No inputs yet though.

1d 18h 1m ONLINE!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Snark] Now we're deaf and blind.

[Streamer] input !pause. Twitch_Plays_3DS: I'm restarting the computer

1d 18h 0m OFFLINE!

ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ QUIET RIOT ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ

1d 17h 59m We save!

[Snark] ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ silent riotヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ


1d 17h 58m Pikachu forgot Electro Ball and learned Slam!

1d 17h 58m Honedge grew to level 24! Pikachu grew to level 26!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: I'm working on it

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ DEAF RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Snark] Deaf run HYPE!

1d 17h 57m NO AUDIO!

1d 17h 57m Screen is back!

[Snark] Does anyone have an Ice Heal!

[Snark] Blind run HYPE!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

1d 17h 55m Inputs appear to be moving.

1d 17h 55m FROZEN RIOT!!

ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ FROZEN RIOT ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ

1d 17h 54m Screen appears to be frozen.

1d 17h 52m Found a Nest Ball!

1d 17h 46m Hawlucha faints to a wild Roggenrola!

1d 17h 42m In the Reflection Cave!

1d 17h 41m Fighting some wild Pokemon.

1d 17h 32m On Route 11!

1d 17h 25m We save!

1d 17h 23m Outside!

1d 17h 22m Back in the Geosenge Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

1d 17h 22m Pikachu faints to a wild Roggenrola! Black Out!

1d 17h 19m We found a Revive!

[Info] Pikachu has No PP left for Electro Ball.

1d 17h 10m Battling wild Pokemon!

[Stats] Pikachu Lv. 25 - Max. HP 58 Attack 36 Defense 33 Sp. Atk 33 Sp. Def 38 Speed 56

1d 17h 5m Backpacker defeated!

1d 17h 5m Another Electro Ball hits, and faints Lionne. Pikachu level 25!

1d 17h 5m We miss an Electro Ball, Lioone can't move!

1d 17h 4m Another Electro Ball from us, Lioone identifies us.

1d 17h 4m Lioone avoids our Nuzzle, and responds with a Sand Attack.

1d 17h 4m Lioone used Sand Attack, we use Electro Ball. Lioone is paralyzed!

1d 17h 3m Lioone used Mud Sport, we use Play Nice.

1d 17h 3m We send out Pikachu.

1d 17h 3m Another Lioone Headbutt KOs Absol!

1d 17h 3m Lioone's Headbutt flinches us!

1d 17h 2m Lioene used Headbutt, Absol used Rock Smash.

1d 17h 2m Lioone used Sand Attack, we use Taunt!

1d 17h 2m We send out Absol against his Lioone!

1d 17h 2m Battling Backpacker Lane!

1d 17h 0m Fighting Wild Pokemon!

[Info] That was our 6th attempt, making it a four-way tie for the hardest non-Gym/E4 Trainer.

1d 17h 0m We enter Reflection Cave!

1d 16h 59m Brains and Brawn Frank and Sly DEFEATED!!!!


1d 16h 59m Pikachu used Quick Attack, and KOed Machoke.

1d 16h 59m We send out Absol!

[Snark] TEH URN!

1d 16h 57m Pikachu used Play Nice, Machoke used Low Sweep, and KOed Charmeleon!

1d 16h 57m Pikachu uses Play Nice, Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage, Machoke used Low Sweep on Charmeleon!

1d 16h 57m We send out Pikachu!

[Stats] Charmeleon Lv. 33 - Max. HP 93 Attack 66 Defense 55 Sp. Atk 55 Sp. Def 56 Speed 64

1d 16h 55m Hawluch used Roost, Mr. Mime KOs Hawlucha with Psybeam, Charmeleon KOs Mr. Mime with Return (Chameleon level 33!), Machoke used Revenge!

1d 16h 54m Charmeleon uses Return on Mr. Mime, Hawlucha used Wing Attack on Mr. Mime, Mr. Mime used Psybeam on Hawlucha, Mahcoke used Low Sweep on Charmeleon!

1d 16h 54m We send out Hawlucha!

1d 16h 52m Charmeleon used Dragon Rage on Machoke, Mr. Mime used Reflect, Machoke used Low Sweep on Honedge, Honedge fainted!

1d 16h 52m Sent out Charmeleon!

1d 16h 50m Hawlucha used Wing Attack, Mr. Mime OHKOs Hawlucha with Psybeam. Machoke identified Honedge, and Honedge used Sword Dance.

1d 16h 50m We send out Honedge and Hawlucha against Machoke and Mr. Mime!

1d 16h 50m Battling Brains and Brawn Frank and Sly!

1d 16h 48m Route 11!

1d 16h 45m Outside!

1d 16h 45m Back in the Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

1d 16h 45m Machoke used Low Sweep, Charmeleon down! Black Out!

1d 16h 44m We use Dragon Rage, Machop used Low Sweep.

1d 16h 43m Machoke used Foresight, we used Smokescreen.

1d 16h 42m Mr. Mime used Reflect, Pikachu used Nuzzle, paralyzing Mr. Mime, Charmeleon KOs Mr. Mime with Return (Pikachu level 24), Machoke used Low Sweep and KOed Pikachu!

1d 16h 41m Sent out Pikachu!

1d 16h 40m Charmeleon used Strength on Mr. Mime. Hawlucha uses Wing Attack on Machoke! Psybeam from Mr. Mime OHKOs Hawlucha! Machoke used Low Sweep.

1d 16h 40m We send out Hawlucha and Charmeleon!

1d 16h 37m Mr. Mime uses Psybeam and KOs Honedge!. Absol uses Double Team. Machoke uses Brick Break and KOs Absol!

1d 16h 36m We send out Honedge and Absol against Machoke and Mr. Mime!

1d 16h 36m Battling Brains and Brawn Frank and Sly!

1d 16h 28m Honedge became paralyzed from a wild Dedenne.

1d 16h 20m Hawlucha faints to a wild Dedenne!

[Info] We had 1 HP left, and we used Roost. Clutch.


1d 16h 12m We save!

[Stats] Hawlucha Lv. 21 - Max. HP 68 Attack 48 Defense 36 Sp. Atk 41 Sp. Def 31 Speed 55

1d 16h 11m Both Hawluchas grew to level 21! Absol grew to level 26!

1d 16h 10m We used an Antidote!

1d 16h 6m On Route 11!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: everyday i'm shufflin' Kappa

1d 15h 52m Still in the City!

1d 15h 50m Go back and forth between the City and Route 10!

1d 15h 49m Left the Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

1d 15h 49m Charmeleon faints to a wild Eevee! Black Out!

[Party] Hawlucha, Pikachu, Absol, Honedge, Hawlucha, Charmeleon.

[Info] Charmeleon has 1 HP left. Everyone else has fainted.

1d 15h 44m Hawlucha faints to a wild Golett!

1d 15h 42m Absol's Nature is naughty!

1d 15h 40m The wild Hawlucha faints.

1d 15h 40m WE SEND OUT HAWLUCHA! The Hawlucha vs. Hawlucha battle continues!

1d 15h 39m Hawlucha faints to a wild Hawlucha! If we send out Hawlucha...

1d 15h 37m We switched Absol and Charmeleon!

1d 15h 35m We switch Hawlucha and Absol! Hawlucha leads the party!

1d 15h 30m Honedge faints to the same Golett!

1d 15h 29m Pikachu faints to a wild Golett!

1d 15h 26m Absol fainted to a wild Hawlucha!

1d 15h 22m On Route 10!

1d 15h 18m Back in Geosenge City!

1d 15h 18m On Route 10! We save!

1d 15h 18m We left it!

1d 15h 17m Left the Pokecenter, then went right back in!

[Snark] Start a Wattson count on these guys.

1d 15h 17m Back in the Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

1d 15h 16m We send out Hawlucha. Hawlucha uses Encore on Machoke, Mr. Mime OHKOs it with Psybeam! Black Out!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: But I thought X is a "easy game"? MiniK

1d 15h 16m Mr. Mime uses Psybeam and OHKOs Hawlucha! Machoke also KOs Charmeleon!

1d 15h 15m Mr. Mime uses Psybeam and KOs Honedge! Charmeleon's Dragon Rage doesn't effect Mr. Mime, Machok's Low Sweep brings Charmeleon down to 1 HP. We send out Hawlucha!

1d 15h 14m Charmeleon used Dragon Rage on Honedge, Mr. Mime uses Psybeam and Machoke uses Low Sweep on Charmeleon, Honedge uses Metal Sound.

1d 15h 14m We send out Honedge!

1d 15h 13m Charmeleon used Smoke Screen, Pikachu used Electro Ball on Mr. Mime, Mr. Mime KOs Pikachu with Psybeam, Machop misses Low Sweep!

1d 15h 13m We send out Charmeleon!

1d 15h 12m Pikachu wasted an Awakening, Mr. Mime used Light Screen, Absol hit Pikachu with Pursuit, Machoke OHKOs Absol with Low Sweep!

1d 15h 12m We send out Pikachu and Absol against Machoke and Mr. Mime!

1d 15h 11m Battling Brains and Brawn Frank and Sly!

1d 15h 10m We immediately run.

[Chat] ANNIE PogChamp

1d 15h 8m Battling some wild Pokemon!

1d 15h 4m We enter Route 11!

[Chat] TwitchSpeaks: Hi guys, FYI, this week's Human Mode schedule is posted, Mojo120 is up next! http://redd.it/2byu39

1d 14h 57m Back outside!

1d 14h 56m Inside a building! It looks to be an inn.

1d 14h 55m Outside in Geosenge Town!

1d 14h 54m Back in the Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

1d 14h 53m Honedge used Autonomize, Mr. Mime used Psybeam, Machoke KOs Honedge with Low Sweep. Black Out!

1d 14h 51m Honedge used an item on itself, it failed. Hawlucha used Wing Attack on Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime KOs Hawlucha with Psybeam! Machoke identified Honedge!

1d 14h 49m We send out Hawlucha!

1d 14h 48m Our turns are wasted with items. Mr. Mime used Encore on Honedge, Machoke KOs Charmeleon with Low Sweep!

1d 14h 47m Mr. Mime used Encore on Charmeleon, Charmeleon used Strength on Machoke, Machoke responds with Low Sweep, Honedge used Automotize!

1d 14h 46m Charmeleon used Strength on Mr. Mime, Mr. Mime used Light Screen, Machoke used Low Sweep on Charmeleon, Honedge used Metal Sound!

1d 14h 46m We send out Charmeleon and Honedge!

1d 14h 45m Trying to send out Pokemon still!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: You even caught 2 pokemon!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Woah, so much progress while I was sleeping

1d 14h 39m Pikachu fails using an Awakening, Hawlucha uses Encore on Machoke, Mr. Mime KOs Hawlucha with Psybeam, Machoke KOs Pikachu with Low Sweep!

1d 14h 39m We send out Hawlucha!

1d 14h 37m Pikachu uses Play Nice, Mr. Mime uses Light Screen. Absol uses Rock Smash on Machoke, and Machoke used Low Sweep and KOed Absol!

1d 14h 37m We send out Pikachu and Absol against Machoke and Mr. Mime!

1d 14h 37m Battling Brains and Brawn Frank and Sly!

1d 14h 30m Travelling Route 11!

1d 14h 29m Back in Geosenge Town!

1d 14h 26m On Route 11!

1d 14h 24m Back outside!

1d 14h 23m We gave Hawlucha our only Great Ball!

1d 14h 21m We save!

1d 14h 19m We are stuck in the doorway. Still inside.

1d 14h 16m We heal our Pokemon!

1d 14h 10m Back in the Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

1d 14h 9m Machoke used Low Sweep, and KOed Honedge. Black Out!

1d 14h 9m Machoke used Foresight, we use Metal Sound, Mr. Mime is paralyzed.

1d 14h 8m Hawlucha used Aerial Ace on Machoke, Machoke used Foresight, Honedge used Meta Sound on Mr. Mime, Mr. Mime OHKOs Hawlucha with Psybeam!

1d 14h 8m We send out Hawlucha!

1d 14h 7m Machoke KOs Charmeleon with Low Sweep, Honedge used Metal Sound, Mr. Mime uses Psybeam on Honedge.

1d 14h 6m Machoke misses Low Sweep, Charmeleon used Smoke Screen on Honedge, Mr Mime uses Encore on Charmeleon, and Honedge uses Fury Cutter.

1d 14h 6m We send out Honedge!

1d 14h 4m Hawlucha wastes a Paralyze Heal, Charmeleon used Smoke Screen, we avoid Revenge, but Mr. Mime KOs Hawlucha with Psybeam!

1d 14h 2m We waste an Awakening, Charmeleon used Return on Mr. Mime, Machoke used Low Sweep on Charmeleon, Mr. Mime can't move.

1d 14h 2m We send out Hawlucha!

1d 13h 59m Pikcahu used Play Nice on Mr. Mime, Charmeleon used Smoke Screen, Machoke used Low Sweep and KOed Pikachu! Mr. Mime used Reflect.

1d 13h 58m Charmeleon used Smoke Screen, Mr. Mime used Light Screen, Pikachu used Nuzzle, paralyzing Mr. Mime, Machoke used Low Sweep on Charmeleon!

1d 13h 58m We send out Pikachu and Charmeleon against Machoke and Mr. Mime!

1d 13h 57m Battling Brains and Brawn Frank and Sly!

1d 13h 54m Absol faints to a wild Sawk!

1d 13h 54m Battling wild Pokemon!

1d 13h 47m On Route 11!

1d 13h 45m Back outside in Geosenge Town!

1d 13h 40m We save!

1d 13h 39m We heal!

1d 13h 36m At the Pokemart. We have 0 Dollars!

1d 13h 36m We save!

1d 13h 33m Still in the Pokecenter!

1d 13h 32m Charmeleon fainted to Mr. Mime! Blacked out!

1d 13h 32m d used one Awakening. But have no effect!

1d 13h 31m Honedge fainted to Machoke!

1d 13h 31m d used one Awakening. But have no effect!

1d 13h 30m We sent out Charmeleon.

1d 13h 30m Hawlucha fainted!

1d 13h 30m d used one Awakening. But have no effect!

1d 13h 28m We sent another Hawlucha and Honedge.

1d 13h 27m Hawlucha and Pikachu fainted!

1d 13h 26m d used one Awakening. But have no effect!

1d 13h 26m We sent out Hawlucha.

1d 13h 23m Absol fainted to Machoke!

1d 13h 22m Machoke - Mr. Mime vs Absol - Pikachu

1d 13h 22m Challenged Frank and Sly!

[Info] So d currently have 638 Pokedollars.

1d 13h 17m Left Geosenge Town to Route 11

1d 13h 15m Left the Pokemon Center

1d 13h 15m Got into dressing room, didn't change any clothes however...

1d 13h 14m Left the Pokemon Center... then entered again.

1d 13h 9m That was 68 Awakening in total.

1d 13h 7m Bought 1 Awakening.

1d 13h 6m Bought 1 Paralyze Heal

1d 13h 4m We sold two repels a few minutes ago.

I'm back! Sorry for what happened on yesterday though...

1d 13h 1m Still stuck in the Center, we're near the Mart area.

1d 12h 59m We throw a Premier Ball at a wild Chlingling, it failed! It takes Hawlucha out with Uproar! Black Out!

1d 12h 57m Sycamore tells us to come meet the Mega Evolution Guru!

1d 12h 57m Holo Caster is on! It's Professor Sycamore.

1d 12h 56m Hawlucha takes Mienfoo out with Wing Attack! Battle Girl Geradine defeated.

1d 12h 55m We try to catch this girls Mienfoo! Don't be a thief!

1d 12h 55m We use a Sitrus Berry on Hawlucha!

1d 12h 54m Hawlucha uses Wing Attack! Mienfoo goes for Swift.

1d 12h 54m Battle! Vs. Battle Girl Geradine! Mienfoo vs. Hawlucha

1d 12h 53m A Wild Dedenne takes out Honedge with a crit Parabolic Charge!

1d 12h 51m Dedenne paralyzes Honedge with Nuzzle!

[Fluff] We encounter a shiny Pikachu Dedenne.

1d 12h 49m A Wild Dedenne takes out Charmeleon with Parabolic Charge!!

1d 12h 44m Charmeleon did not learn Flame Burst! Honedge leveled up to 23 as well!

1d 12h 44m Dragon Rage takes out Sigilyph, we also level up to 32!

1d 12h 43m Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage, Sigilyph uses Psybeam taking us to red!

1d 12h 43m Out comes Sigilyph.

1d 12h 43m Hawlucha did not learn Encore!

1d 12h 43m Hawlucha levels up to 20!

1d 12h 42m One more Dragon Rage takes out Solosis!

1d 12h 42m Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage! Takes it down to yellow! Solosis sets up a Light Screen!

1d 12h 42m Battle! Vs. Psychic Emanuel! Charmeleon vs. Solosis

1d 12h 41m Found a Sitrus Berry!

1d 12h 39m Entering in and out of Route 11.

1d 12h 38m Lucario goes for Feint once more, but we take it out with Dragon Rage! Korrina defeated.

1d 12h 38m Lucario goes for Feint, Charmeleon keeps using Strength!

1d 12h 38m Lucario goes for Power-Up-Punch again! We use Strength!

1d 12h 37m We go for Dragon Rage! Lucario uses Power-Up-Punch!

1d 12h 37m She sends in another Lucario.

1d 12h 36m Honedge did not learn Aerial Ace!

1d 12h 35m Honedge levels up to 22!

1d 12h 35m Lucario goes for Metal Sound, but we knock it out with Return!

1d 12h 35m We send in Charmeleon!

1d 12h 34m Hawlucha goes down to a Feint!

1d 12h 34m Lucario goes for Feint! Hawlucha uses Aerial Ace and takes it to red!

1d 12h 33m Honedge now outspeeds with +6 Speed, but we switch out to Hawlucha! Lucario uses Metal Sound!

1d 12h 33m Honedge keeps using Fury Cutter! Lucario keeps using Metal Sound!

1d 12h 32m Lucario keeps using Metal Sound + Swords Dance, it clearly has no moves to use on Honedge, Honedge is now at +4 attack.

1d 12h 32m We go for Swords Dance this time, Honedge is now at +2

1d 12h 31m Lucario cannot touch Honedge it seems, we keep using Fury Cutter!

1d 12h 31m Lucario keeps setting up, Honedge is now attacking with Fury Cutter.

1d 12h 30m Lucario sets up Swords dance, we keep increasing our speed!

1d 12h 30m We send in Honedge.

1d 12h 30m Pikachu goes for Quick Attack! Lucario knocks us out with Power-Up-Punch!

1d 12h 29m Battle! Vs. Leader Korrina! Lucario vs. Pikachu

[Meta] GDoc is now updated!

1d 12h 15m We're back in Geosenge Town!

[Info] Pikachu is currently down to half HP.

1d 12h 8m Nickname of Snubbull was !iioula2yyyy.

1d 12h 6m Honedge to level 21.

1d 12h 6m Caught level 21 male Snubbull.

1d 12h 5m Pikachu's now leading the party.

1d 12h 4m Absol faints to a wild Houndour.

1d 12h 3m The Houndour wasn't caught either. d ran away.

1d 12h 3m Absol's poisoned.

1d 12h 2m Used up two Pokéballs on a wild Houndour.

1d 12h 1m Caught another wild Hawlucha, level 19 and female. No nickname was given.

1d 11h 57m Threw two Pokéballs at a wild Eevee. Capture failed. In the end, d runs away.

1d 11h 56m No nickname was given to Hawlucha.

1d 11h 54m Caught a level 20 female Hawlucha.

1d 11h 49m In Route 10.

1d 11h 42m By a couple of houses.

1d 11h 40m Gave a Great Ball for Absol to hold.

1d 11h 37m Used a Super Repel.

1d 11h 36m In the centre of town.

1d 11h 33m Left the Pokécentre.

1d 11h 31m In the Pokécentre.

1d 11h 31m Blacked out.

1d 11h 31m Wasted a turn using an Antidote. Charmeleon faints to wild Nosepass.

1d 11h 26m Charmeleon now in red.

1d 11h 23m Charmeleon is in yellow health.

1d 11h 22m In a wild battle with a horde of Nosepass. They block the way out and are tackling at Charmeleon.

1d 11h 18m Team Flare Grunt defeated.

1d 11h 18m Gulpin down.

1d 11h 18m Charmeleon uses Return!

1d 11h 18m Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage! Gulpin in yellow.

1d 11h 18m Poison Gas from Gulpin misses.

1d 11h 17m Tiger the Charmeleon uses Smokescreen.

1d 11h 17m VS. Team Flare Grunt. Charmeleon vs. Gulpin.

1d 11h 17m Team Flare Battle!

1d 11h 16m In Route 10.

1d 11h 12m At the centre of the town. A dirt path encircles three rock pillars.

1d 11h 9m The route east is blocked by a few backpackers.

1d 11h 7m Back at Geosenge Town.

1d 11h 6m Charmeleon's in yellow.

1d 11h 6m Used X Defense on Pikachu. Pikachu then faints to a wild Golett.

1d 11h 5m In the grass. What does this mean? Wild encounters! More wild encounters!

1d 11h 2m Returned to Route 10.

1d 11h 1m Left the Pokémon Centre.

1d 11h 0m 13 Pokéballs bought and received Premier Ball.

1d 10h 59m 1 Paralyze Heal as well.

1d 10h 59m 2 Awakening bought.

1d 10h 59m 1 Great Ball too. And 1 Super Repel.

1d 10h 58m Bought 2 Repel.

[Info] The Team Flare Grunt earlier who was using an Electrike also had a Croagunk who fainted shortly after. I missed that one as my stream froze for a few seconds. I apologise.

1d 10h 56m In the Pokécentre.

1d 10h 54m Running around the streets.

1d 10h 52m Exited the Pokémon Centre.

1d 10h 52m d leaves without changing clothes.

1d 10h 52m In the dressing room!

1d 10h 50m Entered Geosenge's Pokémon Centre. Checkpoint.

1d 10h 49m Wandering around now.

1d 10h 46m Sitting on some tiny rocks by the Pokécentre.

1d 10h 45m A Team Flare Member says Geosenge is the town of stones and leaves.

1d 10h 45m Arrived at Geosenge Town!

1d 10h 44m Pikachu forgets Double Team and learns Nuzzle.

1d 10h 43m Pikachu grows to level 23.

1d 10h 43m Pikachu at 1HP form the Hawlucha battle.

1d 10h 41m Pikachu's in yellow from a battle with a wild Hawlucha.

1d 10h 39m Team Flare Grunt defeated.

1d 10h 38m Electrike down.

1d 10h 38m Electrike uses Spark! Charmeleon hits back with Strength!

1d 10h 37m Sent in Charmeleon.

1d 10h 36m Spark faints Absol.

1d 10h 36m Electrike comes at Absol with Quick Attack! Absol in red.

1d 10h 36m He sends in Electrike. Absol is sent in by d.

♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ TEAM FLARE DANCE RIOT ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫

1d 10h 35m Another Team Flare Grunt spots us! Battle!

1d 10h 35m The Team Flare Grunt scrams... with style!

1d 10h 34m Team Flare Grunt defeated.

1d 10h 34m Charmeleon to level 30.

1d 10h 34m Another Dragon Rage finishes off Golbat.

1d 10h 34m Dragon Rage on Golbat has it at yellow. Astonish barely hurts Charmeleon.

1d 10h 33m Out comes Golbat.

1d 10h 33m Absol forgets Bite for Double Team.

1d 10h 33m Absol to level 25.

1d 10h 32m Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage. Houndour down.

1d 10h 32m Houndour roars. Charmeleon is sent out.

1d 10h 32m Absol uses Bite! Houndour in red.

1d 10h 32m Absol vs. Houndour.

1d 10h 32m VS. Team Flare Grunt.

1d 10h 31m He battles us... with style!

1d 10h 31m Met a Team Flare member.

1d 10h 30m Absol's also in yellow now.

1d 10h 30m Absol's paralysed from a battle with a wild Emolga.

1d 10h 28m Defeated Tourist Fumiko.

1d 10h 28m Pikachu to level 22.

1d 10h 27m Another Electro Ball faints Dunsparce.

1d 10h 27m Electro Ball on Dunsparce has it in red.

1d 10h 27m Dunsparce keeps using Screech.

1d 10h 27m Pikachu wakes up and uses Double Team!

1d 10h 27m Pikachu's still asleep. Pikachu's defenses are being lowered more.

1d 10h 26m Dunsparce uses Screech.

1d 10h 26m Pikachu's asleep.

1d 10h 26m Dunsparce in yellow after Electro Ball.

1d 10h 25m Pikachu uses Play Nice.

1d 10h 25m Out comes Dunsparce. Sent in Pikachu.

1d 10h 24m Azumarill faints.

1d 10h 24m Azumarill's now in red.

1d 10h 24m Honedge faints after. Now it's Absol vs. Azumarill.

1d 10h 23m Switched to Honedge. Azumarill in yellow.

1d 10h 20m Fumiko sends in Azumarill. Switched out for Charmeleon.

1d 10h 20m Absol to level 24.

1d 10h 19m Absol uses Bite! Skiploom faints.

1d 10h 19m Absol vs. Skiploom.

1d 10h 19m Challenged by Tourist Fumiko!

1d 10h 19m Looks like d was trying to do something with the bag, but he ended up wasting a turn using an Antidote and then ran away in the end.

1d 10h 17m Oh! It's a wild Eevee!

1d 10h 16m Onto Route 10!

1d 10h 15m Heading north.

1d 10h 11m Exited the centre. Back in Cyllage.

1d 10h 11m The nurse heals our party.

1d 10h 10m In the Pokécentre.

1d 10h 9m Returned to Cyllage.

1d 10h 5m Entered a random house.

1d 10h 4m Left again.

1d 10h 4m Returned to the Pokécentre.

1d 10h 3m Briefly entered the Pokécentre and left

1d 10h 1m Just wandering around the streets.

1d 9h 58m Picked up a X Defense.

1d 9h 56m Exited Cyllage City's Gym.

1d 9h 55m Scaling the wall down.

1d 9h 53m Received TM39 Rock Tomb.

[Info] That was our third attempt.

1d 9h 53m Cliff Badge obtained.

1d 9h 53m Gym Leader Grant defeated!

1d 9h 53m Dragon Rage defeats Tyrunt!

1d 9h 52m Smokescreen on Tyrunt! Rock Tomb comes at Charmeleon and brings it yellow.

1d 9h 52m Sent in Charmeleon!

1d 9h 52m Charmeleon also leveled to 29 earlier, by the way.

1d 9h 52m Only Charmeleon is left.

1d 9h 52m Tyrunt's Bite finishes off Pikachu.

1d 9h 51m Pikachu uses Quick Attack. It's not very effective. Rock Tomb comes at Pikachu! Pikachu in red.

1d 9h 51m Sent out Pikachu.

1d 9h 50m Bite faints Honedge.

1d 9h 50m Go, Honedge!

1d 9h 50m Tyrunt's Stomp finishes off Absol.

1d 9h 50m Bite has Absol in yellow still. Rock Smash chips away at Tyrunt's HP.

1d 9h 50m Out comes Tyrunt.

1d 9h 50m Honedge to level 20 and does not learn Shadow Sneak.

1d 9h 49m Amaura uses Take Down! Amaura faints from recoil. Absol in yellow.

1d 9h 49m Rock Smash brings Amaura to red again.

1d 9h 49m Grant heals up Amaura.

1d 9h 49m Amaura in red. Amaura uses T-Wave. Absol paralysed.

1d 9h 48m Absol leads with Rock Smash!

1d 9h 48m Absol vs. Amaura.

1d 9h 48m Battle! VS. Gym Leader Grant.

1d 9h 46m Reached the top. Grant is waiting.

1d 9h 44m Almost at the top.

1d 9h 39m Scaling the walls.

1d 9h 38m Re-entered Cyllage Gym.

1d 9h 37m Heading back to the gym.

1d 9h 29m Back in Cyllage City.

1d 9h 28m Blacked out.

1d 9h 28m Bite ends off Pikachu.

1d 9h 28m Rock Tomb hits! Pikachu in red.

1d 9h 28m Pikachu uses Electro Ball! Tyrunt in red.

1d 9h 28m Go, Pikachu!

1d 9h 27m Only Pikachu is left.

1d 9h 27m Bite finishes off Absol!

1d 9h 27m Tyrunt uses Stomp! Absol in red.

1d 9h 27m Tyrunt uses bite! Absol in yellow and flinches.

1d 9h 26m Tyrunt stomps! Absol still in green and uses Taunt.

1d 9h 26m Sent in Absol.

1d 9h 26m Tyrunt bites at Honedge! Honedge down.

1d 9h 26m Sent in Honedge.

1d 9h 26m Charmeleon faints to Rock Tomb.

1d 9h 26m Dragon Rage brings Tyrunt to yellow.

1d 9h 25m Charmeleon uses Return. Tyrunt isn't hurt much and hits with Rock Tomb! Charmeleon in about half.

1d 9h 25m Grant sends in Tyrunt. Switched out Absol for Charmeleon.

1d 9h 24m Amura misses a Take Down! Second Rock Smash defeats Amaura.

1d 9h 24m Rock Smash on Amaura brings it to red.

1d 9h 24m Grant heals up Amaura.

1d 9h 24m Absol's paralysed by T-Wave!

1d 9h 24m Absol uses Bite! Amaura to red.

1d 9h 23m Absol vs. Amaura.

1d 9h 23m Battle! VS. Gym Leader Grant.

1d 9h 23m Spoke to Grant.

1d 9h 21m Grant's just in sight.

1d 9h 20m Nearing the top.

[Fluff] I was never good at rock climbing when I did school camp. d's doing a pretty good job, though!

1d 9h 13m Climbing the rock wall.

1d 9h 10m Re-entered the Cyllage City Gym.

1d 9h 9m Making our way to the gym.

1d 9h 7m Returned to the streets.

1d 9h 4m By the coast.

1d 9h 2m Left. Back in Cyllage.

1d 9h 0m Entered the Pokécentre.

1d 8h 59m Left the bike shop.

1d 8h 58m Switched again. Absol is now at the front. Pikachu is second.

[Party] Order is Pikachu, Absol, Charmeleon, and Honedge.

1d 8h 57m Swapped the order of the party.

1d 8h 54m In the Bike Shop.

1d 8h 54m Back to Cyllage City.

1d 8h 51m In the Pokécentre.

1d 8h 51m Blacked out!

1d 8h 51m Absol faints!

1d 8h 51m The Nosepass are blocking the way and are tackling away at Absol's health.

1d 8h 50m In a battle with a horde of Nosepass. Absol's in red now.

1d 8h 48m Absol grows to level 23 after the battle with the Sigilyph.

1d 8h 47m Absol's also paralysed and in yellow health.

1d 8h 47m The only Pokémon left standing in the team is Absol.

1d 8h 46m A wild Sigilyph faints Pikachu.

1d 8h 46m Pikachu forgets Tail whip and learns Double Team in its place.

1d 8h 45m Pikachu grows to level 21 after that battle.

1d 8h 44m In another wild battle with another Hawlucha, Pikachu survives with just 1HP!

1d 8h 39m Pikachu's in yellow from a battle with a wild Hawlucha.

1d 8h 33m Back at Route 10.

1d 8h 31m Arrived at Geosenge Town!

1d 8h 30m Booted up TM94 Rock Smash. Absol forgets Leer and learns Rock Smash.

1d 8h 28m Tourist Tomoko defeated.

1d 8h 27m Pikachu grows to level 20.

1d 8h 27m Absol grows to level 22.

1d 8h 27m Absol's Bite faints Pachirisu.

1d 8h 27m Pachirisu uses Endure. Absol's paralysed.

1d 8h 27m The sandstorm subsides.

1d 8h 27m Absol's Bite has Pachirisu in yellow.

1d 8h 26m Pachirisu uses Nuzzle. Absol is paralysed.

1d 8h 26m Tomoko sends in Pachirisu.

1d 8h 25m Absol's Bite faints Hippopotas.

1d 8h 25m Absol uses Bite. Hippopotas in yellow and also bites! Absol also in yellow.

1d 8h 25m Taunt again. Hippopotas uses Take Down this time. Absol in just about half.

1d 8h 24m Absol's using Taunt. Hippopotas bites. Absol isn't hurt much.

1d 8h 24m A sandstorm kicks up from Sand Stream.

1d 8h 24m Tomoko sends in Hippopotas.

1d 8h 23m Absol bites Drifloon. Drifloon faints.

1d 8h 23m Sent in Absol.

1d 8h 22m Drifloon's Payback faints Honedge.

1d 8h 22m Fury Cutter doesn't do much to Drifloon.

1d 8h 22m Honedge comes at Drifloon with Fury Cutty! Drifloon still in green. Another Payback comes! Honedge in yellow.

1d 8h 22m Drifloon uses Payback. Honedge uses Autotomise.

1d 8h 21m Honedge vs. Drifloon.

1d 8h 21m Battle with Tourist Tomoko!

1d 8h 19m Honedge is now leading.

1d 8h 19m Charmeleon faints after another battle with a wild Hawlucha.

1d 8h 17m Charmeleon is in red after the battle with the wild Hawlucha.

1d 8h 16m Charmeleon has no more PP in the move Dragon Rage.

1d 8h 16m A wild Hawlucha uses Aerial Ace! Charmeleon is in yellow health.

1d 8h 14m Gave Pikachu the Mago Berry to hold.

1d 8h 10m Swapped the order of the party. Pikachu was switched with Absol.

1d 8h 3m Used a Super Potion on Charmeleon. Charmeleon's back at green.

1d 8h 1m Absol grows to level 21.

1d 8h 0m Charmeleon in yellow.

1d 8h 0m Honedge to level 19.

1d 8h 0m Encountered a horde of Nosepass! They block the way out and are chipping away at Charmeleon's HP.

1d 7h 58m Switched out Charmeleon's Honey and gave it the Thunder Stone.

1d 7h 55m Decided against learning Rock Smash for now.

1d 7h 54m Booted up TM94 Rock Smash.

1d 7h 54m Charmeleon forgets Growl and learns Return.

1d 7h 54m Booted up TM27 Return.

1d 7h 54m Booted up HM04 Strength. Charmeleon forgets Scary Face and learns Strength.

1d 7h 52m Switched Charmeleon's Paralyz Heal for Honey.

1d 7h 50m Messing around in the bag.

1d 7h 50m Looks like we're now trying to use the Thunder Stone to evolve Pikachu.

1d 7h 42m Found a Thunder Stone.

[Correction] *from. Kirlia also fainted to Fury Cutter most likely, not Swords Dance by the way.

1d 7h 39m Psychic Sayid defeated.

1d 7h 39m Swords Dance form Honedge this time. Kirlia faints later!

1d 7h 39m Another Fury Cutter! Kirlia in red.

1d 7h 38m Honedge uses Fury Cutter. Kirlia still in green.

1d 7h 38m Kirlia's using Teleport to no success.

1d 7h 38m Switched out Charmeleon and sent in Honedge.

1d 7h 37m Charmeleon's now using Smokescreen. Kirlia uses Lucky Chant.

1d 7h 37m Kirlia's using Double Team.

1d 7h 36m Charmeleon comes at Kirlia with Dragon Rage! Too bad, it doesn't affect Kirlia.

1d 7h 36m Sayid sends in Kirlia.

1d 7h 36m Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage! Meditite faints.

1d 7h 36m VS. Psychic Sayid. Charmeleon vs. Meditite.

1d 7h 35m A trainer challenges us.

1d 7h 33m Used a Super Repel.

1d 7h 31m Looks like we're at the stones now!

1d 7h 31m Menhir Trail's massive stones are just ahead of us.

1d 7h 30m Pikachu grows to level 19.

1d 7h 23m Honedge to level 18 and loses Pursuit for Autotomise.

1d 7h 23m Charmeleon grows to level 28 and does not learn Fire Fang.

1d 7h 19m At Route 10.

1d 7h 17m Wandering around the cycling area.

1d 7h 14m Picked up a Super Potion.

1d 7h 9m Back in Cyllage City.

1d 7h 9m Blacked out!

1d 7h 9m Rock Tomb finishes off Absol!

1d 7h 8m Absol's in yellow too.

1d 7h 8m Keep biting, Absol! Tyrunt in yellow.

1d 7h 8m Bite flinches Tyrunt.

1d 7h 8m Grant sends in Tyrunt.

1d 7h 8m Another Bite! Amaura down.

1d 7h 8m Absol comes at Amaura with Bite! Amaura in yellow and it flinches.

1d 7h 7m Go, Absol!

1d 7h 7m Absol's the only one left.

1d 7h 7m Amaura's second Aurora Beam faints Honedge.

1d 7h 7m Amaura hits with Aurora Beam! Honedge in yellow and uses Metal Sound.

1d 7h 7m Sent in Honedge.

1d 7h 6m Absol and Honedge are left.

1d 7h 6m Pikachu uses Play Nice. Amaura faints Pikachu with its attack.

1d 7h 5m Go, Pikachu!

1d 7h 5m Amaura uses Take Down! Charmeleon faints.

1d 7h 5m Charmeleon vs. Amaura.

1d 7h 5m Battle! VS. Gym Leader Grant.

1d 7h 2m Grant's on the top. Gym leader battle incoming.

1d 7h 2m Scaling the walls! Almost to the top.

1d 7h 1m Hiker Bernard defeated.

1d 7h 1m Absol forgets Feint for Bite.

1d 7h 0m Absol to level 20.

1d 7h 0m Onix uses Tackle! Charmeleon in red. Onix faints later to Charmeleon's attack.

1d 7h 0m Dragon Rage has Onix in red!

1d 7h 0m Onix launches Rock Throw! Charmelon in the low yellow.

1d 7h 0m Out comes Onix.

1d 6h 59m Nosepass uses Tackle. Charmeleon is in yellow. Nosepass is then finished off later.

1d 6h 59m Charmeleon paralysed from Thunder Wave.

1d 6h 58m Charmeleon uses Dragon Rage! Nosepass is in red.

1d 6h 58m Bernard sends in Nosepass.

1d 6h 58m Dragon Rage once more! Rhyhorn faints.

1d 6h 58m Charmeleon leads with Dragon Rage! Rhyhorn is in yellow and uses Rock Tomb.

1d 6h 58m Charmeleon vs. Rhyhorn.

1d 6h 57m VS. Hiker Bernard.

1d 6h 57m Challenged by a trainer.

1d 6h 56m d's doing quite a good job at rock-climbing. He's scaling the walls at a reasonable pace.

1d 6h 51m [Party Order] Charmeleon, Honedge, Absol, Dr. 0

1d 6h 46m Climbing the walls.

1d 6h 42m [Party Order] Dr. 0, Honedge, Charmeleon and Absol.

1d 6h 40m Entered the gym. Left. Back in.

1d 6h 38m Stumbling against the entrance of the Gym.

1d 6h 37m Heading towards the Gym again.

1d 6h 35m In and out of the Center.

1d 6h 35m And now in the Center ... nope.

1d 6h 34m Back in the masseuse's house.

1d 6h 32m In the bicycle shop.

1d 6h 30m Exited the Pokémon Center.

1d 6h 29m Shut it down and ran.

1d 6h 29m Currently in Organize Boxes.

1d 6h 29m Booted up the PC!

1d 6h 28m Back in the Center.

[Snark] I thought that potted plant was actually the masseuse's hair.

1d 6h 27m Dr. 0 is massaged! She now likes d more.

1d 6h 27m Talking to a masseuse in a house.

1d 6h 23m Entered a random house ... and out we go.

1d 6h 20m Wandering the streets.

1d 6h 18m Into the bike shop, and out again.

1d 6h 16m Out onto the streets, nope back in the Center, nope onto the streets.

1d 6h 15m Li'l d decided to put on his traditional hat. That's it.

1d 6h 15m Clothes changing time.

1d 6h 14m Decided against buying something.

1d 6h 14m Wondered into the Mart.

1d 6h 12m Entered the Pokémon Center.

1d 6h 9m Out on the streets.

1d 6h 8m Entering and exiting the Pokemon Center.

1d 6h 7m Shut it down and promptly moved eastwards away from it.

1d 6h 7m Accessed the PC.

1d 6h 6m Black out!

1d 6h 6m Absol brings Onix to the red! But Bind damage takes out Absol.

1d 6h 6m Absol in the red.

1d 6h 5m Onix at half health from constant Pursuits.

1d 6h 5m Absol in the yellow from her bind.

1d 6h 5m Onix puts her in a Bind. Absol strikes back with Pursuit. Little damage is done by either side.

1d 6h 4m Absol is sent in.

[Info] Apparently the stream description has been recently updated.

There are mentions of Twitch Plays Pokemon: Arena, along with a mention of potential parallel runs of counterparts in a generation.

1d 6h 3m Onix takes Charmeleon out with a Rock Throw.

1d 6h 3m Bernard sends in Onix.

1d 6h 2m Nosepass tries tackling Charmeleon. Little damage is done. It promptly gets finished off by a Dragon Rage.

1d 6h 2m Charmeleon gets hit by Thunder Wave and is paralyzed!

1d 6h 2m Dragon Rage immediately brings Nosepass to red.

1d 6h 1m Bernard sends in Nosepass.

1d 6h 1m Charmeleon takes out Rhyhorn with Dragon Rage.

1d 6h 1m Stomp then brings him to red.

1d 6h 0m An X Accuracy is used on Charmeleon!

1d 6h 0m Rock Tomb hits. Charmeleon in yellow. His speed falls.

1d 6h 0m Dragon Rage halves Rhyhorn's HP.

1d 6h 0m Rhyhorn's Rock Tomb promptly misses.

1d 6h 0m Smokescreen is set up.

1d 6h 0m Charmeleon v Rhyhorn.

1d 5h 59m Battling Hiker Bernard.

1d 5h 57m Manon defeated.

1d 5h 56m Absol hits Level 19!

1d 5h 56m Charmeleon Level 27!

1d 5h 56m Lunatone down to Dragon Rage.

1d 5h 56m Psywave does little damage to Charmeleon.

1d 5h 56m Dragon Rage halves its HP.

1d 5h 55m Manon sends in Lunatone.

1d 5h 55m Dragon Rage takes out Solrock.

1d 5h 55m Charmeleon is sent in.

1d 5h 54m Psywave finishes Honedge.

1d 5h 54m Rock Throw from Solrock takes Honedge to red. She then takes out a bit more of Solrock's health with Pursuit.

1d 5h 54m Psywave brings her straight to yellow. A super-effective Fury-Cutter from her does the same to Solrock.

1d 5h 54m Honedge is sent in.

1d 5h 53m Second Electro Ball does little damage. Psywave takes out Dr. 0.

1d 5h 53m Solrock's Rock Tomb immediately brings 0 to yellow.

1d 5h 52m She starts off with Electro Ball. It does little damage to Solrock.

1d 5h 52m Dr. 0 v Solrock

1d 5h 52m Battling Rising Star Manon.

1d 5h 46m Climbing the walls.

1d 5h 45m Back in the gym.

1d 5h 44m Entered the gym. Exited.

1d 5h 43m Heading up the road towards the gym again.

1d 5h 40m On the streets of Cyllage.

1d 5h 39m Dragon Rage halves Solrock's health. Psybeam takes out Charmeleon. Black out.

1d 5h 39m Charmeleon v Solrock.

1d 5h 38m Battling Rising Star Manon.

1d 5h 37m Also, it appears as if battle animations are off.

1d 5h 37m Those three Smokescreens definitely helped Mud Slap and Headbutt miss.

1d 5h 36m Two Dragon Rages later, Roggenrola goes down, and Craig is defeated.

1d 5h 36m Third Smokescreen, Roggenrola's Smack Down misses.

1d 5h 36m A second Smokescreen is used. Headbutt still hits. Charmeleon in red.

1d 5h 36m Roggenrola*, but his Headbutt still hits.

1d 5h 36m Smokescreen is set up. Roggerola's accuracy fell.

1d 5h 35m Charmeleon v Roggenrola.

1d 5h 35m Battling Hiker Craig.

1d 5h 32m Climbing the walls.

1d 5h 26m Currently near the entrance of the gym.

1d 5h 19m Wallclimbing time, ho!

1d 5h 18m Rising Star Didier defeated.

1d 5h 18m Charmeleon grows to Level 26.

1d 5h 17m The second Rock Tomb misses, allowing Charmeleon to take out Relicanth with Dragon Rage.

1d 5h 17m Rock Tomb still hits, halving Charmeleon's health and slowing him down.

1d 5h 17m He uses a Smokescreen, reducing Relicanth's accuracy.

1d 5h 17m Charmeleon is sent in.

1d 5h 16m Down she then goes to a Water Gun.

1d 5h 16m Honedge awakes! She brings Relicanth into red with a Pursuit.

1d 5h 16m Relicanth brings her down to red with two Water Guns.

1d 5h 16m She throws out a second Metal Sound, but falls asleep soon after.

1d 5h 15m Honedge grows drowsy from a Yawn! She uses Metal Sound to lower Relicanth's special defense.

1d 5h 15m Honedge is sent in.

1d 5h 14m Second Water Gun takes her out.

1d 5h 13m Water Gun from Relicanth sends Absol into the yellow.

1d 5h 13m A second Pursuit takes Relicanth to red. Absol falls asleep!

1d 5h 13m Relicanth yawns! Absol is drowsy. She hits Relicanth with a Pursuit.

1d 5h 12m Feint does little damage to Relicanth. Rock Tomb on the other hand takes out a chunk of Absol's HP and lowers her speed.

1d 5h 12m Absol is sent in.

1d 5h 11m Didier sends in a Relicanth. It takes two Electro Balls from Dr. 0 and is brought to yellow. It takes out Dr. 0 with a Rock Tomb.

1d 5h 11m Honedge hits Level 17.

1d 5h 10m Second Electro Ball takes out Dwebble.

1d 5h 10m An Electro Ball then brings Dwebble to red. 0's in the yellow from another Faint Attack.

1d 5h 10m Faint Attack from Dwebble takes out a third of Dr. 0's HP. But it gets paralyzed by Static!

1d 5h 10m Dr. 0 hits with a Quick Attack. Little damage is done.

1d 5h 9m We send in Dr. 0 against his Dwebble.

1d 5h 9m Battling Rising Star Didier!

1d 5h 9m Climbing up these walls.

1d 5h 7m Entered the Cyllage City Gym!

1d 5h 7m Near the gym.

1d 5h 6m Heading onto the cliffs.

1d 5h 2m With that, he bids farewell, telling us that we can go challenge him at his gym later.

1d 5h 2m However, he does grant us HM04: Strength!

1d 5h 1m We head up the mountain road! Grant appears! He tells us that we're too late for the Bicycle race.

1d 5h 1m Saved the game.

1d 4h 56m Back in the Cyllage Pokemon Center ... and now out on the streets.

1d 4h 56m Black out!

1d 4h 56m The mouse promptly takes him out with Rollout.

1d 4h 56m Charmeleon is sent in. He growls at Azumarill.

1d 4h 56m On the other hand, Charmeleon has no attacking moves but Dragon Rage.

1d 4h 55m Thankfully, he managed to bring Azumarill down to rather low health.

1d 4h 55m Next Rollout KOs Absol.

1d 4h 55m Absol in the red from Rollout! Azumarill in the yellow.

1d 4h 54m Constant Feints are doing chipping away at Azumarill's health. Absol is down in the yellow from Rollout.

1d 4h 54m A Bubblebeam brings Absol down to three-thirds of its HP. The next turn, Azumarill starts rolling.

1d 4h 53m Absol does little damage to Azumarill with Feint.

1d 4h 53m Moondoge/Absol is sent in.

1d 4h 53m Another Rollout KOs Honedge.

1d 4h 52m Honedge is down at half-health from Rollouts. Pursuit does little damage to Azumarill.

1d 4h 52m Rollout whacks into Honedge and does little damage.

1d 4h 51m Charmeleon's in the yellow. He's switched out for Honedge.

1d 4h 51m Charmeleon sets up a Smokescreen. It can't stop Azumarill from rolling.

1d 4h 51m Dragon Rage has no effect. The Azumarill starts rolling.

1d 4h 50m Dragon Rage doesn't effect the part Fairy-type! Bubblebeam hits Charmeleon for a bit of health.

1d 4h 50m Fumiko sends in an Azumarill.

1d 4h 49m Moondoge hits Level 18.

1d 4h 49m A Dragon Rage finishes off the Skiploom.

1d 4h 49m We send in Charmeleon.

1d 4h 48m Quick Attack hits Skiploom, bringing it to red. Fairy Wind takes out Dr. 0

1d 4h 48m The Doc is poisoned! She's brought Skiploom down into the yellow, at least.

1d 4h 48m The Doc wakes up next turn. Hits with a Quick Attack. She's then brought to red by an Airc Cutter.

1d 4h 48m The next turn, Air Cutter brings the Doc's health down a bit.

1d 4h 47m Skiploom puts the Doc to sleep with Sleep Powder!

1d 4h 47m The Doc starts off with an Electro Ball, it doesn't do much damage.

1d 4h 47m Dr. 0 vs Skiploom.

1d 4h 47m Battling Tourist Fumiko!

1d 4h 46m Roaming around the road.

1d 4h 44m Onto Route 10.

1d 4h 43m Northwards bound, we are.

1d 4h 40m Hanging around on the streets of Cyllage City.

1d 4h 37m Back in the Cyllage City Pokecenter! Stepped outside!

[ríp] ríp

1d 4h 37m Absol faints to a wild Emolga! Black Out!

[Info] Absol is our only Pokemon left, at 2 HP!

1d 4h 35m Pikachu faints to a wild Emolga!

1d 4h 33m We switched Pikachu and Charmeleon! Pikachu leads!

1d 4h 30m Found a X Accuracy!

1d 4h 30m Pikachu forgets Growl and learns Electro Ball!

1d 4h 29m Pikachu grew to level 18!

1d 4h 28m Honedge faints to a wild Golett!

1d 4h 22m We save!

1d 4h 21m Honedge level 16! Defeated Psychic Robert!

1d 4h 20m Solosis used Snatch again, we used Pursuit. Solosis down!

1d 4h 20m Another Pursuit from us!

1d 4h 20m Our foe used Snatch, we used Pursuit!

1d 4h 20m Solosis used Light Screen, we used Pursuit!

1d 4h 19m We send out Honedge against Solosis!

1d 4h 19m Challenged by Psychic Robert!

1d 4h 18m Absol forgets Quick Attack and learns Taunt!

1d 4h 18m Absol became level 17!

1d 4h 16m Charmeleon faints to the Eevee!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Eevee so cute <3

1d 4h 14m A wild Eevee appears!

1d 4h 13m Battling wild Pokemon!

1d 4h 12m On Route 10!

1d 4h 5m Back outside!

1d 4h 4m We buy new sunglasses!

1d 4h 2m We also got new pants in the process!

1d 3h 59m We buy a new shirt! It's orange!

[Clarification] We clicked Yes on the purchase, but were forced to decline because we couldn't afford it.

1d 3h 58m Back in the Change Room!

1d 3h 57m It costs 6,100 dollars for the outfit. We decline.

1d 3h 56m We put on a new shirt, and purse.

1d 3h 56m We go into the fitting room!

1d 3h 55m We enter a Clothes Boutique!

1d 3h 50m We save!

1d 3h 49m Back outside!

1d 3h 48m Obtained the Bicycle! It's green, so we can zoom all across Kalos!

1d 3h 48m We're the Customer 10,001, and we can win a bike by answering a quiz!

1d 3h 47m We enter the Bike Shop!

1d 3h 42m We saved!

1d 3h 41m Back outside!

1d 3h 40m Checkpointed at the Pokecenter!

1d 3h 40m Back outside!

1d 3h 38m We pet the Marill in the room.

1d 3h 38m We entered someone's house!

1d 3h 36m Back in Cyllage City!

1d 3h 35m Charmeleon level 25! Honedge level 15! Swimmer defeated!

1d 3h 35m We use Dragon Rage again, and KO Masquerain!

1d 3h 34m We use Dragon Rage, it uses Gust.

1d 3h 34m We send out Charmeleon against Masquerain!

1d 3h 34m Fighting Swimmer Marisa on Route 8!

1d 3h 29m In Cyllage City!

1d 3h 24m Absol is level 16! Swimmer defeated!

1d 3h 24m Another Dragon Rage takes out Psyduck!

1d 3h 24m We use Dragon Rage again, Psyduck uses Confusion!

1d 3h 24m Against Psyduck!

1d 3h 23m We use Dragon Rage again and KO Wingull!

1d 3h 23m We use Dragon Rage, and we avoid Supersonic.

1d 3h 23m Wingull uses Water Pulse. It's Super Effective!

1d 3h 23m We send out Charmeleon against Wingull!

1d 3h 22m Challenged Swimmer Genevieve!

1d 3h 19m On Route 8 Lower!

1d 3h 18m In the huge /u/SolidGoldMagikarp room again!

1d 3h 17m In the Aquarium!

1d 3h 16m Back outside!

1d 3h 13m PC Time?

1d 3h 13m Back in the Pokecenter!

1d 3h 13m We save!

1d 3h 12m Inputs back!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

1d 3h 11m Inputs are down!

1d 3h 8m Back outside!

[Snark] Great job finally getting over your fear of the PC guys! Why not celebrate with a PC shuffle?

1d 3h 8m Back inside the Pokecenter. We heal!

1d 3h 8m Back Outside!

1d 3h 7m Or not.

1d 3h 7m PC TIME!

1d 3h 6m We save!

1d 3h 6m Checkpointed at the Pokecenter!

1d 3h 5m Back outside!

[Fluff] Does anyone else think this music sounds like "How Deep Is Your Love?"

1d 3h 4m We go inside of the Aquarium!

1d 3h 3m Back in Ambrette Town!

1d 3h 2m Route 8 again!

1d 3h 1m We save!

1d 3h 1m In Ambrette Town!

1d 2h 56m Defeated Rising Star Rhys!

1d 2h 56m Honedge level 14!

1d 2h 55m We use Dragon Rage again and KO Skiddo!

1d 2h 55m We use Dragon Rage, while it responds with Growth.

1d 2h 55m Against Skiddo!

1d 2h 54m We use Dragon Rage, and KO Goldeen!

1d 2h 54m We hit ourselves. Goldeen uses Water Pulse!

1d 2h 54m We use Dragon Rage, it uses Supersonic. Charmeleon confused!

1d 2h 54m Against Goldeen!

1d 2h 53m Charmeleon level 24!

1d 2h 53m We use Dragon Rage, it responds with a Tackle. Another Dragon Rage KOs it!

1d 2h 53m We send Charmeleon out against Pancham.

1d 2h 52m Challenged by Rising Star Rhys!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I can have the video of the game feed into Skype

[Snark] QQ? Why, why, why? If an Absol is crying the reason should be obvious: a disaster must be imminent.

1d 2h 49m Absol's nickname is QQYyy25o6wf7

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: one day I'd like to have people call in and commentate Stadium/PBR matches

1d 2h 49m Honedge level 13! Learned Pursuit over Tackle!

1d 2h 48m We use a Net Ball and catch a level 15 Female Absol!

1d 2h 46m Battling wild Pokemon.

1d 2h 44m Charmeleon switched with Pikachu, and he has a Paralyz Heal!

[Meta] GDoc is now updated

1d 2h 40m On Route 8!

1d 2h 36m Lady in the cave heals us!

1d 2h 33m In the Connecting Cave!

1d 2h 30m Honedge grew to level 12! Artist defeated!

1d 2h 30m We KO Smeargle with Dragon Rage!

1d 2h 29m We send out Charmeleon!

1d 2h 29m Another Powder Snow KOs Pikachu!

1d 2h 28m We use Quick Attack, Smeargle uses Powder Sniow.

1d 2h 28m We Quick attack again, it uses Rock Throw!

1d 2h 28m We use Quick Attack, it uses Powder Snow!

1d 2h 27m Challenged by Artist Pierre! We send out Pikachu against Smeargle!

1d 2h 24m Pikachu level 16! Defeated Artist Georgia!

1d 2h 24m We use Dragons Rage again and KO Smeargle!

1d 2h 24m We used Dragon Rage, Smeargle responds with another Water Gun!

1d 2h 23m We used Smoke Screen, whil our foe used Water Gun on us!

1d 2h 23m We sent out Charmeleon, Smeargle used Ember.

[Info] The Honedge in our party is the Honedge that I traded over, so it has the trade experience boost.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Well at least we haven't released anyone

1d 2h 22m We used Play Nice again, our foe used Ember!

1d 2h 22m 1d 2h 22m We use Play Nice, while Smeargle used Brick Break.

1d 2h 21m Battling Artist Georgia! We send out Pikachu against Smeargle!

1d 2h 19m Outside!

[Info] Level 23

1d 2h 17m We get back Charmeleon! He leveled up twice!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: that was close

1d 2h 15m Booted up the PC!

1d 2h 14m In the Daycare!

[Correction] Honedge, not Hanedge.

1d 2h 7m Fighting wild Pokemon!

1d 2h 6m Outside of the Daycare!

1d 2h 5m Received the Net Ball from Pikachu. We also withdrew Hanedge!

[Fluff] Help us Dr.Pikachu! We're in big trouble here!

1d 2h 5m Trying to navigate the PC!

[Snark] Let Round 3 of the Great PC Shuffle begin!

1d 2h 4m We deposit all of our Pokemon but Pikachu!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Not again FailFish

1d 2h 2m PC Time!

[Fluff] Famous last words.

[Snark] This is our Final Team

[Fluff] Yes.

[Snark] Are we really so afraid of the PC that we can't even use it for a second without trying to exit out? Kappa

1d 1h 58m PC Time! Or not.

1d 1h 57m We put Vivillon in the Daycare!

1d 1h 57m We get back Pikachu from the Daycare. He's level 15!

1d 1h 56m In the Daycare!

1d 1h 54m On Route 7!

1d 1h 52m Entered someone's house!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Good job everyone, 4 hours of PC and not a single release <3

[Party] Vivillon, Hanedge, Panpour, Scatterbug, and Hanedge!

1d 1h 50m Outside of the Pokecenter!

[Fluff] Hanedge Kappa

1d 1h 50m We withdrew another Hanedge and a Scatterbug!

1d 1h 47m More video shenanigans!

1d 1h 45m We withdrew Panpour!

1d 1h 44m Lord Helix's moves: Rock Smash, Constrict, Water Gun, Bite.

[Snark] Charmeleon confirmed Abby!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Pikachu and Abby are in the daycare, and there's mega lucario and the deer along the way

1d 1h 42m We gave Scatterbug a Great Ball!

1d 1h 42m We also used a Honey!

1d 1h 41m We gave Vivillon a Charizardite X!

1d 1h 41m Video time!

1d 1h 37m We withdrew Honedge!

[Fluff] Not including the time we spent at the daycare PC.

1d 1h 35m We put Panpour's Great Ball in our bag!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Do you think enabling L and R will help?

[Fluff] 42 Minutes, Twitch_Plays_3ds.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Asking for demo on second day?

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: how long have we been here?

1d 1h 33m We edit our PR video!

1d 1h 30m We deposit Beedrill in Box 2!

1d 1h 30m We withdrew Beedrill!

1d 1h 25m We watched the WHOLE VIDEO!

1d 1h 23m PR Video!!!

1d 1h 20m We are still at the PC!

1d 1h 17m Dat PR Video.

1d 1h 16m Still in the PC.

1d 1h 14m Vivillon's new move set: Hold Hands, Light Screen, Struggle Bug, Gust.

1d 1h 13m Looking at our videos!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Did you took the mega stone back?

1d 1h 11m We took the Charizardite off of Beedril!

1d 1h 10m We gave Weedle a Great Ball!

1d 1h 10m We gave Panpour a Great Ball!

1d 1h 8m We gave Inka a Great Ball!

1d 1h 7m We gave Oddish the Pokeball, and Quilladon the Leaf Stone!

[Info] We gave Lord Helix the Sail Fossil.

[Info] The last 3 Pokemon we deposited were in the Battle Box.

1d 1h 3m We currently have 1 Vivillon in our party.

1d 1h 2m We mess with videos!

1d 1h 1m Weve seen 60 types of Pokemon!

1d 1h 1m We deposit Sandile and Honedge!

[Snark] Has Pokestar Studios been completely taken over by the PC now?

1d 0h 59m Still at the PC.

1d 0h 57m Editing some videos!

[Info] Beedrill is deposited in the Battle Box!

1d 0h 54m We deposit Beedrlil!

1d 0h 53m Watching our video!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Daycare is basically a pokemon center with nurse joy replaced with a woman who ask $100 to do anything

1d 0h 51m In the videos section.

1d 0h 51m Accessed the PC!

1d 0h 47m Back inside of the Pokecenter!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Grazinbullets Kappa

1d 0h 46m Back Outside!

1d 0h 44m We watch TV!

1d 0h 43m Currently trying to put new clothes on.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Kappa

1d 0h 40m Checkpointed at the Pokecenter!

[Info] EXP Share is currently turned off.

1d 0h 38m In Camphrier Town!

1d 0h 38m Still going along Route 7!

[Fluff] I am amazed that we have deposited nearly all of our party and we have had no releases.

1d 0h 34m Battling wild Pokemon!

1d 0h 33m Outside of the Daycare!

[Info] Apparently at some point we swapped Beedrill's Net Ball for Beldum's Charizardite X!

1d 0h 28m PR VIDEO!

1d 0h 27m Still in the PC.

1d 0h 27m We also deposit Beldum!

1d 0h 25m We deposit Spoink!

1d 0h 25m Still in the PC.

[Snark] Best video ever! 10/10

1d 0h 22m Editing the PR video!

1d 0h 22m We view our third PR video again!

1d 0h 21m We access the PC!

1d 0h 17m We save!

1d 0h 13m We swap Beldum and Spoink!

1d 0h 10m We try taking back our Beedrill, but we have no room!

1d 0h 9m We save again!

1d 0h 8m Booted up the PC again, in the videos. We watch our third PR video!

1d 0h 7m We save!

1d 0h 2m PC booted up!

Happy Day 2 of Pokemon X!

0d 23h 59m We withdrew Beldum, Sandile, and Honedge!

0d 23h 58m We depositied Beldom!

0d 23h 56m Accessed the PC!

0d 23h 56m We put Charmeleon into there!

0d 23h 56m We got Beedrill back!

0d 23h 55m Apparently the house was the daycare, because we just put Beedrill and Pikachu into there!

0d 23h 54m New order for Charmeleon's moves: Smokescreen, Growl, Scary Face, Dragon Rage.

0d 23h 54m Accessed the PC. Turned it off.

0d 23h 52m We head inside someone's house.

[Info] We have 4 Great Balls left.

0d 23h 44m The Swirlix was level 14, Male, nickname is AA ZF QMXNSR

0d 23h 43m Charmeleon learned Scary Face over Ember!

[Stats] Charmeleon Lv. 21 - Max. HP 62 Attack 39 Defense 35 Sp. Atk 36 Sp. Def 37 Speed 41

0d 23h 43m Another Great Ball catches it! Charmeleon level 21!

0d 23h 42m Used a Great Ball on a wild Swirlix, it failed.

0d 23h 40m Route 7!

0d 23h 39m In Connecting Cave!

[Snark] THE COPS!

0d 23h 33m Wingull Attack!

0d 23h 29m We save!

0d 23h 28m Used a Great Ball on a Spoink. Caught, Level 13, Male. Nickname is OEM(space)

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !save

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Another (SwiftRage) pig

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: The 3DS is placed flat on a surface with lots of wires coming out, no way to hold it upside down

0d 23h 26m Caught Level 14 Inkay, Female! Nickname is Inka

0d 23h 26m A third Great Ball!

0d 23h 25m Pikachu faints to the wild Inkay!

0d 23h 24m Another Great Ball fails.

0d 23h 24m We used a Great ball on a wild Inkay. It failed. 10 Remain!

0d 23h 20m Back in Route 8!

0d 23h 20m Back outside!

0d 23h 19m In the Aquarium!

0d 23h 18m Back outside!

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> Anyone has the powersave for 3DS?

0d 23h 16m In the Aquarium!

0d 23h 16m Back in Ambrette Town!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: fyi charizardite is on beldum

0d 23h 12m Back on Route 8.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3DS: FailFish

0d 23h 11m Back in the Pokecenter, and right back out.

[ríp] ríp

0d 23h 11m Spink faints to the wild Bagon! Black Out!

0d 23h 11m Third Great Ball fails.

0d 23h 10m Second Great Ball fails. 12 left.

0d 23h 10m We use a Great Ball on a wild Bagon. It fails.

0d 22h 58m We forget Poison Sting and learned Rage!

0d 22h 57m Beedrill grew to level 19!

0d 22h 52m Caught a level 14 Male Spoink, nickname is RQ?eeqpgoy q

0d 22h 52m We use our last Pokeball on a Spoinx. It catches!

0d 22h 49m Vivillon faints!

0d 22h 48m Another Pokeball fails.

0d 22h 46m We have 3 Pokeballs left. We use another one. It fails. Now 2 left. Beldum faints to it!

0d 22h 46m We use another Pokeball on a wild Absol. It fails.

0d 22h 44m We use a Pokeball against a wild Absol. It fails. We run.

0d 22h 43m Second Pokeball fails against a wild Drifloon. Charmeleon faints! We run!

0d 22h 42m We waste another Pokeball.

0d 22h 40m Used a Pokeball on a Zangoose. It fails.

0d 22h 36m We ran!

0d 22h 36m Sixth one fails.

0d 22h 35m Fifth one fails.

0d 22h 35m Fourth one fails.

0d 22h 35m We used a Third Pokeball, it fails.

0d 22h 33m Pikachu fainted to the Absol!

0d 22h 33m We throw another one. Failed.

0d 22h 33m We waste a Pokeball on a wild Absol!

[Info] Hold Hands is a useless move like Splash minus an animation. It just fails in single battles, it only works in double or triple. It still eats up a turn in single.

[Info] Vivillon confirmed level 12, female by status display.

0d 22h 27m On Route 12!

[Info] Vivillon level is confirmed, gender isn't confirmed, also comes in a Cherish Ball! Moves are Gust, Light Screen, Struggle Bug, and Hold Hands.

0d 22h 25m We save!

[Info] Our Vivillon may be level 12, and Female. Obviously no Nickname.

0d 22h 23m Back Outside!

0d 22h 22m Received Vivillion!

0d 22h 21m We deposit Lady Helix and Quilladin!

0d 22h 21m Accessed the PC!

0d 22h 17m We keep changing our clothes.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3ds: FailFish

0d 22h 12m We heal!

0d 22h 12m In the Pokecenter!

0d 22h 8m In and out of the Pokecenter!

0d 22h 5m In Ambrette Town again.

0d 22h 2m Found a Heart Scale!

0d 22h 1m On Route 8!

0d 21h 59m We enter the Aquarium!

0d 21h 58m Outside!

0d 21h 56m Accessed the PC, immediately left!

0d 21h 56m We can't get the mystery gift because our party is full. We leave and re-enter.

0d 21h 55m Our Pokemon are infected with Pokerus!

0d 21h 55m We save, and heal our Pokemon!

0d 21h 47m Still in the Pokecenter!

0d 21h 39m Trying to change our clothes. Almost as hard as the first time, but we succeed.

[Info] We switched Pin Missle and Bite on Quilladin!

0d 21h 36m Accessing the PC several times.

0d 21h 34m Back in the Pokecenter!

0d 21h 33m Back in the Pokecenter! And out!

[ríp] ríp

0d 21h 33m Psyduck used Water Pulse, Omanyte fainted! Black Out!

0d 21h 33m Same setup as before. Confusion vs. Withdraw.

0d 21h 32m Psyduck used Confusion, we use Withdraw!

0d 21h 32m We send out Omanyte!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Are we getting swept by a duck FailFish

0d 21h 31m Psyduck used Water Pulse, we use Take Down Beldum faints from recoil!

[Stats] Beldum Lv. 15 - Max. HP 41 Attack 28 Defense 33 Sp. Atk 15 Sp. Def 27 Speed 19

0d 21h 31m Against Psyduck!

[Info] Against Swimmer Genevive!

0d 21h 30m Beldum is level 15!

0d 21h 30m We send out Beldum! Wingull uses Wing Attack, Beldum uses Take Down. Wingull fainted!

0d 21h 28m We hit ourselves, and Wingull used Water Pulse. Charmeleon down!

0d 21h 28m We use Smoke Screen, it uses Wing Attack.

0d 21h 27m We send out Charmeleon. Wingull used Water Pulse. It also confuses us.

0d 21h 26m Wingull used Supersonic, confusing us. Beldum hits itself.

0d 21h 26m We send out Beldum!

0d 21h 25m We try switching to another Pokemon.

[Fluff] How many of you want Wi-Fi on? Keep in mind this is not a poll from the streamer; as such, Yes winning will not guarantee Wi-Fi will be enabled.

0d 21h 24m Wingull uses Wing Attack, and we KO ourselves!

0d 21h 24m Wingull used Supersonic, confusing us. We hit ourselves.

0d 21h 24m Wingull uses Water Pulse, while we miss Fury Attack!

0d 21h 23m We send out Beedrill!

[Info] The Wingull before was this one.

0d 21h 22m Quilladin fainted to a trainer's Wingull!

0d 21h 22m A wild Wingull confuses us. Hooray!

0d 21h 19m We get the Dowsing Machine!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Try !roulette for WiFi Kappa

0d 21h 16m We found a Mago Berry!

0d 21h 13m Checking our Pokedex.

it's my room

0d 21h 9m On Route 8 Lower!

0d 21h 9m In the huge /u/SolidGoldMagikarp room again.

0d 21h 8m In the Aquarium!

0d 21h 7m Back outside!

0d 21h 7m Still in the Pokecenter.

0d 21h 6m We save! In the Pokecenter. Accessed the PC!

0d 21h 5m In and out of the Pokecenter!

[Chat] Renakunisaki: You can get this emulator at several big department stores for ~$200. It works perfectly, no save states or hacked ROMs tho. Kappa

0d 21h 2m Back in Ambrette Town!

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: PBR will also require a new server, possibly one custom built and overclocked to handle what is possibly the most demanding Wii game to emulate (even more than Super Mario Galaxy)

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !save

0d 20h 58m At the other side of the rocked pathway. We save!

[CATZ] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Michael Catson or RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I can confirm the Catz soundtrack also loops infinitely

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: for PBR I would have to change the entire interface to fit the new aspect ratio

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I'm not working on PBR yet, it will be Stadium 2 to start with

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I have found a way to get the soundtracks of Pokemon games to play and loop infinitely without gaps or other glitches, unfortunately I have not found a way to disable music in Stadium 2, it should be possible with a cheat code or rom hacking but these things are beyond me

0d 20h 44m We throw a Great Ball at a wild Sandile. We fail.

0d 20h 43m On the Rhydorn! Breaking boulders is fun!

0d 20h 43m Pikachu fainted in that battle!

0d 20h 42m Facing off against a wild Helioptile!


[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: dome

0d 20h 31m Trainer heals us!

0d 20h 29m Getting on and off of our Rhydorn!

0d 20h 28m Back outside on Route 9!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: FailFish

0d 20h 28m We re-entered the cave immediately! FailFish

0d 20h 28m We use our Escape Rope!

0d 20h 26m Chatting with our Holo Causter!

[Info] The ! is part of the nickname.

0d 20h 23m Used a Great Ball, Caught a wild Machop, Male, Level 16. Nickname is AMmU YYNWO! and Helix level to 17!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: pikachu <3

0d 20h 20m "There doesn't seem to be anything here"

0d 20h 19m We used a Honey!

0d 20h 16m We gave Pikachu a Pokeball!

0d 20h 11m We gave Pikachu's Net Ball to Beedrill!

[Info] Item update! Pikachu has a Net Ball, Helix a Pokeball, Beldum a Charizardite X, and Charmeleon a Paralyze Heal. Beedrill and Quilladin have nothing.

0d 20h 7m We save!

0d 20h 7m Serena recommends we challenge the next gym!

0d 20h 6m Obtained the Sail Fossil!

0d 20h 6m Serena and us find the scientist with the Fossils!

0d 20h 5m Found an Escape Rope!

[Correction] Up to and not including that Woobat.

[Google Doc] Updated the GDoc. Except notable events. I'll work on that later. Also, releases and trades are differentiated now.

0d 20h 4m Caught a wild Woobat, Level 18, Female, No nickname (with a Great Ball)!

0d 20h 2m Team Plasma Grunts defeated!

0d 20h 2m Charmeleon level 20! Beedrill level 18! Beldum level 14!

0d 20h 1m Braxien used Howl, we use Ember, and Scraggy faints!

0d 20h 1m Braxien used Flame Charge, we used Ember, Scraggy used Brick Break on us!

0d 20h 0m We send out Charmeleon! Braxien used Ember, and Scraggy used Headbutt on us!

0d 20h 0m We try fumbling around with some menus.

0d 20h 0m Serena sent out Braixen!

0d 20h 0m Serena's Espurr fainted!

0d 19h 59m Quilladin level 24!

0d 19h 59m Espur fainted Croagunk with Psybeam!

0d 19h 59m We send out Beedrill, Espurr (Serena) used Light Screen, foe Croagunk and foe Scraggy hits used Brick Break!

0d 19h 58m Double battle against two Team Flare Grunts! e are partnered up with the Greeter from before, Serena!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !party (Hate to burst your bubble guys, but it seems to just be a command to update the party display.)

[Chat] "Double Rollout!" "Rollout Kreygasm!"

0d 19h 56m Defeated Team Flare Grunt!

0d 19h 56m Helix learned Rollout over Constrict!

0d 19h 55m Helix level 16!

0d 19h 55m We use Rollout again and OHKO it!

0d 19h 55m Against Electrike!

0d 19h 55m Beldum level 13!

0d 19h 55m Quilladin does a Third Rollout, KOing Gulpin!

0d 19h 55m Another Rollout, another Amnesia!

[Chat] └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫ TEAM FLARE DANCE RIOT ♫ └༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┐♫

0d 19h 54m We use Rollout, while our foe uses Amnesia!

0d 19h 54m We send out Quilladin against Gulpin!

0d 19h 54m Against Team Flare Grunt.

0d 19h 53m Beedrill level 17! Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

0d 19h 53m Beedrill uses Fury Attack again, KOing Zubat!

0d 19h 53m We use Fury Attack! And Zubat uses Astonish!

0d 19h 52m We use Poison Sting again, our foe misses Supersonic!

0d 19h 52m We use Poison Sting, while Zubat uses Wing Attack!

0d 19h 52m Up against Zubat! We send out Beedrill!

0d 19h 51m We use Rollout, KOing Houndoom!

0d 19h 51m We use Bite, while our foe uses Bite right back!

0d 19h 51m We send out Quilladin against Houndoom!

0d 19h 51m Battling Team Flare Grunt!

0d 19h 50m We don't fight, though.

0d 19h 50m Encountered Team Flare Grunt!

[Strategy] Here's a map of this area.

[Snark] Delelelelelele-BWWWWWWWWWWWWPP!

0d 19h 45m ZQR B BWWWPP is the nickname! Level 17, Male!

0d 19h 44m Pokeball catches wild Machop!

0d 19h 39m Wandering the cave.

[Info] Btw, if you couldn't tell, EXP Share is ON!

[Info] Solrock has no gender.

0d 19h 36m Fourth pokeball catches! Solrock, lvl 17, nickname 669e!ap2tynj!. Quilladin level 23, Helix level 15, Beldum 12, Charmeleon 19!

0d 19h 35m Third Pokeball failed.

0d 19h 33m The second Pokeball fails! 16 Pokeballs left! Pikachu faints!

0d 19h 33m We use a Pokeball on a wild Solrock! It fails!

0d 19h 32m Inside of the Cave!

0d 19h 30m Trainer healed our Pokemon!

0d 19h 27m Back outside.

0d 19h 27m Inside Glittering Cave!

0d 19h 24m Found a Super Repel!

0d 19h 24m Off of the Rhydorn!

0d 19h 20m We use a Pokeball on a wild Sandile. It fails! Pikachu faints!

0d 19h 17m Another Pokeball fails.

0d 19h 16m We use a Pokeball and a wild Hippopptas! It fails. We also fall asleep!

0d 19h 10m We break through some boulders!

[Party] Pikachu, Quilladin, Omanyte, Charmeleon, Beldum, Beedrill.

0d 19h 7m We use 2 Pokeballs on a wild Helipoptile. Failed.

[Party] Current order: Pikachu, Beedrill, Charmeleon, Omanyte, Beldum, Quilladin.

0d 19h 4m We use a Pokeball on a wild mon. Caught a Lv. 15 Female Sandile, nickname is Sandile2g222

0d 18h 57m We save! Traversing the Rocky Terrain!

0d 18h 54m Beldum faints to the wild Hippopotas!

0d 18h 53m Another Pokeball fails!

0d 18h 53m Beldum fell to sleep in battle. Another Pokeball fails!

0d 18h 52m We use another Pokeball! It fails!

0d 18h 52m We use 2 Pokeballs on a wild Hippopotas! They fail!

0d 18h 50m Sandile was inbetween lvl 15-17!

0d 18h 50m A Female, R'4n7oi,56t is the nickname!

0d 18h 49m We use a Pokeball on a wild Sandile. It catches! Lady Helix Level 14!

0d 18h 47m On and off our Rhydorn!

0d 18h 47m On Route 9!

0d 18h 42m Outside!

0d 18h 42m Accessed the PC! Or not!

0d 18h 39m We buy 19 Great Balls!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Just imagine what happens when we get the fossil FailFish

0d 18h 31m We are inside again!

0d 18h 31m Outside!

0d 18h 30m Accessed the PC, made a PR video our favorite! Left!

0d 18h 30m We swap Pikachu and Beedrill in our party!

[Snark] inb4 we release everything in our party and box, except worm

0d 18h 25m In the Pokecenter!

0d 18h 24m In the Pokecenter! Or not!

0d 18h 22m In Ambrette Town!

[Info] Our battle style is on switch!

0d 18h 18m Hopping on some rocks!

0d 18h 16m On Route 8!

0d 18h 12m Obtained TM94 Rock Smash!

0d 18h 11m Outside of the Pokecenter!

[ríp] ríp

0d 18h 10m Black Out!

0d 18h 10m Beedrill faints to a Wild Sandile!

0d 18h 5m Moving on the Rhydorn!

0d 18h 4m We turn off the EXP Share!

0d 18h 2m We keep getting off and on it.

0d 18h 1m We ride on a Rhydorn!

0d 18h 0m Route 9!

0d 17h 58m Back outside!

0d 17h 57m We talk about Mega-Evolution, and the greeter tells us to go to Glittering Cave!

0d 17h 57m The person who greeted us guides us to the scientists!

[Info] This is the lab with the fossils in it.

0d 17h 55m Inside the Prof's Lab!

0d 17h 54m Outside!

0d 17h 53m We've seen 55 Different Types of Pokemon!

0d 17h 53m Accessed the PC!

0d 17h 51m We change our look!

0d 17h 50m We checkpoint at the PokeCenter!

0d 17h 50m Back in Ambrette Town!

0d 17h 48m Quilladin fainted to a wild Absol!

[Correction] Quilladin is level 22. Our Charmander from before became level 18!

0d 17h 44m Back in Route 8!

0d 17h 44m Outside!

0d 17h 43m Inside of the Aquarium!

0d 17h 42m We head outside!

0d 17h 40m Inside the house, we check our Pokemon.

0d 17h 39m We are going back and forth in the doorway.

0d 17h 39m We head into someone's house!

0d 17h 38m We exit the Aquarium!

0d 17h 37m On the upstairs level now.

[Snark] We go into a room with a huge /u/SolidGoldMagikarp in it.

0d 17h 35m We head into the Ambrette Aquarium!

0d 17h 34m Someone greets us! She tells us to go to the Fossil Lab!

0d 17h 34m We save once more! In Ambrette Town!

[Info] Bagon was level 14!

0d 17h 31m We save!

0d 17h 30m We used our only Quick Ball on it and caught a wild male Bagon! Qulladin leveled to 18!

0d 17h 29m We use a Pokeball on a wild Bagon. It failed. 21 remaining.

0d 17h 24m We find a Leaf Stone!

[Snark] We need a FailFish counter for Twitch_Plays_3DS.

0d 17h 20m We decline a Sky Battle with a Sky Trainer, then accept it. But we can't battle.

0d 17h 19m Hoping across some rocks.

0d 17h 15m Defeated Black Belt Cadoc!

0d 17h 15m We failed Focus Energy, Machop used Karate Chop. Machop faints due to poison!

0d 17h 14m We use Focus Energy, while Machop uses Foresight.

0d 17h 14m Beedrill used Poison Sting, poisoning Machop, while Machop used Karate Chop.

0d 17h 14m Beedrill used Poison Sting, Machop used Karate Chop.

0d 17h 14m We send out Beedrill!

[Correction] We sent out an Omanyte, not Omastar.

0d 17h 13m Machop used Karate Chop and KOed Omanyte!

0d 17h 13m We send out Omastar!

0d 17h 12m We use Dragon Rage, while Machop uses Karate Chop. Charmeleon down!

0d 17h 11m Battle vs. Black Belt Cadoc. We send out Charmeleon against Machop!

0d 17h 10m We save!

0d 17h 7m Still battling wild Pokemon.

0d 17h 6m Pikachu faints to a wild Spoink!

0d 17h 0m Beldum faints to a wild Drifloon!

[Party] Current order: Beldum, Pikachu, Charmeleon, Omanyte, Qulladin, Beedrill

0d 16h 56m We switch SmokeScreen and Ember on Charmeleon's moveset!

0d 16h 53m We run into some friends. The Coastal Kalos Pokedex was added!

0d 16h 53m On Route 8!


0d 16h 49m Healed with the doctor.

[Recap] Quill was paralyzed in that rival battle.

0d 16h 47m Entered Connecting Cave.

0d 16h 43m Quilladin takes out an opposing Corphish. Tierno and Trevor defeated!

0d 16h 42m Flabebe comes in and KOs Serena's Fletchling. She sends out Braixen, who KOs Flabebe.

0d 16h 41m Opposing Pikachu down! Quill to 22, Worms to 15!

0d 16h 40m Versus Tierno and Trevor! Serena teams up with us.

0d 16h 38m !taj grew to level 18 during Quilladin's Psyduck massacre.

0d 16h 36m Encountered a swarm of Psyduck. Five Cloud Nine abilities trigger.

0d 16h 35m Left the Chateau, moving west again.

0d 16h 33m Back in the entrance. d tries to issue a Writ of Invitation, but it costs 50,000 Pokedongers.

0d 16h 31m Barones Marilyne defeated!

0d 16h 31m Versus a Baroness and her Ledyba.

0d 16h 28m Horsea down, Herisson defeated.

0d 16h 26m Dr O down, Worms in.

[Recap] We beat Camilla. All these trainers have one Pokemon.

0d 16h 23m Versus Baron Herisson and Horsea!

0d 16h 21m Bidoof down. Dr O to level 13! She does not learn Thunder Wave.

0d 16h 20m Lady down! Bidoof in the red.

0d 16h 18m Versus Baroness Camille! Lady Helix vs. her Bidoof.

0d 16h 15m We are now Baron d of the Battle Chateau!

0d 16h 14m Entered the Battle Chateau. Talking with Leader Lady Viola.

0d 16h 12m Second Smeargle down! Artist Family defeated. Quill to 21, Worms to 14!

0d 16h 11m Smeargle down! Charmander to level 17, Lady to level 13! Charmander learns Dragon Rage over Scratch!

0d 16h 9m Beldum down! Charmander in.

0d 16h 6m Versus Artist Family Mona and Paolo! They send out two Smeargle.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Smogon smeargle?

0d 16h 6m Left the Daycare, moving west on Route 7.

0d 16h 4m Entered the Daycare.

0d 16h 3m Played the Flute! Snorlax woke up... and we immediately ran away.

[Fluff] Snorlax looks very content.

0d 16h 1m Gave the Poke Flute to the Black Belt! He won't play until we are ready.

0d 16h 0m Onto Route 7, heading toward Snorlax.

[rip] rip

[ríp] ríp

0d 15h 58m A Scratch from Psyduck KOs Quill! Blackout!

0d 15h 57m Pidgey brings us to 3HP, but we roll it out. Psyduck in.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Dat RNG FailFish

0d 15h 56m Pikachu down, Pidgey in.

0d 15h 55m Tried to use an Antidote and failed. Pikachu's Static paralyzes Quilladin!

0d 15h 55m Versus Tourist Hiroko and her Pikachu. All we have is Quil at 15 HP.

0d 15h 54m Onto Route 6, on the path this time.

0d 15h 52m Back in front of Parfum Palace.

0d 15h 43m Quill to level 20! He learns Pin Missile over Growl!

0d 15h 39m Only Quilladin left. Prepare for blackout.

0d 15h 36m Beedrill down to a wild Espurr! Charmeleon fainted a few minutes ago.

0d 15h 35m Charmeleon down!

0d 15h 25m Charmander evolved into Charmeleon! Sorry, folks, this is my first shift in a month.

0d 15h 25m Charmeleon evolved into Charmander!

0d 15h 24m Charmander to level 16 and did not learn Dragon Rage.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: After E4 is beaten I will probably use a Powersave to backup the final save file, and then you can do as much as online battle and trading you want. But beat the game first.

0d 15h 21m Found an X Speed!

[Info] Honedge was level 11 female. Still looking for level and gender on Oddish.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: It's 3DS emulator world debut MiniK

0d 15h 17m Dr O down to a wild Kecleon!

0d 15h 14m Caught an Oddish! Nick: "yyyyyo3u6,"

0d 15h 13m Nickname: "5ffuogy8"

0d 15h 12m Caught a Honedge! Dr O to level 12, Quill to 19, Worms to 13!

0d 15h 11m Wasting more balls on a Kecleon.

0d 15h 10m Caught the Espurr! Level 11, male, no nickname.

0d 15h 8m Threw three balls at the Espurr.

0d 15h 7m Lady Helix down to a wild Espurr!

0d 15h 5m And another. Beldum faints, we run away.

0d 15h 4m Threw a ball at a wild Kecleon, but it broke free.

0d 15h 2m Found an Antidote.

0d 15h 1m Charmander to level 15!

0d 15h 0m Beldum grew to level 11!

[Info] Route 6, that is.

0d 14h 55m Left the palace, onto the route.

0d 14h 50m Wandering around the palace. I think someone here will give us an Amulet Coin.

[Recap] /u/Calabazal has his Day 1 recap video out.

0d 14h 41m And TM 17, Protect!

0d 14h 41m Obtained the Poke Flute from the butler!

[Fluff] Shauna: "You know... I've never watched fireworks alone with a boy before..."

0d 14h 39m Reached the balcony.

0d 14h 31m In the palace. We need to go to the top floor.

0d 14h 29m Past the Reshiram statue, moving toward the palace.

0d 14h 26m Caught Furfrou! Time for the semi-romantic fireworks scene.

[Strategy] We need to go get Shauna and place her at either intersection at the back of the maze.

0d 14h 18m We have Shauna positioned correctly. Furfrou is in the back of the maze!

0d 14h 16m Back inside the maze.

0d 14h 13m Left the Furfrou maze, now wandering around the gardens.

[Chat] Z33K33: "Jesus woman stay here please"

[Fluff] Shauna: "Maybe it would be better for me to wait where I can see in several directions..."

[Strategy] We need to get Shauna to stay at the 4-way intersection where we came in. Then Furfrou will run to the back of the garden.

0d 13h 50m Entered the furfrou maze!

0d 13h 44m Found a Guard Spec!

0d 13h 38m Time for furfrou chasing puzzle shenanigans!

0d 13h 32m The Parfum entrance fee sets us back 1000 pokedollars; we have 2500 remaining.

0d 13h 30m We somehow managed to strafe around both trainer battles on that route and we are now in the Parfum Courtyard.

0d 13h 29m Beldum takes down a wild Venipede and levels up to 10!

0d 13h 24m We make our way to route 6 surprisingly swiftly.

0d 13h 22m Our way is blocked by Snorlax. Naturally, the adults send the children on their fetch quest.

0d 13h 21m Now we're actually on Route 7.

0d 13h 21m Route 7! Kind of. We took one step then retreated back to Camphrier.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: The nickname is perfect

0d 13h 17m After the brief cutscene, we left just as quickly as we came.

0d 13h 15m Entered Shabboneau Castle!

0d 13h 12m A wild Furfrou takes down Beedrill. Blacked out!


0d 13h 10m Inputs have stopped.

0d 13h 8m We return to the tall grass on route 5. Encountered a Gulpin.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: FailFish

0d 13h 7m Once again left without healing.

[Pokedex] Seen: 42 Obtained: 12

0d 13h 4m We narrowly avoid confrontation with the PC.

0d 13h 3m We return to the center after a brief stroll around town.

0d 12h 58m We haven't healed, by the way.

0d 12h 57m Back outside now.

0d 12h 55m Checkpointed in the Camphrier Pokecenter! Also flirted with the PC briefly.

0d 12h 52m Received Flying Wallpaper in Pokemon Amie!

0d 12h 49m Same luck with attempt #2.

0d 12h 48m d performs the classic TPP maneuver: stand right in front of the Pokecenter door then walk away without entering.

0d 12h 46m Success! Welcome to Camphrier!

0d 12h 46m We've taken to consistent running now, hoping to make it to the next city without blacking out.

0d 12h 45m Beedrill finished off Pansage, and d steals some money from Keita's pockets.

0d 12h 44m Quilladin faints from poison. Beedrill is our last hope.

0d 12h 44m We engage Youngster Keita. Quilladin is faced by a Pansage.

0d 12h 43m In a wild battle with a Pancham, Quilladin manages to get the Pancham to red HP, clutch survives poison damage with 1 HP..... and then we run...

[Fluff] This game has some of the weirdest trainer names. Seriously, what kind of name is Heike!

0d 12h 41m One bite and Sentret faints. We defeat Heike, and Beedrill grows to level 12!

0d 12h 41m Battle! Backpacker Heike! Sentret versus Quilladin.

[Snark] d tried to skate on the rails only to end up skiddo-ing into the flowers.

0d 12h 35m We throw a Premier Ball At a Wild Gulpin. We don't catch it.

0d 12h 33m d tries to skate on the rails, but his speed is not enough to get past a certain point and falls back into the Purple Flowers.

0d 12h 30m Charmander down to a wild Skiddo!

0d 12h 23m A wild Furfrou does a bit of damage to Charmander before we run away. We continue to wander pointlessly in this pit of flowers.

0d 12h 22m A wild Abra uses teleport immediately.

0d 12h 21m Saved for good measure.

0d 12h 19m A skiddo jumps out of the tall grass, but is promptly incinerated by Charmander's Embers. Almost. We switch in Quilladin to finish the job.

0d 12h 18m Charmander grows to level 14, and Quilladin to 18! Also, another victory in our pocket.

0d 12h 17m "Rule one: battle. Rule two: win!" Thanks for the advice, lady! This trainer faces Charmander with a Doduo.

0d 12h 16m Skiddo down and Beedrill levels up to 11! Winnie defeated. #GITREKT

0d 12h 15m Skiddo poisoned!

0d 12h 14m We switch Charmander for Beedrill.

0d 12h 14m Bunnelby clutch survives an Ember, but goes down the next turn. Next up is Skiddo!

0d 12h 12m Roller Skater Winnie would like to battle! She sends out a Bunnelby, met by out Charmander.

0d 12h 10m Kadabra down! Victory! Charmander grows to Level 13!

0d 12h 9m ROLLOUT HYPE

0d 12h 9m Quilladin is in.

0d 12h 8m Helix faints!

0d 12h 7m Challenged by Rising Star Hamish! Lady Helix vs. a Kadabra.

[Info] Pikachu also fainted from the battle with Tierno, by the way.

0d 12h 7m Used a potion on Helix, then ran from the battle.

0d 12h 6m Encountered a wild Plusle.

0d 12h 4m Obtained Honey from Trevor! HONEY FOR THE BEE

0d 12h 3m Kakuna levels up, evolves into Beedrill, and learns Fury Attack!

0d 12h 3m We sent in Quilladin, who finished off Corphish! Tierno defeated!

0d 12h 1m Sent out Pikachu.

0d 12h 1m Beldum faints to Vice Grip soon after!

0d 12h 0m Corphish uses Vice Grip. Beldum still in green and hits with Take Down! Corphish is also in green.

0d 12h 0m Corphish is using Swords Dance. Beldum comes at Corphish with Tackle but it doesn't do much.

0d 12h 0m Beldum vs. Corphish.

0d 11h 59m Tierno challenges d to a battle!

0d 11h 59m We meet Trevor and Tierno again.

0d 11h 57m Left the Skate Park.

0d 11h 57m d's showing off his moves. He's hopping on and off his skates.

0d 11h 56m Made our way to the Skate Park.

0d 11h 56m Arrived at Route 5.

0d 11h 55m Entered the gateway to Route 5!

0d 11h 55m We're back in South Boulevard.

0d 11h 54m Selected full styling and colour, but d doesn't have enough money.

0d 11h 54m Entered the haircut place.

[Info] The next stop in the game would be to head into Route 5 so d can battle Tierno. d has gone there earlier but has blacked out in the battle against Tierno. We're making our way back but progress seems to be slow.

0d 11h 45m Returned to South Boulevard.

0d 11h 43m Got off the chair but we're still in the café.

0d 11h 42m In a Café. d is sitting down at a table.

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ɪᴛs ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂

0d 11h 36m Back outside.

0d 11h 32m Into the building with the two Skiddos.

0d 11h 28m Entering and exiting Route 4's gateway quite a few times.

0d 11h 28m Got Orange Cloud Cushion from the Amie.

0d 11h 26m Decided to save the game.

0d 11h 25m Near the entrance to Route 4.

0d 11h 23m Back at South Boulevard.

0d 11h 21m Inside the building with the two Skiddos.

0d 11h 18m At South Boulevard again.

0d 11h 17m Not much is happening. We're wandering around Lumiose City.

0d 11h 11m Received Soft Orange Cushion from the Amie.

0d 11h 7m We also have the Pokémon-Amie screen up. There are lots of gifts.

0d 11h 5m To Vernal Avenue.

0d 11h 1m Went into Vernal Avenue for a split second and now we're back to South Boulevard.

0d 10h 48m The constantly changing camera angles in Lumiose City are complicating progress.

0d 10h 40m Approached the exit. Did a 180 and we're back to the roads.

0d 10h 33m It's just around a corner of a building with a large advertisement screen. We're overshooting though.

0d 10h 32m The gateway to Route 5 is in sight.

0d 10h 26m Saved the game.

0d 10h 15m Left the studio.

0d 10h 12m Went into the dressing room and came out. d comes out wearing the same thing he did when he went in.

0d 10h 8m Entered the PR Video Studio.

0d 9h 58m Into South Boulevard.

[Fluff] Lady: "This place positively exudes a stylish atmosphere, doesn't it?"

0d 9h 48m Back outside.

0d 9h 47m Entered the Stone Emporium in Lumiose.

0d 9h 44m At Vernal Avenue.

0d 9h 42m Turned it back on.

0d 9h 41m Turned off the Exp. Share.

0d 9h 36m Left the building. Returned to Lumiose.

0d 9h 31m Back to 1F.

0d 9h 29m 2F again.

0d 9h 29m Returned to 1F.

0d 9h 21m Took the lift to 2F.

0d 9h 19m Entered the building with the two Skiddos in it.

0d 9h 12m d's just wandering around the streets of Lumiose. Nothing much is happening.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !dpad

0d 9h 1m Road blocks, more road blocks! d, you can't go past there yet.

0d 9h 0m Text Speed now set to Slow.

0d 9h 0m Entered the building and left.

0d 8h 59m By Café Soleil.

0d 8h 58m Out at Lumiose once more.

0d 8h 57m We're back in again.

0d 8h 57m Left the building. The vast city of Lumiose greets us once again.

0d 8h 56m Took the lift to 1F.

0d 8h 56m Confirmed some spelling with a lady sitting at the desk.

0d 8h 48m Entered the lift and took it to 2F.

0d 8h 47m In the building with two Skiddos.

0d 8h 42m Skating around the streets.

0d 8h 39m A street to another part of Lumiose is blocked because of a blackout. The worker advises d to leave.

[Party] Omanyte (8/32), Kakuna (23/25), the rest - full health.

0d 8h 33m Onwards to Lumiose City!

0d 8h 31m In the gateway.

0d 8h 30m The gateway to Lumiose City is ahead.

0d 8h 30m We're by a few grass hedges.

0d 8h 29m Omanyte to level 11. Quilladin to level 17. Mia defeated.

0d 8h 28m Poison Sting again. Budew faints.

0d 8h 28m Budew now in red from the stings.

0d 8h 28m Poison Sting takes Budew to the low yellow.

0d 8h 28m Budew uses Water Sport. Kakuna uses String Shot.

0d 8h 28m Budew now in yellow.

0d 8h 27m Poison Sting again chips off a decent chunk of Budew's HP. It is still in green.

0d 8h 27m Absorb from Budew does barely anything to Kakuna.

0d 8h 27m Poison Sting doesn't do much to Budew.

0d 8h 26m Still using Harden. Budew's building up on Growth.

0d 8h 26m Budew uses Growth. Kakuna uses Harden.

0d 8h 26m Switched in for Kakuna.

0d 8h 26m Omanyte uses Constrict. Budew doesn't receive much damage. Absorb from Budew has Omanyte in red.

0d 8h 25m Sent in Omanyte. Omanyte vs. Budew.

0d 8h 24m Challenged by Preschooler Mia!

0d 8h 22m It's a beautiful view.

0d 8h 21m At Route 4.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: What's a forced evo? It just happens that no trolls are around and everyone pressed AKappa

0d 8h 16m By the Roselia fountain.

0d 8h 15m Re-entered the Pokécentre and left soon after.

0d 8h 14m Saved the game.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !save

0d 8h 13m Left the Pokécentre and into Santalune.

0d 8h 12m In the end, we left. Nothing was done.

0d 8h 11m Turning it on and off.

0d 8h 10m Booted up the PC.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Did you just spend all the fashion money on balls FailFish

0d 8h 9m Bought 42 Pokéballs. Received a Premier Ball as a bonus.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: And don't forget to save FailFish

0d 8h 6m Entered the Pokécentre.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: So much FailFish

0d 8h 4m Welcome back to Santalune City.

0d 8h 3m Blacked out.

0d 8h 3m Corphish does quick work of Kakuna with Vice Grip.

0d 8h 2m Go, Kakuna!

0d 8h 1m Only Kakuna is left.

0d 8h 1m Pikachu leads with Tail Whip. Corphish proceeds to pull off Vice Grip. Pikachu down.

0d 8h 1m Sent in Pikachu!

0d 8h 0m Vice Grip faints Quilladin.

0d 8h 0m Vice Grip puts Quilladin at red. Corphish is at red too from Bite.

0d 8h 0m Sent in Quilladin!

0d 8h 0m Pikachu, Quilladin and Kakuna are left.

0d 7h 59m Charmander growls. Corphish finishes off Charmander with Vice Grip.

0d 7h 59m Send in Charmander.

0d 7h 59m Another Vice Grip faints Omanyte.

0d 7h 58m Water Fun doesn't do much either. Vice Grip comes from Corphish. Omanyte is in yellow.

0d 7h 58m Corphish is still using Swords Dance.

0d 7h 58m Omanyte isn't doing much damage with Constrict.

0d 7h 57m Used a Potion on Omanyte. Omanyte back to full. Corphish builds up with Swords Dance.

0d 7h 57m He sends in Corphish. Go, Omanyte!

0d 7h 57m Challenged by Tierno.

0d 7h 56m We meet Trevor and Tierno again.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: good luck sleeping well, for the first week I always woke up covered in sweat

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I don't want it go down for 6 hours when I'm asleep

0d 7h 55m Charmander grows to level 12, Pikachu to level 11.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: gotta stay up the whole run, that's the rule

0d 7h 53m Also, in the middle of all that Charmander also grew to level 11.

0d 7h 51m Chespin evolves into Quilladin!

0d 7h 51m Chespin is evolving!

0d 7h 51m Twins are defeated.

0d 7h 51m Omanyte to level 9 and 10 and learns Water Gun.

0d 7h 50m Pikachu forgets Thunder Shock and learns Quick Attack.

0d 7h 50m Pikachu to level 10.

0d 7h 50m Minun's using Quick Attack. Chespin doesn't take much damage and then finishes Minun shortly after.

0d 7h 49m Thundershock doesn't do much to Minun. Minun paralyses Chespin with T-Wave.

0d 7h 49m Switched out Omanyte. Sent in Chespin.

0d 7h 49m Pikachu uses Thunder Shock. Omanyte uses Bite. Minun in red.

0d 7h 48m Sent in Pikachu, who leveled to 9 earlier.

0d 7h 48m This time Minun's in yellow from Beldum's Take Down.

0d 7h 48m Beldum down.

0d 7h 47m Minun paralyses Beldum with T-Wave.

0d 7h 47m Minun still in green.

0d 7h 46m Minun's now growling.

0d 7h 46m Minun still doesn't do much with Quick Attack. Omanyte uses Bite on Beldum and takes it to red.

0d 7h 45m Chespin grows to 16.

0d 7h 44m Beldum to level 8, and then 9.

0d 7h 44m Omanyte to level 8.

0d 7h 44m Omanyte grows to level 7 and learns Bite.

0d 7h 44m Another level! Omanyte to level 6!

0d 7h 44m Omanyte to level 5!

0d 7h 43m Omanyte to level 4.

0d 7h 43m Take Down faints Plusle.

0d 7h 43m Plusle uses Helping Hand. Minun uses Quick Attack! Beldum in yellow.

0d 7h 43m Take Down from Beldum and Constrict from Omanyte has Plusle in yellow.

0d 7h 42m Plusle hits Beldum with Quick Attack and doesn't do much to Beldum. Minun hits with Growl.

0d 7h 41m Minun doesn't do much with Quick Attack. Plusle growls.

0d 7h 40m Quick Attack brings Omanyte back to 10/16 HP.

0d 7h 39m Used a Potion on Omanyte. Omanyte back to full.

0d 7h 39m Plusle uses Quick Attack on Omanyte! Omanyte at 10/16 health.

0d 7h 38m Beldum uses Take Down on Plusle. It doesn't do too much to the mouse.

0d 7h 37m Omanyte is paralysed by Thunder Wave.

0d 7h 37m All Pokémon on field still in green.

0d 7h 37m Pluslue uses Quick Attack on Beldum. It doesn't do much.

0d 7h 36m d sends in Omanyte and Beldum.

0d 7h 36m VS. Twins Faith and Joy. They send in Plusle and Minun.

0d 7h 35m Challenged by two trainers!

0d 7h 35m Korrina takes her leave. We explore Route 5.

0d 7h 35m She introduces herself as Korrina, the Shalour City Gym Leader.

0d 7h 34m A person comes up with another Lucario trailing behind. She says that Lucario likes d.

0d 7h 34m Oh, a Lucario greets d!

0d 7h 34m Entered Route 5.

0d 7h 33m Mr. Bonding leaves shortly after.

0d 7h 33m Entered a gateway. Met Mr. Bonding. He talks to d about O-Powers and gives us some helpful information.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !cpad

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: there'll be time for postgame if it comes to that

0d 7h 26m Attempted to head into another section of Lumiose again, only to be blocked off by a worker saying there's a blackout.

0d 7h 24m Look at d go on those skates! Whee.

0d 7h 22m On the skates now. d's skating about. He isn't very good at it though, as he keeps jumping down after.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I enabled skating, don't know if that will help. use cup/cdown/cleft/cright to skate.

0d 7h 20m d's hopping on and off of his roller skates.

0d 7h 14m Tried to head into a street. Too bad! A worker says there is a blackout and d can't go any further.

0d 7h 12m A couple ahead wonder what is the name of the famous movie star seen on the big screen up high.

0d 7h 11m He asks us to come check out something at Route 5.

0d 7h 11m Received a Holo Clip! It's Tierno!

0d 7h 6m 0's the result again.

0d 7h 6m d's trying, but his efforts have not come to fruition.

0d 7h 5m Berry-picking again.

0d 7h 5m 0 Berries is our final result!

0d 7h 4m As usual, the berries are just falling all over the place.

0d 7h 3m Started another game.

[Pun] Not a very fruitful activity for us, it seems.

0d 7h 3m Results: 0 berries. Berry Amateur indeed.

0d 7h 3m The berries keep falling. We're constantly missing.

[Snark] We're not berry good at this, are we?

0d 7h 2m Looks like we're now picking berries with Chespin.

0d 7h 2m Interacting with Chespin!

0d 7h 1m Saved the game.

0d 7h 0m Received a Yellow Wallpaper.

0d 7h 0m The command list has been reset.

0d 6h 58m Outside.

0d 6h 58m Re-entered the place.

0d 6h 57m Left the Café.

0d 6h 57m Diantha asks who we are. Serena introduces herself, and so does d. Diantha talks to us for a bit and then leaves.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I do apologize on going back and forth on this, I guess streamer is right about this matter. I will turn wireless back on when Elite 4 is beaten, and you can have as much online battle/trade as you want.

0d 6h 56m He then exits the shop.

0d 6h 56m They notice d. Lysandre introduces Diantha to d.

0d 6h 56m Entered the Café. We encounter Lysandre and Diantha.

0d 6h 55m Serena invites d into the Café and heads in.

0d 6h 54m Oh, looks like Serena's close by!

0d 6h 52m On the streets of Lumiose. There's some chatter about a famous movie star.

0d 6h 51m Wifi is disabled.

0d 6h 51m Cancelled the trade.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Sorry for going back and forth, but let's focus on beating the game for now, wifi post game.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: If WiFi is enabled this will just go on forever, I'll enable the wireless post game.

0d 6h 48m The person's name is Kaiosu.

0d 6h 47m In a trade menu with some passerby.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Well, I think the streamer is right...

0d 6h 47m d's getting many requests left and right about battles and trades.

0d 6h 45m Omanyte goes down soon after. d loses against Darius!

0d 6h 44m Talonflame uses Thief. Beldum faints!

0d 6h 43m Lileep is using Ingrain. Beldum from his team faints from Take Down from our Beldum.

0d 6h 43m Talonflame finishes off Chespin with Brave Bird.

0d 6h 42m The battle starts. Darius sends in Lileep, Talonflame, and Beldum. We send in Chespin, Beldum and Omanyte.

0d 6h 41m In the party selection menu.

0d 6h 41m Looks like we're battling with Darius again.

0d 6h 40m In the end, the match was forfeit.

0d 6h 39m His level 1 Beldum comes at Kakuna with Take Down. Kakuna is barely hurt.

0d 6h 39m Meanwhile, d's Kakuna hardens.

0d 6h 39m Darius is attacking his own teammates? Lileep faints to Rhyperior's Hammer Arm.

0d 6h 37m Rhyperior finishes off Omanyte with Fury Attack. Lileep uses Ingrain. Kakuna poisons Lileep with Poison Sting.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: it's stressful to run tpp, I'm surprised I handled 6 months as well as I did

0d 6h 36m Kakuna isn't doing much damage to Darius' team. Neither is Omanyte.

0d 6h 36m Charmander faints!

0d 6h 35m Darius issues a challenge! We send in Omanyte, Kakuna and Charmander. Darius sends in Lileep, Rhyperior and Beldum.

0d 6h 34m Battle start!

0d 6h 34m He has a Lileep, Talonflame, Rhyperior, Beldum, Zekrom and Excadrill.

0d 6h 33m Accepted a battle request with Darius, a passerby. Triple Battle.

[Snark] http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnpleasableFanbase

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I really don't know now.

[Snark] O-Powers, O-Powers everywhere.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: he used cheese strats

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I enjoyed the wifi battle against that Japanese person earlier

0d 6h 29m d has received several requests from passerbys here and there, either about PR Videos or trading.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: maybe I should have used a period instead of a comma there, what I mean is, deku's running the stream, so there's going to be some inherent differences and I accept that

0d 6h 28m Passerby Alicia from Finland: "TPP OR RIOT"

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: but it's deku's call, I don't expect things to go exactly to my liking

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: I think wifi would be a fun thing to do after the run is over, let a timer run down after it's finished so everyone can mess about with battles and trades, having it on during the run is disruptive

0d 6h 26m Cancelled trade.

0d 6h 26m He shows a level 100 Shiny Scizor.

0d 6h 25m Agreed to trade with Passerby Noe. Now in the trade menu.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I'll explain to the streamer, but whatever happens next is up to you now.

0d 6h 24m Left the building.

0d 6h 23m Passerby is now turned back on.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !resume

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !pause

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Alright, I guess I'll turn passerby on, and I'll explain to the streamer how much you wanted that, but you'll be responsible for what you do to the party, I really like it right now.

0d 6h 21m A gardener tells us about Miracle Seeds and what the item does.

0d 6h 20m In another building.

[Snark] dekuNukem is afraid the streamer will use Judgment.

[Streamer](Before the previous update) Twitch_plays_3ds: You guys want passerby this much? This is what I want as well, but streamer disagree with this, and I don't really want to upset him.

Twitch_plays_3ds: You know, starting and managing this stream is much more stressful than I thought

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: I'll enable circle stick when we get to that gym, otherwise mixing circlepad and d-pad will just make d jump around a lot, not go faster

0d 6h 7m Swapped again. This time it's Omanyte, Beldum, Pikachu, Charmander, Chespin and lastly Kakuna.

0d 6h 6m Swapped the order of the party. Current party order: Kakuna, Charmander, Omanyte, Beldum, Chespin and Pikachu.

[Info] Looks like Kakuna and Dr. O the Pikachu have Pokérus.

0d 6h 2m In South Boulevard. Shauna's just outside the building.

0d 6h 2m Left the Studio.

0d 6h 1m d is full of energy today. He's also making more videos.

0d 6h 0m Picked Pikachu to shoot our video with. Looking good, d!

0d 5h 59m Here he is, ladies and gentlemen! d!

0d 5h 58m Saved the video we made. We didn't see much of the video however.

0d 5h 57m Spoke to the receptionist. We go for an an Energetic style.

0d 5h 47m Entered the PR Video Studio.

0d 5h 47m Wandering the streets.

0d 5h 44m Looks like Kaiser forfeited the match for d. What a nice guy.

0d 5h 43m Back in Lumiose City.

0d 5h 43m The match was forfeited soon after.

0d 5h 42m d vs. Kaiser!

0d 5h 41m The timer is ticking down.

0d 5h 39m Looks like we're challenging again. It's Kaiser from Austria this time.

0d 5h 39m Rohith's Celebi uses Dazzling Gem! Kakuna, Beldum and Omanyte knocked out! d loses!

0d 5h 38m Charizard uses D-Dance again!

0d 5h 38m Sent in Kakuna, Beldum and Omanyte (Lady Helix)

0d 5h 38m d's side of the field is wiped out. We have three Pokémon left.

[Chat] "Fum" puns are still pouring in. Apparently it's quite fum. Kappa

0d 5h 36m Celebi uses Dazzling Gem! Pikachu, Chespin and Charmander knocked out in one hit!

0d 5h 36m Charizard mega-evolves and uses Dragon Dance!

0d 5h 36m Rohith sends out Celebi, Charizard and Zygarde. On our side is Pikachu, Chespin and Charmander.

0d 5h 35m Battle commence!

0d 5h 35m The timer is ticking.

0d 5h 34m He has a bunch of Uber-teired legendaries.

0d 5h 34m Free Battle, Triple. We challenge Rohith from Canada.

0d 5h 33m Messing around in the Battle Spot menu.

0d 5h 31m Trevor and Tierno give us some advice and directions and then run off.

0d 5h 31m Back in Lumiose.

0d 5h 30m Our friends appear. Serena wants to wait for us at Cafe Soleil.

[Snark] He's totally not evil

0d 5h 29m We encounter two people. One of them with red hair heads off after talking to d for a bit.


0d 5h 28m Took the lift to 1F.

[Snark] Not a term I'm very fumiliar with.

0d 5h 24m What does d say when he's happy? "fum!"

0d 5h 24m Saved the game.

0d 5h 23m Talking to our friends. We've been tasked to research Mega Evolution and fill the Dex and what-not, you see?

0d 5h 22m We leave the Battle Spot.

0d 5h 21m Battle ended! d loses!

0d 5h 21m Air Slash from Togekiss OHKOs Chespin.

0d 5h 21m A Flamethrower from Chandelure OHKOs Kakuna.

0d 5h 21m Compared to "d", Mr. Japan is quite an intimidating figure indeed.

0d 5h 20m This Japanese fella seems to have hatched 337 eggs. And won thirty times straight in the Battle Maison.

[Chat] Liveangel93: JAPANESE GUY OP, PLS NERF Kappa

0d 5h 20m Kakuna and Chespin are sent in.

[Info] Opposing Trainer's name translates to Karumu.

0d 5h 19m Dazzling Gleam does the same to Pikachu.

0d 5h 19m A Shadow Ball from Chandelure OHKOs Beldum!

0d 5h 18m Beldum and Pikachu vs Chandelure and Togekiss.

0d 5h 18m Battle start!

0d 5h 17m We've currently got Beldum, Dr. O, Chespin and Kakuna entered.

0d 5h 17m Opposing trainer found! A fella from Japan is ready to fight us.

0d 5h 17m Back on the Battle Spot. Searching for a Free Double Battle.

0d 5h 16m And off it.

0d 5h 16m Onto the Battle Spot we go.

0d 5h 16m Also we've obtained a Charizardite X.

[Fluff] Taj yga... Taiga... no.. Tajiri? Satoshi Tajiri?

0d 5h 15m We boxed Lord Helix to obtain Charmander, by the way.

0d 5h 13m We named it !taj11yygaaa.

0d 5h 13m Level 10, Male Charmander, received!

0d 5h 12m Still, Sycamore offers to give d an extra Pokémon anyway.

0d 5h 12m Water Gun takes out Chespin! d loses!

0d 5h 12m He bites down on Squirtle. Squirtle in the yellow.

0d 5h 12m Chespin is sent in.

0d 5h 11m Thundershock does little damage. Dr. O faints to another Water Gun.

0d 5h 11m Squirtle withdraws.

0d 5h 11m Water Gun brings him to red. He growls again.

0d 5h 11m Dr. O is sent in. He growls at Squirtle.

0d 5h 10m A Water Gun immediately takes out Lord Helix.

0d 5h 10m Sycamore sends in Squirtle.

0d 5h 9m Charmander down! Lord Helix to 10!

0d 5h 9m Omanyte misses Rock Smash and gets hit by Ember. Omanyte in red.

0d 5h 9m Both are in yellow.

0d 5h 8m Switched to Lord Helix (Omanyte)

0d 5h 7m Chespin uses Tackle. Charmander is brought to yellow. Charmander uses Ember and brings Chespin to red!

0d 5h 7m Sycamore sends in Charmander.

0d 5h 6m Another Bite knocks out Bulbasaur!

0d 5h 6m Bulbasaur now in red!

0d 5h 6m Chespin uses Bite! Bulbasaur flinches!

(It really did; all the Kanto cries were updated in X/Y.)

0d 5h 6m Bulbasaur hits with Tackle! Chespin in yellow and uses Growl.

[Snark] Bulbasaur's cry changed!

0d 5h 5m Switched out for Chespin.

0d 5h 5m Pikachu hits with another Thundershock. Bulbasaur uses Tackle. Pikachu in yellow.

0d 5h 5m Thunder Shock again. Bulbasaur is paralysed. It uses Leech Seed on Pikachu!

0d 5h 4m Pikachu leads with T-Shock. Bulbasaur is barely hurt and uses Growl.

0d 5h 4m Pikachu vs. Bulbasaur.

0d 5h 4m Battle! VS. Professor Sycamore!

0d 5h 3m Lord Helix is now holding a Net Ball.

0d 5h 3m Our friends appear. Sycamore suggests a battle.

0d 5h 3m Sycamore applauds d for seeing quite a few Pokémon in the Kalos region.

0d 5h 2m In Professor Sycamore's room. Briefly consulted Adventure Rules in the process.

0d 5h 2m He heads to the room on the left.

0d 5h 1m Sycamore greets us warmly.

0d 5h 1m Now onto 3F.

0d 5h 1m Back at 1F.

0d 5h 0m The status display still says (incorrectly) that we have 0 badges.

0d 5h 0m Took the lift to the 2F.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: here already? I should hurry up with Stadium 2

[Info] It turns out that Lord Helix has Pokérus!

0d 4h 58m The professor is on the third floor.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: stare...

0d 4h 58m Entered the lab.

0d 4h 58m Just outside Sycamore Pokémon Lab.

[Snark] So it looks like the Battle Spot doesn't accept folks with DNA? Bugger.

[Info] We have 2 Helix. Thus, we can't do Random Matchup.

[Correction] "Les"

0d 4h 52m Sycamore's lab is just in sight.

[Fluff] La défenses du chien sont trés bonnes.

0d 4h 51m Aw, not anymore.

0d 4h 51m It's following us.

0d 4h 50m A Furfrou frolicks on the streets!

0d 4h 49m Back downstairs and we leave the building into Lumiose's South Boulevard.

0d 4h 49m Constantly taking the lift.

[Fluff] Les Cabriolaines? Elles sont mignonnes.

0d 4h 48m Back downstairs.

0d 4h 48m Took the lift to the 2F.

0d 4h 47m Entered a building. This one has two Skiddos in it.

[Fluff] La ville de la lumière est trés grande.

0d 4h 46m Sina and Dexio show us briefly the way to the lab. We're at South Boulevard.

0d 4h 44m Just hanging around at the entrance of Lumiose City.

[Fluff] Mesdames et Messieurs, bienvenue à la ville du Paris!

0d 4h 43m Swapped the order of the party. It's now Pikachu, Kakuna, Omanyte (LADY HELIX), Beldum, Omanyte (Lord Helix) and Chespin.

[Stats] Scatterbug Lv. 4 - HP IV 6 Attack IV 17 Defense IV 8 Sp. Atk IV 26 Sp. Def IV 15 Speed IV 3 ** Egg Shiny Value 3210 EVs 1HP/1Spe

[Stats] We traded our Scatterbug to the Live Updaters, and here is some detailed stats (Including hidden stats!)

0d 4h 40m Welcome to Lumiose City!

0d 4h 40m Obtained TM27 Return.

0d 4h 39m Finally accepted!

[Snark] They too, agree that Fairy-types turned the battle system upside-down.

0d 4h 39m They offer to show us the way to Sycamore's lab, but we decline.

0d 4h 38m Oh, we meet two people up ahead! They talk about Flabébé. Sina and Dexio are their names.

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> You can initiate online battles from the PSS menu, I'm going to take a rest for now.

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ WIFI OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈلຈ༽ノ

0d 4h 37m Passerby disabled.

0d 4h 35m Chespin does not learn Leech Seed.

0d 4h 35m After a wild battle with a Ledyba, Chespin grows to level 15!

0d 4h 33m Declined a trade request from a passerby.

0d 4h 33m Defeated a wild Skitty. O, DR the Pikachu to level 8.

0d 4h 31m Found a Net Ball.

0d 4h 31m Gardener Grover defeated.

0d 4h 31m Omanyte (Lord Helix) to level 9!

0d 4h 31m Rollout commence! Corphish down.

0d 4h 30m Bite again! Corphish down to yellow. It uses Vice Grip. Chespin isn't hurt much.

0d 4h 30m Chespin uses Bite! Corphish is down by a quarter.

[Info] I have the traded Scatterbug (99GP) and here are it's complete stats. http://pastebin.com/5wb8XYLn

0d 4h 30m VS. Gardener Grover. It's Chespin vs. Corphish.

0d 4h 29m Challenged by a trainer!

[Info] You can't interact with TPP right now as an acquaintance or friend. TPP appears offline.

0d 4h 27m In one of the hedge mazes.

[Info] Wi-Fi's been enabled again, but it's still passerby only. Still, I assume acquaintances can still give O-Powers to us.

[Snark] You see that guys? That's a perfect example of how when you want change, rioting is the best solution.

0d 4h 25m Looks like we're connected back to the internet again.

[Streamer] <twitch_plays_3ds> Alright, passerby only FailFish

[Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WIFI OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

0d 4h 19m Roland defeated.

0d 4h 19m Lord Helix grows to Level 8.

0d 4h 19m Chespin starts rolling. Down goes Pidgey.

0d 4h 18m Bite halves Pidgey's health and flinches it.

0d 4h 18m Chespin vs Pidgey.

0d 4h 18m Battling Roller Skater Roland.

[rip] rip internet

0d 4h 17m Also we beat this trainer.

0d 4h 17m After pausing the game, dekuNukem disconnects us from the Internet!

0d 4h 17m Chespin grows to Level 14!

0d 4h 16m Doctor O hits Level 7! He learns Play Nice!

0d 4h 16m A second Thundershock takes out Fletchling.

0d 4h 16m Growl reduces Doctor O's attack. Thundershock still does a decent amount of damage, paralyzing Fletchling.

0d 4h 16m We send in Dr. O the Pikachu.

0d 4h 15m Lady Helix faints.

0d 4h 15m Ashley gives Lady Helix attack power. She then keeps constricting Fletchling.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: my stance was that wifi should be disabled until postgame (if ever), deku apparently thought differently, I guess it's too late now so I'll leave it up to him

0d 4h 13m Lady Helix back in.

0d 4h 13m Kakuna down.

0d 4h 13m Ashley hands in a defense power, but then Helix is switched for Kakuna.

0d 4h 13m Helix begins buffing up with Withdraw.

0d 4h 12m Ashley offers a HP Restoring Power to heal Lady Helix to full.

0d 4h 12m Lady Helix's at yellow health.

[Correction] Sent*.

0d 4h 11m She's also been set out against Fletchling.

[Correction] Lady Helix levelled up to 3. Not 6. I was wrong.

0d 4h 11m After a few attacks, Beldum faints.

0d 4h 11m Beldum v Fletchling.

0d 4h 10m Battling Roller Skater Callida.

[Fluff] Come beat 2 us?

0d 4h 8m Helix levelled up to 7 and learnt Bite over Ice Beam. Lady Helix levelled up to 6.

0d 4h 5m Female Combee caught. Nickname is Combeet22uuz. Level 8.

[Info] By default, the EXP Share is ON, and will give experience to every non-fainted member of the party. It can be toggled on and off in the key items menu.

0d 4h 5m Threw a Pokéball at a Combee.

0d 4h 4m In this generation, the Exp. Share is a Key Item.

0d 4h 4m Onto Route 4!

0d 4h 3m That was Alexa, by the way. Viola's sister.

0d 4h 3m A journalist notes that we're one of Sycamore's trainers. She decides to give us the Exp. Share!

[Info] Basically, those we've interacted with cannot give us O-Powers anymore, and can't trade with us either, but if you're a passerby, you can do that stuff.

0d 4h 0m Ashley gives us a Nice! "TPP 5EVER!"

0d 3h 59m The game was paused, and settings were changed to that only passerbys could interact with us.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3DS: !pause

0d 3h 58m Roaming the streets.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3DS: I have an idea

0d 3h 57m Exited the gym.

0d 3h 55m The gym guide notes our badge. He recommends that we head up to Lumiose City to show the badge to the fancy-schmancy professor who gave us Chespin.

[Info] Earliest first badge record (Trio badge, 0d 5h 55m, Black 1) has been beaten!

0d 3h 55m Up to the gallery level.

0d 3h 54m Trades from acquaintances everywhere.

0d 3h 54m Bug Badge obtained! TM83 Infestation as well!

0d 3h 53m Leader Viola defeated!

0d 3h 53m Chespin hits Level 13.

0d 3h 53m Rollout immediately OHKOs.

0d 3h 53m Viola sends in Vivillon.

0d 3h 53m Helix hits Level 6.

0d 3h 52m His second Rollout takes out Surskit.

0d 3h 52m Surskit at yellow health.

0d 3h 52m Chespin is boosted by powers. He starts rolling.

[Note] The healing came from a power.

[Chat] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

0d 3h 52m Helix is healed. He's promptly switched out for Chespin.

0d 3h 52m Ice Beam from Helix doesn't do much either.

0d 3h 51m A Quick Attack from Surskit does little damage.

0d 3h 51m Lord Helix vs Surskit.

0d 3h 51m Battling Viola!

0d 3h 51m Talking to her ...

0d 3h 51m Right next to Viola now.

0d 3h 50m Beldum grows to Level 7.

0d 3h 50m Beldum takes down Combee.

0d 3h 50m Take Down immediately brings Combee to red.

0d 3h 50m Beldum is boosted a bit more. He takes little damage from the Combee's Gusts.

0d 3h 49m In comes a Combee.

0d 3h 49m Lord Helix grows four levels to Level 5.

0d 3h 49m Beldum hits Level 6.

0d 3h 49m Kakuna down.

0d 3h 49m Kakuna in the red.

0d 3h 48m Kakuna is constantly hardening. Beldum's constantly getting buffed.

0d 3h 48m Powers, more powers, ho! Take Down has brought Kakuna to yellow.

0d 3h 47m Attack powers are given to Beldum.

0d 3h 47m He's returned to the party for Beldum. Kakuna is hardening.

0d 3h 47m Lord Helix vs Kakuna.

0d 3h 46m Battling Lass Charlotte.

0d 3h 46m Alyssa wants to trade again. We decline.

0d 3h 46m We decide against a trade.

0d 3h 45m This fellow offers up a Level 50 Diancie.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: it's kind of like pre-patch c-gear expect it randomly edits pokemon instead of taking a long time

0d 3h 45m Some other passerby requests a trade.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: I can't wait for wifi to continue to be fun for the rest of this run

0d 3h 43m Level 1, Male Omanyte. Named Lord Helix!

[Info] Just as a reminder, if we were to obtain a level 100 (or any very high level Pokemon) through a trade, it would disobey us. We're better off with Pokemon around those in this point of the game.

0d 3h 43m We send over Pansage.

0d 3h 43m Trading with Alyssa.

0d 3h 43m Trade cancelled.

0d 3h 42m Who shall be offered up for this Litwick?

0d 3h 42m We both decide against trading.

0d 3h 42m She offers a Level 1, Male Litwick. We offer up LADY HELIX.

0d 3h 41m We decide against trading Beldum.

0d 3h 40m We offer up Beldum. She shows off her team of Level 100s.


0d 3h 40m We accept Cecily's trade offer.

0d 3h 40m Youngster defeated.

0d 3h 40m Also he learns the ultimate move, Harden!

0d 3h 39m He evolves into Kakuna!

0d 3h 39m Weedle hits Level 7.

0d 3h 39m A final Poison Sting takes out Spewpa.

[Snark] O-Powers: The 'O' stands for Over!

0d 3h 38m Spewpa's in the red.

0d 3h 38m Weedle's in the green now. A critical Poison Sting poisons Spewpa.

0d 3h 38m A power saves his bacon, but that leads to Li'l d wasting a turn using a Potion.

0d 3h 37m Now in the red!

0d 3h 37m He's down in the yellow.

0d 3h 37m Man, Weedle's getting buffed by all these powers.

0d 3h 37m Spewpa has been brought to yellow.

0d 3h 36m A power promptly heals him.

0d 3h 36m Tackles from Spewpa, on the other hand, have brought Weedle to yellow.

0d 3h 36m Spewpa is hardening constantly. Weedle's Poison Stings do little damage.

[Streamer] Twitchplayspokemon: if we're going to trade why don't we just hack in any pokemon we want and cut out the slow part?

0d 3h 35m Another power increases another of his stats, one I didn't catch.

[Meta] Please stop sending trade requests for now. They're as bad as the Entralink. We know you want TPP Pokémon, but just trade the over from previous games if you want them so badly.

0d 3h 35m An Attack Power drastically increases Weedle's attack.

0d 3h 35m Weedle vs Spewpa.

0d 3h 34m Battling Youngster Zachary.

0d 3h 34m Trade rejected.

0d 3h 33m A passerby whose name I didn't catch offers a trade. We accept.

0d 3h 33m Passerby Cecily wants to trade. We reject it.

0d 3h 33m This Brandon guy is handing us a few O-Powers, including Prize Money, Attack and Speed.

0d 3h 32m We reject the trade and move on to ... Jesus Christ that's a lot of trade offers.

0d 3h 31m Also, Li'l d's getting a few "Nice!"s from folks.

0d 3h 31m We accept.

0d 3h Passerby Euterpe wishes to trade.

0d 3h 30m Rejected another trade offer.

0d 3h 30m Trade cancelled.

0d 3h 29m Both decide against trading LADY HELIX for Scraggy.

0d 3h 29m She shows a Level 20, Male Scraggy.

0d 3h 29m We show LADY HELIX.

0d 3h 28m Lady May wishes to trade. We accept.

[Fluff] Please keep LADY HELIX safe too. ;w;

0d 3h 27m We decline.

0d 3h 27m A Passerby from Japan wishes to trade!

0d 3h 26m Someone just gave Li'l d a Nice!

0d 3h 26m Successfully connected to the Internet. Also, Lloyd wants us to keep Beldum safe.

0d 3h 25m Youngster David defeated.

0d 3h 25m Chespin hits Level 12.

0d 3h 24m Ledyba's attacks do little to Chespin. Rollout on the other hand takes out Ledyba.

0d 3h 24m Chespin is sent in.

0d 3h 24m Pansage goes down rather quickly.

0d 3h 24m Pansage v Ledyba.

0d 3h 23m Battling Youngster David.

0d 3h 23m This is the gym puzzle of Santalune.

0d 3h 23m Back in the gallery part of the gym. Nope, back on the spiderweb.

0d 3h 22m And into the gym! We fall onto a giant spiderweb.

0d 3h 22m Back out onto the streets.

0d 3h 19m Checking out Viola's photographs here in the gym gallery.

0d 3h 17m Currently inside the Santalune Gym ... and we exit ... and back in.

0d 3h 17m We enter!

0d 3h 16m The entrance to the gym is now clear.

0d 3h 16m Obtained Roller Skates!

0d 3h 16m Roller Skater Rinka defeated.

0d 3h 16m One final Scratch takes it out!

0d 3h 16m Zigzagoon down at red.

0d 3h 15m Constant Scratches are bringing Zigzagoon's health down, but Pansage is also being hit by a few Growls and Tail Whips.

0d 3h 15m Lloyd's Healing Power heals up Pansage.

0d 3h 15m Zigzagoon hits Pansage with a Tackle. His health went down a third. Scratch does little damage to Zigzagoon.

0d 3h 15m A second Leer from Pansage. Zigzagoon goes with a Tail Whip.

0d 3h 14m Both Pokémon start off with debuffs. A Growl against Pansage, and a Leer against Zigzagoon.

0d 3h 14m Pansage v Zigzagoon.

0d 3h 14m Battling Roller Skater Rinka.

0d 3h 14m Talking to a rollerskater in front of the gym. She offers to give us skates if we beat her.

0d 3h 13m Back into Santalune.

0d 3h 13m Onto Route 22 we go.

0d 3h 13m Near the gym.

0d 3h 11m Talking to an artist next to the cafe.


[Fluff] Is Lloyd on Reddit?

0d 3h 7m We register Lloyd's Friend Code. But we decline his trade

0d 3h 7m Here we go into the trade menu again

0d 3h 5m We leave the PC and the Pokecenter


0d 3h 3m WE ARE IN THE PC!

[Info] LADY HELIX has the Shell Armor ability.

[Fluff] Lloyd: "I want 2b friend"

0d 3h 1m The Scatterbug we sent over was indeed 99GP

[Info] LADY HELIX has a Mild nature with 3 Perfect IVs in HP, Attack, and Speed. I made sure to check before trading her to Dracyoshi.


Lady Helix is level 1, and in a happy committed relationship with Lord Helix. Sorry fellas

0d 2h 59m Joseph has given us an Omanyte, female!

[Info] I just bred LADY HELIX, traded to Dracyoshi, and he traded it to TPP.

0d 2h 59m Traded Scatterbug for /u/Dracyoshi's Lady Helix!

0d 2h 59m What's this! We send Scatterbug over for a 'Lady Helix'!

0d 2h 58m We're entering the trade menu again...

0d 2h 58m We decline a trade offer

0d 2h 57m We exit the Pokecenter and enter the clothing store

[Info] We just looked at our trainer card. cough 17065 cough

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Is it that time again? Kappa

0d 2h 54m We heal our 'Mon at the Pokecenter

[Fluff] Lloyd: TPP is love

0d 2h 53m We enter Santalune City

[Snark] Someone just stole our wallet.

0d 2h 52m A couple of Rollouts take care of Chespin, but Pichu's static does paralyze Chespin in the process. Still, Ella defeated.

0d 2h 51m Pichu keeps putting the charm on our Chespin

0d 2h 50m Chespin in against her Pichu

0d 2h 50m Preschooler Ella now challenges us. What did a school bus break down over here or something?

0d 2h 49m It didn't take long for Chespin to take it out. Now against an Azurill. And it faints as well! GO BACK TO SCHOOL OLIVER! Oliver defeated

0d 2h 49m Oliver sends out his Caterpie against our Chespin

0d 2h 49m We are challenged by Preschooler Oliver

0d 2h 48m We obtained the Adventure Rules

[Snark] It must be hard to be friends with a guy who has thousands of voices in his head

0d 2h 47m The whole group is together and we are now on Route 3!

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: Don't forget to save from time to time

[Status] Just Chespin and Doctor 0 still with us

0d 2h 45m Beldum still manages to take down the Panpour but faints from recoil.

0d 2h 45m Beldum is paralyzed

0d 2h 43m Scatterbug faints to a wild Panpour

0d 2h 42m We found a Potion in some tall grass

0d 2h 40m Scatterbug takes down a Caterpie and grows to level 4!

0d 2h 40m Chespin forgot Vine Whip to learn that Bite

0d 2h 39m Doctor 0 grows to level 4, and learns Growl. Chespin grows to level 11, and learns Bite!

0d 2h 38m Beldum takes down the wild Pikachu and grows to level 5! Wait, 6!

0d 2h 37m Nah, screw that, we are sending back in Beldum

0d 2h 37m We switch in Beldum, and then we decide no and switch in Chespin

[Snark] Well they were cute until they started flinging lightning at each other


0d 2h 34m The good doctor is still in our party and now fighting a wild Pikachu

[Info] CORRECTION: That was not Doctor O, just a boxed Pikachu

0d 2h 32m Honedge is level 11

0d 2h 31m Take care of our Pikachu Joseph!

0d 2h 30m Doctor O traded for Oi!oiswhhve, a Honedge

0d 2h 30m Oh no Doctor O! Goodbye!

0d 2h 29m In trade menu again!

0d 2h 29m Weedle grows to level 6!

0d 2h 28m I guess the late bird gets killed by the worm. Weedle takes down a wild Fletchling

0d 2h 28m We tried to us a Potion on our fainted Pansage

0d 2h 24m After many Poison Stings shot Kakuna's way, we decide to give Weedle a rest and trade in Chespin

0d 2h 23m Luckily, as any longtime follower of TPP's Stadium 2 would know, we should only expect Hardens out of this Kakuna for a long while

0d 2h 22m Little Weedle is in versus a big, bad wild Kakuna

[Snark] Meanwhile, for many TPP followers, tonight has become a game of "Where's Waldo (the W, a, l, and o are silent) on their 3ds

0d 2h 21m Joseph would like to trade with us, but we decline!

0d 2h 21m Trade menu hype!

0d 2h 19m Doctor Doctor! Give me the news! Pikachu is in!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Anyone played with d yet?Kappa

0d 2h 18m Immediately we are in another wild encounter and Pansage goes down

0d 2h 18m We decide to save the little bugger and run

0d 2h 18m Pansage is in a wild battle and getting rekt by poison

0d 2h 17m We selected the good doctor (Pikachu) for a minute there, but decided to back out of the trade

0d 2h 15m We are entering the trade menu!

[Info] For those not able to see the stream at the moment, the new status bar at the bottom is delayed. It also borks out during battles or anytime we are accessing the second screen menu

0d 2h 13m We immediately heal though. It's nice having this walking ER with us

0d 2h 13m Pansage faints! Nuuuuuu little guy!

0d 2h 11m Pansage is poisoned by a Weedle

[Wifi] A new Acquaintance has shown up on our screen

0d 2h 8m Canceled trading a shiny Milotic. I call hacked.

0d 2h 8m And we heal

0d 2h 8m We decide to back out after some careful consideration

[Stats] Beldum Lv. 4 - Max. HP 18 Attack 11 Defense 12 Sp. Atk 7 Sp. Def 11 Speed 8

0d 2h 7m We go into the trade menu

0d 2h 7m Wait, level 3!, no, 4

0d 2h 7m Beldum in and grows to level 2!

0d 2h 6m A wild Panpour takes down Pansage with Scratch! Pansage faints

0d 2h 4m Pansage grows to level 6!

0d 2h 2m And Youngster Joey is defeated. Bye Joey-senpai!

0d 2h Chespin grows to level 10!

0d 2h 1m Chespin makes quick work of Fletchling with a Vine Whip

0d 2h 1m We switch out Chespin

0d 2h 1m Joey sends in Fletchling

0d 2h 1m Exp. O-Power incoming.

0d 2h 1m Pansage takes down Scatterbug with a Scratch!

0d 2h 0m Its Play Nice versus String Shot for days!

0d 1h 59m Pansage uses Play Nice, so Scatterbug String Shots him

0d 1h 59m Our Pansage is out against his Scatterbug!

[Chat] Joey Senpai!!

0d 1h 59m Flash from the past! Its Youngster Joey!

0d 1h 58m We got a Paralyze Heal

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS It up to you to find d and help him, it's also up to you to decide whether or not to accept it.

0d 1h 56m Canceled trading a TPP-owned Illumise back to TPP!

0d 1h 56m We immediately heal

0d 1h 56m Trade canceled!

0d 1h 56m Starting trade talks!

0d 1h 54m We almost started trade preperations

[Stats] Pansage Lv. 5 - Max. HP 20 Attack 10 Defense 10 Sp. Atk 11 Sp. Def 9 Speed 11

0d 1h 54m Pansage grows to level 5 after taking down a wild Caterpie

0d 1h 52m We found a Potion

0d 1h 51m We heal

[Wifi] Mallory just said "hello viewers"

0d 1h 50m Received EXP Point Power level 2 from Lloyd

0d 1h 49m Our Pansage has been slowly losing HP to other Pansages that we encounter and then run away from

[Wifi] Someone just popped up in our 'Friends' category

[Snark] You just got rejected by TPP, Drac.

[Info] Our friend Mallory is online. One of streamer's friends?

0d 1h 44m Got Attack Power level 1 from Lloyd

0d 1h 44m We heal

[Fluff] This Joseph passerby appears to be our fellow updater /u/Dracyoshi.

0d 1h 43m Received HP restoring power level 2 from Lloyd

[Fluff] Live Updater Dracyoshi appeared in-game!

0d 1h 42m Beldum faints from recoil from his own Take Down! Oh well, good try

0d 1h 41m Beldum fainted!

0d 1h 41m Beldum in a wild battle for the first time for us! Against a Fletchling

[Info] Beldum is a level 1

0d 1h 39m The person we traded with is named Lloyd. Thanks Lloyd!


[Snark] inb4 we release the shiny Beldum we just got

0d 1h 38m Bye bye pansage! We trade him for Beldum


[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds shoutout is enabled in PSS

0d 1h 36m We heal

[Snark] Well, I did pretty well with updating, considering I haven't since the beginning of Black 1, huh? :(

[Info] 99GP the Scatterbug has the Ability Compound Eyes

[Correction] Weedle is Level 5, not Scatterbug.

[Fluff] guys pls stop catching stuff

0d 1h 31m Our Scatterbug grows to Level 5 after catching a male Panpour named UWRMOOsomethingsomething.

[Correction] Reddit's formatting is not fun, the Level 2 Weedle's name is GGO R H R

0d 1h 28m Caught a Level 2 Male Weedle named *GGO R H R * (or something like that) and our party weedle (W OMRSQ G6) Grows to Level 4.

[Stats] Weedle Lv. 4 - Max. HP 18 Attack 8 Defense 8 Sp. Atk 6 Sp. Def 7 Speed 9

0d 1h 25m Pansage faints to poison, a wild Caterpie, and its own Play Nice spam. Shauna will heal us if we manage to talk to her, though.

0d 1h 23m One of our Pansages is poisoned by a wild Weedle.

[Info] No nickname on that Pikachu.

0d 1h 21m Caught a male level 3 Pikachu.

[Item] Found a potion.

[Snark] Our current party.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: My god this is stressing FailFish

0d 1h 18m Caught a Scatterbug, female. Nick is " 0QQ0Q_Q 0."

[Moves] Changed the order of Chespin's moves. Growl is the first, and Tackle is the second.

[Correction] She's Level 3.

[Note] That's two spaces.

[Fluff] The Zero Doctor?

0d 1h 16m Nickname "0,__DR".

0d 1h 15m Caught a Pikachu, female, possibly Level 4.

0d 1h 15m The chat is hyped as we encounter a female Pikachu.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS Wonder trade is disabled, but instead you can find him on the passerby list and initialize a trade or battle, whether or not to accept it is up to you as well.

0d 0h 13m Chespin grew to Level 9.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS: See if you can find him on your passerby list Kappa

[Stats] Pansage Lv. 4 - Max. HP 18 Attack 9 Defense 9 Sp. Atk 9 Sp. Def 8 Speed 10

0d 1h 10m Healed our team with Shauna.

[Stats] Chespin Lv. 8 - Max. HP 28 Attack 16 Defense 17 Sp. Atk 14 Sp. Def 13 Speed 13

0d 1h 8m Stumbling around the forest.

0d 1h 6m Caught another Pansage, Level 4, male. No nick.

0d 1h 4m Chespin levelled up to 8 and learnt Rollout.

0d 1h 4m No nickname.

0d 1h 4m Caught a male Pansage, Level 4.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: Smogon Bird Kappa

0d 0h 2m The Scatterbug's level is 2, by the way.

0d 1h 0m Its nickname is "99GP".

[Stats] Chespin Lv. 7 - Max. HP 25 Attack 15 Defense 15 Sp. Atk 13 Sp. Def 12 Speed 12

0d 1h 0m Caught a male Scatterbug.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: 1 hour already, that was quick

0d 0h 59m Oh hey look, the others are nearby.

0d 0h 58m Entered Santalune Forest! Shauna wants to tag along with us.

0d 0h 57m The Youngster is defeated.

0d 0h 57m And down it goes! Chespin hits Level 7.

0d 0h 57m Our constant Tackles are bringing down Zigzagoon's health.

0d 0h 56m Chespin vs Zigzagoon.

0d 0h 56m Battling a Youngster.

[Note] There are three spaces between RSQ and G6.

We try naming it "Weed4", but we weren't allowed to enter that word.

0d 0h 54m Female Weedle, named "W OMRSQ G6"!

0d 0h 54m We catch a Weedle with a Pokéball!

[Correction] We have ten Poké Balls.

0d 0h 53m Healed Chespin with our only Potion.

0d 0h 53m Battling wild Pokémon.

0d 0h 51m Passerby Chris challenged us to a battle. We refuse.

0d 0h 51m d is given five Pokéballs by Serena!

0d 0h 51m With her Fletching, she demonstrates how to catch a Bunnelby.

0d 0h 50m Serena teaches us how to catch Pokémon!

0d 0h 50m We meet up with Shauna and Serena.

0d 0h 49 Arrived on Route 2!

0d 0h 49m Heading off towards Route 2.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds OK, carry on.

0d 0h 48m Decided against one.

0d 0h 47m Choosing a profile picture.

0d 0h 47m "xdrrpssf224tsdvy" is our greeting message!

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds Let everyone know your greeting !

0d 0h 46m Editing our greeting.

0d 0h 46m Game Chat disabled.

0d 0h 45m The Game Sync ID has been hidden from us, but it looks like we're going to be able to battle online now.

[Streamer] Twitch_Plays_3DS Just a second, let me register this so you can battle online

[Info] We don't have Vivillon yet. We need to pick it up from the delivery girl at a Pokemon Center, the first of which is in the town after this one.

0d 0h 43m Created a Game Sync ID.

0d 0h 43m Entering Game Sync.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds: !save

0d 0h 42m Back in the game, on the streets of Aquacorde.

0d 0h 42m Fancy Pattern Vivillion obtained!

0d 0h 42m Searching for a gift.

0d 0h 42m Entering Mystery Gift.

0d 0h 41m Reset the game. We'd saved prior.

[Streamer] Twitch_plays_3ds Before we go any further, Let's do some house Keeping

[Info] Omanyte is not available in X outside of trading. We can breed them in our own game and Wonder Trade them to TPP, now that we're online.

0d 0h 39m Connected to the Internet!

0d 0h 39m Saved the game.

0d 0h 38m And into Aquacorde Town.

0d 0h 37m Onto Route 1 now, ohohoh.

0d 0h 36m Stumbling on the streets.

0d 0h 34m Talking to Mum's Rhyhorn.

0d 0h 34m Stumbling around constantly.

0d 0h 32m Onto the streets we go.

0d 0h 30m Now just stumbling around in front of the door.

0d 0h 30m Li'l d leaves his home, and is given a farewell by his Mum's Rhyhorn.

0d 0h 30m She hands us a Town Map!

0d 0h 30m She immediately helps us out with preparing for our inevitable journey.

0d 0h 30m Mum notes that we have a Pokéball and a letter from Professor Sycamore.

0d 0h 30m Entered the home!

0d 0h 29m The current goal is to talk to Mum.

0d 0h 28m Back in Vaniville Town now.

[Stats] Chespin Lv. 6 - Max. HP 23 Attack 13 Defense 14 Sp. Atk 12 Sp. Def 11 Speed 11

0d 0h 27m Back onto Route 1.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: the battle had low fps, I think you need to change the emulator settings KappaHD

0d 0h 26m After defeating her, our team is healed.

0d 0h 26m Shauna defeated!

0d 0h 26m Chespin hits Level 6!

0d 0h 26m A few Vine Whips from our little Chespin, and down goes Froakie.

0d 0h 25m Froakie used Pound, we use Tackle again!

0d 0h 25m Froakie used Growl, we used Tackle!

[Info] The stream now has a party display at the bottom, along with the stream time, badge count, last save, and last party display update time.

0d 0h 25m We are trying to pick something.

[Info] We're battling Shauna.

0d 0h 23m Battle! We send out Chespin against Froakie!

[Info] Our Chespin is a male and is level 5!

[Fluff] We finally have our Grass-type starter. Only took 9 games!

[Snark] See size doesn't matter

0d 0h 21m We get the Prof's Letter!

0d 0h 21m No nickname! We receive a Pokedex!

0d 0h 20m CHESPIN GET!

0d 0h 20m Li'l d is our nickname!

0d 0h 19m Lil'd it is!

0d 0h 18m Big d is an option!

0d 0h 19m We assign nicknames!

[Info] Get ready for "d " to obtain a nickname.

0d 0h 18m Someone is calling for us. We try to ignore them.

0d 0h 18m In Aquacorde Town!

0d 0h 18m We head down Route 1!

[Snark] Ah, the streets of Vaniville. Very snazzy.

0d 0h 16m Back outside!

0d 0h 15m Back upstairs!

0d 0h 15m We head back downstairs!

0d 0h 14m We looked in our mirror!

[Fluff] With this many viewers, the chat and input stream are super-fast, and our movement is correspondingly chaotic. I haven't seen the stream this active since Platinum, or maybe even FireRed.

0d 0h 14m We head back inside, and into our room!

0d 0h 12m The professor has a Pokemon for us! We just need to follow them!

0d 0h 12m We head outside to our friends!

0d 0h 12m We head downstairs again!

0d 0h 11m We save again!

[Strategy] It's actually possible to make saving take longer by setting it up so you automatically try to sync to the PGL every time you save, but good luck doing that, Twitch.

0d 0h 9m We change into our clothes!

[Strategy] Saving is near-instantaneous in X, so buffering with the save menu won't be as effective.

0d 0h 8m We save again!

0d 0h 7m WE SAVE THE GAME!

0d 0h 6m Looking through our items. We have none!

[Info] We have 3,000 Pokedollars!

[Info] Currently we are in Vaniville Town!

[Info] 5000 viewers and increasing!

[Hype] We're hovering around 4,500 viewers.

0d 0h 3m We need to get changed first!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: white Wiimote with black Wii U KappaHD

0d 0h 3m We go downstairs to talk to our mom!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: Wii U product placement

0d 0h 2m We are waken up by a bird! Looking at our Wii U!

[Correction] Just "d ".

[Snark] WE GOT THE D!

0d 0h 1m We enter the world of Pokemon!

0d 0h 1m d_ is our name!

0d 0h 0m We pick the blonde boy!

0d 0h 0m We are intorduced to Augustine, the Pokemon Professor!



In the words of Samuel L Jackson in Jurassic Park: "Hold on to your butts"

0d 0h 0m WE START!


Set hype thrusters on full blast!!


Only 10 minutes left until the start of Pokémon X!

..First! And yes, this updater was created before the official announcement. This updater was created on July 20.